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Daleisha N.

Milln Garca
INGL 3201- L03
Response Paragraph
April 30, 2014

The Worth of Farmer Workers
Who is Cesar Chavez? He was an American farm worker, a great leader and a civil rights
activist. He also was the president of the National Farm Workers Association. He made a speech
for the people from the Building Industry Association of the Northern California titled
Address, in which he discusses the ill treatment that poor immigrants had before the Farm
Workers Organization existed. He explains this with a brief history of his past life. The excerpt
of Chavez speech explains how the organization of Farm Workers mobilized an effort to
empower the migrant workers. I personally relate to these people because they fought for safe
and clean housing that was suitable for their families, as well as their rights. I know that Im not
an immigrant, but I also fight for a better future where laws can be applied equally to everyone. I
agree with Cesar Chavez to fight for their ownership because I think that everyone should be
treated equally and with justice; people should be willing to love helping others with positive
enthusiasm. Also, reading this text I learned about who were these farm workers were and what
happen to them. Since I didnt know anything about this issue. Fortunately, I feel that Cesar
Chavez speech informs us about the efforts the made for farm workers, but I wished that his
speech was more persuasive inviting people to join his effort. I would recommend this text to
some of my friends and neighbors so they can learn about farm workers and their history want
them to know that they are not alone fighting for their rights. We are fighting together so there
can be equality among all persons.

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