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Research paper outline:

Thesis statement: Although son preference is still a popular belief in China and India, it is unethical to
allow sex-selective abortion and daughter discrimination to gratify this belief.
I. Introduction
a. Introduce thesis statement and support for the thesis
II. Definition
a. Define son preference
b. Define sex-selective reproduction
i. The science behind it
c. Define sex-selective abortion
i. The science behind it
d. The process of sex-selective reproduction
III. Science of sex selection
IV. Reasons
a. Social class system
b. Reasons behind son preference
c. Reasons for daughter discrimination (dowry)
V. Comparison to other countries
VI. Ethics of sex-selective abortion
a. Pain endure by fetus
b. Statistics of how many baby girls got killed
VII. Sex trafficking
a. Definition
b. Statistics
VIII. World without woman
IX. Conclusion

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