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Lecia a dousprezecea Lesson Twelve


1. Present Perfect Prezentul perfect

Present Perfect exprim de obicei o aciune nceput n trecut care dureaz
i n prezent sau care s-a ncheiat recent. Prezentul perfect se formeaz cu
ajutorul prezentului auxiliarului to have + participiul trecut al verbului care
este conjugat. n cazul verbelor regulate, participiul trecut se formeaz prin
adugarea sufixului ed ca i n cazul trecutului simplu:

Regular Verbs Verbe regulate

TO DANCE = a dansa

I have danced eu am dansat
you have danced tu ai dansat
she has danced ea a dansat
he has danced el a dansat
we have danced noi am dansat
you have danced voi ai dansat
they have danced ei au dansat

TO WAIT = a atepta

I have waited eu am ateptat
you have waited tu ai ateptat
she has waited ea a ateptat
he has waited el a ateptat
we have waited noi am ateptat
you have waited voi ai ateptat
they have waited ei au ateptat

Present Perfect of the verb to be

I have been a teacher all my youth. Am fost profesor toat tinereea.
You have been tired all morning. Ai fost obosit toat dimineaa.
She has been happy today. A fost fericit astzi.
He has been in Paris all week. A fost la Paris toat sptmna.
We have been friends all our life. Am fost prieteni toat viaa.
You have been my students for three years. Ai fost studenii mei timp de
trei ani.
They have been busy all night. Au fost ocupai toat noaptea.

Celelalte verbe neregulate au, la Present Perfect, o singur form pentru
toate persoanele, form care trebuie memorat ca atare.

10 Irregular Verbs 10 verbe neregulate

Infinitive Past Past Participle

to cut(a tia) cut cut
to do(a face) did done
to drink(a bea) drank drunk
to drive(a conduce) drove driven
to eat(a mnca) ate eaten
to fall(a cdea) fell fallen
to feed(a hrni) fed fed
to feel(a simi) felt felt
to find(a gsi) found found
to fly(a zbura) flew flown

2. either... or / neither... nor fie... fie / nici... nici

She is either timid or lazy. Este fie timid, fie lene.
He is either naughty or very clever. Este fie obraznic, fie foarte iste.

We are neither wild nor friendly. Nu suntem nici slbatici, nici prietenoi.
They are neither rude nor polite. Nu sunt nici grosolani, nici politicoi.

General concepts Noiuni generale

Shopping List List de cumprturi

2 bottles of wine 2 sticle de vin
3 kilos of potatoes 3 kilograme de cartofi
3 packets of flour 3 pungi(pachete) de fin
4 cartons of milk 4 cutii de lapte
2 loaves of bread 2 pini
12 slices of ham 12 felii de jambon

The Order Comanda

What is the menu of the day? Care este meniul zilei?
Id like to order A dori s fac comanda
We havent decided yet Nu ne-am decis nc
What can you recommend? Ce ne putei recomanda?
What is your speciality? Care este specialitatea casei?
Will you pass me the salt and pepper? D-mi, te rog, sarea i piperul
Will you bring some more dressing? Aducei-mi, v rog, mai mult sos
Can you change my order? mi putei schimba comanda?
The cheese is tasteless brnza este fad
The roast beef is burnt and salty friptura de vit este ars i srat
The cream is sour smntna este acr
The green salad is not properly washed salata verde nu este bine splat
smoked afumat
frozen congelat
boiled fiert
raw crud
baked copt
roast fript(la cuptor)
underdone n snge
stewed nbuit
grilled fript(la grtar)
fried prjit
fresh proaspt
stuffed umplut
marinated marinat

it tastes sweet are gust dulce
it tastes salty are gust srat
it tastes sour are gust acru
it tastes bitter are gust amar

Yesterday I met Jim by accident. I was hungry and my friend invited me out
to dinner so we have eaten in a fancy restaurant.

Ieri l-am ntlnit ntmpltor pe Jim. mi era foame i prietenul meu m-a
invitat la cin aa c am luat masa ntr-un restaurant elegant.

Enjoy your meal Poft bun

Jim Patrick: It has been a lovely evening. Thank you, Minnie. (A fost o sear
ncnttoare. Mulumesc, Minnie.)
Minnie Jones: I thank you for the invitation Jim. We have eaten healthy
food and now I am really full. (Eu i mulumesc pentru invitaie, Jim. Am
mncat sntos i acum m simt ntr-adevr plin.)
Jim Patrick: Me too. I have also enjoyed your company which is very
special to me. Did you like the food? (i eu la fel. Pe deasupra m-am
bucurat de compania ta care este special pentru mine. i-a plcut
Minnie Jones: Yes, I did. The tomato soup has been delicious. And the
roast chicken with carrots tasted really good. (Da, sigur. Supa de roii a
fost un deliciu. Iar puiul fript cu morcovi a fost foarte gustos.)
Jim Patrick: Im not used to eat soup thats why I preferred the grilled fish
with rice and a garden salad. And the wine was fit, too? (Eu nu sunt
obinuit s mnnc sup aa c am preferat pete la grtar cu orez i
salata asortat. i vinul a fost potrivit, nu?)
Minnie Jones: Indeed. Excellent choice: white, dry and chilled. (Desigur.
Excelent alegere: alb, sec i rece. )
Jim Patrick: I wonder whether they are making their own desserts, I forgot
to ask. But that pudding was delicious. What about your ice cream? (M
ntreb dac pregtesc un desert special al casei, am uitat s ntreb. Dar
budinca a fost delicioas. Cum a fost ngheata ta?)
Minnie Jones: Very good, indeed. I was delighted to see that the waiter has
brought an extra portion of whipped cream. (Cu adevrat bun. Am fost
ncntat cnd chelnerul mi-a adus o extra porie de fric.)
Jim Patrick: This restaurant is really nice. The place is clean and large and
you have lots of tasty and spicy dishes to choose from. (Restaurantul este
ntr-adevr drgu. Locul este curat i spaios i ai de ales dintr-o mulime
de mncruri gustoase i condimentate.)
Minnie Jones: We are certainly going to come back soon. (O s ne
ntoarcem precis n curnd.)


by accident = din ntmplare
fancy = la mod
healthy food = hran sntoas
full = plin,
soup = sup
chicken = pui
rice = orez
garden salad = salat asortat
choice = alegere
dry = sec
chilled = rcit, la rece
to wonder = a se ntreba
whether = dac
dessert = desert
pudding = budinc
ice cream = ngheat
waiter, waitress = chelner, chelneri
extra portion = extra porie, porie n plus
whipped cream = fric
tasty = gustos
spicy = condimentat
dish = fel de mncare
to come back = a se ntoarce

Dont forget! Nu uita!

Present Perfect, prezentul perfect, exprim de obicei o aciune nceput n
trecut care dureaz i n prezent sau care s-a ncheiat recent. Prezentul
perfect se formeaz cu ajutorul prezentului auxiliarului to have + participiul
trecut al verbului care este conjugat.

Present Perfect of the verb to be Prezentul perfect al verbului a fi

I have been a teacher all my youth. Eu am fost profesor toat tinereea.
You have been tired all morning. Tu ai fost obosit toat dimineaa.
She has been happy today. Ea a fost fericit astzi.
He has been in Paris all week. El a fost la Paris toat sptmna.
We have been friends all our life. Noi am fost prieteni toat viaa.
You have been my students for three years. Voi ai fost studenii mei timp
de trei ani.
They have been busy all night. Ei au fost ocupai toat noaptea.

Remember how to use the expression either... or Amintete-i
cum s foloseti expresia fie... fie

She is either timid or lazy. Este fie timid, fie lene.
He is either naughty or very clever. Este fie obraznic, fie foarte iste.

Remember how to use the expression neither... nor Amintete-i
cum s foloseti expresia nici... nici

We are neither wild nor friendly. Nu suntem nici slbatici, nici prietenoi.
They are neither rude nor polite. Nu sunt nici grosolani, nici politicoi.

How you order in a restaurant Cum comanzi mncare ntr-un

What is the menu of the day? Care este meniul zilei?
Id like to order A dori s fac comanda
We havent decided yet Nu ne-am decis nc
What can you recommend? Ce ne putei recomanda?
What is your speciality? Care este specialitatea casei?
Will you pass me the salt and pepper? D-mi, te rog, sarea i piperul
Will you bring some more dressing? Aducei-mi, v rog, mai mult sos
Can you change my order? mi putei schimba comanda?
The cheese is tasteless brnza este fad
The roast beef is burnt and salty friptura de vit este ars i srat
The cream is sour smntna este acr
The green salad is not properly washed salata verde nu este bine splat
smoked afumat
frozen congelat
boiled fiert
raw crud
baked copt
roast fript(la cuptor)
underdone n snge
stewed nbuit
grilled fript(la grtar)
fried prjit
fresh proaspt
stuffed umplut
marinated marinat

My food tastes sweet Mncarea mea are gust dulce
My food tastes salty Mncarea mea are gust srat
My food tastes sour Mncarea mea are gust acru
My food tastes bitter Mncarea mea are gust amar

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