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- versus -

G. R. No. 1!"#




Mar&h ', ())*
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +



In this petition ,or re-ie. on certiorari
#nder R#$e 23 o, the R#$es o,
Co#rt, as a"ended, petitioner G$oria Pi$ar S. A%#irre 4G$oria A%#irre5 see6s
the re-ersa$ o, the (0 7#$8 ())3 Decision
and 3 9e&e":er ())3 Resolution,
:oth o, the Co#rt o, Appea$s in CA-G.R. SP No. **';), entit$ed <Gloria Pilar S.
Aguirre v. Secretary of the Department of Justice, Michelina S. Aguirre-Olonri!,
Dr. Juvio Agatep, Dra. Marissa ". Pascual, Pero ". Aguirre an John an Jane

The Co#rt o, Appea$s ,o#nd no %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion on the part o, the
Se&retar8 o, the 9epart"ent o, 7#sti&e 49O75 .hen the $atter iss#ed the
reso$#tions dated 00 >e:r#ar8 ())2
and 0( No-e":er ())2,
.hi&h in t#rn a,,ir"ed the * 7an#ar8 ())' Reso$#tion
o, the O,,i&e o, the Cit8
Prose&#tor 4OCP5 o, @#eAon Cit8.

The Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor ,or the OCP o, @#eAon Cit8 re&o""ended
the dis"issa$ o, the &ri"ina$ &o"p$aint, do&6eted as I.S. No. )(-0(2??, ,or
-io$ation o, Arti&$es 0;( 4>a$si,i&ation :8 Pri-ate Indi-id#a$s and Use o, >a$si,ied
9o&#"ents5 and (?( 4M#ti$ation5, :oth o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code, in re$ation to
Rep#:$i& A&t No. ;?0), other.ise 6no.n as <#hil A$use, %&ploitation an
Discrimination Act,= ,or ins#,,i&ien&8 o, e-iden&e.

The &ase ste""ed ,ro" a &o"p$aint ,i$ed :8 petitioner G$oria A%#irre
a%ainst respondents Pedro B. A%#irre 4Pedro A%#irre5, Mi&he$ina S. A%#irre-
O$ondriA 4O$ondriA5, 9r. 7#-ido A%atep 49r. A%atep5, 9r. Marissa B. Pas&#a$ 49r.
Pas&#a$5 and se-era$ 7ohnC7ane 9oes ,or ,a$si,i&ation, "#ti$ation and &hi$d a:#se.

The ante&edents o, the present petition are:

Da#reano <Darr8= A%#irre
#sed to :e a &har%e o, the !eart o, Mar8 Ei$$a, a
&hi$d &arin% a%en&8 r#n :8 the Good Shepherd Sisters and $i&ensed :8 the
9epart"ent o, So&ia$ For6 and 9e-e$op"ent 49SF95. So"eti"e in 0G;*,
respondent Pedro A%#irreH the $atterIs spo#se, Do#rdes S. A%#irre 4Do#rdes
A%#irre5H and their ,o#r da#%hters, .ho in&$#ded petitioner G$oria A%#irre and
respondent O$ondriA, &a"e to 6no. Darr8, .ho .as then J#st o-er a 8ear o$d. The
A%#irres .o#$d ha-e Darr8 spend a ,e. da8s at their ho"e and then ret#rn hi" to
the orphana%e therea,ter. In 7#ne 0G*), Darr8, then t.o 8ears and nine "onths o,
a%e, ,or"a$$8 :e&a"e the .ard o, respondent Pedro A%#irre and his spo#se
Do#rdes A%#irre :8 -irt#e o, an Affiavit of #onsent to 'egal
Guarianship e+e&#ted in their ,a-or :8 Sister Mar8 Con&epta Be$$osi$$o, S#perior
o, the !eart o, Mar8 Ei$$a. On 0G 7#ne 0G*?, the A%#irre spo#sesI %#ardianship o,
Darr8 .as $e%a$iAed .hen the Re%iona$ Tria$ Co#rt 4RTC5, Bran&h ' o,
Ba$an%a, Bataan, d#$8 appointed the" as Joint &o-%#ardians o-er the person and
propert8 o, Darr8.

As Darr8 .as #p, the A%#irre spo#ses and their &hi$dren noti&ed
that his de-e$op"enta$ "i$estones .ere re"ar6a:$8 de$a8ed. !is &o%niti-e and
ph8si&a$ did not appear nor"a$ in that <at a%e ' to 2 8ears, Darr8 &o#$d on$8
&ra.$ on his t#""8 $i6e a ,ro% + + +H=
he did not #tter his ,irst .ord #nti$ he .as
three 8ears o, a%eH did not spea6 in senten&es #nti$ his si+th 8earH and on$8 $earned
to stand #p and .a$6 a,ter he t#rned ,i-e 8ears o$d. At a%e si+, the A%#irre spo#ses
,irst enro$$ed Darr8 at the Co$e%io de San A%#stin, 9as"ariKas Ei$$a%e, :#t the
&hi$d e+perien&ed si%ni,i&ant $earnin% di,,i&#$ties there. In 0G*G, at a%e e$e-en,
Darr8 .as ta6en to spe&ia$ists ,or ne#ro$o%i&a$ and ps8&ho$o%i&a$ e-a$#ations. The
ps8&ho$o%i&a$ e-a$#ation
done on Darr8 re-ea$ed the $atter to :e s#,,erin% ,ro" a
"i$d "enta$ de,i&ien&8.
ConseL#ent thereto, the A%#irre spo#ses trans,erred
Darr8 to St. 7ohn Ma. Eianne8, an ed#&ationa$ instit#tion ,or spe&ia$ &hi$dren.

In No-e":er o, ())0, respondent 9r. A%atep, a #ro$o%istCs#r%eon, .as
approa&hed &on&ernin% the intention to ha-e Darr8, then (2 8ears o, a%e,
-ase&to"iAed. Prior to per,or"in% the pro&ed#re on the intended patient,
respondent 9r. A%atep reL#ired that Darr8 :e e-a$#ated :8 a ps8&hiatrist in order to
&on,ir" and -a$idate .hether or not the ,or"er &o#$d -a$id$8 %i-e his &onsent to
the "edi&a$ pro&ed#re on a&&o#nt o, his "enta$ de,i&ien&8.

In -ie. o, the reL#ired ps8&hiatri& &$earan&e, Darr8 .as :ro#%ht to
respondent 9r. Pas&#a$, a ps8&hiatrist, ,or e-a$#ation. In a ps8&hiatri& report
dated (0 7an#ar8 ())(, respondent 9r. Pas&#a$ "ade the ,o$$

/T1he responsi:i$it8 o, de&ision "a6in% "a8 :e %i-en to his parent or %#ardian.

the ,#$$ te+t o, .hi&h reads M

(0 7an#ar8 ())(


DAUREANO AGUIRRE, (2 8ears o$d, "a$e, hi%h s&hoo$ %rad#ate o, St.
7ohn /Marie Eianne81, .as re,erred ,or ps8&hiatri& e-a$#ation to deter"ine
&o"peten&8 to %i-e &onsent ,or -ase&to"8.


Darr8 .as adopted at a%e ' ,ro" an orphana%e and prenata$ histor8 is not
6no.n to the adopti-e ,a"i$8 e+&ept that a:ortion .as atte"pted. 9e-e$op"enta$
"i$estones .ere noted to :e de$a8ed. !e started to .a$6 and spea6 in sin%$e .ord
at aro#nd a%e 3. !e .as enro$$ed in Co$e%io de San A%#stin at a%e ? .here he
sho.ed si%ni,i&ant $earnin% di,,i&#$ties that he had to repeat 0
and 2
%rades. A
&ons#$t .as done in 0G*G .hen he .as 00 8ears o$d. Ne#ro$o%i&a$ ,indin%s and
EEG res#$ts .ere not nor"a$ and he .as %i-en Te&reto$ and En&epha:o$ :8 his
ne#ro$o%ist. Ps8&ho$o%i&a$ e-a$#ation re-ea$ed "i$d to "oderate "enta$
retardation, spe&ia$ ed#&ation trainin% .as ad-ised and th#s, he .as trans,erred to
St. 7ohn Marie Eianne8. !e ,inished his e$e"entar8 and se&ondar8 ed#&ation in
the said s&hoo$. !e .as $ater enro$$ed in a -o&ationa$ &o#rse at 9on Bos&o .hi&h
he .as #na:$e to &ontin#e. There has :een no reported :eha-iora$ pro:$e"s in
s&hoo$ and he %ets a$on% re$ati-e$8 .e$$ .ith his tea&hers and so"e o, his

Darr8 %re. #p .ith a -er8 s#pporti-e adopti-e ,a"i$8. !e is the 8o#n%est
in the ,a"i$8 o, ,o#r sisters. C#rrent$8, his adopti-e parents are a$read8 o$d and
ha-e "edi&a$ pro:$e" and th#s, the8 &o#$d no $on%er "onitor and ta6e &are o,
hi" $i6e :e,ore. !is adopti-e "other has Bipo$ar Mood 9isorder and #sed to
ph8si&a$$8 "a$treat hi". A 8ear a%o, he had an episode o, diAAiness, -o"itin%
and heada&hes a,ter he .as hit :8 his adopti-e "other. Cons#$t .as done
in Ma6ati Medi&a$ Center and se-era$ tests .ere done, res#$ts o, .hi&h .ere
&onsistent .ith his de-e$op"enta$ pro:$e". There .as no e-iden&e o, a&#te
ins#$ts. The ,a"i$8 s#:seL#ent$8 de&ided that he sho#$d sta8 .ith one o, his
sisters to a-oid si"i$ar in&ident and the possi:i$it8 that he .o#$d reta$iate a$tho#%h
he has ne-er h#rt an8:od8. There has :een no episode o, -io$ent o#t:#rst or
a%%ressi-e :eha-ior. !e .o#$d o,ten 6eep to hi"se$, .hen sad, an%r8 or

!e is &#rrent$8 e"p$o8ed in the &o"pan8 o, his sister and %i-en
assi%n"ent to do so"e photo&op8in%, #s#a$$8 in the "ornin%s. !e enJo8s p$a8in%
:i$$iards and :as6et:a$$ .ith his nephe.s and, he spends "ost o, his $eis#re ti"e
.at&hin% TE and $istenin% to "#si&. !e &o#$d per,or" a&ti-ities o, dai$8 $i-in%
.itho#t assistan&e e+&ept that he sti$$ needs s#per-ision in ta6in% a :ath. !e
&annot prepare his o.n "ea$ and ne-er a$$o.ed to %o o#t and r#n errands
a$one. !e does not ha-e ,riends and it is on$8 his adopti-e ,a"i$8 .ho" he has
si%ni,i&ant re$ationships. !e &$ai"s that he on&e had a %ir$,riend .hen he .as in
hi%h s&hoo$ .ho .as "ore $i6e a :est ,riend to hi". !e ne-er had se+#a$
re$ations. !e has $earned to s"o6e and drin6 a$&oho$ ,e. 8ears a%o thro#%h his
&o#sins and the dri-ers. There is no histor8 o, a:#se o, a$&oho$ or an8 prohi:ited


The app$i&ant .as appropriate$8 dressed. !e .as &ooperati-e and he had
inter"ittent e8e &onta&t. Spee&h .as spontaneo#s, so,t, and re$e-ant. !e
responded to L#estions in sin%$e .ords or si"p$e senten&es. !e .as an+io#s
spe&ia$$8 at the start o, the inter-ie., .ith ,#$$ a,,e&t appropriate to "ood and
tho#%ht &ontent. There .as no apparent tho#%ht or per&ept#a$ dist#r:an&e. No
s#i&ida$Cho"i&ida$ tho#%hts e$i&ited. !e .as oriented to ti"e, p$a&e and
person. !e has inta&t re"ote and re&ent "e"or8. !e &o#$d do si"p$e
&a$&#$ation. !e &o#$d .rite his na"e and read si"p$e .ords. !is h#"an ,i%#re
.as &o"para:$e to a ;-* 8ear o$d. !e de"onstrated ,air J#d%"ent and poor
insi%ht. !e had ,air i"p#$se &ontro$.


Ps8&ho$o%i&a$ tests done on Mar&h ?, 0GG) 49r. Do#rdes Dedes"a5 and
on A#%#st 2, ())) 49r. Ma. Teresa G#sti$o-Ei$$aosor5 &onsistent$8 re-ea$ed "i$d
to "oderate "enta$ de,i&ien&8.


CT s&an done )G 7an#ar8 ())0 sho.ed nonspe&i,i& ri%ht deep parieta$
s#:&orti&a$ "a$a&ia. No $o&a$iAed "ass $esion in the :rain.

MRI done on 0) 7an#ar8 ())0 sho.ed :i$atera$ parieta$ + + + -o$#"e $oss,
en&epha$o"a$a&ia, %$iosis and #$e%8ria &onsistent .ith seL#e$a o, postnata$ or
neonata$ in,ar&ts. E+--a&#o di$atation o, the atria o, $atera$ -entri&$es asso&iated
thinned posterior ha$, o, the &orp#s &a$$os#".


A+is I None
A+is II Menta$ Retardation, "i$d to "oderate t8pe
A+is III None
A+is IE None at present
A+is E C#rrent GA> O 3)-?)

Darr8Is "enta$ de,i&ien&8 &o#$d :e asso&iated .ith possi:$e perinata$
ins#$ts, .hi&h is &onsistent .ith the ne#roi"a%in% ,indin%s. Menta$ retardation
asso&iated .ith ne#ro$o%i&a$ pro:$e"s #s#a$$8 has poorer pro%nosis. Darr8 is -er8
"#&h dependent on his ,a"i$8 ,or his needs, adapti-e ,#n&tionin%, dire&tion and in
"a6in% "aJor $i,e de&isions. At his &apa&it8, he "a8 ne-er #nderstand the nat#re,
the ,oreseea:$e ris6s and :ene,its, and &onseL#en&es o, the pro&ed#re 4-ase&to"85
that his ,a"i$8 .ants ,or his prote&tion. Th#s, the responsi:i$it8 o, de&ision
"a6in% "a8 :e %i-en to his parent or %#ardian.

Marissa B. Pas&#a$, M.9.

Considerin% the a:o-e re&o""endation, respondent Pedro A%#irreIs .ritten
&onsent .as dee"ed s#,,i&ient in order to pro&eed .ith the &ond#&t o, the
-ase&to"8. !en&e, on '0 7an#ar8 ())(, respondent 9r. A%atep per,or"ed a
:i$atera$ -ase&to"8 on Darr8.

On 00 7#ne ())(, petitioner G$oria A%#irre, respondent Pedro A%#irreIs
e$dest &hi$d, instit#ted a &ri"ina$ &o"p$aint ,or the -io$ation o, the Re-ised Pena$
Code, parti&#$ar$8 Arti&$es 0;( and (?(, :oth in re$ation to Rep#:$i& A&t No. ;?0)
a%ainst respondents Pedro A%#irre, O$ondriA, 9r. A%atep, 9r. Pas&#a$ and se-era$
7ohnC7ane 9oes :e,ore the O,,i&e o, the Cit8 Prose&#tor o, @#eAon Cit8.

The Co"p$aint A,,ida-it,
do&6eted as I.S. No. )(-0(2??, &ontained the
,o$$ a$$e%ations:

(. + + + 9r. A%atep and 9ra. Pas&#a$ .ere 4si&5 "edi&a$ pra&titioners
spe&ia$iAin% in #ro$o%8 and ps8&hiatr8 respe&ti-e$8H .hi$e respondent Pedro B.
A%#irre is "8 ,atherH Mi&he$ina S. A%#irre-O$ondriA is "8 sister, and the -i&ti"
Da#reano <Darr8= A%#irre +++ is "8 &o""on $a. :rother. 7O!N and 7ANE
9OES .ere the persons .ho, a&tin% #pon the apparent instr#&tions o, respondents
Mi&he$ina A%#irre-O$ondriA andCor Pedro B. A%#irre, a&t#a$$8 s&o#ted,
prospe&ted, ,a&i$itated, so$i&ited andCor pro&#red the "edi&a$ ser-i&es o,
respondents 9ra. Pas&#a$ and 9r. A%atep -is-P--is the intended "#ti$ation -ia
:i$atera$ -ase&to"8 o, "8 &o""on $a. :rother Darr8 A%#irre s#:Je&t hereo,.

+ + + +

2. So"eti"e in Mar&h ())(, ho.e-er, the !eart o, Mar8 Ei$$a o, the
Good Shepherd Sisters .as ,#rnished a &op8 o, respondent 9ra. Pas&#a$Is
Ps8&hiatr8 Report dated (0 7an#ar8 ())2 :8 the <9SF9,= in .hi&h "8 &o""on
$a. :rother <Darr8= .as ,a$se$8 and "a$i&io#s$8 de&$ared in&o"petent and
in&apa:$e o, p#rported$8 %i-in% his o.n &onsent to the MUTIDATION EIA
BIDATERAD EASECTOMY intended to :e per,or"ed on hi" :8 a$$ the

+ + + +

?. Based on the ,ore%oin% &harade and ,a$se pretenses in-aria:$8
&o""itted :8 a$$ o, the respondents in &onspira&8 .ith ea&h other, on '0 7an#ar8
())(, "8 &o""on $a. :rother Darr8 A%#irre, a$tho#%h o, $e%a$ a%e :#t
&onspiratoria$$8 &a#sed to :e de&$ared :8 respondents to :e <"enta$$8 de,i&ient=
and in&o"petent to %i-e &onsent to his BIDATERAD EASECTOMY, .as then
intentiona$$8, #n$a.,#$$8, "a$i&io#s$8, ,e$onio#s$8 andCor &ri"ina$$8 p$a&ed
therea,ter #nder s#r%er8 ,or MUTIDATION EIA <BIDATERAD EASECTOMY=
GUAR9IANS!IP COURT, nor persona$ &onsent o, Darr8 A%#irre hi"se$,.

In addition to the a:o-e, the &o"p$aint in&$#ded therein an a$$e%ation that

-. + + + .itho#t a PRIOR "edi&a$ e+a"ination, pro,essiona$
inter-ie. o, nor -eri,i&ation and &ons#$tation .ith "8
"other, Do#rdes Sa:ino-A%#irre, respondent 9ra. Pas&#a$
:ase$ess$8, ,ra#d#$ent$8 and .ith o:-io#s intent to de,a"e
and "a$i%n her rep#tation and honor, and .orse, that o, o#r
Sa:ido ,a"i$8, ,a$se$8 &on&$#ded and dia%nosed, -ia her
,a$si,ied Ps8&hiatr8 Report, that "8 "other Do#rdes
Sa:ido-A%#irre p#rported$8 s#,,ers ,ro" <BIPODAR
MOO9 9ISOR9ER= + + +.

To petitioner G$oria A%#irreIs a&&#sations a%ainst the", respondents
Pedro A%#irre, O$ondriA, 9r. A%atep and 9r. Pas&#a$ s#:"itted their respe&ti-e

In her de,ense,
respondent O$ondriA denied that she <prospe&ted, s&o#ted,
,a&i$itated, so$i&ited andCor pro&#red an8 ,a$se state"ent, "#ti$ated or a:#sed= her
&o""on-$a. :rother, Darr8 A%#irre. >#rther, she &o#ntered that:

'. + + + Fhi$e I a" a.are and ad"it that Darr8 .ent thro#%h a
-ase&to"8 pro&ed#re, there is nothin% in the Co"p$aint .hi&h
e+p$ains ho. the -ase&to"8 a"o#nts to a "#ti$ation.

+ + + +

3. In an8 &ase, as I did not per,or" the -ase&to"8, I &an state .ith
&o"p$ete &on,iden&e that I did not parti&ipate in an8 .a8 in the
a$$e%ed "#ti$ation.

?. Neither did I pro&#re or so$i&it the ser-i&es o, the ph8si&ian .ho
per,or"ed the -ase&to"8, 9r. 7#-ido A%atep + + +. It .as "8
,ather, Pedro A%#irre, Darr8Is %#ardian, .ho o:tained his ser-i&es.
I "ere$8 a&ted #pon his instr#&tions and a&&o"panied "8 :rother
to the ph8si&ian, respondents 9ra. Marissa B. Pas&#a$ + + +.

+ + + +

0). Neither does the Co"p$aint e+p$ain in .hat "anner the
Co"p$ainant is a#thoriAed or has an8 standin% to de&$are that
Darr8Is &onsent .as not o:tained. Co"p$ainant is not the %#ardian
or re$ati-e o, Darr8. Fhi$e she ar%#es that Darr8Is &onsent sho#$d
ha-e :een o:tained the Co"p$aint does not disp#te the
ps8&hiatristIs ,indin%s a:o#t Darr8Is ina:i$it8 to %i-e &onsent.

+ + + +

0'. + + + the Co"p$aint does not e-en state .hat a$$e%ed parti&ipation
.as ,a$si,ied or the portion o, the ps8&hiatri& report that a$$e%ed$8
states that so"eone parti&ipated .hen in ,a&t that person did not so

+ + + +

03. A%ain, I had no parti&ipation in the preparation o, the report o, 9r.
Pas&#a$ + + +.

+ + + +

0;. + + + the Co"p$aint does not disp#te that he 4Darr85 is "enta$$8
de,i&ient or in&o"petent to %i-e &onsent.

+ + + +

0G. + + + I -eri,ied that the e,,e&t o, a -ase&to"8 operation .as
e+p$ained to hi" 4Darr85 :8 :oth respondent do&tors.

(). + + + I a&&o"panied Darr8 and o:e8ed "8 ,ather on the :e$ie, that
"8 ,ather &ontin#es to :e the $e%a$ %#ardian o, Darr8. I 6no. o, no
one e$se .ho asserts to :e his $e%a$ %#ardian + + +.

A$$e%in% the sa"e state"ent o, ,a&ts and de,enses, respondent Pedro A%#irre
ar%#es a%ainst his &o"p$i&it8 in the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation as &har%ed and asserts that:

3. In an8 &ase, as I did not per,or" the -ase&to"8, I &an state .ith &o"p$ete
&on,iden&e that I did not parti&ipate in an8 .a8 in the a$$e%ed "#ti$ation.

Ne-erthe$ess, he "aintains that the -ase&to"8 per,or"ed on Darr8 does not in an8
.a8 a"o#nt to "#ti$ation, as the $atterIs reprod#&ti-e or%an is sti$$ &o"p$ete$8
In an8 &ase, respondent Pedro A%#irre e+p$ains that the pro&ed#re
per,or"ed is re-ersi:$e thro#%h another pro&ed#re &a$$ed Easo-asosto"8, to .it:

*. I #nderstand that -ase&to"8 is reversi$le thro#%h a pro&ed#re &a$$ed
Easo-asosto"8. I &an a$so state .ith &on,iden&e that the pro&ed#re
ena:$es "en .ho ha-e #nder%one a -ase&to"8 to sire a &hi$d. !en&e,
no permanent da"a%e .as &a#sed :8 the pro&ed#re.

Respondent Pedro A%#irre &ha$$en%es the &har%e o, ,a$si,i&ation in the
&o"p$aint, to .it:

02. + + + I did not "a6e it appear that an8 person parti&ipated in an8 a&t or
pro&eedin% .hen that person did not in ,a&t parti&ipate + + +.

+ + + +

0?. + + + I had no parti&ipation in the preparation o, the report o, 9ra. Pas&#a$.
She arri-ed at her report independent$8, #sin% her o.n pro,essiona$
J#d%"ent + + +.

+ + + +

'0. Fhat I &annot #nderstand a:o#t PetitaIs Co"p$aint is ho. Darr8 is ar%#ed
to :e $e%a$$8 a &hi$d #nder the de,inition o, one $a. :#t nonethe$ess and
si"#$taneo#s$8 ar%#ed to :e &apa&itated to %i-e his &onsent as ,#$$8 as an

Respondent Pedro A%#irre ,#rther &$ari,ies that &o-%#ardianship o-er Darr8
had :een %ranted to hi"se$, and his .i,e, Do#rdes A%#irre, .a8 :a&6 on 0G 7#ne
0G*? :8 the Re%iona$ Tria$ Co#rt, Bran&h ' o, Ba$an%a, Bataan. Respondent Pedro
A%#irre &ontends that :ein% one o, the $e%a$ %#ardians, &onseL#ent$8, parenta$
a#thorit8 o-er Darr8 is -ested in hi". B#t ass#"in% ,or the sa6e o, ar%#"ent that
Darr8 does ha-e the &apa&it8 to "a6e the de&ision &on&ernin% his -ase&to"8,
respondent Pedro A%#irre ar%#es that petitioner G$oria A%#irre has no $e%a$
persona$it8 to instit#te the s#:Je&t &ri"ina$ &o"p$aint, ,or on$8 Darr8 .o#$d ha-e
the ri%ht to do so.

7#st as the t.o pre&edin% respondents did, respondent 9r. A%atep a$so
disp#ted the a$$e%ations o, ,a&ts stated in the Co"p$aint. Adoptin% the a$$e%ations
o, his &o-respondents inso,ar as the8 .ere "ateria$ to the &har%es a%ainst hi", he
-ehe"ent$8 denied ,ai$in% to in,or" Darr8 o, the intended pro&ed#re. In his
&o#nter-state"ent o, ,a&ts he a-erred that:

4:5 + + + I s&hed#$ed Darr8 ,or &ons#$tati-e inter-ie. + + + .herein I
painsta6in%$8 e+p$ained .hat -ase&to"8 is and the &onseL#en&es thereo,H :#t
,indin% si%ns o, "enta$ de,i&ien&8, + + + I ad-ised his re$ati-es and his n#rse .ho
a&&o"panied hi" to ha-e Darr8 e+a"ined :8 a ps8&hiatrist .ho &o#$d proper$8
deter"ine .hether or not Darr8 + + + &an rea$$8 %i-e his &onsent, th#s I reL#ired
the" to se&#re ,irst a ps8&hiatri& e-a$#ation and &$earan&e prior to the
&onte"p$ated pro&ed#re.

4&5 On 7an#ar8 (0, ())(, I .as ,#rnished a &op8 o, a ps8&hiatri&
report prepared :8 9r. Marissa Pas&#a$ + + +. In her said report, 9r. Pas&#a$ ,o#nd
Darr8 to s#,,er ,ro" <"enta$ retardation, "i$d to "oderate t8pe= and ,#rther
stated that <at his &apa&it8, he "a8 ne-er #nderstand the nat#re, the ,oreseea:$e
ris6s and :ene,its and &onseL#en&es o, the pro&ed#re 4-ase&to"85 + + +, th#s the
responsi:i$it8 o, de&ision "a6in% "a8 :e %i-en to his parent or %#ardian + + +.=

4d5 + + + I .as $i6e.ise ,#rnished a &op8 o, an a,,ida-it e+e&#ted :8
Pedro A%#irre statin% that he .as the $e%a$ %#ardian o, Darr8 + + + Pedro A%#irre
%a-e his &onsent to -ase&to"iAe Darr8 + + +.

4e5 On$8 then, spe&i,i&a$$8 7an#ar8 '0, ())(, -ase&to"8 .as per,or"ed
.ith #t"ost &are and di$i%en&e.

In de,ense a%ainst the &har%e o, ,a$si,i&ation and "#ti$ation, respondent 9r.
A%atep ar%#ed that s#:Je&t &o"p$aint sho#$d :e dis"issed ,or the ,o$$

0. The &o"p$ainant has no $e%a$ persona$it8 to ,i$e this &ase. As
"entioned a:o-e, she is on$8 a &o""on $a. sister o, Darr8 .ho has a $e%a$
%#ardian in the person o, Pedro A%#irre, one o, the herein respondents + + +.

(. + + + /t1he a$$e%ations in the &o"p$aint &$ear$8 &enters on the &ondition
o, &o"p$ainantIs "other, Do#rdes A%#irre, her rep#tation, and "isera:$8 ,ai$s to
i"p$i&ate the de%ree o, parti&ipation o, herein respondent. + + +

+ + + +

4:5 >a$si,i&ation. + + + I stron%$8 a-er that this ,e$on8 does not app$8 to
"e sin&e it &$ear$8 %i-es re,eren&e to &o-respondent, 9r. Marissa Pas&#a$Is
Ps8&hiatr8 Report, dated 7an#ar8 (0, ())(, in re$ation .ith her ,ie$d o, pro,ession,
an e+pert opinion. I do not ha-e an8 parti&ipation in the preparation o, said
report, + + + neither did I #ti$iAed 4si&5 the sa"e in an8 pro&eedin%s to the da"a%e
to another. + + + I a$so den8 #sin% a ,a$si,ied do&#"ent + + +.

4&5 M#ti$ation. + + + Ease&to"8 does not in an8.a8 eL#ate to &astration
and .hat is to#&hed in -ase&to"8 is not &onsidered an or%an in the &onte+t o, $a.
and "edi&ine, it is L#ite re"ote ,ro" the penis + + +.

4d5 Chi$d A:#se. + + + the &o"p$aint-a,,ida-it is -er8 -a%#e in spe&i,8in%
the app$i&a:i$it8 o, said $a.. It "ere$8 a-ers that Da#reano <Darr8= A%#irre is a
&hi$d, and a$$e%es his ,ather, Pedro A%#irre, has parenta$ a#thorit8 o-er hi" + + +.

Si"i$ar$8, respondent 9r. Pas&#a$ denied the &ri"ina$ &har%es o,
,a$si,i&ation and "#ti$ation i"p#ted to her. She stands :8 the &ontents o, the
assai$ed Ps8&hiatri& Report, J#sti,8in% it th#s:

+ + + M8 opinion o, Darr8 A%#irreIs "enta$ stat#s .as :ased on "8 o.n
persona$ o:ser-ations, his responses d#rin% "8 inter-ie. o, hi", the res#$ts o, the
t.o 4(5 ps8&ho$o%i&a$ tests &ond#&ted :8 &$ini&a$ ps8&ho$o%ists, the res#$ts o,
$a:orator8 tests, in&$#din% a CT S&an and MRI, and his persona$ and ,a"i$8
histor8 .hi&h I o:tained ,ro" his sister, Mi&he$ina A%#irre-O$ondriA + + +.

3. + + + the re,eren&e in "8 report &on&ernin% Mrs. Do#rdes A%#irre
is not a state"ent o, "8 opinion o, Mrs. A%#irreIs "enta$ stat#s, + + +. Rather, it
is part o, the patientIs persona$ and ,a"i$8 histor8 as &on-e8ed to "e :8 Mrs.

?. + + + An e+pression o, "8 opinion, espe&ia$$8 o, an e+pert opinion,
&annot %i-e rise to a &har%e ,or ,a$si,i&ation. A &ontrar8 opinion :8 another
e+pert on$8 "eans that the e+perts di,,er, and does not ne&essari$8 re,$e&t on the
tr#th or ,a$sit8 o, either opinion + + +.

;. + + + I ne-er stated that I e+a"ined Mrs. A%#irre, :e&a#se I ne-er
did + + +.

*. I had no parti&ipation in the s#r%er8 per,or"ed on Darr8 A%#irre
e+&ept to render an opinion on his &apa&it8 to %i-e in,or"ed &onsent to the
-ase&to"8 + + +.

G. Fitho#t ad"ittin% the "erits o, the &o"p$aint, I s#:"it that
&o"p$ainants are not the proper persons to s#:s&ri:e to the sa"e as the8 are not
the o,,ended part8, pea&e o,,i&er or other p#:$i& o,,i&er &har%ed .ith the
en,or&e"ent o, the $a. -io$ated + + +.

The Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor he$d that the &ir&#"stan&es attendant to the
&ase did not a"o#nt to the &ri"e o, ,a$si,i&ation. !e he$d that M

/T1he &$ai" o, the &o"p$ainant that the Ps8&hiatri& Report .as ,a$si,ied, :e&a#se
&onsent .as not %i-en :8 Darr8 A%#irre to the -ase&to"8 andCor he .as not
&ons#$ted on said operation does not &onstit#te ,a$si,i&ation. It .o#$d ha-e :een
di,,erent i, it .as stated in the report that &onsent .as o:tained ,ro" Darr8
A%#irre or that it .as .ritten therein that he .as &ons#$ted on the -ase&to"8,
:e&a#se that .o#$d "ean that it .as "ade to appear in the report that Darr8
A%#irre parti&ipated in the a&t or pro&eedin% :8 %i-in% his &onsent or .as
&ons#$ted on the "atter .hen in tr#th and in ,a&t, he did not parti&ipate. Or i, not,
the entr8 .o#$d ha-e :een an #ntr#th,#$ state"ent. B#t that is not the &ase.
Pre&ise$8 4si&5 the report .as "ade to deter"ine .hether Darr8 A%#irre &o#$d
%i-e his &onsent to his intended -ase&to"8. Be that as it "a8, the "atter o,
Darr8Is &onsent ha-in% o:tained or not "a8 nor :e an iss#e a,ter a$$, :e&a#se
&o"p$ainantIs 4si&5 herse$, a$$e%ed that Darr8Is "enta$ &ondition is that o, a &hi$d,
.ho &an not %i-e &onsent. Based on the ,ore%oin% &onsideration, no ,a$si,i&ation
&an :e esta:$ished #nder the &ir&#"stan&es.

E-en the state"ent in the Ps8&hiatri& Report o, respondent 9r. Pas&#a$ that
Do#rdes A%#irre had Bipo$ar Mood 9isorder &annot :e &onsidered ,a$si,i&ation
sin&e M

The report did not state that Do#rdes A%#irre .as in ,a&t persona$$8 inter-ie.ed
:8 respondent 9r. Pas&#a$ and that the $atter &on&$#ded that Do#rdes A%#irre has
Bipo$ar Mood 9isorder. The report "ere$8 L#oted other so#r&es o, in,or"ation
.ith respe&t to the &ondition o, Do#rdes A%#irre, in the sa"e "anner that the ,a&t
that Do#rdes A%#irre .as ph8si&a$$8 a:#sin% Darr8 A%#irre .as a$so not o, 9ra.
Pas&#a$ persona$ 6no.$ed%e. B#t the ,a&t that 9ra. Pas&#a$ &ited ,indin%, .hi&h is
not o, her o.n persona$ 6no.$ed%e in her report does not "ean that she
&o""itted ,a$si,i&ation in the pro&ess. !er so#r&es "a8 :e .ron% and "a8 a,,e&t
the -era&it8 o, her report, :#t ,or as $on% as she has not a$$e%ed therein that she
persona$$8 dia%nosed Do#rdes A%#irre, .hi&h a$$e%ation .o#$d not then :e tr#e,
she &annot :e &har%ed o, ,a$si,i&ation. There,ore, it %oes .itho#t sa8in% that i, the
a#thor o, the report is not %#i$t8, then .ith "ore reason the other respondents are
not $ia:$e.

Respe&tin% the &har%e o, "#ti$ation, the Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor a$so he$d
that the ,a&ts a$$e%ed did not a"o#nt to the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation as de,ined and
pena$iAed #nder Arti&$e (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code, i.e., </t1he -ase&to"8
operation did not in an8 .a8 depri-ed 4si&5 Darr8 o, his reprod#&ti-e or%an, .hi&h
is sti$$ -er8 "#&h part o, his ph8si&a$ se$,.= !e ratio&inated that:

Fhi$e the operation renders hi" the ina:i$it8 4si&5 to pro&reate, the operation is
re-ersi:$e and there,ore, &annot :e the per"anent da"a%e &onte"p$ated #nder
Arti&$e (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code.

The Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor,
in a Reso$#tion
dated * 7an#ar8 ())',
,o#nd no pro:a:$e &a#se to ho$d respondents Pedro A%#irre, O$ondriA, 9r. A%atep
and 9r. Pas&#a$ $ia:$e ,or the &o"p$aint o, ,a$si,i&ation and "#ti$ation, "ore
spe&i,i&a$$8, the -io$ation o, Arti&$es 0;( and (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code, in
re$ation to Rep#:$i& A&t No. ;?0). A&&ordin%$8, the Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor
re&o""ended the dis"issa$ o, petitioner G$oria A%#irreIs &o"p$aint ,or
ins#,,i&ien&8 o, e-iden&e. The dispositi-e portion o, the reso$#tion reads:

F!ERE>ORE, it is re&o""ended that the a:o-e-entit$ed &ase :e
dis"issed ,or ins#,,i&ien&8 o, e-iden&e.

On 0* >e:r#ar8 ())', petitioner G$oria A%#irre appea$ed the ,ore%oin%
reso$#tion to the Se&retar8 o, the 9O7 :8 "eans o, a Petition ,or Re-ie..

In a Reso$#tion dated 00 >e:r#ar8 ())2, Chie, State Prose&#tor 7o-en&ito R.
Z#Ko, ,or the Se&retar8 o, the 9O7, dis"issed the petition. In reso$-in% said appea$,
the Chie, State Prose&#tor he$d that:

Under Se&tion 0(, in re$ation to Se&tion ;, o, 9epart"ent Cir&#$ar No. ;)
dated 7#$8 ', ())), the Se&retar8 o, 7#sti&e "a8, motu proprio, dis"iss o#tri%ht
the petition i, there is no o, an8 re-ersi:$e error in the L#estioned
reso$#tion or ,inds the sa"e to :e patent$8 .itho#t "erit.

Fe &are,#$$8 e+a"ined the petition and its atta&h"ents and ,o#nd no error
that .o#$d J#sti,8 a re-ersa$ o, the assai$ed reso$#tion .hi&h is in a&&ord .ith the
$a. and e-iden&ed 4si&5 on the "atter.

Petitioner G$oria A%#irreIs Motion ,or Re&onsideration .as $i6e.ise denied
.ith ,ina$it8 :8 the 9O7 in another Reso$#tion dated 0( No-e":er ())2.

Reso$#te in her :e$ie,, petitioner G$oria A%#irre .ent to the Co#rt o,
Appea$s :8 "eans o, a Petition ,or #ertiorari, Prohi:ition and Manamus #nder
R#$e ?3 o, the R#$es o, Co#rt, as a"ended.

On (0 7#$8 ())3, the Co#rt o, Appea$s pro"#$%ated its 9e&ision dis"issin%
petitioner G$oria A%#irreIs re&o#rse ,or $a&6 o, "erit.

The fallo o, the assai$ed de&ision reads:

F!ERE>ORE, pre"ises &onsidered, the present petition is here:8
9ENIE9 9UE COURSE and a&&ordin%$8 9ISMISSE9 ,or $a&6 o, "erit.
ConseL#ent$8, the assai$ed Reso$#tions dated >e:r#ar8 00, ())2 and No-e":er
0(, ())2 o, the Se&retar8 o, 7#sti&e in I.S. No. )(-0(2?? are here:8 A>>IRME9.

Petitioner G$oria A%#irreIs "otion ,or re&onsideration pro-ed ,#ti$e as it .as
denied :8 the appe$$ate &o#rt in a Reso$#tion dated 3 9e&e":er ())3.

!en&e, the present petition ,i$ed #nder R#$e 23 o, the R#$es o, Co#rt, as
a"ended, pre"ised on the ,o$$ ar%#"ents:



+ + + +



The ,ore%oin% iss#es not.ithstandin%, the "ore proper iss#e ,or this Co#rtIs
&onsideration is, %i-en the ,a&ts o, the &ase, .hether or not the Co#rt o, Appea$s
erred in r#$in% that the 9O7 did not &o""it %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion a"o#ntin% to
$a&6 or e+&ess o, J#risdi&tion .hen the $atter a,,ir"ed the p#:$i& prose&#torIs
,indin% o, $a&6 o, pro:a:$e &a#se ,or respondents Pedro A%#irre, O$ondriA, 9r.
A%atep and 9r. Pas&#a$ to stand tria$ ,or the &ri"ina$ &o"p$aints o, ,a$si,i&ation
and "#ti$ation in re$ation to Rep#:$i& A&t No. ;?0).

In r#$in% that the 9O7 did not &o""it %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion a"o#ntin%
to $a&6 or e+&ess o, J#risdi&tion, the Co#rt o, Appea$s e+p$ained that:

E-ident$8, the &ontro-ers8 $ies in the per"anen&8 o, steri$iAation as a
res#$t o, a -ase&to"8 operation, and the &han&es o, restorin% ,erti$it8 .ith a
re-ersa$ s#r%er8 + + +.

Fe s#stain the 9O7 in r#$in% that the :i$atera$ -ase&to"8 per,or"ed on
Darr8 does not &onstit#te "#ti$ation e-en i, intentiona$$8 and p#rpose$8 done to
pre-ent hi" ,ro" sirin% a &hi$d.

+ + + +

Steri$iAation is to :e distin%#ished ,ro" &astration: in the $atter a&t the
reprod#&ti-e &apa&it8 is per"anent$8 re"o-ed or da"a%ed.

It then &on&$#ded that:

The "atter o, $e%a$ $ia:i$it8, other than &ri"ina$, .hi&h pri-ate
respondents "a8 ha-e in&#rred ,or the a$$e%ed a:sen&e o, a -a$id &onsent to the
-ase&to"8 per,or"ed on Darr8, is &ertain$8 :e8ond the pro-in&e o, this &ertiorari
petition. O#t tas6 is &on,ined to the iss#e o, .hether or not the Se&retar8 o,
7#sti&e and the O,,i&e o, the Cit8 Prose&#tor o, @#eAon Cit8 &o""itted %ra-e
a:#se o, dis&retion in their deter"inin% the e+isten&e or a:sen&e o, pro:a:$e &a#se
,or ,i$in% &ri"ina$ &ases ,or falsification and mutilation #nder Arti&$es 0;( 4(5 and
(?( o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code.

Petitioner G$oria A%#irre, ho.e-er, &ontends that the Co#rt o, Appea$s and
the 9O7 ,ai$ed to appre&iate se-era$ i"portant ,a&ts: 05 that :i$atera$ -ase&to"8
&ond#&ted on petitionerIs :rother, Darr8 A%#irre, .as ad"itted
H (5 that the
pro&ed#re &a#sed the perpet#a$ destr#&tion o, Darr8Is reprod#&ti-e or%ans o,
%eneration or &on&eptionH
'5 that the :i$atera$ -ase&to"8 .as intentiona$ and
de$i:erate to depri-e Darr8 ,ore-er o, his reprod#&ti-e or%an and his &apa&it8 to
pro&reateH and 25 that respondents, <in &onspira&8 .ith one another, "ade not on$8
one :#t t.o 4(5 #ntr#th,#$ state"ents, and not "ere ina&&#ra&ies .hen the8 "ade it
appear in the ps8&hiatr8 report=
that a5 Darr8Is &onsent .as o:tained or at the
-er8 $east that the $atter .as in,or"ed o, the intended -ase&to"8H and :5 that
Do#rdes A%#irre .as $i6e.ise inter-ie.ed and e-a$#ated. Parado+i&a$$8, ho.e-er,
petitioner G$oria A%#irre does not in an8 .a8 state that she, instead o, respondent
Pedro A%#irre, has %#ardianship o-er the person o, Darr8. She on$8 insists that
respondents sho#$d ha-e o:tained Darr8Is &onsent prior to the &ond#&t o, the
:i$atera$ -ase&to"8.

In &ontrast, the O,,i&e o, the So$i&itor Genera$ 4OSG5, ,or p#:$i& respondent
9O7, ar%#es that <the &ond#&t o, pre$i"inar8 in-esti%ation to deter"ine the
e+isten&e o, pro:a:$e &a#se ,or the p#rpose o, ,i$in% 4an5 in,or"ation is the
,#n&tion o, the p#:$i& prose&#tor.=
More i"portant$8, <the e$e"ent/s1 o,
&astration or "#ti$ation o, an or%an ne&essar8 ,or %eneration is &o"p$ete$8 a:sent
as he .as not depri-ed o, an8 or%an ne&essar8 ,or reprod#&tion, "#&h $ess the
destr#&tion o, s#&h or%an.=

Di6e.ise, in s#pport o, the de&ision o, the Co#rt o, Appea$s, respondents
Pedro A%#irre and O$ondriA assert that, ,#nda"enta$$8, petitioner G$oria A%#irre
has no standin% to ,i$e the &o"p$aint, as she has not sho.n an8 inJ#r8 to her person
or asserted an8 re$ationship .ith Darr8 other than :ein% his <&o""on $a. sister=H
,#rther, that she &annot prose&#te the present &ase, as she has not :een a#thoriAed
:8 $a. to ,i$e said &o"p$aint, not :ein% the o,,ended part8, a pea&e o,,i&er or a
p#:$i& o,,i&er &har%ed .ith the en,or&e"ent o, the $a.. A&&ordin%$8, respondents
Pedro A%#irre and O$ondriA posit that the8, to%ether .ith the other respondents 9r.
A%atep and 9r. Pas&#a$, "a8 not :e &har%ed .ith, prose&#ted ,or and #$ti"ate$8
&on-i&ted o,: 05 <"#ti$ation + + + sin&e the :i$atera$ -ase&to"8 &ond#&ted on Darr8
does not in-o$-e &astration or a"p#tation o, an or%an ne&essar8 ,or reprod#&tion as
the e$e"ents o, the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation + + + are a:sent=
H and (5
<,a$si,i&ation + + + sin&e the a&ts a$$e%ed$8 &onstit#tin% ,a$si,i&ation in-o$-e "atters
o, "edi&a$ opinion and not "atters o, ,a&t,=
and that petitioner G$oria A%#irre
,ai$ed to pro-e da"a%e to herse$, or to an8 other person.

Respondent 9r. A%atep, in the sa"e -ein, stresses that -ase&to"8 is not
"#ti$ation. !e e$#&idates that -ase&to"8 is "ere$8 the <e+&ision o, the -as
de,erens, the d#&t in testis .hi&h transport se"en=
H that it is the penis and the
testis that "a6e #p the "a$e reprod#&ti-e or%an and not the -as de,erensH and
additiona$$8 ar%#es that ,or the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation to :e a&&o"p$ished, Arti&$e (?(
o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code ne&essitates that there :e intentiona$ tota$ or partia$
depri-ation o, so"e essentia$ or%an ,or reprod#&tion. T#:es, se"ina$ d#&ts, -as
de,erens or prostati& #rethra not :ein% or%ans, respondent 9r. A%atep &on&$#des,
there,ore, that -ase&to"8 does not &orrespond to "#ti$ation.

Anent the &har%e o, ,a$si,i&ation o, a pri-ate do&#"ent, respondent 9r.
A%atep asse-erates that he ne-er too6 part in dis&$osin% an8 in,or"ation, data or
,a&ts as &ontained in the &ontentio#s Ps8&hiatri& Report.

>or her part, respondent 9r. Pas&#a$ insists that the assai$ed Ps8&hiatr8
Report .as the res#$t o, her independent e+er&ise o, pro,essiona$ J#d%"ent.
<Ri%ht$8 or .ron%$8, 4she5 dia%nosed Darr8 A%#irre to :e in&apa:$e o, %i-in%
&onsent, :ased on inter-ie.s "ade :8 the ps8&hiatrist on Darr8 A%#irre and
persons .ho intera&ted .ith hi".=
And s#pposin% that said report is ,$a.ed, it
is, at "ost, an erroneo#s "edi&a$ dia%nosis.

The petition has no "erit.

Pro:a:$e &a#se has :een de,ined as the e+isten&e o, s#&h ,a&ts and
&ir&#"stan&es as .o#$d e+&ite :e$ie, in a reasona:$e "ind, a&tin% on the ,a&ts
.ithin the 6no.$ed%e o, the prose&#tor, that the person &har%ed .as %#i$t8 o, the
&ri"e ,or .hi&h he .as prose&#ted.
The ter" does not "ean <a&t#a$ and
positi-e &a#se= nor does it i"port a:so$#te &ertaint8.
It is "ere$8 :ased on
opinion and reasona:$e :e$ie,H
that is, the :e$ie, that the a&t or o"ission
&o"p$ained o, &onstit#tes the o,,ense &har%ed. A ,indin% o, pro:a:$e &a#se "ere$8
:inds o-er the s#spe&t to stand tria$. It is not a prono#n&e"ent o, %#i$t.

The e+e&#ti-e depart"ent o, the %o-ern"ent is a&&o#nta:$e ,or the
prose&#tion o, &ri"es, its prin&ipa$ o:$i%ation :ein% the ,aith,#$ e+e&#tion o, the
$a.s o, the $and. A ne&essar8 &o"ponent o, the to e+e&#te the $a.s is the
ri%ht to prose&#te their -io$ators,
the responsi:i$it8 o, .hi&h is thr#st #pon the
9O7. !en&e, the deter"ination o, .hether or not pro:a:$e &a#se e+ists to .arrant
the prose&#tion in &o#rt o, an a&&#sed is &onsi%ned and entr#sted to the 9O7. And
:8 the nat#re o, his o,,i&e, a p#:$i& prose&#tor is #nder no &o"p#$sion to ,i$e a
parti&#$ar &ri"ina$ in,or"ation .here he is not &on-in&ed that he has e-iden&e to
prop #p the a-er"ents thereo,, or that the e-iden&e at hand points to a di,,erent

P#t si"p$8, p#:$i& prose&#tors #nder the 9O7 ha-e a .ide ran%e o,
dis&retion, the dis&retion o, .hether, .hat and .ho" to &har%e, the e+er&ise o,
.hi&h depends on a s"or%as:ord o, ,a&tors .hi&h are :est appre&iated :8 4p#:$i&5
And this Co#rt has &onsistent$8 adhered to the po$i&8 o, non-
inter,eren&e in the &ond#&t o, pre$i"inar8 in-esti%ations, and to $ea-e to the
in-esti%atin% prose&#tor s#,,i&ient $atit#de o, dis&retion in the deter"ination o,
.hat &onstit#tes s#,,i&ient e-iden&e as .i$$ esta:$ish pro:a:$e &a#se ,or the ,i$in%
o, an in,or"ation a%ainst the s#pposed o,,ender.

B#t this is not to dis&o#nt the possi:i$it8 o, the &o""ission o, a:#ses on the
part o, the prose&#tor. It is entire$8 possi:$e that the in-esti%atin% prose&#tor "a8
erroneo#s$8 e+er&ise the dis&retion $od%ed in hi" :8 $a.. This, ho.e-er, does not
render his a&t a"ena:$e to &orre&tion and ann#$"ent :8 the e+traordinar8 re"ed8
o, certiorari, a:sent an8 o, %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion a"o#ntin% to e+&ess
o, J#risdi&tion.

Pres&indin% ,ro" the a:o-e, the &o#rtIs d#t8 in an appropriate &ase,
there,ore, is &on,ined to a deter"ination o, .hether the assai$ed e+e&#ti-e
deter"ination o, pro:a:$e &a#se .as done .itho#t or in e+&ess o, J#risdi&tion
res#$tin% ,ro" a %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion. >or &o#rts o, $a. to %rant the
e+traordinar8 .rit o, certiorari, so as to J#sti,8 the re-ersa$ o, the ,indin% o,
.hether or not there e+ists pro:a:$e &a#se to ,i$e an in,or"ation, the one see6in%
the .rit "#st :e a:$e to esta:$ish that the in-esti%atin% prose&#tor e+er&ised his in an ar:itrar8 and despoti& "anner :8 reason o, passion or persona$
hosti$it8, and it "#st :e patent and %ross as .o#$d a"o#nt to an e-asion or to a
#ni$atera$ re,#sa$ to per,or" the d#t8 enJoined or to a&t in &onte"p$ation o,
$a.. Gra-e a:#se o, dis&retion is not eno#%h.
E+&ess o, J#risdi&tion si%ni,ies
that he had J#risdi&tion o-er the &ase :#t has trans&ended the sa"e or a&ted .itho#t

App$8in% the ,ore%oin% disL#isition to the present petition, the reasons o, the
Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor in dis"issin% the &ri"ina$ &o"p$aints ,or ,a$si,i&ation
and "#ti$ation, as a,,ir"ed :8 the 9O7, is deter"inati-e o, .hether or not he
&o""itted %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion a"o#ntin% to $a&6 or e+&ess o, J#risdi&tion.

In r#$in% the .a8 he did M that no pro:a:$e &a#se ,or ,a$si,i&ation and
"#ti$ation e+ists - the Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor de$i:erated on the ,a&t#a$ and $e%a$
"i$ie# o, the &ase. !e ,o#nd that there .as no s#,,i&ient e-iden&e to esta:$ish
a prima facie &ase ,or the &ri"es &o"p$ained o, as de,ined and p#nished #nder
Arti&$es 0;(, para%raph (, and (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code in re$ation to
Rep#:$i& A&t No. ;?0), respe&ti-e$8. Con&ernin% the &ri"e o, ,a$si,i&ation o, a
pri-ate do&#"ent, the Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor reasoned that the &ir&#"stan&es
attendant to the &ase did not a"o#nt to the &ri"e &o"p$ained o,, that is, the $a&6 o,
&onsent :8 Darr8 A%#irre :e,ore he .as -ase&to"iAedH or the ,a&t that the $atter
.as not &ons#$ted. The $a&6 o, the t.o pre&edin% attendant ,a&ts do not in an8 .a8
a"o#nt to ,a$si,i&ation, a:sent the &ontention that it .as "ade to appear in the
assai$ed report that said &onsent .as o:tained. That .o#$d ha-e :een an #ntr#th,#$
state"ent. Neither does the ,a&t that the Ps8&hiatri& Report state that Do#rdes
A%#irre has Bipo$ar Mood 9isorder :8 the sa"e to6en a"o#nt to ,a$si,i&ation
:e&a#se said report does not p#t ,or.ard that s#&h ,indin% arose a,ter an
e+a"ination o, the &on&erned patient. Apropos the &har%e o, "#ti$ation, he
reasoned that tho#%h the -ase&to"8 rendered Darr8 #na:$e to pro&reate, it .as not
the per"anent da"a%e &onte"p$ated #nder the pertinent pro-ision o, the pena$

Fe a%ree. Gra-e a:#se o, dis&retion a"o#ntin% to $a&6 or e+&ess o,
J#risdi&tion on the part o, the 9O7 and the Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor .as not
sho.n in the present &ase.

In the present petition, respondents Pedro A%#irre, O$ondriA, 9r. A%atep and
9r. Pas&#a$ are &har%ed .ith -io$atin% Arti&$es 0;( and (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$
Code, in re$ation to Rep#:$i& A&t No. ;?0). Arti&$e 0;(, para%raph ( o, the
Re-ised Pena$ Code, de,ines the &ri"e o, ,a$si,i&ation o, a pri-ate do&#"ent, vi! M

Art. 0;(. Falsification by private individuals and use of falsified
documents. M The pena$t8 o, prision correccional in its "edi#" and "a+i"#"
periods and a ,ine o, not "ore than 3,))) pesos sha$$ :e i"posed #pon:

+ + + +

(. An8 person .ho, to the da"a%e o, a third part8, or .ith the intent
to &a#se s#&h da"a%e, sha$$ in an8 pri-ate do&#"ent &o""it an8 o, the a&ts o,
,a$si,i&ation en#"erated in the ne+t pre&edin% arti&$e.

Petitioner G$oria A%#irre &har%es respondents .ith ,a$si,i&ation o, a pri-ate
do&#"ent ,or &onspirin% .ith one another in 6eepin% Darr8 <in the dar6 a:o#t the
,ore%oin% 4-ase&to"85 as the sa"e .as &on&ea$ed ,ro" hi" :8 the respondents + +
as .e$$ as ,or ,a$se$8 &on&$#din% and dia%nosin% Do#rdes A%#irre to :e
s#,,erin% ,ro" Bipo$ar Mood 9isorder.

A s&r#tin8, ho.e-er, o, Arti&$e 0;0 o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code .hi&h
de,ines the a&ts &onstit#ti-e o, ,a$si,i&ation, that is M

Art. 0;0. + + + sha$$ ,a$si,8 a do&#"ent :8 &o""ittin% an8 o, the
,o$$ a&ts:

0. Co#nter,eitin% or i"itatin% an8 hand.ritin%, si%nat#re, or r#:ri&H

(. Ca#sin% it to appear that persons ha-e parti&ipated in an8 a&t or
pro&eedin% .hen the8 did not in ,a&t so parti&ipateH

'. Attri:#tin% to persons .ho ha-e parti&ipated in an a&t or
pro&eedin% state"ents other than those in ,a&t "ade :8 the"H

2. Ma6in% #ntr#th,#$ state"ents in a narration o, ,a&tsH

3. A$terin% tr#e datesH

?. Ma6in% an8 a$teration or inter&a$ation in a %en#ine do&#"ent
.hi&h &han%es its "eanin%H

;. Iss#in% in an a#thenti&ated ,or" a do&#"ent p#rportin% to :e a
&op8 o, an ori%ina$ do&#"ent .hen no s#&h ori%ina$ e+ists, or in&$#din% in s#&h
&op8 a state"ent &ontrar8 to, or di,,erent ,ro", that o, the %en#ine ori%ina$H or

*. Inter&a$atin% an8 instr#"ent or note re$ati-e to the iss#an&e thereo,
in a proto&o$, re%istr8, or o,,i&ia$ :oo6.

vis-(-vis the "#&h &riti&iAed Ps8&hiatri& Report, sho.s that the a&ts &o"p$ained o,
do not in an8 "anner, :8 .hate-er stret&h o, the i"a%ination, ,a$$ #nder an8 o, the
ei%ht 4*5 en#"erated a&ts &onstit#tin% the o,,ense o, ,a$si,i&ation.

In order to proper$8 address the iss#e presented :8 petitioner G$oria A%#irre,
it is ne&essar8 that .e dis&#ss the e$e"ents o, the &ri"e o, ,a$si,i&ation o, pri-ate
do&#"ent #nder the Re-ised Pena$ Code, a &ri"e .hi&h a$$ the respondents ha-e
:een a&&#sed o, perpetratin%. The e$e"ents o, said &ri"e #nder para%raph ( o,
Arti&$e 0;( o, o#r pena$ &ode are as ,o$$o.s: 05 that the o,,ender &o""itted an8
a&ts o, ,a$si,i&ation, e+&ept those in par. ;, en#"erated in Arti&$e 0;0H (5 that the
,a$si,i&ation .as &o""itted in an8 pri-ate do&#"entH and '5 that the ,a$si,i&ation
&a#sed da"a%e to a third part8 or at $east the ,a$si,i&ation .as &o""itted .ith
intent to &a#se s#&h da"a%e. Under Arti&$e 0;0, para%raph (, a person "a8 &o""it
,a$si,i&ation o, a pri-ate do&#"ent :8 &a#sin% it to appear in a do&#"ent that a
person or persons parti&ipated in an a&t or pro&eedin%, .hen s#&h person or
persons did not in ,a&t so parti&ipate in the a&t or pro&eedin%. On the other hand,
,a$si,i&ation #nder par. ' o, the sa"e arti&$e is perpetrated :8 a person or persons
.ho, parti&ipatin% in an a&t or pro&eedin%, "ade state"ents in that a&t or
pro&eedin% and the o,,ender, in "a6in% a do&#"ent, attri:#ted to s#&h person or
persons state"ents other than those in ,a&t "ade :8 s#&h person or persons. And
the &ri"e de,ined #nder para%raph 2 thereo, is &o""itted .hen 05 the o,,ender
"a6es in a do&#"ent state"ents in a narration o, ,a&tsH (5 he has a $e%a$ o:$i%ation
to dis&$ose the tr#th o, the ,a&ts narrated :8 hi"H '5 the ,a&ts narrated :8 the
o,,ender are a:so$#te$8 ,a$seH and 25 the per-ersion o, tr#th in the narration o, ,a&ts
.as "ade .ith the .ron%,#$ intent o, inJ#rin% a third person.

App$8in% the a:o-e-stated e$e"ents o, the &ri"e to the &ase at :ar, in order
that respondent 9r. Pas&#a$, and the rest a&tin% in &onspira&8 .ith her, to ha-e
&o""itted the &ri"e o, ,a$si,i&ation #nder par. ' and 2 o, Arti&$e 0;0 o, the
Re-ised Pena$ Code, it is essentia$ that that there :e prima facie e-iden&e to sho.
that she had &a#sed it to appear that Darr8 %a-e his &onsent to :e -ase&to"iAed or
at the -er8 $east, that the proposed "edi&a$ pro&ed#re .as e+p$ained to Darr8. B#t
in the assai$ed report, no s#&h thin% .as done. Dest it :e ,or%otten, the reason ,or
ha-in% Darr8 ps8&hiatri&a$$8 e-a$#ated .as pre&ise$8 to as&ertain .hether or not he
&an -a$id$8 &onsent .ith i"p#nit8 to the proposed -ase&to"8, and not to o:tain his
&onsent to it or to o:$i%e respondent 9r. Pas&#a$ to e+p$ain to hi" .hat the i"port
o, the "edi&a$ pro&ed#re .as. >#rther, that Darr8Is &onsent to :e -ase&to"iAed
.as not o:tained :8 the ps8&hiatrist .as o, no "o"ent, :e&a#se is it
stated in said report that s#&h assent .as o:tained. At an8 rate, petitioner G$oria
A%#irre &ontradi&ts her -er8 o.n a$$e%ations .hen she persists in the &ontention
that Darr8 has the "enta$ a%e o, a &hi$dH hen&e, he .as $e%a$$8 in&apa:$e o, -a$id$8
&onsentin% to the pro&ed#re.

In the "atter o, the s#pposed in&orre&t dia%nosis o, Do#rdes A%#irre, .ith
re%ard to para%raph ( o, Arti&$e 0;0 o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code, .e L#ote .ith
appro-a$ the s#&&in&t state"ents o, the Assistant Cit8 Prose&#tor:

/T1he ,a&t that 9ra. Pas&#a$ &ited ,indin%, .hi&h is not o, her o.n persona$
6no.$ed%e in her report does not "ean that she &o""itted ,a$si,i&ation in the
pro&ess. !er so#r&es "a8 :e .ron% and "a8 a,,e&t the -era&it8 o, her report, :#t
,or as $on% as she has not a$$e%ed therein that she persona$$8 dia%nosed Do#rdes
A%#irre, .hi&h a$$e%ation .o#$d not then :e tr#e, she &annot :e &har%ed o,
,a$si,i&ation. There,ore, it %oes .itho#t sa8in% that i, the a#thor o, the report is
not %#i$t8, then .ith "ore reason the other respondents are not $ia:$e.

As to the &har%e o, "#ti$ation, Art. (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$ Code de,ines
the &ri"e as M

Art. (?(. Mutilation. M The pena$t8 o, reclusion temporal to reclusion
perpetua sha$$ :e i"posed #pon an8 person .ho sha$$ intentiona$$8 "#ti$ate
another :8 depri-in% hi", either tota$$8 or partia$$8, o, so"e essentia$ or%an ,or

An8 other intentiona$ "#ti$ation sha$$ :e p#nished :8 prision mayor in its
"edi#" and "a+i"#" periods.

A strai%ht,or.ard s&r#tin8 o, the a:o-e pro-ision sho.s that the
o, "#ti$ation #nder the ,irst para%raph o, Art. (?( o, the Re-ised Pena$
Code to :e 05 that there :e a castration, that is, "#ti$ation o, or%ans ne&essar8 ,or
%enerationH and (5 that the "#ti$ation is &a#sed p#rpose$8 and de$i:erate$8, that is,
to depri-e the o,,ended part8 o, so"e essentia$ or%an ,or reprod#&tion. A&&ordin%
to the p#:$i& prose&#tor, the ,a&ts a$$e%ed did not a"o#nt to the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation
as de,ined and pena$iAed a:o-e, i.e., </t1he -ase&to"8 operation did not in an8 .a8
depri-ed 4si&5 Darr8 o, his reprod#&ti-e or%an, .hi&h is sti$$ -er8 "#&h part o, his
ph8si&a$ se$,.= Petitioner G$oria A%#irre, ho.e-er, .o#$d .ant this Co#rt to "a6e
a r#$in% that :i$atera$ -ase&to"8 &onstit#tes the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation.

This .e &annot do, ,or s#&h an interpretation .o#$d :e &ontrar8 to the
intentions o, the ,ra"ers o, o#r pena$ &ode.

A ,ittin% riposte to the iss#e at hand $ies in )nite States v. %sparcia,
.hi&h this Co#rt had the o&&asion to shed $i%ht on the i"p$i&ation o, the ter"
"#ti$ation. Therein .e said that:

The so$e point .hi&h it is desira:$e to dis&#ss is .hether or not the &ri"e
&o""itted is that de,ined and pena$iAed :8 arti&$e 202 o, the Pena$ Code. The
En%$ish trans$ation o, this arti&$e reads: SAn8 person .ho sha$$ intentiona$$8
&astrate another sha$$ s#,,er a pena$t8 ran%in% ,ro" re&$#sion te"pora$ to
re&$#sion perpet#a.S The Spanish te+t, .hi&h sho#$d %o-ern, #ses the .ord
S&astrare,S inadeL#ate$8 trans$ated into En%$ish as S&astrate.S The .ord S&apar,S
.hi&h is s8non8"o#s o, S&astrar,S is de,ined in the Ro8a$ A&ade"i& 9i&tionar8 as
the destr#&tion o, the or%ans o, %eneration or &on&eption. C$ear$8 it is the
intention o, the $a. to p#nish an8 person .ho sha$$ intentiona$$8 depri-ed another
o, an8 or%an ne&essar8 ,or reprod#&tion. An app$i&a:$e &onstr#&tion is that o,
Eiada in the ,o$$ $an%#a%e:
SAt the head o, these &ri"es, a&&ordin% to their order o, %ra-it8, is the
"#ti$ation 6no.n :8 the na"e o, T&astrationT .hi&h &onsists o, the a"p#tation o,
.hate-er or%an is ne&essar8 ,or %eneration. The $a. &o#$d not ,ai$ to p#nish .ith
the #t"ost se-erit8 s#&h a &ri"e, .hi&h, a$tho#%h not destro8in% $i,e, depri-es a
person o, the "eans to trans"it it. B#t :ear in "ind that a&&ordin% to this arti&$e
in order ,or T&astrationT to e+ist, it is indispensa:$e that the T&astrationT :e "ade
p#rpose$8. The $a. does not $oo6 on$8 to the res#$t :#t a$so to the intention o, the
a&t. ConseL#ent$8, i, :8 reason o, an inJ#r8 or atta&6, a person is depri-ed o, the
or%ans o, %eneration, the a&t, a$tho#%h -o$#ntar8, not :ein% intentiona$ to that end,
it .o#$d not &o"e #nder the pro-isions o, this arti&$e, :#t #nder No. ( o, arti&$e
2'0.S 4Eiada, Codi%o Pena$, -o$. ', p. ;). See to sa"e e,,e&t, 2 GroiAard, Codi%o
Pena$, p. 3(3.5

Th#s, the L#estion is, does -ase&to"8 depri-e a "an, tota$$8 or partia$$8, o,
so"e essentia$ or%an o, reprod#&tionU Fe in the ne%ati-e.

In the "a$e steri$iAation pro&ed#re o, -ase&to"8, the t#:#$ar passa%e, &a$$ed
the -as de,erens, thro#%h .hi&h the sper" 4&e$$s5 are transported ,ro" the testi&$e
to the #rethra .here the8 &o":ine .ith the se"ina$ ,$#id to ,or" the eJa&#$ant, is
di-ided and the &#t ends "ere$8 tied.
That part, .hi&h is &#t, that is, the -as
de,erens, is "ere$8 a passa%e.a8 that is part o, the d#&t s8ste" o, the "a$e
reprod#&ti-e or%ans. The -as de,erens is not an or%an, i.e., a hi%h$8 or%aniAed #nit
o, str#&t#re, ha-in% a de,ined ,#n&tion in a "#$ti&e$$#$ar or%anis" and &onsistin%
o, a ran%e o, tiss#es.
Be that as it "a8, e-en ass#"in% argueno that the t#:#$ar
passa%e &an :e &onsidered an or%an, the &#ttin% o, the -as de,erens does not di-est
or den8 a "an o, an8 essentia$ or%an o, reprod#&tion ,or the si"p$e reason that it
does not entai$ the ta6in% a.a8 o, a part or portion o, the "a$e reprod#&ti-e
s8ste". The &#t ends, a,ter the8 ha-e :een tied, are then dropped :a&6 into the

Tho#%h #ndenia:$8, -ase&to"8 denies a "an his o, reprod#&tion,
s#&h pro&ed#re does not depri-e hi", <either tota$$8 or partia$$8, o, so"e essentia$
or%an ,or reprod#&tion.= Nota:$8, the ordinar8 #sa%e o, the ter" <mutilation= is
the depri-ation o, a $i": or essentia$ part 4o, the :od85,
.ith the operati-e
e+pression :ein% <eprivation.= In the sa"e "anner, the .ord <castration= is
de,ined as the re"o-a$ o, the testies or o-aries.
S#&h :ein% the &ase in this
present petition, the :i$atera$ -ase&to"8 done on Darr8 &o#$d not ha-e a"o#nted to
the &ri"e o, "#ti$ation as de,ined and p#nished #nder Arti&$e (?(, para%raph 0, o,
the Re-ised Pena$ Code. And no &ri"ina$ &#$pa:i$it8 &o#$d :e ,oisted on to
respondent 9r. A%atep, the #ro$o%ist .ho per,or"ed the pro&ed#re, "#&h $ess the
other respondents. Th#s, .e ,ind s#,,i&ient e-iden&e to e+p$ain .h8 the Assistant
Cit8 Prose&#tor and the 9O7 r#$ed the .a8 the8 did. Eeri$8, Fe a%ree .ith the
Co#rt o, Appea$s that the .rit o, certiorari is #na-ai$in%H hen&e, sho#$d not :e

It is on&e "ore apropos to pointed$8 app$8 the Co#rtIs %enera$ po$i&8 o,
non-inter,eren&e in the &ond#&t o, pre$i"inar8 in-esti%ations. As it has :een o,t
said, the S#pre"e Co#rt &annot order the prose&#tion o, a person a%ainst .ho" the
prose&#tor does not ,ind s#,,i&ient e-iden&e to s#pport at $east a prima facie &ase.
The &o#rts tr8 and a:so$-e or &on-i&t the a&&#sed :#t, as a r#$e, ha-e no part in
the initia$ de&ision to prose&#te hi".
The possi:$e e+&eption to this r#$e is .here
there is an #n"ista6a:$e o, a %ra-e a:#se o, dis&retion a"o#ntin% to $a&6
or e+&ess o, J#risdi&tion that .i$$ J#sti,8 J#di&ia$ intr#sion into the pre&in&ts o, the
e+e&#ti-e. B#t that is not the &ase herein.

%HEREFORE, pre"ises &onsidered, the instant petition is 9ENIE9 ,or
$a&6 o, "erit. The assai$ed (0 7#$8 ())3 Decision and 3 9e&e":er
())3 Resolution, :oth o, the Co#rt o, Appea$s in CA-G.R. SP No. **';) are
here:8 AFFIRMED. Costs a%ainst petitioner G$oria A%#irre.


Asso&iate 7#sti&e



Asso&iate 7#sti&e
Asso&iate 7#sti&e

Asso&iate 7#sti&e


I attest that the &on&$#sions in the a:o-e 9e&ision .ere rea&hed in
&ons#$tation :e,ore the &ase .as assi%ned to the .riter o, the opinion o, the
Co#rtIs 9i-ision.

Asso&iate 7#sti&e
Chairperson, Third 9i-ision


P#rs#ant to Arti&$e EIII, Se&tion 0' o, the Constit#tion, and the 9i-ision
Chair"anIs Attestation, it is here:8 &erti,ied that the &on&$#sions in the a:o-e
9e&ision .ere rea&hed in &ons#$tation :e,ore the &ase .as assi%ned to the .riter o,
the opinion o, the Co#rtIs 9i-ision.

Chie, 7#sti&e

7#sti&e Renato C. Corona .as desi%nated to sit as additiona$ "e":er rep$a&in% 7#sti&e Antonio Ed#ardo
B. Na&h#ra per Ra,,$e dated 0) 9e&e":er ());.
Rollo, pp. 'G-*G.
Penned :8 Co#rt o, Appea$s Asso&iate 7#sti&e Martin S. Ei$$ara"a, 7r. .ith Asso&iate 7#sti&es Ros"ari
9. Carandan% and D#&enito N. Ta%$e, &on&#rrin%H Anne+ <A= o, the PetitionH id. at G)-0)*.
Anne+ <A-0=H id. at 00).
Id. at 03;.
Id. at 03G.
Anne+ <B= o, the PetitionH id. at 0?0-0?'.
Ori%ina$$8 na"ed as 7ose Mi%#e$ Gar&ia.
Report o, Ne#rops8&ho$o%i&a$ E-a$#ation &ond#&ted :8 Do#rdes Q. Dedes"a, Ph.9.H rollo, pp. (GG-')2.
Cond#&ted :8 9r. Ma. Teresa G#sti$o-Ei$$asor, a &$ini&a$ ps8&ho$o%ist. Id. at (G2-(G*.
Id. at ('(.
Id. at (')-('(.
Id. at (0(-((2.
Id. at (;3-(;*.
Id. at (*;.
Id. at (**-(G0.
Id. at '02-'0?.
Id. at ')G-'0(.
Id. at (;G-(*0.
Id. at 0?(.
Gi:son T. Ara#$a, 7r.
Rollo, pp. 0?0-0?'.
Id. at 0?'.
Id. at 0?2-()?.
Id. at 03;.
Id. at 0);.
Id. at 30-32.
Id. at 0)3-0)?.
Id. at 0);.
Id. at 3'.
Id. at ?3G.
Id. at ??).
Id. at ;?2-;?3.
Id. at ;?3.
Id. at *?'.
Id. at ;''.
R.R. Parees v. #alilung, G.R. No. 03?)33, 3 Mar&h ());, 30; SCRA '?G, 'G2.
*e$$ v. +on. De 'eon, '0; Phi$. ;3*, ;*G 40GG35.
R.R. Parees v. #alilung, s#pra note 2' at 'G2.
*e$$ v. +on. De 'eon, s#pra note 2? at *)).
Anres v. #uevas, G.R. No. 03)*?G, G 7#ne ())3, 2?) SCRA '*, 3(.
D.M. #onsu,i, -nc. v. %sguerra, '(* Phi$. 00?*, 00*3 40GG?5.
R.R. Parees v. #alilung, s#pra note 2' at 'G;.
Sarigum$a v. Sanigan$ayan, G.R. Nos. 032('G-20, 0? >e:r#ar8 ())3, 230 SCRA 3'', 32G.
Rollo, pp. ('3-(2'.
Id. at ()*.
Re8es, The Re-ised Pena$ Code, Boo6 T.o 40'
ed.5, p. 23;.
'? Phi$. *2), *2)-*20 40G0;5.
So$is, De%a$ Medi&ine 40G*; ed.5, p. ?('.
C$#%ston, 9i&tionar8 o, S&ien&e 40GG* ed.5, p. 33*.
S&h.artA, Shires, Spen&er, Storer, Prin&ip$e o, S#r%er8, Eo$. T.o 42
ed.5, pp. 0;(G-0;').
Fe:sterIs Third Ne. Internationa$ 9i&tionar8 40GG' ed.5, p. 02G'.
Id. at '2G.
Sanche! v. Demetriou, G.R. Nos. 000;;0-;;, G No-e":er 0GG', ((; SCRA ?(;, ?2'.

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