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Daleisha N.

Milln Garca
INGL 3201-L03
Response Paragraph
June 4, 2014
Not Being Forgotten
Why do some people facing a deadly disease decide at some point that they want to leave
something or do something they will be remembered for? I think that all they want is to correct
what they have done wrong in this world. It can also be because they are well economically and
they want to help others who really dont have anything. I believe that what they really want is to
make their mark in life and not be forgotten. We find a good example of this in the reading Start
by Sitting Together by Randy Pausch. The writer was precisely the person who wished to leave
certain lectures about what is the most important thing in teaching and in life. Pausch was a
Computer Science professor at Carriege Mellon University. He died of liver cancer. Reading this
lecture made me feel like I one of his students because I learned from his tips on working
successfully in a group. I realized that I do not work well in groups because I sometimes dont
ask the group for their opinion on the job we are doing. The tips that Pausch gave us are really
teaching us how we can relate or interact with others and how to be good friends. I agree with
Pausch when he says that some students think they know everything. Nonetheless, we have to
refresh or really teach them how important it is to relate with others. Finally, we can see that in
the reading the students showed respect for their professor and did what Pausch asked them to
do; and they really didnt questione him. I think that they learned how to relate to each other in
the class of Randy Pausch. He did make his mark in this world; he certainly made it on his

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