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Anyone who has lived for any length of time in Japan and knows a little bit of the
language and culture knows the word chikan. The meaning of this word is a molester, but
basically refers to a male who is prone to be a Peeping Tom, stealing woman’s underwear
from their clothes lines, or even groping woman on the trains, catching a quick feel here
and there, or pressing themselves into females. In other words, a pervert!

You can sometimes spot chikan ogling young school girls in their sailor uniforms. A
brave woman or girl being molested or felt up on a train might blurt out, “chikan!” to
warn others of his presence and have him taken down by bystanders and arrested at the
next train stop.

The female counterpart of chikan is “chijo” and basically has the same meaning, and yes
there are some chijo in Japan, but they are rare or hardly reported to the police. I mean
what hot blooded male, in his right mind, would report that he was felt up by a woman on
a train or other location other than to let all his friends know about it? I know I wouldn’t
and I didn’t report it when it happened to me.

Yes, I was groped, or molested, or whatever you want to call it on a train by a female
when I was a college student in Japan. I was shocked and awed at what happened, but I
didn’t feel I was molested. No way, no how! In fact, after I got over the initial shock, I
kind of enjoyed it and let her “take advantage” of me so to speak. Or at least, after I
understood just what the hell was going on, let her “have her way with me.” This is the
story of that one and only experience I ever had with a chijo on a public train in Japan.

I was on my way back home from university during rush hour and I didn’t feel like
waiting the 20 or so minutes for the third express train at the platform in Shinjuku in
order to ensure that I got a seat on the train that originated from there. I wanted to get
home so I took my place in line for the next express train. I was ninth in the double line,
so I knew I would not be getting a seat.

When the train arrived and all the people emptied out the left side of the train, the doors
on the right side opened and everyone near the front scrambled for a seat. People are so
desperate for a seat, especially after waiting 20 minutes, that they practically knock each
other out of the way! Since I was so far back in the line I couldn’t get my favorite
standing spot next to the door and was stuck standing near the door in the middle of the
aisle. The train was crowded, but not very. I knew it would get worse at the next two
express stops.

As usual, the crowd at the first express stop at this time of the evening was large and the
people were packed into the train. I mean we were so packed in that I didn’t have to hold
on to anything as the throng of people and the closeness of our bodies would keep me
from losing my balance. That’s how close we were. It was so crowded that I hardly had
any room to fold my magazine in quarters to read it.

As the train pulled out of the station all the people kind of moved backwards with the
forward momentum of the train. One woman who had her back to me leaned into me with
her butt and back. As the train gained speed and we were able to stand I kind of backed
away from her an inch or so as I didn’t want her to think I was pressing into her or
anything that may make her yell, “chikan!” and get me arrested or something.

It was about an five minute ride to the next express stop so I just got as comfortable as I
could and began to read my magazine. To my astonishment the same woman in front of
me moved back a little and placed her butt ever so lightly squarely into my crotch. I was
startled and moved backward maybe a centimeter or so as there was virtually no room for
me to move back much. I no sooner did that than she did it again. At first I thought it was
an accident and, as there was no more room for me to move back without my pressing my
butt into some guys crotch, I kind of arched my hips back a bit so my crotch wouldn’t be
touching her butt. I no sooner did that than, again, she moved her butt against my crotch
for a second time. Now I knew this was no accident. She was doing it on purpose.

I had heard that there were women, chijo, who sometimes did this on the train, but I had
never personally experienced it myself in seven years of living there. I had heard that
they did things similar to what chikan do, and I had even heard secondhand stories about
how they would even grab a man’s crotch or massage his butt. Now I was experiencing it
for the first time. Call me crazy, but I am a male and I was not about to let this experience
with a chijo pass me by. If she was pitching, I was catching.

As she continued to press her butt into my crotch, I straightened up and, ever so lightly,
proceeded to press my crotch back against her butt. The harder I pressed, the harder she
pressed back and the harder I got! I remember thinking to myself, this is no accident.
She's actually encouraging this! So I pressed against her all the more. I shyly glanced
around to make sure no one was looking at us, but it was really too crowded for anyone
to really notice as we so packed together.

Throughout the entire ride to the next stop we pressed against each other so much it was
as if we were making love. In a way we were making love. She continued pressing her
butt ever so slowly against my crotch in a circular motion, side to side, and then up and
down a little. I couldn’t believe how aroused I had become and I responded in kind. All
the while she had her head down pretending to read a book she had in her hands.

I never once saw her face, but I guessed she was in her 20’s. She had long black hair and
was wearing what seemed to be a business suit. I could smell the hint of a nice perfume
and the nice fragrance of her long shiny black hair. The top of her head came up to about
my chin and we played our little “love making” game until the train pulled into the next
station; her pressing against me and me responding in kind. I was so hard I couldn’t
believe it. I thoroughly enjoyed her pressing her soft round butt against my rock hard
crotch and enjoyed every minute of it. Any minute now and I knew I would have an
As the train pulled into the third express stop and the doors opened, she abruptly got off
much to my dismay. I tried as best I could to get a look at her, but she had her head
turned completely away from me, (probably on purpose) and I never even got a sideways
glance at her face as she blended in with, and disappeared into the crowd. If she was
beautiful I never knew, but I like to imagine she was as beautiful as my wildest fantasy.

As quite a few people got off at this station there was now room for me to stand in
relative comfort and I took my usual place against the door for the remaining 20 minutes
or so ride home. For obvious reasons I faced the door. The little tease had left me high
and dry and frustrated, and I couldn’t wait to get home to “take care of my frustration!”
Man was I turned on!

However, it was an experience I would never forget and I often think about it, with a
smile, to this day, nearly 30 years later, of the chijo who had the nerve to molest a
foreigner on a crowded train in Japan. (Something told me this was not her first

When I relayed this experience to my Japanese friends, both male and female, they didn’t
seem all that surprised and both had said that, although rare, it is not unheard of for chijo
to do that on trains. Maybe that is why men do it. Maybe, they are making the first move
hoping they are interacting with, or hoping to find, a chijo. I don’t know. In my case it
never happened again with a female although I have had more than a few men press
themselves up against me both before and after this unique experience. In those cases, I
either moved out of the way, got off at the next stop and then back on again, or found
another spot quickly in the same or another car. But I didn’t make a scene and they never
persisted or I may have ended up being arrested for assaulting someone.

After that exhilarating experience I often didn’t mind taking a crowded train at rush hour
and kind of looked forward to it. In fact I often made it a point to take a crowded train for
a while after that experience. But, I never experienced it again. And, I would never make
the first move myself and press myself against a woman on purpose for fear of being
called a chikan and maybe getting arrested. It is just not my style.
As a matter of fact, groping and the feeling up of women on trains has become so
prevalent these days that the train companies in Japan are forced to have women only
cars during the rush hour, especially in the mornings. Also, there are more than a few
women these days on trains who yell “chikan!” and blame some innocent man for
groping them when they never touched them. They do this so they can extort money from
them in lieu of pressing charges. Also, there are quite a few female undercover cops who
ride the trains these days and will arrest, on the spot, anyone groping them. Therefore, if
you happen to find yourself on a crowded train in Japan these days be real leery of any
woman pressing herself up against you as she may just be trying to trap or arrest you.
Today, I would never respond in kind as I did back then.

If chijo ever became so prevalent, in Japan (which I doubt would ever happen) that they
had to have separate cars for men, women, and mixed, I’m pretty sure the men only cars
would be empty or filled with men looking to have an experience with other men. I know
I would not ride in a men only car. Co-ed all the way for me! I mean what hetero man in
his right mind would ride in a male only car?

Whoever you are, chijo-san, you gave a young man an experience he’ll never forget and
one he’ll fondly cherish forever and still does! And for that, being a hot blooded male at
the time, I thank you. Heck, I would even savor it with as much delight today as I did
back then, but times are different.

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