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Routine xuxa

In this March, the Queen of shorties complete 49 years. Well the month in which the
Expression magazine celebrates its # 100. Atmosphere of this celebration, a special interview
there with the multi-artist and businesswoman Xuxa and the general director of its program
on Globo. week in the Globe and other commercial, interviews, photos or meetings. When I
have time, watch movies, caught the sun, hole game and play with my animals.

Expression: Today, how is your routine?
XUXA: Sleep as much as you can, accompany Sasha always giving, work some days of the
She explains: "Being madame is not only about money, but time." With an insane routine -
TV Xuxa recordings, films, concerts by country, business meetings - the time it goes to spare
his daughter, Sasha, 11. "We dined together forever, she lay in bed, not desgrudamos the
weekend," Xuxa, who used to work out at dawn, after completing their tasks supermom

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