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Profile Booklet

After completing a survey and doing some research online I have come to the following
conclusions about the audience
Socio economic status
Due to the premise of the film being set around the American dream and taking from the
rich its obvious the rich are not the target audience (upper class) so this coupled with the
usual Michael bay lead me to believe that the target status is working and lower class
Most people I had interviewed and had filled out questionnaires were very young and liked
the idea of the working towards the American dream and getting there hands dirty while
doing it so this suggests pain and gain nailed there target audiance
The audience that filled out my questionnaire tended to be from a variety of places, this
suggests that Pain and Gain was an international hit or had a lot of financial backing
Through my questionnaire I have found out that all 100% of the people that I have
interviewed were between the ages of 17 40. So it is clear that Pain and Gain had a broad
audience spectrum
On a whole within my survey I asked an equal amount of boys and girls to get a unbiased
view of both sexes
Sexual Orientation
Unintentionally no one that I interviewed was transgender or homosexual so these
conclusions are not necessarily true for those catagories
Regional Identity
I took a quarter of my survey in Henley and the rest in and around Wycombe, this lead me
to the conclusion that a lot of people are a fan of Bays film but not everyone enjoyed this

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