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Gii thiu v Android SDK

Trn V Tt Bnh
Ci t Android SDK
Bn c th xem hng dn ci t gc ti y
Hoc c th coi bn rt gn ting Vit cc
slide sau
Download eclipse
Cn c eclipse 3.5 (3.4 cng c)
Vo link bn trn, down eclipse classic 3.5 v
ri gii nn, vy l c th dng c eclipse
Ci t ADT plugin
M eclipse ln, bm vo Help Install new
ci form hin ln , bn chn Add
mc Name, nhp tn g cng c, v d
nh ADT plugin
mc Location, nhp vo link ny: http://dl-
Sau bm OK, c cho chn g th c chn
ht ri bm next hoi cho n lc xong.
Ci t Android SDK
Ti Android SDK ti link ny
(nh ch l n chia ra Window, Mac v
Linux nh)
M Eclipse window preferences
Android trong mc SDK location chn
Browse a ng dn n th mc SDK
bm apply.

Ci t Android SDK
Eclipse window Android SDK and AVD
manager Available packages chn ht v
ci ht (hi lu mt cht) hoc bn c th ch
chn my ci lin quan n Android 1.6 thi
cng c (API level 4) v kha hc ny s
dng SDK 1.6 ang thng dng nht nh cc
Ci t Android SDK
Sau khi xong th bm vo Installed packages s
thy th ny

To mt in thoi o (AVD)
Eclipse window Android SDK and AVD
manager ci ca s mi , chn mc
Virtual devices bm nt New
Mc Name: t tn g cng c, ct l d nh
v phn bit n ang l 1.6
Mc target: chn anh no c API level 4 l ok
Sdcard size: bn g vo 256 (hoc hn th ty
Sau bm Create AVD, th l xong
Hello world
Xem link gc ti y hoc i slide sau
xem bn ting Vit.

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