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Lappeenranta University of Technology

Department of Information Technology
Requirements Specification
College Library Management System
Version 1.0
e!"irements #ngineer$ %n&rey 'a(lin 0)*)+,,
#-mail$ pa(lin.l"
S"pervisor$ /ana Selio"(ova
#-mail$ /ana.Selio"(ova.l"
0an Vorace(
#-mail$ 1an.vorace(.l"
Lappeenranta2 3inlan&
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
Table of Contents
1. Project Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.4 Client, Customer and other Stakeholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1. !sers o" the Product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .#
1..1 $he !sers o" the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #
1..2 %ie&points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
2. Project Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1(
2.1 )andated Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(
2.2 *mplementation environment o" the current s+stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
2.3 Partner applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
2.4 Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12
2. ,ud-et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
3. .unctional /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
3.1 $he Scope o" the 1ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 $he Scope o" the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 .unctional /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. 2on 3 .unctional /e0uirements .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4.1 4ook and .eel /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
4.2 !sabilit+ /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4.3 Per"ormance /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
4.4 5perational /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4. )aintainabilit+ and Portabilit+ /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1#
4.# Securit+ /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#
4.' 4e-al /e0uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#
5. Project *ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#
.1 5pen *ssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#
.2 !ser6s Documentation and $rainin- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#
.3 1aitin- /oom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#
#. /e"erences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'
'. Appendi7 1. S+stem )odels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'

The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
1. P/589C$ D/*%9/S
1.1 Purpose
$he purpose o" this document is to "amiliari:e reader &ith so"t&are, &hich is developed b+
Dream $eam Corporation. Speci"ication describes all hard&are and so"t&are re0uirements
"or product, behavior o" it and its components. So"t&are /e0uirements Speci"ication ;S/S<
allo&s to veri"+ the customer that all his re0uirements are observed and implemented
correctl+ b+ developer.
$he intended audience "or the S/S readin- consists o" s+stem end3users ;patrons<,
customer en-ineers, so"t&are developers ;de"ined b+ *an Sommerville "or s+stem
1.2 Scope
$he Dream $eam Corporation &as invited to develop Colle-e 4ibrar+ )ana-ement S+stem
"or 2ational *nnovation .oundation ;2.*..<. $he so"t&are &ill re"lect all the re0uirements
de"ined b+ the customer.
Colle-e 4ibrar+ )ana-ement S+stem &ill allo& to per"orm all necessar+ procedures "or
librarians and patrons. Accordin- to customer re0uirements the so"t&are to be developed &ill
consist o" three databases?
*tem6s database ;books, journals, ma-a:ines, ne&spapers, diploma thesis, etc<
Patron6s database
a small Access3based database &ith in"ormation about di-ital items, that Colle-e has
;so"t&are, music< inte-rated &ith *tem6s database
4)S &ill also provide all necessar+ services "or databases such as creatin-, deletin-,
updatin- and searchin- in"ormation. Patrons &ill be able to access to the librar+ site ;&eb3
based< throu-h the *nternet or throu-h the librar+6s 4A23connected computers, scattered
throu-hout the librar+ "or sendin- re0uest, receivin- in"ormation about current status o" the
books or rene&in- them. $he desi-n o" product inter"ace to be developed &ill be supported
b+ )icroso"t *9, 2etscape 2avi-ator and 5pera bro&sers. !ser inter"aces &ill be
er-onomical and eas+3to3use.
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
1.3 Abbreviations
4)S @ 4ibrar+ mana-ement s+stem
S/S @ So"t&are re0uirements speci"ication
PC @ Personal Computer
ADD 3 Aard Disc Drive
/A) @ /andom Access )emor+
4!$ @ 4appeenranta !niversit+ o" $echnolo-+
*9 @ )icroso"t *nternet 97plorer
1.4 Client, Customer and other Stakeholders
1.4.1 $he client is the personBs &ho pa+ "or the development, and o&ner o" the delivered
2ational *nnovation .oundation became the Dream $eam Corporation6s client in this project.
$he 2.*.. &ill receive the "inal acceptance o" the s+stem, and thus must be satis"ied &ith the
developed s+stem or not.
All client remarks &ill be improved immediatel+. Product deliverables have appropriated
project schedule, approved b+ the client.
1.4.2 $he customer is the personBs &ho &ill bu+ the product "rom the client.
*n our case, the roles o" the client and the customer are "illed b+ the same compan+.
1.4.3 Stakeholders include?
9nd 3 !sers ;detailed in section 1.<
Project )ana-er
/e0uirements 9n-ineer
S+stem Desi-ner
S+stem $ester
S+stem Administrator
Con"i-uration )ana-er
S/S identi"ies each t+pe o" stakeholder?
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
Table 1. End - Users
Sta(ehol&er I&entification #n& - Users 9librarians2 patrons:2 College Library
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
5asic (no6le&ge of Microsoft <in&o6s-base& interfaces2 Internet
bro6ser=s interfaces.
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
Lo6. #n& ? Users are not involve& in soft6are &evelopment2 1"st in
some (in&s of sociological s"rveys
Degree of infl"ence for that
@igh. Soft6are to be &evelope& to satisfy first of all the #n&-Users.
Table 2. Customer
Sta(ehol&er I&entification C"stomer 9>ational Innovation 3o"n&ation:
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
C"stomer=s re!"irements2 'ro1ect plan2 b"siness mo&eling an&
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
Mi&&le. C"stomer s"pervises pro1ect2 establishes b"&get
Degree of infl"ence for that
@igh. Soft6are &evelopment process may be cancele& by C"stomer.
Table 3. ro!ect "ana#er
Sta(ehol&er I&entification 'ro1ect Manager 93abian A%IDB-M%TI>#C:2 The Dream Team
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
'ro1ect plan creating2 comp"ter s(ills.
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
@igh. 'ro1ect Manager s"pervises pro1ect2 establishes team2 provi&es
&ea&lines2 negotiates 6ith c"stomer.
Degree of infl"ence for that
@igh. %ll &evelopment process re!"ires constant control an& &ecision
ma(ing from 'ro1ect Manager2
Table $. Requirements En#ineer
Sta(ehol&er I&entification e!"irements #ngineer 9%n&rey 'a(lin:2 The Dream Team
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
SS creating2 comp"ter s(ills.
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
@igh. e!"irements #ngineer s"mmariDes re!"irements provi&e& by
c"stomer2 "p&ates them.
Degree of infl"ence for that
Mi&&le. e!"irements #ngineer &efines SS "n&er strict C"stomer
an& 'ro1ect Manager control
Table %. S&stem 'esi#ner
Sta(ehol&er I&entification System Designer 9;onstantin Vlasen(o:2 The Dream Team
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
Comp"ter-base& Design tools2 Internet technologies
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
@igh. System Designer &efines all soft6are interfaces2 ho6 the
pro&"ct 6ill loo( li(e2 provi&ing s"ccess of pro&"ct from the #n& ?
Users point of vie6.
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
Degree of infl"ence for that
Lo6. System Designer 6ill not "se pro&"ct to be &evelope& in
appropriate 6ay.
Table (. S&stem Tester
Sta(ehol&er I&entification System Tester 9%leE ;anavin:2 The Dream Team Corporation
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
Comp"ter-base& Testing tools2 Internet technologies2 Testing
re!"irements an& specifications.
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
Mi&&le. System Tester is loo(ing for mista(es in soft6are an& verify
pro&"ct=s possibilities.
Degree of infl"ence for that
Lo6. System Tester 6ill not "se pro&"ct to be &evelope& in
appropriate 6ay.
Table ). S&stem *dministrator
Sta(ehol&er I&entification System %&ministrator2 College staff
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
Strong comp"ter s(ills2 Internet an& net6or( technologies.
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
Lo6. System %&ministrator is not involve& in soft6are &evelopment
Degree of infl"ence for that
Mi&&le. System %&ministrator 6ill maintain an& install pro&"ct.
Table +. Confi#uration "ana#er
Sta(ehol&er I&entification Config"ration Manager 9%leE ;anavin:2 The Dream Team
;no6le&ge nee&e& by the
Comp"ter-base& Testing tools2 Internet technologies2 Testing
re!"irements an& specifications.
>ecessary &egree of
sta(ehol&er=s involvement
@igh. Config"ration Manager responsible for pro1ect repository2
pro1ect 6eb pages.
Degree of infl"ence for that
Mi&&le. Config"ration Manager m"st follo6 1ob &escription an&
&ea&lines2 to prove hisFher !"ality.
1. !sers o" the Product
1.5.1 The Users of the Product
Potential !sers o" the Colle-e 4)S are librarians and patrons.
Table +. Librarians
User name College Librarians
User role To maintain College LMS 9a&&2 &elete2 rene6 items an& "p&ate &atabases:
S"b1ect matter
Master. College ha& the same management system in car&-base& form. %ll
feat"res of the ol& &atabase are presente& in ne6 soft6are pro&"ct
Technological 0o"rneymanG2 as less. 5asic comp"ter s(ills are obligatory.
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
Mi&&le intellect"al abilities
%ge gro"p %&"lt age )+-,+ 9,+ years ol&- is a pension age:
Table ,. atrons
User name Library patrons
User role To "se the College LMS in practice 9from library or any place2 6here
Internet connection is available:
S"b1ect matter
May ranges from novice to master.
May ranges from novice to master2 b"t basic comp"ter s(ills an& Internet
6or(ing eEperience are obligatory.
May range in 6i&e ban&
%ge gro"p 1,-,+ 9College st"&ents2 professors2 teachers2 other staff:
G: - 1o"rneyman2 some (in& of h"man eEperience &egree2 it=s sit"ate& bet6een novice an& master
1.5.2 Viewpoints
$his project consists o" several stakeholders, &hich &ere de"ined above. Accordin- to *an
Sommerville6s article C%ie&points "or re0uirements elicitation? a practical approach6 =2>
so"t&are re0uirements can be described b+ usin- P/9vie& model. $he vie&point model is
deliberatel+ "le7ible and in"ormal. %ie&points can be adapted to speci"ic or-ani:ational
practice and standards as can the notations used to describe s+stem re0uirements.
%ie&points ma+ be used durin- the earl+ sta-es o" a re0uirements en-ineerin- process as a
structurin- mechanism "or re0uirements elicitation and anal+sis. *denti"+in- vie&points and
or-ani:in- in"ormation around them at this sta-e reduces the possibilit+ that critical
in"ormation &ill be missed durin- re0uirements elicitation and provides a traceabilit+
mechanism "or linkin- re0uirements &ith their sources. 4et us de"ine the "ollo&in- model o"
statin- a vie&point P/9vie&?
$he vie&point name.
$he vie&point focus.
$he vie&point concerns.
$he vie&point sources.
$he vie&point requirements.
Table 1-$ atrons .ie/point
0ame 'atron
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
1ocus Searching2 len&ing2 re!"esting an& rene6ing library items
Concerns To familiariDe patron 6ith soft6are f"nctions
Source e!"irements specification from the C"stomer
search for the boo(s an& other items
rene6 boo(s an& other items
bro6se catalogs
reserve "navailable items
s"bscribe for info abo"t ne6 ac!"isitions
access to other &atabases 9interlibrary loans2 online &atabases:
Table 11$ ro!ect mana#er .ie/point
0ame 'ro1ect manager
1ocus Team establishment2 pro1ect plan creating2 control soft6are &evelopment
process2 follo6 sche&"le provi&e& by the C"stomer
Concerns College LMS creation accor&ing to &ea&lines
Source 0ob &escription
3ollo6s &ea&lines an& b"&get
esponsible for all &eliverables
#asy comm"nication 6ith team an& the C"stomer
%ll pro1ect stages sho"l& be f"lly &oc"mente&
MS <or&
Internet connection
MS I#2 >etscape or Bpera bro6sers
Table 12$ Requirements en#ineer .ie/point
0ame e!"irements engineer
e!"irements specification creating2 c"stomer intervie6ing2 collect an&
specify re!"irements
Concerns Constantly "p&ating SS accor&ingly c"stomer=s re!"irements
Source e!"irements specification from the C"stomer
e!"irements from patrons2 C"stomer an& team members sho"l& be
e!"irements sho"l& be clear2 complete an& consistent
MS <or&
Internet connection
MS I#2 >etscape or Bpera bro6sers
Table 132 S&stem 'esi#ner .ie/point
0ame System Designer
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
1ocus Design "ser interfaces2 creation of &esign specification &oc"ment
Concerns 3ormal &esign
Source 'ro1ect plan2 re!"irements specification from the C"stomer
Clear an& complete SS
%&obe 'hotoshop
MS <or&
Internet connection
MS I#2 >etscape or Bpera bro6sers
Table 1$2 S&stem Tester .ie/point
0ame System Tester
1ocus Design testing strategies2 creation testing &oc"ments2 realiDe test cases
Concerns Vali&ation of soft6are !"ality
e!"irements specification from the C"stomer
ISB 7001 Stan&ar&s
;no6le&ge of soft6are to be teste&
Testing tools
MS <or&
Internet connection
MS I#2 >etscape or Bpera bro6sers
Table 1%2 S&stem *dministrator .ie/point
0ame System %&ministrator
1ocus Database installation2 maintenance of College LMS
Concerns College LMS maintenance an& tro"bleshooting
Source Inner SS from e!"irement #ngineer2 Internet an& L%> specifications
License& soft6are 6ith a"tomatically "p&ate tools
MS <or&I
Internet connection
MS I#2 >etscape or Bpera bro6sers
Table1(2 Confi#uration "ana#er .ie/point
0ame Config"ration Manager
1ocus Config"ration an& change management2 pro1ect repository control2 pro1ect
6eb-pages maintenance an& follo6 calen&ar of events
Concerns Change control to achieve J"ality ass"rance re!"ire& by the C"stomer
Source Inner company=s SS
0ob &escription
%ll har&6are an& soft6are sho"l& be available
%&obe %crobat ea&er
Internet connection
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
MS I#2 >etscape or Bpera bro6sers
2. Project Constraints
2.1 Mandated Constraints
2e7t items must be used to veri"+ so"t&are?
1< .or user home PC and librar+ &orkstation
*,)3compatible PC &ith Pentium processor and hi-her
()b+tes "ree space on ADD
32)b+tes /A)
*nternet connection
)S 1indo&s DBDEB2(((B2$BFP
)S *9, 2etscape or 5pera bro&sers &ith 8ava2 support
2< .or Server
*,)3compatible PC &ith Pentium and hi-her
2#)b+tes /A) or hi-her
E(Gb+tes "ree space on ADD
)S SH4 server and )S Access ;Database server<
)S *nternet *n"ormation Server ;1eb server<
8ava Development Iit 1.2 and hi-her
Development environment @ 8ava2 pro-rammin- lan-ua-e
2.2 Implementation environment of the current system
$his part o" the speci"ication &ill provide enou-h in"ormation about the environment "or the
desi-ners to make the product success"ull+ interact &ith its surroundin- technolo-+.
Aere &ill be sho&n a dia-ram, &ith some kind o" icon to represent each separate device or
person ;processor< and inter"aces bet&een the processors
4ibrar+ &orkstation /emote PC
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*

1eb 3 *nter"ace
*nte-rated Databases
2. Partner applications
$here are some applications that are not part o" the product but &ith &hich the product &ill
collaborate. $his section can be completed, b+ includin- &ritten descriptions, models or
re"erences to other speci"ications.
*S5B5S* model
$CPB*P speci"ications
4A26s speci"ications
S)$PBP5P e3mail protocols description
$he ph+sical &ork environment constrains the &a+ that &ork is done. $he product should
overcome &hatever di""iculties e7ist, ho&ever +ou mi-ht consider a redesi-n o" the &orkplace
as an alternative to havin- the product compensate "or it.
2.! "chedule
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
$he Schedule is presented b+ the Project )ana-er, strictl+ "ollo&ed b+ the Dream $eam
Corporation and is proved b+ the Customer. $he project &as started at the be-innin- o" the
'eli.erable 'eadline Time E3tended 4b!ecti.e
'ro1ect 'lan >ovember 182 )00) 10$00 >B eache&
>ovember 182 )00) 10$00 >B eache&
>ovember )42 )00) 1)$00 /#S
'ro1ect bin&er December 1)2 )00) 1)$00 >B
2.5 #ud$et
,ud-et is not completel+ assi-ned to the Project.
3. .!2C$*52A4 /9H!*/9)92$S
.1 The "cope of the %or&
At the be-innin- o" 5ctober 2((2 the Dream $eam Corporation &as represented a task to
develop a Colle-e 4ibrar+ )ana-ement S+stem b+ 2ational *nnovation .oundation ;2.*..<.
So"t&are to be developed should be provide all necessar+ action "or librar+ sta"" and patrons.
$here are several motivations to order ne& computer3based Colle-e 4)S?
1. $o moderni:e Colle-e 4ibrar+ database, &here data &as stored in a card3based
2. $o optimi:e librarians6 &ork and time
3. $o join small Access3based database, &here librar+ has stored in"ormation about
di-ital items ;so"t&are, music<
4. $o e7pand services o" librar+ and patron6s possibilities
. $o check abilit+ o" commercial usin- o" librar+ mana-ement s+stems.
$he 4)S &ill allo& remote access to librar+ database via *nternet onl+ "or patrons a"ter
authori:ation procedures. $he patrons could search, rene& items, send re0uests. $he
Colle-e 4)S &ill provide remote access to other databases ;interlibrar+ loans, online
.2 The "cope of the Product
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
.eatures provided b+ the librar+ mana-ement s+stem?
1. Store necessar+ in"ormation about items in the librar+?
- AuthorJ
- *tem6s titleJ
- Call numberJ
- Published placeJ
- Kear o" publication
- 4ocation in the librar+J
- 2umber o" copies
- Current status
- Ie+&ords
2. Allo& a search item b+ author, title or ke+&ords
3. S+stem &ill provide librarian to add, modi"+, and remove items toB"rom the librar+
database, and check availabilit+ o" the item.
4. S+stem &ill allo& patron to -et in"ormation about hisBher status a"ter authori:ation
- !ser name
- !ser address
- Student number
- 2umber and in"ormation about checked out items
- /e0uested items in"ormation
. 2oti"ication b+ e3mail automaticall+ a"ter item6s overdue.
#. Possibilit+ to search, rene& and order items thou-h the *nternet a"ter authori:ation
'. Possibilit+ to search and re0uest items in the interlibrar+ loans, online databases
throu-h *nternet.
. 'unctional re(uirements
.unctional re0uirements are the "ollo&in-?
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
1. $he 4)S should store all in"ormation about librarians and patrons, their access
ke+s, priorit+ and etc.
2. $he 4)S should store all in"ormation about items and patrons in t&o separated
3. $he 4)S allo& searchin- items b+ author, title or ke+&ords
4. $he 4)S should support (( patrons and 1((( re0uestsBmin simultaneousl+.
. $he 4)S should allo& librarians to add, delete and modi"+ items in database, and
check availabilit+ o" the items.
#. $he 4)S should -enerate re0uest6s reports "or librarians ever+ da+, on base o"
&hich librarians could make decisions about ac0uirin- or retirement the item
'. $he 4)S should create noti"ication and send to patrons b+ e3mail automaticall+
a"ter item6s overdue
E. $he 4)S should allo& patrons to -et their personal in"ormation and status.
D. $he 4)S should provide to search, re0uest and rene& items either "rom the librar+
computers ;4)S application< or "rom outside the librar+ throu-h Colle-e site;&eb3
based< thou-h the *nternet.
1(. $he 4)S should provide access to previous Access3based database, online
11. $he 4)S &ill be inte-rated &ith other colle-es and universities and allo&
interlibrar+ loans
4. 2on 3 .unctional /e0uirements
!.1 )oo& and 'eel *e(uirements
Accordin- to the Customer re0uirements, the Colle-e 4)S should include "ollo&in-
$he 4)S inter"aces &ill the same "or patrons and librarians based on CL
LB8ava application. Di""erences &ill depend on users6 "unctions. Patrons &ill have
simple version o" 4)S &ithout add, remove and modi"+ possibilities.
$he 4)S inter"ace "or s+stem administrator &ill include CLLB8ava
application, Command 4ine, S+stem "iles
1eb inter"ace. $his inter"ace &ill provide search, re0uest and rene&
procedures, connection &ith other online databases. 1eb inter"ace should &ork
correctl+ in di""erent bro&sers.

The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
!.2 Usa+ility *e(uirements
As it &as mentioned above, product6s users are an adults, that6s &h+ there are no
special re0uirements to simplicit+ o" s+stem.
9r-onomical and clear inter"ace
$he inter"ace should contain prompts and help to avoid makin- mistakes
$he product should be used b+ people &ith no trainin-
!. Performance *e(uirements
An+ inter"ace bet&een a user and 4)S should have a ma7imum
response time o" seconds
$he response should be "ast enou-h to avoid users6 response collisions
$he 4)S should be available "or use 24 hours per da+, 3# da+s per +ear.
$he 4)S should support (( patrons and 1((( re0uestsBmin simultaneousl+
!.! ,perational *e(uirements
$he 4)S should be used on *,)3compatible &orkstations &ith ()b+tes
"ree space on ADD "or librar+ &orkstations ;E(Gb+tes "or server< and 32)b+tes
/A) "or librar+ &orkstations ;2#)b+tes "or server<
$he 4)S should be correctl+ implemented in di""erent *nternet bro&sers
$he 4)S should correctl+ inter"ace i" )S Access applications and )S
SH4 Server
!.5 Maintaina+ility and Porta+ility *e(uirements
Chan-es ;ne& patrons addition, pass&ord chan-es, database chan-es<
must be veri"ied once per da+ at least
$he 4)S should provide automaticall+ noti"ication to patrons b+ e3mail
about item6s overdue, reservation results, availabilit+ o" reserved item and etc
$he 4)S is e7pected to run under )S 1indo&s DBDEB2(((B2$BFP
!.- "ecurity *e(uirements
$he 4)S should provide databases6 modi"ication onl+ "or librarians and
s+stem administrator a"ter authori:ation procedures
Access to the 4)S is permitted onl+ "or Colle-e student and sta"" a"ter
authori:ation procedures
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
!.. )e$al *e(uirements
Personal in"ormation should be protected
$he 4)S should compl+ &ith 0ualit+ assurance standards
. Project *ssues
5.1,pen Issues
/e0uirements elicitation haven6t +et completed, thus S/S are constantl+ updated b+
/e0uirements 9n-ineer.
5.2 User/s 0ocumentation and Trainin$
!ser documentation is under construction no& and &ill be available accordin-l+ to
schedule. S+stem Desi-ner &ill present -uide o" !ser6s *nter"aces.
5. %aitin$ *oom
/e0uirements that &ill not be part o" the a-reed product. $hese re0uirements mi-ht be
included in "uture versions o" the product.
#. /e"erences?
K1L Sommerville, *an, Pete Sa&+er, and Stephen %iller ;1DDE<, %ie&points "or re0uirements
elicitation? a practical approach, in Proceedin-s o" the *999 *nternational Con"erence on
/e0uirements 9n-ineerin- 3 *C/9MDE, April #31(, 1DDE, Colorado Sprin-s, Colorado.
=cited 11.11.(2>
=2> %olere /e0uirements Speci"ication $emplate
http?BB&&&" =cited 12.11.(2>
=3> So"t&are /e0uirements Speci"ication ;S/S< $emplate.
http?BBs& =cited 1(.11.2((2>
=4> Project3,ased So"t&are 9n-ineerin- Aomepa-e
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
=> Pressman, /. S.? So"t&are 9n-ineerin-, A PractitionerMs Approach ;9uropean adaptation,
"i"th edition<. )cGra& Aill, 2(((.
=#> *999 Guide "or *n"ormation $echnolo-+ 3 S+stem De"inition 3 Concept o" 5perations
;Con5ps< Document, *999 Std 13#231DDE
'. Appendi7 1. S+stem )odels
$he "ollo&in- sta-es describe main scenarios per"ormed b+ the 4)S?
- 4o-in to the s+stemJ
- Add, /emove, )odi"+ itemJ
- Check item "or availabilit+J
- Add, /emove, )odi"+ user in"ormationJ
- 5verdue report -eneratin-J
- Search itemJ
- %ie& in"ormationJ
- /ene& book.
"cenario 1
1ame 4o-in ;5pen pro-ram<
2ctors Patron or 4ibrarian
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
kno&led-e o" standard 1indo&s environment
4ibrar+ user or 4ibrarian opens pro-ram usin- bro&ser, to lo-on to
s+stem heBshe must enter username and pass&ord.
3nd *esult 5pened pro-ram, user see lo-on pa-e.

"cenario 2
1ame Add, /emove, )odi"+ item
2ctors 4ibrarian
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on &ith librarian privile-es.
4ibrarian usin- &eb inter"ace adds, removes or modi"ies ;e.-.
0uantit+< in"ormation about item
3nd *esult Added, /emoved or )odi"ied in"ormation about item in database
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
1ame Check "or availabilit+
2ctors 4ibrarian, patrons
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on &ith librarian privile-es or patrons6 ri-hts.
$hrou-h &eb inter"ace librarian usin- item call number searches i"
this item is available
3nd *esult /eturned status o" item
"cenario !
1ame Add, /emove, )odi"+ user in"ormation
2ctors 4ibrarian, S+stem Administrator
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on &ith librarian privile-es.
!sin- &eb inter"ace "orms "or librarian or s+stem administrator to
add, remove or modi"+ in"ormation about user
3nd *esult Added, /emoved or )odi"ied in"ormation about user in database
"cenario 5
1ame Generate overdue report
2ctors 4ibrarian, the 4)S
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on &ith librarian privile-es.
4ibrarian de"ines overdue period "or ever+ cate-or+ o" item usin-
&eb inter"ace or installed colle-e 4)S
3nd *esult 4ist o" users and overdue items

"cenario -
1ame Search item
2ctors Patron or 4ibrarian
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on to s+stem.
Patron or 4ibrarian usin- &eb inter"ace searches "or item usin-
author or item6s title.
3nd *esult 4ist o" "ound items are sho&n
The Dream Team Corporation2 e!"irements Specification v1.0
0104+)000 Team pro1ect2 'ro1ect-5ase& Soft6are #ngineering 17.0,.)01*
"cenario .
1ame %ie& in"ormation
2ctors Patron
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on to s+stem.
Paron usin- &eb inter"ace vie& hisBher status ;!ser name,
address, number o" taken books, re0uested items<
3nd *esult !ser in"ormation are sho&n
"cenario 4
1ame /ene& item
2ctors Patron
97istence o" database and correctl+ installed &eb based server,
user lo--ed on to s+stem, at least one item taken.
!ser selects items heBshe &ant to rene&, usin- /ene& button
heBshe rene&s selected items
3nd *esult Status are sho&n ;rene&ed or not<

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