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Shel Silverstein by Victor Guan

Table of Contents

I believe Shel Silverstein is a very famous and enjoyable poet. His poems are very
childish, but still very enjoyable, especially for childlike audiences. As a 6
student I fine Shel
Silversteins poems very funny, even if its meant for younger audiences. I also enjoy having fun
most of the time and I recommend his poems to children. His poems are very straight forward
making it easy for children to understand. I learned to express my emotions more in my writing
because Shels do have some emotions toward them characters and he gives a very detailed
description of who he/she is. Shel has also taught me to enjoy be more happy. He has a huge
span of poems that range in different perspectives, but the majorities of the emotions are
happiness and threw the poems they make me feel like laughing and being happy. I believe that
Shels poems are very fun to read because they always tickle your funny bone (^ . ^) and again, I
highly recommend this to younger audiences because its very fun, while being straight forward
and easy for little kids to read. Though Shels poems are very straight forward they are still very
entertaining to read because its just very childish.

Shel Silversteins Biography
On September 25, 1930 Shel Silverstein in Chicago, Illinois, where he would grow up
there. In 1950, when Shel was 20, he enlisted in the army to fight against the Japanese, which
made become an artist for the magazine Stars and Stripes. After the war, Shel became a
cartoonist for severe magazines. It wasnt until he started drawing for the Playboy that he got
recognized nationally. During the time of Shel was drawing for Playboy, he also helped
contribute to some poems as well. In 1963, Shel met Ursula Nordstrom. She was to one who
encouraged Shel to write poem books that was meant for young audiences, which led to him
writing books like the Giving Tree and The Lion Who Shot Back. Sadly, on May 10,1999
Shel died from a heart attack.

Analysis of 4 of Shels Poems
Hug O War- In Hug o War by Shel Silverstein, it states that a character wont play tug
o war but instead will play hug o war, were it is a very friendly game. You are supposed to hug
and you get kissed, loved etc. It overall replaces competition with love and care.
I believe I that Shel Silverstein is trying to say that games shouldnt be so violent
and competitive. He thinks that games should be more fun, but with love, not hate. He thinks
there shouldnt be any victors or losers, but instead loves with all.
The narrator does this by stating that you should love and kiss and giggle instead
of shouting and fighting over one another. He does this very cleverly by adding rhythm to the
poem aswell.

In boa constrictor, the author states a character that is screaming for his life, while being
devoured by a boa constrictor. In this he uses rhythm and at the end makes a very muffled voice.
I believe that Shel Silverstein is a just trying to be very straight forward about this poem.
He just states a person being eaten alive while screaming for help. I dont believe Shel is trying
to state a meaning in this poem because the poem is just stating about a person who is dying.
Despite the reason why Shel is doesnt put a moral, he still is very elaborate and
descriptive. He uses rhythm throughout the poem and at the end he make the character use a
muffled voice.

In Unicorn, Shel states a fake world where all animals were alive and then states about a
unicorn and how it went extinct because God ordered Noah to make a boat and get 2 of every
animal, but Noah forgot the unicorn making it extinct.
I dont think Shel has a moral because he just tells a story based on myths like Noah, who
built a gigantic ship and God and other mythical beast, including the unicorn of course. Shel just
makes a story up using the Christian bible and create a very fun poem.
Though it doesnt seem like Shel has no intention to state any morals I still believe that
Shel used very sophisticated and smart language like how he used rhythm with the poem and just
the overall story based on true myths.

In 25 minutes to go, Shel states about a prisoner who keeps stating how many time he has
while running and telling a story. Shel basically talks about a prisoner trying to escape prison
while telling a story.
I believe Shel is trying to state how difficult a prisoners life is. He does this while being
vey descriptive and using rhythm.
I think that Shel is trying to say that because he makes the prisoner that part of his life .

Work Cited Silverstein

Minecraft Poem
Minecraft is fun,
But theirs lot to get done,
First you have to build a hovel,
Then go craft a shovel,
Go get a pickaxe which you have to craft,
So you can get the stone to bring back home!

When you done you better prepare.
But only if you dare!!!
Be ready to run,
though MInecraft is fun,
one shot youll be done,
so you better go now,
and dont wonder how,
because its been done by pros,
who can defeat any foe.

Minecraft is fun,
so you better play,
even if it takes all day.

Peace Please
War, bloodshed, and death,
These all make people fret,
But all I want is peace!
There shouldnt be heaven, or hell,
Just all doing well,
Just no war,
Why do we even need that for?
I hate seeing gore,
Please no more!

I just want peace!
Dont fight in the Middle East,
Dont fight in the west,
No one needs a best,
So no war please,
Have some peace please!

The best day is today,
I so excited, hurray!
Today I was late,
My teacher had to wait,
But it was okay,
Cause it was my birthday,
Got a 100 on my test,
So all I did was rest,
Great success with studying Rome
Cant wait to skip home,
Surprised with a giant cake,
Now I have presents galore,
Please can I have some more?!

Tiger (based on boa constrictor by Shel Steinstein)
A tiger is devouring me,
Why cant you see?!
It just bit my limbs,
Oh its a tiger,
A tiger,
A tiger,
Its munching on my toe,
I rather face an army as my foe,
This is what I dread,
I rather die from threads,
I disghmmff..

Dragon (based on Unicorn Shel Steinstein)
A long long time ago,
When animals were free,
All you could see were animals galore,
And there just be more and more!

But one stood out,
And no one knew about,
It was a dragon,
It breathed fire,
Even a jet couldnt fly any higher,
It was super scary,
Even though it wasnt hairy!

But alas,
God ordered Noah to harass,
So Noah built a ship,
Made sure it wouldnt rip,
And got the animals on board,
But not the dragon of course!
And now we all cant see,
If we could, wed smile with glee!!!

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