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Describir a Hannah Montana ella es una cantante estadounidense

es una actriz y cantante estadounidense. Alcanz popularidad en el ao 2006 por interpretar el
papel de Miley Stewart en la serie original de Disney Channel, Hannah Montana.
Ella tiene pelo largo y amarillo, ella tiene ojos verdes
Ella viste blusa blanca, chaqueta morada y Pantalones negros
Actualmente est en drogas y poco a poco est perdiendo su popularidad , pero para sus
canciones siempre sonaran.

Good morning Miss Socorro ,
Good morning Boys. I will describe to Hannah Montana
She is a singer have is an actress and singer. It gained popularity in 2006 for playing the role of
Miley Stewart in the Disney Channel Original Series, Hannah Montana
She has Long and yello whair , Shes green eyes.
She wears white blouse, purple jacket and black pants
At present in drug and gradually is losing popularity, but his songs always sounded.

I will describe Hannah Montana she is an American singer
She is an actress and American singer. It reached popularity in the year 2006 to interpret the paper
of Miley Stewart in the original series of Disney Channel, Hannah Montana.
She has long and yellow hair, she has green eyes
She dressed white blouse, Purple jacket and Black pants
At the moment it is in drugs and little by little it is losing their popularity, but it stops their songs
they always sounded.

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