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Tribute to myself

"I am thankful to all those who said NO to me. It's because of them I did it myself."
That quote by Albert Einstein, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, is vibrantly brought to life
in the story of one particular man I know. I would like to share with you, 3 persons in
my life who has influenced me greatly. He is Me, myself and I. I know this sounds very
self-centered but before you judge me, I would like to tell you my story.
The first day I went in Ateneo I was excited, apprehensive and eager like everybody
else. When the lesson started, I was overwhelmed. I said to myself what kind of
sorcery is this? Solid mensuration, trigonometry, algebra. What kind of language are the
teachers speaking? If I can write a tougher picture, I will. I am not a Math fanatic. I
barely studied math in high school and here I am finding the X and I dont know Y. I
asked to myself, is Engineering really for me?

I remember the exact words of my teacher in solid mensuration when he first entered
the class. He said. Ok class what is a polygon? No one can answer so he lost his
patience and told everyone we will have a quiz next meeting, the coverage is chapter 1
to 3, then he walked out. I was shocked, is this really college? I tried to study but I
really cant understand it. Ive asked the help of my classmates but they said no to me
because they too cant understand. I went to my former classmate in high school who is
a math wizards but he too said no. I have asked the help of my father who is an
Engineer and to my dismay he said no to me. I was desperate and went back to my old
school and asked my former math teacher to help me but instead he just laughed. I felt
like the world closed their doors and turned their back on me. This is when I lost all
hope. As expected all my math subjects are F. I feel like giving up but something
motivated me. A voice inside my head saying this is just the beginning, dont give up
yet. And also I read that quote of Albert Einstein. So I did not give up, I studied and
studied until I have passed 1 math subject in midterms, then 2 in pre-finals. From F I
got a B+ and an A. Then I concluded that no one can help you but yourself.

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