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Bonnie Small


Some people have to live up to their older siblings law degrees, or their moms
doctorate, or dads expectations to get good grades- but image having to live up to an entire
family of historically significant figures.

I swear, I think my ancestors were part of the Illuminati or something. My bloodline
includes Roger Sherman- a signer of the Declaration of Independence (he also came up with
the Constitutionno biggie), the head of the Irish Mob at the peak of its existence, the first guy
to ever knock someone out in Madison Square Garden, one of the main architects of the Empire
State Building, and Henry Mancini, the composer of the Pink Panther song (among other
things). There are others who should be on this list as well, but these guys are the coolest as of
right now.

Its a pretty hardcore list. I dont think Im going to do anything as spectacular as anyone
I just mentioned (although Im the first girl on my moms side to be going to be getting a degree
in college), but it gives me hope that I (historically, at least) have the fire of ingenuity running
through my veins. My friends jokingly call me the modern day Forrest Gump, but hey, Ill take it.
At the very least its an interesting conversation topic. And who knows, maybe one day my
great-great-great-great granddaughter will be telling people about her great-great-great-great
grandmother Bonnie was the first ever singer to perform on the International Space Station

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