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Jawa di Suriname telah melebur menjadi satu

bangsa Suriname, dan kebudayaan Indonesia
juga memperkaya kebudayaan dan cara hidup
rakyat Suriname.
Kemenbudpar Indo dan Republik Suriname
menandatangani Pengaturan Program
Pertukaran Kebudayaan tahun 2011-2013.

Green is the symbol of fertility
white of justice and peace
red of patriotism
yellow five-pointed star for national unity and a "golden
Coat of Arms
the motto Justitia-Pietas-Fides ("Justice-Love-Fidelity")
The left part of the shield shows a ship; the palm tree on
the right represents the future and is the symbol of the
righteous man
Aligned with the cultural traditions of The Netherlands,
Suriname has a multi-cultural heritage but it has no
national culture of its own.
Having a multi-cultural heritage, the country celebrates
various and distinct festivals: the Emancipation Day,
Day of the Indigenous People, Immigration of the
Javanese, or the Immigration of the Indians.
In marriages, Hindustani tradition expects the bride to
be a virgin, but it is common for a man to have several
partner or wives at the same time but she cannot claim
equal status with her husband.
First between the Dutch and the English. In 1667
Treaty of Breda. The English were left with
New Amsterdam, a small trading post in North
America, which later became New York City.
Planters' treatment of the slaves was notoriously
bad,and many slaves escaped the plantations.
With the help of the native South
Americans living in the adjoining rain forests,
these runaway slaves established a new and
unique culture of life

On 25 February 1980, a military coup overthrew
the democratic government under the leadership
of Dsi Bouterse, rounded up 15 prominent
citizens who had criticized the military
dictatorship in Suriname, and brought them
to Fort Zeelandia. They were executed over the
next three days, and the Netherlands quickly
suspended all foreign aid to Suriname.
Violent riots broke out in Albina in 2009 between
the local Maroon population and Brazilian gold
Economy & Natural Resources
Tambang emas Suriname yang berbasis di
Kanada, Rosebel, pada Jumat mengumumkan
pendapatan kotor mereka sebesar 608 juta
dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp5,7 triliun) dan laba
bersih sebesar 196 juta dolar Amerika (sekitar
Rp1,8 triliun) untuk tahun 2011.

Suriname merupakan salah satu negara pengekspor
beras dan pisang terbesar di wilayah Karibia.
Sekitar 90% ayam impor merupakan konsumsi sektor
komersial seperti hotel-hotel dan restauran-
restauran, dan bukan untuk konsumsi rumah tangga
. Namun, Suriname tidak memiliki cukup banyak ahli
dan pengetahuan di sektor perikanan untuk
mengeksploitasi sumber-sumber daya perikanannya
. Hutan Suriname menghasilkan sejumlah kayu
berkualitas. Di antara jenis kayu yang terkenal
adalah jenis kayu keras
seperti Bruinhard, Purplehard dan Zwartekabesya
ng merupakan sumber devisa negara
Suriname merupakan produsen bauksit ke-8
terbesar dunia, dengan produksi sekitar 3,2% dari
total produksi dunia pada tahun 1998.
Sipaliwini Devils Egg
Moiwana (massacre) or albina (riot)
Paramaribo: Fort Zeelandia (rebellion)

Star of David
Moengo (revival & center of bauxite mining)

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