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Difference between Desire and Target; a Watcher and a Performer:
2. THE SIXTH WEALTH FORMULA : Mount Everest Concept. Health, Fame, Wealth, Love, Wisdom, and piritualit!
3. PROBLEMS FACED BY STUDENTS: Lac" of communication s"ills# Fear and tension# $ublic spea"in%# &nferiorit!
Comple'# Continuous useless thou%hts# Lac" of Concentration and Memor! # La(iness # $roblem with Friends # )n%er.
4. HOW TO OVERCOME PROBLEMS: *. $ositive thin"in% +. $ossibilit! thin"in% ,. Lateral thin"in%
Electro- ma%netic waves
.eurons and a'ons
/halamus and )m!%dale theories
. ENHANCING MEMORY : Difference between intelli%ent brain and normal brain: /he firin% of neurons and the bond

! . MOTIVATING THE 5 SENSORY ORGANS : /he room atmonsphere: /able li%ht. Maps. $lant. M"#$%: )voidin% certain
foods 01#1#1 formula2, Developin% food habits. Clove and eilachi. Eat timin%s. Food 3uantit! ratios. N"&': Mint. &ncense
stic"s. E('&: Li%htin%. 4ellow colour. /he wet - cloth techni3ue. E)*&: ilence. /he mornin% 5a%as. S+,-: /he bath.
6avvadi or 7asturi. /he + minutes pra!. /he cap. /he temple atmosphere. /he techni3ues of writin% an e'am: mile. and
post e'am discussions. /he spider and mon"e! techni3ue.
H Z \ + ( N "
)irplane House Moon 8m Do% Cross $hone "ull cissors Dil 0Heart2
.. WHEN TO STUDY 08ne da!- two dawns theor!2
Concentration levels Memor! levels .
<$M ,$M ;)M **$M *H5 +H5 ,H5
/. COMMUNICATION S0ILLS : /he concept of tal"in% and listenin%. $ublic spea"in% 0*, steps2:
/echni3ues of $ublic spea"in%: *. .ucleus +. /ime factor , Writin% down notes ;. elf-therap! =.
Deliver before friends 1. ilence for + seconds <. tartin% the speech. 9. Loo"in% postures 0) to >2 ?.
Hitam and $ri!am theor! *: )voidin% Monotone *+ Controllin% the )udience *,. pea"in% to occasion
*,. @nderstandin% when to end.
11. FRIENDS: *. &ntelli%ent +. Aood people. ,.E'ploiters ,. piders ;. Bandits =. Croo"s 1. Worst. <.Best friends
11. FACING AN INTERVIEW: *. F@MBL&.A 8F W85D 0Medulla oblon%ata %ame2 +. 6@MBL&.A 8F /H8@AH/ 0/hird
sentence first.2 ,. L88E E.D 0Missin% the lin"s between characters2 ;. C&5C@M/)./&)L&/&E. 0Endin% with a comma
but not with full stop2. /HE A5)$H C. /&ME 0Difficult! in adDustin% with time2 1. /).D)5D 8F $EECH.
12. TIME AND SPACE MANAGEMENT: @r%ent E important# .ot ur%ent E not imp# &mp but not ur%ent# not imp but ur%ent.
13. THE CONCEPT OF NO. 1: /HE B)E, RE$@/)/&8., ACH&ECEME./, NE/-W85/H, D&C&DE.D /HE854
How man! FFG s are there: F&.&HED F&LE )5E F5@&/ 8F 4E)5 8F C8.F&5MED C&E./&F&C /@D4 W&/H
EH$E5& E.CE 8F4E)5.G 0/ic" the correct .umber: ; # = # 1 # < # 9 # ? # *:2
You are given 2 minutes to answer. Tick the correct answer after readin% all the three questions first.
*. Who is the eldest son of DasaradhaI Rama/ Lakshmana/ Bharatha/ Satrugna
+. Who is the wife of 5amaI Sita / Urmila / Droupathi / Rukmini
,. What is lon%est river in the worldI...... .... .... ......
;. *,::: J ;: J *,::: J ,: J *,::: J +: J *,::: J *: K
=. &f !ou do not tic", and do not spoil this bo', !ou will %et full mar"s.
*. @nderstandin% Maths sense: Which of these numbers + can evenl! divideI 53 3 !3 .:
+. Maths: Divide ,: b! half and add =. What is the totalI +: # 1= # *= # none of these.
,. /he %eo%raphical intelli%ence. &f !ou are facin% east, which side Himala!asI Front side#bac"#left#ri%ht side.
;. Mathematical intelli%ence: 13-13. )dd 1 to13 and deduct *< from 13 . &t would be: *?-*;1, +=-*+?. Continue it for
another 1 steps.
=. ) Cat Dumps from +L and brea"s its + le%s. How man! le%s does it brea" Dumpin% from ,L I ,# +# ;# CanLt sa!
1. /wo cats "ill two rats in two minute, how much time it ta"es for one cat to "ill one ratI *mt. #+mts. #*Lac /4 mts.
<. , %lasses of mil" and , empt! %lasses. How can !ou "eep them in alternate position b! Dust movin% one %lassI
9. 8nl! arithmetic: &f one person eats * "% rice in *da!, how man! ". %Ls + persons eat in two da!sI *# +# ,# ;
?. &f ; people eat in ; da!s ; "ilos of rice, how man! "ilos + people do eat in + da!sI *#+#,#;.
*:. Be!ond normal thin"in%: /here are *: crows. 8ne was "illed with a ban%in% sound b! pistol. How man! would be
thereI .one# 8ne # 8ne or more than one # .ine
**. @nderstandin% b! abrid%in%: His father is m! fatherLs son. Who is he to me if & have no brothers: M! son# m!
father# m!self# m! %rand fatherI
*+. /here are 1 oran%es in a bas"et and !ou have ta"en two from it. How man! will remain with !ouI *#+#,#;.
*,. Emotional &ntelli%ence: What would !ou do if !ou find a fire station burnin%, and there is no nearb! fire stationI
14. /estin% !our 5efle' action: If A2 is B and A3 is C, B3 is D and B5 F, then what is: H2 J3N2!A5
*=. Here is an e'cellent pu((le to test !our reasonin% s"ills. ), B, C, D entered the enem" te##it$#" c#$ssin% a
&#id%e that can ca##" $n'" tw$ (e$('e at a time. )he" ha*e $n'" $ne 'ante#n with$+t which the"
cann$t c$me &ac,. It w$+'d ta,e f$# A 5, B -., C 2. and D 25 min+tes t$ c#$ss the same. H$w m+ch
time the" #e/+i#e t$ c$me &ac,0
*1. ) had = chapattis, B has ,. We all ate e3uall! and & paid 5. 9#- as m! share. How much ) and B should %etI )=,
B,# )<, B* # );, B; # ),, B=
*<. &n a ban" robber!, ), B and C are the suspects. ) sa!s B is %uilt!. B sa!s C is %uilt!. C sa!s B is %uilt!. &f two
people are tellin% the truth, who is %uilt!I a/b/c/all/nobody
*9. ) dwarf %oes to tenth floor in the lift and wal"s from there to reach his fifteenth floor office. /ell at least = reasons.
*?. &f !ou have a wei%hin% machine, how man! wa!s can !ou wei%h a catI Describe at least = wa!s.
+:. Can !ou e'plain in words without usin% !our hands, how to cut the ca"e into 9 pieces with Dust three cutsI
+*. How man! En%lish words are there in the word FthirteenGI =#1#<#9#?#*:#**#*+#*,#*;#*=#*1#*<#*9.
++. Cocabular! intelli%ence test. Create as man! words as u can from 5, ), /, E, C in + minutes.
+,. Write a lon%est sentence without usin% the letters M)L and ME.
+;. 4ou went for an interview. /he! as"ed, FWh! !ou want to Doin our or%anisationIG How do !ou answerI
+=. What would !ou do if suddenl! !ou chan%e !our %ender permanentl!I
+1. What is !our best love e'perience so farI
+<. &f two %irls # bo!s of same beaut! and %race propose to !ou, havin% !our parents left it to !our choice, what are the
other 3ualities !ou see in them for marria%eI How !ou %o ahead in anal!sin% themI
+9. hould a student hide the love from the parents till his#her education is completedI www.

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