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Welcome to 6


Ms. Royster
Mr. Hatcher
Communication is key!

Front office: (256) 555-0001

Daily planners

Wednesday Folders

Weekly newsletter
Educational Background-Ms. Royster
I graduated high school from Jacksonville High
School in Jacksonville, Alabama.

I received my bachelors degree in Early
Childhood/ Elementary Education from
Jacksonville State University.
Educational Background-Mr. Hatcher
I graduated from Northview High School.

I received my bachelors degree in
Secondary/Collaborative Education from
Jacksonville State University.
Our Philosophy
We love children and believe all children have the
right to a good education.
We know that not all children learn at the same
rate, and we am willing to do anything to help my
students succeed in my classroom.
All children are unique, and our desire is to help
each student reach his or her fullest potential.
We also want to instill the love of learning in each
of our students.
Classroom Expectations
THE 3 Rs:
1. Respect- Be kind to others and treat
them how you would want to be treated.
2. Responsible- Do what you are supposed
to do and be accountable for your choices.
3. Resourceful- Know where to get
supplies, work together, and be safe.
Classroom Rules:
1. Follow directions.
2. Raise your hand before speaking.
3. Remain seated.
4. Respect others.
5. Try your best!

warning- Verbal warning
warning- Writing Assignment
- Removal from free time/phone call to parents
- Parent Conference
Students are allowed 5 parent written excuses
each semester. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for complete instructions.

Any time your child is absent, a written excuse
must be received within THREE days.
Students may be dropped off at school starting at
Those who need to eat breakfast should report to
the cafeteria before going to the classroom.
Those not eating breakfast should report straight
to the classroom.
First thing to do when entering the classroom is
hang up backpacks and jackets then place
appropriate folders into the basket.
Instruction begins at 8:00 am.
Students will be marked tardy at 8:10 am and will
need to be signed in at the front office.
When instructed by the teacher, gather
backpacks, jackets, folders, books, anything
you need to take home.
Do not line up at the door until told to do so.
Bus Riders line up first. Walkers line up
second. Car riders line up third.
Homework will depend on how much of the
lesson gets covered in class.
Homework will not be assigned every day,
however, when it is please complete the work
in a timely manner and return by the
instructed date.
Please review all of your childs work and
check for 100% accuracy and neatness.
We LOVE to have visitors in our classroom! If
you come on campus for any reason, please
sign in at the front office, and get a visitors

Parent Conferences
Please send a note, email, or message if you
wish to schedule a conference.

Anyone who would like to help out the class
throughout the school year please see me.

What we need volunteers for:
1. Wednesday Folders- needed on Wednesdays
2. Class celebrations
3. Field trips
4. Reading to the students
Take a Peek into our Day
7:30-8:00 Breakfast/ Bell Work
8:00-8:05 Restroom break
8:05-9:05 Math/ Workshops
9:05-9:35 PE
9:35-10:10 Language
10:10-10:30 Spelling
10:30-10:45 Snack
10:45-12:05 Reading
12:10-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Social Studies
1:30-2:40 Science
2:40 Dismissal
Snack Time

We will have one snack time at 10:30. Please
send your student with the appropriate snack
Please do not send soda or candy.
Subjects covered throughout
the year:
Social Science

We love to celebrate birthdays!!! If you would
like to send a special treat for the class let me
know. Treats must be store bought. If you
would like to treat the class to ice-cream from
the lunch room send in $10.

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