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19. THEORIES OF SETTINGTheories of Settingof Gypsum products o!!oid"!

Hydr"tion Theory #isso!ution precipit"tion Theory or ryst"!!ine Theory
$%. o!!oid"! Theory& 'hen mi(ed )ith )"ter * p!"ster enters into the co!!oid"! st"te through
so!+ ge! mech"nism . In the so! st"te *hemihydr"te p"rtic!es "re hydr"ted to form the dihydr"te*
there,y entering into "n "cti-e st"te . .s the me"sured "mount of )"ter isconsumed* the m"ss
con-erts into " so!id ge!.
$1. Hydr"tion Theory This theory suggests th"t rehydr"ted p!"ster p"rtic!es /oin together
through hydrogen ,onding to the su!f"te groups to form the set m"teri"!.#isso!ution precipit"tion
Theory& ,y 0ouis h"te!ier in 1112 This theory is ,"sed on disso!ution of p!"ster "nd inst"nt
recrysti!i3"tion of gypsum* fo!!o)ed ,y inter!oc4ing of the cryst"!s to form the set product
19. TEORI SETTINGTheories produk Settingof Gypsum koloid Teori Hydrtion Teori
!em"u"rn presipitsi Teori tu #rystlline Teori
$% koloid Teori&. 'etik di(mpur dengn ir) plester msuk ke negr koloid mellui
meknisme sol*gel. +lm kedn sol) prtikel hemihydrte yng terhidrsi untuk mem"entuk
dihydrte) sehingg msuk ke dlm kedn ktif. Se"gi ,umlh yng diukur dri ir
is(onsumed) mss mengkon-ersi men,di gel pdt.
. $1 Hydrtion Teori Teori ini menun,ukkn "h. prtikel plester direhidrsi "erg"ung
"ersm mellui iktn hidrogen dengn kelompok sulft untuk mem"entuk set
mteril.+issolution presipitsi Teori& oleh /ouis #htelier pd 1001 Teori ini didsrkn pd
pem"u"rn plester dn re(rystili2tion instn gipsum) diikuti dengn sling kristl untuk
mem"entuk produk set
51. 1. 0oss of g!oss test for initi"! set. occurs hen e(cess "ter in the mi( is t"4en up in forming
the dihydr"te* so the mi( !oses its g!oss. This occurs "ppro(. "t mins."nd the m"ss h"s no
me"sur",!e compressi-e strength. . Initi"! i!more test for initi"! set This occurs "ppro( "t 15mins
this time is m"r4ed ,y definite incre"se in strength.
6/i susut g!oss untu4 set ")"! 7 51. 1.. ter/"di hen 4e!e,ih"n "ter d"!"m c"mpur"n di"m,i! d"!"m
mem,entu4 dihydr"te* sehingg" c"mpur"n 4ehi!"ng"n g!oss ny". H"! ini ter/"di 4ir"+4ir". di
mins."nd m"ss" tid"4 memi!i4i 4u"t te4"n teru4ur. . 6/i i!more ")"! untu4 set ")"! ini ter/"di
4ir"+4ir" p"d" 15mins s""t ini dit"nd"i deng"n pening4"t"n y"ng p"sti d"!"m 4e4u"t"n.
89. ONTRO0 OF SETTING E:;.NSION<S.E=>0ess the '&; r"tio o S.E. o mi(ing time o
S.E.>Ho)e-er the most effecti-e method for contro! of S.E. is the "ddition of chemic"!s.
<"cce!er"tors or ret"rders=>.cce!er"tors or ret"rders h"-e "n effect of reducing setting e(p"nsion
"nd "re referred "s .nti e(p"nsion "gents.
8?. .E0ER.TORS .N#RET.R#ERS.cce!er"tors & It incre"ses the so!u,i!ity of
hemihydr"tes )ithout incre"sing the so!u,i!ity of dihydr"te. Thus "cce!er"tes the process.Eg.
N"! upto ",out $ N"SO8 upto 5.8 @$SO8 A $ Terr" .!,"BSet c"!cium su!f"te dihydr"te. 0iCuids
of High pH "cce!er"te the setting re"ction )hi!e the !iCuids of !o) pH !i4e s"!i-" ret"rd the
setting re"ction
81. Ret"rders & ert"in chemic"!s form " co"ting on the hemihydr"tes p"rtic!es "nd thus
pre-ent the hemihydr"tes from going into so!ution in the norm"! m"nner.Eg. itr"tes* .cet"tes*
Dor"teso!!oid"! system such "s "g"r E "!gin"te ret"rd the setting re"ction ,y ,eing "dsor,ed on
the hemihydr"te or the dehydr"te nuc!e"tion sites thus interfering in hydr"tion re"ction
89. HFGROSO;I S.E.>So f"r )e h"-e "ssumed th"t the p!"ster or stone is "!!o)ed to set
in "ir.>If the setting process is "!!o)ed to occur under )"ter* the setting e(p"nsion is more th"n
dou,!e in m"gnitude.
2%. St"ge I & Initi"! mi( is represented,y three round p"rtic!es of hemihydr"tesurrounded ,y
)"ter .s the cryst"!s of dihydr"te gro)* they cont"ct e"ch other* "nd the S.E. ,egins
21. St"ge II & Re"ction st"rted "nd cryst"! of dihydr"te st"rt forming>In !eft* )"ter "round
p"rtic!es is reduced ,y hydr"tion "nd p"rtic!es "re dr")n more c!ose!y together ,y surf"ce
tension "ction of )"ter.>In right* ,ec"use the setting is t"4ing p!"ce under )"ter* the )"ter of
hydr"tion is rep!"ced "nd dist"nce ,et)een the p"rtic!es rem"ins the s"me.
2$. St"ge III &>The )"ter "round p"rtic!es is "g"in decre"sed in the eg. on !eft.>The p"rtic!es
)ith their "tt"ched cryst"!s tend to ,e dr")n together "s ,efore ,ut the contr"ction is opposed ,y
the out)"rd thrust of gro)ing cryst"!s.>On the other h"nd the cryst"!s in right di"gr"m "re not so
inhi,ited* "s )"ter is "g"in rep!enished.
25. St"ge IG E St"ge G& The effect ,ecome more m"r4ed. The cryst"!s ,eing inhi,ited on the
!eft ,ecome intermeshed "nd ent"ng!ed much sooner th"n those on right* )hich gro) much more
free!y during e"r!y st"ges ,efore the intermeshing fin"!!y pre-ents the further e(p"nsion.
28. >The ,"sic mech"nism of cryst"! gro)th is s"me in ,oth inst"nces* "nd ,oth phenomenon
"re true setting e(p"nsion.>To distinguish ,et)een them* S.E. )ithout )"ter immersion is often
termed "s Norm"! setting e(p"nsion <NSE= )here "s the e(p"nsion th"t occurs under )"ter is
4no)n "s Hygroscopic setting e(p"nsion <HSE= .
39 . Higroskopis SE4So ,uh kit telh mengsumsikn "h. plester tu "tu diper"olehkn
untuk mengtur di udr . 56ik proses pengturn diper"olehkn untuk ter,di di ".h ir )
perlusn pengturn le"ih dri du kli lipt "esrny .
1% Thp I & . #mpurn .l dlh represented"y tig prtikel putrn
hemihydrtesurrounded ir Se"gi kristl dihidrt tum"uh) merek menghu"ungi stu sm
lin ) dn SE dimuli
11 Thp II & . Reksi dimuli dn kristl dihidrt muli forming4In kiri) ir di sekitr prtikel
dikurngi dengn hidrsi dn prtikel ditrik le"ih dekt "ersm*sm dengn tindkn
tegngn permukn ir 4 +i knn ) kren pengturn terse"ut "erlngsung di ".h . ir )
ir hidrsi dignti dn ,rk ntr prtikel tetp sm .
. 1$ Thp III & 4 The ir di sekitr prtikel lgi menurun mislny . di kiri . 4 !rtikel dengn
kristl merek melekt (enderung ditrik "ersm*sm seperti se"elumny) tetpi kontrksi
ditentng oleh dorongn lur kristl tum"uh . 5 +i sisi lin kristl dlm digrm yng tept tidk
"egitu terhm"t ) kren ir yng diisi ulng lgi .
17 Thp I8 9 8 Thp & . Efek men,di le"ih ditndi . 'ristl yng terhm"t di se"elh kiri
men,di intermeshed dn ter,ert le"ih (ept dripd yng di se"elh knn ) yng tum"uh
,uh le"ih "e"s selm thp*thp .l se"elum intermeshing khirny men(egh perlusn
le"ih ln,ut .
13 . 4 :eknisme dsr dri pertum"uhn kristl dlh sm dlm kedu ksus ) dn kedu
dlh fenomen ekspnsi pengturn yng "enr . 5 ;ntuk mem"edknny) SE tnp
rendmn ir sering dise"ut se"gi perlusn pengturn Norml < NSE = dimn ekspnsi
yng ter,di di ".h ir yng dikenl se"gi higroskopis pengturn ekspnsi < HSE = .

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