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A Short Review

Anthrophology and The End of The World

Shinta Mudrikah

Prophecy and science are the one factor that can be use by a person to predict a thing in
the future. Predictions of the future era are really important to prepare the anticipation and help
us to suggest what kind of act that we suppose to prepare. Prophecy basically is kind of
prediction that base on 90% historical pattern and 10% the future predict . So many people use
it such us the president of Indonesia megawati soekarno putri. Basically she predict about
Indonesia national economic. And take a look on the past before the modern era. Like when the
kingdom era. There was a person name jayabaya. Jayabaya famous because his prophecy. He
was predict the future of Indonesia such like there will come one king that he call with Ratu Adil,
so basically Ratu Adil will safe the Indonesia from the west colonize.
Science is also kind of predictions that has the function for seeing whats gonna happen in
the future. But it base on the natural law and the date. So its more realistic and better. But of
course both prophecy and science has their positive and negative point. The example of the
science prediction is the inflation prediction inindonesia in 2008. That already predict before
based on the data that the government hasbefore.So the impact of it can be anticipate first.
The conclusion is that we can use both kind of things, prophecy and science. We cant
force people to follow one model of prediction because thats really depends on their belive. Bt
for me the science prediction is better because it more reliable. So I would prefere touse the
science prediction topredict any kind of things in the future.

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