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Prvi kolokvijum (28. februar 2010.)

Translate into Serbian:
While the men were gone, there was tension in the room. Jake sense that some
sort of !ommuni!ation "asse between the barman an the man in the !orner, an he ha
the un!omfortable feeling that it ha to o with him. #is unease in!rease. What were
those two men oing$ Where i that oor lea$ #e was !onsume b% two se"arate
esires& he wante the men to !ome ba!k, an es"e!iall% the small one to "a% him some
hee, but he also %earne to go behin the oor an see what was there for himself.
'fter what seeme an age, the two re(emerge, raiating "rie. Whatever la%
be%on the oor ha "lease them mightil%. 'lthough the% ire!te their attention to ea!h
other, as if absorbe in !onversation, Jake !oul tell that ever% smile an no was
intene to be note b% the onlookers, to !onve% the message that the% were )uite !ertain
of how things stoo, an entirel% satisfie with that. #e !oul feel the hostilit% like waves
raiating from the man in the !orner an his !om"anion behin the bar, but it mae no
ifferen!e to them, or at least, ae to their enjo%ment.
John War& City of Desolation
*ok su ova voji!a bili osutni u "rostoriji je nastu"ila na"etost. *+ejk je osetio kako se
i,me-u .ankera i /oveka u uglu ovija nekakva komunika!ija, a imao je neugoan ose0aj a se
rai o njemu. 1se0ao je sve ve0u nelagonost. 2ta li rae ona voji!a$ 3ua voe ona vrata$
1bu,imale su ga ve +elje& hteo je a se ona voji!a vrate, naro/ito onaj niski kako bi mu uka,ao
malo "a+nje, ali je i +arko +eleo a "ro-e kro, vrata i s4m vii /ega tamo ima.
Posle nekog vremena koje mu je elovalo kao ve/nost, ona voji!a se "onovo "ojavi.e.
5ra/ili su "onosom. 2ta go a se nala,ilo i,a onih vrata, u/inilo ih je veoma ,aovoljnim. 6ako
su "a+nju usmerili jean rugome kao a su se uubili u ra,govor, *+ejk je "rimetio a je svaki
osmeh i klimanje glavom u"u0eno tako a ih "rimete "osmatra/i i "renese "oruku a su sasvim
sigurni u to kako stoje stvari, te a su time "ot"uno ,aovoljni. 1setio je a mr+nja "o"ut talasa
i,bija i, /oveka u uglu i njegovog ortaka ,a .ankom, ali onoj voji!i je bilo svejeno, ili im je bar
"ri/inilo jo. ve0e ,aovoljstvo.

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