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Your If-Only Self
Id be happier if only
Delvin In
When you think about the challenges that face
todays teenaged girls, what comes to mind first?
Anorexia? Depression? Pregnancy? Divorced
parents? Sexuality issues? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes
again. The list of challenges is endless and many
vie for first mention.When psychologists, parents,
and youth workers finally have one problem
identified, labeled, and possibly under control,
another one rears its ugly head. That pattern is
likely to continue in this age of whirlwind change
and millisecond advancements.
Though adolescent girls face numerous
challenges as they mature, perhaps the greatest
one has to do with physical appearances. In the
best-selling book, Reviving Ophelia, author Mary
Pipher says, At thirteen, many girls spend more
time in front of a mirror than they do on their
studies. Small flaws become obsessions. Bad hair
can ruin a day. A broken fingernail can feel tragic
. . . Girls feel an enormous pressure to be
beautiful and are aware of the constant
evaluations of their appearance . . . Every day in
the life of a woman is a walking Miss America
Contest (Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher,
Ballantine, 1994, page 55).
Guys have a hard time understanding this,
probably because they arent continually
bombarded with images of a perfect body, perfect
hair, perfect complexion, perfect everything. I
hate it when girls talk about their weight, said
one high school guy. Who cares, anyway? Nice
sentiment, but its a sure bet that he does care
about a girls weight, and its even more sure that
the girls in his school know it.
Take some time this week to flip through a
few teen magazines. Pay attention to the
commercials that are aired during prime time.
Glance at all the beauty and dieting products that
are sold in every grocery and discount
department store. If its been a while since youve
been a teenager, you need to spend a little time
recalling those feelings of Im not good enough.
Im not pretty enough. Im not thin enough. If
your teen years arent too far in the past, you can
probably recall those feelings with ease.
Before you point your girls toward their true
identity (the subject of the third session), help
them recognize the false identity the world is
selling them. And then clarify that beauty is not
an evil thing in itself, rather it is the worship of
beauty that leads down a dangerous path.
opening activity
Warmin Up
Who Am I?
Write the names of
well-known females
on the index cards
one name on each
card. You can use athletes, musicians, actresses,
politicians, authors, local celebrities. The names
should all be familiar to your girls. If you have a
group of five or less, have one girl come to the
front. Then tape one name card on the wall
behind her so that the others can see it but she
cant. Explain the activity like this
Your If-Only Self
The worlds primary message to adolescent and teen girls is you might be happy and
content, but youd be happier and more content if you changed your appearance, changed your
fashion style, changed your friends, had the right guy, and (especially important) spent a lot of
money on a funky pair of shoes.
Index cards or small pieces
of paper
Masking tape
Youll need
The card I just hung up has the name
of a famous female on it. [Name of girl]
has to figure out whose name is on the
card. She may only ask yes or no
questions. She can direct her
questions to the entire group or to any
individual in the group. Her goal is to
name the person in as few questions
as possible.
Have a volunteer keep track of how many
questions she asks. Repeat the process with the
other girls.
If you have a group of six or more, tape an
index card with a name written on it onto the
back of each girl. Then give an explanation like
Each of you has the name of a famous
female taped on your back. Its your
job to figure out who she is by asking
each other yes-or-no questions. For
example, you can ask, Is my person
an athlete? but you may not ask,
What kind of work does she do?
Once youve asked one question, you
have to move to a different person
one question per person at a time.
You can answer one question at a
time from each person you ask a
question of. The goal is to see who
can name her famous female first.
Let the students mingle for several minutes while
asking questions. When each person has figured
out her name (or after 10 minutes), pull your
group together and ask questions like these

What kind of questions were most

helpful in identifying your person
(questions about occupation?
appearance? age?)?

What makes your person famous?

What do you admire about your person?

If your person is well-liked, what do you

think draws people to her?
exploring the topic
Diggin a Little Deeper
Transition with something like this
We mainly identify people by
appearance and by occupation. Each
woman we identified in the game is
famous because of what she does and
is probably described as something
like gorgeous or talented, but not
very pretty.
The worlds idea of personal
identity can be pretty shallow. Its
all based on exteriors. Exterior
appearance. Exterior activities.
Exterior fame. Lets take a look at
how the world identifies and
defines women.
If the student up front is having a hard
time even after asking a number of
questions, give a leading hint like, This
person is a musician or This person died
about 10 years ago. Give a helpful hint
but dont make it too specific.
Closet Space (klz t spas) n, No matter how much a girl
has, there is never enough.
Clothes (kloz) n, Something else girls never have enough of.
Hair Spray (har spra) n, A substance girls spend 15 minutes
applying to their hair to achieve five minutes of hold.
Makeup (mak up) n, What girls spend two hours putting on to
achieve the natural look.
from Mrs. Websters Dictionary, by Lisa Cofield, Debbie Dingerson,
Maia Lacher, and Lea Rush, Great Quotations Publishing, 1993
Choose one or more of the following activities.
option [group activity]
Who Wants to Look
Like a Million Dollars?
Divide your girls
into groups of two
or three. Explain to
them that youre
going to take a look
at how the world
defines young wo-
men. Hand out
several magazines,
pens, and one copy of Who Wants to Look
Like a Million Dollars? (page 18) to each group.
Give them about 10 minutes to look through the
magazines and fill out the worksheet as a group.
When the groups have their lists made, come
together and discuss the results with some

Whats the main focus of the ads you saw?

Why do you think people respond to

these ads?

What motivates you personally to buy

some of these products?

In what ways do the

advertised products define
who you are?

What if-onlys do these ads

target, and what are the
promised results? For example,
If only I had a better
complexion, I would be more
Then summarize by saying something like this
The way advertisers get your attention
is by displaying a beautiful model and
trying to convince you that all women
should look that way. If only you
looked that way, your life would be
better than it is now. If only your life
were better than it is now, youd be
happier and more popular than you
are now. We all know thats not how it
works. No shampoo, no diet pill, no
makeup, no piece of clothing can
make you look like the person in that
ad. Do you know that models, with
their beauty and body shapes,
represent only about one-tenth of one
percent of the worlds population?
(And often photographs of them are
digitally improved!) Its impossible for
most of us to look like that. But many
of us keep trying anyway.
option [video clip discussion]
Show the clip from
Clueless when Tai, the
new girl at school, is
rescued by two clueless
but fashion-savvy girls who transform this plain
Jane into a supermodel. (There are also make-
over clips in Shes All That or Grease if you prefer.)
0:24:50 I met a really cute guy.
0:26:54 Tai admires herself in the mirror as the
Supermodel song ends.
Your If-Only Self
It wasnt so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life
of sin. You let the world, which doesnt know the first thing about
living, tell you how to live.
from Ephesians 2, The Message .
A stack of teen and fashion
Copies of Who Wants to
Look Like a Million Dollars?
(page 18) one for each group
Youll need
TV and VCR
Youll need
Dont love the worlds ways. Dont love the worlds goods. Love of the
world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes
on in the worldwanting your own way, wanting everything for
yourself, wanting to appear importanthas nothing to do with the
Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting,
wanting, wanting is on the way outbut whoever does what God
wants is set for eternity.
from 1 John 2, The Message
Follow up with some discussion questions

Why is there so much pressure on teen

girls to look, walk, and act a certain way?

Do most teen girls change something

about their appearance or behavior to fit
our cultures expectations for them?
Explain. What characteristics are most
commonly changed?

Do girls put more energy into having the

right look or into the having the right
personality? Why do you think that?

Why do you think so many girls buy into

the idea, If I can just get the right look,
then things will be great?

Can you think of a movie or TV show

where the heroine doesnt fit our
cultures definition of A-okay? Tell about
option [solo activity]
If Only
Make sure each girl
has a copy of If
Only (page 19),
pens, and a Bible.
Give them about 10
minutes to answer
the questions. Gather the group together and ask
some follow-up questions

Are your if-onlys all possible? Why do

you think that?

If your if-onlys really happen, how would

your life change?

Think of the activity you love to do the

most and that brings you the greatest
happiness. Can your if-onlys make you
happier than that?

Is it possible to ignore advertising

messages? If yes, how can it be done?

Whats the hardest part about rejecting

the view of beauty and success
promoted through advertising?

What does the Bible say about our

cultures ideas on beauty and success?
Bible study
Gettin into the Word
The Hemorrhaging Woman
Mark 5:24-34
Move into the Bible
study by saying some-
thing like
One word describes our cultures way
of identifying each of you as
individualschange. Change your
hair from straight to curly, curly to
straight. Change your hair from
brown to blonde or blonde to red.
Change your weight from whatever
you weigh now to something lighter.
Change your eye makeup from bold
to natural, natural to subtle. Change
your clothes from casual to chic, chic
to urban. Change this and that and
everything else and then maybe, just
maybe, youll be beautiful, successful,
and happy.
The trouble is, each of us is unique.
No matter how much I change, I cant
become another person. Neither can
Theres a story in the Bible about a
woman who, according to the world,
was neither beautiful nor successful. In
fact, people avoided her like the
plague. Lets look at it.
Nudgers (nujerz) n. a tool used to gently push
teens toward new insight
Copies of If Only (page 19),
one for each student
Youll need
Youll need

Imagine being known as

unclean to everyone
around you.

Imagine having no
physical contact with
anyone for 12 years.

Imagine having spent all

your time and money
looking for a cure, with
no success.

Imagine the risks for an

unclean woman to
enter a crowd of

Imagine the fear when

Jesus said, Who
touched me?

Imagine the moment

when all eyes turned to
you, the woman known
as unclean.

Imagine having the

chance to tell Jesus your
story, face to face.

Imagine having Jesus

look in your eyes and
call you Daughter.
Read Mark 5:24-34 to your students, or ask one
or two students to read it to the group. Use the
following to help process the story

Describe what the womans life might

have been like for the past 12 years.

Even though the womans condition was

internal, how might it have affected her

What might the woman have been
thinking and feeling when she first
entered the crowd? Explain your thoughts.

In what ways does Jesus show this

woman that she has worth and value in
his eyes? (You may want to point out that
during the time of these events, women
were treated as property, had virtually no
legal rights, were considered uneducable
and unreliable as witnesses in court, and
would not be spoken to by Jewish men in

How may the womans view of herself

have changed after talking with Jesus?
Why do you think so?

What do you think affected the woman

morebeing physically healed or meeting
Jesus? Explain.
Finish with something like this
The world tries to define us by its own
standards. Because those standards are
nearly impossible to achieve, many of
us are left feeling unattractive,
unaccepted, and substandard. But the
world is wrong. Your worth is not
measured by how you look, what you
wear, or who your boyfriend is. Dont let
the world tell you who you are. Let
Jesus tell you. You are valuable as you
are because God created you and loves
Takin It to Heart
Before you pass out
On the Home
Front (page 20),
explain how you
would like your girls
to use itperhaps as
homework or as an optional devotional guide
during the week. If you express expectations, be
sure to include follow-up during the next lesson.
Distribute the handout as your girls are leaving.
Your If-Only Self
Copies of On the Home
Front (page 20), one for
each student
Youll need
All handouts are posted at
in plain text, Rich Text Format,
MS Word 95/6.0, and PDF formats.
Buyers of Girls can use them for free!
Look ahead to Session 10,Through the
Looking Glass. To have a special
closing celebration, allow plenty of time
for planning, delegating, organizing,
and preparing.
The Product
what you should buy
The Promise
what it will do for you
The Possibilities
how your life will be better
>>> Take the information from your lists and create the MI LLI ON DOLLAR WOMAN.
Describe her, including appearance, career, abilities, lifestyle, social life, hobbies, and anything else you want.
Face cleanser Perfect complexion Youll have guys knocking down your
door to go out with you.
Who wants to look like a
million dollars?
>>>> Page through teen and fashion magazines to look for ways
advertisers try to sell you their products. List the product being
advertised in the first column, list the products promise if you buy
or use it in the second column, and finally list the implied result.
This handout is available for free at <>. From Girls by Helen Musick, Dan Jessup and Crystal Kirgiss.
Permission to reproduce this page granted only for use in buyers youth group. Copyright c 2002 by Youth Specialties.
Your If-Only Self
If Only
Think about you. What would you like to change about yourself? How do you think the change would affect
your life? Write your ideas in the chart below. For example, If only I had a perfect complexion, then more
people would like me.
Now read Ephesians 2:1-3 to see what God has to say about the worlds if-onlys. Do you have any
cravings that have to do with your physical identity? Maybe you always crave new clothes. Maybe
you crave the affections of a certain guy. List those here.
Read 1 John 2:15-17. What worldly desires do you think most teenage women have? What do
women your age boast about?
If only Then
This handout is available for free at <>. From Girls by Helen Musick, Dan Jessup and Crystal Kirgiss.
Permission to reproduce this page granted only for use in buyers youth group. Copyright c 2002 by Youth Specialties.
Read the story of the hemorrhaging woman in Mark 5:24-34.Think or journal about these questions
What parts of you feel unclean, unaccepted, or less than perfect?
If you had the chance to tell Jesus your story face to face, what would you tell him?
On the Home Front
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
Jeremiah 31:3
Dear God,
Its hard living in todays world. There are so many pressures to look
and be a certain way. It usually leaves me feeling dissatisfied.
Sometimes it even makes me hate myself. Help me remember that the
worlds message is wrong. And dangerous. Then help me look for
happiness and contentment in the right placewith you. Amen.
The world wants you to fit into the crowd;
Jesus helps you stand out from the crowd.
Put Your Hands Together
For Your Gray Matter
Keep This in Mind
This handout is available for free at <>. From Girls by Helen Musick, Dan Jessup and Crystal Kirgiss.
Permission to reproduce this page granted only for use in buyers youth group. Copyright c 2002 by Youth Specialties.

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