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How to do CPR

A victim that is at least 8 years old
A working telephone
Steps (Follow Carefully)
*These steps are for victims older than 8 years old
1.) Attempt to wake your victim. If your victim does not respond call emergency services by calling
911. While you wait for help proceed with the following steps

2.) Begin chest compressions by placing the bottom of your hand in the middle on the victims
chest. Place your other hand on the top of the other hand and entwine your fingers. Compress
the chest and allow it to completely withdrawal before the next one

3.) Begin rescue breathing after 30 compressions. Open the victims airway by tilting the head and

4.) Continue with the rescue breathing by pinching the victims nose and placing your mouth on
theirs. Push a large breath into their mouth so that their chest rises. Repeat the breath once the
chest falls.
5.) Complete 30 more chest compressions
6.) Complete two more rescue breaths
7.) Repeat steps 5 and 6 for 2-5 minutes
8.) If at any time the victim to begins to breathe, you may stop CPR
9.) After at least 2 minutes of chest compressions and rescue breaths, recheck the victim for
10.) Repeat the steps checking for a breath every 1-2 minutes.
11.) Allow emergency services to enter the premises once they have arrived

12.) Inform them of the situation and how long you have been conducting CPR

If the victim awakens before rescue is called, still call 911 and speak calmly to the

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