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Ryan Fee's 6 Max NL Strategy Guide

Preface 3
Table Selection 3
Under The Gun (UTG) 5
!d"usting 6
Loose Ga#es 6
Tig$t Ga#es 6
Stac% Si&es 6
Middle Position (MP) 6
!d"usting '
Loose Ga#es '
Tig$t Ga#es '
(solating '
3)etting '
Stac% Si&es *
Cut Off 9
!d"usting +,
Loose Ga#es +,
Button 12
Looser Ga#es +-
Tig$ter Ga#es +3
Stac% Si&es +3
3)etting +.
Blinds 14
3)etting +
Squeein! 15
)all Till /ou Fall +6
S0uee&e (P1 !ll Fuc%ing 2ay +6
Flop Play +'
"on# Bettin! ($e%din!) 1&
Continu%tion Betttin! 1'
Loose3)ad Players +*
T!Gs -,
Che(#)*%isin! 21
+lo%tin! 2,
*%isin! 24
!s PFR -.
For 4alue -.
)luffs -
Not as PFR -'
Monotone and Rainbo5 )oards -'
4alueto5n -6
Unr%ised Pots 2'
2ry )oards -6
7ea8y )oards -*
Turn Play -*
"ou-le B%rrelin! 29
- Pair or )etter 3,
9ne Pair 3,
(n Position 3,
Che(# *%isin! The Turn ,4
+lo%tin! The Turn ,5
*%isin! The Turn ,6
Ri8er Play 3*
Tri.le B%rrelin! ,9
Raising 3*
)luffing 3*
+or /%lue 41
Mentality .3
7ealt$ .3
:ps5ings ..
Session Lengt$ ..
Multitabling ..
(f you $a8e recei8ed t$is P2F fro# any ot$er source t$an
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;for free< all t$e updates to t$is post= strategy 8ideos= and
ot$er 6 #ax NL goodies please 8isit 1
T$is boo% 5ill co8er s#all sta%es online 6 #ax ring ga#es> !ll $ands 5ill be assu#ed to be 6
$anded= t$oug$ ot$er situations 5ill be discussed> T$e focus of t$is boo% 5ill be t$e
progression of a $and t$roug$ preflop= flop= turn= and ri8er>
/our $and ranges in general s$ould ad"ust and be contrary to t$e 5ay t$e ga#e is playing>
T$is #eans t$at if t$e ga#e is loose ;#eaning t$ere are a lot of bad players= generally
players 5it$ 4P(P's $ig$er t$an -6= for exa#ple a player t$at plays 3-33+ is a 5ea% bad
player< you s$ould be playing a tig$ter #ore solid ga#e= bluffing less often ;including se#i?
bluffs< and 8alue betting t$inly 5it$ + pair type $ands> /ou s$ould also play less starting
9n t$e flip side if t$e ga#e is tig$ter you s$ould loosen up your starting range ;incorporating
$ands suc$ as 6s :TG< to exploit t$e your opponent's tendency to fold> (n t$ese instances
you s$ould se#i?bluff and bluff #ore= as you 5ill find #ore fold e0uity>
Loose players 5ill searc$ for an excuse to call= 5$ereas a tig$t player 5ill loo% for an excuse
to fold>
Table selection
@$en Table selecting you 5ant to loo% for t$e follo5ing t$ings1
Players t$at play too #any $ands1 !nyt$ing abo8e ., 4P(P is gra8y= but 3, is too #any
$ands as 5ell> !lso players t$at play so#et$ing li%e -3+, ;#eaning t$ey are
li#ping3calling @!/ too #uc$ preflop< 5ill do as 5ell
Stac% si&es1 Generally you 5ant players 5it$ full stac%s to t$e rig$t of you> /ou 5ant to
$a8e position on players t$at you co8er= as it is AB4> !t t$e sa#e ti#e you 5ant
players 5it$ s$ort stac%s to your left= as s$ort stac%ers t$at $a8e position on you are
AB4 for you> (n a perfect 5orld you 5ould play 5it$ 3 full stac%s 5it$ 4P(Ps o8er ., to
your rig$t= and t5o tig$t s$ort stac%ers to your left= but t$is 5ill rarely e8er $appen= its
"ust so#et$ing to t$in% about>
Position and $ands played1 !s described in t$e second feature for good ga#e
selection you 5ant loose players to your rig$t and tig$t players to your left> !gain t$is
isn't essential but its so#et$ing to t$in% about 5$en s5itc$ing3selecting seats= as 5ell
as c$anging ga#es>
Losing3brea% e8en regulars1 /our strategy s$ould in8ol8e you playing . tables or less
and really focusing on your opponents 5$ile de8eloping 8ery strong reads> Feel free to
play 5it$ a regular t$at you $a8e as a loser or #arginal 5inner in your database> !8oid
5inners> /our superior strategy 5ill #a%e it profitable to sit in a ga#e 5it$ t$ese
players and exploit t$e#= so feel free to sit= "ust don't searc$ t$e# out or #a%e a $abit
of it unless t$ey are really bad>
!s a general guideline it is better to play at a table 5it$ a bunc$ of loose passi8e35ea%
tig$t type players t$an a table 5it$ so#eone 5$o players 6,C of t$eir $ands and .
ot$er solid T!Gs> For exa#ple ( prefer a table 5it$ a1 .,3+,= 3,3-,= -3+.= -,3+-= +'3+-
t$an a table 5it$ a ',33,= -33-,= -,3+6= -,3+6= +63+> (ts going to be easier to play
against se8eral bad3#ediocre opponents t$at + 8ery bad opponent and . good ones>
Poker is simple, as your opponents make mistakes, you profit.
!gainst loose3bad players you generally 5ant to play straig$t for5ard tig$t solid po%er>
!gainst Tig$t3good players you generally 5ant to #ix up your play and play a #ore decepti8e
style> 2o not #a%e t$e #ista%e t$at e8ery -,3+' #ulti tabling tag is tig$t !N2 good> !gainst
t$ese types of players you 5ant to lean to5ards a looser pre?flop strategy and a solid postflop
strategy= as t$ey 5ill #a%e #ista%es for you= forcing t$e# is not necessary>
T$is c$apter is going to de#onstrate preflop strategy and 5ill focus on raising ranges= calling
ranges= and 3betting preflop ;3)< ;a%a preflop reraise<>
Under the Gun (UTG)
)eing under t$e gun #eans t$at you $a8e t$ree players to act t$at $old position on youD
#iddle position ;MP<= cut off ;E9<= and t$e button ;)TN<> (t also #eans you $a8e t5o players
to act t$at are out of position relati8e to you= t$e s#all blind ;S)< and big blind ;))<> /our :TG
raising range s$ould be t$e tig$test of t$e four non?blind positions> Let's ta%e a loo% at a
standard preflop :TG range= assu#ing full stac%s and a #ix of tags3lag fis$ ;players t$at play
too #any $ands 5it$out purpose<3and loose passi8e ;fis$ t$at c$ec% call and are easy to
extract 8alue fro#<1
--A ;all pairs<
!TsA ;#eaning !Ts= !Fs= !Gs= !Hs< ;s #eaning suited<
!FoA ;#eaning !Fo= !Go= !Ho< ;o #eaning offsuit<
*6sA ;#eaning *6s= T*s= FTs= GFs= etc<
HFsA ;HFs and !0s I5$ic$ 5as already co8eredJ< ;#eaning suited + gappers<
T$is 5ill account for +3C of $ands and is a conser8ati8e but 8ery solid and profitable preflop
raising range> /our :TG range can ad"ust based on t$e ga#e 0uality you are in>
Loose games:
!dd $ands li%e HFo or !To= because you can #a%e + pair type $ands and extract 8alue fro#
players calling 5it$ 5ea%er top pair $ands or second pair $ands> T$e reason 5e typically
a8oid t$ese type of $ands in tig$t ga#es is because 5e 5ill fre0uently s$o5 up 5it$ second
best + pair $ands out of position ;99P< and 5ill put us in toug$ spots and to lots of decisions>
!l5ays try to #a%e po%er easy to play>
Tight Games:
(nclude $ands suc$ as 6sA or !s> T$ese $ands $a8e a lot of potential and 5ill not often put
you into situations 5$ere you $a8e 5ea% + pair $ands out of position> T$ese $ands 5iden
your range against li%ely better players and #a%e you a #ore difficult and tric%y opponent>
ta!k i"es:
/ou s$ould also ad"ust your raising range based on stac% si&es> For instance say you are
:TG and t$ere are t5o or t$ree players 5it$ say .,)) stac% si&es ;or less<> (n t$is scenario
you s$ould a8oid $ands li%e --?66 and *6s= and instead substitute in $ands li%e HFo= GFo=
!*s= !To= because against t$ese players you again are si#ply loo%ing for a top pair type $and
to get it in against ;T$ese .,bb stac% players 5ill generally be 8ery bad and play poorly
postflop getting it in 5it$ a 5ide range t$at doesn't include #any top pair type $ands<
T$oug$ it s$ould be #ade clear in t$e $ig$er MSNL and 7SNL ;#ediu# and $ig$ sta%es
ga#es< t$ere are players 5$o play a 8ery tig$t and solid s$ort stac% ga#e t$at are #ore
difficult to play against= $o5e8er it is unco##on to encounter one of t$ese players any5$ere
belo5 336NL>
Middle Position ;MP<
)eing in Middle Position #eans t$at you 5ill $a8e one player to act in front of you ;:TG<
5$o# you $a8e position on= t5o players to act be$ind you ;E9 and )TN< 5$o $a8e position
on you= and t5o players to act be$ind you ;S) and ))< t$at you $a8e position on> Middle
position is 8ery si#ilar to :TG> /ou 5ill incorporate a fe5 #ore $ands= $o5e8er all t$e sa#e
principals apply> !gain lets exa#ine a standard preflop MP range= assu#ing full stac%s and a
#ix of tags3lag fis$ ;players t$at play too #any $ands 5it$out purpose<3and loose passi8e
;fis$ t$at c$ec% call and are easy to extract 8alue fro#<1
--A ;all pairs<
HGo3HFo3HGs3 HFs3HTs
T$is accounts for about +C of total $ands> Fust li%e :TG t$is range can be #anipulated
based on t$e ga#e 0uality>
Loose games:
/ou generally 5ant to a8oid t$ings li%e !*o= as its potential is 8ery s#all> Fust li%e :TG you
can still profitably raise *6s and T*s= "ust do it less fre0uently>
For exa#ple #aybe you only raise t$ese $ands roug$ly $alf t$e ti#e you are dealt t$e#> :se
your i#age3table $istory to deter#ine t$e opti#al raising opportunity> For t$e #ost part in a
looser ga#e you 5ant to %eep t$ings closer to t$e 8est= so "ust si#ply raise less $ands in t$is
Tight Games1
T$ese ga#es you can open up #ore fro# t$is position= includeD
!6s= !s
Pending a 8ery 5ea% player= playing .,C or #ore of $is $ands= you need to %eep in #ind t$at
peoples li#ping range :TG is as tig$t as it 5ill get for t$e# ;e8en t$oug$ it could be 5ide<>
/ou $a8e to be careful about isolating in t$is position because t$ere are t5o players 5it$
position on you t$at understand you can isolate t$ese players 5it$ a 5ide range> (t is o% to try
to add a $and li%e F*s to your range $ere for t$e purpose of isolating a 5ea% player ;by 5ea% (
#ean folding too #uc$= 5$et$er it be li#p folding= or to cbets3double barrels< $o5e8er if you
$a8e one or t5o tig$t aggressi8e opponents be$ind you t$at 5ill exploit your extended range
you s$ould err on t$e side of folding to a8oid #arginal situations>
(n t$e e8ent t$at t$ese players are in t$e blinds or you ga#e selected 5ell and you aren't at a
table 5it$ opponents t$at go after you= sure go for it= isolate t$at li#per>
3 betting:
(n general you s$ould be 3betting far #ore in position t$at 99P>
T$e only person you can 3bet in MP is :TG> /ou need to be 8ery cautious 5$en 3betting an
:TG opener= because t$is is 5$ere t$eir raising range is li%ely t$e tig$test ;ignoring 5$en
t$ey are in t$e blinds<>
Lig$t 3bets are certainly profitable= $o5e8er t$e ratio of lig$t 3bet to 8alue 3bet s$ould be
5eig$ted $ea8ily to5ards 8alue> Lets say for nu#ber's sa%e 5e 8alue 3bet an :TG opener
6,C of t$e ti#e= and lig$t 3bet -,C>
First lets assign our 3bet range1
!0o3s ;situational<
!"s ;situational<
HGs ;situational<
FF ;situational<
TT ;situational<
@$en ( say situational ( #ean t$at it is possible t$at 3betting 5it$ t$ese $ands is #arginal to
t$e point 5$ere you are not clearly a$ead of t$eir range> T$at doesn't #ean you s$ouldn't
3bet t$e#= it "ust #eans you s$ouldn't do it e8ery ti#e and t$at you s$ould be #ore inclined
to do it in position> ! player t$at plays +.3+- and raises :TG probably raises t$e top 6C of
$ands> T$e top 6C of $ands loo%s li%e t$e follo5ing1
T$e e0uity of t$ese $ands against t$is range are1
!G ;all co#binations< .6C
!Fs .+C
HGs 36C
!! 6C
HH '-C
GG 63C
!H 6C
Lig$t 3bet $ands1
!xs ;x s$ould K #ost often= as you 5ill be able to flop guts$otAF2Ao8er type
$ands=but .?T are all fine as 5ell<
(t 5ill generally be #ore profitable to call 5it$ s#all pairs preflop ;as ( 5ill outline in post flop
c$apters< $o5e8er t$ey can certainly #a%e t$eir 5ay into a lig$t 3bet category e8ery once in a
5$ile> /ou generally 5ant to 3bet an :TG opener 5it$ 6?T*s or !xs because 5it$ t$e SE's
you 5ill generally a8oid second best $ands and $a8e tre#endous flop potential> T$e !xs
$ands 5ill bloc% co#binations of !! and !H ;5$ic$ 5ill $elp a8oid $i# .betting you< and also
$a8e tre#endous flop potential> !8oid all ot$er $ands as t$ey 5ill for# second best $ands
often and get you in #arginal spots>
!ny5ay= bac% to exa#ining 5$en to 3bet> @e said 5e 5anted to use an 6,3-, ratio= 6, 8alue=
-, bluffs> T$is #eans for e8ery . ti#es you 3bet an :TG opener 5it$ so#et$ing li%e !H or
!!= you 5ant to 3bet $i# once 5it$ 6s>
ta!k i"es:
Fust li%e :TG you s$ould also ad"ust your raising range based on stac% si&es> !s stac%s get
s$orter t$is scenario you s$ould a8oid $ands li%e --?66 and *6s= and instead substitute in
$ands li%e HFo= GFo= !*s= !To= because against t$ese players you again are si#ply loo%ing
for a top pair type $and to get it in against ;T$ese .,bb stac% players 5ill generally be 8ery
bad and play poorly postflop getting it in 5it$ a 5ide range t$at doesn't include #any top pair
type $ands< T$oug$ it s$ould be #ade clear in t$e $ig$er MSNL and 7SNL ;#ediu# and $ig$
sta%es ga#es< t$ere are players 5$o play a 8ery tig$t and solid s$ort stac% ga#e t$at are
#ore difficult to play against= $o5e8er it is unco##on to encounter one of t$ese players
any5$ere belo5 336NL>
$ut %ff
T$is is 5$ere po%er 5ill beco#e #ore interesting> T$e cut off is t$e first position considered
late position and is a spot 5$ere you 5ill #ore often t$an not be in position> T$ere is a #uc$
bigger transition in our range fro# MP to E9= as 5ill be s$o5n in our $and selection>
T$e cut off is one of your #ost profitable positions= second only to t$e button> T$is position is
5$ere you 5ill start isolating 5ea% players t$at li#p and 3betting players to %eep t$e pressure
on> Lets get to our range1
--A ;all pairs<
T6sA ;suited one gapers<
G*sA ;suited t5o gapers<
Roug$ly -3C of total $ands>
T$e idea $ere is to steal blinds and isolate li#pers> (f you successfully steal so#eone's blind
you $a8e earned +>))'s ;big blinds<> (f you beat a ga#e for PT)) ;po%er trac%er big bets=
or t5o big blinds< you 5ill notice t$at you earn >+)) per $and> T$at #eans t$at stealing blinds
earns you + ti#es t$e a8erage profit per $and> )eginning to understand 5$y it's so i#portant
and profitableL
Loose games:
)elie8e it or not= but playing fro# t$e E9 in loose ga#es is #ore tric%y t$an tig$t ga#es 5$en
it co#es to isolating> (n a tig$t ga#e you can raise anyt$ing and #ost decisions 5ill be easy>
(n a loose ga#e you run t$e ris% of playing a lot of pots 5it$ #arginal $ands and ;despite
being (P< losing #oney>
!s you beco#e better post flop you 5ill $a8e t$e capacity to raise #ore and #ore $ands fro#
position to isolate li#pers= but first 5e $a8e to exa#ine situations 5$ere 5e s$ould and
s$ould not isolate a player>
Lets i#agine t$e follo5ing scenario1
/ou are in t$e E9 5it$ H*s= :TG 5$o plays 363+, li#ps ;you'8e seen t$is player li#p :TG
5it$ HGo= and 5it$ H.s in LP<= T$is player is on t$e passi8e side and folds to cbets ,C of
t$e ti#e> T$e button is a #ediocre T!G playing +63+ and doesn't $a8e a penc$ant for
3betting lig$t (P= t$oug$ you $a8e seen $i# do it> T$e blinds are t5o $alf stac%s playing 3,?
3C of t$eir $ands> @$at's your playL
!lt$oug$ t$e player :TG is bad and li#ps a 5ide range 5e can be sure $e's at t$e top of $is
li#ping range :TG and is a5are of t$e significance of position> @e also %no5 t$at $e folds to
,C of cbets= and li%ely less 5$en $is range is strong ;5$ic$ it is due to $i# being :TG<>
T$e button is of 8ery little concern= but 5e %no5 $e'll reraise us 5it$ !GA and TTA and on rare
occasion 5it$ a bluff= so t$is is so#et$ing to consider>
T$e second biggest concern of t$e $and is t$e s$orties in t$e blinds> T$ey play 5ay too #any
$ands and don't care about position> @it$out flopping so#eti#e strong it 5ill be $ard to play
against t$ese players as t$ey 5ill regularly be out of line> /ou $a8e a $and 5it$ so#e
potential= as it is suited= $o5e8er i#plied odds co#e fro# deep stac%s= not s$ort ones> T$is
co#pounded 5it$ dealing 5it$ a player li#p?calling :TG is proble#atic because it is 8ery
possible you 5ill be t$ree 5ay to t$e flop>
Let's exa#ine anot$er situation1
/ou are in t$e E9 5it$ 6s= MP li#ps= $e $as a full stac% and plays -3+-= 5it$ a fold to cbet
of 66C> T$e button is a -,3+, 5ea%3tig$t player> T$e blinds $a8e one good 5inning T!G 5$o
3bets too #uc$ 99P and one don% 5$o plays big pots 5it$ #arginal $ands too often= and
$as bet5een +., and +6,))'s= and you co8er>
/ou definitely 5ant to raise to isolate t$e player in MP 5$o is definitely 5ea% tig$t> 7is fold to
cbet is on t$e lo5 end as far as 5ea% tig$t goes= but you $a8e full stac%s and position
Eo#bined 5it$ a $and t$at $as #a"or potential it is a 8ery profitable situation> @e don't 5ant
t$e button to co#e along= but if $e does 5e still can represent so#et$ing by cbetting t$e flop=
and 5e also $a8e #a"or flop potential>
T$e T!G 5$o 3bets too #uc$ is %ind of proble#atic= but t$is is a situation 5$ere once in a
5$ile 5e can call and bluff so#e flops>> T$e ot$er great feature of t$is $and is t$e 5ea% player
in t$e blinds 5$o 5e co8er> @e 5ill $a8e position on t$is guy 5it$ a#a&ing i#plied odds= so
5e definitely don't #ind if $e co#es in>
(f a player calls too #uc$ after t$e flop you 5ant to lean to5ards raising so#et$ing li%e H*s=
instead of 6s= unless you are +,,bbA 5it$ t$at player> General against t$ese guys you can
#il% t$e# 5it$ strong pairs3dra5s= so it supports raising a Hx $and t$at can #a%e strong
(n t$e first scenario 5e didn't raise H*s due to s$ort stac%s= but t$at 5as only because 5e
5ere afraid t$at :TG 5ould also co#e along 5it$ a $and t$at #ig$t do#inate us= also 5e'd
rat$er $a8e 6s in a #ulti5ay pot= as opposed to %*s ;5it$ #uc$ less potential postflop<> (t
#ay see# so#e5$at counterintuiti8e and as if ( 5as contradicting #yself= but focus on eac$
facet of t$e $and and $o5 one $and can be a #ore profitable raise t$an t$e ot$er= if t$ey are
in fact profitable at all> F@(@ ('d rat$er raise 6s in t$e first scenario= t$oug$ its close bet5een
raising and folding>
Lets focus on a scenario 5$ere it 5ould be preferable to isolate 5it$ H*s3HTo3!*o= etc>
/ou are in t$e E9 5it$ !*o= MP li#ps= $e $as bet5een ' and +,,))'s and plays .,?,3?+>
T$e button is a tig$t player= and t$e blinds are also on t$e so#e5$at tig$t side= #aybe playing
as #any as 3C of $ands= but less 99P> T$is player folds to cbet ',CA of t$e ti#e> !s $is
fold to cbet increase= so s$ould your isolating range= and 8isa 8ersa
T$e )utton is t$e #ost fun and interesting position to be in> T$ere are #ore opportunities to
raise= 3bet= isolate= and cold call t$an any ot$er position> /ou 5ill play loosest on t$e button>
/our button raising range can be 8ery 5ide or 8ery tig$t= it really is all about t$e ga#e you are
in> (t is 8ery possible to raise ,C of your $ands on t$e button profitably> Lets get into t$e
G*oA ;offsuit - gapper<
F*oA;offsuit + gapper<
T$is entire boo% is going to try to teac$ you $o5 to #a%e decisions by yourself= t$roug$
detailed explanation and exa#ples> T$is range is 8ery tentati8e= it can be 5idened and
tig$tened by as #uc$ as +C based on your table>
Looser games:
T$e button is so co#plicated t$at ( 5ant to gi8e you so#e 8ery straig$tfor5ard guidelines and
let you co#e to your o5n conclusions as to 5$et$er or not a button raise is profitable>
!nyt$ing you 5ould raise fro# MP you can open or e8en isolate 9T)> T$e ot$er $ands 5ill
put you to decisions in loose ga#es> (n loose ga#es 5$ere t$ere are a lot of li#p?calls you
5ant to a8oid t$ings li%e 6.s or *6o> (f for t$e #ost part you can isolate t$e one don% 5$o is
li#p?calling lean to5ards a H*s or a F*o>
(n t$e e8ent t$at people are loose but 5ill li#p?fold 5it$ a decent fre0uency you can use
al#ost t$e entire range= #aybe cut out -C of $ands or so= "ust t$e botto# of t$e range ;6.s?
66s= !6!*o= T6s?G*s= .s?'6s= !-?.s= etc<> (f you prefer so#e $ands and disli%e ot$ers t$at's
fine= earlier analysis s$ould pro8ide exa#ples of $o5 certain $ands are easier to play3#ore
profitable t$an ot$ers in certain situations>
(n t$e e8ent people are li#p?calling or t$ere are fre0uently #ulti?5ay flops ;3 or #ore players<
you need to really cut it do5n= raise #aybe a tig$t E9 range and raise it bigger= it's o%ay to
#a%e it bbsA+ for eac$ li#per= in t$ese ga#es people 5ill tend not to notice or care>
Tighter Games:
T$ese are far #ore interesting ga#es in ter#s of button play> !s t$e ga#e gets tig$ter and
t$ere's less li#ping= or people li#p?fold= or play 5ea%ly you can really open up>
T$e #ost i#portant factor 5$en opening t$e button is t$e blinds tig$tness> Most T!Gs ;tig$t?
aggressi8e player< 5ill be 8ery tig$t 99P> T$is #eans t$at on t$e button you can profitably
raise "ust about any t5o suited cards= any ace= and #ediu# offsuit cards ;t$oug$= t$ese less
t$an anyt$ing<>
T$e idea $ere is t$at players 5ill "ust 5illingly gi8e up *,C of t$eir $ands= and e8en if t$ey do
#a%e it to t$e flop 5e 5ill $a8e position> ( t$in% for t$e #ost part tig$t players are going to li#p
strictly s#all pairs= suited connectors= and HG type $ands fro# early position> Ta%e t$is into
account t$at t$ese types of $ands are $it or #iss> T$ey 5ill c3f t$e flop or try and play a big
$and 5it$ t$ese= 5$ic$ #a%es it easy on us because if 5e are 5ea% 5e can gi8e up our $and
5it$ ease> (t lets us select 5$en 5e 5ant to play big pots 5it$ opponents> ( a# far #ore
inclined to isolate a 5ea% tig$t player 5it$ a #arginal $and= t$an a loose3passi8e player>
ta!k si"es:
Li%e #ost t$ings as stac% si&es gro5 so does opening range and your strategy> ( "ust said M> (
a# far #ore inclined to isolate a 5ea% tig$t player 5it$ a #arginal $and= t$an a loose3passi8e
player>M (n t$e e8ent ( a# deep ;-,,))A< t$is e0uation c$anges and ( 5ould (nstead rat$er
play 5it$ a loose3passi8e type because ( %no5 t$at all #y t5o?pairA type $ands can really get
paid off by t$ese guys= and ( can also cbet3extract 5it$ + or no pair type $ands>
Sa#e t$ing if you 5ant to open into looser blinds= you can raise t$e entire range plus #ore
5it$ #arginal $ands because you 5ill $a8e position and an unli%ely $olding t$at $as
tre#endous potential and 5ill often be a disguised $and> !s stac% si&es s$rin% a8oid 6.s type
$ands and e#brace H6s or !*o= as t$ey are t$e bread and butter of t$e botto# of your range>
/ou s$ould focus on trying to raise 5$en a loose player li#ps and t$ere are tig$t players to
act be$ind you ;all of t$ese situations are tal%ing about #arginal $ands= your core range
s$ould al5ays be raised<>
So lets say a .,3-,3+ li#ps in MP= you are 9T) 5it$ 's= $e $as about ++,))'s= and you
co8er> T$e blinds are a nit and a -*3+. t$at folds )) to steal often ;t$is is a statistic you
s$ould be using< /ou can profitably raise your 's= probably *,))A in t$is situation ;effecti8e
stac%s<> (n t$e e8ent t$at t$e )) plays .,C of $is $ands and t$e S) is a -,3+6 tag= you
s$ould raise t$is $and less often>
:nderstand t$at t$ese situations are fictional= real po%er at a table online is co#pletely
different fro# table to table= eac$ one uni0ue> Fust focus on e8ery factor= for exa#ple t$e
loose player in t$e ))> 7e #a%es you 5ant to raise t$is $and less often= but let's say t$e li#p
folds to *,C of cbets>T$at #a%es you #ore inclined to raise> Eonsider all t$ese t$ings 5$en
#a%ing your decision= and t$en co#e up 5it$ a solution ;to raise or fold<>
F@(@ if so#eone folds *,C of cbets ('ll isolate t$e# 4BR/ loose= al#ost regardless of ot$er
players in t$e $and= unless t$e blinds are t5o loose s$orties or so#et$ing of t$is nature>
7ere your range is also t$e 5idest> /ou 5ant to 3bet on t$e button far #ore t$an any position
;go after people in position= not 99P<> 7ere you probably 5ant your ratio to be 31-= so for
e8ery 3 8alue 3bets= you t$ro5 in t5o bluffs> T$is e0uation c$anges against #ore adept
opponents t$at 5ill really play bac% at you and go after you preflop or after t$e flop= but until
an opponent s$o5s a 5illingness to co#bat our strategy continue to exploit $is 5ea% play and
%eep t$e pressure on>
@$en 3betting you #ust first consider position> T$e E9 is 5$en our opponent's range is t$e
5idest= and t$e position 5e 3bet t$is player t$e #ost> T$e second t$ing ;but #ost i#portant
t$ing< is t$e C of $ands t$is player raises> T$is 5as discussed in an earlier street= but t$e
general idea is t$at t$e #ore raises t$is player #a%es t$e #ore 5e can 3bet> 7o5e8er=
players t$at raise 5ay too #uc$= say a 363-6= a8oid 6s and lean to5ards !"o> T$ese players
5ill fre0uently see t$e flop 5it$ you and you 5ant to s$o5 up 5it$ a strong pair type $and>
T$e t$ird part of t$e e0uation is $istory> (f a player %eeps folding to 3bets or c3f's e8ery
#issed flop continue to pound on $i#> (f a player is good and 5illing to .b bluff or c3r a flop
5it$ a dra5 or co#plete air= a8oid bluffing so #uc$ and lean to5ards #ore 8alue 3bets>
!l#ost any range= ratio= principal= idea or strategy in t$is boo% can be #anipulated to exploit
your opponent= you "ust $a8e to analy&e $is play and co#e to conclusions about $o5 $e
plays> T$en figure out $o5 to exploit it ;a si#ple exa#ple of t$is is so#eone 5$o 3bets 6,CA
of $ands= $ere you c3r t$is player 5it$ air to exploit $i# cbetting so often 5it$ #arginal
$oldings= t$us exploiting $i# and #a%ing you #oney> (t also #a%es you $arder to play against
and $elps your #ade $ands get paid off by 5ea% $oldings<
My raising range $ere is tig$er t$an #ost= typically 66A= !FsA= HGs= !H ;not e8en !0oN<> /ou
"ust get in a lot of bad spots 5$en don%s li#p3call and $a8e position 5$en t$ey are "ust putting
you on ace %ing> Fust c$ec% it and ta%e do5n unraised pots> /ou $and 5ill constantly #a%e
better pairs and you'll 5in #ore t$an $ad you raised> !lso it #a%es your life a lot easier
playing less pots 99P>
4s :TG1 Nor#ally GGA and !H= 5it$ a 8ery rare bluff> So#eti#es ( only 3b HHA if $es a tig$t
player li%e +'3+.= ( don't %no5 5$at people $a8e told you but you are allo5ed to flat call TT?FF=
!G= and !H 8s :TG fro# blinds> F@(@ if its a s0uee&e ('ll 3b #ore often> (ll also include FF if
its a sL!G or so#et$ing li%e -+3+*>>
4s MP1 Sa#e t$ing as :TG= ( 3b FFA against t$e looser ones= against L!Gs ('ll e8en t$ro5 in
TT> ( also 5ill 3b !H about +,,C= and !G far #ore fre0uently as 5ell= probably ,C
depending> !lso= ( start to add crap li%e .s and T*o>
4s E91 TTA= !GA= !"s= and HGs li%e $alf of t$e ti#e= t$e offsuit 8ersions li%e 3,C of t$e ti#e>
!gain #ixing in #ore rando# crap>
8s )TN1 Rarely **= TTA= !F= HGs a lot of t$e ti#e= and a bunc$ of "un%> Re#e#ber t$is range
is entirely a reflection of #y opponent= $o5 loose $e is= and 5$at ('# trying to acco#plis$>
!gainst players t$at call a lot of 3bets ( include HG and !F #ore often> !gainst players t$at
often fold to 3b= #ore 's or *6o>
No5 ( 5ant to inter"ect and add t5o t$ings t$at 5ere re0uested and t$at ( co#pletely
neglected t$e first ti#e around1
! s0uee&e play is 3betting 5$ere t$ere is + or #ore callers> 9r 5$en so#eone is isolating t$e
a don%> T$e t$eory 5it$ bot$ is t$at your line loo%s 8ery strong and 5ill yield a $ig$ success
rate and profit you greatly= also t$at if so#eone is isolating a 5ea% play $e does so 5it$ a lot
of $ands= #ost of 5$ic$ cannot continue to a 3bet>
!s you #o8e up people 5ill start to go apes$it 5$en you s0uee&e and counteract it by
t$ro5ing in a decent a#ount of .bets= 5$ic$ is 5$y against #ost opponents ( tone do5n #y
3betting fre0uency ;because t$ey t$in% ( s0uee&e alot #ore t$an ( actually do<= but for t$e
#ost part no one belo5 .,,NL ;and e8en a decent a#ount of .,,NL players< %no5 5$at a
s0uee&e is or $o5 to deal 5it$ it e8en if t$ey do> 7ere are so#e don'ts about s0uee&ing1
+> 2on't you e8er s0uee&e !G or FF or TT unless you are going to call a s$o8e3s$o8e
o8er a .bet> /ou are actually t$ro5ing #oney onto an ignited grill if you do t$is>
-> 2on't s0uee&e if t$e caller;s< $as li%e +, big blinds> ( see t$is all t$e ti#eD people
s0uee&e '6s and t$en a don% 5it$ +,?-,)) calls 5it$ !x> !gain burning #oney>
3> 2on't s0uee&e a tig$t :TG raiser>
.> 2on't s0uee&e if your opponent is cra&y and you aren't going to co##it 5it$ your $and=
i>e> !F or **= so#et$ing 8ery #arginal>
> 2on't s0uee&e 6s or !s or T*o if you %no5 t$e o8er caller is a don% and 5ill o8er call
your 3bet and gi8e you proble#s> F@(@ t$is is a $uge proble# 99P and a s#all
proble# (P>
6> (f t$e PFR calls your s0uee&e ;assu#ing $es so#e sort of T!G< $e probably $as **A
HGs !GsA> Probably ne8er !H> T$is #eans proceed cautiously on t$e flop= probably
dont bet so#et$ing li%e '.3 unless you plan on s$o8ing t$e turn> ;li%e if you $a8e !x or
*6s or so#et$ing= don't bet t$at flop unless you're s$o8ing t$e turn<>
(all till you fall
9r s0uee&e until $e catc$es on> So#e players are 5ea% tig$t as s$it and cannot $elp
t$e#sel8es> (n 7: people tal% about opening e8ery button as being #at$e#atically correct
until your opponent ad"usts> Sa#e t$ing $ere= or any5$ere in po%er= until your opponent gi8es
you a reason not to s0uee&e ;i>e> .betting or calling and s$o8ing flops< %eep s0uee&ing and
cbetting> Fust ta%e $is #oney if $e 5ants to gi8e it to you> T$is can actually be applied
any5$ere= so lets do anot$er itali&ed t$ing1
Until your opponent gi)es you a reason to stop e*ploiting him, keep e*ploiting
him. +eep s,uee"ing until he does something a'out it, keep )alue 'etting until
he raises, keep dou'le 'arreling until he peels-raises the turn, et!.
(f your opponents are 5ea%3tig$t ;T!G players at -?-,,NL< ( 5ould probably s0uee&e t$e#
in al#ost e8ery situation ( could 5it$ any "un%y type $and until= li%e 5e "ust tal%ed about= t$ey
ad"ust> Si#ply because it loo%s so strong and it is so profitable> Really you are allo5ed to
s0uee&e 5$ate8er your fa8orite "un%y $and is= s#all pairs= suited aces= SE's= *6o or
so#et$ing= but you can do it 5it$ !F or HG as 5ell>
S0uee&e 99P only if your opponent is 8ery 5ea% and 5ill gi8e you tons of credit> ( greatly
decrease #y s0uee&ing fre0uency ;"ust as an o8erall ga#e plan= i put less #oney in 99P<
being fro# t$e blinds basically>
S0uee&e (P1 !ll day long
2on't you e8er bet a s0uee&ed pot flop unless1
+> /ou are going to s$o8e or c3r t$e turn>
-> /our opponent folds a lot= so $is call3s$o8e 2BF #eans you're crus$ed>
T$is is sort of confusing= 5$at ( don't 5ant you to do is "ust cbet in a RR pot and be done 5it$
t$e $and if called 5$en you $a8e air> /ou $a8e no idea $o5 exploitable t$is is to toug$
opponents> (t is 9H to c3f a RR pot 5it$ air>
( 5ant to segue t$is s0uee&ing discussion into a 3betting discussion in general>
@$en you 3bet a player and get called you s$ould %no5 sort of 5$at t$ey $a8e> Ne8er 3bet
bluff a don% 99P ;a loose one= not a 5ea%3tig$t one<> ('# typically really tig$t in t$ese
situations> So lets loo% at 5$at t$eoretically if you 3b a L!G3T!G player t$ey could call 5it$
I--A= '6sA= !TsA= !FoA= HGoAJ
Sure t$ey could t$ro5 in rando# $ands 5e can't account for= but typically unless your
opponent is #a%ing a $uge play t$ese are t$e only $ands t$at 5ill e8er really s$o5 up 5it$ in
t$eir range> F@(@ it is probably 5eig$ted to5ards 66A !F and HG>
99P is a bird of a different color> (f a T!G player calls #y 3b 99P early in #y session or 5it$
no $istory ('# insta?putting $i# on TTA or !G exactly> ( cbet H and !xx boards= ot$er5ise ( c3f
if ( $a8e air (P> Si#ilar to 5$at ( tal%ed about in s0uee&ing is really "ust 3betting t$eory in
:nless your opponent gi8es up to a bunc$ of 3bets you absolutely are not allo5ed to cbet a
RR flop and c3f t$e turn> To be $onest= your opponents 5ill nor#ally flat call t$e flop 5it$
5ea%is$ pairs or float 5it$ o8ers #aybe> Bit$er 5ay 5$en t$e turn co#es around it is +,,C
perfectly o% to double barrel bluff t$e turn> Fust t$in% about $o5 you play against people
3betting= also t$in% about it logically= loo% at a flop cbet call range and a turn cbet call range>
9ne is #uc$ bigger t$an t$e ot$er>
Last t$ing ( 5ant to say for 3betting is1
( 3b TT?HH and t$e flop ca#e !xx= 5$at do i doNL @ell= if you $a8e a read on 5$at your
opponent can flat call 5it$ t$en you can ad"ust= but read less betting ;a%a bluffing< is nor#ally
t$e best option because too often your opponent 5ill put you to t$e test and ( see so #any
posts of players #a%ing #ista%es 99P 5$ere t$ey c$ec% HH on !xx and get run o8er or
8alue stac%ed> )asically 5it$out $istory and a read you need to "ust bet3fold>
@$en you 3bet ;or do anyt$ing in po%er for t$at #atter< you need to $a8e a goal t$at you are
trying to acco#plis$> Lets tal% for a #inute about 3betting don%s 8s regs>
@$en you 3bet a don% ;assu#e +,,bb eff= as t$e stac%s gro5 t$is concept c$anges< you are
si#ply trying to get 8alue fro# you $and t$at 7!S postflop 8alue in a rerasied pot ;('# not
going to tell you 5$at does and doesn't 8s a don%= you guys s$ould toy around and try and
figure it out for yourself<>
For t$is reason you 3bet certain $ands= and $ands t$at are closer ;('ll gi8e you one exa#ple<
HGo= you 3bet so#e of t$e ti#e> /our fre0uencies c$ange based on position= stac%s= and
exactly 5$at type of player it is> (f $e's t$e type t$at 5ill fold to a cbet on Hxx 8 often= ( call
#ore often t$an ( reraise>
9% so no5 5$at about a regularL
@$en 5e 3bet a regular 5e are trying to de8elop an aggressi8e i#age and con8ey t$at 5e
can $a8e '6s and !!= lea8ing our opponent in a #ur%y situation 5it$ TT or !G> !ny5ay ( "ust
5anted to gi8e you guys a pus$ in t$e rig$t direction= t$e rest you'll $a8e to figure out on your
Flop Play
.onk 'etting (leading):
T$is is a 8ery interesting part of t$e ga#e= 8ery fe5 players do it> ( don't do it t$at #uc$= but
t$ere are situations 5$ere it is opti#al> T$e reason ( don't do it t$at #uc$ is because people
cbet 5ay too #uc$ in general= so c$ec%?raising is typically better> 2on't "ust don%bet to
don%bet= $a8e a purpose>
Typically c$ec%3calling a 5ea% flus$ dra5= say 6s on GF6ss isn't profitable= c$ec% raising
M(G7T be profitable but again its a grayis$ area> T$ere is absolutely not$ing 5rong 5it$
leading t$is flop 5it$ your $and> T$e great t$ing about leading t$is board 5it$ our $and is 5e
can 8ery easily bet3fold= and since our opponent $as no idea 5$at our lead range is ;until 5e
build up extensi8e $istory< in $is eyes 5e could $a8e anyt$ing> @e can be sure 5e're dead if
$e raises>
T$e first ti#e ( lead into so#eone ( 5ill nor#ally $a8e so#e 5ea% $and= 5$at ( 5ill ne8er do is
lead any dra53#ade $and and c$ec%3fold t$e turn> So#eti#es ( decide to lead HG on !xx or
T* on H66 or so#et$ing= but if ( $a8e *6ss 5it$ a bac% door flus$ dra5 on Hxx you better
belie8e ('# betting t$e flop and turn= no #atter 5$at t$e turn is>
( don't t$in% you s$ould lead strong #ade $ands 5it$out a 8ery good reason to= #ost notably
$istory of your opponent putting you on 5ea% $ands ;$e's seen you b3f leads or s$o5do5n
second pair or so#et$ing<> 9t$er5ise ( %eep s$o5ing up 5it$ se#i?bluffs> )all till you fall>
So#eti#es ( lead HG on li%e Hxx or so#et$ing= especially if t$ere's a flus$ dra5 planning to
bet call t$e flop and c$ec% raise a non club turn= but c3c and c3ring so#e opponents is fine as
5ell= "ust re#e#ber you are at t$e 8ery top of your range so against loose3goodis$ players
you probably $a8e to loo% up - streets and nor#ally 3 if you c3c>
@$at you 5ant to not do is lead ** on F'' or '' on H.- unless your opponent is bad and it
5ill #a%e t$e $and easy to play because good players 5ill see rig$t t$roug$ t$at ;e8en #e$
T!Gs can beat t$e s$it out of t$is strategy< "ust because its so transparent and bad> (f your
opponent respects your lead for 5$ate8er reason= go for it= but re#e#ber= gotta bet t$e flop
and turn= no #atter 5$at>
$ontinuation (etting
Eontinuation betting is one of t$e #ost i#portant ele#ents of your strategy> (t allo5s you to
5in a 5ealt$ of s#all pots and #a%es you difficult to play against if executed correctly>
Let's focus on situations to profitably cbet1
T$e first scenario is t$e easiest to understand and grasp !gainst an opponent 5it$ a $ig$ fold
to cbet ;',C or $ig$er< you can cbet basically your entire range profitably> @$en cbetting you
5ant to $a8e so#e $ope for your $and= i>e> cbetting *6s on - is generally so#et$ing you
5ant to a8oid doing= except against t$ese players> T$ere are t$ree instances 5$ere ( do not
cbet against t$ese players1
T$ey are s$ort and #y $and $as 8ery little potential> ;i>e> *6s on -= or -- on T*6<
( $a8e a note t$at says 5$en ( do not cbet t$ey go bluff cra&y> (n t$ese spots ('ll c$ec%
8ery strong $ands li%e ** on *-- flop or so#et$ing of t$is nature> ;F@(@ ne8er c$ec%
** on so#et$ing li%e *'.cc= anyt$ing 5it$ texture li%e t$is= e8en if t$ey do go bluff
cra&y 5$en you c$ec% flops<> !not$er situation ( 5ould c$ec% 5ould be so#et$ing li%e
!H or !! on H-= H--= H*. ;rainbo5= bet all flops 5it$ any F2<>
( $a8e GG on H-r ;9r any second pair type $and 5$ere you are in a @! ;5ay
a$ead<3@) ;5ay be$ind< situation> )y c$ec%ing you can get 8alue fro# li%e '' ;on t$is
board< on later streets> 9t$er @!3@) situations include li%e TT on G''= or !- on !H6>
No5 lets focus on loose3bad players t$at are calling 5ay too #any cbets ;calling 5ay too
#uc$ in general<> Lets assu#e t$ey fold to cbet ,C or less of t$e ti#e> !gainst t$ese players
you $a8e to be #ore cautious and gi8e t$ings up #ore easily= )efore ( go for5ard ( 5ant to
inter"ect and #ention t$at you generally 5ant to be cbetting al#ost e8ery single !ce or Hing
$ig$ board= as players 5ill 8ie5 your range 5eig$ted to5ards t$ese types of $ands ;and
coincidently t$ey 5ill not $a8e t$ese types of $ands 8ery often<> T$ey 5ill gi8e you an
extraordinary a#ount of credit>
B8en against t5o opponents ( 5ould cbet t$e 8ast #a"or of !ce and Hing $ig$ boards
;pending stac% si&es and notes<= $o5e8er anyt$ing #ore t$an t5o ( 5ouldn't get fancy= but
t$at doesn't #ean ( c$ec% 5$en ( do $it>
T$is is so#e5$at contrary to 5$at ('8e been describing about $o5 to play against t$ese types
of players ;being 8ery close to t$e 8est<= but on occasion you are #issing 8alue by not double
or triple barreling t$ese types of players> For t$e #ost part ('# not going to indulge in any
co#plicated triple barrel spots= but say 5e raise in BP ;early position< and cbet a !G. ;t5o
flus$ or rainbo5< and get instantly called by a player playing so#e5$ere bet5een 3,?.C of
$is $ands and folds to 8ery fe5 cbets ;as described earlier<> 9ne of #y fa8orite indicators for
a good double3triple barrel spots is t$e SN!P flop call> T$is can ne8er be a big $and ;or 8ery
rarely< because if $e does $a8e !G or .. ;and in so#e instances !.<= $e 5ould at least $a8e
to t$in% #o#entarily about $is action> )y instantly calling ;bt5 t$is is so#et$ing you s$ould
focus on a8oiding= a lot of infor#ation can be dra5n on ti#ing< $e's basically telling you MMy
range $ere is so#e !' type $and= or a dra5M>
Pending so#e read t$at t$is player 5ill ne8er e8er fold TP ;5$ic$ is unco##on for t$e ga#es
you'll play in= for t$e #ost part t$ese loose3bad players 5ill not be stac%ing off 5it$ #arginal
+pair in t$is particularly type of situation< you 5ill be able to profitably double or triple barrel> (n
t$is situation ( 5ould #ost lo8e to $a8e a guts$ot or F2 #yself ;against t$ese players ('ll put a
lot of pressure on 5it$ F2's= F2Kflus$ dra5< so you $a8e so#e e0uity>
T$e point is put t$e pressure on (f t$ey are going to snap call your flop bet and $a8e a range
t$at is for t$e #ost part on t$e 5ea% side ;in t$is instance t$e strong $ands $e could $a8e are
!G= ..= and !.= $o5e8er is calling range is M:E7 5ider< put t$e pressure on> 2on't be
surprised if $e ta%es a 5$ile to call t$e turn (f $es a particularly 5ea% player t$is 5ill rarely be
$i# trying to disguise $is 8ery strong $and inducing a triple= it 5ill be $i# genuinely 5ea%
trying to figure out 5$et$er to call or fold (f t$is is t$e case ( probably fire a ri8er barrel>
!lso if you $a8e t$e opportunity to bet so#et$ing li%e O** or O+** on t$e ri8er or so#et$ing (
suggest it= t$is bet si&e 5ill terrify t$e#>
!ny5ay 5$en t$in%ing about t$eory3strategy of approac$ing t$ese call?too?#any cbet type
players= t$e si#ple ans5er is to tig$ten your range ;5$ic$ 5idens3tig$tens based on stac%
si&es= don't forget< and si#ply c3f t$e flop> T$ere are situations ( don't #ind a c3c or a 8alue
bet 5it$ li%e !TA or so#et$ing> Say t$e board is li%e T**= so#e loose guy calls 99P= ( don't
#ind cbetting !F $ere because $i# $a8ing a better $and is rare= and if $e $as so#e under
pair $is e0uity suc%s> !lso say ('# blind 8s blind ;)8)< 5it$ !H on 33- ;('# S)< against one of
t$ese guys= ( 5ill probably c3c t$is board= and pending a read c3c or c3f turn ;your default is
fold until $e pro8es t$at $e 5ill put you on !H in t$is types of situations and try to ta%e you off
of it<
@e'8e tal%ed about 5ea%?tig$t and loose?passi8e type of players and 5$at our cbet
tendencies s$ould be= no5 lets get to t$e fun stuff>>> T!Gs> T$ese 5ill generally be your
toug$est opponents ;e8en if t$ey are bad T!Gs<> T$ese are t$e types of players 5$ere 5e
li%e to #ix up our play and t$ro5 in cur8e balls fro# ti#e to ti#e>
!gainst t$ese guys ('ll cbet "ust about e8ery ace and %ing $ig$ flop= because t$eir preflop
calling range is rarely going to contain TP= unless its li%e t$ey flatted !F or HG or so#et$ing=
but instead t$eir range is 5eig$ted to s#all pairs and suited connectors ;F@(@ a pair $as a +
in * c$ance of flopping a set<> T$ere is danger $ere= against your better3#ore t$in%ing
opponents si#ply cbetting 5ill not be enoug$>
( re#e#ber playing against a player at FTP -,,NL 5$o played so#et$ing li%e -+3+6 and
played #e toug$3tric%y> 7e definitely lo8ed to go after #e and #y cbets> !ny5ay= ( raised *6s
fro# t$e S) and $e called in t$e ))> T$e flop ca#e H6r> ( cbet O6 ;. ))'s<= $e raised to O3->
T$is is a 8ery suspicious line fro# $i#> (f $e $ad any %ing it doesn't really #a%e sense
because 5e didn't $a8e enoug$ $istory for #e to get it in 5it$ anyt$ing 5orse t$an a strong
%ing= so t$is isn't really a possibility> T$e flop 5as rainbo5 so $e can't be se#i?bluffing
anyt$ing but a '6= and t$e only #ade $and $e reps is and far less often 66> (n t$is situation
#y opponent is li%ely bluffing because $is range contains 8ery fe5 #ade $ands= no5 ( did li%e
t$e fact t$at ( $ad *6 because if $e does $a8e 6' ( $a8e t$e best $and and a bloc%er= or if $e
$as so#et$ing really 5eird li%e HG or '' ( $a8e t$e e0uity3t$e best $and ;$o5e8er t$is is a
s#all factor in #y t$oug$t process<>
( discourage calling because t$en you are in a 8ery #arginal 99P spot and you don't $a8e
t$e initiati8e in t$e $and= 5$ic$ #a%es your $and $a8e less 8alue intrinsically ;(nitiati8e si#ply
#eans t$at you 5ere t$e last person to bet3raise<> So t$e si#ple ans5er (s t$at it is profitable
to 3b3fold in t$is situation gi8en t$e infor#ation ;t$is is t$e yeti?t$eore# = 5$ic$ states t$at a
3bet on a dry board is al5ays a bluff= and in t$is situations it %ind of is= $o5e8er 5e t$in% 5e're
bluffing 5it$ t$e best $and<
( 3bet to O'6 and $e folded 0uic%ly= so our analysis 5as 8ery li%ely correct as 5e ran into t$e
#a"ority of $is range in t$is spot ;bluffs<> /ou probably 5on't $a8e a ton of $istory 5it$ T!Gs
;5$en it co#es to cbetting and stuff< because your ga#e selection s$ould for t$e #ost part
allo5 you to a8oid t$ese guys ;you aren't trying to a8oid t$e#= 5e 5ould rat$er exploit t$e#=
but 5e 5ant to exploit e8eryone 5e play= and fis$ are si#ply #ore exploitable and #ore
9ut of position you generally 5ant to "ust bet your entire range ;#ade $ands= se#ibluffs=
second pairs= and bluffs<= ( re#e#ber recently 5atc$ing a $and 5it$ Hrant& and Peac$y%een
5$ere peac$y raised :TG and Hrant& called in MP> T$e flop ca#e H'.r= peac$y c3r'd t$e flop=
and %rant& s$o8ed> Peac$y $ad !H and Hrant& $ad HG> T$ere is clearly a lot #ore $ere t$an
#eets t$e eye and a ton of $istory= but not$ing about t$is #a%es sense or is any sort of
standard /ou 5ill ne8er run into a situation at any5$ere belo5 O+,,, 5$ere t$is is e8en
re#otely necessary= so out of position "ust cbet your range> ;F@(@ its o% to c3f li%e !H on '6
or so#et$ing= against t$ese guys you 5ant to be #ore cautious about cbetting #arginally= "ust
loo% at t$eir fold to cbet= if its lo5 gi8e up #ore and if its $ig$ go after t$e# #ore= si#ple
!lso %eep diligent notes about $o5 t$ey react to cbets so t$at you can ad"ust accordingly> (n
position it beco#es #ore interesting= (P ( #ix it up a lot and c$ec% tons of flops bac%=
particularly 5$en ('# #arginal ;t$is is called polari&ing your range= 5$ic$ for t$e purpose of
#ost MSNL ga#es and lo5er is 9H= but funda#entally against toug$ opponents is bad
because its exploitable if t$ey figure out 5$at your doing> For t$e #ost part your opponents
$ere 5ill not<>
@$at ( #ean 5$en ( say ( 5ant to polari&e #y range is t$at say ( raise !-cc 9T) and t$e ))
;T!G< calls> T$e flop is !Hr and $e c$ec%s= t$is is a great situation to c$ec% it bac%> (t's going
to be 8ery unli%ely t$at $e 5ill e8er call 5ill a 5orse $and= and 5e 5ill occasionally be c3r'd off
t$e best $and and 5e 5ill #iss 8alue fro# so#et$ing li%e HG or 66 ;if its suited ( 5ill on
occasion still c$ec% it bac%= "ust less fre0uently<> !ny5ay t$is is a great spot to c$ec% it bac%
and #aybe fire t$e turn> (f t$e turn is so#et$ing li%e a Hing or ( 5ill probably c$ec% it again
because not$ing about t$is board $as really c$anged and it 5ill still be difficult to extract= ('ll
probably "ust 8bet t$e ri8er>
( 5ould probably play GG t$e sa#e 5ay= or ( #ig$t "ust c$ec% it do5n depending if #y
opponent does or does not $a8e t$e capacity to call 5it$ 5orse> (f so#et$ing li%e a H or !
peels on t$e turn or ri8er you s$ould be #ore inclined to bet because its unli%ely $e's
c$ec%ing trips and its 8ery li%ely $e t$in%s you don't $a8e trips eit$er= so $e #ig$t #a%e a
#arginal call do5n> !gainst 8ery toug$ player you 5ill occasionally be ri8er c3r'd 5it$ a range
of trips3bluffs= but t$is is 8ery unco##on a#ongst e8en good players at t$ese sta%es>
Let's no5 focus on t$e flop c$ec%?raise> For t$e #ost part you $a8e probably already
culti8ated an aggressi8e i#age by 3?betting your opponents= so lets suppose you slo5 it do5n
and cold call preflop> For t$e #ost part 5$en 5e c$ec% raise it 5ill #ean t$at 5e $a8e
defended our blinds> Lets loo% at c3r situations1 ;For t$ese situations lets assu#e 5e're up
against a LP T!G opener 5$o plays so#e5$ere bet5een -33+6 and -,3+>
Say 5e flat call 5it$ so#et$ing li%e 33 fro# a E9 open> T$e flop co#es T3r> T$is is not a
good spot to c$ec% raise unless one of t$e follo5ing t5o conditions are #et1
/ou $a8e a reason to belie8e t$at t$e 8illain is bad and spe5y and 5ill al5ays put in
5ay too #uc$ #oney 5it$ a TP or o8erpair type $and= especially if you play your $and
/ou $a8e a $istory of c$ec%?raising dry boards against a decent?good opponent and $e
$as reason to belie8e you are doing it 5it$ air fre0uently= so 5e c3r 5it$ a #onster to
balance our range>
)ot$ of t$ese scenario's re0uire us to $a8e so#e sort of read or note on an opponent= so lets
assu#e 5e are "ust 8aguely fa#iliar 5it$ $o5 $e plays and 5e $a8e $is stats> /ou 5ant to
a8oid c$ec%?raising t$ese spots 5it$ strong $ands because you are polari&ing your range
bet5een air3sets and it 5ill be difficult to get paid> Since 5e probably 5ill peel ;c$ec%3call< a
$and li%e !T or 66 ;pending $istory= as you build $istory you could c3r so#et$ing li%e TP on
t$is board for 8alue< 5e 5ant to si#ply c3c our entire range ;of course not bluffs= it's probably
a good idea to fire a5ay a c3r 5it$ so#et$ing li%e GFss on t$is board because you $a8e
bac%door straig$t dra5s= potentially a bac%door flus$ dra5= and t5o o8ercards>
(t's a good idea to go after your opponents 5it$out $istory in t$ese spots because t$ey 5ill
$a8e to be 8ery spe5y to continue 5it$ #ost of t$eir cbetting range and 5orst case scenario
you de8elop an i#age t$at you li%e to c3r bluff 5$ic$ 5e can later exploit by c3ring 5it$ big
$ands<> !ny5ay t$e point is 5$en you flop a #onster on a dry board start by c$ec%?calling=
and go fro# t$ere>
T$is 5as #entioned in exa#ple one but no5 lets say 5e $a8e GFss or '6ss on T3r ;one
spade<> !ssu#e sa#e type of 8illain> Tt$is is a great c$ec%?raise spot because 5e $a8e
bac%door dra5s or a guts$ot= and because our opponent 5ill also $a8e a toug$ ti#e $a8ing a
$and strong enoug$ to continue 5it$ on t$is flop> )e #ore and #ore inclined to #a%e t$ese
sort of bluff c3r's against players t$at cbet a lot= really anyt$ing greater t$an ',C and you can
do it fairly often !s t$eir cbet C decreases so s$ould your c3r fre0uency>
7istory also plays a roll= if $e ga8e up t$e first ti#e do it again Put $i# to t$e test and #a%e
$i# ad"ust or "ust get run o8er> (f $e $as seen you do it and is inclined to not gi8e credit t$en
c$ange gears and "ust c3f and let $i# $a8e it> !lso you s$ould see an increase in success of
t$ese types of plays in #ulti5ay pots>
So say for exa#ple you $a8e been really going after a guy preflop and decide not to s0uee&e
so you o8ercall so#et$ing li%e !s> T$e flop co#es '3-r= you c$ec%= t$e PFR cbet= 5$oe8er
called preflop co#es along> /ou s$ould c3r t$is spot= you $a8e assu#able bac%door flus$
outs= an o8ercard= and a guts$ot> Not to #ention a ton of fold e0uity= and it appears as t$oug$
you #ust $a8e a $uge $and because you "ust c3r'd a particularly dry board into t5o players>
T$e ris% you run is t$e o8ercaller $a8ing a set on t$is board= $o5e8er t$is is unli%ely and in
t$e e8ent t$at $e does 5e s$ould $a8e a little bit of e0uity ;F@(@ it's a c3r= fold to 3bet= 5e
ob8iously don't 5ant to put our #oney in 5it$ ace $ig$ and a guts$ot<>
!s far as bet si&es go= for t$e first scenario lets assu#e your opponent cbets 6bb's into 6bb's=
you s$ould c3r to +6bb's 5it$ e8eryt$ing> (n t$e second scenario= lets say your opponent cbets
6bb's into +,bb's= so#eone calls= you s$ould c3r to 3,bb's 5it$ your entire range ;t$is is to
%eep it consistent and a8oid gi8ing a5ay so#et$ing on bet si&ing<> T$ese are roug$ nu#bers=
"ust %eep it so#e5$ere 5it$in t$is range and you s$ould be fine>
No5 lets i#agine 5e flop a #ade $and on a dra5y board= say 5e $a8e 6' or on *6dd> (n
t$is situation 5e instead 5ant to play our $and 0uic%ly and c3r ;as discussed pre8iously= big
$ands s$ould be slo5 played on dry boards<= but on boards 5it$ dra5s and texture 5e s$ould
opt to play our $ands 0uic%ly> 9ur opponents 5ill be far #ore inclined to play t$eir + pair3big
dra5 type $ands fast to #axi#i&e fold e0uity= and since t$ey $a8e none and 5e are 5ay
a$ead 5e 5ant to get t$e #oney in no5>
T$ese boards s$ould on occasion also be c3r'd 5it$ dra5s= but %eep in #ind t$at depending
upon t$e opponent you s$ould li%ely 5eig$t your range to5ards #ade $and rat$er t$an dra5s
as you 5ill li%ely be getting #oney in be$ind3flipping #ost of t$e ti#e= and t$ere is li%ely a
#ore opti#al 5ay to play your dra5 ;F@(@ big dra5s s$ould li%ely be played for a c3r= for
exa#ple *6dd on '6-dd= 5$ereas T*dd s$ould be played for a c3c on '.-dd Iunless your
opponent folds to c3rs #ore t$an #ost= in 5$ic$ case exploit t$is by c3ring dra5s and stone
bluffs= and probably c3c #ost big $ands= unless you'8e really been going after $i# and you
suspect $e is sic% of youJ<>
Lets first focus on floating 5it$ o8er cards> @e 5ill ne8er float 99P= it's 5ay too tric%y and
co#plicated> (ts "ust ?e8> T$is #eans all of our floats 5ill be done in position> @$at 5e do by
floating is calling 5it$ a #arginal type of $ands 5it$ t$e intention of 5inning t$e $and on later
(f 5e ne8er floated people could "ust si#ply cbet e8ery flop and gi8e up because $e %ne5 $e
5asn't good on t$e turn and 5ould #a%e us 8ery easy to play against> @$en so#eone cbets
and you are in position you can raise= call= or fold> @e 5ant to balance eac$ range and raising
certain situations si#ply isn't a good idea because our opponents 5ill reali&e 5e raise bluff
too often and 5e are basically gi8ing $i# a free pass to 3bet bluff us= or do so 5it$ a #arginal
$ands> )y raising certain situations 5e gi8e a5ay t$e opportunity of a free card to #a%e our
Let's suppose MP or E9 opens and 5e call (P 5it$ GFss> T$e flop co#es T6.r ;5it$ or
5it$out a spade<> 9ur opponent is a nor#al T!G and cbets= 5$ic$ $e 5ill li%ely do 5it$ a big
part of $is range> Lets say on a8erage $e opens -,C of $ands fro# t$ese positions
;co#bined= #ore fro# E9 and less fro# MP<>
Lets see 5$at $is range loo%s li%e at best in relation to t$is board1
--A=!6sA=HTsA=G*sA=F*sA=T6sA=*6s=6's=!ToA=HToA=GTo A=FTo
T$ere are a lot of +pair or no pair $ands in t$ere> T$is is also a fairly conser8ati8e esti#ate=
so if t$is is t$e top of $is range 5e can certainly peel> So lets say 5e call $is cbet and t$e turn
is a bric%= a deuce or 6 or .= 5$ate8er= $e c$ec%s> No5 5e execute our float and bet 6,?'C
of pot> 7e 5ill generally be c3ring or c3fing t$is spot= leaning to5ards folding (f $e c$ec%3calls
$e probably $a8e li%e T* or ** or so#et$ing= but ( 5ould probably "ust gi8e up unless you are
sure $e $as so#e under pair> (n 5$ic$ case bet t$e turn and ri8er ;F@(@ you s$ould do t$is
5it$ #ade $ands li%e !T as 5ell to 8alueto5n $i#<>
No5 lets suppose 5e $it our gin card= a *> (f $e c$ec%s 5e $a8e no option but to bet and $ope
$e c3r's for us to s$o8e o8er> (f $e bets again it is probably because $e $as a strong $and= and
at t$is point ( 5ould probably "ust put in a #ediu# si&ed raise> Say $e cbets +bb's into -- or
so on t$e turn= ( 5ould li%ely #a%e it .,bb's to entice $i# to co#e along 5it$ so#et$ing li%e FF
or GG= or to $opefully res$o8e a 5orse #ade $and>
(n t$e e8ent t$at ( %no5 #y opponent is spe5y or 5ill #a%e loose triple barrels calling is best=
but raising is probably a good default> Let's no5 suppose 5e $it so#et$ing li%e t$e ! or H of
spades> (n t$is spot if $e bets again you s$ould "ust call= in t$e e8ent t$at $e is doubling
representing t$is card 5e still can ta%e t$e pot a5ay on t$e ri8er if $e c$ec%s= and if $e $as
t$is one pair $and it's probable t$at $e 5ill 5ant to go 5it$ it after #a%ing TPTH> F@(@ raising
isn't a bad play= $o5e8er it is $ig$ 8ariance= and 5it$out a read as to $is double barreling
tendencies calling is li%ely best because if god forbid 5e do $it 5e can definitely get paid off
on t$e ri8er> (f $e's super aggressi8e definitely raise t$is situation>
No5 let's suppose 5e $it a G or F and $e bets> Fust call again and figure out 5$at to on t$e
ri8er :(= you 5ill li%ely $a8e to fold unless t$e player is unusually out of line ;to a triple barrel=
t$oug$ if $e gi8es you a pass li%e betting $alf pot on t$e ri8er= loo% it up and figure out 5$at
$e's doing<>
Let's no5 suppose $e c$ec%s= "ust li%e 5$en 5e 5ere going to bet t$e turn if 5e #issed 5e
bet 5it$ #ade $ands= so#e players 5ill c$ec% call so#et$ing li%e Tx or ** on t$is board
;5$ic$ is bad< and 5e s$ould certainly be loo%ing to 8alue to5n t$ese guys> Fold if c3r'd
pending a p$eno#enal read> ( s$ould #ention t$at despite t$is board is rainbo5 you can also
float so#et$ing 5it$ li%e a flus$ dra5= so let's say for exa#ple t$e flop co#es Td6c3d= you
can still float t$is board= but $o5e8er reali&e t$at on later streets you need to bluff?represent
t$e flus$ to #a%e t$is profitable> (t is #ore tric%y and s$ould be played around 5it$ a little= try
not to get cra&y 5it$ t$is because it is a bit $ig$er 8ariance but it's certainly a good play if you
can beco#e co#fortable representing t$e flus$ on later streets>
No5 let's say 5e $a8e T*s in t$is situation and t$e board is !'-r or H6r= since 5e %no5 our
opponents 5ill cbet a ton of ! and H $ig$ boards 5e s$ould certainly t$ro5 in floats> (n t$ese
situations 5e $a8e at least a bac% door straig$t dra5= if not flus$ dra5 as 5ell> Bit$er 5ay if
c$ec%ed to on t$e turn bet it +,,C of t$e ti#e ;t$at's 5$y you floated rig$tL<= and if $e bets
into you again "ust call if you pic%up a dra5> (f you #a%e #iddle pair and $e bets again it you
can #a%e an opponent dependent play> (f $e t$in%s you are peeling t$e flop lig$t ;t$is re0uires
a read= don't do t$is blindly< t$en you can peel anot$er street= but ne8er 3 :( 5it$out a read>
F@(@ t$is $and 5it$ t$ese flops is anot$er good spot to bluffraise (P= ( don't t$in% eit$er is
preferential= you generally 5ant to #ix it up= if ( $ad to assign a fre0uency ( 5ould say raise
+C= float 3C= fold ,C>
+> T$is isn't so#et$ing you are going to be doing t$at #uc$ of= but it does co#e up> Lets
brea% it do5n into t5o sections= 5$en you are t$e preflop raiser= and 5$en you are not>
@$en you are not t$e preflop raiser and you are going to raise t$e flop t$at i#plies t$at
so#eone don%ed into you> Li%e all raises in po%er it is earlier going to be for 8alue or
as a bluff>
First lets c$ec% out 5$en 5e do t$is for 8alue>
Let's say a player 5$o is don%is$= ,3+ or so#et$ing= %inda splas$y= $as a pretty decent
$istory of leading 5ea% $ands ;specifically 5ea% pairs< but $as also s$o5n do5n dra5s> /ou
$a8e !Fo on !H6r or on !T6dd= in eit$er scenario you generally 5ant to raise $is 5ea% lead>
7e bets .bb's into 6 bb's= #a%ing it li%e +.?+6bb's is opti#al because you don't 5ant to gi8e
t$e initiati8e in t$e $and a5ay because t$at #a%es it difficult to extract 8alue on later streets>
Since 5e %no5 $e $as so#et$ing li%e ! or 6'dd 5e 5ant to put in t$e raise to extract 8alue
5$ile a$ead> So#eti#es $e 5ill fold and t$is is fine= but it is best to raise ;5$ic$ leads #e to
so#et$ing ('# going to itali&e to e#p$asi&e i#portance1
2$alling is the 3orst play in poker, its so gross, you are fre,uently 'etter off
raising or folding than you are !alling, ho3e)er this is not to 'e !onfused 3ith
!alling 'eing 'ad, there are a )ariety of situations 3here !alling is the only
( say t$is because 5$en you call ;unless you $a8e so#e sort of 8ery strong read and you are
doing it purposefully to trap your opponent or float $i# in so#e 5ay< you 5ill generally $a8e
no idea 5$ere you are in t$e $and ;or rat$er it 5ill be 8ery a#biguous<>
Lets no5 exa#ine 5$at t$is piece of infor#ation #eans in relation to t$e $and itself> (f you
end up "ust calling and so#et$ing li%e a or dia#ond peels t$e $ands t$at you t$in% are in $is
range could $a8e "ust gotten t$ere= but you don't %no5 if $e does or doesn't $a8e one of t$ose
#ade $ands> (n t$e e8ent t$at 5e raise t$e flop and bet t$e turn 5e can be sure t$at $e did or
did not get t$ere because $e 5ill c3r t$e turn only for 8alue= t$ese types of 5ea% players 5ill
ne8er se#ibluff or turn #ade $ands li%e t$is into a bluff on t$e turn> (t's a 8ery sop$isticated
and tric%y play t$at generally is 5ay o8er t$eir $eads> My ad8ice is to raise t$e flop as
described= bet t$e turn around -,?-bbs and bet t$e ri8er s#allis$ as 5ell= 3,bbs or so>
( t$oug$t about it for a 5$ile and t$is is t$e only real type of scenario ( see you 8alue raising
t$e flop as t$e PFR= so lets get into bluffs1
Typically 5$en so#e don% #inbet leads t$e flop t$ey don't $a8e #uc$ of a $and> T$is isn't
al5ays true but for t$e #ost part t$ey $a8e a pretty 5ea% range> Nor#ally a 5ea% TP at best>
For t$ese types of spots ( al5ays bluffrasie t$e first ti#e around= "ust to build $istory and a
read but also to put t$e pressure on $i# by putting $i# to a decision 99P= 5$ic$ is al5ays
toug$> !gain it is nor#ally best to do it 5it$ t$ings li%e GF on T6x or 5it$ flus$ dra5s= but 5e
can't al5ays be t$at pic%y> Let's loo% at a #ore co#plicated spot1
@e $a8e *6 or ! on F''r> (f a don%is$ type player co#es at you 5it$ a bigger lead= say $e
bets 6))'s into 6))'s> T$e first 0uestion you 5ant to as% yourself is M5$at does $e $a8eLM (f
$es t$e trappy type of player and you'8e seen $i# slo5play sets to t$e ri8er or 5ent for a ri8er
c3r 5it$ an ob8iously strong #ade $and= or t$e last ti#e you sa5 $i# $a8e a #onster and
c$ec%ed t$e flop you can i##ediately eli#inate t$at fro# $is range>
So t$at #eans $e $as a strong35ea%TP= 5ea%er pairs= or air> Let's say t$at $e 3bets GGA and
t$at GFA is also unli%ely based on $istory of $i# c3cing t$ese types of $ands> So in t$e e8ent
t$at $e is basically ne8er leading t$ese $ands $is range is going to be super 5ea%= and (
5ould for sure bluffraise $ere> !s al5ays its 8ery nice to $a8e a redra5 to t$e straig$t or t$e
ace= but really your $and can be !TE ;any t5o cards< because you %no5 t$at $is range is
generally pretty 5ea%> Ne8er run #ulti street bluffs $ere= its too fancy> ('8e seen calldo5ns t$at
#ade no sense>
Eoincidently ( play !F on t$is board t$e sa#e 5ay= "ust because ( %no5 if $e calls t$e flop
;since ( played #y $and fast< $e is li%ely t$in%ing ('# bluffing and $as #ade t$e decision to
call at least one #ore bet> So 5$en you get lead into big= t$in% about $is range= if $e can't
$a8e a big $and $ere its ti#e to raise> (f $e can $a8e a big $and= or you don't %no5= its
probably ti#e to fold> 9n rare occasions it's o%ay to bluffraise t$e gutterball= or !H for 6 outs>
2on't #a%e t$is a $abit unless $es folding>
@$at ( tried to outline about bluff raising against don%s is to figure out t$eir range= and if its
5ea% to exploit it by bluffing> (f it's strong3un%no5n exploit it by folding ;pretty si#ple= rig$tL (t's
a5eso#e t$at don%s don't balance t$eir ranges<
Let's no5 focus on t$e #ore co#plex beast= T!Gs>
T$e first t$ing to understand is t$at a lot of t$e T!Gs t$at play li%e -+3+6 only flat li%e !G3HG
and pairs ;for t$e #ost part= as t$e distance bet5een 4P(P and PRF increases= t$e a#ount of
li%e HFo and 6's type $ands increase<> Lets loo% at a pretty co##on situation ;as far as
leading goes<1
/ou open t$e E9 5it$ !G or 6= T!G ;-,3+6< calls fro# t$e s#all blind> Flop is H.-r= $e leads
6))'s into 6))'s= 5$ats our playL
Generally $e is going to $a8e li%e ?** $ere because $e $ates t$e c3c line= since it is pretty
toug$ to play 99P 5it$ a 5ea% pair and no initiati8e> T$e only proble# is t$at $e 5on't $a8e
t$at #any Hx $ands in $is range and 5ill rarely $a8e a set ;$o5e8er t$ere are players t$at
9NL/ $a8e sets $ere= ('# t$in%ing of one of t$e .,, ftp regs t$at only leads sets= so ( "ust fold
to all of $is leads<
(t's a lot easier for us to $a8e a big $and t$an it is for $i#= so t$is is a spot ( bluff raise all t$e
ti#e> @it$out $istory calling 5it$ HxA is probably best= $o5e8er if $e calls t$e raise and tries
to #a%e it to s$o5do5n e8er 5it$ say ** for exa#ple you need to start raising HxA to balance
your range= also to #a%e it i#possible for $i# to lead and t$en call a raise> !lso li%e #ost
t$ings it's a5eso#e to $a8e a gutterball3o8ercard3bac%door flus$ dra5> T$is is going to lead
#e to anot$er italici&ed piece of strategy gold1
2Until your opponent ad4usts, keep e*ploiting himM
T$is can be applied in #any 5ays= but t$e #ost co##on are bluff raising $is leads= c3ring $is
cbets= or 3betting $i# (P> :ntil $e does so#et$ing about it ;3bets3.bets3calls do5n etc< you
s$ould %eep doing it ;unless you "ust don't 5ant $is #oney<>
So say $e does it again next orbit= "ust raise again> ;F@(@ t$is situation is basically t$e sa#e
on an ace $ig$ board= $e %no5s you're gonna cbet t$is t$ing a s$itload and $e doesn't 5ant to
T$at scenario 5as pretty si#ple= no5 lets c$ec% out #ore co#plex spots>
/ou $a8e !-dd 9T)> ! good T!G= -,3+6= flats you fro# t$e ))> T$e flop is F6'dd> 7e leads=
you s$ould1
Gross ( %no5= but calling is actually best $ere> My reasoning is $e 5ill probably t$in% you are
raising #ost F2's $ere= so getting paid on later streets is going to be 8ery easy> !lso for t$e
#ost part $is b33b range $as a lot #ore @)3S) $ands t$an @! $ands= and #ost of @! $ands
are dra5ing al#ost dead>
T$e only $ands ( raise in t$ese type of spots are #onster dra5s ;li%e !Fdd<= #onsters ;li%e T*
or 66< and plain bluffs> ( a# polari&ing #y range= but polari&ing your range is 9H a decent
a#ount of t$e ti#e= because
/our opponent could potentially not %no5 5$at polari&ing your range is and
B8en if $e does $e probably 5on't e8er $a8e enoug$ $istory3%no5 $o5 to use t$at
infor#ation to $is ad8antage>
My range $as bluffs in it because1
7e's seen #e $a8e a #onster $ere before or
('8e seen $i# b3f t$is spot>
!ny5ay call= if you #a%e your flus$ bet big on t$e turn and ri8er> 7e li%ely 5on't gi8e you
credit> !lso= if you get t$ere and $e bets again raise s#all enoug$ to 5$ere $e t$in%s you can
bluff t$is spot so#eti#es but big enoug$ to 5$ere $e's pretty #uc$ gonna $a8e to loo% you
up on t$e ri8er for your stac% ;deep c$anges t$ings= you are going to $a8e to figure out $o5 to
#axi#i&e 8alue deep<> Fust try to t$in% about $o5 $e plays and 5$at $ands $e'll pay you off
5it$ and $o5 to get t$ose $ands to put t$e #ost in> T$e last t$ing to specify about t$is $and is
t$at ('ll probably peel e8ery non?pairing turn if $e doubles #e and t$at ( c$ec% bac% t$e ace to1
get 8alue on t$e ri8er
not get 8alue to5ned
let $i# dra5 to a second best $and>
5ot 6s Pre 1lop 0aiser
T$ere are a fe5 cool spots to bluff rasie 5$en you flatted> Monotone and rainbo5 boards
co#e to #ind specifically>
Let's say you $a8e 66 ;5it$ or 5it$out t$e spade< /ou call an BP open fro# a T!G= t$e flop is
T.sss or HGsss eit$er one is fine> 7e cbets ;5$ic$ bt5 $is cbetting range $ere is any PP
5it$ a spade= sets= flus$es= any !s= any Hing= #ost 0ueens= #ost Fs= and probably so#e
rando# stuff li%e !Fo 6'dd<> Gi8en t$is range and little3no $istory bet5een you guys= $o5
#uc$ of $is range can really stand a raise on t$is boardL B8en so#et$ing li%e !Gs is li%e
racing3dead 8s all of your 8alue raises> Fust si#ply put= #ost of t$is range cannot continue to
a raise= so raising is far superior to calling or folding> !lso it de8elops an i#age so t$at you 5ill
e8entually stac% !! or so#et$ing big>
!not$er cool spot to bluff raise is so#et$ing li%e H*6r or !F6r 5it$ FT or T*= "ust si#ply
because $e is going to $a8e +pair at best= most of t$e ti#e and if $e decides to call 5e
redra5 etc> /ou don't e8en need a dra5 $ere $onestly= "ust turn -- into a bluff raise= it #a%es
you toug$ to play against and 5ill fre0uently ta%e do5n t$e pot= because fro# t$e opposite
standpoint= $o5 t$rilled are you if you $a8e !H3!G and so#eone raises t$is spotL
T$e last spot ( 5ant to tal% about is in #ulti 5ay pot situations> T$in% of t$ese situations li%e
postflop s0uee&es>
Say :TG3MP opens= E9 calls= 5e call 9T) 5it$ 6ss= !Tss or > T$e flop is F6.r ;5it$ t$e
spade<> PFR cbets= E9 calls= your opti#al play $ere is to raise= all of our $ands $a8e outs
;alt$oug$ far less t$an t$e ot$er t5o< if called= and it "ust loo%s super strong> T$is play
loo%s li%e you $a8e a set ;its 8ery toug$ to represent a set postflop 5$en bluffing= t$is is li%e
t$e one spot> !lso= it 5or%s great to c3r t$is situation 5it$ li%e an o8ercard and )2F2 or
so#et$ing "ust because it loo%s t$at strong<> So say PFR cbets +,))'s into +3))'s= E9 calls=
('d probably #a%e it .,))'s ;also do t$is 5it$ sets= t$is is called balancing your range< and
ob8iously fold to a s$o8e> (f t$e E9 o8ercalls $e $as a set or $e is RB!LL/ bad= eit$er 5ay
c$ec% t$e turn if you #iss3pic%up a dra5>
(f t$e PFR calls= only bet if you $it a gin card li%e *s for !T= or t$e 3s for 6 ;and ob8iously t$e
'<> )et si&ing for t$e turn is all about 5$at you t$in% of your opponent= if $e t$in%s t$at $alf
re#aining stac% si&es loo%s insanely strong= bet t$at= ot$er5ise s$o8e> ;F@(@ you do not
need $uge dra5s to #a%e t$is sort of play= so long as for t$e #ost part your range is polari&ed
bet5een #onsters and bluffs its a good play= gi8en a clean i#age> T$is #eans t$e board is
N9T t5o tone<
T$ere aren't t$at #any good spots to 8alue raise t$e flop unless you're balancing your range
li%e ( tal%ed about in exa#ple t$ree abo8e= $o5e8er t$ere are a fe5 specifically1
/ou $a8e 66 or !! ;you flatted utg's open 5it$ !! $oping a s0uee&e #on%ey 5ill 3bet< and
t$e flop is 633 ;t5o tone or rainbo5= doesn't #atter<> T$is is an a5eso#e spot to raise t$e pfr
because its understood $e $as a pretty solid range and t$at its toug$ for you to $a8e #uc$ of
anyt$ing> ('# ne8er surprised 5$en ( see TT goto t$e felt or !H 3b bluff> (f $e 3bets "ust s$o8e
and get it in t$ere= calling gi8es $i# too #any opportunities to get a5ay fro# it and too fe5 to
i#pro8e and payoff> F@(@ t$is is a $orrible bluff raise spot 5it$out $istory of you stac%ing $i#
5it$ li%e !! after flatting>
T$e second spot is if you flop -prA on a dra5y board so you $a8e li%e *6 or 66 on H*6ss=
definitely raise and try to go 5it$ it>
T$e last spot is "ust li%e 5$en t$e board is !3- or !-- or so#et$ing and you flatted !H ;f5i5
t$is is #uc$ better 5$en t$e board is paired= you definitely 5ant to play it fast and try and get
it in on t$e flop 5$en $e t$in%s you are bluffing ;because seriously= besides 0uads3sets 5$at
could you $a8e on t$ese boardsL<
Unraised pots
('# really excited to rig$t t$is portion of t$e boo% because ('8e ne8er seen a post t$at
discusses t$e i#portance of ta%ing do5n unraised pots or t$e #et$odology be$ind doing so>
8ou should generally 'e )ery sta''y at unraised pots (3hi!h implies you are
from the 'linds and %%P) 'e!ause in the situations # am going to des!ri'e it is
going to look like you ha)e a moderately to )ery strong hand and intend to play
it fast 'y leading out %%P )s your opponents range that 3ill 'e 3eak in relation
to the 'oard
.ry 'oards
T$is is t$e #ost co##on and significant scenario to ta%e do5n unraised pots> Say t$e board
is --r= F'3r= T-r= T33r= -3*r= G'-r= H6.r= 66.r= etc etc you 5ant to stab at t$ese boards all
t$e ti#e>
Let's first focus on t$e paired boards and let's use *33r as our exa#ple> (f you are t$e S) or
you are t$e )) and t$e S) c$ec%s to you= bet pot 5it$ your entire range ;gi8en so#e read
about so#eone li#ping !! or S) c3cing t$is spot<> (t is going to loo% li%e you $a8e a * at least
and generally people 5ill "ust go a5ay because t$ey %no5 t$at you can $a8e a t$ree= and 5e
%no5 t$at our opponents 8ery seldo# 5ill> !lso don't forget to lead your trips $ere> !lso be
cautious> 9nce called "ust gi8e up 5$en you $a8e air>
T$e paired board t$ing is pretty si#ple= let's no5 go into t$e 5orld of F'3r> /ou basically 5ant
to lead t$ese 5$en you $a8e botto# pair and a )2F2= #iddle3top pair= guts$ots= Hx or !x
)2F2> So#et$ing li%e !s is really opti#al because you $a8e - )2S2= a )2F2 and an o8er>
So long as you $a8e a piece of t$e board you can "ust pot it ;5$en ( sa5 pot it ( #ean "ust bet
pot so people don't fool around 5it$ you<> 9nce called ( double barrel e8ery turn 5$ere (
i#pro8e and c3f all t$e gutters and stuff t$at #issed> 9b8iously ( %eep betting -pr= TP= etc>
!lso t$e $ands ( tal%ed about abo8e 5$ere you $a8e all t$ese cra&y redra5s= if t$e S) leads
and ( $a8e one of t$ese $ands ( nor#ally "ust pot raise $i# because
loo%s super strong
7e 5ill probably be $ard struc% to continue because t$e board is so dry= and lastly
(f $e does call $es probably going to put in too #uc$ #oney 5it$ a #arginal $and= or
$e $as a big $ and $i#self= so if 5e connect 5e stand to 5in a big pot>
9ea)y 'oards
(n general you are going to need a pretty strong dra53pair3etc to lead t$ese types of spots> So
lets say 5e $a8e F*dd on HT'dd= "ust pot t$e flop= if you get called in one spot pot t$e turn= in
t5o spots= probably bet li%e 'C of pot or so= but definitely %eep leading> T$e $ea8y boards
%ind of play t$e#sel8es= but its not a spot 5e really bluff e8er> /ou s$ould basically be
doubling your entire range unless a bad card co#es= li%e t$e flus$ $its or a . straig$t co#es>
2efinitely double barrel all dra5s pending a really bad card> !lso say you $a8e li%e *6o on
T'3= and t$e turn is a T or '> i'd probably "ust bet again because e8en t$oug$ it suc%s for our
$and it loo%s super strong and 5ill probably yield #ore folds t$an it s$ould>
Turn play
# 3ant to prefa!e this se!tion 'y saying that # think the turn is the most misplayed street in all
of online :m, (u5L/;5L, dunno a'out 95L) too often people are only thinking as far as
the flop 3hi!h leads to huge leaks on the turn and ri)er and 3ill often lead to sti!ky spots and
3ill !onsistently gi)e a3ay money
T$at said lets get into t$e #ost i#portant ele#ent of t$e turn1
.ou'le (arreling
My preface is specifically designated to tal% about $o5 players play t$e turn 99P= betting t$e
flop and c3fing t$e turn is suppose to be #ore of a rarity t$an a co##on place> 7o5e8er ( see
it $appen all t$e ti#e> ( $opefully ga8e enoug$ 5isdo# about not cbetting HG on '. type
situations in #y flop play section= so $opefully 5e're not in suc$ tig$t spots on t$e turn> Lets
loo% at 5$en 5e double
2ouble barrel all your dra5s> Si#ple rig$tL T$e only scenario 5$ere you do not double barrel
your dra5s is 5$en you decide t$at
/ou 5ant to punis$ so#eone for constantly floating you and betting t$e turn ;your read
on t$is needs to be 8ery strong= also it 5ould $elp to $a8e a big dra5<= in 5$ic$ case
you #ay c3r or
/ou $a8e a 5ea% dra5 and got called in t5o spots> For instance you $a8e 6s on
HGTss= t$e turn bric%s off as a deuce and you 5ere called on t$e flop in t5o spots> (t's
ti#e to c3f> !lso so#et$ing ( s$ould include is 5$en you decided to cbet !Ho on
because your opponent folds to an ungodly a#ount of cbets and you pic%up t$e a t$ird
spade on t$e turn and you $a8e t$e !s or Hs= t$esecount as dra5s f5i5>
< Pair or (etter
For t$e #ost part t$e b3f line 5ill al5ays be superior to t$e c3f line on t$e turn 5it$ -prA
because its suc$ a strong $and> T$e situations ('# c3fing are li%e 6' on '6* ;turn is t$e T t$at
co#pletes t$e flus$<> 7o5e8er= if t$e turn doesn't co#plete t$e flus$ and its still t5o tone ('d
bet again to protect #y $and t$at still figures to be good a decent portion of t$e ti#e> !lso (
5ant to specify t$at 5$en you $a8e a big $and don't try to c3r t$e turn because it #a%es your
range for betting 5ay too 5ea% and exploitable> @$en you $a8e a #onster "ust bet3bet3bet
and $ope to get raised> (n t$e e8ent t$at you bet and get raised on a card t$at suc%s for you=
its ti#e to post a $and>
%ne pair
/ou $a8e !! or !G on GT$$ or rainbo5 ;f5i5 it c$anges 5$en you $a8e !! because $e is
#ore li%ely to $a8e t$e 0ueen<= but you are al5ays betting t$e turn in t$is situation for 8alue>
People lo8e to call and 5ill lo8e to float flops> Fust %eep betting to discourage $i# fro#
floating and #a%e $i# #a%e a #arginal decision 5it$ a 5ea%er pair or a dra5> T$e only
situation 5$ere you c3c t$e turn is against a T!G type of player t$at you t$in% 5ill fold to a
decent a#ount of double barrels but 5ill bluff if c$ec%ed to> (n t$is situation it is o% to c3c t$e
turn but it absolutely cannot be your default as it is 8ery exploitable and li%e ( described
earlier= it gi8es a5ay your $and strengt$ and t$e initiati8e 99P= so#et$ing t$at is not 8ery fun>
2o t$is rarely until you beco#e 8ery confident it your ga#e= as a default you s$ould al5ays
be double barreling t$e turn 5it$ any pair= so for exa#ple 5e $a8e FF or !T on t$e sa#e
board= for sure bet t$e turn3 9ur opponent could definitely $a8e a 5orse pair= $earts = or air
and 5e si#ply cannot c$ec% and gi8e up on t$e $and> !lso= since our range is so strong
;because 5e cbet only t$e top part of our range 99P on t$e flop< t$ese 5ill be t$e toug$est
$ands to play on t$e turn and ri8er= and try not to #a%e a #ista%e t$ese are a b3f on t$e turn
and a c3f on t$e ri8er gi8en so#e read ;li%e t$at #y opponent turns #issed dra5s into bluffs
on t$e ri8er<>
#n position
99P ( told you to double all dra5s= 5$ic$ is for t$e #ost part true for being in position= but
t$ere are a fe5 situations 5$ere it is not a good idea> Lets ta%e a loo%1
/ou raise 9T) 5it$ .dd= t$e flop is !T3dd> /our opponent 5$o folds to #ore cbets t$an #ost
c3c's t$e flop ;a flop 5$ere 5e are gi8en a lot of respect because of t$e ace<> T$e turn is a F
;or e8en 5orse a T< 5e s$ould1
(t is i#perati8e 5e c$ec% $ere> (n order to ta%e your opponent off of $is $and you are going to
nor#ally need to fire t$ree barrels because $e doesn't 5ant to gi8e up top pair for only t5o
bets> T$ese spots are tric%y and $ig$ 8ariance= so c$ec%ing is best> Bspecially because if 5e
connect and $e leads t$e ri8er 5e can raise and put $i# in a toug$ spot or if $e c$ec%s 5e
can nor#ally get a pretty si&able bet off on t$e ri8er t$at 5ea%er players 5ill typically loo% up>
Let's loo% at t$e scenario 5$ere 5e $a8e ! or H* ;any 5ea% TP type $and 5$ere you are in
a @!3@) situation< and t$e flop is !T6r or H3r= @e raise fro# LP and get a called fro# t$e
blinds> T$e caller is T!Ggy and typically ne8er loose passi8e ;against LP's "ust %eep betting<>
T$eres no $istory bet5een you t5o 9R t$ere is $istory of you cbetting !xx or Hxx flops and
gi8ing up on t$e turn> /ou cbet and $e calls> T$e turn bric%s off and $e c$ec%s it= you s$ould1
T$ere is no $istory bet5een you guys or you $a8e been gi8ing up a decent a#ount so 5$en
you c$ec% you balance your range and disguise your $and= 5it$ t$e plan to get 8alue on later
streets> 2oubling t$is spot as an un%no5n 5ill generally only 8alue to5n yourself= because
t$ere is no $istory your opponent 5ill probably precede #ore cautiously and ( doubt you get
#ore bets out of $i# on dryis$ boards> ;boards 5it$ #ore texture need to be double barreled
al5ays 5it$ TP (P> /our line $ere is going to be bet3c$ec% bac% t$e turn3;call or bet t$e ri8er=
depending= if 5e i#pro8e to t5o pair or trips #a%ing a s#all raise and folding to a 3bet is
li%ely t$e best line because it loo%s 8ery bluffy< ;also don't #a%e it too s#all= you 5ant to #a%e
it a si&e big enoug$ to 5$ere you could be bluffing t$is spot= but s#all enoug$ to get so#e
9HN enoug$ c$ec%ing= lets get into actually betting t$e turn> Lets loo% at a co##on and 8ery
i#portant situation1
/ou raise !H fro# any5$ere ;:TG?)TN= not blinds<= /ou get one caller ;t5o callers is far
#ore co#plex so lets focus on t$e 7: situation>
Flop is !F'dd= !Tr= !--r= HG6ss= HFTr>
T$e only flop $ere t$at you stac% off on ;#eaning you #a%e t$e decision to go 5it$ t$e $and
on t$e flop< is t$e !-- board ;assu#ing your opponent can rarely3ne8er $a8e a deuce<> (f you
are raised on t$e ot$er boards its best to "ust gi8e your $and up 5it$out $istory because you
are eit$er flipping3dead in #ost situations> T$is brings #e to a point t$at ( #ade in a post
regarding a $and t$at ( 5ant to e#p$asi&e no5>
2#f you 4ust fold e)ery marginal situation 3here you aren=t really sure 3here you
are at in the end you 3on=t end up losing that mu!h money, in fa!t if you
!onsistently make in!orre!t de!isions in those situations you 3ill end up losing
money. Therefore fold2
T$is si#ply #eans t$at in e8ery situation 5$ere you don't $a8e a strong read3reason for 5$at
you are doing and your opponents range is a so#e5$at gray area= it is best to gi8e up your
$and rat$er t$an #a%e #arginal decisions> ( $a8e found t$at ;and it still $appens today< 5$en
( #a%e t$ese #arginal decisions ( a# 5rong far #ore often t$an ( a# rig$t and it is definitely a
big lea% in #y ga#e and fro# 5$at ( $a8e exa#ined= #any ot$er peoples ga#e as 5ell>
!ny5ay bac% to t$e $and= 5e cbet 6?'bb's into 6bb's= $e calls> Turn is ;going in order< 6d= F$=
Ts= Fd= s> 9ur actionL )BTN Typically ( bet +6bb's or so in t$ese spots= e8en if ( didn't pic% up
a redra5> No5 5$at ( need you to understand is t$at so#e of t$ese cards suc% for our $and=
so#e don't= and also t$at you 5ill be betting t$is turn 5it$ a range>
So 5$en you $a8e a set on t$ese boards= you bet again ;except for !! on t$e !--= ( t$in% (
prefer c$ec%ing and letting $i# bluff because its 8ery $ard for $i# to e8er $a8e a $and and
bet t$e flop and c3c t$e turn is a 8ery 5ea% line= 5$ic$ is 5$y 5e don't ta%e it $ere 5it$ a
#arginal top pair< a dra5= - pair= etc you are betting because your opponent can ne8er be
sure 5$at you $a8e= and since t$e relati8e strengt$ of your $and 5ill be a$ead of your
opponents range 5e are b3fing ;bet folding t$is spot is really "ust a 5eig$ing of options= to
5$ic$ 5e $a8e t$ree realistic options Ib3f= c3c= c3fJ 5$ereas Ib3c and c3rJ are for t$e #ost part
really big spe5 and a #a"or lea%>
So 5e loo% at our t$ree options= c3fing isn't bad so#e of t$e ti#e= its definitely so#et$ing to
#ix in against t$e rig$t opponent or "ust gi8en so#et$ing based on ti#ing or t$e flo5 of t$e
ga#e> (f you "ust feel li%e you are beat c3fing is perfectly fine so#eti#es but definitely not as a
default> c3cing is probably t$e t$ing ( see done t$e #ost= 5$ic$ really tilts #e because its suc$
a $orrible line> )y c3cing you basically gi8e up t$e initiati8e 5it$ a 5ea%is$ +pair type $and
99P= and gi8e your opponent a $uge piece of infor#ation on your $and strengt$> 2on't get
#e 5rong= once and a 5$ile against t$e rig$t opponent 5$o lo8es to float t$is is 9H to do on
a dryis$ board= but li%e c3fing its a flo5 t$ing t$at needs to be #ixed in on occasion> 2oing it
regularly 5ill constantly put you to decisions 99P> !ny5ay since t$ese options are only t$ings
t$at can be utili&ed on occasion our default play is to bet and fold to a raise
!not$er t$ing ( 5ant to e#p$asi&e ;5$ic$ is t$e deri8ati8e of t$e c3c 5it$ TP on t$e turn option
t$at a lot of T!Gfis$ do< is t$e fear of being raised> @$en you get raised on t$e turn it suc%s
t$at you $a8e to gi8e up t$e $and= but it is a great t$ing for your o8erall ga#e plan= because
your opponent is letting you %no5 exactly 5$ere you are at in t$e $and> 4ery fe5 opponents
you run into are tric%y enoug$ to turn t$is spot into a bluff rasie or se#ibluff raise= so you can
8ery co#fortably fold 5$en you get raised= and be fairly certain t$at you are $appy 5it$ your
opponent for raising and not getting anot$er bet out of you on t$e ri8er>
(n s$ort= 99P 5it$ a #ade $and t$at figures to be best #ost of t$e ti#e= bet until you get
raised ;t$e only ti#e t$ere is an exception to t$is rule is 5$en your opponent #a%es a nasty
$abit of raising you on t$e turn= but ( nor#ally gi8e #y opponents a decent a#ount of credit
until ( see t$e# de8elop a real pattern= at 5$ic$ point ( plan for ad"ust#ents<
.ou'le 'arrel 'luffing +** or 6** 'oards. .on=t do it.
2ouble barreling !xx or Hxx boards 5it$ dra5s= #ost #arginal dra5s ( "ust c$ec%= any bigger
dra5 ;fdA guts$ot= str6dra5 A pair= fdApair< ('ll double F@(@ t$ese are se#i bluffs>
My opponent "ust floated #e on H3r= $e is taggy and ( t$in% $e probably $as 66?TT $ere a
lot> @$at s$ould ( doL
Mi0 it u.
Gi8e it to $i# #ost of t$e ti#e= but re#e#ber you 5ant to balance your range= so ( also 5ant
you to s$o5 up 5it$ air in t$is situation so 5$en you double t$e turn $e doesn't %no5 5$at to
do and can t$us #a%e an incorrect decision>
(n t$e e8ent t$at $e c$ec%s it bac%= bluff t$e ri8er ;unless you %no5 $e c$ec%s it bac% 5it$ HG
or so#et$ing<> (t's a situation 5$ere $e t$in%s you are bluffing close to ,C of t$e ti#e so $e'll
probably "ust fold ;$e interprets t$is line as you going for pot control<> 9nly do t$is against
T!Gs t$at you %no5 are gi8ing you a $ard ti#e and are floating you and trying to capitali&e on
Fust in case you dont get it1
;6 #ax< ? O-3O. ? No Li#it 7old'e#
Seat +1 P ;O63<
Seat -1 T!G 5it$ little $istory ;O...>3,<
Seat 31 P ;O+3+>,<
Seat .1 P ;O6,<
Seat 1 P ;O6+.>*,<
Seat 61 Fees ;O.,6<
P posts t$e s#all blind of O-
P posts t$e big blind of O.
T$e button is in seat Q3
2ealt to fees I*$ T$J
fees raises to O+.
P folds
T!G calls O+.
P folds
P folds
P folds
Fees bets O-.
T!Gcalls O-.
Fees c$ec%s
Fees c$ec%s
RRR R(4BR RRR IH$ c -d !dJ I-sJ
Fees bets O6,
!not$er t$ing you s$ould loo% to do is barreling scare cards> Let's say you $a8e any $and
except 5ea% #ade $ands ;li%e Fx or 6x= 5$ic$ 5e try to #a%e it to s$o5do5n<> T$erefore your
range is dra5s= big $ands= and air for t$e follo5ing scenario>
/ou raise t$e )TN and one of t$e blinds calls> Flop is F6r= you cbet and $e calls ;and lets
assu#e $es a 5ea% T!G or don%= not cra&y spe5y or anyt$ing and also not too loose=
$o5e8er let #e a#end t$at by saying t$ere are loose don%s t$at 5ill call al#ost e8ery flop
and fold e8ery al#ost turn to a cbet= so identify t$ese players and group t$e# into t$e follo5
type to double<> !ny5ay t$e turn is any G= our best line is to1
GF and T* are t$e only $ands t$at li%ed t$at card= pretty #uc$ e8ery ot$er $and in your
opponents range is not $appy about t$at 0ueen peeling because it adds #ore texture to t$e
board= its an o8ercard= and it co#pletes a straig$t dra5> 9b8iously you $a8e to bet #onsters
for 8alue= but since t$is situation yields so #uc$ fold e0uity 5e definitely need to bluff3se#i?
bluff t$is situation> So#et$ing ( s$ould specify is t$at if t$e flop is t5o tone ( probably 5on't bet
because your opponent could $a8e "ust pic%ed up a pairAfd= guts$otAfd= etc= $o5e8er its
possible t$at you %no5 your opponent c3r's t$is flop 5it$ a flus$ dra5 in 5$ic$ case betting
again is fine>
T$e last situation ( 5ant to tal% about is a pretty basic scenario> /ou $a8e !H or HG on !T or
H*. ;rainbo5 or t5o tone<> /ou open3isolate fro# any5$ere and $e calls> /ou are (P>
Lets say 5e isolate= so t$e pot is ++))'s= Ebet 6))'s>
T$e turn is anyt$ing= t$e pot is no5 -'))'s> /ou s$ould bet3fold -,?-3))'s for 8alue> T$e only
situation 5$ere t$is is not t$e line you ta%e is if you %no51 $e lo8es to c$ase and t$e dra5 got
t$ere= $e folds a lot of turns= and bluffs a lot of ri8ers= 9R you %no5 $e often se#ibluff c3r's t$e
turn> (f t$is is t$e case t$en ad"ust your play accordingly= ot$er5ise b3f is opti#al>
79L2(NG :NLBSS /9: 7!4B ! 2!MN G992 RB!S9N>
$he!k-raising the turn.
(n t$e ga#es #ost of you guys play you 5on't build up enoug$ $istory 5it$ any opponent to
c3r t$e turn for 8alue because your player pools are so big> @$at ('# ad8ocating is t$at 5e are
going to c3r t$e flop so #uc$ to exploit people 5$o cbet so often t$at you need to balance
your range by c3ring your big $ands on t$e flop= 5$ic$ #eans t$at not #any big $ands #a%e it
t$roug$ to t$e turn> T$ere's one situation 5$ere you c3r t$e turn for 8alue= so lets get t$at out
of t$e 5ay first>
/ou flat TT 99P and t$e flop is *3 or F3- = t5o tone or rainbo5> /ou c3c a nor#al cbet> T$e
turn is a T ;you c$ec% ob8iously< and your opponent double barrels ;your opponent is only
#arginally aggressi8e= but is t$e type of player to c$ec% bac% GG on FT3-x<> 7ere is a spot
you #ust c3r because your opponents lac% of aggression #eans t$at $e does not 8alue bet
t$inly enoug$= t$us $e is going to c$ec% bac% t$e ri8er and 5e don't 5ant t$at because 5e
5ant to stac% $i#> E$ec%3calling t$e turn and b3cing t$e ri8er is 9H= but its fun%y and 5eird so
if you are into t$at> @$ate8er you do don't e8er c3c t$e turn and c$ec% t$e ri8er to t$is type of
player= $e is going to c$ec% it bac% 5ay too #uc$= $o5e8er in t$e e8ent t$at your opponent is
super aggro ( 5ould let $i# bet t$e ri8er and ( 5ould c3r> 9b8iously t$is situation c$anges as
stac%s increase>
/ou c3c a #ediu# strengt$ $and li%e '' on *6 or !T on FT-= and your opponent double
barrels> !t t$is point your opponent figures to $a8e t$e best $and #ost of t$e ti#e and you
don't 5ant to be c3cing 5ea% pairs 99P>
!not$er t$ing you %no5 about your opponents range is t$at it contains so#e dra5s li%e *6
and HG= and a ton of one pair $ands= as 5ell as occasional bluffs> @$at you conclude is t$at
your opponents range for calling a c$ec% raise is sli#= so t$is is a spot to bluff raise t$e turn
;it's al#ost a se#ibluff because you are turning a #ade $and 5it$ li%e ?6 outs into a bluff<>
T$is is a great spot to c3r because you can easily fold to furt$er action :( and it puts t$e
pressure on your opponent Most people don't 5ant to go 5it$ a one pair $and in t$is spot
because t$ey 8ie5 it as 8ery unli%ely youDre bluffing because it's suc$ a fancy play> T$ey also
don't %no5 5$at $ands you could $a8e t$at c3c t$e flop and t$en c3r t$e turn> !not$er reason
t$is is a great play because t$ey 5ould ne8er suspect you to turn so#et$ing li%e #iddle pair
into a bluff c3r> !ny5ay let's say
!T on FT-= you flat a LP open fro# t$e blinds and c3c a 6bb cbet>
9n t$e turn t$e pot is approx> -+))'s and your opponent bets +-?+6))'s as a double= ( 5ould
probably c3r to ..?,))'s= fold to a s$o8e= and c$ec% fold t$e ri8er if it bric%s off> ( 5ould
s$o8e t$e ri8er if (t 5as an ace or T>
( 5ould also li%e to add t$at it $elps a ton if t$e turn is a *= 6 or '= as it co#pletes
dra5s3#a%es -pair= also t$at it suc%s if it is a %ing or 0ueen :NLBSS you $a8e a note t$at $e
double barrels scare cards> F@(@ if t$e turn is a T or ace ( 5ould "ust c3c again unless 5e $ad
1loating the turn
T$ere are t5o situations ( 5ant to tal% about 5$en floating t$e turn> ( t$in% you guys 5ant to
float t$e turn 5it$ #ediu# strengt$ pairs and straig$t dra5s= ;bot$ of 5$ic$ for 5$ate8er
reason you $a8e dee#ed best as a float rat$er t$an a bluff raise for 5$ate8er reason<> For
exa#ple you %no5 your opponent 5ont fold o8erpairs on T'3r and you $a8e *6= or you %no5
$e'll double Hxx bluffing and you $a8e FF> (n t$ese situations raising lets your opponent play
perfectly and t$us calling is best>
So let's say an T!G ;-,3+6 or so= not too loose not too tig$t< opens fro# BP= 5e decide to
flat3o8erflat 5it$ GFss> T$e flop is HT.r and 5e decide to "ust call a bet ;you need to be calling
$ere for t$e purpose of balancing= also because you don't 5ant to get 3bet off your $and=
F@(@ t$e first ti#e around 5it$ your opponent raising is probably best "ust because $e cbets
t$is !L9T and its $ard to continues to a raise<
T$e turn is t$e 5orst best card= t$e .s> Not$ing about t$e board $as really c$anged> 7e's
ne8er going to belie8e you for a .= so if 5e $ad li%e !.s 5it$ a )2F2 on t$e flop raise t$e turn
to $is double> Ealling $ere is "ust best because e8en t$oug$ 5e $a8e so #uc$ e0uity> 7e
probably 5on't fold any %ing at t$is point because your line doesn't really #a%e #uc$ sense
for anyt$ing t$at beats $i#> !lso= you 5ant to be c$ec%ing bac% t$is ri8er al#ost al5ays
unless you #a%e your straig$t or your flus$ because $es probably planning to c3c t$e ri8er
5it$ #ost pairs= t$e only scenario ( 5ould bet is if1
( %ne5 #y opponent 5as $yper aggro and $ad t$e capacity to double so#et$ing li%e
!G or !F or e8en GF $ere= in 5$ic$ case ( 5ould turn #y #issed dra5 into a bluff>
( %ne5 #y opponent 5ould double barrel Tx or FF and t$e ri8er 5as a 0ueen= t$is is a
situation 5$ere a t$in 8alue bet is probably best> (n eit$er situation ( probably bet li%e
6,C of pot>
No5 let's say t$at 5e $a8e FF on GT. or G.3> @e flat an BP open and your opponent decides
to double barrel> T$is is a situation 5$ere against so#e 8ery tig$t openers= #aybe +.C and
less you can consider folding unless you $a8e a reason not to> T$e only card ( 5ould ne8er
fold to a second barrel against t$is type of player 5as t$e G= "ust because it's suc$ an a5ful
card to double barrel and your opponents t$at are t$is tig$t are probably bad enoug$ to do it
so#eti#es> T$ey are also prone to do it 5it$ li%e 66?TT as 5ell= so calling 5ill re#ain
T$e situation 5$ere you are really doing #ost of your turn floating is against t$e -,3+' type
T!Gs or any lag t$at you %no5 can double barrel air= #iddle pairs= dra5s3pic%ed up dra5s=
etc> (n t$is spot since $e probably %no5s your range is 5ea%is$ pairs #aybe li%e !G at best
$e 5ill probably put t$e pressure on a decent a#ount of t$e ti#e= and "ust because t$at
#eans $is range for betting is 5ide 5e need to adapt and 5iden our calling range= 5$ic$
includes t$ese underpair3#iddle pair type $ands> ( s$ould add t$at you need to flat call
so#et$ing li%e TT on GTx to your opponents cbet e8ery once and a 5$ile "ust to balance= also
to decei8e your opponent 5$o probably t$in%s you 5ould raise t$e flop 5it$ t$at $and>
0aising the Turn
Raising t$e turn is a lot of fun because it can typically put T!G's or don%'s into toug$ spots> (
5ant to exa#ine t5o situations t$at de#onstrate $o5 to exploit double barreling>
T$is situation ( a# 8ery $appy t$at t$e o8ercaller is a fis$ rat$er t$an a T!G because ( feel
li%e t$e PFR is #ore li%ely to cbet against one tag and one don% rat$er t$an t5o T!Gs
because $e is #ore li%ely to get played bac% at fro# us ;so if $e's betting #ore $ere $is
o8erall range is 5ea%er<> 7e bets and ( float **= 8ery standard play> 9n t$e turn t$e ace $its= a
great card for $i# to double barrel= 5$ic$ $e does>
('# a5are t$is is a good card for $i# to bluff= ('# also a5are t$at $is range for betting t$is card
33= = GG= !!= !G= !x= Gx= HF= spades= 66?FF= and a ton of "un%y air $ands
( also %no5 t$at $e is probably cbetting t$at flop a decent a#ount of ti#e because
(t's dry= and
(t's t$ree 5ay so it loo%s stronger
( 5ould probably t$in% t$at $e cbets t$is #ore t$an $e 5ould cbet if it's a 7: situation 5it$ #e
and $i# because $e is going to expect #e to float #ore often in $eads up situations> Loo%ing
at t$is range t$ere are so#e $ands t$at can continue= $o5e8er #ost cannot continue to
furt$er action> B8en 5it$ $istory its toug$ for $i# to put it in $ere 5it$out at least top pair> 7e
double barrels t$e scare card 5$ic$ ( expect +,,C of $is range to bet and ( raise $i# to put
$i# to a decision= basically for t$e rest of $is stac%>
;6 #ax< ? O-3O. ? No Li#it 7old'e# ?
Seat +1 P ;O.,,<
Seat -1 P ;O6-*>6,<
Seat 31 T!G ;O..>3,<
Seat .1 P ;O3*6<
Seat 1 Fees ;O.+6>3,<
Seat 61 don% ;O.+-<
don% posts t$e s#all blind of O-
P posts t$e big blind of O.
T$e button is in seat Q
2ealt to fees I*s *$J
T!G raises to O+.
P folds
Fees calls O+.
don% calls O+-
P folds
don% c$ec%s
T!G bets O3+
Fees calls O3+
don% folds
T!G bets O'6
Fees raises to O+6
T$e second situation is a spot you are going to find yourself in fairly often ;its a good spot if
you %no5 5$at you are doing<> T$e 8illain $ere is 8ery loose and cra&y aggressi8e after t$e
flop= $e "ust %eeps clic%ing bet pot> (n t$is scenario 5e decide to "ust float t$e flop 5it$ our
straig$t dra5 and o8ercard and as 5e expect our opponent bets t$e turn>
T$e turn is t$e best card t$at doesn't #a%e our $and because our $and loo%s li%e a 5ea% pair
on t$e flop= and also 5e %no5 t$at t$e range of strong $ands $e can possibly $a8e no5 $as
beco#e #ore narro5>
7e pots t$e turn as 5e expect and 5e go for t$e se#ibluff raise on t$e turn= 5$ic$ is
so#et$ing you absolutely #ust incorporate into your ga#e against t$ese players because t$e
only 5ay to play passi8ely against t$is type of 8illain is calling 5it$ a #ade $and> Since all 5e
$a8e is a dra5 5e #ust utili&e ot$er #et$ods to 5in t$e pot
@e %no5 our opponent isn't co#pletely bats$it insane ;i>e getting it in 5it$ or !H $ere< 5e
can profitably raise and call a s$o8e> (n t$e e8ent t$at $e $as a 0ueen 5e still $a8e li%e -C
e0uity= so its not a $uge deal> !lso ( s$ould #ention against t$is type of player ( t$in% $e
interprets a turn or ri8er raise as being 8ery 8ery strong= 5$ile a flop raise ( t$in% $e #ig$t
#a%e a call far #ore often= 5$ic$ 5ould lead to tric%y #ulti street bluffs 5$ic$ you 5ant to
a8oid doing against don%s 5it$out great reason>
;6 #ax< ? O33O6 ? No Li#it 7old'e#
Seat +1 P ;O6,,<
Seat -1 L!Gfis$ ;O+=66*>*,<
Seat 31 Fees ;O6,,<
Seat .1 P ;O+6>*,<
Seat 1 P ;O6,,<
Seat 61 P ;O6+>3,<
L!Gfis$ posts t$e s#all blind of O3
Fees posts t$e big blind of O6
T$e button is in seat Q+
2ealt to Fees IHs FcJ
P folds
P folds
P folds
P folds
L!Gfis$ raises to O+-
Fees calls O6
L!Gfis$ bets O-.
Fees calls O-.
L!Gfis$ bets O'-
Fees raises to O-..
Ri8er Play
Triple (arreling
Triple barreling is a pic%y science> /ou $a8e to %no5 5$at type of $ands your opponent is
s$o5ing up 5it$ on t$e ri8er and 5$at $ands can call a s$o8e ;or PS)< and 5$ic$ $ands
can't> ( 5ant to start off by saying t$at 5it$out $istory or 5it$ li#ited ri8er play $istory= s$o8ing
t$e ri8er is by far t$e #ost opti#al play as a bluff= and betting li%e O3,, into O3, and lea8ing
+,, or so#et$ing be$ind is t$e best for 8alue ;people interpret t$is as a c$eap 5ay to execute
a bluff= and are "ust scared of t$e s$o8e>
So 5$at are good situations to triple barrelL (t depends on t$e range you put your opponents
on> My fa8orite triple barrel spot is t$e !Hx or "ust !xx dry board 5$ere your opponent is a
5ea% player or a don% and you %no5 $e $as li%e !T?!- and can't call t$ree streets 5it$
!lso= calling 0uic%ly on t$e flop nor#ally $elps because you %no5 exactly 5$at t$ey $a8e so
lets say you open 9T) and so#eone li#p3calls= flop is !*-r= you cbet 6bb's into ++bb's $e
calls> Turn is a 3?H and isn't a nine= probably bet --?'s into -'bb's> Ri8er is again anot$er
bric%= probably "ust s$o8e unless you $a8e extra be$ind in 5$ic$ case "ust PS)> /ou'll be
surprised $o5 often you get folds>
!not$er co##on scenario is 5$en a loosis$ player li#ps fro# MP?E9= you isolate= and t$e
flop is H0x> /ou cbet= $e calls= turn is P= you bet again= and $e calls> T$e ri8er is anot$er bric%>
!gain= ( 5ould s$o8e $ere> T$e strongest $and $e could e8er $ope for to s$o5 up 5it$ is HF
and $e si#ply isn't doing t$is 8ery often> T$ere are players t$at are spe5boxes t$at 5ill but=
you'll %no5 t$is= "ust note it after and exploit t$e s$it out of t$e#>
( decided to #eld c3ring and raising because on t$e turn you s$ould %no5 5$at your plan is on
t$e ri8er if P occurs> For instance1
--3+* opens fro# MP= $e's aggressi8e> /ou call 5it$ T*dd 9T)>
Flop F6.ssd> 7e cbets= you call>
Turn is -d ;t$e turn $ere can really be any non?board pairing card= also no spad<J> 7e double
barrels= you call> ;( s$ould let it be %no5n t$at if t$e turn is a spade t$is player 5ill probably
bet3fold t$e turn $ere a lot= so ( 5ould raise and depending on stac%s and #y exact $and (
#ay call a s$o8e><
Ri8er is any spade> Lets say effecti8e stac%s on t$e ri8er are 6,bb's> T$e pot is around
6,bb's= and your opp bets li%e say 3,?.,bb's= t$is is a great spot to bluff s$o8e ;esp if you
$a8e a note t$at $e is able to bet3fold situations li%e t$is<= because $e $ates c$ec%ing since $e
%no5s 5orse can call and $e also doesn't 5ant to gi8e up t$e initiati8e> So $e bets intending
to fold to a raise= so 5e play our $and as 5e 5ould a s#all flus$ dra5>
( 5ant to tal% about ri8er c3r bluffing for a #inute> For t$e #ost part t$is isn't so#et$ing any of
you 5ill e8er do> Fust si#ply because it's nor#ally a pretty co#plicated concept and situation
t$at re0uires so#e type of $istory or reason to #erit playing your $and li%e t$is> Fust for t$e
purpose of 5$at you are learning $ere don't e8er do it to balance= its "ust FPS and spe5>
@$en you are at t$e le8el 5$ere you 5ant to do it to balance you'll %no5= and if you are
reading t$is= you aren't t$ere yet> ('# not going to go into dept$ about ri8er c3r bluffing= ( "ust
5ant to say t$at1
/ou need to figure out 5$at type of $and your opponent $as= and you need to co#e to
t$e conclusion t$at $e is ta%ing t$e bet3fold line because ;seg5ay into #y next point>
7e t$in%s you 5ill c3r a $and t$at M!HBS SBNSB= so#e #ade $and t$at $e t$in%s you
could $a8e>
T$at said lets do one #ore bluff spot> ('# not gonna tal% about don%ing t$e ri8er t$at #uc$
because it's not so#et$ing ( do= but ( feel li%e t$is s$ould be t$ro5n in>
O33O6 ? No Li#it 7old'e#
Seat +1 P ;O+=3,3>,<
Seat -1 P ;O6*>-,<
Seat 31 P ;O6,+<
Seat .1 4ery Good L!G ;O6.6<
Seat 1 P ;O-=3>6,<
Seat 61 Fees ;O6'+<
P posts t$e s#all blind of O3
Fees posts t$e big blind of O6
T$e button is in seat Q.
2ealt to RealMonies IHc GsJ
P folds
P folds
P folds
4ery Good L!G raises to O-+
P folds
Fees calls O+
Fees c$ec%s
4ery Good L!G. bets O3,
Fees calls O3,
Fees c$ec%s
4ery Good L!G bets O''
Fees calls O''
RRR R(4BR RRR IFd .c Td 3$J I'dJ
Fees bets O+'

T$is $and exe#plifies a fe5 pretty %ey t$ings about playing po%er> First of all ( $ad a plan and
%ne5 5$at ( 5as doing> ( called t$e turn si#ply so t$at ( could bluff dia#onds> ( also %ne5 t$at
#y opponent $ad t$e capacity to fold a strong $ad li%e t5o pair or a set because $e reali&es
t$at $is $ad is t$e sa#e t$ing as a 5ea% pair because $e only beats bluffs> T$e t$e#e $ere is=
since straig$t dra5s are decepti8e you can #erge your range and bluff 5it$ t$e# as t$oug$
you $ad flus$ dra5s and got t$ere>
4alue raising t$e ri8er in position is really straig$t for5ard> /ou eit$er #ade your $and or you
5ere anticipating your opponent to bet again and no5 it is ti#e to get 8alue> Lets loo% a
couple spots1
;6 #ax< ? O33O6 ? No Li#it 7old'e#
Seat +1 P ;O-,.>,<
Seat -1 P ;O6,,<
Seat 31 P ;O66>6,<
Seat .1 ST2 T!G ;O'6+>.<
Seat 1 Fees ;O+=36>+,<
Seat 61 P;O***>3<
ST2 T!G posts t$e s#all blind of O3
Fees posts t$e big blind of O6
T$e button is in seat Q3
2ealt to Fees I-d 'dJ
P folds
P folds
P folds
ST2 T!G raises to O-+
RealMonies raises to O'.
ST2 T!G calls O3
RRR FL9P RRR I$ 6$ .dJ
ST2 T!G c$ec%s
Fees c$ec%s
RRR T:RN RRR I$ 6$ .dJ I6cJ
ST2 T!G bets O++,
Fees calls O++,
RRR R(4BR RRR I$ 6$ .d 6cJ I*sJ
ST2 T!G bets O-+
Fees raises to O+=+'.>+,= and is all in
7ere 5e decide to c$ec% bac% our straig$t dra5 in a rerasied pot> @e #a%e our straig$t on
t$e turn and our opponent leads> T$e board is pretty scary rig$t no5= #eaning unless our
opponent $as a set or so#e sort of t5o pair ;bot$ of 5$ic$ are difficult for $i# to $a8e $ere<
5e 5on't really acco#plis$ anyt$ing by raising= t$us 5e 5ait for t$e ri8er so t$at 5e can put
$i# to a closer decision due to pot odds<>
T$is fra#e of logic #eans t$at on t$e ri8er people bluff less often because its $ard to price
your opponent out of a pot> Heep t$is in #ind 5$en you bet and get raised on t$e ri8er> T$e
ri8er doesn't really c$ange #uc$ unless our opponent $as ** or *6= but 5e ga8e $i# anot$er
s$ot to bluff at t$e pot= also anot$er s$ot to 8bet at it= since $e'll ob8iously fold all of $is bluffs
5e put $i# in a pretty toug$ spot 5it$ any #ade $and= and $opefully $e c$ooses incorrectly
and #a%es t$e call> @$at ( 5ant to con8ey $ere is t$at t$ere is no reason to raise t$e turn
because 5e do not $a8e to protect our $ands and 5e 5ant to get anot$er bet out of our
opponent 5it$ t$ese stac%s= so calling and 5aiting to raise t$e ri8er is best>
Let's loo% at a situation ( described earlier= playing sets on dry boards>
/ou call anyone's open 5it$ a s#all pair= let's say -- 9T)> (t's a -,3+ T!G player 5$o
opened :TG>
+,, effecti8e stac%s
T$e flop is F-r> ;*))'s<
7e cbets '))'s= you call>
Turn is ' ;any bric%<> ;-3))'s<
7e double barrels +6))'s= you call>
Ri8er is a . ;again any bric%<> ;*))'s<
7e bets anyt$ing= you s$o8e> ;if $e c$ec%s ( s$o8e= and if $e s$o8es ( ob8iously call<> 9n t$e
ri8er if $e bets $e 5ill seldo# $a8e a triple barrel bluff= #ost li%ely $e $as HFsA= and 5ill $a8e
a toug$ ti#e folding getting 8ery 8ery good odds> 9nce you $a8e establis$ed to t$is player
t$at you slo5play sets on dry boards= you s$ould fastplay a set on a dry board ;ad"usting=
beco#ing tric%y<>
No5 lets suppose t$at 5e $a8e !s>
@e flat call a button open fro# t$e big blind>
9ur opponent cbets T.-ss= 5e decide to c3c>
T$e turn is a bric% t$at doesn't pair t$e board= 5e c$ec%3call again>
T$e ri8er gets us t$ere= any spade= so t$e decision is lead or go for a c$ec% raise>
/our standard $ere s$ould be to "ust bet out so#e a#ount t$at you t$in% 5ill get called> (
nor#ally bet 6,?',C of t$e pot= so#eti#es s#aller= so#eti#es bigger depends on #y
opponent> T$is is so#et$ing you 5ill figure out o8er ti#e> @$at situations #erit a c$ec%?
T$e only scenario 5$ere ( c$ec% raise t$is spot are against1
People 5$o ( %no5 can 8alue bet t$inly
People 5$o ( %no5 can triple barrel a scare card>
People 5$o ( t$in% are generally too aggressi8e and spe5y ;so#eti#es ( lead li%e -,C
of pot $ere to induce a raise<>
(f t$ese criteria are not #et you are going to #iss you ri8er c$ec% raise !L9T>
Po%er is going to often ti#es $and you a +, buy in do5ns5ing= or 5orse> !s you #o8e up
5orse beco#es 8ery standard and 5ill $appen a fe5 ti#es a #ont$> /ou 7!4B to stay
positi8e and recogni&e t$at t$e only t$ing $olding you bac% is yourself> 2o not let t$e
do5ns5ings get t$e best of you= "ust reali&e t$at you are a 5inner in t$e ga#es= no #atter
5$at your i##ediate results are> (f you %eep a cool $ead and %eep playing solid>
( really cannot stress t$is enoug$= (N T(MB /9:R RBS:LTS E!TE7 :P @(T7 /9:= 5$at
t$ose results are #atter solely on you> (8e lost 6% o8er a -,% $and stretc$ before playing 336
NL= playing .?6 tables= not really doing anyt$ing $orribly incorrect> ( %ept #y $ead in= #y
friends supported #e= and ( $ad a -, )( ups5ing in about 6% $ands rig$t after t$at sic%
do5ns5ing> (t absolutely 5ould not $a8e $appened if ( didn't reali&e t$at 5$at ( 5as going
t$roug$ 5as nor#al 8ariance and t$at t$e only t$ing $olding #e bac% fro# 5inning it all bac%
and #ore 5as #yself>
( don't eat rig$t but ( s$ould= and so s$ould you> ( don't %no5 anyt$ing about eating rig$t= but
loo% into it> For god sa%e 5or%out e8ery day> @or%ing out is really toug$ t$e first +?- ti#es= but
after t$at you 5ill 5ant to do it and #ig$t e8en en"oy it> S$ip an ipod and you'll be fine>
Play as #any $ours as possible 5$en you are on an ups5ing> (t is e0ually i#portant to a8oid
playing 5$ile tilted= and play as #uc$ 5$ile 5inning>
Session Lengt$
( nor#ally go for t5o $ours t$en brea% for a 5$ile= t$en don't play for t$e rest of t$e day or
play anot$er session> @$ate8er 5or%s for you= "ust don't feel li%e you $a8e to play for $ours
a day t$e sa#e $ours and t$at you can't split it up or t$at its t$e best 5ay= "ust 5$ate8er
#axi#i&es your focus is #ost i#portant>
Multi Tabling
/ou 5ill ne8er get any better playing #ore t$an . tables> Playing 6?6 you'll #a%e good robotic
decisions if you are a 5inner in t$e ga#e> Playing #ore t$an 6 you 5ill #a%e #ediocre or
crappy robotic decisions> (f you 5ant to in t$e long run get better and #a%e t$e #ost #oney=
play . tables> ;or less<
(f you $a8e recei8ed t$is P2F fro# any ot$er source t$an
directly fro# #y 5ebsite and 5ould li%e to sign up to recei8e
;for free< all t$e updates to t$is post= strategy 8ideos= and
ot$er 6 #ax NL goodies please 8isit 1

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