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State of the Internet Address:

An Intelligent Guide For HOW to Structure, Appropriate, &

Manage Your Resources to Scale Your Businesss Growth


Ok my friends this is your warning. This document is not intended to be some
Fluffy, Feel Good, Wimpy crap that you walk away from not really having
CEMENTED to change your life.
In fact, theres a very real possibility you will be somewhat upset, offended, or in the
least CHALLENGED by this document and thats the entire POINT.
My intention here as you will soon see is to TOUGHEN you up. Its to break down
the often times Wimpy and Fantasy Ridden mindset so many people are bringing
to our industry. (yea, I said it, WIMPY)
And truth be told if you stand ONE shot in hell at truly building a walk away 6-7
figure business for yourself then you need to get STRONG. You need to be able to
take it when someone tells you how it is, and not curl up in a little ball & wish you
were back in mommys womb.
Its time to eradicate the lazy mentality from this industry. Its time for us to
commit to HARD, intelligent WORK. And its time for us to take TOTAL
responsibility for our lives, businesses, and all the CHOICES we ourselves make.
Part of this document is meant to address building your business very intelligently,
and providing you some guidelines for how to do so. The other part is meant to
work on your Subconscious .and subtly help you get STRONGER. Its meant to
help you get TOUGH. Its meant for you to get VERY serious about the state of our
world, and the financial future YOU are going to create for yourself.
Make no mistake there are some challenging times ahead. And like any strong
Winter, its the people who are PREPARED for it that flourish & make it through. I
want this document to help you in ALL of those ways.
Now that youve had a fair warning about whats inside lets begin.
This is an ALL important guide. This is for JUST starting out newbie marketers, as
well as seasoned entrepreneurs. In this guide you will learn need to know
principles and techniques for managing your businesss growth, and the
INTELLIGENT ways to approach the vast job ahead of you of building the business
that gives you what you truly want in life.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The State of the Internet/Online Network Marketing Address.

Chapter 1: Managing Expectations + The Appropriate Attitudal Framework
When Starting to Grow A Business Online.

Chapter 2: The Need For Training, & How That Fits Into Your Life.

Chapter 3: Budgeting & Balance.

Chapter 4: Scheduling & Time Management INTELLIGENTLY.

Chapter 5: No Excuses.

Chapter 6: How to grow Fast & expand Realistically.


Its Winter Time, & You Better Get Strong.
Its winter time my friends. Its time to get strong, its time to toughen up, its time
to store food, its time to gather the firewood well need for this whole season to
make sure we are warm. Its time
And you guys know what Im talking about. Im talking about the entire WORLD
state at the moment, and the impending economic hardships our human race is
going to face over the next 5-10 years, that have the potential to be very difficult (yet
hopefully well emerge from the wiser)
While I will never claim I know whats going to happen one way or another, I
certainly can feel that a retraction is upon us and its still uncertain just how large
that retraction is going to be. I also feel there will be A LOT of people who dont
educate themselves on where the future of money making is going who are going
to suffer. (I do not want you to be one of them)
I feel a lot of people who dont believe in themselves, who dont step up and take
charge, and who dont put themselves at the leading edge of knowledge & the
economy are going to suffer. Thats why Im going to do EVERYTHING I can to
make sure the people who follow me are as empowered as you can BE.
Now dont get me wrong I am NOT a doom & gloom dude. In fact the more you
realize about the world the more you see its complete perfection. The more you
see theres absolutely NOTHING wrong ever no matter whats happening.
From the ultimate perspective, its easy to see this is true. How could the entire
universe be Wrong? (yet anytime you think something Shouldnt be happening,
youre basically saying the entire universe is wrong, seeing as an infinitude of events
needed to happen in a PRECISE way to produce every single moment of existence.)
haha, it even just sounds ridiculous to say. The Entire Universe is Wrong.
Obviously, the only thing that judges right and wrong is our limited human
perspectives, which only see the tiniest micro speck of reality.
Its very difficult for us to judge as small little human beings with our puny human
awareness the VASTNESS of the decision making process of our cosmos. I for one
know that no judgment I ever make will be accurate.
I feel Ive learned at this point in my life that there is a DEEPER reason for all things
to happen. And I believe our human race is at a very DEEP point of needing to learn
some difficult lessons.

Weve abused our planet. Weve spent our lives focused on material goods,
consuming useless products we dont really need, getting caught up in Status and
keeping up with the joneses. Buying crap all day long that ends up in a garbage
dump 12 months later yet sits there for the next 10,000 years. (just watch this: )
Yea, theres a lot of crap going on. And we as a human race are responsible for it.
And were going to have to learn some tough lessons. I believe the universe teaches
us these things when were not teaching ourselves. The economy shrinking around
the world is a LESSON. Its saying STOP buying crap you dont need.
Stop getting caught up in so much materialism. Dont buy stuff on credit you dont
have. Go BACK to the simple things in life. Find joy in your friends, your family, your
hobbies, dancing, reading, painting, swimming, everything that truly makes you feel
ALIVE & costs nothing.
You see, when difficult times hit us we have the CHOICE to perceive it how we
want to. Whatever way we perceive it is going to determine whether we move into
the future EMPOWERED, or whether we move into the future struggling &
miserable. I for one know my choice And its to perceive life from a deeper place.
From a place that doesnt judge whats happening in the world, but from a place that
understands its necessary. That it needs to be. That theres a bigger purpose
behind it all that Ill never fully grasp.
And that if were to continue to FLOURISH in this Winter Time of our world right
now well need to develop more STRENGTH, more courage, more wisdom, & more
intelligence then we may have ever mustered up in our life before.
And make no mistake that is exactly what were going to have to do.
You See, Its A Competitive World Out There Right Now
Straight talk here the world is HUNGRY. Lets just get it out of the way. Its a
HUNGRY world. And while there are ENOUGH resources to feed everyone were
still figuring out how to MANAGE those resources in the proper way to do it.
The same applies on the Internet there are ENOUGH resources to feed everyone,
but the thing is those resources dont become available to you until you MASTER
the principles of getting them.
You cant sit around in this modern day market place and EXPECT that food (money)
is going to come to you. Its not. You have to get off your ass & go out there and GET

Its that simple. And theres a HELL of a lot of motivated people right now trying to
do the same thing. Thats a GOOD thing in truth, because competitive markets mean
theres A LOT of money to be made. A LOT of people can become VERY successful
right now, IF you understand the principles Ive made my life work to teach you.
The biggest factor to making money in our current world is not how much
competition is there because like I said, competition is a healthy sign that theres
a HELL of a lot of money to be made in the market place.
The biggest factor is How GOOD are you at business? Thats really it. How good
are you at GETTING the money? Your sole purpose when it comes to growing your
business is to become a MASTER money getter. To understand the multi-faceted
components of business, & how they all fit in together to form a synchronistic whole.
Im Going to Teach You Some of That In This Document.
You might be asking Why the heck am I writing this right now & giving this away
for free? Well, Im not going to lie, my time isnt cheap. The very fact Im spending
my time writing this right now, is pulling away from activities I could be doing to
bring in tens of thousands of dollars, often times in days alone. (economy isnt bad
for everyone. Trust me. You just need to be on the right side)
But Im sitting here writing this literally for no other reason then you friggin' NEED
it. Ok, thats it. I have a really really big heart. I talk to people all day long, and hear
from my team, and many others whats going on in the market place. I keep my
finger dialed in to the REAL feelings happening out there, and the struggles that are
taking place on a daily basis.
And at the end of the day I care a lot. Im moved deeply by the emotions &
experiences of everyone, who I consider to be my extended family. And as a leader
to this industry Im responsible to take care of the pack. To make sure everyone
is educated, well trained on how to hunt, and has the best shot they could ever get at
making it happen for themselves.
So I stopped my regular projects for a few days to write this, because its just that
damn important at the moment.
Let me Tell You Why
The main premise of this document is not to sit around and go ohhhhh, the sky is
falling! Ohhh, its gonna be so hard... ohhh, whoa is you!. No, thats a crock of crap.
And if I thought like that I wouldnt be making millions of dollars per year while
most of this economy is sucking pond water.

And if you think like that youre gonna shoot yourself in the foot. The purpose of
this document is to actually TEACH YOU, and many other entrepreneurs who are
passionate & dedicated about growing a business right now, some of the right
fundamentals behind how to do it. Its to empower you.
I want to frame your expectations in the correct way, so that you dont set yourself
up for failure.
I want to help you understand the unique nature of the Internet, your process of
education, & your process of growth so you only spend what you HAVE TO, &
understand the correct path to follow to grow your business.
I also want to toughen you up, because if you understand that Winter is coming then
you can go outside and chop some extra wood, store some extra food, make sure
youve got fuel, or whatever else is needed to make it through winter, & if done
correctly actually flourish.
(just like theres places all over planet earth that never see a drop of snow, arent
cold, and the sun shines all the time so are there places you can achieve when it
comes to building your business that will NEVER experience economic winter.)
And Heres the Truth
The principles to manifesting in our world HAVE not changed, and never WILL
change. There is so much abundance available for everyone its absolutely INSANE.
Regardless of what winter time is going on, regardless of whats happening in the
economy, regardless of where you live if you are TRAINED right now with the
proper skill sets & proper mindsets to attract Abundance YOU CAN DO IT.
Its just that simple. You can do it.
When I look around the world I see MASSIVE infrastructures in place. I see trillions
upon trillions of dollars that isnt going ANYWHERE. I see new markets being born.
New technologies being born. I see new INDUSTRYS being born
And Ive made the commitment that I WANT TO BE THERE! I want to be at the
beginning of the NEW. Not at the end of the old. I want to be part of the Future of
our economy, the future of our world I want to solve the problems industries of
the past didnt consider as those ambitious entrepreneurs just plowed forward.
There is never going to be a shortage of innovation my friends. Theres never going
to be a shortage of the UNDYING human spirit which flows through all of us
constantly and spans millennia after millennia.

Whats most important is that we recognize we ARE this same human spirit. Its
not time to Shrivel Up inside its time to EXPAND.
Its Time to EXPAND Our View Of Ourselves, & the Universe, If You Want to
Approach Our Future With A Complete Abundant Mentality.
You see, we are not the Limited creatures we might sometimes take ourselves to
be. We are not just the content of our minds and the mass of our body.
No no no my friends we are FAR more than that. In fact, no words will ever do
justice to describing what our human spirit REALLY is but lets just say its
powerful beyond measure.
Lets just say when the human spirit is CULTIVATED, focused, and fueled by love for
life it can do anything. It is more powerful then we could imagine. It has changed
the world countless times over.
It has freed countries. It has cured problems thought impossible to cure. It has
made discoveries almost so magical youd think reality was born from the most
ingenious science fiction writer on the planet
Yes, all of this has stemmed from the HUMAN spirit. And its that very same spirit
Im now going to have you CALL UPON to manifest the business of your dreams.
Theres no reason in the world you cant do it once you align yourself with the
principles that make it happen.
Im not going to lie not all of those principles are in this document. Thats an
impossible document to write. In fact, many of those principles can only be born
from EXPERIENCE. They can only be born from you taking action, experiencing, &
learning life lessons through your own trials & tribulations.
However, each Missing piece of the knowledge puzzle that gets filled in helps push
you closer and closer to actualization. It helps push you closer and closer to making
your goals & dreams happen in life with consistency & force.
And for that reason I felt I needed to address some very Basic yet often highly
misunderstood principles, which you will find within this document. My aim here is
to help set your business up on a solid, & intelligent foundation to grow from.
So with that said, lets get into some of what I want to teach you in this report.
Because I dont have all day & I do actually have to get back to work.

Chapter 1:
Managing Expectations & Your Attitudal Framework.
Theres nothing that can quickly kill a newbie entrepreneurs hopes for success, and
desire for a real business faster than false expectations.
False expectations are a TRAP that we create for ourselves based mostly on our
Hope and fantasy for the solutions to our problems coming EASY, rather than
being grounded in incredibly difficult work.
Let me help you out with that right now
It does not exist ok. Get it out of your freaking mind right now. I dont care what the
website told you, I dont care what your upline told you, I dont care who you met
making $200,000 a month, I dont care WHAT ideas you have gotten in your head or
why you got them
Understand right now that there is no hope for an easy solution.
If you continue to cling to an idea that success is EVER going to be easy, I promise
you that you will only continue to be disappointed. And each disappointment only
pushes you closer to giving up on yourself. Each disappointment weakens you a bit
more until finally you collapse out of weakness.
Let me share with you a Better expectation to have. An expectation that will leave
you TOUGH as nails, impossible to be defeated, and empowered to go beyond what
your competition is going to do.
Expect you will have to do WHATEVER it takes, with no clue what that is or how long
it will be, but that you just HAVE TO DO IT & can NEVER STOP if youre ever to get
the job done.
Haha, talk about a mindset shift for most people ay? A little bit different then most
of our original fantasies when we came into the industry yet as we have all
probably learned by now How Are Those Fantasys Doing? Those Working Yet?

A lot of people also approach the specifics of their business, their strategies, & their
marketing with the same earlier exposed limiting expectation. People assume that
everything should work the First time you try it

Yet anyone who actually INVESTIGATES this false belief quickly realizes its pure
insanity. And if most of our worlds greatest inventors thought that way wed still
be living in the stone age. Let me give you a different expectation
Expect that NOTHING you will try on your 1
, 2
, or even 3
attempt at ANYTHING
will even work. I dont care what it is a marketing strategy, a business, a traffic
tactic, whatever. Just plan on your FIRST 3 attempts failing.
When you begin planning your business, plan all the way to the 4
and 5
Plan Bs,
and you can expect around then to begin seeing some results. Why? Because by that
time you got EXPERIENCE.
Because by that time youve taken Conceptual Knowledge, put it into ACTION,
gotten feedback on how it worked, and adapted it to TRY AGAIN. There is seriously
no other way to grow & get good at things!! (the caveat is the more skill you get
in any area, the easier it gets until you often can nail anything you want first time
out. But dont think that way until you ARE actually that good.)
You think if you approached everything in your life this way it might make you a
bit tougher? You think you might set yourself up to succeed a bit more? Instead of
crying at the first sign of failure you will now be happy as a fat penguin if you
succeed on your 4
or 5
What a revolution! And oh my god if you actually succeed on your 3
, 2
, or by
some stroke of god your 1
try at something you should seriously get on your
knees and say THANK YOU to the universe for being so gracious to you.
Adopt this frame work as your expectation. Adopt this mentality. Do not let
yourself fall into the trap your own mind creates where It wants to believe
everything is going to be easy, and your next instant potion for your pain is just
around the corner.
There is no instant potion. Its only through consistent, dedicated, & relentless WORK
that we ever create anything worthwhile.
THAT is my expectation. When I set out to create anything now what I EXPECT is
that I will have to work HARDER than anyone else ever has, that I will have to push
myself beyond my limits, that I will have to try and try and try again and again and
again no matter how many times I FAIL if I really want to succeed at something.
That is my expectation. And with the proper warriors mindset, I am now ready to
approach this battle of success with TOUGH skin. With my armor, my shield, not
easily defeated by the common defeats we will all face as we establish ourselves in
this industry.

So First Things First Establish The Correct Warriors Mindset.
Guess what, in order for anyone to follow you, you are going to need to LEAD.
In times like this in our world people are desperately needing leadership. The
leadership of any organization will determine how ALL of the people in that
organization flow & move.
If the leadership has false expectations, everyone in the organization will have false
expectations. If the leadership doesnt believe in themselves, the people in the
organization wont believe in themselves.
If the leader doesnt work harder than the person next to them, then neither will the
organization. EVERYTHING that you build will all stem & flow from your personal
leadership. It will all stem from YOUR internal framework you set up inside, & the
choice you make to become a true leader.
That is what our world needs right now. Those are the people who will EARN their
right to flourish in this economic wintertime we are heading into.
If you truly dedicate yourself to BECOMING that leader. If you fill yourself up with
the value, the knowledge, the STRENGTH & PASSION that it takes to be a real
leader then people will follow you. Its that simple.
And you will at that point DESERVE their money. You will DESERVE the abundance
you create as a leader because you are intrinsically GIVING BACK more to the
universe then its actually giving you. Thats how this game works.
So lets Recap
In this first chapter, I really just want to get the point home that its incredibly
important to manage expectations. The most powerful thing in the world you can
do for yourself when just starting is CREATE the proper expectations for yourself.
Let me give you some real world, baseline guidelines so you KNOW what you are in
for, and can make educated choices concerning your future & the path youre on to
create money freedom.
For Starters: EXPECT a SOLID learning Curve.
Most people dont understand that the network marketing industry ITSELF is a
brand new career. Its an entire PROFESSION. Most people dont just stroll into
network marketing & possess the skill sets required to be amazing team leaders,
incredible recruiters, great networkers, great listeners, great communicators, etc.
These are skills DEVELOPED, just like any professional develops their skills.

The proper way you DEVELOP these skills is twofold.
1. You practice.
2. You HANG around professionals.
This is the FASTEST way to really get an education as a professional network
marketer. You go to EVENTS, you network with the HIGH level professionals, you
form relationships ALL over the industry. You get pitched by other top people, let
yourself get recruited by other top people.
One of my great friends Aaron Fortner, whos one of the BEST networkers I know of,
will literally JOIN many many many companies merely as a way of building
relationships. Hell buy starter packages, order some product, refer some people
because it shows the person youre networking with that youre SERIOUS.
After that theres ALWAYS going to be a solid ground for the relationship. Its pure
brilliance. But the point is you have to get IN the door of other professional
networkers & form the correct relationships. Thats the fastest way to learn the
tricks of the trade in this industry.
But heres the CAVEAT
Online marketing is an ENTIRELY different animal. If you want to build a TRUE
network marketing organization you need to become a professional networker.
But if you want to tap into the amazing marketing & advertising power of the
Internet you need to become a MARKETER. And that has its OWN learning curve
which you will NEED to get educated in.
Theyre two different animals. Heres how I would judge expectations with these
great beasts.
#1: Professional Networker: 2-5 years in the industry, attending events,
networking, recruiting, trying out many different companies, etc. After this
period of time youll probably have gotten pretty damn good.
#2: Online Marketer: 1-6 months in the LEARNING phase. This is you getting
down the terminology, understanding auto responders, capture pages, how to
use them all, how everything works, etc. (note: these time frames depend
completely on you. I know people who go much faster. Your intelligent efforts
will be the determinant)
- 6-12 months in the PRACTICING phase. This is you just going out there and flat out
practicing. Practice putting up Facebook ads, PPC ads, practice doing some social
media marketing, search engine optimization, WHATEVER. The main point in this

phase is really to get in the consistent habit of ACTION taking, & perfecting your
skills so marketing starts to come naturally to you.
- 12-24 months is the Mastering phase. Now this is where its time to really start
making bigger money. Once youve got EVERYTHING down, youre well versed in
how to drive traffic, & can get people to a page now you start Perfecting your
Here is where you start really figuring out how to turn your leads into BIG money. In
this phase, you will gain mastery over specific marketing techniques, & can
command money to you. Many advanced things open up to you here.
Beyond this is a whole other ball game. Thats when you really begin diversifying
your business models, & expanding in a VARIETY of other ways if you want. Well
stop here and save that for future reports.
The Big Mistake
Now, if you look at these VERY realistic expectations I set out for you can you see
where you might have been making some errors in your own judgment? Sometimes
people are just SO unrealistic it kills me.
How does ANYONE think they are just going to come online, and be an expert at
something, without first putting in the time & energy required to LEARN this craft?
It makes no sense. (its widely reported 10,000+ hours required as investment to
ever Truly be an expert at something. Thats about 5 years. Where you at? Im
almost there , so clearly you can make money before that but its a good
guideline to base your competence on.)
But once you understand the real & natural way LEARNING takes place you can go
easy on yourself, and relax into the process.
This is very key. I hope you understand the main point Ive made here, and will
adjust your business expectations accordingly. Just remember theres NO such
thing as a true expectation you have concerning a Result.
Its all a crock of crap you made up in your head.
The ONLY real expectation you can ever have is that you will have to work AS long
and as HARD as it takes to get the job done.
You dont know how much work that is, you dont know how long it will take, you
know NOTHING. All you know is that you can never quit, and you will just have to
keep going until you accomplish your mission. Thats it.

Thats the only real expectation existing. Adopt that now, and Im telling you your
life will change so fast it will shock you. And youll find youre a 10x more effective,
& powerful entrepreneur as well.
Keep in mind, Im just giving you some baseline ideas here. Take them in, soak them
up, feel how much they resonate with you and then FORMULATE your own ideas
surrounding these concepts.
My main intention here is to just have you understand the education process, and
commit yourself to it FULLY.
I want to avoid people jumping into something, and thinking they should be making
money the next day, or masters over night, & then getting disappointed or beating
themselves up if theyre not when in reality thats not how ANYTHING in life works.
I dont want you giving up on yourself, or this incredible journey, because of
misplaced expectations.
And for each person, there will be a different learning curve. Some go fast, some go
slow, some go in between thats not what matters.
What matters is that you FINISH the race. What matters is that you just dont stop.
Thats what equals true money freedom in this industry. Just NEVER stop.
So, go easy on yourself. Dont try to force yourself into a box that doesnt exist. Let
the common sense of this document guide you in an easy going way along your
process so that you RELAX into your education.
You PACE yourself during this race. And you dont go hard on yourself if youre not
mastering every part of this business overnight. The more youre able to let go of
expectations, and just FOCUS on consistently performing the action steps that lead
to MONEY the more money youre going to make. And the faster your business IS
going to grow.
One of the MAIN points here is to RELAX. Where ever you are at right now, thats
EXACTLY where you need to be. Dont compare yourself to others. Dont judge
yourself. Dont think you Should Be somewhere other than where you are. Its a
sure fire way to be utterly miserable.
Just KNOW you are exactly where youre SUPPOSE to be right now, and your unique
education process is unfolding. Our personal & unique lives are not up for
comparison. Its an impossible thing. If we get stuck in that trap we end up living
in delusion & misery.

But when were ONLY focused on ourselves, our own journey, our own process, and
we stay COMMITTED & GROWING on a daily basis the right thing ALWAYS works
out for us. Our path will unfold EXACTLY like its suppose to.
So please, relax into your education process. Hold yourself accountable and push
yourself to expand your possibilities but dont ever assume you should be
somewhere other than where you are. I promise you you shouldnt.
Lets get into chapter 2.

Chapter 2:
Education & Training + Your Life.
Education is a necessity in life, & in business. You wouldnt be reading this report
right now if you didnt know that. What I want to talk about in this section is HOW
education fits into your life and give you some recommendations on approaching
this New Education of making money on the Internet.
You see, Its not a hidden fact the world is MASSIVELY shifting towards the Internet
for advertising, information, innovation, interaction, and so many other incredibly
important facets of human life.
Weve seen in the last 5 years an absolute explosion of EVERYTHING INTERNET.
Companies get started and sell for $1.65 billion 18 months later. A Social network
that is now the 3
most populated country in the world. Major companies shift their
$20 million dollar super bowl commercials to ALL social media advertising for the
first time in 20 years. And the list just keeps going.
The point is we all KNOW the Internet is the place to be right now. We know that
the world is changing so fast its the people who STAY on the leading edge, and
who adopt with that change, that are in the most powerful advertising positions.
Its like being one step ahead of the game constantly. And when youre a step ahead
of the game youre there to get the traffic first, get the leads first, and get the new
business flowing in FIRST.
Sothis has fueled an incredible surge of people RUSHING towards the Internet in
our industry, literally in droves, to get an education & training on how to be AHEAD
of the pack, and With It at the leading edge.
Just in the last few years alone, I swear to god it feels like the entire online network
marketing community has 10x itself. From when I started till now its literally
matured into an INDUSTRY of its own. (hehe, Ive probably pushed played a bit of a
role in that. )
So What Are My Recommendations?
Now, given the fact online network marketing is literally becoming an INDUSTRY of
its own, which I have calculated to be a $100-$200 Million+ annual industry
already it makes A LOT of sense for you to be spending education dollars here and
establishing an advertising infra structure in front of all these people.
But what I want to talk about in this chapter is how to do this INTELLIGENTLY.
Because I feel like so many people out there are just running around like chickens

with their heads cut off, feeling like they need to buy everything and thats simply
not true.
Also, I think people tend to take a lot of information out of context and rarely
develop a mature perspective on how to approach their Own Education. Its for
this reason I want to help mature your perspective now, and help give you a
framework for how to approach your education.
The Baseline
First, theres already a Baseline education we get in network marketing of how to
grow a business. Its the one your company is giving you, and your LEADERS of your
organization are giving you.
I do not recommend under any circumstances that you IGNORE any aspect of an
education you can get. Theres an incredible amount of good & knowledge you will
gain from these traditional educations.
I think a lot of people tend to think its either ALL online, or ALL offline and thats
simply not true. When youre beginning to build your business online why would
you also stop building it offline?

It makes no sense. You should continue to network, join local meetings, start meet
up groups, and do EVERYTHING you possibly can to expand your connections &
recruit OFFLINE as well.
If youve adopted the CORRECT expectations towards approaching building your
business online like Ive outlined in chapter 1 then you know your first 6 months
in this industry is really going to be devoted to GETTING the proper education. Its
going to be devoted to establishing the base framework of which you will build
your house upon.
You should be devoting a Set amount of time towards this EACH week but it
should not completely control your life.
If you have a job, your schedule could look something like this:
Work: 8:00-5:00
Network/Make Calls: 6:30-8:00
Education: 8:30-10:00
Now of course, this doesnt have to be the way it is EVERY day. Some days maybe
youre only on the phone, doing 3 ways, or networking for 30 minutes. Some days
not at all. Some days youre going to a local networking group or something and

youre gone all night, so that day maybe you dont work completely on your online
business. Its going to vary.
What I want to do is give you a baseline framework for how to structure your time,
so that you are in the process of DEVELOPING your business on the Internet, getting
your education, but at the same time being VERY productive with how you use your
time & energy.
If you set an Action Step to accomplish each day in your online education &
growing your online business its STAGGERING how fast you will grow. Yet most
people are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs!!
You cant just hang out on Facebook. You HAVE to set goals. You HAVE to set
action oriented steps that can be MEASURED, & completed each day. If you
seriously just set 1 of those a day and complete it. You will be a transformed
individual in 30 days.
Also, if you HAVE more time & energy it goes without saying the more focused you
are on something the faster it will expand. So of course you can spend more time
speeding up your education if you HAVE the time to spend. Because I was so serious
about online marketing I crafted my life to devote every possibly waking hour to it
and I was able to get things going much faster.
If you dont feel the same way I did, or your situation is different, then you need to
structure the time you DO have in accordance with your life/schedule.
I would highly recommend that as you gain in MONEY making ability on the
Internet you keep investing MORE and more in it. Because once you get over the
Hump of making your first dollars online explosive growth is often not that far
off. So at that point dedicate yourself completely.
You have to understand, Network Marketing is the Vehicle but Marketing in
general is the ENGINE. Marketing is what makes everything RUN. Becoming a
marketer is what gives you the ability to command money your way. The emphasis
of my teachings is mostly on becoming a master Marketer because thats a skill
you can take to the bank no matter WHAT you are doing in life. (many others can
teach you how to talk to people & build teams. I want to teach you what many others
simply cant. )
As your marketing education continues to pay off, you can devote even MORE time
to your marketing. When you start generating 10 leads a day it makes sense to
spend some more time and get that to 25 leads a day. Thats literally a doubling of
your business.

Youll find that once you really GET how to market its VERY easy to double, triple,
quadruple you income exactly like Ive done the last few years. Because it becomes
at that point the simple science of getting traffic & Converting Leads.
The more of those 2 things you do the more you can scale your business into
incredible profits. Regardless of the economic times were now in, trust me, there
are HUNDREDS of millions of dollars floating around just our little online network
marketing space right now.
And BILLIONS outside of that
I find that as we gain in confidence and competence building our business online
we develop a Natural Rhythm for our work schedule & marketing efforts.
Originally it may only be a few hours a day or night, but as you start to see results
youll transition more and more of your time there.
In the beginning is when its going to take the MOST energy from you to get going.
The beginning is the most IMPORTANT time you stay stead fast, and committed
because thats what determines you getting the whole Ball pushed up the hill so
you can just roll it down the other side of the mountain.
Hopefully this section shed some light on how your Education fits into your life.
And also clarifies that getting an Education doesnt mean you put everything else
in your life on hold.
It means youre ADDING more tactics, more strategies, and a more comprehensive
APPROACH into your overall game plan.
Thats the purpose of an education. Its not a thing to be looked at as a Burden.
As Ill address later on so many people complain of information overload, and all
this other crap which in truth is just a bunch of WHINING and a lack of a correct
approach to their education & building their business. But well talk about that
I want to address another MAJOR point now
Most of us have purchased material, training, educations the whole 9 yards
already, and have gotten a LOT of things to do at this point in our business.
If youve purchased any of my advanced courses what so ever each of those is a
DIRECT path to take to BUILD your business. Every single thing I do has action step
after action step to take built within all my mentoring & programs.

If you follow ANY of my courses Im showing you exactly how Ive made my money
along every step of the way. Im literally handing people an education worth
Hundreds of thousands, to MILLIONS of dollars depending on the certain tactic at
hand. I dont put a course out that DOESNT contain this level of precise, money
making action steps.
Yet so often I hear that people are NOT actually taking action. They buy one
course they do absolutely NOTHING with it. Then another one comes out and
they buy that too, and do absolutely nothing with it.
And this process repeats over and over until they are frustrated, and almost act like
its someone elses fault they are in the position they are in.
Thats CHILDISH, & Ridiculous.
News flash my friends you are in the MARKETING industry. There is ALWAYS
going to be stuff to buy. There is ALWAYS going to be people who are creating
amazing products, and doing a great job selling them.
Its YOUR responsibility to determine what you NEED in your life right now, and
what will BENEFIT you along your path, and then buy it or dont.
If you have A LOT on your plate, and your focused on one specific tactic like
Facebook Advertising and you know that anything else would just distract you
and slow you down from getting traffic from this ONE medium youre focused on
then Dont pay attention to it.
Exercise some damn SELF CONTROL here people. No one is a child in this industry.
Nobody holds a gun to anyones head.
Buy stuff that BENEFITS you, that you think will grow your business. Dont buy stuff
that you dont think you need or you dont think will help you grow your business.
Its that simple. And if you DO buy something you should USE IT. Im not saying
that getting an education isnt important because believe me Im well aware its
THE most important starting step to making life change.
But what I am saying is that its YOUR responsibility to make use of the education
you get, and PACE yourself. The most IMPORTANT part of any education is putting
the knowledge you learn into use.
If youre NOT doing that then something is wrong with you. Some blockage is
stopping you from actually TAKING ACTION and its your responsibility to figure
out exactly what that is and do something about it.

It may be your fear of failure, it may be paralyzing insecurities, it may be self doubt,
it may be judgment, and self criticism, it may be insecurity around your skills, it may
be self worth issues these are all the most COMMON things that stop people from
taking action in their business.
Guess what? Its NO BODY ELSES FAULT if you are letting YOUR emotions, your
mindset, and your attitudes in life STOP YOU from taking action. Its YOUR
responsibility to be successful. No one elses.
The ONLY way anyone gets over their insecurities is by FACING their fears. By
Challenging themselves even when its terrifying. By Pushing themselves to GROW
in strength, power, self confidence, and COMPOTENCY of these specific skill sets that
create money in our industry.
Yet so often I see people not challenging themselves. I see them blaming, then
running away, when the truth of the matter is its THEIR fault. The truth is they
cant face their pain. They cant face their insecurities. They cant face their lack of
belief in themselves. And when push comes to shove they take what they Think
is the easier road.
Make No Mistake
Its not easy facing your limiting beliefs. Its not easy facing your PAIN. Its not easy
facing the fact you may or may NOT believe in yourself. Its not easy facing all the
REASONS why yourself doubt, insecurities, or traumas exist.
Its TOUGH shit. But the only way we get stronger in life is by FACING them. The
only way we actually grow is by GOING THROUGH IT ALL. If you dont do this
youre blocking your own growth. Youre running from your OWN life challenge the
universe has presented you with, and its no wonder youre not making progress.
Youve stunted yourself. And truth be told this is the vast majority of individuals
in our industry right now.
I dont believe that youre Born with it if youre gonna make money in this
industry. Thats a crock of crap. Making money is based around SKILLS.
If youve got the proper skills, you can make money.
The only requirements for developing a SKILL are education, training, practice,
persistence, and COMPLETE dedication.
No matter what level your Raw Talent is at I know for a fact ANY human being
can get their skill sets in the zone of money making if they are completely aligned
with the requirements I mentioned above. It just demands their FULLEST potential
to be realized. Thats what were here to do.

Ok Hopefully this chapter enlightened you a bit as to how education fits into your
life & I made my tough teacher points.
I really want a deeper level of accountability to start to emerge in this industry.
Because so many people actually HOLD themselves back by blaming others for their
problems. They hold on to false beliefs that Its someone elses fault because thats
easier than facing the truth which is that our results are really on us.
As long as were clear on this Lets move on.

Chapter 3:
Budgeting is an INCREDIBLE important aspect of GROWING a real business. Thats
why Im going to give you some good advice on how to budget yourself in a healthy
fashion to grow.
Top 3 Items you need to budget for:
1. Education
2. Tools, Systems, Resources
3. Marketing
There is absolutely no getting around spending money in your business. If youre
one of those business challenged people who says You mean this is gonna cost
me!? you need to pay CLOSE attention.
Any real business is going to require A LOT of your damn money. Its going to
require A LOT of your time, energy, and sweat equity. I dont care what way you
look at it if youre in this FOR REAL then act like a real entrepreneur.
Develop your BUDGET, for how youre going to grow your business. You know an
actual BUSINESS PLAN. I know I know, pretty strange concept for network
marketers. But in the rest of the world people do actually develop a business
plan when they want to grow a profitable business.
When it comes to your Budget, you need to determine EVERY ounce of income you
have to devote to your business RIGHT now. And my recommendation is, if you
want this to be a REAL business, that REALLY turns into a lifelong income stream for
you then devote AS MUCH as you possibly can.
Im not kidding.
If you treat this half ass, thats what youll get. Im not saying spend your rent
money, your food money, or anything like that that is just pure foolishness. If
youre doing that you need to STOP and come back to reality. Building a business
isnt a Magic Potion for your problems.
Its very important to have as solid a foundation as you can when you approach
building your business. Your finances should be secure, you should have money
coming in to devote to your business, you should not be in a state of Fear or it will
dehabilitate you. If this means getting a job or staying at your job so be it. Just be
wise with how you budget your TIME to build your business and nothing can stop
you from doing it.

You should NEVER SPEND money if it will hurt your ability to live safely &
comfortable in my personal opinion. Thats just an irresponsible decision.
The smartest way to budget for a business is to do a COMPLETE analyzation of your
finances. Determine how much income you have in the Bank, in your savings, how
much income comes in every month. What is your left over discretionary income,
vs. income that goes to fixed costs.
Then what I would do IMMEDIATELY is stop wasting what a buddy of mine called
Moron Money. Money that is spent on crap that is POINTLESS, and doesnt add
value to your life in any way, or assist you in creating your destiny.
Get rid of all Moron Money in the same way you get rid of all Moron Activities.
Like sitting in front of the T.V. for hours on end. Seriously if you do that, stop. The
T.V. is quite possibly the biggest waste of life thats ever been invented.
Theres an entire WORLD actually out there to experience. I highly recommend not
sitting in front of a screen and watching OTHER people experience it. Trust me,
its more fun to experience YOURSELF. But that ain't going to happen unless you get
to business.
Now, once youve determined ALL of your available income then you create a
budgeting plan.
Mandatory Tools
Youre probably going to need $20 a month for an autoresponder that is just
LOCKED in stone. Probably $50 a month for a system for your capture pages, or if
you hire designers and whatnot to build your own it could be more or less,
depending on who youre working with.
Anything outside of that is optional when youre ready. Example: go to webinar,
traffic geyser, etc. tools like that which help you either drive traffic, make money, or
But to start off, most of your budget will be pretty low for your software, and truth
be told, if youre in a system like - you get your
software, capture pages, and the rest WITH an education on top of it. So its pretty
much killing two birds with one stone for a very affordable price.
In the beginning of your business, you need to appropriate the correct budget to get
your FIRST major education course. This is the course that is going to teach you
exactly what to do, show you how to do it, and then give you the action steps to take
to make it happen.

Usually a COMPREHENSIVE and full course like this from us is going to cost $197 on
the low end, to a more comprehensive & updated courses at $500. When you invest
in your chosen course at this level just trust that whats inside has the potential to
make you back 20-100x the money you spend. Period & end of story.
Any real course at that level should be BAD ASS. It should be complete, and since I
can only speak for myself I know when you purchase our TOP of the line
mentoring programs they are literally jam packed with ALL of the very things I do in
my business on a daily basis to make millions of dollars.
Needles to say, theres some serious value there.
Once you have this course its your DUTY to study it and implement it. However
unless you are completely broke, I generally recommend you plug into ONGOING
education. Ongoing education is ESSENTIAL to success in life. Period & end of story.
Even more than just the tactics, & knowledge ongoing education is a
COMMITMENT to yourself. Its DEDICATING yourself to the entire process. That is
quite possibly the most important part of business.
Time after time the people I see making money in this industry are the ones I see
consistently on webinars, in the community, attending classes, and just flat out
PLUGGED in. They are the action takers, & theyve dedicated themselves.
This needs to be you. So depending on your budget, will determine your ongoing
education program.
If youre looking for the BEST bang for your buck, with a ton of value & amazing
ongoing education I recommend our system. Its
literally the kit and kaboodle and ALL one would ever need to get started, & STAY
started. Its seriously a phenomenal value for the investment.
If youre looking for the HIGHEST level & most advanced education you can get right
now, on a continual basis, & to be plugged in to the top leaders, top educators, and
most cutting edge training on a weekly basis its definitely our group mentoring
program. This is a $997 program you can see here:
The final piece of your budget youll want to appropriate for, are Launches. Often
times the launches in our industry are for the FRESHEST, sexiest, and most
RECENT money making tactics.
Im not going to kid you, the launches we do just keep getting better and better.
And I personally know that EVERY single launch I do, is for a VERY fresh & cutting

edge tactic. Basically the stuff I think everyone needs to know the MOST, & will
make them the most money.
Usually these happen with us about once a quarter. If its possible for you to be part
of each of them I would do it. No joke, its that powerful of an education. You will
get so much better in life & money making its not even funny.
However, the most important thing in your education psyche is that you develop a
CHANNEL for the knowledge to flow through and into ACTION. Heres what I
mean by that.
If you are NOT taking action after you learn something that means the information
is just stuck up in your head. If you put more information in there that means your
head just gets more full of data. Thats the bloated, info feeling we call Information
When you are actually taking ACTION however it RELEASES all that information
from your head. It CHANNELS it into the real world. Now your heads empty, and
the Result of the information is manifested in the real world.
This creates a space for MORE information. Which you can then channel into the
real world and will make you even MORE money. This is literally the most
profitable process in the world. Its education like this that allows one to
continuously grow and grow and grow.
When you get your life to operate like this then education truly becomes the
most profitable thing in the world. Because if I show you a million dollar activity to
do, and youve got a CLEAR channel to just go out and do it its almost impossible
for it not to make you money.
In this respect, I highly recommend you are part of virtually every launch we do if
you can. That is, if it falls within your budge of NOT negatively affecting your life.
If you cant do it then you cant do it. Its that simple. You know yourself, you
know what you can afford, you know what will empower you, or what will be a
If youre so focused and dont want to unfocus from anything then you have to
HONOR that. And ignore launches. But if its a right time for you to expand your
education, or you think the topic is really SUPER SUPER important and will help you
make money then do it.
In the end, budgeting comes down to YOUR call. It comes down to an awareness of
what puts you over your comfort zone, and whats being too cheap.

Many people are flat out too cheap, because they have no real understanding of how
education works. They dont get that without getting the education, they will
NEVER change. They look at the education as a Cost rather than a PROFITABLE
activity itself.
This is the biggest mistake of broke people.
Wealthy people dont ask how much is this going to cost. They ask How much is
this going to MAKE ME. If an education is going to teach you how to get 10 more
new leads per day, or close 5 more new people per month thats a RIDICULOUSLY
profitable education. Youd be a fool not to get it.
In the end, you have to PUT YOUR EMOTIONS ASIDE when it comes to your
education. And just operate within your budget. The only time I see people make
mistakes with their education is when they view an education as the Cure to their
When people think something is going to be an Instant Fix to their pain they get
in trouble. Because they buy things they cant afford, or do things they shouldnt do,
because of the irrational drive to just get rid of their pain.
Now, an education IS the solution to problems, no matter what they are but they
arent to be treated like some Drug. Were not the drug industry thats going to dope
you up and make you feel better for 20 seconds, but then the real problem is still
And in our industry, the real problem is a LACK of true understanding of success, a
lack of a true WORK ethic, and the unresolved negative beliefs & emotions people
carry about themselves which stunts their growth.
If you dont tend to these things first youre always going to make life harder on
yourself and subconsciously sabotage your pure intentions & drive to build a better
life. We clear on this?
I hope so. Because this is important information. And my intention for everyone
after this document is to be 100% clear on HOW to approach building their
business, and to have no excuses or anyone to blame for their problems.

Chapter 4:
Now, I dont think I need to spend a lot of time here since I covered this in some
previous chapters a little bit. But scheduling your time is VERY important.
Just like you Budget your money you need to budget your time. You should create
an itemized check list EACH & every day of what your highest dollar per hour
activities are.
Ill give you a few examples I learned from $20-$30 million per year earner Eben
#1: Lifetime Value Activities (Education) Eben says time and time again this
is single handedly the most profitable activity in business, more so than
ANYTHING else. The reason is education is what allows you to even earn
money. But just make sure you approach your education (& action taking)
like I outlined in the previous chapters.
#2: High Dollar Activities: This could be Closing people in your business, new
lead generation, creating products, doing 3 way calls and building team
leadership, etc. These are the activities that RING THE CASH REGISTER. They
pull money in the door.
#3: Mid Dollar Activities: this is stuff like programming, building a website,
managing or running your business, technical things that require a skill set.
Usually in the $25-50 per hour range these activities are worth.
#4: Low Dollar Activities: this is rote, repetitive stuff. Any kinds of activities
like that, which you could probably be outsourcing for $10 an hour or less.
#5: NEGATIVE COSTLY ACTIVITES: this is ANYTHING that wastes your time,
& makes you no money. Checking email all day. Spending all day browsing
Facebook or YouTube. Crap that may make you feel like youre working but
youre really not. Youre wasting your time & odds are if youre doing this all
day you have a problem I might have already addressed earlier in this
document preventing you from taking real action.
This is a example of the levels of VALUE pertaining to the activities we really
perform on a daily basis. What you need to do is make sure YOUR TIME is budgeted
& scheduled to be spent on the HIGHEST dollar per hour activities you could be
working on, and your LIFETIME value activities if possible.

In the beginning, you need to do everything. Thats normal & the way it is for
everyone. But as you grow your business, you can hire an assistant to schedule calls
for you, or respond to emails or messages, or whatever it might be. In the beginning,
just work your ass off until youve made enough money to do that.
Your Schedule
Devote as much time HUMANLY possible to your business, until its far exceeding
your goals. Its that simple. If you really want to reach your goals then dedicate
yourself completely until youre there.
Once you are there go on a vacation for the rest of your life if you want. I dont
know what you want to do but I know you cant do it until youve REACHED the
point of Freedom youve set out for yourself.
My strategy is work as hard as I have to UNTIL Ive reached that point. Then Ill
take 3 years off if I want and travel the world. But I mine as well do that from the
Point of No Return as I like to think about it.
So again, look at your daily life & determine how much time you have to devote to
your business. If its 2 hours a day great. If its 3 hours a day, even better. If its 12
hours a day AWESOME.
Devote whatever you can. Just make sure youre still remembering to ENJOY this
journey. Im not always the best example of that the people who are close to me
often tell me I need to get out a bit more! Haha, I agree with them. But hey, Im
learning. Im getting better.
Ive made a new commitment to try to get ALL my work done in 6 hours a day, and
relax and ENJOY myself the rest of the day. So baby steps! But in the mean time
I make more money than most of everyone I know so I guess theres something to
be said about my approach as well. Hehehe.
I highly recommend you pick up this book if you want a TRUE education on how
important rejuvenation is to your success. Tony Schwarts The Power Of Full
This is a world leader in peak performance. The book is incredible. Buy it, study it,
and I recommend you set up your life & work activity based on the knowledge you
learn in that book. Ive adapted a HUGE part of my work ethics around that book.
Lets get into Chapter 5 & start wrapping this up here.

Chapter 5:
NO Excuses
As you can tell I pretty much WEAVE the Warrior Mindset into just about
everything I do. I INFUSE this mindset into every word I utter. It is the very essence
of my communication (at least thats my intention), and I try to empower this
awareness into everyone that learns from me.
I will continue to drill the point home a bit deeper here. You see, its only when we
have taken RADICAL responsibility for our life that we truly become the Warrior.
The Warrior is someone who has taken control of his or her life again, at least as
much as one can. The Warrior is someone who has more strength, more power,
and more Manifesting ability than the average person, and because of this they
can create freedom while most will stay struggling along the path.
I truly believe that Warriors are the only ones who really step up to the plate and
knock it out of the park in this industry. Its because warriors have developed the
necessary attitude, mindset, and SKILLS to become unstoppable.
The Warrior mindset itself really IS the mindset of Unstoppable. Its really the
mindset of I Will Never Stop.
Let me give you some mantras to chant within yourself. I highly recommend you
adopt these beliefs if you want to take the mindset of the Warrior as your own.
Seriously Feel the universal power contained within these beliefs.
I Will Never Stop.
I Am Infinity Itself
Freedom is the most IMPORTANT thing to me in Life.
I am an Unconceivable Mystery, That is Staggeringly Beautiful in its Vastness.
My True Nature is Mysteriously Powerful, & Has No Limits.
There is absolutely NOTHING I cannot achieve in this lifetime if I really WANT
Pure Love is the very Essence of my Soul.
I am not Separate From Anything in Life, I am Connected to All Of Life.
When I align my Intention With the Universal Intention, I Manifest Easily.

I am a being of Truth, Love, & Unbelievable Beauty. I Am Completely Whole.
I need Nothing in life to be Satisfied. I am Complete Exactly as I am.
I am the source of my own Happiness. Happiness comes from Within Me.
I dont need anything to make me happy. Happiness is my Birth right.
Life flows through me Perfectly when Im Aware. Awareness Is My Goal.
I Can be Completely FREE In this Lifetime of ALL Suffering.
I Can become completely Enlightened in this Lifetime, to the Highest
Understanding of the Universe.
I Am One With Life. Lifes Power Flows Through Me.
(if you want, print these mantras and plaster them all over your house, office, and
other places so you constantly see them and are reminded of your OWN
Magnificence. If they resonate put them up everywhere so you can read them daily!)
And you know, I could keep going with these mantras for days. I love them. And I
literally feel every single one of these things. These feelings, thoughts, and beliefs
empower me to wake up every single day & go after my biggest dreams & goals in
life, with the utmost confidence I can ACHIEVE them.
Because of this knowledge I will never stop. I will never give up. I will spend my
last dying breath fighting for freedomand completing my divine mission on this
YOU have a same mission yourself. YOUR life has an incredible, amazing, divine
calling. Its time for you to WAKE up to it. Its time for you to WAKE up to the calling
of your own spirit and go after what your diving calling & mission really is.
Thats what we are here to do. That is our true purpose. Its not money, vacations,
or any other Stuff. What we are truly here to do is WAKE UP to our divine calling
on this planet. The Purpose behind our life. Thats for you to decide and Im
confident the more Clear & Strong you get within yourself the more your lifes
calling will come into total focus.
When it comes to entrepreneurship being an entrepreneur is the VEHICLE for
which you create financial freedom. Its the vehicle that allows you to Drive
around the planet, experiencing what you want, completely freely.
The only way youre going to achieve this is if you take OWNERSHIP of the entire
Self-Growth process. There is a powerful process that entails self growth,

leadership, & business skills required to understand before the MONEY game
completely opens itself up to you.
The proper mindset to approach this is You will do ANYTHING it takes to master
the skill sets required, and master your own Self Growth process. The process that
enables you to gain strength & power as a human being.
A warrior realizes they are FULLY responsible for this. They see every single part of
life as a Teacher. All challenges are presented to us to TEACH us, to help us, and to
aid us in gaining power. In fact, the Toltecs refer to challenges as Gifts Of Power.
Because when we overcome a challenge, we gain in power. It is your responsibility
to do this. Its your responsibility to see the challenges life presents you in their
proper context as TEACHERS. As Gifts of Power.
You then have the choice you either face your challenges, or you run from them.
Its that simple. Theres no one to blame. You either face your challenges, or run
from them. Your decision will determine the outcome of your life as a Free being
or a being stuck in Bondage.
It is my most SINCERE wish that you CHOOSE to take full responsibility for your life,
your challenges, and your path right now. It is my sincere wish that you CHOOSE to
face all of your challenges, and you no longer run from ANYTHING in life.
That you stay put. And even up against the most monstrous challenge you face
that challenge with every ounce of your human spirit you can muster up.
This is my wish for you. There are no excuses. If you want everything one could
ever even ask for in life then just do this, and youll get it.

Chapter 6:
Growing Fast
Now that the proper mindsets, expectations, and practical advice for budgeting time
& money has been LAID I will address another common question I get from
students about how to scale their business intelligently.
First off, THIS is the entire process of growing a business on the Internet.
#1: You set up a lead capture page.
#2: You Drive traffic to that capture page through one strategy.
#3: You turn your leads into money. (you monetize)
Its literally that simple. Now, obviously theres many different skills in-between
that matter a lot, and help to make this process that much easier. But the essential
BUSINESS model does not need to be confused here. THAT IS IT.
You create a capture page, you drive traffic to it, you close your leads. Thats it.
So what I recommend is that students literally start at STEP 1, and then only go from
there. If you currently have NOTHING set upthen your FIRST step is to set up a
capture page.
Again, a system like makes it very easy to do this.
Plus, you dont have to worry about web copy, making your first video, or anything
like that this system makes it very easy for you to just GET STARTED and go.
SO I often recommend this as the #1 place to start for people who are just beginning.
As your marketing gets more advanced & experienced then you diversify into your
OWN custom capture pages, websites, and marketing. Thats how the process
Once you have a capture page set up then you pick 1 strategy. JUST ONE
STRATEGY. Thats it. And you focus on MASTERING that strategy.
So for example, if you have a capture page like this here, which is one of our default
7figurenetworker capture pages:
Then once that page is set up you pick ONE tactic and drive traffic to your page.
So for example, lets use the tactic of Yahoo! PPC. In this instance, you would log into
the system, you would go to the specific section on PPC
marketing, you would take the ads and keywords we give you and you would go
SET UP your first Yahoo PPC campaign.

The point of this is to start PRACTICING & learning how to do marketing. Because
once you do it once you can do it again. All of a sudden this previously mysterious,
frightening, and unknown task of marketing just became as easy as riding a bike.
There will no longer be a question in your mind of If you can do it. You KNOW
you can do it. From there its just about refining your skills, and increasing your
mastery. Thats what leads to more and more money power.
Now, if you do this with our system our system will tell you exactly how much
traffic youre getting, and what your lead Conversion rate is on that capture page.
Youll be able to see, are you converting 10% of your traffic into leads? More, less?
Youll be able to determine how much $ youre spending for that lead.
Once you do this YOU HAVE COMPLETED most of the battle. From this point on
you just REFINE that marketing. Maybe you try out a new headline on the capture
page, maybe you make your OWN capture page and see how that converts. Maybe
you try new ads and you just measure the results to see which one gets you the
most leads.
Once you find a high converting page for a traffic source its like a Money
Machine. Because you can just keep closing those leads into your business, or keep
offering affiliate products, or many other multiple streams of income if you want
and thats the SCIENCE of building a business on the net.
Lets Say You Want To Expand
You can just REPEAT this process over and over again as many times as you want,
with as many different traffic sources as you can find. If you master one keyword in
Yahoo! PPC, pick another 10.
If youve mastered getting traffic ALL throughout Yahoo! then go to MSN. If youre
bored of PPC then buy a course on Blogging and set up your Blog Empire, while
your PPC campaigns continue to make you money.
Once you master both your business will have grown even bigger. So then you buy
our Facebook PPC course, and we teach you how to double your business AGAIN,
getting even more traffic From Facebook.
And on and on this process goes until you LITERALLY could have your business
blanketed across the entire web.
That is What I DID.
This is the exact process I used to grow my business into literally one of the largest
if not the Largest training company in the entire industry right now. Even with

Google screwing with everyone, we still generate hundreds of leads daily for our
business, and are planning on expanding that into the THOUSANDS very soon.
The possibility for your businesss growth is really endless. Its outside the scope of
this volume for how to do all of it but none the less its endless.
In a nutshell, the process of SCALING a business can be broken down to this.
Step 1: You MASTER getting traffic and making money from one Source.
Step 2: Only when youre comfortable & ready to move on then you venture
into a separate source of traffic and begin the mastering process there
Step 3: You repeat this process as much as you can until youve maxed out
every traffic source possibly in our industry. (thats a lot) At that point, you
can diversify your business to go into new markets if you want to keep getting
even bigger. (what we are doing now)
Theres no real reason for anyone to overwhelm themselves. Every time I hear
that while I do have empathy for people, I cant help but think to myself Why
Are You Doing This To Yourself?
I can so clearly see that it is the way people THINK that overwhelms them. Its their
OWN damn fault. Its like how are you going to be Mad so much opportunity
exists in the world? Yet thats basically what people are Mad at.
Damnit! Theres just too many options, and too many ways for me to make money.
Boo hoo. Poor me. Im over whelmed.
Seriously grow up. We should all be down on our hands and knees in GRATITUDE
that we even have the possibilities and opportunities we have in life. If youre
reading this right now you are one of the luckiest human beings on the planet.
The vast majority of humans living now are living in utter Poverty. They have no
access to Internet. They are struggling to survive, many arent, on a daily basis.
You should be GRATEFUL for the gift life has given you. Realize that our
PERCEPTION of life is really what Creates the world. Im not kidding the world
is literally Your Perception of the World.
If you think you are a blessed human being, who has been given so much
opportunity, and youre just so appreciative of life then life will be absolutely
amazing for you. Its just that simple.

Our perception DICTATES how we feel about life. Change your perception from all
these negative, bull crap stories we tell ourselves about how bad we have it, or all
our problems, or whatever it might be and the ENTIRE WORLD changes. Our lives
change. Just change your perception RIGHT NOW and its done.
In any case, expanding your business without overwhelming yourself is as easy as I
outlined in this section. Just dont hold yourself to some unreasonable or unrealistic
expectation. Just let your business & skill sets grow naturally.
There is no such thing as Information Overload if youre actually taking ACTION on
any of the knowledge you have.
Information overload does not exist for those who take action. If youre an action
taker it becomes Information FUEL. Information literally fuels your action more
and more & into higher and higher realms of money making. NEVER make the
foolish mistake of blaming information for your inaction. Without this
information, wed all be working for the MAN right now. (and if you are working
for the man, its this information that will free you.)
Steadily dedicate yourself, have patience & persistence, and NEVER stop. Just let
your businesss growth flow from there naturally and get your own head out of
the way about it.
Trust me if you just FOCUS on the action steps required each day to make money,
and create more success, it will happen. All your thinking in the world wont make a
lick of difference, and most of the time will just waste your energy.
Dont over complicate life. Your actions, & your business, really ARE under your
control. Just be wise, and follow the advice Im giving you in this document, and
youll never have to be confused about growing your business again. See you in the
last chapter.

The Conclusion
The reason why I wrote this document is because I believe some hard hitting, very
common sense, & just pure straight talk advice was needed by and large for our
industry. I feel too many people over complicate things, because they are missing
the proper perspective.
This document provides that proper perspective. I understand my style was pretty
Hard Teacher here, and I was pretty tough with you. Trust me thats whats
NEEDED in our world right now.
We dont need more of these Wussy secret teachers running around telling you to
just Think Positive. Give me a break. Half those people are now broke, and one of
them is in Jail. Ha. Tell me if they arent missing a piece or two of the puzzle.
Whats needed right now in our world is true HEART Centered, common sense,
powerful, & tough leadership.
Its time for people to really step up and CLAIM their power. The challenges that are
facing each of us individually, as well as our world at large, are HUGE. They are
possibly some of the greatest challenges our human race has ever faced.
And guess whos going to face them YOU & ME. Thats right we are. Were not
going to sit around and say Ill wait for someone else to do it. Ill wait for
someone else to clean the Environment. Ill wait for someone else to get rid of the
toxic chemicals & poisons in our food supply. Ill wait for someone else to reform
our ridiculous & out of control Corporate/Government system. Ill just wait for
someone else to take care of me
BULL SHIT. Im not waiting for someone else. Im not going to sit around and watch
whats happening with a blind eye, and sit back and expect some other person to
make sure my grand children dont come into a world where they cant drink the
water that falls from the sky, or they cant swim in the ocean, because its full of our
If you sit around and wait for someone else to be the LEADER of your life, and the
leader of your world youre in deep shit.
Its time to claim your own power.
In conclusion, I wrote this document because I care about people. I care about
everyone. And I know that theres a pretty strong LACK of true teachings in the
market place addressing many of todays topics. Theres a heck of a lot of
confusion not enough REALITY.

My intention here is to ground you back to REALITY. To help you get your feet on
the GROUND. I want you to leave with LONG LASTING knowledge youll reflect upon
later in the day when everything is quiet.
I dont want people just getting pumped up all the time but then deflated because
you dont have the true Warriors Mindset, & Knowledge that will allow you to stand
on your own Two Feet, understanding yourself & life without needing someone else
to tell you what to do.
Make no mistake Freedom & Autonomy go hand in hand. Its not until we really
stand on our own two feet, that we begin to taste freedom. We have to learn to
think completely for ourselves. We have to learn to TRUST our own actions, to not
be afraid of making mistakes if those mistakes cause us to GROW, and to ultimately
have incredible FAITH in our own spirit, & our own capabilities in life.
This is the road to freedom. This is the road to a life lived to its fullest. This is my
SINCERE wish for every one of you AMAZING human beings who I come in contact
with daily.
So, forgive some of the Hard Teacher of this document but I really wanted to
drive home TOTAL accountability for our actions & lives deep within this document.
Im a pretty big softie if we get to meet sometime soon. Youll see. But I can
definitely be tough when its required.
The most important thing is that you now leave this document with the Proper
Expectations to build your business. You leave with an actual BUSINESS PLAN for
how youre going to budget your time, energy, and resources to GROW your income
to the levels you want it to be, and you strategically plan your EDUCATION to
constantly take your business to the next level.
I hope I cleared up a lot of little confusions around some of the less talked about
things in our industry, and you feel Strong & Committed to get the job done you
came here to do!
Ill leave you with these final thoughts
Success doesnt always Feel Good. In fact, there will be many times along this
journey where we feel the OPPOSITE of good. We feel stressed, we feel doubt, we
feel angst, & fear I still FEEL these things to this day.
The reason why is because the Challenges of life will NEVER stop. Challenges are
how we grow. Challenges are how we DEVELOP. When you overcome one
challenge, youll feel amazing & strong

But rest assured you WILL be presented with another one. If youre not youre
literally done growing on this planet. And I couldnt think of a more boring
existence then to be stagnated all the time.
Learn to EMBRACE your challenges. Learn to EMBRACE all the feelings even if
theyre not the best ones. I promise you your ability to accept whatever is
happening in your life, to be content with it, and to steadily PUSH FORWARD
working to achieve your goals
is the TRUE pathway to freedom. What I just described is the true gateway to
creating incredible things in this lifetime, and really DESERVING them.
Enjoy the journey my friend. Were all only getting started and theres more
magical possibilities on this crazy ride then wed ever be able to imagine. And
together theres nothing we cant accomplish.
Well speak again in a bit.

Yours in Abundance,
Jonathan Budd

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