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3. When did you choose your collage major? Did you ever change your major? If so, why?

5. How has your collage education prepared you for this position?
6. What jobs have you held? Why did you leave?
8. Why did you choose you particular field of work?
11. What do you think about how this industry operates today?
12. Why do you think you would like this particular type of job?
13. Do you prefer to work in any specific geographic location? If so, why?
14. What motivates you? Why?
15. What do you think determines a persons progress in a good organization?
16. Describe an experience in which you learned from one of your mistakes.
17. Why do you want this job?
18. What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
19. Why should I hire you?
20. Do you prefer working with others or by yourself?
23. What would you do if you were given an unrealistic deadline for a task or project?
24. How do you feel about overtime work?
25. How do you handle stress or pressure on the job?

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