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TABLE 01 (Ileana and Mitzi)

I: Good evening. Are you ready to order ?
M: Yes, Im ready. Id like a garden salad.
I: Im afraid. I dont have a garden salad.
I only have a tomato salad
M: Ok. Sounds good. Its also healthy.
I: Is that all ?
M: Yes I think so
I: Would you like to drink ?
We have orange juice, milk, coofee, tea and coke
M: What do you recommend ?
I: I would recommend a glass of orange juice because Its rich in vitamin C and a
type of B vitamin, helps keep your heart healthy and strengthens the immune
M: Thats great. Thanks.

TABLE 02 (Mariella and Roger)
R : Good evening. Are you ready to order ?
M: Yes, Im ready. Id like a hamburguer with lots of fries and lots of mayonnaise to
R: No, this is a vegetarian restaurant. Here we serve healthy food. We have
vegetarian salads, fruit salad, vegetarian pizza and so on.
M: It sound bored.
R: This is a restaurant that cares about the healthy of the user.
M: Ok. Then. I dont know what to ask. What do you recommend ?
R: I recommend a fruit salad to start because everyone likes, Its a rich and healthy
source of energy and has honey.
The honey is considered as one of the most nutritious foods know for their
content of vitamins, minerals and easily digested sugars.
M: Sounds good. Please you bring me one.
R: Ok. Anything else ?
M: No, thats all. I like this restaurant because it cares about my health.
I will come oftenly.

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