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Lesson 1: 6
grade: Art: Elements of Art Vocabulary

The students were required to create a graphic vocabulary chart using vocabulary words
on the basic elements of art. The students created a 3 column-8 row table. The top row of the
table listed the categories for the 3 columns. In the first column, the students listed their
vocabulary words for the seven basic elements of art. In the second column, the students used
their textbooks to define the vocabulary words, and typed the definitions next to the
corresponding vocabulary word. In the third column, students illustrated these vocabulary
words with clip art appropriate for each term, demonstrating an understanding of each word
and its definition.

Illustrating art vocabulary terms as demonstrated in this lesson strengthens students
use of technology by allowing students the opportunity to create a table, practice closely
defining the search for clip art, and inserting the image. The primary benefit of illustrating in
order to learn art vocabulary is that by inserting clip art students demonstrate understanding of
the term while creating a visual cue for the term for later reference. When assessing, if
students can verbally define an art term in addition to identifying a visual reference, they have
internalized the material and demonstrated complete understanding of the term.

Lesson 2: 6
grade: Art: Color Wheel
In the second lesson, students were asked to apply their new knowledge of color and
the color wheel to search online for an image of the color wheel. They were then asked to
insert that image into a word document, and label each color on the wheel with its name and
whether that color was considered a primary or secondary color.
Using Word Processing to recreate the color wheel required the students to rely on
decision-making skills in order to make their own choice of what appropriate image(s) to use.
By creating and labeling a graphic representation of the color wheel, the students further
reviewed and learned the color wheel by applying their knowledge and understanding to its
creation. Once again, this allowed students to use word processing as a method of helping the
students to internalize the information.

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