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Blue Tennis Shoes

S: Salesman
C: Costumer
1. C: Hi, good morning
2. S: Hello sir. is there anything I can help you?
3. C: Yes, of course, Im looking for a pair of blue tennis shoes
4. S: Sure sir, we have them in sizes from 2 to 10
5. C: Excellent, may I see a pair like the ones on the upper shelf?
6. S: Of course, which number will they be?
7. C: In 6 please
8. S: Very good, just wait a minute
-----------------Minutes later-----------------
9. S: Here you have sir, will you like to try them on?
10. C: Sure please
11. C: I like the details on them, but they are not comfortable enough
12. S: Oh I see, would you like to try another pair?
13. C: Yes, the ones in the middle row, with a little of green
14. S: Right away
-----------------Minutes later-----------------
15. S :Here, please try them on and tell me how you feel them
16. C :They feel good, but now that I have them on, I really dont like them
17. S: Thats fine, is there any other pair that you like?
18. C: Mmm, let me see
19. S: Ill be around if you need me
-----------------Minutes later-----------------
20. C: Excuse sir I like to see this ones
21. S: Yes, in number 6 right?
22. C: Yes please
23. S: Just a minute
-----------------Minutes later-----------------
24. S: Here sir Blue ones in 6
25. C: Thank you very much
26. S: Are they better?
27. C: Yes, I like them and the orange in the front is really cool,
28. S: Is there anything else that I can help you?
29. C: Yes, its just that I fell them a little tight on the front
30. S: Would you like to try a 6 and a half?
31. C: Yes please
-----------------Minutes later-----------------
32. S: Here sir, 6 and a half
33. C: Ok let me try them on
34. S: Are they better?
35. C: Yes! These are perfect, do you accept credit card?
36. S: My apologies, but Im afraid that we dont
37. C: Thats all right it will be cash then
38. S: If you dont mind, it will be 24.65 taxes included
39. C: Here you have , keep the change
40. S: Thank you sir have a nice day

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