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Squalor Syndrome

What is squalor syndrome? This might

be the first question on your mind after
reading the title. Well! Squalor
syndrome is similar to the Hoarder
syndrome. Squalor syndrome also
known as Diogenes syndrome is a
disorder where people start living
among garbage pests and keep
themselves away from !ommuni!ation
with other people. This !ondition is seen
mostly in old people and sometimes
younger people who are not surrounded
by most of their friends and family.
This !ondition is self imposed and does not o!!ur be!ause of finan!ial issues.
"ost of these people have the !hoi!e of living a de!ent and !lean standard of
living but still prefer living like a poor person. #eople suffering from squalor
syndrome are sometimes very arrogant. Hen!e they develop the negative attitude
$ where people should not tell them what to do and how to live their lifestyle.
Due to their un!lean homes and la!k of !leaning habits the homes attra!t a lot of
pests like bugs and rats. Their homes also smell bad and !an be a huge
in!onvenien!e for the neighbors. This kind of un!lean behavior will !ause more
problems to the neighbors as their un!lean habits will spread the bad odor and
vermin to the neighbor%s doorsteps. &nd sin!e these people are very
un!ooperative the neighbors !annot talk them through !hanging their ways as
they will 'ust ignore their suggestions and ways.
&nother unhygieni! fa!t about these squalors is that they are misers and don%t
waste their money on basi! hygieni! needs. They would not even prefer visiting
do!tors but prefer dealing with their health issues in their own way.
Su!h people are hard to treat be!ause of their behavioral nature. #eople suffering
from squalor syndrome need intervention and !areful treatment sin!e they will not
be easy to handle.
(or more details visit us at)$!leanse.!

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