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Valeriya Kolegova

Global History

The Age of Exploration China
Exploration was the desire to find new trade routes to Asia. Merchants and crusaders
had brought goods to europe from Africa,the middle east, and Asia. Portugal was the
first European country that sent explorers to search for the sea. Marco Polo (1254-
1324) was born in Venice, an Italian city-state, to a powerful merchants family with
extensive trade contacts. In 1260, Marco Polos father and uncle traveled through the
mongol empire, all the way to its capital in China. Marco Polo was a famous traveller,
after his crusades, he wrote a book about his travel in Asia. His book serving as a
source for History, Geography and others. Polos book was on a shipboard
Christophers Columbus, when he searched route to India. Polos family were in
Dunhuang, it was the first place for them in China. Khan was excited about Polo, he
gave Polo different orders, Polo said that in his book (but in his book a lot of not clear
information). Khan even made him a governor of Yangzhou within 3 years. Han didnt
want to let him go to Venice. Marco Polo was in China 17 years.
In Polos book he explained about Chinese life, about their traditions, culinary
traditions and about paper money in China. He was captured by the Genoese. Before
he was in war with Genoa. He was in captured until 1299. After this he came to Venice
and got married, and had 3 daughters. Marco Polos family participated in Khan army.
Marco Polo brought the recipe fruit ice from China. He brought porcelain from China in
the end of 13 century. Also Marco Polo knew the secrets of the silk road, manufacture
of guns and maritime with magnet. He saw the show with firework, and was conquered.
He bought this products in China from their firework masters.

In 1324 he was unhealthy, in this year he died. He was buried in San Lorence in the
church. In 1596 Polos house was burned (there were all his stuff from his Chinas
crusade). Church in which he was buried was demolished.

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