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Daleisha N.

Milln Garca
INGL 3201-L03
Descriptive Paragraph
May 28, 2014

Being Innocent
As we look at an image we create a world of ideas about the message that picture
expresses. In this particular picture, we are able to see that there is a little girl interested in
reading a magazine titled Living that is offering her new information about things she doesnt
know. She is dressed in white, which represents purity, holiness, light, festivity, and triumph,
because at birth we come into the world as innocent children. This little girl has a headband
decorated with a large pink flower. She has long, beautiful blond hair. Behind her, the little girl
has some long clothes that she hung in a clothesline. They are, her princess clothing. One of her
dresses looks like Snow Whites dress and the other one is from Cinderella. At some time,
women dream of becoming strong and beautiful princess who can be recognized around the
world for their great effort in helping others. I think that this girl wants to become this kind of
princess: she also wants to do the things that her mom does every day. You can tell this by her
attitude at reading and her fine posture. Finally, in my imagination, I wish I could be this girl
reading on this beautiful yard and breathing the fresh air. This scene makes me feel like I was
flying in peacefully in time. In my dream, I am also flying in this endless world, looking for a
key that could help me find the answers too many questions that I ask God about the things that
are happening around me.

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