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Underwood 1

Ben Underwood
Ms. Caruso
UWRT 1101
June 4, 2014
Ice Cream Controversy
When making an argument or promoting something, advertisements can be a useful tool
in that they can be complex and express ideas that text alone could not. However, the ability of
an advertisement to be very plain and simple or deep and complex makes them ideal for
conveying some ideas. Antonio Federici is an Italian ice cream company that claims to make the
worlds best gelato ice cream. One complex and quite odd advertisement they used features a
pregnant nun eating their product and has the words immaculately conceived written in a
gothic style font.
Although the main point or focus of this advertisement is to promote the worlds best
ice cream, their approach was taken offensively by most of its audience. The overall vision the
ad portrays is void and confusing. There are few colors used other than black and white and the
subjects are reduced to a nun and the ice cream. The nun is pictured pregnant and seems to be
enjoying the ice cream that she is eating. The pregnant nun has the effect of focusing the
viewers attention on itself and rather than the ice cream.
Conventional catholic nuns practice celibacy which makes the viewer question why this
nun is pregnant. The words Immaculately Conceived are written in a gothic style font center
on the middle of the page. By using the written text, it seems as if the author was trying to say
that the nun was conceived by ice cream. The innocent young nun is wearing no make-up, has
white, glowing skin and is in some sort of heavenly lighting with her head bowed down.
Comment [D1]: I think you can come up with a
better title use something about the nun in the
Comment [D2]: Did you come up with this
yourself? Also I think your introduction should start
with what your paper is about then you can put
something like this.
Comment [D3]: Do you happen to know why
they chose to use this approach?
Underwood 2

Portraying the nun this way gives the advertisement a theme of innocence. The effect of the
heavenly lighting and the nuns head bowed down makes it seem as if she is praising the ice
cream. The praising of the ice cream, as well as the necklace with a cross on it around the nuns
neck gives the ad a religious theme.
Not only does the advertisement have a religious and an innocence theme to it, but it also
has a theme of ice cream. The ice cream is the center focus on the page and has the other color
than white or black. Both the way that the nun is gazing at the ice cream and the way she is
holding it give off the effect that ice cream is precious. Italy is known for its gelato ice cream,
so the Italian flag on the tub of ice cream argues that the quality of the ice cream is good.

Comment [D4]: According to what source?
Comment [D5]: So far I think that you are on the
right track and I look forward to seeing what the
final product of this paper will be.

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