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The following products you have installed require a compiler to run:

MATLAB Compiler 4.13
MATLAB Builder NE 3.1
MATLAB Builder JA 2.1
MATLAB Builder EX 1.2.15
Simulink 7.5
Stateflow 7.5
Real-Time Workshop 7.5
xPC Target 4.3
Make sure you have one of the supported compilers installed on your machine.
2. SimBiology simulations can now be accelerated when a compiler is installed. I
t is recommended that you install a supported compiler on your machine. Run mex
-setup to configure MATLAB to use an installed compiler.
3. To configure Real-Time Windows Target you must type rtwintgt -setup in a MATL
AB command window.
4. After this installation is complete, you should continue with your configurat
ion of the MATLAB Distributed Computing Server as outlined in the instructions o
btained from distconfig.
5. You have installed xPC Target. Use the xPC Target Explorer GUI (type xpcexplr
in the MATLAB Command Window) to correctly configure xPC Target with a valid co
mpiler pathname. For further help, type doc xpcexplr. 6. Run mbuild -setup from
MATLAB before using MATLAB Compiler or builder products. This command sets up t
he C/ C++ compiler to be used with MATLAB Compiler and builder products to creat
e deployable applications/ components.

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