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Tea for Two Report

This is a video about a short film based around a boy and a girl having a
conversation about tea, with sexual references and cheeky remarks this comedy
short is light hearted and full of entertainment. I worked in a group of five which
consisted of Sam Miles, Sylvain Kellaway, at !obinson, "eter Killing #ack and
$eorgia Mac, we all had rolls we had to work for. These involved % actors, a
cameraman, a director, and an editor. &ach of us had our rolls to play which
contributed to the outcome of the production.
My role in this production was to direct the production, on a whole the cast and crew
did what they were told and got on with it fairly well, so I feel I accomplished my 'ob
well, with the overall outcome of the production I felt that I had directed a good piece.

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