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Kord oli suur ja jukas talu. Kari oli suur ning rammus ja salved olid nii vilja tis, et talul oli
ikka kahe-kolme aasta leib ees. Seal talus kis palju klalisi.

Perenaine vttis neid kiki lahkesti vastu jtkus leiba omadele, jtkus klalistele. Viimaks
tdis perenaine klalistest. Hakkas mtlema: Kll oleks hea, kui klalisi ei kiks, saaks ise
rohkem t juures olla ja see, mis klalised ra svad, jks kik jrele.

Lks siis targa kest nu ksima, kuidas klalistest lahti saada. Tark petas:
Vta aidavtmed, viska need aida ukse eest kolm korda le katuse aida taha, ise ha:
Minge, klalised ja klaliste leib! Kll siis klalised kaovad.
Perenaine lks koju ja tegi targa snade jrgi.
Sellest ajast peale kadusid talust kik klalised, kski ei tulnud enam. Aga nd polnud
laudas enam karjanne ja vili ikaldus iga aasta. Viimaks olid salved thjad ja nlg tuli
majasse, perenaisel polnud endal midagi sa ega perele anda.
Lks siis perenaine jlle targa juurde oma hda kurtma ja nu ksima. Tark tles: Kes
klalistele annab, sel pole iialgi puudust, sest klaliste osa on ju ka loodud. Sa enam klalisi
ei tahtnud, seeprast pidin klaliste leiva hes klalistega ra saatma.
Nd hakkas perenaine tarka paluma, et see jlle nii teeks, et klalised tagasi tuleksid. Enam
ei pahandaks ta kunagi nende le.
Tark petas jlle: Kui nd koju lhed, siis vta aidavtmed, viska need kolm korda aida
tagant le katuse aida ukse ette ja ha iga kord: Tulge, klalised ja klaliste leib! Kll siis
klalised tagasi tulevad.
Perenaine lks koju ja tegi targa petuse jrgi.
Kohe hakkasid klalised talus kima. Ja oli perenaisel jlle karjanne, vili kasvas pllul,
mne aastaga olid salved taas vilja tis. Oli leiba omadel ja jtkus klalistele. Varsti oli talu
veel jukam kui enne.

Guests bread

Once upon a time there was a big and prosperous farm. There were lots of good cattle and the
storages were so full of grain that it could have been lasted for couple of years.
Lots of guests also visited the family. Hostess willingly welcomed them there was enough
bread (=food) for own family and for the others.

Finally housewife got tired of the guests. It would be better to have no guests I could
spend more time working and all the food the guests are eating, could be remained, she

She went to visit the wise man to ask some advice. Wise man told her: Throw the keys of the
storages three times over the storage house, from the front side behind the house, and shout:
Go away, the guests and the bread of guests! then the guests will disappear.
Woman went home and did as she was told so.
Since that all the guests disappeared, no one did come again. But there was no good luck with
the cattle and grain failed every year. Finally the storages were empty and there was hunger in
the house the housewife had nothing to eat or to give to the family. Then she went back to
the wise man to complain and ask some advise.
The wise man told her: Those who give to the guests, never experience poverty, because here
will always by something for guests. You didnt want guests anymore, so I had to send away
the guests and their bread.
Then the woman started to peg the wise man to do something that would bring the guests
back. She would never complain over them again!
Wise man then instructed: Throw the keys of the storages three times over the storage house,
from behind to the front side of the house, and shout: Come, the guests and the bread of
guests! then the guests will be back!
Woman went home and did as she was told so.
Straight the guests started to visit the farm again. And the hostess had good luck with the
cattle again, crop grow on the fields and in couple of years the storages were full. Own family
had enough bread and it suffice to the guests, too. Soon the farm was more prosperous than

Klalised - guests
Talu farm
Perenaine hostess
Nuanne advice
Salved storages
Iialgi never
Pere family
Nu ksima- ask some advice
Kodu - home
Vili - crop

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