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Risk Assessment
No. Hazard Existing Control Measure Risk Rating
1. Light could fall from
Duck tae light to ceiling! don"t stand directl# under light High
$. Hit %# car Look out for cars %efore crossing road High
&. 'all of the stage (ut mats under the stage Lo)
*. +ri o,er running Run as a sensi%le student Lo)
-. Cold.)et conditions /ear )arm clothes Medium
0. 1rain )rist 2se roer e3uiment High
Risk rating4
High4 Current controls totall# inade3uate )ith serious conse3uences! death5s6! serious in7ur#! long term illness! health. 8r there is a
,er# high ro%a%ilit# of the hazard occurring.
Medium4 Current controls still oor %ut conse3uences less serious4 Minor in7ur#! short term ill health )ith no lasting effects.
Low4 Current controls are ade3uate to minimise the risk so far as reasona%l# ractica%le.

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