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Holland Harper

June 20, 2014

Overall Reflection

The primary purpose of education is to develop well-rounded, productive,
tax- paying citizens who will contribute economically and socially to their
communities, and who have developed critical thinking skills along with the ability
to analyze data to make informed decisions. Technology is a wonderful avenue/
tool to enhance learning and maximize productivity.
All careers today involve some type of technology. By integrating
technology into K-12 education, we are growing naturalized digitally literate
citizens who are prepared to meet the challenges and demands of ever increasing
technology-dependent career areas. Older citizens today are technology
immigrants having been forced to learn to use technology to meet work force
demands and, therefore, have faced struggles that our current students will not
face if technology is integrated into education at an early age.
Students today are exposed to technology for entertainment at an early
age. They are engaged by technology whereas worksheets and lectures often do
not hold their attention and therefore do not engage students. Teachers who
continue to teach students as they did 15 to 10 years ago fail to recognize that
students today are not engaged or immersed in these traditional forms of
teaching. Integrating technology is necessary to fully engage students so that
they may each develop to their fullest potential.

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