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Monster Hunter

For: PlayStation 2
Game Guide by: EhudBarak/Dennis Ruggio. Copyright 2004-2006.
This guide is for the U.S. version.
Legality Concerns: This guide is not to be used on any other websites
without the consent of myself. In order to get consent for this
Guide, please e-mail me at
=====|====================VERSION DETAILS============================/
As you can see, the Version is still listed as FINAL. However, you
can also see I did some cosmetic changes. I got rid of blocks of
text and added new dividers. This could very well be my last bit
of attention to this guide.
Version: Final
-Due to time constraints and my retirement status from Monster Hunter,
this guide is as finished as it possibly can get on my part. Sorry,
but I'm no longer helping out others and I will not be accepting any
e-mails regarding questions or suggestions.
Updates for Version 3.01
-Updated to show my retirement status; future questions regarding
the game should be asked on the Monster Hunter Message Boards. Sorry
for any inconvenience.
Updates for Version 3.00
-Updated the FAQ section of the guide
-Added ALL the weapon paths for your enjoyment
Updates for Version 2.35
-Found still more spelling/grammar mistakes
-Updated the FAQ section of the guide
Updates for Version 2.30
-Fixed some more spelling/grammar mistakes
-I changed the numbers of the sections from numbers to Roman Numerals
for easier searching
-I added information for my online statistics as well as character
-I added a FAQ section to the guide
Updates for Version 2.10:
-Fixed the areas of confusion
-Fixed some spelling/grammar mistakes
-Added an additional Basarios strategy
Updates for Version 2.00
-Finished all Offline Quests
Updates for Version 1.95
-Half of 5 Star Quests added
-Typos found and fixed
-Acknowledgement section updated
Added Cloudstrife8
Added Kaezar
Updates for Version 1.92
-Started on 5 Star Quests
Strategy for killing and capturing Rathalos below!
Updates for Version 1.90:
-More changes to Monster Section:
Kirin can only be carved 2 times
-Finished the 4 Star Quests
Updates for Version 1.80:
-Made changes to the Monster Section:
Monoblos Heart lie was removed
Fatalis and Lao-Shan Lung's carves were fixed
-Added half of the 4 Star Quests
Updates for Version 1.20:
-Finished Monster section
-Finished Item Combination section
-Finished Food Combinations for online
Updates for Version .80:
-Added the rest of the combinations from 1-36 (Thanks Kanoa357/BOWL)
-Added a Food Combination chart for online play (Also Kanoa357/BOWL)
=====|====================TABLE O' CONTENTS==========================/
I) Contact Information
II) Online Information
III) Introduction
IV) Weapon Trees
1) Great Sword
2) Hammer
3) Lance
4) Sword and Shield
5) Dual Swords
V) Monster Database
1. Mosswine
2. Bullfango
3. Kelbi
4. Aptonoth
5. Apceros
6. Felyne
7. Melynx
8. Velociprey
9. Velocidrome
10. Genprey
11. Gendrome
12. Ioprey
13. Iodrome
14. Rathalos
15. Rathian
16. Yian Kut-Ku
17. Gypceros
18. Vespoid
19. Hornetaur
20. Khezu
21. Plesioth
22. Cephalos
23. Cephadrome
24. Monoblos
25. Diablos
26. Gravios
27. Basarios
28. Kirin
29. Lao-Shan Lung
30. Fatalis
VI) Item Combinations
VII) Food Combinations
VIII) Quests (Offline)
IX) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
X) Acknowledgements
XI) Authorized Websites
I) |================================================================/
=====|====================CONTACT INFORMATION========================/
This guide is now, in my opinion complete. I do not have the time to
answer any more questions or make any alterations. It is with great
regret to inform you that contacting me will yield no luck in getting
answers. Sorry.
II) |================================================================/
=====|====================ONLINE INFORMATION=========================/
I barely play this game online anymore. I'm too busy with other things
in life. I come on every now and then to help a friend out, so I can
be seen wandering about every now and then. In case you were wondering,
here is my online information.
Name: BloodiedWraith
Offline Name: Werewolf
Hunter Rank: 20
Usually found: Brave World, Red Land, Any Area
Weapons of choice:
1) Black Dragon Sword
2) Black Dragon Spear
3) Kirin Bolt Ultimus
4) Eternal Annihilator
5) Dual Dragon Ultimus
Helm: Dragonhead
Torso: Dragonhide
Arms: Dragonclaw
Waist: Dragonwings
Legs: Dragonfeet
Character sex: Male
Sorry, I no longer am helping new players. As of 21 March 2005, I'm
retired. But if by chance you catch me on and I'm in the mood for
questing, of course I'll go along. Usually if I'm on, I'm playing
with a friend and will go provided there's room for my friend as well.
I'm a fair guy.
III) |========================================================================/
Okay, this is my first guide ever. I came up with the idea since Ive seen
nothing for a FAQ or guide here on GameFAQs. I hope to include all the
monsters, items from the monsters, and combinations in the game by the time
I'm finished. I hope you enjoy this guide.
IV) |========================================================================/
=====|============================WEAPON TREES===============================/
Okay, I've finally decided to add this. I've gotten tons of questions
regarding this, as you can see from my FAQ section, so here you have it.
This tells you what paths go to what weapons, but not the materials required
to make them. Sorry if that's any inconvenience, but there are plenty of other
guides that address the materials. My personal favorite of these, are the ones
that Sanjuro has made for us.
I've divided them by numbered section so here's a little table of contents
sort of:
| |
| 1) Great Sword |
| |
| 2) Hammer |
| |
| 3) Lance |
| |
| 4) Swords |
| |
| 5) Dual Swords |
1) Great Sword Trees:
Iron Sword:
Iron Sword
Iron Sword+
Iron Katana --------------|
| |
Iron Katana "Grace" Buster Sword
| |
Iron Katana "Gospel" Buster Sword+
| |
Eager Cleaver Buster Blade
|---------------- Defender
| |
Ravager Blade Defender+
| |
Ravager Blade+ Sentinel
Lacerator Blade
Tactical Blade ------------|
Lacerator Blade +
Rusted Sword:
Rusted Great Sword
Tarnished Great Sword
Legendary Great Sword
Ancient Blade
Finblade (online only):
Plesioth Water Sword
Bone Blade:
Bone Blade
Bone Blade +
Serpentblade -----------|
Vile Serpentblade Agito
| |
Great Serpentblade Agito+
Dragon Agito
|--------------- Redwing
| |
Golem Blade Rathalos Firesword
Golem Blade+
Siegmund -----------------|
Valkyrie Blade
Large Bone
Dragonsword (online only):
Fire Dragonsword
Red Dragonsword
Dragonslayer (online only):
Dragon Massacre
Eternal Annihilator
Halberd (online only):
Dark Scythe
Bone Katana (online only):
Bone Katana "Wolf"
|-------------------- Black Katana MK. I
| |
Bone Katana "Shark" Black Katana MK. II
Bone Katana "Dragon"
Divine Slasher
Joke Weapon (online only):
Frozen Tuna
Event Weapon (Online only):
GMR Chrome Heart
2) Hammer Trees
Iron Hammer:
Iron Hammer
Iron Hammer+
War Hammer
Bone Axe---------------------|--------------------Spiked Hammer
| | |
Bone Axe+ War Hammer+ Spiked Hammer+
| | |
Bone Broadaxe War Mace Shell Hammer
| |
Iron Striker Graviton Hammer
Iron Striker+
Iron Impact
Iron Impact+
Rusted Hammer:
Rusted Hammer
Tarnished Hammer
Legendary Hammer
Breath Core Hammer
Bone Club:
Bone Club
Great Bone Club
Gunhammer (online only):
Gunhammer Prototype
Dead Revolver
Bone Hammer:
Bone Hammer
Bone Hammer+
Diablo Hammer--------------|
| |
Diablo Hammer+ Cyclo-Hammer
| |
Diablo Maul Cyclo-Hammer+
| |
Finishing Hammer Atlas Hammer
|---------------------- Jail Hammer
| |
Skullcrusher Jail Hammer+
| |
Skullcrusher+ Prison Hammer
| |
Kut-Ku Chin Binder Mace
Kut-Ku Jaw
Crystal Hammer (online only):
Crystal Hammer
Crystal Nova
Gigaton Hammer
Gigaton Hammer+
Titan Hammer
Anvil Hammer (online only):
Anvil Hammer
Onslaught Hammer
Dragon Destroyer (online only):
Dragon Destroyer
Joke Weapons (online only):
Cactus Creamer
Event Weapons (Online only)
Enormous Ham

3) Lance Trees
Iron Lance:
Iron Lance
Iron Lance+
|--------------------------Bone Javelin
| |
Knight Lance Bone Javelin+
| |
Knight Lance+ Spiked Spear
Knight Spear
Paladin Lance
Paladin Lance+
Babel Spear
Rusted Lance:
Rusted Lance
Tarnished Lance
Legendary Lance
Diablo Horn (online only):
Diablo Horn
Diablo Horn+
Diablo Spear
Aqua Spear:
Aqua Spear
Aqua Spear+
Iron Knight (online only):
Iron Knight's Pike
Steel Knight's Pike
Dragon Knight's Pike
Grayburg Javelin
Venom Lance (online only):
Venom Lance
Venom Lance+
Venom Spear
Gravios Spear
Lullaby Spear:
Lullaby Spear
Requiem Spear
Gunlance (online only):
Gunlance Prototype
Gatling Lance
Dark Lance (online only):
Dark Lance
Dark Lance+
Dark Spear
Shock Lance
Bone Lance:
Bone Lance
Bone Lance+
Red Tail-------------------|
| |
Red Tail+ Longhorn
| |
Hellfire Longhorn+
| |
Spear of Prominence Long Tusk
|------------------------Crimson Lance
| |
Barbarian Tusk Crimson War Pike
Barbarian Tusk+
Barbaroi Tusk
Ogre Tusk
Dragon Lance (online only):
Dragoon Lord
Black Dragon Spear
Joke Weapon (online only):
Vacuum Sucker
Native Spear
Weapon with its own category (online only):
4) Sword Trees
Hunter's Knife:
Hunter's Knife
Hunter's Knife+
Hunter's Dagger------------|
| |
Hunter's Dagger+ Serpent Bite
| |
Assassin's Dagger Serpent Bite+
| |
Twin Dagger---------- |----------------------Hydra Bite
(See Dual | | |
Swords ) Poison Axe Viper Bite Hydra Bite+
| | |
Poison Battleaxe Viper Bite+ Deadly Poison
Death Prize
Bone Kris:
Bone Kris
Bone Kris+
Weary Finsword-----------------------------Crimson Club
| | |
Weary Finsword+ Bonepick Monoblos Club
| |
Sandman Finsword Bonepick+
Bone Scythe--------------------------------Corona
(See Dual Swords) |
Red Saber
Red Saber+
Flame Falchion
Blazing Falchion
Hero's Blade:
Hero's Blade
Master's Blade
Rusted Sword:
Rusted Sword
Tarnished Sword
Legendary Sword
Eternal Strife
Studded Club (Online only):
Studded Club
Studded Club+
Dual Diablo--------------
(See Dual Swords) |
Spiked Bat
Dragonbuster (Online only):
Black Dragon Sword
Thunderbane (Online only):
Joke Weapons (Online only):
Kitchen Knife:
Kitchen Knife
Iron Chefblade
Event Weapons (Online Only):

Kirin Bolt:
Kirin Bolt
Kirin Bolt+
Kirin Bolt Mega
Kirin Bolt Ultimus
5) Dual Sword Trees
Twin Dagger (Continued from the Hunter's Knife tree under Swords):
Twin Dagger
Twin Dagger+
Bone Scythe (Continued from the Bone Kris tree under Swords):
Bone Scythe
Bone Scythe+
| |
Gradios+ Cutlass
| |
Gradios Ultimus Cutlass+
Dual Diablo (Continued from Studded Club):
Dual Diablo
Dual Diablo+
Dual Tomahawk (Online only):
Dual Tomahawk
Insector------------------------------------Guild Rapier
| | |
Insector+ Dual Tomahawk+ Guild Rapier+
Guild Saber
Double Dragon (Online only):
Double Dragon
Dual Dragon Ultimus
Event Weapons (Online only):
Prototype Saw-Slicer:

Prototype Saw-Slicer
V) |========================================================================/
=====|===========================MONSTER DATABASE============================/
Okay, heres the Monster Database. It is now complete. In this section you
will be able to find information about the various creatures you will come
across in the game, as well as what you can carve from them. Knowing your
prey is the first step towards becoming a real hunter!
I've added my own personal hunter notes on all the creatures you will face
on your quest to become the best Monster Hunter of them all!
No. 1
Name: Mosswine
Wild pigs covered in moss and fungus. Sometimes you will even find mushrooms
growing on them. Their meat is known as a delicacy. Though normally docile,
they will charge you if angered!
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Special Mushroom - 15%
Blue Mushroom - 30%
Raw Meat - 30%
Blue Mushroom - 15%
Raw Meat - 8%
Special Mushroom - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Special Mushroom - 15%
Blue Mushroom - 30%
Raw Meat - 30%
Blue Mushroom - 20%
Mosswine Hide - 4%
Mosswine Head - 1%
*Note: As you can see the Mosswine is actually pretty useful in the
early stages of the game. You can get easy money by carving
off Special Mushrooms, but also if you're low on health in a
quest, you can carve off a valueable Blue Mushroom and mix
it with an Herb so you can get a Potion.
No. 2
Name: Bullfango
A large wild boar. Foul tempered, they will charge hunters on sight. They
are aggressive and powerful, so beware! They are often hunted for their
meat, which many hunters find delicious.
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Raw Meat - 15%
Bullfango Pelt - 30%
Bullfango Pelt - 30%
Raw Meat - 15%
Raw Meat - 8%
Bullfango Pelt - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Raw Meat - 15%
Bullfango Pelt - 30%
Bullfango Pelt - 30%
Raw Meat - 16%
Raw Meat - 8%
Bullfango Head - 1%
*Note: The Bullfango are the most annoying creatures in the entire
game. However, at times they can be useful. If you're
fighting a wyvern that's in the same area as Bullfango, you
can make the Bullfango charge into the wyvern, giving you
an upperhand on the battle.
No. 3
Name: Kelbi
A herbivorous, deer-like monster. Valued for their horns, they tend to
run away at the first hint of danger. They are also hunted for their meat,
which is chewy but flavorful.
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (offline and HR 1-12 as well as HR 13+):
Kelbi Horn - 25%
Kelbi Hide - 30%
Kelbi Horn - 30%
Kelbi Horn - 5%
Raw Meat - 8%
Kelbi Hide - 2%
*Note: I have nothing to say on the Kelbi. There really isn't any
note worth special mention on them except... well except
No. 4
Name: Aptonoth
Mainly hunted for food, these monsters are preyed upon by both hunter
and monster alike. Timid unless in a pack, when some may defend themselves
with surprising strength.
Number of carves: 2
Carve items (offline and HR 1-12):
Sm Monster Bone - 15%
Sm Monster Bone - 30%
Raw Meat - 30%
Raw Meat - 15%
Sm Monster Bone - 8%
Raw Meat - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Sm Monster Bone - 15%
Sm Monster Bone - 30%
Raw Meat - 30%
Raw Meat - 15%
Sm Monster Bone - 8%
Raw Meat - 2%
*Note: These are useful creatures if you need some Raw Meat to make
a Well-Done Steak during a quest. But that's obvious.
No. 5
Name: Apceros
Hunted for their meat, which is buried under a thick, armored hide.
Aggressive compared to the Aptonoth, hunting them can be a challenge.
Apceros eggs are a valuable guild commodity.
Number of carves: 2
Carve items (offline and HR 1-12):
Med Monster Bone - 15%
Sm Monster Bone - 30%
Raw Meat - 30%
Raw Meat - 15%
Med Monster Bone - 8%
Raw Meat - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+)
Med Monster Bone - 15%
Med Monster Bone - 30%
Raw Meat - 30%
Raw Meat - 15%
Sm Monster Bone - 8%
Raw Meat - 2%
*Note: The Aptonoth are an easy way to get Med Monster Bones without
having to fight a big bad wyvern if you're trying to build up
a weapon.
No. 6
Name: Felyne
Cat-like humanoids with white fur. Normally quiet unless angered, in which
case they may attack. Capable of speech, they are sometimes found in the
employ of humans.
Number of carves: 0
Carve items:
*Note: There's nothing bad about these cats. They're friendly, until
you vent your anger out on them and hurt them in any way.
They'll gang up on you with their little pickaxes of doom, and
even suicide bomb you.
No. 7
Name: Melynx
Cat-like humanoids with black fur. Being sticky-fingered they won't pass up
a chance to steal things and take them back to their village. Easily
distracted by the site of Felvine.
Number of carves: 0
Carve items:
*Note: These are the horrible kitties. They annoy you during a quest
by running up to you, and get this, stealing your items! The
best way to combat this is to kill them all before a wyvern
comes into an area. To prevent them from stealing things of
use to you, always carry Felvine. They love it, and will only
steal that.
No. 8
Name: Velociprey
Aggressive, carnivorous monsters that often travel in packs. Even a master
hunter should take care not to become surrounded! Wide ranging, they are
found in many different climates.
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Velociprey Fang - 15%
Velociprey Scale - 30%
Velociprey Fang - 30%
Velociprey Hide - 15%
Velociprey Hide - 8%
Velociprey Hide - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Velociprey Hide - 15%
Velociprey Scale - 30%
Velociprey Hide - 30%
Velociprey Fang - 15%
Velociprey Fang - 8%
Velociprey Fang - 2%
*Note: Annoying pack hunters. When they are alone or not in the
same area as the wyvern you're fighting, they're fine. You
just run by them and ignore them. But when they're in packs
when you're trying to mine or gather, or in the same area
with a wyvern they can get quite deadly. You can use them
to your advantage just like the Bullfango, though.
No. 9
Name: Velocidrome
The alpha monster that leads a Velociprey pack. They are larger and
have a more prominent crest. Highly territorial, but will retreat
to a safe place when injured to recover.
Number of carves: 2
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Velociprey Scale - 15%
Velociprey Hide - 30%
Velocidrome Claw - 30%
Velocidrome Claw - 15%
Velocidrome Claw - 8%
Velocidrome Claw - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Velociprey Scale - 15%
Velociprey Hide - 30%
Velocidrome Claw - 30%
Velocidrome Claw - 15%
Velocidrome Claw - 9%
Velocidrome Head - 1%
*Note: Velocidromes are basically more powerful version of the
Velociprey. They're really not that radically different or
special. However, they can call for back-up just by roaring.
When they're at about 70-80% health they'll try to leave the
area. A good way of preventing this is just tossing a Flash
Bomb and stunning it so you can continue to beat up on it
without having to worry about chasing after it.
No. 10
Name: Genprey
A subspecies of Velociprey found mainly in desert zones. Traveling in
packs, their large fangs and claws contain a neurotoxin that is used to
stun and paralyze prey.
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Genprey Fang - 15%
Genprey Scale - 30%
Genprey Fang - 30%
Genprey Hide - 15%
Genprey Hide - 8%
genprey Hide - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Genprey Hide - 15%
Genprey Scale - 30%
Genprey Hide - 30%
Genprey Fang - 15%
Genprey Fang - 8%
genprey Fang - 2%
*Note: The only thing I can say about the Genprey is... They stun.
Other than that, they function exactly like the Velociprey.
No. 11
Name: Gendrome
The alpha monster that leads a Genprey pack. They are larger and have a
more prominent crest. Found in the desert, they can paralyze prey using
their toxic fangs and claws.
Number of carves: 2
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Stun Sac - 15%
Genprey Hide - 30%
Genprey Scale - 30%
Stun Sac - 15%
Stun Sac - 8%
Stun Sac - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Genprey Scale - 15%
Gendrome Hide - 30%
Stun Sac - 30%
Gendrome Hide - 15%
Stun Sac - 8%
Stun Sac - 2%
*Note: The Gendrome is exactly like the Velociprey. Except, just
like Genprey, it can stun. And it does it a lot for some
No. 12
Name: Ioprey
A subspecies of Velociprey often found in subtropical zones. Sacs in
their throat contain a powerful poison that slowly drains the Health
of their prey.
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Ioprey Fang - 15%
Ioprey Scale - 30%
Ioprey Fang - 30%
Ioprey Hide - 15%
Ioprey Scale - 8%
Ioprey Scale - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Ioprey Hide - 15%
Ioprey Scale - 30%
Ioprey Hide - 30%
Ioprey Fang - 15%
Ioprey Fang - 8%
Ioprey Fang - 2%
*Note: Again, just like the Velociprey except it has a poison spit
that isn't as powerful as the Monster Description says it is.
It really doesn't last for that long.
No. 13
Name: Iodrome
The alpha monster that leads an Ioprey pack. They are larger and have
a more prominent crest. Found in tropical zones, they spit a poison
that can sap the life force of prey.
Number of carves: 2
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Poison Sac - 15%
Ioprey Hide - 30%
Ioprey Scale - 30%
Poison Sac - 15%
Poison Sac - 8%
Poison Sac - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Ioprey Scale - 15%
Iodrome Hide - 30%
Poison Sac - 30%
Iodrome Hide - 15%
Poison Sac - 8%
Poison Sac - 2%
*Note: Another raptor type. Again, just like the Velocidrome, yet
this one has poison! Oh no, it's so deadly! Not really.
No. 14
Name: Rathalos
Male wyvern that keeps a nest and patrols its patch of territory
from the air in search of prey. Its claws are filled with a poison
that weakens its quarry.
Number of carves: 3 from body, 1 from tail
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Rathalos Shell - 5%
Rathalos Webbing - 30%
Rathalos Scale - 30%
Rathalos Shell - 25%
Flame Sac - 8%
Wyvern Marrow - 2%
Rathalos Scale - 5%
Rathalos Tail - 30%
Rathalos Scale - 30%
Rathalos Shell - 25%
Rathalos Tail - 8%
Wyvern Marrow - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Rathalos Scale - 5%
Rathalos Webbing - 30%
Rathalos Shell - 30%
Flame Sac - 25%
Wyvern Marrow - 8%
Rathalos Wing - 2%
Rathalos Plate - 1%
Rathalos Tail - 30%
Rathalos Shell - 30%
Rathalos Tail - 25%
Rathalos Scale - 8%
Wyvern Marrow - 6%
*Note: Cutting off the wing claws usually results in a Rathalos Claw
on the rewards screen.
No. 15
Name: Rathian
Female version of the Rathalos wyvern. Unlike its maile counterpart,
it usually patrols its territory from the ground. Its tail spikes
are filled with poison.
Number of carves: 3 from body, 1 from tail
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Rathian Shell - 5%
Rathian Scale - 30%
Rathian Scale - 30%
Rathian Shell - 25%
Flame Sac - 8%
Rathian Spike - 2%
Lg Monster Bone - 5%
Rathian Scale - 30%
Rathian Scale - 30%
Rathian Shell - 25%
Rathian Spike - 8%
Wyvern Marrow - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Rathian Scale - 5%
Rathian Scale - 30%
Rathian Shell - 30%
Flame Sac - 25%
Rathian Spike - 8%
Wyvern Claw - 2%
Rathian Plate - 2%
Rathian Scale - 30%
Rathian Shell - 30%
Rathian Scale - 20%
Rathian Spike - 15%
Wyvern Marrow - 5%
*Note: Cutting off the wing claws usually results in a Rathian Claw
on the rewards screen.
No. 16
Name: Yian Kut-Ku
A bird-like wyvern with a huge beak and large ears that splay open
when it is angered. With its sensitive hearing it dislikes loud noises.
It is smaller but faster than other wyverns.
Number of carves: 3
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Kut-Ku Webbing - 6%
Kut-Ku Webbing - 30%
Kut-Ku Shell - 50%
Kut-Ku Scale - 5%
Kut-Ku Ear - 8%
Giant Beak - 1%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Kut-Ku Ear - 5%
Kut-Ku Webbing - 25%
Kut-Ku Shell - 45%
Kut-Ku Ear - 15%
Giant Beak - 8%
Giant Beak - 2%
*Note: Yian Kut-Ku really doesn't have much to offer. You can't cut
anything off of him either, which is just depressing. His
sign of weakness is his ears going down. Also, the easiest
way to defeat him is take a powerful lance, like the Ogre
Tusk, and just stab away at his wings. He really won't get
a chance to move that way.
No. 17
Name: Gypceros
A wyvern that can generate bright flashes of light with its prominent
head crest. Its rubbery skin resists damage, and it can spit a poisonous
substance. It is quite timid, however.
Number of carves: 3
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Poison Sac - 3%
Power Extract - 20%
Rubbery Hide - 30%
Rubbery Hide - 32%
Lightcrystal - 8%
Poison Sac - 7%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Power Extract - 25%
Rubbery Hide - 20%
Rubbery Hide - 15%
Power Extract - 25%
Poison Sac - 9%
Lightcrystal - 6%
*Note: Cutting off the head crest offline or HR 1-12 will result in
5 Stones - 99%
1 Lightcrystal - 1%
Cutting off the head crest HR 13+ will result in either:
1 Machalite Ore - 70%
1 Lightcrystal - 29%
1 Novacrystal - 1%
No. 18
Name: Vespoid
An enormous, wasp-like insectoid with a poisonous stinger that stuns prey.
Easily damaged, there are rarely any usable materials left to harvest from
them once killed.
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Monster Fluid - 15%
Vespoid Wing - 30%
Vespoid Shell - 30%
Vespoid Wing - 15%
Vespoid Wing - 8%
Monster Fluid - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Vespoid Wing - 15%
Vespoid Shell - 30%
Monster Fluid - 30%
Vespoid Wing - 15%
Vespoid Bladefin - 8%
Vespoid Bladefin - 2%
*Note: To carve a Vespoid, your best bet is to bring a Poison weapon
or a bowgun with Poison S so you can get them to die without
No. 19
Name: Hornetaur
A Vespoid-like monster with a thicker shell. Easily damaged, their
are rarely any usable materials left to harvest from them once killed.
But if you could sap their Health gradually...
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Monster Fluid - 15%
Hornetaur Wing - 30%
Hornetaur Wing - 30%
Hornetaur Shell - 15%
Hornetaur Wing - 8%
Monster Fluid - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Hornetaur Wing - 20%
Hornetaur Shell - 30%
Monster Fluid - 30%
Hornetaur Head - 10%
Hornetaur Head - 8%
Hornet Bladefin - 2%
*Note: To carve a Hornetaur, your best bet is to bring a Poison
weapon or a bowgun with Poison S so you can get them to die
without exploding.
No. 20
Name: Khezu
Loathsome wyverns that live inside caves. Near blind, they detect
their prey by smell. They are capable of generating electric shocks,
which they use to paralyze prey.
Number of carves: 3
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Electro Sac - 5%
Flabby Hide - 50%
Pale Extract - 20%
Pale Extract - 15%
Electro Sac - 8%
Electro Sac - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Flabby Hide - 20%
Flabby Hide - 30%
Pale Extract - 25%
Pale Bone - 10%
Electro Sac - 14%
Pale Lips - 1%
*Note: There's nothing really to say about Khezu, other than the
fact that he's really nasty looking. And his looks are also
part of an ongoing discussion on what he really looks like.
I'll leave that part up to your imagination rather than
elaborate on it further. And contrary to what many people
believe, Khezu IS weak versus Fire.
No. 21
Name: Plesioth
An enormous, aquatic wyvern with wings that have evolved into fins
for swimming. Although superficially fish-like, they can move on land
as well. They love frogs.
Number of carves: 4
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Plesioth Fin - 10%
Plesioth Scale - 20%
Plesioth Scale - 30%
Plesioth Fin - 30%
Plesioth Scale - 8%
Sm Lobstershell - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Plesioth Fin - 5%
Plesioth Scale - 5%
Plesioth Scale - 40%
Plesioth Fin - 30%
Plesioth Fin - 13%
Lg Lobstershell - 7%
*Note: A very tough wyvern. CAPCOM seems to have messed up a bit on
the hit zone of his tail, so unfortunately, you can get hit
by it if you're really not even that close to it. Be careful.
His major weakness is, you got it, Lightning! Also remember
that Sonic Bombs are your friend on a Plesioth since it'll
get him out of the water. Also Frogs are good to have to
lure him out as well. The sign that it is weakening is
you will see its fin collapse.
No. 22
Name: Cephalos
Wyverns found only in the desert. They resemble a Plesioth, but
live and "swim" in sand rather than water. They seldom appear above
land, but when their hearing is disturbed...
Number of carves: 1
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Piscine Fang - 15%
Piscine Liver - 30%
Piscine Liver - 30%
Cephalos Scale - 15%
Cephalos Scale - 8%
Cephalos Fin - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Cephalos Fin - 15%
Piscine Liver - 30%
Piscine Liver - 30%
Cephalos Scale - 15%
Cephalos Scale - 8%
Piscine Fang - 2%
*Note: Use Sonic Bombs to get them out of the sand. They're also
weak versus Lightning element. And for a bit of information
most people don't know; the Cephalos actually limp!
No. 23
Name: Cephadrome
The alpha monster form of the Cephalos. Larger and armored with black
scales, they fit the appearance of a leader perfectly. Their fins hold
a paralyzing toxin.
Number of carves: 3
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Piscine Liver - 15%
Cephalos Scale - 30%
Cephalos Fin - 30%
Piscine Fang - 15%
Cephalos Scale - 8%
Cephalos Fin - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Cephalos Scale - 15%
Cephalos Scale - 30%
Cephalos Fin - 30%
Cephalos Fin - 15%
Piscine Liver - 8%
Piscine Fang - 2%
*Note: Use Sonic Bombs to get them to pop out of the sand, just like
with the Cephalos. And again, it's weak versus the Lightning
element. The sign of its weakness is when its fin collapses.
No. 24
Name: Monoblos (OFFLINE ONLY)
A large-horned wyvern found in desert zones. Their giant horn makes their
attacks very dangerous. While they have no breath attack, their ear-splitting
roar is the bane of hunters.
Number of carves: 4 body, 2 tail
Carve items (OFFLINE ONLY):
Monoblos Spine - 40%
Monoblos Shell - 39%
Blos Fang - 20%
Monoblos Heart - 1%
Monoblos Shell - 15%
Monoblos Shell - 30%
Monoblos Shell - 30%
Lg Monster Bone - 15%
Lg Monster Bone - 5%
Monoblos Shell - 5%
*Note: Cutting off the horn will result in a Crimson Horn 100% of
the time.

No. 25
Name: Diablos
A two-horned wyvern found in desert zones. They are capable of burrowing
into sand to attack prey from below. It has been confirmed that they have
a subspecies called Monoblos.
Number of carves: 3 body, 1 tail
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Blos Fang - 5%
Diablos Shell - 30%
Diablos Shell - 30%
Diablos Shell - 10%
Blos Fang - 18%
Blos Fang - 7%
Diablos Shell - 15%
Diablos Tail - 30%
Diablos Shell - 30%
Diablos Shell - 15%
Diablos Shell - 8%
Diablos Shell - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Blos Fang - 15%
Diablos Shell - 30%
Diablos Spine - 30%
Diablos Spine - 15%
Diablos Shell - 8%
Diablos Shell - 2%
Diablos Shell - 15%
Diablos Tail - 30%
Diablos Tail - 30%
DIablos Shell - 15%
Diablos Shell - 8%
Diablos Shell - 2%
*Note: Cutting off the horn offline or HR 1-12 results in:
Twisted Horn - 95%
Majestic Horn - 5%
Cutting off the horn HR 13+ results in:
Twisted Horn - 88%
Majestic Horn - 12%
No. 26
Name: Gravios
A large wyvern found in volcanic zones. They possess a fiery breath attack
and the ability to emit a sleeping gas. They also have extremely hard scales
that deflect most weapon attacks.
Number of carves: 4 body, 2 tail
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Gravios Shell - 70%
Gravios Shell - 5%
Sleep Sac - 5%
Sleep Sac - 10%
Flame Sac - 8%
Flame Sac - 2%
Gravios Shell - 5%
Gravios Shell - 50%
Lg Monster Bone - 20%
Gravios Shell - 15%
Gravios Shell - 8%
Gravios Shell - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Flame Sac - 9%
Gravios Carapace - 45%
Gravios Shell - 20%
Sleep Sac - 20%
Gravios Head - 4%
Gravios Wing - 2%
Gravios Shell - 5%
Gravios Shell - 30%
Gravios Carapace - 50%
Gravios Carapace - 5%
Gravios Carapace - 8%
Firestone - 2%
*Note: You can cut open the Gravios's chest area. This will become
a really good weak spot for you to attack. He will fall
rather fast when you open his chest.
No. 27
Name: Basarios
A large wyvern found in volcanic zones. They are the juvenile form of the
Gravios. They have a steel-like carapace that requires powerful weapons to
crack. Emits poison gas.
Number of carves: 3 body, 1 tail
Carve items (Offline and HR 1-12):
Poison Sac - 15%
Machalite Ore - 30%
Basarios Shell - 30%
Machalite Ore - 15%
Lg Monster Bone - 8%
Basarios Shell - 2%
Basarios Shell - 15%
Machalite Ore - 30%
Basarios Shell - 30%
Machalite Ore - 15%
Machalite Ore - 8%
Machalite Ore - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Poison Sac - 15%
Dragonite Ore - 30%
Basarios Shell - 30%
Basarios Wing - 15%
Lg Monster Bone - 8%
Dragonite Ore - 2%
Machalite Ore - 15%
Machalite Ore - 30%
Basarios Shell - 30%
Dragonite Ore - 15%
Dragonite Ore - 8%
Dragonite Ore - 2%
*Note: As with Gravios, you can cut open the chest plate of the
Basarios, lowering its defense in that area greatly. Hooray
for weak points!
No. 28
Name: Kirin (ONLINE ONLY)
The Kirin is said to glow a faint blue, but so few have seen it that
details are scarce. it is apparently capable of calling forth lightning
at will. Kirin material is very valuable.
Number of carves: 2
Carve items (HR 1-12):
Lightcrystal - 15%
Kirin Mane - 30%
Kirin Mane - 25%
Kirin Horn - 20%
Kirin Horn - 8%
Kirin Hide - 2%
Carve items (HR 13+):
Novacrystal - 10%
Kirin Mane - 25%
Kirin Mane - 15%
Kirin Horn - 35%
Kirin Hide - 8%
Kirin Hide - 7%
*Note: Kirin is basically "My Little Pony" on steroids. He's quite
a fun quest to do as well. When fighting Kirin, you're gonna
want to use a Hammer or a Lance, or a Gun if you want to sit
back. Great Swords, Dual Swords, and Sword and Shield are
pretty much useless on him since you have to hit his head
and while you're doing that you're open to all of his attacks.
No. 29
Name: Lao-Shan Lung (ONLINE ONLY)
A giant dragon few have seen and lived to tell the tale. When on the
rampage it wreaks havoc on all in its path. The guild has built a fortress
to repel the beast, but will it hold?
Number of carves: 9
Carve items (HR 1-12):
Lao-Shan's Scale - 50%
Lao-Shan's Shell - 45%
Lao-Shan's Claw - 5%
Carve items (HR 17+)
Lao-Shan's Scale - 25%
Lao-Shan's Shell - 35%
Lao-Shan's Spine - 20%
Lao-Shan's Claw - 10%
Lao-Shan's Plate - 2%
*Note: Destroying Lao-Shan's front horn results in a 100% chance of
getting it.
No. 30
Name: Fatalis (ONLINE ONLY)
A legendary black dragon said to have prowled these lands from the days
of old. Many skilled hunters have sought to challenge it, but none
ever return. A monster shrouded in mystery...
Number of carves: 9
Carve items (HR 17+)
Fatalis' Scale - 45%
Fatalis' Shell - 45%
Fatalis' Horn - 10%
*Note: Destroying Fatalis' Horns gives you Fatalis' Horn 100%.
Destroying Fatalis' Wings gives you Fatalis' Webbing 100%.
VI) |========================================================================/
=====|========================ITEM COMBINATIONS==============================/
Item combinations have been fixed and completed.
Thanks to Kanoa357/BOWL for giving me the following combinations that were
posted on the official BETA forum:
No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 25, No. 26, No. 27, and No. 35
Thanks a lot!
These are done without the Book of Combos 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
No. 1
Combined Item:
Blue Mushroom
Success Rate:
No. 2
Combined Item:
Mega Potion
Success Rate:
No. 3
Combined Item:
Blue Mushroom
Success Rate:
No. 4
Combined Item:
Mega Nutrients
Success Rate:
No. 5
Combined Item:
Blue Mushroom
Antidote Herb
Success Rate:
No. 6
Combined Item:
Herbal Medicine
Cactus Flower
Success Rate:
No. 7
Combined Item:
Max Potion
Mega Nutrients
Dragon Toadstool
Success Rate:
No. 8
Combined Item:
Ancient Potion
Kelbi Horn
Success Rate:
No. 9
Combined Item:
Success Rate:
No. 10
Combined Item:
Dragon Toadstool
Success Rate:
No. 11
Combined Item:
Power Juice
Rare Steak
Success Rate:
No. 12
Combined Item:
Mega Juice
Power Extract
Well-Done Steak
Success Rate:
No. 13
Combined Item
Power Seed
Success Rate:
No. 14
Combined Item:
Mega Demondrug
Pale Extract
Success Rate:
No. 15
Combined Item:
Armor Seed
Success Rate:
No. 16
Combined Item:
Mega Armorskin
Armor Skin
Pale Extract
Success Rate:
No. 17
Combined Item:
Poisoned Meat
Raw Meat
Success Rate:
No. 18
Combined Item:
Tainted Meat
Raw Meat
Success Rate:
No. 19
Combined Item:
Drugged Meat
Raw Meat
Sleep Herb
Success Rate:
No. 20
Combined Item:
Bomb Material
Sap Plant
Success Rate:
No. 21
Combined Item:
Smoke Bomb
Bomb Material
Success Rate:
No. 22
Combined Item:
Flash Bomb
Bomb Material
Success Rate:
No. 23
Combined Item:
Dung Bomb
Bomb Material
Success Rate:
No. 24
Combined Item:
Sap Plant
Success Rate:
No. 25
Combined Item:
Fire Herb
Success Rate:
No. 26
Combined Item:
Sm-Barrel Bomb
Small Barrel
Fire Herb
Success Rate:
No. 27
Combined Item:
Lg-Barrel Bomb
Large Barrel
Success Rate:
No. 28
Combined Item:
Sonic Bomb
Success Rate:
No. 29
Combined Item:
Success Rate:
No. 30
Combined Item:
Pitfall Trap
Trap Tool
Success Rate:
No. 31
Combined Item:
Tuna Bait
Success Rate:
No. 32
Combined Item:
Arrowana Bait
Success Rate:
No. 33
Combined Item:
Goldenfish Bait
Snakebee Larva
Success Rate:
No. 34
Combined Item:
Antiseptic Stone
Earth Crystal
Success Rate:
No. 35
Combined Item:
Wyvern Fang
Success Rate:
No. 36
Combined Item:
Wyvern Claw
Success Rate:
No. 37
Combined Item:
Health Flue
Success Rate:
No. 38
Combined Item:
Antidote Flute
Antiseptic Stone
Success Rate:
No. 39
Combined Item:
Demon Flute
Maga Demondrug
Med Monster Bone
Success Rate:
No. 40
Combined Item:
Armor Flute
Mega Armorskin
Med Monster Bone
Success Rate:
No. 41
Combined Item:
Normal S Lv2
Success Rate:
No. 42
Combined Item:
Normal S Lv3
Success Rate:
No. 43
Combined Item:
Pierce S Lv1
Velociprey Fang
Success Rate:
No. 44
Combined Item:
Pierce S Lv2
Pin Tuna
Success Rate:
No. 45
Combined Item:
Pierce S Lv3
Sm Bone Husk
Pin Tuna
Success Rate:
No. 46
Combined Item:
Pellet S Lv1
Success Rate:
No. 47
Combined Item:
Pellet S Lv2
Wyvern Fang
Success Rate:
No. 48
Combined Item:
Pellet S Lv3
Sm Bone Husk
Wyvern Fang
Success Rate:
No. 49
Combined Item:
Crag S Lv1
Burst Arrowana
Success Rate:

No. 50
Combined Item:
Crag S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Burst Arrowana
Success Rate:

No. 51
Combined Item:
Crag S Lv3
Lg Bone Husk
Bomb Arrowana
Success Rate:
No. 52
Combined Item:
Clust S Lv1
Success Rate:

No. 53
Combined Item:
Clust S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Wyvern Claw
Success Rate:

No. 54
Combined Item:
Clust S Lv3
Lg Bone Husk
Success Rate:
No. 55
Combined Item:
Disk S
Disk Stone
Success Rate:
No. 56
Combined Item:
Recov S Lv1
Success Rate:
No. 57
Combined Item:
Recov S Lv2
Success Rate:
No. 58
Combined Item:
Poison S Lv1
Success Rate:
No. 59
Combined Item:
Poison S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Ioprey Fang
Success Rate:
No. 60
Combined Item:
Stun S Lv1
Success Rate:

No. 61
Combined Item:
Stun S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Genprey Fang
Success Rate:
No. 62
Combined Item:
Sleep S Lv1
Sleep Herb
Success Rate:
No. 63
Combined Item:
Sleep S Lv2
Sm Bone Husk
Success Rate:
No. 64
Combined Item:
Paint S
Success Rate:

No. 65
Combined Item:
Antidote S
Antidote Herb
Success Rate:

No. 66
Combined Item:
Demon S
Power Seed
Success Rate:
No. 67
Combined Item:
Armor S
Armor Seed
Success Rate:
No. 68
Combined Item:
Dragon S
Dragon Seed
Lg Bone Husk
Success Rate:
No. 69
Combined Item:
Dung S
Materials: Dung
Success Rate:

VII) |========================================================================/
=====|========================FOOD COMBINATIONS==============================/
Also given to me by Kanoa357/BOWL (Pawn Room)! This is for use online in the
lodge to order food before a battle. Information also taken from the
Official BradyGames guide.
I originally included this because I had intended to include full detail on
the online quests as well, but due to time constraints wasn't able to include
them. So there are some fragments of things that refer to the online portion
of the game that I didn't take out.
Examples of these are the weapon trees showing stuff from online only, and
monster carvings for Fatalis, Lao-Shan Lung, and Kirin. Just thought I'd
give you a bit of reasoning behind me including this as it has no relevance
to offline mode whatsoever.
Pawn Room:
Food Key:
Meat Scraps - Meat
Popo Meat - Meat
Plumpkin - Vegetable
Ancorn - Vegetable
Twinshroom - Vegetable
Clamchip - Fish
Guts - Fish
Scalefish - Fish
Hardtack - Grain
Mixed Beans - Grain
Webcake - Grain
Oily Raisins - Oil
Dry Margerine - Milk
Powdered Cheese - Milk
Hopi - Liquor
Meat + Meat = Health +10
Fish + Fish = Health -10
Vegetable + Vegetable = No Effect
Grain + Grain = Health +10
Oil + Oil = No Effect
Milk + Milk = No Effect
Meat + Vegetable = Stamina +25
Meat + Fish = Health +10
Meat + Grain = Stamina +25
Meat + Oil = No Effect
Meat + Milk = Health -10
Meat + Liquor = Attack +3
Vegetable + Fish = Stamina +25
Vegetable + Grain = No Effect
Vegetable + Oil = Health +20
Vegetable + Milk = Health +10
Vegetable + Liquor = No Effect
Fish + Grain = No Effect
Fish + Oil = Health -10
Fish + Milk = Stamina -25
Fish + Liquor = Defense +5
Grain + Oil = No Effect
Grain + Milk = Health +10
Grain + Liquor = No Effect
Oil + Milk = Stamina -25
Oil + Liquor = No Effect
Milk + Liquor = No Effect
Liquor + Liquor = No Effect
Rook Room:
Food Key:
Cubesteak = Meat
Spicy Sausage = Meat
Spotted Onion = Vegetable
Ancorn = Vegetable
Young Potato = Vegetable
Mild Herb = Vegetable
Snake Salmon = Fish
Tuna Head = Fish
Hardtack = Grain
Sweetbug = Grain
Fruity Jam = Oil
Olive Paste = Oil
Dry Margarine = Milk
Aged Cheese = Milk
Milk Pop = Liquor
Meat + Meat = Health +20
Fish + Fish = Stamina +25
Vegetable + Vegetable = No Effect
Grain + Grain = Health +10
Oil + Oil = Health -10
Milk + Milk = No Effect
Meat + Vegetable = Health +10
Meat + Fish = Attack +3
Meat + Grain = Health +20
Meat + Oil = Health -10
Meat + Milk = No Effect
Meat + Liquor = Stamina -25
Vegetable + Fish = No Effect
Vegetable + Grain = No Effect
Vegetable + Oil = Defense +5
Vegetable + Milk = No Effect
Vegetable + Liquor = No Effect
Fish + Grain = Stamina +25
Fish + Oil = Health -10
Fish + Milk = No Effect
Fish + Liquor = Stamina -25
Grain + Oil = Defense +10
Grain + Milk = Health +10, Stamina +25
Grain + Liquor = Health +10
Oil + Milk = Health -10
Oil + Liquor = No Effect
Milk + Liquor = No Effect
Liquor + Liquor = No Effect
Bishop Room:
Food Key:
Jungle Ribs = Meat
Meatwagon = Meat
Wild Wonton = Meat
Cudgel Onion = Vegetable
Western Parsely = Vegetable
Sweet Mushroom = Vegetable
Snake Salmon = Fish
Horseshoe Crab = Fish
Octofest = Fish
Sweetbug = Grain
Warwheat = Grain
Fruity Jam = Oil
Buffalo Butter = Milk
Chili Cheese = Milk
Spicepop = Liquor
Meat + Meat = Health +20
Fish + Fish = Stamina +25
Vegetable + Vegetable = Health +10
Grain + Grain = No Effect
Oil + Oil = No Effect
Milk + Milk = Stamina -25
Meat + Vegetable = Attack +3
Meat + Fish = Stamina +25
Meat + Grain = No Effect
Meat + Oil = Stamina -25
Meat + Milk = No Effect
Meat + Liquor = Attack +5
Vegetable + Fish = Stamina +25
Vegetable + Grain = Health +10
Vegetable + Oil = Health -20
Vegetable + Milk = Defense +5
Vegetable + Liquor = No Effect
Fish + Grain = Stamina +25
Fish + Oil = Stamina -25
Fish + Milk = Health +30
Fish + Liquor = Health +10, Attack +3
Grain + Oil = Defense +10
Grain + Milk = No Effect
Grain + Liquor = Health -20
Oil + Milk = No Effect
Oil + Liquor = No Effect
Milk + Liquor = Stamina +25, Defense +5
Liquor + Liquor = No Effect
Queen Room:
Food Key:
Great Mutton = Meat
White Liver = Meat
Dragon Foot = Meat
Wild Wonton = Meat
Pinespice = Vegetable
Cannon Lettuce = Vegetable
Rare Onion - Vegetable
Tortoiseshell = Fish
King Squid = Fish
Queen Shrimp = Fish
Megabagel = Grain
Powerlad = Oil
Seafood Jam = Oil
Sirloin Egg = Milk
Panish = Liquor
Meat + Meat = Health +30
Fish + Fish = Stamina +50
Vegetable + Vegetable = Health +10, Stamina +25
Grain + Grain = No Effect
Oil + Oil = Attack +3
Milk + Milk = No Effect
Meat + Vegetable = Attack +3
Meat + Fish = Health +10, Defense +5
Meat + Grain = No Effect
Meat + Oil = Attack +3
Meat + Milk = Health +40
Meat + Liquor = Health -40
Vegetable + Fish = Health +10
Vegetable + Grain = Stamina +50
Vegetable + Oil = No Effect
Vegetable + Milk = No Effect
Vegetable + Liquor = Health +40
Fish + Grain = Stamina +25, Defense +5
Fish + Oil = Defense +5
Fish + Milk = No Effect
Fish + Liquor = Stamina -25
Grain + Oil = Stamina +50
Grain + Milk = Attack +3, Defense +5
Grain + Liquor = No Effect
Oil + Milk = No Effect
Oil + Liquor = Stamina -50
Milk + Liquor = Health +20
Liquor + Liquor = No Effect
King Room:
Food Key:
Dragon Tail = Meat
Bigmeat = Meat
Dragon Head = Meat
King Turkey = Meat
King Truffle = Vegetable
Rare Onion - Vegetable
Fatty Tomato = Vegetable
Queen Shrimp = Fish
Foie Grande = Fish
Pink Caviar = Fish
Gold Rice = Grain
Pearlnut = Grain
Lifejam = Oil
Royale Cheese = Milk
Blessed Wine = Liquor
Meat + Meat = Health +30
Fish + Fish = Health +10, Stamina +25
Vegetable + Vegetable = Stamina +25
Grain + Grain = Defense +5
Oil + Oil = No Effect
Milk + Milk = No Effect
Meat + Vegetable = Attack +3
Meat + Fish = Health +30, Stamina +25
Meat + Grain = Attack +5
Meat + Oil = Stamina +50
Meat + Milk = Stamina +25, Defense +5
Meat + Liquor = Health +50, Attack +5
Vegetable + Fish = Defense +10
Vegetable + Grain = Stamina +25
Vegetable + Oil = No Effect
Vegetable + Milk = No Effect
Vegetable + Liquor = No Effect
Fish + Grain = Stamina +50
Fish + Oil = Stamina +50, Defense +5
Fish + Milk = No Effect
Fish + Liquor = Stamina +50, Defense +10
Grain + Oil = Health +50, Stamina +50
Grain + Milk = No Effect
Grain + Liquor = Health -50
Oil + Milk = Stamina -50
Oil + Liquor = No Effect
Milk + Liquor = Health +50, Stamina +50
Liquor + Liquor = No Effect
And now we finally get a chance to move on towards the real goal,
questing! In this section you will find the tips and tactics you
will need in your goal to be the very best of the best in the land
of Monster Hunter.
The section is set up so you can search by the Quest Level or even
the name of the specific quest you're looking for. You can even check
by typing in what your goal is, i.e. "Slay the Rathalos". And, as is
the same with the game, they go from Quest Level - 1 Star up to the
final batch, Quest Level - 5 Star.
Quest Level - 1 Star
Gathering Quest
Basics: Finding Raw Meat
Reward: 50z
Contract: 0z
Time: 50 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 1 Star
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
First, a little trial. Hunt down an Aptonoth and harvest the meat. Deliver 2
pieces of Raw Meat and you'll complete your first quest!
How to:
Starting off in camp, exit through the only exit in the area. You'll end up in
area 1, which has 3 exits, but in this area you will see large herbivorous
These are the Aptonoths. Kill as many as you need to get 2 pieces of Raw Meat
and return back to your camp and deposit them in the red supply chest.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Basics: Preparing Meat
Reward: 50z
Contact: 0z
Time: 50 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 1 Star
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 1 Well-Done Steak
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requester: Village Chief
You can't eat Raw Meat! You've got to cook it first! I want you to barbecue
some meat and bring a piece back to the camp!
How to:
Same thing as the first quest, exit the camp and go and kill an Aptonoth to get
Raw Meat. Return to the camp to get the portable spit if you didn't already
get it before you headed out into the field.
Use this to barbecue the meat. To do this, let this music play completely, and
after it is done after about a second or so the meat will change a brownish
color, press X here to get a Well-Done Steak (You'll know when you got it
because you'll hear a voice say "MMM...LOOKS TASTY!"
Return it to the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Basics: Searching for Items
Reward: 50z
Contact: 0z
Time: 50 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 1 Star
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb.
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
You can find all sorts of useful items during a hunt. Search around and bring
me 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb!
How to:
You can find your first items (the herbs) in many places. The first place
would be the first area, right next to the dung pile. If you don't get any
here, you can continue on into the various areas, such as area 2 and 3, and
find them there. It will appear as a plant with yellow-orange bulbs on it.
Your Spiderweb can be found in area 6 at the top. Climb all the way up and you
will see a large spiderweb blocking a cave. That's where you get them.
Return your gathered items back to the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Basics: Combining Items
Reward: 50z
Contract: 0z
Time: 50 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 1 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 2 Potions
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
You can combine items to make new ones! Start with the basics: a Potion!
You'll need a Blue Mushroom, and... Oh, what was the other....?
How to:
You'll need at least 2 Blue Mushrooms and 2 Herbs to make the 2 Potions.
You alreay know where to find the Herbs, so gather them.
In area 3 you will find a rock with mushrooms coming out of it. Gather there
and you should get some Blue Mushrooms.
Combine these items to make 2 Potions.
Once you have these, return them to the red supply chest.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Basics: Fishing
Reward: 50z
Contract: 0z
Time: 50 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 1 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 1 Sushifish
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
You can use the fish you catch in all sorts of ways! Catch a Health-
restoring Sushifish and bring it back to the camp!
How to:
You'll need to take as many crickets and worms as you can hold from the
blue supply chest. Once you've done that, head out into the field.
Go to Zone 11 and you will see a cut-scene. That is where you will find
the Sushifish.
Once you catch one, return it to the red supply chest.
Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: You can also catch fish for easy money. Try your hand at it.
Catching a Golden Fish will net you an extra 760z, too.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Urgent Quest!
Hunting Quest
Your First Monster Hunt!
Reward: 200z
Contract: 100z
Time: 40 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 2 Stars
Goal Conditions: Slay 3 Velociprey
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Guard
HELP! The children are being attacked by small, blue monsters called
Velociprey! 3 of the beasts are outside! Do something!
How to:
Take the healing items from the blue supply chest. Head out to the first area.
Once out there take the exit to the left. You will see a cut-scene of your new
friend; the Velociprey.
You shouldn't have much trouble on them. Just keep moving and don't let them
jump. Try and take them on by themselves if you have a weaker weapon and
armor. Once you kill them, try to take from them as soon as possible because
they fade fast.
You can only get 1 carve from them (Velociprey Fang, Velociprey Hide, and
Velociprey Scale). Once you kill the 3rd one you will see a cut-scene and the
quest is over.

Quest Completed!
Quest Level - 2 Star
See Above Urgent Quest!
Gathering Quest
Mushroom Picking
Reward: 180z
Contract: 90z
Time: 50 minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 2 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 7 Special Mushroom
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Loving Sibling
I want to send some Special Mushrooms to my brother in town. But there are too
many monsters. Please bring 7 Special Mushrooms to me.
How To:
This may seem like an easy quest, and for the most part it is, but the
Bullfango make this a highly annoying quest. You can gather Special Mushrooms
from quite a few areas. The first area to visit would be Area 8. There are 3
Bullfangos in this room so be careful and try to kill them one at a time.
When that is completed, search the mushroom patch. Next stop, Area 7. Search
behind the tree here and you should get a few Special Mushrooms. In Area 6
there is a spot next to the entrance where the Mosswine will sniff. Between
these bushes you will find more of these so-called "rare" Mushrooms. And in
Area 11, on the south side of the pond is another area where the Mosswine
sniff. As previously stated, that is where you'll find more Special Mushrooms.
Return them to the red box and...
Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: You can deposit 6 of the Special Mushrooms and continue foraging for
another 10 so you can reap the benefits of selling 9 of them.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Gathering Quest
Present for the Armorer
Reward: 200z
Contract: 100z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 2 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 5 Kelbi Horns
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Veteran Armorer
The decorations on Bowguns have always been made from the horns of Kelbi.
But we're running out! Can you bring 5 Kelbi Horns to me?
How To:
This is very simple. All you need is a weapon and patience. Head to Areas
2 and 3. Here you can slay all the Kelbi you want. Just exit and re-enter
to make them reappear.
Once you kill the Kelbi, carve it and hope for a Kelbi Horn. They aren't rare,
so pretty much 75% of the time you'll get it. Once you get 5 you can return
them or continue hunting for supplies.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Help for the Festival
Reward: 180z
Contract: 90z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 2 star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 5 Well-Done Steaks
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Town Chief
I'm cooking for a big festival in the town. But I'm running low on Well-Done
Steaks. Can you bring me 5?
How To:
Another simple quest, just don't get used to them because soon they won't be
so easy. All you have to do is take the Portable Spit out of the supply box
and go to Area 1 and kill Aptonoth.
Take the raw meat and cook it. Not hard at all, now is it? Now that you've
made the Well-Done Steaks you have two choices. You can either finish the
quest or you can go out mining and gathering. I would go with the later of the
two so you can get some new materials for better weapons and armor.
Deposit the steaks when you're done.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Raid the Wyvern's Nest
Reward: 350z
Contract: 100z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest And Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 2 star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Local Doctor
One of the village people has fallen ill. I need a Wyvern Egg to cure them.
Please sneak into a nest and get an egg for me!
How To:
This is a carrying-type Gathering Quest. Eventually you're going to hate
these because they get much harder and much more annoying. This one
is rather easy, though.
All you have to do is go into the nest in Area 5. Hopefully Rathalos won't be
in there. First clear all the Aptonoths in Area 1 and the Velociprey in Area 2.
This ensures you a nice, clean path to run through.
When you get an egg from the nest, you'll run at half speed. Because of this,
you'll want to max your stamina out with the rations or a Well-Done Steak. Now
just run to the camp and deposit the egg.
If done fast enough, you may not even have to see the Rathalos. If you do, you
should paintball it and wait for it to stay out of your way.
Quest Completed!
Quest Level - 3 Star
Urgent Quest
Hunting Quest
The Formidable Velocidrome!
Reward: 400z
Contract: 150z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 1 Velocidrome
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Young Guardsman
After you killed those Velociprey, their leader showed up! It's bigger, and
it has an orange crest. Find it and kill it!
How To:
This is where it starts to get a little tough for some people. The
Velocidrome appears in Area 10 the first time you do it (As an Urgent Quest)
only. Subsequent playing the Velocidrome hunts out the player rather than
being in Area 10 right at the start.
Mine and gather everything you need before going to Area 10. Also note that
you'll learn to love flash bombs. When you first enter Area 10 you'll witness
a cut-scene of the Velocidrome. Looks tough. The Velocidrome will release a
roar that will bring forth many Velociprey.
Use the flash bombs and they'll be stunned and you can go straight for the
Velocidrome witout being bothered (See why you'll learn to love them?). When
it has half health the monster will try to flee, prevent this. If you cannot,
run through the exit it uses and slay it there.
When it is dead, quickly carve it twice. It's parts can be sold for money or
kept for making weapons.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Velociprey!
Reward: 300z
Contract: 130z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 10 Velociprey
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Proud Farmer
A pack of 10 Velociprey have been praying on my cows! They're too much for
me to handle. Please get rid of them for me!
How To:
There are many Velociprey throughout this quest. There's really no how to
on this quest. You just find them out and kill the little buggers.
Four of them reside in Area 5 and that's almost half of your requirements so
that's a good start. Once you kill 10 you'll get the message...
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
The Musthroom Hunt!
Reward: 300z
Contract: 150z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Jungle Zone
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Botanist
I finally made it! I have traveled long and far to find rare mushrooms. I
need 10 Special Mushrooms for my research. Please find them!
How To:
To find the mushrooms, make sure you watch where the pigs sniff. You can find
them in Zone 2 in front of the idol. Other areas include: Area 4 in the
clearing between the thick underbrush, Area 8 just to the right of the entrance
to Area 9, Area 9 by the rocks right at the entrance, and Area 10 in the center
If you want extra money you can deposit 9 of them and gather more. Also for
free Kut-Ku scales go to Area 6. There is a ledge with wyvern eggshells. Just
to the left of that is a bare area. Gather there and you can get up to 5
Kut-Ku Scales! Talk about easy money. When you're done just deliver them to
the red box.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Yian Kut-Ku!
Reward: 900z
Contract: 200z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Yian Ku-Ku
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Macho Guardsman
A bird-like Yian Kut-Ku is attacking people all over the place. Show me what
you're made of by taking it out!
How To:
Congratulations on making it this far. This is your first of many wyvern
fights. Inexperienced players will like to take precaution. Make sure you have
at least a decent set of armor, such as Velociprey.
Now bring 10 Potions as well as Mega Potions if you have them. Bring some trap
tools, pitfall trap, and net and Lg Barrel Bombs. Now head off to Area 3 to
meet him.
Make a pitfall trap in the narrow middle section of Area 3. Place two Lg
Barrel Bombs here. Coax the Kut-Ku into the trap and set the bombs off with a
Sm Barrel-Bomb. Just be careful to get out of there before they blow! Using
flash bombs on him cause blindness, so also use this to your advantage. Your
best choices on where to hit the Kut-Ku are his wings, face, and legs. After
taking enough damage the creature's ears fold up on the top of his head. This
is your clue that he's going to start limping.
Keep attacking him until he heads to the next area (Area 4). Once he flees,
if you haven't killed him yet, follow him. In the next area look for the
shadow on the ground where he is going to land. Place a Pitfall Trap right
there. The creature will land and instantly fall into the trap. Place bombs
there if you have the time and blow him up. If not, just slice at him or
shoot him.
You can kill him here if you're lucky, but if not he will head to Area 5 where
he will attempt to rest and regain health. Try to make it there before he goes
to sleep. Keep attacking and remember to heal when your health falls to less
than half health.
Eventually the creature will fall to your weapon. Now you can carve it 3 times
in the minute that you have left before heading back to town.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Jungle Menace
Reward: 950z
Contract: 200z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Jungle
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Jungle Envoy
My village is under attack by a large-eared, bird-like monster. I hear that
it's sensitive to noise. Please slay it for us!
How To:
Follow the previous quests preparations and tactics. The only difference
is that this quest takes place in the Jungle, where visibility is poor.
The creature starts off in Area 2. Paintball him to find out where he
goes from there. Following the above strategy you will eventually kill it.
Carve it up 3 times.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Liver of Legend!
Reward: 600z
Contract: 150z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Foreign Peddler
I deal in rare items that I find in the desert. I've got a buyer for Water
Wyvern and Sand Wyvern livers. Deliver 3 livers to me!
How To:
This quest is tough. The Cephalos, the sand wyverns that loosely resemble
sharks, are in Area 2 and Area 7. These are where you get your Piscine
Livers. Focus only on the quest, no side mining. This can be one lengthy
quest if you don't have the necessary materials.
Bring along plenty of Sonic Bombs if you have them. Cephalos hate them and are
instantly brought to the surface when one is thrown at them. This is when you
attack them. If you don't have any, attack the fins as they "swim" by you.
This usually prompts them to leap onto land in pain.
Attack the creatures as much as you can before they get up. If it is to tail
swing, you're in luck. It ALWAYS twists to the left. Just roll out of the way.
When you kill one you have almost a 60% chance to carve the liver, which means
you may not always get one.
If you're a gunner, you'll want to assault the Cephalos with Pellets, Crags,
and Clusts to get them out of the ground.
When you deliver 3 livers the quest is over.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Find the Wyvern Eggs!
Reward: 800z
Contract: 200z
Time: 30 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Local Doctor
One of the village people has fallen ill. With 2 Wyvern Eggs I could make a
remedy. Please get me 2 eggs from a wyvern's nest!
How To:
Use the same strategy in the previous egg hunting quest except for some changes.
The Velociprey reappear as you get your first egg. The best way to work around
this is simple.
Walk out of the nest and drop the egg. Now head through Areas 5, 3, 2, and 1
and slay all monsters that are in your way. Now head back to the nest and get
another egg.
Return it to the camp and get another and do the same. Repetitive, I know but
you've gotta do it to become the Hero of Kokoto!
Quest Completed!
I've been getting a lot of e-mails about people that were confused about
this so I'll clarify. Taking an egg out of the nest and dropping it
will cause new spawns in the areas mentioned above and if you kill them
no more will come back, providing a clear path. The egg will break
so you'll have to go back and get a new one. I hope this clarifies it
for those who didn't understand.
Hunting Quest
Trouble in the Forest
Reward: 450z
Contract: 150z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 3 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 10 Bullfango
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Lumberjack
These boar-monsters, the Bullfango, have been a lot of trouble lately. Can you
thin the herd by 10 head? Much obliged.
How To:
You can find the Bullfango in Areas 8, 9, and 10. Since there are so many
Bullfango in the same areas it can be very deadly. Instead of attempting to
kill them, run around and let them hurt themselves.
You can pick off at the stragglers and eventually you'll be able to clear the
area without sustaining too much damage. When one area is clear move onto the
next repeating the same pattern, never staying immobile. After this quest
you'll hate Bullfango forever, trust me.
Quest Completed!
Quest Level - 4 Star
Urgent Quest
Hunting Quest
The Land Shark
Reward: 1200z
Contract: 250z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Condition: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Cephadrome
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Town Chief
Our pack-animals were eaten by something in the desert. But nobody actually
saw the monsters attack! Find and slay the alpha monster!
How To:
This quest will test your patience. It took me a while to get the hang of this
creature and be able to make the quest go in a breeze. First things's first,
here's a list of supplies you should bring:
-Sonic Bombs
-Lg Barrel-Bombs
-Sm Barrel-Bombs
-Lg Barrels
-Combo books
-Cool Drinks
The reason for having the Screamers and Gunpowder is so you can make more Sonic
Bombs when you run out. The Lg Barrels and the Gunpowder is also for when you
run out of Lg-Barrel Bombs. The Book of Combos that you should bring with you
will help you out so that you don't make Garbage. What use would that
Garbage be?
The Cephadrome starts off in Area 7. You'll see a short cut-scene involving it,
so you know it'll be there. Make sure you paintball it because it will leave
the area if you die or when it is weakened. When it goes under the sand, toss
one of the Sonic Bombs at it and it should pop up out of the sand. Now you
have two choices to make here.
You can either attack it as it is defensless and wriggling about on the sand,
or you could set up those Lg-Barrel Bombs around it and detonate them with the
Sm-Barrel Bomb (which inflicts a great deal of damage). Whatever you chose to
do, you can continue to dothat until the creature dies, or flees.
When it is weak and needs to rest it will head to Area 3. When it does that
you're very close to slaying it. When it is resting in Area 3 you again have
the same two choices. Either way, the creature willeventually die.
Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: Stay close to the legs of the Cephadrome to avoid
most of the damage. When it starts to do its tail swing,
roll towards its head and you will hopefully not get hit
by its tail.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Hunting Quest
Catch A Yian Kut-Ku
Reward: 1000z
Contract: 220z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku
Fail Conditions:
If you kill the Yian Kut-Ku
Reward Zero
Time oVer
Requestor: Stern Scholar
I would like you to find and capture a Yian Kut-Ku alive. I suggest using a
Pitfall Trap. Good luck, and thanks in advance!
How To:
First thing is first, bring a Pitfall Trap. If you do not have the materials
to combine to make one, no sweat. The quest provides you with the Trap Tool,
so just head over to Area 6 and get the materials (Ivy and Spiderweb) and
combine them to make the Net. Now combine the Net with the Trap Tool and there
you have your Pitfall Trap. Now on with the quest...
This quest is simple. Use the strategy previously posted for the Yian Kut-Ku.
The only difference is this: when the Yian Kut-Ku's ears go back, STOP
ATTACKING! At this point you should run to Area 4 and wait for the Kut-Ku.
When you see its shadow on the ground quickly run and place the Pitfall Trap
down there.
If done properly, you will have set up the trap and the Kut-Ku will land in the
trap and you don't have to worry about luring it anywhere. Now throw your
Tranq Bombs at it and after 2 hits it should fall asleep. Now across the
screen you should see it say "Target Monster Captured" or something like that.
If it doesn't, then you didn't weaken the Kut-Ku enough. In this case, start
attacking it some more and try again. But if you attacked it until his ears
fell back then you shouldn't have this problem.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Velociprey Pack!
Reward: 500z
Contract: 200z
Time: 20 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 20 Velociprey
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Proud Farmer
I had you kill those 10 Velociprey, but now they're back! There's 20 of them
this time. Please take care of it for me, hunter!
How To:
This quest, you'll want to neglect searching for items or mining. With 20
minutes to do the quest, it's not going to be easy when you factor in mining.
Stick to the Velociprey.
They're in Areas 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10. It's best to do it in that order as
well, because the ones that appear in 10 are usually the last ones and they
keep coming until you meet your quota (I think at least; they always have for
When you cut the last one, watch the beautiful cutscene and feel proud that you
just completed another quest.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Velocidrome Redux!
Reward: 600z
Contract: 220z
Time: 30 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Specal Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 2 Velocidrome
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Young Guardsman
Another Velocidrome has shown up. Please take care of it for me. Wyverns have
also been sighted nearby, so be very careful.
How To:
As mentioned in the above quest, time is of the essence. You do not want to
waste it in this quest. Also from the Quest info you can come to the
conclusion that there is a wyvern here. There's usually one in all of the
Velociprey missions, but this one seems to be looking for... yep you guessed
it: you.
It's a Rathalos, so avoid it at all costs, especially with the time constraint.
The first Velocidrome should be in Area 3 by the time you get there. Paintball
it and start slaying it. If Rathalos comes into the area, try to avoid it as
best as you can, and if that's not possible, pull back and let the Velocidrome
leave the area.
After you kill that Velocidrome, get your 2 carves and head to Area 10. That
is the spawning spot for the Velocidromes so all you have to do is wait for the
other. Eventually it appears and all you have to do is repeat the above
mentioned steps.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Bring Me Eggs!
Reward: 1500z
Contract: 200z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: The Lady Gourmet
I search the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try Apceros Eggs.
Let's start with 3. Thanks in advance!
How To:
Well there's no simple way around me saying this, so I will be blunt: I HATE
THIS QUEST! I'm sure after playing it you will be able to say the same thing.
There's nothing fun about it.
Items needed:
3 Cool Drinks
5 Mega Juices (you may actually use all of them)
5 Power Juices
10 Well-Done Steaks (If you have them really)
5 Flash Bombs
Okay, you're gonna have to head straight to Area 8.When you get in the cave
you'll notice the Apceros keep on coming back. Flash the Apceros until they
are stunned and grab an egg and go out into Area 7 and drop it.
Go through Area 7 and slayall the Genprey (Can't be done in Area 2). You can't
get rid of the Cephalos, but this shouldn't really be a problem.
Once you're finished with that, head back to the cave and slay the Apceros.
They will no longer return to the cave. Use one of the Power/Mega Juices and
pick up an egg. Now run as fast as your little hunter legs can carry you.

Stick to the Southern wall as you go from Area 8 -> Area 7 -> Area 2 -> Camp.
You'll have to do this three times, so good luck. When you drop off that last
egg you'll be happy to know one thing, you can get Commendations from this
Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: You can run into the cave in Area 2 if the Genprey are too close to
you. Doing this, resets there positions and you can easily run through
without fear of being attacked. Keep at the zig zag pattern though,
just in case.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Hunting Quest
Attack of the Giant Bugs!
Reward: 400z
Contract: 300z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Jungle
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 30 Vespoid
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Jungle Envoy
My village is under attack by a swarm of 30 bug monsters. Please help!
They're weak individually, but formidable in a group.
How To:
This is a simple quest. You'll look back and laugh when you see this quest on
your list. All you have to do is kill all the Vespoids in an area and if no
more appear... move on to the next.
In these areas you may run into creatures walking on the ground. These are
Hornetaur and should be avoided if you just want to clear the quest. The
Vespoids can be found in areas 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, and 10. Once you kill the 30th
one the quest is done. Not bad at all.
However, if you want to get the carves off of the creatures, you're gonna want
to bring along a poison weapon. Just hit it until the creature has the poison
status inflicted, at this point just hang back and wait for it to drop. When
it dies of the poison, it will fall onto the ground and you can carve up the
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Genprey!
Reward: 600z
Contract: 200z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Swamp
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 20 Genprey
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Injured Soldier
I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the swamp
for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!
How To:
Genprey are just like Velociprey, just have more health and now pose a
different danger: paralysis. Don't worry, they still have the same AI so they
aren't hard at all. The only problem that you really have to face is the fact
that you are in the Swamp and there are packs of the annoying creatures.
The Swamp has limited visibility due to fog in most of the areas. However,
it's much easier to see than if you were trying to see through the thick
foliage in the Jungle. The quest ends when you slay the last one, as it always
does. Just keep on your feet and try to hit multiple Genprey at once to get
the quest to go by as fast as possible.
Quest Compelted!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Gendrome!
Reward: 800z
Contract: 250z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Swamp
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 2 Gendrome
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Ambitious Noble
My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 2 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill
them and make the roads safe again for all!
How To:
This quest is very similar to the Velocidrome quest. The only major difference
is that the Gendrome can paralyze and have more health. Try to attack them
from behind to avoid their devastating paralyzing leaps.
They usually summon 2-4 Genprey to help them in defending themselves from
hunters such as yourself. When one Gendrome goes down the other will spawn
within a few minutes. It will spawn in Area 8.
There is also a Gypceros that flies from area to area. You can slay it if you
wanted, but that's up to you and you alone. If you're not gonna kill it,
paintball it so you can travel safely from area to area.
Use the same tactic on the second Gendrome that you used on the first one and
the quest will be rather short.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Ioprey Hunting
Reward: 700z
Contract: 220z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Jungle
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 20 Ioprey
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Mine Owner
We encountered a huge Ioprey nest in a deep tunnel! We can't continue working
unless you kill 20 of them for us!
How To:
You will soon learn to hate these creatures. They are utterly annoying and
rather difficult to slay, being that they are the hardest to slay of the preys.
They will attack much more frequently, often using their poison spit. Bring
plenty of Antidotes with you on this one. They can be found all throughout the
Jungle, even in the caves at 9 and 10.
This is one quest where you'll want it just to be over with. Whatever you do,
do not get surrounded by these creatures. You will learn to regret it. Slay
the 20 required and everything is done.
I personally wouldn't recommend mining on this quest since it is aggravating.
Just stick to the task.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Gypceros!
Reward: 1400z
Contract: 300z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Swamp
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 4 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Gypceros
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Guarded Merchant
I saw a gigantic bird-like monster deep in the swamp! I can't do business with
a thing like that in there! Please find it and kill it!
How To:
Oh, look at that. Your second wyvern in your quest to become the Hero of
Kokoto! No doubt you've seen it many times on your quests. It is an
interesting looking wyvern who has a foul temper. His tactics are very
similar to a Yian Kut-Ku but he's more difficult. He also has a poison breath
attack rather than a flame attack, making him more formidable. Try to avoid
this at all costs.
Also, there are 3 other things that need to be addressed before you even start
to fight him:
1) When close to dying he will fake his own death. Do not
go near him if you want to live. Instead, throw stones
or Paintballs or other throwable items at him to wake him
2) He has a crystal on his head that becomes active when
dealt enough damage. Once this crystal is active, he will
use a flash attack that will cause you to be knocked out.
If he hits you with this, just rotate your left analog stick
as fast as you can to get out of it. If you aim at this
crystal, you can break it off which will help you a great deal.
3) He can steal your items. And on top of that, you can't get the
items he steals back. Be very wary of this.
Now since this quest is a lot more challenging you might want to bring
a few items along:
1 Pitfall Trap
2 Trap Tools
2+ Nets
Lg-Barrel Bombs
Sm-Barrel Bombs
Large Barrels
10 Potions
10 Mega Potions (if you have them)
10 Antidotes
Usually the Gypceros starts in Area 2. If he is not there, look around in the
other areas, specifically Area 4, 5, 9, and 10. Try to mark him with the
Paintball before you actually start fighting it. Traps can only be used in
specific areas due to the marsh-like swamps. If it goes to one of these areas,
set up Lg-Barrel Bombs and lure the creature to charge at you.
Sometimes it will hit the bombs and BOOM! Right in his face, too. When it
goes to an area where you can lay down the Pitfall Trap, put it under his
shadow as he's landing. If you do it in time, you won't even have to worry
about luring him anywhere as he will land right in it.
Once he's trapped put more Lg-Barrel Bombs around him and set them off with a
Sm-Barrel Bomb. You won't regret wasting the bombs at all. If his eyes light
up and the crystal is exposed, here comes the flash attack! If you have a
weapon that has the guard function, press R1 and block it.
Eventually the creature will fake its death. This is your biggest hint that it
is in fact close to departing from this world. Stay away from the creature if
the Quest Clear message doesn't appear and attack it once it gets up. You'll
kill it soon when that happens. Get your three carves when you're done.
Great Job!
Quest Completed!
Quest Level - 5 Star
Hunting Quest
Urgent Quest
Attack of the Rathalos
Reward: 2250z
Contract: 500z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Rathalos
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Proud Soldier
It cannot be... But. My entire warband was wiped out by a wyvern. Now all
rests upon your shoulders, monster hunter! Slay it!
How To:
... Uh oh. Here's where things get a little difficult. Well let's change that,
make that really difficult, especially to those with no experience. Luckily I
have a nice little strategy that I was given permission to use. This strategy
is courtesy of cloudstrife8 from the GameFAQs boards and is quoted word for
word (and lucky for you it covers all weapon types):
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: This strategy is for both Rathalos and Rathian.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Has anyone noticed that all you have to do to beat Rathalos or Rathian, with
any armor and a halfway decent weapon (Not just Great Sword, although I do not
recommend a hammer to fight Rath wyverns...), is to attack with intelligence.
Learn to block efficiently and attack from the right angle.
Here is a perfect example of how to take on a Rath wyvern, even naked:
Dodge his run attack, always. Do NOT attack when he is about to run. You can
tell the difference between a Run attack and Fireball attack by his/her turning
Run = Fast turn speed, 2 turns towards you.
Fireball = Slow turn speed, 2 turns towards you.
When he/she does his/her fireball, run up to the side of his/her head and do
the slash with your weapon. He/she will be dizzied. With timing and a halfway
decent Great Sword, you can keep him/her in a dizzy loop indefinitely.
If you can't seem to get the dizzy loop down, don't get hit overusing it with
bad timing. Just roll in front of it and block. While you are blocking notice
his next movements.
He/she has 5 attack choices at that time:
Run straight forward (which you will have blocked)
Turn around to hit offensively with tail (Turn towards the direction the tail
is coming in and you will always block it)
Do the bite attack (which you will have blocked)
Leap backwards and shoot the fireball (which you will have blocked)
** Rathalos Only **
Step backwards twice and backflip (which you will have blocked)
** Rathian Only **
He/she has 4 non - offensive choices as well:
Fly straight into the air.
Crane neck upwards and roar. This does not stun you.
Extend neck forward and roar. This makes you cringe and hold your ears.
Although if you were blocking like I said, that won't happen, and you will be
prepared for the next attack.
Leap backwards and land, but without the fireball
**Rathian Only**
I strongly suggest not trying for the tail until you learn how to block and
attack efficiently.
By the way, you might have noticed I never mentioned getting under the Rath and
attacking from there. That is simply because it's hard to read their movements
from there, and will get you hit often.
Also, this is not ONLY for new players, as I have noticed a large amount of
HR 20 players online who just can't seem to avoid using 10 potions and 10 mega
potions fighting a Rathalos/Ian, and who seem to disregard the existence of R1.
On the Forest and Hills map, Rathalos uses areas 6, 5, 4, 3, 9, and 10.
He wont stay in 5 unless he is limping, at which time he falls asleep.
He most likely won't stay in 6 long either, as he lands at the top of the
mountain near the entrance to area 5.
He eats at 9 and drinks at 10.
3 and 4 are where you most likely will fight the most.
Pay attention to his damage. If he limps then you know to go to 5. If you've
damaged him a lot but he's not limping yet, check 9 and 10 first. If you
haven't found him yet, check 6, 4, and 10 first.
I forgot to mention the procedure in using a weapon with block absent. Duals
can use the dizzy combo as well, but it takes practice to keep the combo from
going into the frames after he shakes free of the dizzyness. The best thing
to do is wait for him/her to set the fireball attack, and run to the side of
the head. Use R1 and press left/right on the right analog stick, which does
the cyclone-ish attack where you spin twice with your duals slightly upward.
This is strong enough to dizzy Rathalos/Ian and short enough to repeat in time
to keep the combo going.
The best thing to do for the dizzy combo is to basically wait for the fireball
attack, charge R1, then use the STATIONARY POUND, not the spin attack, to dizzy
it once. I have to research the timing of hammer moves and the lag after the
ground pound, but I will post my findings here.
By the way, the Lance is the most precision weapon this game has, and learning
the timing of the backstep/sidestep/block combination will consistantly save
your life.
All the above, as previously mentioned, courtesy of Cloudstrife8.
Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: You can now pull the sword out of the tree behind
your house.
The Sword is the Hero's Blade and can be upgraded
once more into the Master's Blade. It is one of
the best Sword and Shield weapons in the game.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Capture Quest
Catch a Rathalos
Reward: 2500z
Contract: 500z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Capture the Rathalos
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Selfish Princess
I'm keeping that wyvern as a pet! So hands off! Now I want a male wyvern.
And I want it ALIVE, OK?
How To:
See above Stategy except with some slight modifications. When the Rathalos
starts limping, DO NOT ATTACK IT. Head straight to Area 4 (if he starts
limping in 3) or Area 5 (if he starts limping in Area 4).
When you see the shadow of the Rathalos, place the Pitfall Trap there. You
won't have to coax him into the trap this way and he'll just fall right in.
Throw your Tranq Bombs with extreme accuracy. You do not want to waste these.
It usually takes about 2 to put him to sleep. If done correctly, it will tell
you that all requested monsters have been captured.
Also, just because it says "hands off!" doesn't mean you can't cut off his
tail, face armor, and wing claws. So do that if you want a carve and extra
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Deliver Three Wyvern Eggs
Reward: 2000z
Contract: 300z
Time: 30 Minutes
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: The Lady Gourmet
I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the egg of a
wyvern. Please bring me 3 Wyvern Eggs!
How To:
This is identical to the "Find the Wyvern Eggs!" quest that falls under the
category of 3 star quests. Your only difference is that you're given 3 eggs to
deliver and only 30 minutes to do so.
It's really not that bad. Again, head up to the nest in Area 5, pick up an egg
and carry it out of the cave. Drop the egg and prepare to clear out the areas.
Clear out area 6, 5, 3, 2, 1. Now if you see the Rathalos, Paintball it to
make your life a little bit easier.
Drink a Mega Juice/Power Juice and go out the path that doesn't have Rathalos
(4,3,2,1 or 6,2,1). Personally I think the 4,3,2,1 path is a lot easier, but
do what you can. You better hurry though, you only have 30 minutes. Repeat
the process outlined about until all eggs are delivered.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Gendrome Redux!
Reward: 1100z
Contract: 300z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 3 Gendrome
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Desert Lord
A pack of monsters led by 3 Gendrome is causing trouble for us. Please hunt
down and slay the 3 Gendrome.
How To:
This quest is very similar to the 4 Star Gendrome quest. The only main
difference being the fact that there are 3 Gendromes now and that you are in
the Desert Zone.
Refer to the "Slay the Gendrome!" 4 Star quest for further tactics. After
having killed a Rathalos, this quest shouldn't be too difficult.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Fang of the Iodrome!
Reward: 1200z
Contract: 300z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Jungle
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay 3 Iodrome
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Jungle Envoy
My village is under attack by a pack of Ioprey. The pack is led by 3 alpha
monsters. Slay the poison-filled creatures for us!
How To:
A new enemy appears; the dreaded Iodrome. These are the hardest of ALL the
raptor type creatures. The tactics required to fight them is the same as a
Velocidrome and Gendrome, except these have much higher health and have a
poison spit attack.
You're gonna want to bring 10 Antidotes as well as Blue Mushrooms and Antidote
Herbs to combine to make more throughout the quest. The Iodrome love to use
their poison attack. Do not get surrounded by the creatures or it will spell
out your certain doom.
The first Iodrome is usually in Area 1. The spawning spot, however, is Area 2
so wait there for the new Iodromes to appear after you kill them. Good luck!
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Water Wyvern in the Desert
Reward: 1400z
Contract: 300z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Plesioth
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Proud Hunter
I found a giant Water Wyvern in a cave in the desert! I can't defeat it
because it stays underwater. Slay it and the credit's yours!
How To:
Another difficult wyvern quest. At this point in the game you're blasted with
new wyverns and wyvern quests to complete. The Plesioth is no simple task.
Bring the following:
3 Hot Drinks
10 Sonic Bombs
Screamers (to combine with the gunpowder to make more Sonic Bombs)
Lg-Barrel Bombs
Sm-Barrel Bombs
Pitfall Trap
Trap Tools
You're also gonna want good Water Resistant armor as well as a good Lightning
elemental weapon. If you have neither, no worries. This quest can still be
Yep, for this quest you're gonna want your Frogs. If you have none, you can
find them in Area 4 at a rock close to the water. Gather as many as you can
and head into the cave known as Area 5. You'll get a nice opening of the
dreadful Plesioth.
Kill all the Genprey that reside in the cave and set up a Pitfall Trap. You
know the drill, put Lg-Barrel Bombs around the Pitfall Trap. Head over to the
water where the creature is swimming around and gather its attention. When it
rears up out of the water to attack hurl a Sonic Bomb at it and it'll eject
itself out of the water and flop around vulnerably on the land. This is your
Aim for the head if you can and if not, attack its body. When it stands up,
stay close to its feet and attack it from there. If it uses its tackle attack,
try to dodge away from it as it is extremely powerful, and may kill you
in only 1 or 2 hits. Make sure it gets into that Pitfall Trap you layed down
for it. Once it does, detonate the bombs with a Sm-Barrel Bomb. The Plesioth
is bound to re-enter the water now.
If it goes to the back of the cave (you'll know if it does even if you haven't
paintballed it because the eye icon will disappear although the Plesioth
doesn't leave the area) you'll need to lure it out. It's now that you fish
with a frog. Eventually the Plesioth will make its way over to you and pull at
your line. Press X to get a cutscene of you fighting for it on your pole.
Eventually it'll be pulled out of the water and right onto land. Again attack
it while it is temporarily weakened. Eventually you will notice the fin on his
head and back will collapse. That is your sign that the Plesioth is dying.
Continue attacking it and it will fall over dead, and you will reign in
You can carve it 4 times.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Basarios: Unseen Peril
Reward: 1400z
Contract: 300z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Volcano
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Basarios
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Survivor
A wyvern attacked my expedition from out of the blue in the volcanic zone.
Where did it come from? Please slay it!
How To:
Basarios is really a pushover. He's really not all that difficult, but he may
be for those who have not fought him countless times. Well, that's where a
guide like this comes in handy. You're gonna need quite a few items to be
prepared for this quest:
10 Antidotes
10 Blue Mushrooms
10 Antidote Herbs
Lg-Barrel Bombs
Sm-Barrel Bombs
Large Barrels
20 Whetstones
Pitfall Trap
Trap Tools
The Basarios ALWAYS appears in Area 2 and always remains there. You will notice
one of the rocks in the center seems out of place and a little different.
That's your Basarios. Set up a Pitfall Trap in the center of the area and
place your Lg-Barrel Bombs around it. Get close to the Basarios and throw a
Paintball at it.
It should shake and come up out of the ground. If it doesn't, well then you
didn't find the right one. Get the Basarios to charge into your Pitfall Trap
and detonate the Lg-Barrel Bombs. That should do a good amount of damage to
Now as you look around the area you'll see some odd-looking rocks that stand by
themselves, but don't loom too tall. These are flint stones. Get the Basarios
to charge into these to cause them to explode and deal great amounts of damage.
Also lead it to crash into walls so you can cut off its tail for an extra carve.
Repeat the same strategy again with the Pitfall Traps until you have no more or
the creature dies.
If you run out of the traps, you will have to resort to dodging its attacks and
striking at its chest, which will break away and show you the raw meat of his
body. That's where you should be focusing your attacks!
When it's close to dying it will start to use a new attack: the beam attack.
This attack deals massive damage and covers a wide area in front of him.
Avoid this at all costs. Also, when you get too close to the Basarios it will
use an attack that unleashes a poison cloud. When all is said and done, you
will get 3 carves from the Basarios and a lot of them will be Machalite Ore so
it's very well worth the effort.
Quest Completed!
I received a tip from someone who had read my guide, and it's a good one so I
will include it. Instead of placing the bombs in the pitfall traps, you have
an alternate method. You can place two of them at a flint stone and coax
Basarios into charging into it, dealing more damage. You can kill him a lot
faster using this method (and I've tested it out to prove it).
Thanks goes to Connor Herrington for that one.
Hunting Quest
Queen of the Desert
Reward: 1800z
Contract: 350z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Rathian
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Influential Noble
I have traveled far to find a hunter capable of ridding my lands of a
troublesome wyvern. Please defeat the Rathian for us.
How To:
Strategy for the Rathian is listed under the 5 Star Quest "Attack of the
Rathalos." Hit Ctrl + F and copy/paste the quest name in to find it easier.
Follow the same strategy listed there.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Slay the Rathian!
Reward: 1900z
Contract: 350z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Swamp
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Rathian
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Charitable Man
The monsters in the swamp zone are out of control, the Rathian in particular.
I want you to hunt one down. Casualties are spiraling!
How To:
Strategy for the Rathian is listed under the 5 Star Quest "Attack of the
Rathalos." Hit Ctrl + F and copy/paste the quest name in to find it easier.
Follow the same strategy listed there.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Urgent Quest
Horn of the Monoblos
Reward: 3400z
Contract: 800z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Monoblos
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Royal Envoy
Rumor has it the hunters here are among the best. A Monoblos has laid our
soldiers low. Now we need your help. Slay it for us!
How To:
You're in for a nice, long fight here. The Monoblos is more vicious than even
the Rathalos, but if you can best a Rathalos, you can surely best this menace.
Bring the usual:
10 Sonic Bombs
Screamers (as many as you have)
Gunpowder (as many as you have)
Lg-Barrel Bombs
Large Barrels
Now head over to Area 10 where you will witness a cutscene involving this
fearsome monster. Notice the striking Crimson Horn on his face? Yeah, you're
gonna want to knock that off of him because you get it 100% if you cut if off
his face.
What you want to do is Paintball it right off the bat, that way he can't
surprise you when he cruises through the ground to jump and attack you. This
is where your Sonic Bombs come in handy. When you see the Monoblos burying
itself in the sand, throw a Sonic Bomb right as its tail goes under. The
creature will come to the surface and wriggle around for a bit, giving you
free hits on him.
Now, another thing you'll want to do is set up your Lg-Barrel Bombs against a
wall and cause him to charge the barrels. Naturally, your big, bad wyvern will
go BOOM. Also, if his horn isn't off of his head and he charges into a wall,
it will get stuck. Use this opportunity to try and slice his tail off. It
gives two carves, rather than the normal 1 you're used to.
Once the horn and tail are off, focus on the creature itself. Keep using the
Sonic Bomb strategy and attack its face when it is stuck in the ground. If
you're out of Sonic Bombs, you'll want to attack the face and the chest area,
as those are where it is the weakest. When you finally slay the Monoblos you
will be now known as the Hero of Kokoto.
The Monoblos will give you 4 carves.

Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
*Note: When you talk to the Village Chief he will give
you a Hunter Citation. This is the only one you
will get the entire game.
The Hunter Citation is used to upgrade the
aforementioned Hunter's Blade into the mighty
Master's Blade! Don't worry, there's no other
need for it, so don't hesitate. Do it!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
These are the "secret" quests, if that's what you'd like to call them. You
need to perform certain things before you can get these quests, so I'll guide
you through that right now.
First you'll need to clear all other quests. If you have not, go back and do
them so all Quest levels say CLEAR!
Next you'll need to do the following:
|The Runaway Diablos - Create one piece of Monoblos Armor. |
| |
| |
|The Shadow in the Cave - Create one piece of Vespoid armor. |
| |
| |
|Terror of the Gravios - Create one piece of Cephalos Armor. |
| |
| |
|Handle with Care! - Clear the "Terror of the Gravios" Quest |
| |
|Troublesome Pair - Clear all quests, including the above |
| mentioned URGENT Quests. |
| |
| |
|*Note: You do not need to wear the armor you have to create |
| in order to access the quests. As long as it's in your |
| inventory the quest will show up. |
Hunting Quest
The Runaway Diablos
Reward: 3200z
Contract: 800z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Desert
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Diablos
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Border Captain
A giant wyvern smashed the border-wall and ran into this area. We need to find
and kill it before it causes any more trouble!
How To:
Follow the exact same strategy expressed in the "Horn of the Monoblos" quest.
The only difference is that the Diablos is wider and harder to dodge, and it
has 2 horns. Also you will only have 3 carves on its body and 1 on its
The Monoblos is harder, so you can surely do this one if you were able to do
the Monoblos.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
The Shadow of the Cave
Reward: 2250z
Contract: 700z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Swamp
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Khezu
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Noble Lady
A child is lost in the caves. We want to rescue him, but a gray wyvern is in
the area... Please slay the beast!
How To:
This is a nasty wyvern. It has no eyes, so you can never tell when it sees you
(no Monster Eye Icon appears near your name). It tracks you completely by
scent. You're gonna want to wear armor that has good Lightning Resistance if
you have any. You're also gonna want to bring a weapon that has the Fire
Element on it because that is his major weakness.
You can't really use Pitfall Traps on him unless he leaves the caves,
which is often rare. Bring plenty of bombs like usual though. Also bring
Potions and Mega Potions; his electricity attacks can hurt... a lot. Also
make sure you have Hot Drinks.
The Khezu usually starts in Area 8 of the Swamp. Drink a Hot Drink and enter
the cave. Look up at the ceiling to spot the creature. Oft times it just
leaves the area and goes to another cave as soon as you enter, but sometimes
you'll get lucky.
You'll want to Paintball it as fast as you can because it likes to flee the
cave to yet another cave. You must be careful when walking underneath one as
it will drop onto you and inflict massive amounts of damage. Now it's time to
fight it. Avoid hitting the tail at all costs because it's the only spot on
it that you can't penetrate. Also try not to stand directly in front of it as
it can perform a multitude of attacks:
1) Extend its neck outward, knocking you over and inflicting
a surprising amount of damage.
2) Shooting a orb of electricity that splits into 3. This is
his most dangerous attack as it can drain half your health
or more in one hit. It can also paralyze.
3) He will leap forward onto you.
Also, when you're attacking him from the side he will put his tail in the
ground and glow blue. That's your que to move out of there as fast as
possible. He puts up an "electricity shield" that prevents you from getting
to him without getting hurt. When it's done, just continue attacking as you
did before.
Set up Lg-Barrel Bombs around him and if he does the electricity shield
attack, they will detonate upon him. Keep doing that as much as you can
inorder to not waste healing items. When you're out of the bombs continue to
attack its head and stomach, eventually causing it to topple.
When it goes up toward the cave entrance to leave when it is limping, toss a
Sonic Bomb and that will take care of that. Congratulations, you killed the
nastiest wyvern in the game (looks-wise that is).
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Terror of the Gravios
Reward: 3800z
Contract: 800z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Volcano
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Gravios
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Troubled Noble
A fearsome Gravios has appeared amidst the magma and desolation of the
volcanic zone. Slay the firebreather for us!
How To:
As you can tell by the reward money, this will be your toughest quest yet. It
is a dreadful quest at that, too. A Gravios is the adult version of the
Basarios, so the attacks are almost the same.
Only differences are that the Gravios does not pretend to be a rock, uses a
sleep gas instead of the poison one that Basarios uses, and it utilizes its
fire beam attack quite a bit more... actually a lot more.
Bring all the items always outlined in the quests for wyverns. Use Pitfall
Traps whenever you can to help you through this quest. You're also gonna want
to bring 3 Cool Drinks with you as you will be fighting it in the most extreme
of temperatures.
The creature usually appears in Area 5 or Area 7, so that is where you should
focus your attention at first. Make sure to cut off his tail if you can, as it
also gives you 2 carves and his body gives you 4.
Focus on attacking its chest area to pull back the shells and fight the raw
underbelly of the beast. This will probably be a lengthy battle and you will
most likely die once or twice while you get the hang of his attacks. For
further strategy, look at the Basarios quest.
Quest Completed!
Gathering Quest
Handle with Care!
Reward: 3000z
Contract: 500z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Volcano
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Deliver 1 Powderstone
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Royal Armorer
We need large amounts of explosive to make Bowgun ammo. I want you to bring
1 Powderstone here to me. And be careful about it!
How To:
Okay, this quest is in fact one of the most annoying quests you'll ever
encounter. The Powderstone is found only in Area 8 and you must carry it all
the way back to the camp. I myself refuse to do this quest offline anymore,
regardless of the rewards (which consist of Commendations and Ruststones).
You'll want to bring Mega Juices to carry the stone back to camp. Drink a
Cool Drink and head to Area 8. Pick up a stone, return to Area 7 and drop it.
Clear out all the enemies in the path of 7, 6, 4, 1 as that is the easiest way
to go.
Areas 7, 6, and 1 are easily cleared, but I do not think that Area 4 can be
cleared away. Head back to the Powderstone and use a Mega Juice. Pick up a
stone and start the long aggravating trip back, where you'll probably drop the
stone once or twice and hurl your controller through your television set.
For more information look at Yedokai's excellent Powderstone
Mission FAQ.
Quest Completed!
Hunting Quest
Troublesome Pair
Reward: 6400z
Contract: 1240z
Time: 50 Minutes
Area: Swamp
Special Conditions: None
Quest Level: 5 Star
Goal Conditions: Slay the Rathalos and Rathian
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
My, how you've become a fine hunter! I have a job for you. I want you to
hunt down a pair of wyverns, a Rathalos and a Rathian.
How To;
Okay this is by far the most difficult of all the quests, and hence why it is
the hardest to unlock. This is almost exactly the same difficulty of the online
quest, so you will have seen nothing this powerful until now.
You're gonna want to bring all that you've got on this quest. Bring your most
powerful weapon and armor. Bring all the healing items you can as well as
bombs, traps, and other things that will help you out here.
Rathalos starts in Area 5 and Rathian starts in Area 9. It is most probable
to clear out the Rathalos first as it flies around way too much and you'll
probably be eager to get him out of the way. Then take on the Rathian. If
both creatures come to the same area (only happens in Area 3) paintball both
creatures and wait until one leaves.
For strategy, refer to the "Attack of the Rathalos" quest again.
When the quest is completed you will be the greatest hunter Kokoto
has ever seen.
Quest Completed!
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
NOTE: You can get Rathalos/Rathian Plates from the tail
carves in this quest. They are extremely rare
and offer no importance offline, however.
!=============================!SPECIAL NOTICE!================================!
Now that you have completed the last quest, all movies within the Gallery at
the main menu are unlocked. Enjoy them and prepare yourself for online mode!
IX) |========================================================================/
=====|==================FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS)=====================/
Okay, I get tons of e-mails daily of the same old questions, so I've decided
the best way to handle this is add a section where questions are to be
answered. Before you ask me a question, be sure to look in this section
1) Q: How do I cut off the tail of a wyvern? And what wyvern's tails
can be cut off?
A: This is probably the most common question asked in my e-mails and
apparently all over the board as well. First I'll give you a list
of the wyverns in which you can cut off the tails.
There you have it, the only wyverns in which you can remove the
tail of. Now the number of carves varies depending on the wyvern.
1 carve from the tail:
2 carves from the tail:
Now you can use most any weapon class to cut off a wyvern's tail.
The only weapon classes that are inneficient at doing so are the
Hammers and Bowguns. Neither can get the tail cut off.
If you ask me, the best weapon to use to take off the tail of a
wyvern is the Great Sword, the Lance, and the Dual Swords. I
usually cut them off with the Dual Swords, but the other two
work just as well, or even better.
For the Dual Swords, the best way to take the tail off is to do
the R1 charge and then press down on the right analog stick.
This procures the maximum amount of attacks in a single, straight
forward attack from the Dual Swords and makes short work of the
tail of the Rathalos and Rathian. However, it isn't so effective
on the Basarios, Diablos, Gravios, and Monoblos.
Overall, I would say the Lance is the prime choice for tail
removal because it is so precise. Just use the upward slash
against the tail and it'll come off in no time. This works
great against the Diablos, Gravios, Basarios, and the Monoblos.
The Great Sword is also very useful in this aspect. Just use
the downward slash and then the side slash in a continuous combo
if you're online. But if you're doing it offline you don't have
to worry about hitting people with the upslash so use the downward
slash followed by the uppercut slash; this will take care of that
tail as if it was butter.
2) Q: My friend so-and-so says I can get the later game carves and
gatherings offline in the 3* and up quests. How come your guide
says they are online Hunter Rank 13+?
A: Well, your friend obviously has been mislead by the BradyGames
guide. You should slap your friend for being gullible. You
can only get the Hunter Rank 13+ items online at Hunter Rank 13+
during the 4 Star quests - 6 Star quests only, hence being called
Hunter Rank 13+ items. The only exception to this rule would be
the Rathalos and the Rathian Plates, which can also be carved in
the Troublesome Pair quest (the only offline quest that gives them).
3) Q: You don't have the tactic I use when fighting [insert creature's
name here]. Why not?
A: Well now, isn't that a stupid question. Obviously it's because I'm
not you. But seriously, if you have a tactic that works better than
the ones I have, by all means e-mail me with it. If I try it out,
and it works for me, you can almost guarantee it'll be added here.
Don't be shy, let other hunter's know how you take care of the
big, bad, horrible creatures of Monster Hunter.
4) Q: Why is Kaezar so studly?
A: Kaezar is the most elusive, studly creature you'll ever find online.
Once common, he is now rarer than a Rathalos Plate. If you spot him
online people will assume you've taken a bit too much of your share of
alcohol. It's better to keep Kaezar sightings to yourself as they will
be met with harsh criticism.
5) Q: Do you still play this game online? If so, we should quest together.

A: Of course I still play online. I'm probably the only person that
can say they've been playing the US Version of Monster Hunter since
July (the US release was in September and I was a BETA tester). I
just can't get enough of this game. All you have to do is send me
an e-mail about when you want to play and where you'll be. If I'm
available I'll e-mail you back and log in. Now how do you like them
6) Q; Is this game pay to play online? If so, how much is it?
A: It's $22.50 a month. No seriously, there is no fee to play online.
CAPCOM charges Japanese players to play online, but it's free here
in the United States and Canada. I don't know about any other
countries though, so you're gonna have to ask people of that country
if it's free or not.
7) Q: Why did you go through the work of creating this guide?
A: Well one day back in July I was bored. I said to myself, "Self,
how can I stop myself from being bored?" And the answer came to
me. Why not write up something to help others in a game that I've
come to love more than life itself. And there you have it. At this
point, this guide was born. I get praise from a lot of people, but
seriously, if you have complaints, e-mail me them. I love to hear
what people think, positive or negative. Suggestions are welcome
and I will get around to answering all e-mails I get.
8) Q: What is this headlocking I hear about? What does it do?
A: This headlocking you hear about is an exploit of a glitch in the
game. It is also one of the reasons that people hold the Lance in
such high regard (or low, depending on who you're talking to). The
other reason is since Grahf's FAQ was released, the lance has been
since proven to be the most over powered weapon in the game. You
can do it with a Lance, a Great Sword, and Dual Swords that I know
of. If you know how to do it with any other weapon, please feel
free to let me know about that.
For the lance:
All you have to do is continually hit the head of a wyvern, such
as a Rathalos, with your lance. The best way to do this is to
use the forward slash and then follow up with two upward slashes.
If done right, the wyvern will sort of lower its head and be what
we will call "temporarily stunned." If you keep doing this,
remembering to use the wonderful sidestep/backstep move, you
can fell the wyvern in a matter of minutes. You're gonna need
a powerful weapon that can hold off through the battle. The only
ones that I've tried it with are the Babel Spear, Ogre Tusk, and
the Black Dragon Spear so I don't know which other ones will get
you through it.
For Great Sword:
What is there to really say about the Great Sword? I haven't used
a Great Sword in ages so I'm a little rusty on doing this. Again
you're gonna need a powerful enough weapon. I've done it with the
Eager Cleaver and Divine Slasher as those are really the only
Great Swords I've used. I know it can be done with the Eternal
Annihilator as well as the Red Dragonsword so you'll have to
see which ones work out for you. I guess you can do the headlock
in one of two different ways. You can do the downward slash
followed by the upswing provided you're playing alone. If you're
playing with other people attacking the wyvern, use the downward
slash followed by the side swing. Just keep doing this infinitely
and you'll keep it in this "temporarily stunned" state. Personally,
I prefer to do this with lance over anything.
For Dual Swords:
This is a fun one to use. Now I've only tested this out on the
Dual Dragon Ultimus so any other Dual Swords I wouldn't know.
This one is probably a little trickier as you have to use a
Mega or Power Juice and then press down on the Right Analog stick
to unleash flurry of blows. Most often you need to have them all
connect, but sometimes if two hits miss it still works. Now you're
gonna have to follow up with the same attack almost immediately after
yours finishes. Timing is everything on this one. Like I said, this
one is a lot trickier and does probably take a bit more time to
There you have the headlocking. If you're gonna want to do the
headlocking though, I insist you use the lance. It's the most
effective at it really considering the precision of the weapon.
Have fun.
9) Q: How do I make Dual Swords?
A: Well since I've had tons of questions regarding this and many other
weapons, I've decided to add a whole entire new section devoted to
weapon creation. I didn't include the materials because there
are other FAQs you can look at that deal with it, but this will have
the basic paths you have to go for the weapons. I hope this helps you
out for all of those that inquire about weapon paths. Maybe I'll
eventually get around to putting in the Weapons and Armor, but that's
probably asking a bit too much out of me. We'll see how the times
come along.
More to come soon probably.
X) |========================================================================/
- GameFAQs for hosting this guide
- CAPCOM for creating this game
- BradyGames Official Monster Hunter guide for giving me the carved
materials and percent of carving (Although not completely accurate)
- DrewBie for information on the items you can receive from the monsters
as well as the information for the helms.
- Kanoa357/BOWL for sending me the information regarding the food combinations
and the rest of the combinations.
- Thanks to all the people who posted information on the official BETA
- Thanks also goes to the Vagrant Knights guild for many pieces of
information. Also, the guild made me want to create this guide.
Forums can be found here:
- Thanks to Cloudstrife8 for the great strategy against the Rathalos/Rathian
- Thanks to Kaezar for helping me reach Hunter Rank 20 and for countless hours
of playing time to further research and improve this guide.
- Connor Herrington for his Basarios tip
- Dantheman25708 for pointing out an error
- Very special thanks to Ortega

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