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Daleisha N.

Milln Garca
INGL 3201-L03
Narrative Paragraph
May 19, 2014
My Hyperextensibility Arm
A Spanish writer, Jose Mara de Pereda, says that, Experience doesnt consist of what
has been lived, but what has been reflected. Many people go through some problems that mark
their lives. It could happen to them in their childhood. They could now consider them as
unforgettable experiences. These experiences can be classified as either good or bad; you can
either learn or reflect from them. In my case, it happened in a churchs activity where we were
offering workshops and aid to the community needs for that time. I was about 6 or 7 years old
and I loved playing a lot. There was a swing that caught my attention on an abandoned
playground where the activity took place. My mom told me not to play there, but I did. Our
parents always warn us not to do things because they know there can be some harm. Most of the
time we dont hear them or obey them. On this occasion, I did not listen; I fell and broke my
elbow. That cost me a visit to the hospital and a cast on my arm for three weeks. It was very
painful and caused me a permanent damage. Today, every time I move my arm, I remember
what happened. It reminds me to listen to my parents advice. I know that I will make mistakes
in life, but if I hear my parents, it will turn out well.

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