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Speaking and listening Pre-intermediate to Upper-intermediate
Lets talk about WHAT IF
Conversation cards
What would you do if you won
the lottery?
Exlain in detail!
"f you had three wishes# what
would you wish for?
What would you do if you were
stranded on a desert island?
Whi$h 3 thin%s would you like
to ha&e with you?
What would you do if you found
a fat wallet on the street?
"f an alien sa$e shi in&ited
you for a ride# would you %o?
Why or why not?
"f you $ould be an ani'al for
one day# what would it be?
Exlain why!
"f you $ould tra&el in ti'e#
where would you %o?
Exlain why!
"f you were born () years
earlier# how would your life be
*ow lon% would you like to li&e
if you had the $hoi$e?
"f you $ould start o&er your
life# what would you $han%e?
"f you were the leader of your
$ountry# what would you do or
"f you had di&ine +, %odlike-
owers# how would you $han%e
the world?
"f you had the $han$e to be
born a%ain# in whi$h $ountry
would you like to be born?
"f you $ould $o''it any $ri'e
and %et away with it# what
would you do?
What would you do if your do%
ate your ho'ework .ust before
%oin% to s$hool?
"f you re$ei&ed one 'illion
dollar whi$h you $ouldnt send
on yourself# what would you
send it on?
*ow would you feel if you
found out that you were
What would you do if you had
only one day to li&e?
What would you do if /
0 another student asked to $oy your ho'ework?
0 you were bullied at s$hool or work?
0 %ot lost in the forest at ni%ht?
0 so'eone stole your bi$y$le?
0 you saw a friend stealin% so'ethin%?
0 you were stu$k in a lift?
0 your 'obile hone fell in the toilet?
0 a friend or relati&e stole 'oney fro' your wallet?

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