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I have neither given nor received any unauthorized help on this assignment, nor witnessed any violation

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Engineering Design Firm
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223

TO: Mr. Bill Lindsey
FROM: Jordan Schnall
DATE: May 21, 2014
SUBJECT: XLIX employee expectations

Mr. Lindsey,
As you may know, I was recently employed by the XLIX engineering design firm. I am writing to you today
in regards to my expectations for my time as an employee of XLIX.
First off, I do have a few concerns when it comes to my work ethic. As you may or may not know, I was
previously employed by XLIX last quarter. Unfortunately, my work the last go-around was not up to the standards
set by the corporation. During the early part of my employment, I did not complete many of the deadlines set for
the projects that were assigned to me. Alongside that, I was very inexperienced when it came to the lifestyle I
placed myself in, as I came from a military institution. However, I have realized through that experience to put my
work on a higher priority by getting the work done ahead of schedule. Also, I have found ways to better manage
my time in order to achieve my goal of putting out the highest quality work I can produce.
When it comes to my study habits, I have found that I do better when I study with a group of my peers. I
find that within a team, each member will bring to the table a different set of knowledge, ideas, and experience.
This allows each member to gain more insight into the topic that they could individually. To work better in a team,
however, I personally could provide more of my experiences and knowledge to contribute to the design process.
Since my first start with XLIX, I have realized that engineers actually have many different types of reports
they could write. There is much more to engineering than just field work. Many times, an employer will need for
you to write a design plan or create an after-action report.
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to continue my employment in the XLIX engineering design
firm, and appreciate you taking the time to read my letter to you.
Jordan Schnall

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