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CA Azucena, The Labor Code with
Comments and Cases (Latest Edition)
Samson S. Alcantara, and Samson B.
Alcantara Jr., Philiine Labor and Social Le!islation
"#$% Philiine Constitution
The Labor Code o& the Philiines and
its 'mlementin! (ules )
Pertinent 'nternational *uman (i!hts 'nstruments
and 'L+ Con,entions, (ecommendations and Labor-related
Assi!ned (eadin!s
A. Labor as a Concep
". .eneral Sense
Labor h/sical toil althou!h it does not necessaril/
e0clude the alication o& s1ill, thus there is s1illed and
uns1illed labor.
S1ill &amiliar 1nowled!e o& an/ art or sciencem united with
radiness and de0terit/ in e0ecution or er&ormance or in the
alication o& the art or science to ractical uroses.
2or1 is broader than labor as wor1 co,ers all &orms o&
h/sical or mental e0ertion, or both combined, &or the
attainment o& some ob3ect other than recreation or
amusement er se.
4. Technical sense
2or1er broader than emlo/ee as wor1ers ma/ re&er to
sel&-emlo/ed eole, and those wor1in! in the ser,ice and
under the control o& another, re!ardless o& ran1, title, or
nature o& wor1.
Emlo/ee salaried erson wor1in! &or another who
controls or suer,ises the means, manner or method o&
doin! the wor1.
B. Labor La!
". 5e&inition
Labor le!islaton labor standards 6 labor relations
a. consists o& statutes, re!ulations and 3urisrudence
b. !o,ernin! the relations between caital and labor
c. b/ ro,idin! &or certain emlo/ment standards and
a le!al &ramewor1
d. &or ne!otiatin!, ad3ustin! and administerin! those
standards and other incidents o& emlo/ment.
Labor san"ar"s7 which sets out the minimum terms,
conditions, and bene&its o& emlo/ment that emlo/ers must
ro,ide or coml/ with and to which emlo/ees are entitled
as a matter o& le!al ri!ht.
Labor re#a$ons #a!: which de&ines the status, ri!hts and
duties and the institutional mechanisms that !o,ern the
indi,idual and collecti,e interactions o& emlo/ers,
emlo/ees or their reresentati,es.
Social le!islation7 ro,ides articular 1inds o& rotection or
bene&its to societ/ or se!ments thereo& in &urtherance o&
social 3ustice.
Labor laws are necessaril/ social le!islation. But to
di&&erentiate, labor laws directl/ a&&ect emlo/ment while
social le!islation !o,erns e&&ects o& emlo/ment.
Labor laws are social le!islation but not all social le!islation
are labor laws.
4. Social Justice, Const., Art. '', Sec. ":; Art. <''',
Sec. "-=
Sec$on 1%. The State shall romote social 3ustice in
all hases o& national de,eloment.
Sec$on 1. The Con!ress shall !i,e hi!hest riorit/ to
the enactment o& measures that rotect and enhance
the ri!ht o& all the eole to human di!nit/, reduce
social, economic, and olitical ine>ualities, and
remo,e cultural ine>uities b/ e>uitabl/ di&&usin!
wealth and olitical ower &or the common !ood.
To this end, the State shall re!ulate the ac>uisition,
ownershi, use, and disosition o& roert/ and its
Sec$on &. The romotion o& social 3ustice shall
include the commitment to create economic
oortunities based on &reedom o& initiati,e and sel&-
A(T'CLE <''' ? LAB+(
Sec$on '. The State shall a&&ord &ull rotection to
labor, local and o,erseas, or!anized and
unor!anized, and romote &ull emlo/ment and
e>ualit/ o& emlo/ment oortunities &or all.
't shall !uarantee the ri!hts o& all wor1ers to sel&-
or!anization, collecti,e bar!ainin! and ne!otiations,
and eace&ul concerted acti,ities, includin! the ri!ht
to stri1e in accordance with law. The/ shall be entitled
to securit/ o& tenure, humane conditions o& wor1, and
a li,in! wa!e. The/ shall also articiate in olic/ and
decision-ma1in! rocesses a&&ectin! their ri!hts and
bene&its as ma/ be ro,ided b/ law.
The State shall romote the rincile o& shared
resonsibilit/ between wor1ers and emlo/ers and
the re&erential use o& ,oluntar/ modes in settlin!
disutes, includin! conciliation, and shall en&orce their
mutual comliance therewith to &oster industrial
The State shall re!ulate the relations between
wor1ers and emlo/ers, reco!nizin! the ri!ht o& labor
to its 3ust share in the &ruits o& roduction and the ri!ht
o& enterrises to reasonable returns to in,estments,
and to e0ansion and !rowth.
The aim and the reason and, there&ore, the 3usti&ication o&
labor laws is social 3ustice.
Soc$a# ()s$ce: JP Laurel in Calalan! neither
communism, nor desotism, nor atomism not anarch/ but
the humanization o& laws and the e>ualization o& social and
economic &orces b/ the State so that 3ustice in its rational
and ob3ecti,el/ secular concetion ma/ at least be
The romotion o& the wel&are o& all the eole, the adotion
b/ the .o,ernment o& measures calculated to insure
JRMSU | College of Law
economic stabilit/ o& all the comonent elements o& societ/
throu!h the maintenance o& roer economic and social
e>uilibrium in the interrelations o& the members o& the
communit/, constitutionalit/, throu!h the adotion o&
measures le!all/ 3usti&iable, or e0tra-constitutionall/, throu!h
the e0ercise o& owers underl/in! the e0istence o& all
!o,ernments, on the time-honored rincile o& salus populi
est suprema lex.
Labor is the rimar/ social economic &orce, thus the State
shall rotect the ri!hts o& wor1ers and romote their wel&are.
Cons$)$ona# R$*+s an" ,an"aes
The State shall a&&ord &ull rotection to labor and this is &ound
in the "#=@, "#%=, and "#$% Consti. The State a&&irms labor
as a rimar/ social economic &orce thus, it shall rotect the
ri!ht o& the wor1ers and romote their wel&are.
Basic ri!hts o& wor1ers !uaranteed b/ the consti7
". (i!ht to or!anize themsel,es
4. Conduct collecti,e bar!ainin! or
ne!otiation with mana!ement
=. En!a!e in eace&ul concerted acti,ities,
includin! to stri1e in accordance with
A. En3o/ securit/ o& tenure
@. 2or1 under humane conditions
B. (ecei,e a li,in! wa!e
%. Particiate in olic/ and decision-
ma1in! rocesses a&&ectin! their ri!hts
and bene&its as ma/ be ro,ided b/ law.
(Sec. =, <''').
+ther ro,isions in the Consti7
") (i!ht to &orm unions, associations, societies &or
uroses not contrar/ to law.
4) (i!ht to sel& or!anization shall not be denied to
!o,ernment emlo/ees.
=) (e!ular &armwor1ers shall ha,e the ri!ht to own
directl/ or collecti,el/ the lands the/ till.
A) The State shall b/ law and &or common !ood,
underta1e in cooeration with the ri,ate sector a
continuin! ro!ram o& urban land re&orm and
@) The State shall rotect wor1in! women b/
ro,idin! sa&e and health&ul wor1in! conditions
ta1in! into account their maternal &unctions.
B) Labor is entitled to seats allotted to art/-list
%) The State shall romote industrialization and &ull
emlo/ment based on sound a!ricultural
de,eloment and a!rarian re&orm.
$) Con!ress shall create an a!enc/ to romote the
,iabilit/ and !rowth o& cooerati,es.
#) The .o,t shall increase salar/ scales o& the other
o&&icials and emlo/ees o& the 8ational
":) Career ci,il ser,ice emlo/ees shall be entitled to
aroriate searation a/ and to retirement and
other bene&its under e0istin! laws.
a. 5e&initionCBalancin! o& 'nterest
Calalan! ,. 2illiams, %: Phil. %4B
Soc$a# ()s$ce: JP Laurel in Calalan! neither
communism, nor desotism, nor atomism not anarch/ but
the humanization o& laws and the e>ualization o& social and
economic &orces b/ the State so that 3ustice in its rational
and ob3ecti,el/ secular concetion ma/ at least be
Social 3ustice is the romotion o& the wel&are o& all the
eole, the adotion b/ the .o,ernment o& measures
calculated to insure economic stabilit/ o& all the comonent
elements o& societ/ throu!h the maintenance o& roer
economic and social e>uilibrium in the interrelations o& the
members o& the communit/, constitutionalit/, throu!h the
adotion o& measures le!all/ 3usti&iable, or e0tra-
constitutionall/, throu!h the e0ercise o& owers underl/in!
the e0istence o& all !o,ernments, on the time-honored
rincile o& salus populi est suprema lex.
Danila Electric Co. ,. Sec. o& Labor, ==%
SC(A #: (4:::)
2hen will the CBA ta1e e&&ectE
F-o-------------------------------' ---------------------------
CBA e0iration B months
Secretar/ o& Labor ma/ determine the date o& retroacti,it/ as
art o& his discretionar/ owers. But this discretionar/ ower
shall onl/ be e0ercised onl/ when 3urisdiction has been
Assailed (esolution7
Article 4B=(!) !i,es the Secretar/ 3urisdiction. CBA
ne!otiated within si0 months a&ter the e0iration o& the
e0istin! CBA retroacts to the da/ immediatel/ &ollowin! such
date and i& a!reed therea&ter, the e&&ecti,it/ deends on the
a!reement o& the arties. But the law is silent as to the
retroacti,it/ o& a CBA arbitral award or that !ranted not b/
,irtue o& the mutual a!reement o& the arties but b/
inter,ention o& the !o,ernment. 5esite the silence o& the
law, the Court rules herein that CBA arbitral awards !ranted
a&ter si0 months &rom the e0iration o& the last CBA shall
retroact to such time a!reed uon b/ both emlo/er and the
emlo/ees or their union. Absent such an a!reement as to
retroacti,it/, the award shall retroact to the &irst da/ o& the
si0-month eriod &ollowin! the e0iration o& the last da/ o&
the CBA should there be one. '8 the absence o& a CBA, the
SecGs determination o& the date o& retroacti,it/ as art o& his
discretionar/ owers o,er arbitral awards shall control.
*eld7 2here an arbitral award is !ranted be/ond si0 months
a&ter the e0iration o& the e0istin! CBA, and there is no
a!reement between the arties as to the date o& e&&ecti,it/
thereo&, the arbitral award shall retroact to the &irst da/ a&ter
the si0-month eriod &ollowin! the e0iration o& the last da/
o& the CBA. But instead o& 5ec ", "##@ to 8o, =: "##% (CBA
had a 4-/ear alicabilit/ eriod), the Court modi&ied it to
June ", "##B to Da/ =", "##$.
On soc$a# .)s$ce7 HITJhis Court cannot i!nore the enormous
cost that etitioner will ha,e to bear as a conse>uence o& the
&ill retroaction o& the arbitral award to the date o& the e0ir/ o&
the CBA and the ine,itable e&&ect that it would ha,e on the
national econom/. +n the other hand, under the olic/ o&
social 3ustice, the law bends o,er bac1ward to accommodate
the interests o& the wor1in! class on the humane 3usti&ication
that those with less ri,ile!e in li&e should ha,e more in law.
Balancin! these two contrastin! interests, this Court turned
to the dictates o& &airness and e>uitable 3ustice and thus
arri,ed at a &ormula that would address the concerns o& both
sides. Thus, Arbitral award must retroact to the &irst da/
AKTE( the si0-month eriod &ollowin! the last da/ o& the
The Consitution has not o,erloo1ed the ri!hts o& caital. 't
ro,ides that, Hthe State reco!nizes the indisensable role o&
the ri,ate sector, encoura!es ri,ate enterrise, and
ro,ides incenti,es to needed in,estments (Art. '', Sec. 4:).
2hile labor is entitled to a 3ust share in the &ruits o&
roduction, the enterrise has an e>uall/ imortant ri!ht not
onl/ to reasonable returns on in,estment but also to
e0ansion and !rowth.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4
Shared (esonsibilit/ between wor1ers and emlo/ers
Pre&erential use o& ,oluntar/ modes o& settlin! disutes.
a. Koundation7 Police Power and State Protection
2hile social 3ustice is the raison dGetre o& labor laws, their
basis or &oundation is the olice ower o& the State.
a. State le!islatures ma/ enact laws &or the
rotection o& the sa&et/ and health o& emlo/ees.
b. (i!ht o& e,er/ erson to ursue a business,
occuation, or ro&ession is sub3ect to the
aramount ri!ht o& the !o,ernment as a art o& its
olice ower to imose such restrictions and
re!ulations as the rotection o& the ublic ma/
Le!al Classi&ication7 (discussed in li!ht o& the susension o&
delo/ment o& women)
a. such classi&ication rest on substantial distinctions
b. the/ are !ermane to the urose o& the law
c. the/ are not con&ined to e0istin! conditions
d. the/ al/ e>uall/ to all members o& the same
b. Koundation7 Police Power and State Protection
CDS Estate, 'nc. ,. Social Securit/
S/stem, "=4 SC(A ":$ ("#$A)
The case o& two businesses, one was in real estate and the
other was in the lo!!in! business. +ne owner was
demandin! &or a re&und &rom SSS and it re&used to subscribe
the emlo/ees o& the 4
business to SSS because the
business has not been in oeration &or 4 /ears (which was
the re>uirement o& the law) /et.
The Social Securit/ Law was enacted ursuant to the olic/
o& the !o,ernment Hto de,elo, establish !raduall/ and
er&ect a social securit/ s/stem which shall be suitable to the
needs o& the eole throu!hout the Philiines, and shall
ro,ide rotection a!ainst the hazards o& disabilit/, sic1ness,
old a!e and death. I $s +)s c#ear +a sa$" enac/en
$/p#e/ens +e *enera# !e#0are /an"ae o0 +e
Cons$)$on an" cons$)es a #e*$$/ae e-erc$se o0 +e
po#$ce po!er o0 +e Sae.
't is the intention o& the law to co,er as man/ ersons as
ossible so as to romote the constitutional ob3ecti,e o&
social 3ustice.
Comulsor/ co,era!e o& the emlo/er shall ta1e e&&ect on
the &irst da/ o& his oeration, and that o& the emlo/ee on the
date o& his emlo/ment ((A ""B" as amended b/ (A 4B@$).
The two /ear rescrition o& the rior law must be
considered re,ailed o,er b/ the later law and moreo,er, the
le!islati,e intent must be !i,en e&&ect.
c. Limits o& Lse
PL5T ,. 8L(C, "BA SC(A B%" ("#$$)
PL5T emlo/ee romised to &acilitate the aro,al o& the
comlainantsG alications &or telehone installation and then
recei,ed &rom them an amount o& mone/ in consideration o&
her romise.
The rule embodied in the Labor Code is that a erson
dismissed &or cause as de&ined therein is not entitled to
searation a/. The cases abo,ecited (where di&&erent cases
were cited ro,in! that some comanies still allowed
searation a/ desite the de!ree o& the !round uon which
the emlo/ees were bein! dismissed &or) constitute the
e0cetion, based uon considerations o& e>uit/. E>uit/ has
been de&ined as 3ustice outside law, bein! ethical rather than
3ural and belon!in! to the shere o& morals than o& law. 't is
!rounded on the recets o& conscience and not on an/
sanction o& ositi,e law. *ence, it cannot re,ail a!ainst the
e0ressed ro,ision o& the labor laws allowin! dismissal o&
emlo/ees &or cause and without an/ ro,ision &or
searation a/.
Searation a/ shall be allowed as a measure o& social
3ustice onl/ in those instances where the emlo/ee is calidl/
dismissed &or causes other than serious misconduct or those
re&lectin! on his moral character. 2here the reason &or the
,alid dismissal is, &or e0amle, habitual into0ication or an
o&&ense in,ol,in! moral turitude, li&e the&t or illicit se0ual
relations with a &ellow wor1er, the emlo/er ma/ not be
re>uired to !i,e the dismissed emlo/ee searation a/ or
&inancial assistance, or whate,er other name it is called on
the !round o& social 3ustice.
The olic/ o& social 3ustice is not intended to countenance
wron!doin! siml/ because it is committed b/ the
underri,ile!ed. At best it ma/ miti!ate the enalt/ but it
certainl/ will not condone the o&&ense. Comassion &or the
oor is an imerati,e o& e,er/ humane societ/ but onl/ when
the reciient is not a rascal claimin! an underser,ed
ri,ile!e. Social 3ustice cannot be ermitted to be re&u!e o&
scoundrels an/ more than can e>uit/ be an imediment to
the unishment o& the !uilt/. Those who in,o1e social 3usti,e
ma/ do so onl/ i& their hands are clean and their moti,es
blameless and not siml/ because the/ haen to be oor.
A!abon ,. 8L(C, AA4 SC(A @%= (4::A)
Emlo/ees were claimin! ille!al dismissal. Emlo/er was
assertin! that there was abandonment.
Abandonment is the deliberate and un3usti&ied re&usal o& an
emlo/ee to resume his emlo/ment. 't is a &orm o& ne!lect
o& dut/, hence, a 3ust cause &or termination o& emlo/ment
b/ the emlo/er. Kor a ,alid &indin! o& abandonment7 (")
&ailure to reort &or wor1 or absence without ,alid or
3usti&iable reason (4) clear intention to ser,er emlo/er-
emlo/ee relationshi with the second as the more
determinati,e &actor which is mani&ested b/ o,ert acts &rom
which it ma/ be deduced that the emlo/ees has no more
intention to wor1.
Wenp+$# or Be#ae" D)e 1rocess R)#e: where the
emlo/er had a ,alid reason to dismiss an emlo/ee but did
not &ollow the due rocess re>uirement, the dismissal ma/
be uheld but the emlo/er will be enalized to a/ an
indemnit/ to the emlo/ee.
But this was re-e0amined in Serrano case wherein the
Court re>uired that the emlo/er a/ the &ull bac1wa!es
&rom the time o& dismissal until the time the Court &inds the
dismissal was &or a 3ust or authorized cause. 't was because
o& a si!ni&icant number o& cases in,ol,in! dismissals without
re>uisite notices.
'n A!abon, the Court abandoned Serrano and &ollowed
2enhil onl/ that the sanctions imosed on the emlo/er
must be sti&&er than those in 2enhil.
An emlo/ee who is clearl/ !uilt/ o& conduct ,iolati,e o&
Article 4$4 should not be rotected b/ the Social Justice
Clause o& the Constitution. Social 3ustice, as the terms
su!!ests, should be used onl/ to correct an in3ustice.
JP Laurel, in Calalan!7 social 3ustice must be &ounded on the
reco!nition o& the necessit/ o& interdeendence amon!
di,erse units o& a societ/ and o& the rotection that should be
e>uall/ and e,enl/ e0tended to all !rous as a combined
&orc e in our social and economic li&e, consistent with the
&undamental and aramount ob3ecti,e o& the state o&
romotin! the health, com&ort and >uiet o& all erson, and o&
brin!in! about +e *reaes *oo" o +e *reaes n)/ber.
Social 3ustice is not based on ri!id &ormulas set in stone. 't
has to allow &or chan!in! times and circumstances.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =
@. Le!al Basis
a. 'nternational Con,entions
'nternational School Alliance o& Educators ,. Muisumbin!,
=== SC(A "= (4:::)
Korei!ner teachers were !i,en more bene&its than the local
'nternational law, which srin!s &rom !eneral rincile o& law,
li1ewise roscribes discrimination. .eneral rinciles o& law
include rinciles o& e>uit/ i.e the !eneral rinciles o&
&airness and 3ustice, based on the test o& what is reasonable.
The &ollowin! embod/ the !eneral rincile a!ainst
discrimination, the ,er/ antithesis o& &airness and 3ustice.
Lni,ersal 5eclaration o& *uman (i!hts
The 'nternational Co,enant on
Economic, Social, and Cultural (i!hts
The 'nternational Con,ention on the
Elimination o& All Korms o& (acial
The Con,ention a!ainst 5iscrimination
in Education
The Con,ention Concernin!
5iscrimination in (esect o&
Emlo/ment and +ccuation
Dentioned in the case7
Bar*a$n$n* Un$: is a !rou o& emlo/ees o& a !i,en
emlo/er, comrised o& all or less than all o& the entire bod/
o& emlo/ees, consistent with e>uit/ to the emlo/er indicate
to be the best suited to ser,e the recirocal ri!hts and duties
o& the arties under the collecti,e bar!ainin! ro,isions o&
the law.
The &actors determinin! the aroriate collecti,e bar!ainin!
unit are7 (") the will o& the emlo/ees (4) a&&init/ and unit/ o&
the emlo/eesG interest, such as substantial similarit/ o&
wor1 and duties, or similarit/ o& comensation and wor1in!
conditions (=) rior collecti,e bar!ainin! histor/ (A) similarit/
o& emlo/ment status.
b. "#$% Constitution, Art. '', Secs. @, #, ":, "=, "A, "$; Art. <''',
Secs. ", =, "A
Sec$on 2. The maintenance o& eace and order, the
rotection o& li&e, libert/, and roert/, and romotion
o& the !eneral wel&are are essential &or the en3o/ment
b/ all the eole o& the blessin!s o& democrac/.
Sec$on 3. The State shall romote a 3ust and
d/namic social order that will ensure the roserit/
and indeendence o& the nation and &ree the eole
&rom o,ert/ throu!h olicies that ro,ide ade>uate
social ser,ices, romote &ull emlo/ment, a risin!
standard o& li,in!, and an imro,ed >ualit/ o& li&e &or
Sec$on 1%. The State shall romote social 3ustice in
all hases o& national de,eloment.
Sec$on 1'. The State reco!nizes the ,ital role o& the
/outh in nation-buildin! and shall romote and rotect
their h/sical, moral, siritual, intellectual, and social
well-bein!. 't shall inculcate in the /outh atriotism
and nationalism, and encoura!e their in,ol,ement in
ublic and ci,ic a&&airs.
Sec$on 14. The State reco!nizes the role o& women
in nation-buildin!, and shall ensure the &undamental
e>ualit/ be&ore the law o& women and men.
Sec$on 15. The State a&&irms labor as a rimar/
social economic &orce. 't shall rotect the ri!hts o&
wor1ers and romote their wel&are.
Sec$on 1. The Con!ress shall !i,e hi!hest riorit/ to
the enactment o& measures that rotect and enhance
the ri!ht o& all the eole to human di!nit/, reduce
social, economic, and olitical ine>ualities, and
remo,e cultural ine>uities b/ e>uitabl/ di&&usin!
wealth and olitical ower &or the common !ood.
Sec$on '. The State shall a&&ord &ull rotection to
labor, local and o,erseas, or!anized and
unor!anized, and romote &ull emlo/ment and
e>ualit/ o& emlo/ment oortunities &or all.
't shall !uarantee the ri!hts o& all wor1ers to sel&-
or!anization, collecti,e bar!ainin! and ne!otiations,
and eace&ul concerted acti,ities, includin! the ri!ht
to stri1e in accordance with law. The/ shall be entitled
to securit/ o& tenure, humane conditions o& wor1, and
a li,in! wa!e. The/ shall also articiate in olic/ and
decision-ma1in! rocesses a&&ectin! their ri!hts and
bene&its as ma/ be ro,ided b/ law.
The State shall romote the rincile o& shared
resonsibilit/ between wor1ers and emlo/ers and
the re&erential use o& ,oluntar/ modes in settlin!
disutes, includin! conciliation, and shall en&orce their
mutual comliance therewith to &oster industrial
The State shall re!ulate the relations between
wor1ers and emlo/ers, reco!nizin! the ri!ht o& labor
to its 3ust share in the &ruits o& roduction and the ri!ht
o& enterrises to reasonable returns to in,estments,
and to e0ansion and !rowth.
Sec$on 14. The State shall rotect wor1in! women
b/ ro,idin! sa&e and health&ul wor1in! conditions,
ta1in! into account their maternal &unctions, and such
&acilities and oortunities that will enhance their
wel&are and enable them to realize their &ull otential
in the ser,ice o& the nation.
See also7 "#=@ Const., Art. <'9, Sec., B; "#%= Const., Art. '',
Sec. #
13'2 Cons$)$on6 Ar. XI76 Sec. 8
Sec$on 8. The State shall a&&ord rotection to labor,
eseciall/ to wor1in! women, and minors, and shall
re!ulate the relations between the landowner and
tenant, and between labor and caital in industr/ and
in a!riculture. The State ma/ ro,ide &or comulsor/
"#%= Const. Art. '', Sec. #
Sec$on 3. The State shall a&&ord rotection to labor,
romote &ull emlo/ment and e>ualit/ in emlo/ment,
ensure e>ual wor1 oortunities re!ardless o& se0,
race, or creed, and re!ulate the relation between
wor1ers and emlo/ers. The State shall assure the
ri!hts o& wor1ers to sel&-or!anization, collecti,e
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A
bar!ainin!, securit/ o& tenure, and 3ust and humane
conditions o& wor1. The State ma/ ro,ide &or
comulsor/ arbitration.
c. Labor Code (LC) and +mnibus (ules 'mlementin! the
Labor Code
d. 8ew Ci,il Code o& the Philiines (8CC), Arts. "#, 4", "%::-
Ar. 13. E,er/ erson must, in the e0ercise o& his
ri!hts and in the er&ormance o& his duties, act with
3ustice, !i,e e,er/one his due, and obser,e honest/
and !ood &aith.
Ar. &1. An/ erson who wil&ull/ causes loss or in3ur/
to another in a manner that is contrar/ to morals,
!ood customs or ublic olic/ shall comensate the
latter &or the dama!e.
Ar. 19%%. The relations between caital and labor are
not merel/ contractual. The/ are so imressed with
ublic interest that labor contracts must /ield to the
common !ood. There&ore, such contracts are sub3ect
to the secial laws on labor unions, collecti,e
bar!ainin!, stri1es and loc1outs, closed sho, wa!es,
wor1in! conditions, hours o& labor and similar
Ar. 19%1. 8either caital nor labor shall act
oressi,el/ a!ainst the other, or imair the interest
or con,enience o& the ublic.
B. Sources o& Law
a. Labor Code and (elated Secial Le!islation ('mlementin!
b. Contract ? Art. "=:@-"=:B, 8ew Ci,il Code
Ar. 1'%2. A contract is a meetin! o& minds between
two ersons whereb/ one binds himsel&, with resect
to the other, to !i,e somethin! or to render some
ser,ice. ("4@Aa)
Ar. 1'%8. The contractin! arties ma/ establish such
stiulations, clauses, terms and conditions as the/
ma/ deem con,enient, ro,ided the/ are not contrar/
to law, morals, !ood customs, ublic order, or ublic
olic/. ("4@@a)
c. Collecti,e Bar!ainin! A!reement
5+LE Phils. ,. Pawis n! Da1aba/an! +brero, =#@ SC(A
""4 (4::=)
'nterretation o& the &ree meals ro,ision in the CBA. 's it
a&ter the emlo/ee has wor1ed onl/ a&ter more than three
hours o& wor1 or those who ha,e rendered e0actl/ three
hours o& o,ertime wor1E
The disuted ro,ision o& the CBA is clear and
unambi!uous. The terms o& the CBA is not suscetible to
an/ other interretation. *ence the literal meanin! o& H&ree
meals a&ter three (=) hours o& o,ertime wor1N shall re,ail,
which is siml/ that an emlo/ee shall be entitled to a &ree
meal i& he has rendered e0actl/, or no less than, three hours
o& o,ertime wor1, not Ha&ter more thanN or Hin e0cess o&N three
hours o,ertime wor1.
Kound in the case7 Dana!ement rero!ati,e7 The e0ercise
o& mana!ement rero!ati,e is not unlimited. 't is sub3ect to
the limitations &ound in law, a collecti,e bar!ainin!
a!reement or the !eneral rinciles o& &air la/ and 3ustice.
This situation constitutes one o& the limitations. The CBA is
the norm o& conduct between the etitioner and ri,ate
resondent and comliance therewith is mandated b/ the
e0ress olic/ o& the law.
d. Past Practices
5a,ao Kruits Cororation ,. Associated
labor Lnion, 44@ SC(A @B4 ("##=)
'ssue7 2+8 in the comutation o& the "=
month a/ !i,en
b/ emlo/ers to their emlo/ees under P5 $@", a/ments
&or sic1, ,acation and maternit/ lea,es, remiums &or wor1
done rest da/s and secial holida/s and a/ &or re!ular
holida/s ma/ be e0cluded in the comutation and a/ment
thereo&, re!ardless o& lon!-standin! coman/ ractice.
A co/pan: prac$ce 0a;orab#e o +e e/p#o:ees +a"
$n"ee" been esab#$s+e" an" +e pa:/ens /a"e
p)rs)an +ereo6 r$pene" $no bene0$s en.o:e" b: +e/.
An" an: bene0$ an" s)pp#e/en be$n* en.o:e" b: +e
e/p#o:ees canno be re")ce"6 "$/$n$s+e"6 "$scon$n)e"
or e#$/$nae" b: +e e/p#o:er6 b: ;$r)e o0 Sec 1% o0 +e
R)#es an" Re*)#a$ons I/p#e/en$n* 1D 521 an" Ar 1%%
o0 +e Labor Co"e !+$c+ pro+$b$ +e "$/$n)$on or
e#$/$na$on b +e e/p#o:er o0 +e e/p#o:ees< e-$s$n*
The considerable len!th o& time the >uestioned items had
been included b/ etitioner indicates a unilateral and
,oluntar/ act on its art, su&&icient in itsel& to ne!ate an/
claim o& mista1e.
Samahan! Dan!!a!awa sa To Korm Danu&acturin!-Lnited
2or1ers o& the Phil. (SDTKD-L2P ,. 8L(C, 4#@ SC(A "%"
The case wherein the emlo/er was char!ed as ha,in!
committed an un&air labor ractice b/ bar!ainin! in bad &aith
and discriminatin! a!ainst in emlo/ees b/ romisin! at a
collecti,e bar!ainin! con&erence to imlement an/
!o,ernment-mandated wa!e increases on an across-the-
board basis.
Past romises which were written in the minutes o& the
meetin!. The roosal was ne,er embodied in the CBA,
thus, the romise remained 3ust that, a romise, the
imlementation which cannot be ,alidl/ demanded under the
The law ro,ides remedies to the etitioner union to comel
ri, res to incororate this seci&ic economic roosal in
the CBA, which the/ did not do.
The CBA is the law between the contractin! artiesOthe
collecti,e bar!ainin! reresentati,e and the emlo/er-
coman/. Comliance with a CBA is mandated b/ the
e0ressed olic/ to !i,e rotection to labor. 'n the same
,ein, CBA ro,ision should be Hconstrued liberall/ rather
than narrowl/ and technicall/, and the courts must lace a
ractical and realistic construction uon it, !i,in! due
consideration to the conte0t in which it is ne!otiated and
urose which it is intended to ser,e. This is &ounded on the
dictum that a CBA is not an ordinar/ contract but one
imressed with ublic interest. 't !oes without sa/in!,
howe,er, that onl/ ro,isions embodied in the CBA should
be so interreted and comlied with.
8o bene&its or ri,ile!es re,iousl/ en3o/ed b/ etitioner
union and the other emlo/ees were withdrawn as a result o&
the manner b/ which ri,ate res imlemented the wa!e
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @
American 2ire and Cable 5ail/
rated Emlo/ees Lnion American 2ire and Cable co., 'nc.,
A@% SC(A B$A (4::@)
The coman/ suddenl/ withdrew and denied certain bene&its
and entitlements which the emlo/ees ha,e lon! en3o/ed
li1e ser,ice awards, =@P remium a/ o& an emlo/eeGs
basic a/ &or wor1 rendered durin! *ol/ Donda/, Tuesda/,
2ednesda/, 5ecember 4=, 4B, 4%, 4$, and 4#, Christmas
Part/ and Promotional 'ncreases.
't is critical that a determination must be &irst made whether
the bene&itsCentitlements are in the nature o& a bonus or not,
and assumin! the/ are so, whether the/ are demandable
and en&orceable obli!ations.
Bon)s: is an amount !ranted and aid to an emlo/ee &or
his industr/ and lo/alt/ which contributed to the success o&
the emlo/erGs business and made ossible the realization
o& ro&its. 't is an act o& !enerosit/ !ranted b/ an enli!htened
emlo/er to sur the emlo/ee to !reater e&&orts &or the
success o& the business and realization o& bi!!er ro&its. The
!rantin! o& a bonus is a mana!ement rero!ati,e, somethin!
!i,en in addition to what is ordinaril/ recei,ed b/ or strictl/
due the reciient. Thus, a bonus is not a demandable and
en&orceable obli!ation, e0cet when it is made art o& the
wa!e, salar/ or comensation o& the emlo/ee.
'ssue7 2+8 these bonuses can be considered art o& the
wa!e or salar/ or comensation ma1in! them en&orceable
*eld7 8o. Kor a bonus to be en&orceable, it must ha,e been
romised b/ the emlo/er and e0ressl/ a!reed uon b/ the
arties or it must ha,e had a &i0ed amount and had been a
lon! and re!ular ractice on the art o& the emlo/er.
The bene&itsCentitlements in >uestion were ne,er sub3ects o&
an/ e0ress a!reement between the arties. The/ were
ne,er incororated in the CBA. As obser,ed b/ the 9A, the
records re,eal that these bene&itsCentitlements ha,e not
been sub3ects o& an/ e0ress a!reement between the union
and the coman/, and ha,e not /et been incororated in the
5owntrend was clear in the ser,ice award amount and the
artiesG ,enue were chan!ed &rom aid ,enues to one which
was &ree o& char!e.
To be cons$"ere" a =re*)#ar prac$ce>6 +e *$;$n* o0 +e
bon)s s+o)#" +a;e been "one o;er a #on* per$o" o0
$/e6 an" /)s be s+o!n o +a;e been cons$sen an"
e. Coman/ Policies
China Ban1in! Cororation ,.
Borromeo, AA: SC(A B4" (4::A)
The case o& a mana!er who was consistentl/ romoted
because o& a hi!hl/ satis&actor/ er&ormance which landed
him at the A9P sot onl/ to &ind out that he has done
irre!ularities in aro,in! se,eral 5AL5CBP in &a,or o& one
The Ban1Gs S+P ro,ides a restitutionC&or&eiture o& bene&its
't is well reco!nized that coman/ olicies and re!ulations
are, unless shown to be !rossl/ oressi,e or contrar/ to
law, !enerall/ bindin!, and ,alid on the arties and must be
comlied with until &inall/ re,ised or amended unilaterall/ or
re&erabl/ throu!h ne!otiation or b/ cometent authorit/.
Doreo,er, mana!ement has the rero!ati,e to disciline its
emlo/ees and to imose aroriate enalties on errin!
wor1ers ursuant to coman/ rules and re!ulations. 2ith
more reason should these truisms al/ to the resondent,
who, b/ reason o& his osition, was re>uired to act
3udiciousl/ and to e0ercise his authorit/ in harmon/ with
coman/ olicies.
Business enterrises ha,e a rero!ati,e to disciline its
emlo/ees and to imose aroriate enalties on errin!
wor1ers ursuant to coman/ rules and re!ulations which
must be resected. The law, in rotectin! the ri!hts o& labor,
authorized neither oression nor sel&-destruction o& an
emlo/er coman/ which itsel& is ossessed o& ri!hts that
must be entitled to reco!nition and resect.
%. Classi&ication
a. Labor Standards
b. Labor (elations
c. 2el&are Le!islation
A. Br$e0 ?$sor:
B. Genera# 1ro;$s$ons
". ". 5ecree Title, Art. "
A(T'CLE ". Name of Decree. - This 5ecree shall
be 1nown as the "Labor Code of the Philippines".
4. E&&ecti,it/, Art. 4
A(T. 4. Date of effectivity. - This Code shall ta1e
e&&ect si0 (B) months a&ter its romul!ation.
=. Polic/ 5eclaration, Art. =
A(T. =. Declaration of basic policy. - The State
shall a&&ord rotection to labor, romote &ull
emlo/ment, ensure e>ual wor1 oortunities
re!ardless o& se0, race or creed and re!ulate the
relations between wor1ers and emlo/ers. The
State shall assure the ri!hts o& wor1ers to sel&-
or!anization, collecti,e bar!ainin!, securit/ o&
tenure, and 3ust and humane conditions o& wor1.
A. Construction in Ka,or o& Labor, Art. A
A(T. A. Construction in favor of labor. - All
doubts in the imlementation and interretation o&
the ro,isions o& this Code, includin! its
imlementin! rules and re!ulations, shall be
resol,ed in &a,or o& labor.
Salinas Jr. ,. 8L(C, ="# SC(A @A
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B
(e/es ,. Court o& Aeals, A:#
SC(A 4B% (4::=)
.)D Philiines, 'nc. ,. (omil
Cuambot, .( 8o. "B4=:$, 8o,. 44, 4::B
4. (ule Da1in! Power, Art. @
A(T. @. Rules and regulations. - The 5eartment
o& Labor and other !o,ernment a!encies char!ed
with the administration and en&orcement o& this
Code or an/ o& its arts shall romul!ate the
necessar/ imlementin! rules and re!ulations.
Such rules and re!ulations shall become
e&&ecti,e &i&teen ("@) da/s a&ter announcement o&
their adotion in newsaers o& !eneral
Qaisanan n! m!a Dan!!a!awan!
Pina!/a1a ,. 8L(C, "@4 SC(A B ("#$%)
=. Technical (ules 8ot Bindin!, Art. 44"
A(T. 44". Technical rules not binding and prior resort
to amicable settlement. - 'n an/ roceedin! be&ore the
Commission or an/ o& the Labor Arbiters, the rules o&
e,idence re,ailin! in courts o& law or e>uit/ shall not
be controllin! and it is the sirit and intention o& this
Code that the Commission and its members and the
Labor Arbiters shall use e,er/ and all reasonable
means to ascertain the &acts in each case seedil/
and ob3ecti,el/ and without re!ard to technicalities o&
law or rocedure, all in the interest o& due rocess. 'n
an/ roceedin! be&ore the Commission or an/ Labor
Arbiter, the arties ma/ be reresented b/ le!al
counsel but it shall be the dut/ o& the Chairman, an/
Presidin! Commissioner or Commissioner or an/
Labor Arbiter to e0ercise comlete control o& the
roceedin!s at all sta!es.
*untin!ton Steel Products, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, AA4 SC(A @@"
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %
A. Alicabilit/, Art. B, 4%B; Constitution, Art. '<-
B, Sec. 4(")
A(T. B. pplicability. - All ri!hts and bene&its !ranted
to wor1ers under this Code shall, e0cet as ma/
otherwise be ro,ided herein, al/ ali1e to all
wor1ers, whether a!ricultural or non-a!ricultural. (As
amended b/ Presidential 5ecree 8o. @%:-A,
8o,ember ", "#%A).
A(T. 4%B. !overnment employees. - The terms and
conditions o& emlo/ment o& all !o,ernment
emlo/ees, includin! emlo/ees o& !o,ernment-
owned and controlled cororations, shall be !o,erned
b/ the Ci,il Ser,ice Law, rules and re!ulations. Their
salaries shall be standardized b/ the 8ational
Assembl/ as ro,ided &or in the 8ew Constitution.
*owe,er, there shall be no reduction o& e0istin!
wa!es, bene&its and other terms and conditions o&
emlo/ment bein! en3o/ed b/ them at the time o& the
adotion o& this Code.
Cons$)$on6 Ar. IX@B6 Sec. &A1B
Sec$on &. A1B The ci,il ser,ice embraces all
branches, subdi,isions, instrumentalities, and
a!encies o& the .o,ernment, includin! !o,ernment-
owned or controlled cororations with ori!inal
@. En&orcement and Sanctions ? Arts. 4"% (a)
(4), (=), (A), (B); "4$-"4#; 4$$-4#4; Consti., Art ''', Secs. ""
and "B
A(T. 4"%. "urisdiction of the Labor rbiters and the
Commission. - (a) E0cet as otherwise ro,ided
under this Code, the Labor Arbiters shall ha,e ori!inal
and e0clusi,e 3urisdiction to hear and decide, within
thirt/ (=:) calendar da/s a&ter the submission o& the
case b/ the arties &or decision without e0tension,
e,en in the absence o& steno!rahic notes, the
&ollowin! cases in,ol,in! all wor1ers, whether
a!ricultural or non-a!ricultural7
4. Termination disutes;
=. '& accomanied with a claim &or
reinstatement, those cases that wor1ers ma/
&ile in,ol,in! wa!es, rates o& a/, hours o&
wor1 and other terms and conditions o&
A. Claims &or actual, moral, e0emlar/ and
other &orms o& dama!es arisin! &rom the
emlo/er-emlo/ee relations;
B. E0cet claims &or Emlo/ees Comensation, Social
Securit/, Dedicare and maternit/ bene&its, all other
claims arisin! &rom emlo/er-emlo/ee relations,
includin! those o& ersons in domestic or household
ser,ice, in,ol,in! an amount e0ceedin! &i,e thousand
esos (P@,:::.::) re!ardless o& whether
accomanied with a claim &or reinstatement.
A(T. "4$. #isitorial and enforcement po$er. - (a) The
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/
authorized reresentati,es, includin! labor re!ulation
o&&icers, shall ha,e access to emlo/erGs records and
remises at an/ time o& the da/ or ni!ht whene,er
wor1 is bein! underta1en therein, and the ri!ht to
co/ there&rom, to >uestion an/ emlo/ee and
in,esti!ate an/ &act, condition or matter which ma/ be
necessar/ to determine ,iolations or which ma/ aid in
the en&orcement o& this Code and o& an/ labor law,
wa!e order or rules and re!ulations issued ursuant
(b) 8otwithstandin! the ro,isions o& Articles "4# and
4"% o& this Code to the contrar/, and in cases where
the relationshi o& emlo/er-emlo/ee still e0ists, the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/
authorized reresentati,es shall ha,e the ower to
issue comliance orders to !i,e e&&ect to the labor
standards ro,isions o& this Code and other labor
le!islation based on the &indin!s o& labor emlo/ment
and en&orcement o&&icers or industrial sa&et/
en!ineers made in the course o& insection. The
Secretar/ or his dul/ authorized reresentati,es shall
issue writs o& e0ecution to the aroriate authorit/
&or the en&orcement o& their orders, e0cet in cases
where the emlo/er contests the &indin!s o& the labor
emlo/ment and en&orcement o&&icer and raises
issues suorted b/ documentar/ roo&s which were
not considered in the course o& insection. (As
amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. %%=:, June 4, "##A).
An order issued b/ the dul/ authorized reresentati,e
o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment under this
Article ma/ be aealed to the latter. 'n case said
order in,ol,es a monetar/ award, an aeal b/ the
emlo/er ma/ be er&ected onl/ uon the ostin! o& a
cash or suret/ bond issued b/ a reutable bondin!
coman/ dul/ accredited b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment in the amount e>ui,alent to the
monetar/ award in the order aealed &rom. (As
amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. %%=:, June 4, "##A).
(c) The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/
li1ewise order stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o&
oerations o& an/ unit or deartment o& an
establishment when non-comliance with the law or
imlementin! rules and re!ulations oses !ra,e and
imminent dan!er to the health and sa&et/ o& wor1ers
in the wor1lace. 2ithin twent/-&our hours, a hearin!
shall be conducted to determine whether an order &or
the stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o& oerations
shall be li&ted or not. 'n case the ,iolation is
attributable to the &ault o& the emlo/er, he shall a/
the emlo/ees concerned their salaries or wa!es
durin! the eriod o& such stoa!e o& wor1 or
susension o& oeration.
(d) 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/ erson or entit/ to
obstruct, imede, dela/ or otherwise render
ine&&ecti,e the orders o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment or his dul/ authorized reresentati,es
issued ursuant to the authorit/ !ranted under this
Article, and no in&erior court or entit/ shall issue
temorar/ or ermanent in3unction or restrainin! order
or otherwise assume 3urisdiction o,er an/ case
in,ol,in! the en&orcement orders issued in
accordance with this Article.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $
(e) An/ !o,ernment emlo/ee &ound !uilt/ o& ,iolation
o&, or abuse o& authorit/, under this Article shall, a&ter
aroriate administrati,e in,esti!ation, be sub3ect to
summar/ dismissal &rom the ser,ice.
(&) The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/, b/
aroriate re!ulations, re>uire emlo/ers to 1ee
and maintain such emlo/ment records as ma/ be
necessar/ in aid o& his ,isitorial and en&orcement
owers under this Code.
A(T. "4#. Recovery of $ages% simple money claims
and other benefits. - Lon comlaint o& an/ interested
art/, the (e!ional 5irector o& the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment or an/ o& the dul/ authorized
hearin! o&&icers o& the 5eartment is emowered,
throu!h summar/ roceedin! and a&ter due notice, to
hear and decide an/ matter in,ol,in! the reco,er/ o&
wa!es and other monetar/ claims and bene&its,
includin! le!al interest, owin! to an emlo/ee or
erson emlo/ed in domestic or household ser,ice or
househeler under this Code, arisin! &rom emlo/er-
emlo/ee relations7 Pro,ided, That such comlaint
does not include a claim &or reinstatement7 Pro,ided
&urther, That the a!!re!ate mone/ claims o& each
emlo/ee or househeler does not e0ceed Ki,e
thousand esos (P@,:::.::). The (e!ional 5irector
or hearin! o&&icer shall decide or resol,e the comlaint
within thirt/ (=:) calendar da/s &rom the date o& the
&ilin! o& the same. An/ sum thus reco,ered on behal&
o& an/ emlo/ee or househeler ursuant to this
Article shall be held in a secial deosit account b/,
and shall be aid on order o&, the Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment or the (e!ional 5irector directl/ to
the emlo/ee or househeler concerned. An/ such
sum not aid to the emlo/ee or househeler
because he cannot be located a&ter dili!ent and
reasonable e&&ort to locate him within a eriod o& three
(=) /ears, shall be held as a secial &und o& the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment to be used
e0clusi,el/ &or the amelioration and bene&it o&
An/ decision or resolution o& the (e!ional 5irector or
hearin! o&&icer ursuant to this ro,ision ma/ be
aealed on the same !rounds ro,ided in Article 44=
o& this Code, within &i,e (@) calendar da/s &rom receit
o& a co/ o& said decision or resolution, to the
8ational Labor (elations Commission which shall
resol,e the aeal within ten (":) calendar da/s &rom
the submission o& the last leadin! re>uired or
allowed under its rules.
The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/
authorized reresentati,e ma/ suer,ise the a/ment
o& unaid wa!es and other monetar/ claims and
bene&its, includin! le!al interest, &ound owin! to an/
emlo/ee or househeler under this Code. (As
amended b/ Section 4, (eublic Act 8o. B%"@, Darch
4", "#$#).
A(T. 4$$. Penalties. - E0cet as otherwise ro,ided
in this Code, or unless the acts comlained o& hin!e
on a >uestion o& interretation or imlementation o&
ambi!uous ro,isions o& an e0istin! collecti,e
bar!ainin! a!reement, an/ ,iolation o& the ro,isions
o& this Code declared to be unlaw&ul or enal in nature
shall be unished with a &ine o& not less than +ne
Thousand Pesos (P",:::.::) nor more than Ten
Thousand Pesos (P":,:::.::) or imrisonment o& not
less than three months nor more than three /ears, or
both such &ine and imrisonment at the discretion o&
the court.
'n addition to such enalt/, an/ alien &ound !uilt/ shall
be summaril/ deorted uon comletion o& ser,ice o&
An/ ro,ision o& law to the contrar/ notwithstandin!,
an/ criminal o&&ense unished in this Code, shall be
under the concurrent 3urisdiction o& the Dunicial or
Cit/ Courts and the Courts o& Kirst 'nstance. (As
amended b/ Section =, Batas Pambansa Bilan! %:).
A(T. 4$#. &ho are liable $hen committed by other
than natural person. - '& the o&&ense is committed b/ a
cororation, trust, &irm, artnershi, association or an/
other entit/, the enalt/ shall be imosed uon the
!uilt/ o&&icer or o&&icers o& such cororation, trust, &irm,
artnershi, association or entit/.
Title ''
A(T. 4#:. 'ffenses. - +&&enses enalized under this
Code and the rules and re!ulations issued ursuant
thereto shall rescribe in three (=) /ears.
All un&air labor ractice arisin! &rom Boo1 9 shall be
&iled with the aroriate a!enc/ within one (") /ear
&rom accrual o& such un&air labor ractice; otherwise,
the/ shall be &ore,er barred.
A(T. 4#". (oney claims. - All mone/ claims arisin!
&rom emlo/er-emlo/ee relations accruin! durin! the
e&&ecti,it/ o& this Code shall be &iled within three (=)
/ears &rom the time the cause o& action accrued;
otherwise the/ shall be &ore,er barred.
All mone/ claims accruin! rior to the e&&ecti,it/ o&
this Code shall be &iled with the aroriate entities
established under this Code within one (") /ear &rom
the date o& e&&ecti,it/, and shall be rocessed or
determined in accordance with the imlementin! rules
and re!ulations o& the Code; otherwise, the/ shall be
&ore,er barred.
2or1menGs comensation claims accruin! rior to the
e&&ecti,it/ o& this Code and durin! the eriod &rom
8o,ember ", "#%A u to 5ecember =", "#%A, shall be
&iled with the aroriate re!ional o&&ices o& the
5eartment o& Labor not later than Darch =", "#%@;
otherwise, the/ shall &ore,er be barred. The claims
shall be rocessed and ad3udicated in accordance
with the law and rules at the time their causes o&
action accrued.
A(T. 4#4. )nstitution of money claims. - Done/ claims
seci&ied in the immediatel/ recedin! Article shall be
&iled be&ore the aroriate entit/ indeendentl/ o& the
criminal action that ma/ be instituted in the roer
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #
Pendin! the &inal determination o& the merits o& mone/
claims &iled with the aroriate entit/, no ci,il action
arisin! &rom the same cause o& action shall be &iled
with an/ court. This ro,ision shall not al/ to
emlo/ees comensation case which shall be
rocessed and determined strictl/ in accordance with
the ertinent ro,isions o& this Code.
Sec$on 11. Kree access to the courts and >uasi-
3udicial bodies and ade>uate le!al assistance shall
not be denied to an/ erson b/ reason o& o,ert/.
Sec$on 18. All ersons shall ha,e the ri!ht to a
seed/ disosition o& their cases be&ore all 3udicial,
>uasi-3udicial, or administrati,e bodies.

C. WorC Re#a$ons+$p
". Emlo/er and Emlo/ee (elationshi
a. 5e&inition o& Emlo/er and Emlo/ee, Arts. #% (a) (b) (c),
"B% (&)
(!) (h), 4"4 (e) (&)
A(T. #%. Definitions. - As used in this Title7
(a) "Person" means an indi,idual, artnershi,
association, cororation, business trust, le!al
reresentati,es, or an/ or!anized !rou o&
(b) "*mployer" includes an/ erson actin!
directl/ or indirectl/ in the interest o& an
emlo/er in relation to an emlo/ee and shall
include the !o,ernment and all its branches,
subdi,isions and instrumentalities, all
!o,ernment-owned or controlled cororations
and institutions, as well as non-ro&it ri,ate
institutions, or or!anizations.
(c) "*mployee" includes an/ indi,idual
emlo/ed b/ an emlo/er.
Art. "B%. 5e&inition o& Terms.OAs used in this Title,
unless the conte0t indicates otherwise7
(&) HEmlo/erN means an/ erson, natural or 3uridical,
emlo/in! the ser,ices o& the emlo/ee.
(!) HEmlo/eeN means an/ erson comulsoril/
co,ered b/ the .S'S under Commonwealth Act
8umbered +ne hundred ei!ht/-si0, as amended,
includin! the members o& the Armed Korces o& the
Philiines, and an/ erson emlo/ed as casual,
emer!enc/, temorar/, substitute or contractual, or
an/ erson comulsoril/ co,ered b/ the SSS under
(eublic Act 8umbered Ele,en hundred si0t/-one, as
(h) HPersonN means an/ indi,idual, artnershi, &irm,
association, trust, cororation or le!al reresentati,e
Art. 4"4.
(e) "*mployer" includes an/ erson actin! in the
interest o& an emlo/er, directl/ or indirectl/. The term
shall not include an/ labor or!anization or an/ o& its
o&&icers or a!ents e0cet when actin! as emlo/er.
(&) "*mployee" includes an/ erson in the emlo/ o&
an emlo/er. The term shall not be limited to the
emlo/ees o& a articular emlo/er, unless the Code
so e0licitl/ states. 't shall include an/ indi,idual
whose wor1 has ceased as a result o& or in
connection with an/ current labor disute or because
o& an/ un&air labor ractice i& he has not obtained an/
other substantiall/ e>ui,alent and re!ular
b. KactorsCTests
(u!a ,. 8L(C, "$" SC(A A=% ("##:)
Peretual *el Credit ,. Kaburada et al., =BB
SC(A B#= (4::")
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":
9icente S/ ,. Court o& Aeals, =#$ SC(A
=:" (4::=)
Cha,ez ,. 8L(C, AA$ SC(A A%$ (4::@)
An!elina Krancisco ,. 8L(C, et al., .( 8o.
"%::$%, Au!. =", 4::B
c. Piercin! the Cororate 9eil
Pamlona Plantatin Co., 'nc. ,.
Tin!hil, A@: SC(A A4" (4::@)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""
4. 'ndeendent Contractor and Labor-onl/ Contractor, Art. ":B-
":%, ":#; 5+ 8o. "$-:4, S 4::4
A(T. ":B. Contractor or subcontractor. - 2hene,er
an emlo/er enters into a contract with another
erson &or the er&ormance o& the &ormerGs wor1, the
emlo/ees o& the contractor and o& the latterGs
subcontractor, i& an/, shall be aid in accordance with
the ro,isions o& this Code.
'n the e,ent that the contractor or subcontractor &ails
to a/ the wa!es o& his emlo/ees in accordance with
this Code, the emlo/er shall be 3ointl/ and se,erall/
liable with his contractor or subcontractor to such
emlo/ees to the e0tent o& the wor1 er&ormed under
the contract, in the same manner and e0tent that he is
liable to emlo/ees directl/ emlo/ed b/ him.
The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/, b/
aroriate re!ulations, restrict or rohibit the
contractin!-out o& labor to rotect the ri!hts o& wor1ers
established under this Code. 'n so rohibitin! or
restrictin!, he ma/ ma1e aroriate distinctions
between labor-onl/ contractin! and 3ob contractin! as
well as di&&erentiations within these t/es o&
contractin! and determine who amon! the arties
in,ol,ed shall be considered the emlo/er &or
uroses o& this Code, to re,ent an/ ,iolation or
circum,ention o& an/ ro,ision o& this Code.
There is "labor+only" contractin! where the erson
sul/in! wor1ers to an emlo/er does not ha,e
substantial caital or in,estment in the &orm o& tools,
e>uiment, machineries, wor1 remises, amon!
others, and the wor1ers recruited and laced b/ such
erson are er&ormin! acti,ities which are directl/
related to the rincial business o& such emlo/er. 'n
such cases, the erson or intermediar/ shall be
considered merel/ as an a!ent o& the emlo/er who
shall be resonsible to the wor1ers in the same
manner and e0tent as i& the latter were directl/
emlo/ed b/ him.
A(T. ":%. )ndirect employer. - The ro,isions o& the
immediatel/ recedin! article shall li1ewise al/ to
an/ erson, artnershi, association or cororation
which, not bein! an emlo/er, contracts with an
indeendent contractor &or the er&ormance o& an/
wor1, tas1, 3ob or ro3ect.
ASer$es o0 &%%&B
B: ;$r)e o0 +e po!er ;ese" $n +e Secrear: o0
Labor an" E/p#o:/en )n"er Ar$c#es 2 AR)#e@
/aC$n*B an" 1%8 AConracor or S)bconracorB o0
+e Labor Co"e o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes6 as a/en"e"6
+e 0o##o!$n* re*)#a$ons *o;ern$n* conrac$n*
an" s)bconrac$n* arran*e/ens are +ereb:
Sec$on 1. Guiding principles. @ Conrac$n* an"
s)bconrac$n* arran*e/ens are e-press#:
a##o!e" b: #a! an" are s) o re*)#a$on 0or
+e pro/o$on o0 e/p#o:/en an" +e obser;ance
o0 +e r$*+s o0 !orCers o .)s an" +)/ane
con"$$ons o0 !orC6 sec)r$: o0 en)re6 se#0@
or*an$Da$on6 an" co##ec$;e bar*a$n$n*. Labor@
on#: conrac$n* as "e0$ne" +ere$n s+a## be
Sec$on & . Coverage. @ T+ese R)#es s+a## app#: o
a## par$es o0 conrac$n* an" s)bconrac$n*
arran*e/ens !+ere e/p#o:er@e/p#o:ee
re#a$ons+$p e-$ss. 1#ace/en ac$;$$es +ro)*+
pr$;ae recr)$/en an" p#ace/en a*enc$es as
*o;erne" b: Ar$c#es &2 o '3 o0 +e Labor Co"e
are no co;ere" b: +ese R)#es.
Sec$on '. Trilateral Relationship in Contracting
Arrangements. - In #e*$$/ae conrac$n*6 +ere
e-$ss a r$#aera# re#a$ons+$p )n"er !+$c+ +ere $s
a conrac 0or a spec$0$c .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce
be!een +e pr$nc$pa# an" +e conracor or
s)bconracor6 an" a conrac o0 e/p#o:/en
be!een +e conracor or s)bconracor an" $s
!orCers. ?ence6 +ere are +ree par$es $n;o#;e" $n
+ese arran*e/ens6 +e pr$nc$pa# !+$c+ "ec$"es
o 0ar/ o) a .ob or ser;$ce o a conracor or
s)bconracor6 +e conracor or s)bconracor
!+$c+ +as +e capac$: o $n"epen"en#:
)n"eraCe +e per0or/ance o0 +e .ob6 !orC or
ser;$ce6 an" +e conrac)a# !orCers en*a*e" b:
+e conracor or s)bconracor o acco/p#$s+ +e
.ob !orC or ser;$ce.
Sec$on 4. Definition of Basic Terms. @ T+e
0o##o!$n* er/s as )se" $n +ese R)#es6 s+a##
AaB "Contracting" or "subcontracting" re0ers o an
arran*e/en !+ereb: a pr$nc$pa# a*rees o p)
o) or 0ar/ o) !$+ a conracor or s)bconracor
+e per0or/ance or co/p#e$on o0 a spec$0$c .ob6
!orC or ser;$ce !$+$n a "e0$n$e or pre"eer/$ne"
per$o"6 re*ar"#ess o0 !+e+er s)c+ .ob6 !orC or
ser;$ce $s o be per0or/e" or co/p#ee" !$+$n or
o)s$"e +e pre/$ses o0 +e pr$nc$pa#.
AbB "Contractor or subcontractor" re0ers o an:
person or en$: en*a*e" $n a #e*$$/ae
conrac$n* or s)bconrac$n* arran*e/en.
AcB "Contractual employee" $nc#)"es one
e/p#o:e" b: a conracor or s)bconracor o
per0or/ or co/p#ee a .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce
p)rs)an o an arran*e/en be!een +e #aer
an" a pr$nc$pa#.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4
A"B "rincipal" re0ers o an: e/p#o:er !+o p)s
o) or 0ar/s o) a .ob6 ser;$ce or !orC o a
conracor or s)bconracor.
Sec$on 2. rohibition against labor-only
contracting. - Labor@on#: conrac$n* $s +ereb:
"ec#are" pro+$b$e". For +$s p)rpose6 #abor@on#:
conrac$n* s+a## re0er o an arran*e/en !+ere
+e conracor or s)bconracor /ere#: recr)$s6
s)pp#$es or p#aces !orCers o per0or/ a .ob6 !orC
or ser;$ce 0or a pr$nc$pa#6 an" an: o0 +e 0o##o!$n*
e#e/ens are presen:
A$B T+e conracor or s)bconracor "oes no +a;e
s)bsan$a# cap$a# or $n;es/en !+$c+ re#aes o
+e .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce o be per0or/e" an" +e
e/p#o:ees recr)$e"6 s)pp#$e" or p#ace" b: s)c+
conracor or s)bconracor are per0or/$n*
ac$;$$es !+$c+ are "$rec#: re#ae" o +e /a$n
b)s$ness o0 +e pr$nc$pa#E or
A$$B +e conracor "oes no e-erc$se +e r$*+ o
conro# o;er +e per0or/ance o0 +e !orC o0 +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ee.
T+e 0ore*o$n* pro;$s$ons s+a## be !$+o)
pre.)"$ce o +e app#$ca$on o0 Ar$c#e &45 AC B o0
+e Labor Co"e6 as a/en"e".
"!ubstantial capital or investment" re0ers o
cap$a# socCs an" s)bscr$be" cap$a#$Da$on $n +e
case o0 corpora$ons6 oo#s6 eF)$p/en6
$/p#e/ens6 /ac+$ner$es an" !orC pre/$ses6
ac)a##: an" "$rec#: )se" b: +e conracor or
s)bconracor $n +e per0or/ance or co/p#e$on
o0 +e .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce conrace" o).
T+e "right to control" s+a## re0er o +e r$*+
reser;e" o +e person 0or !+o/ +e ser;$ces o0
+e conrac)a# !orCers are per0or/e"6 o
"eer/$ne no on#: +e en" o be ac+$e;e"6 b)
a#so +e /anner an" /eans o be )se" $n
reac+$n* +a en".
Sec$on 8. rohibitions. @ No!$+san"$n* Sec$on
2 o0 +ese R)#es6 +e 0o##o!$n* are +ereb:
"ec#are" pro+$b$e" 0or be$n* conrar: o #a! or
p)b#$c po#$c::
AaB Conrac$n* o) o0 a .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce !+en
no "one $n *oo" 0a$+ an" no .)s$0$e" b: +e
e-$*enc$es o0 +e b)s$ness an" +e sa/e res)#s
$n +e er/$na$on o0 re*)#ar e/p#o:ees an"
re")c$on o0 !orC +o)rs or re")c$on or sp#$$n*
o0 +e bar*a$n$n* )n$E
AbB Conrac$n* o) o0 !orC !$+ a "cabo" as
"e0$ne" $n Sec$on 1 A$$B6 R)#e I6 BooC 7 o0 +ese
R)#es. "Cabo" re0ers o a person or *ro)p o0
persons or o a #abor *ro)p !+$c+6 $n +e *)$se o0
a #abor or*an$Da$on6 s)pp#$es !orCers o an
e/p#o:er6 !$+ or !$+o) an: /onear: or o+er
cons$"era$on !+e+er $n +e capac$: o0 an a*en
o0 +e e/p#o:er or as an osens$b#e $n"epen"en
AcB TaC$n* )n")e a";ana*e o0 +e econo/$c
s$)a$on or #acC o0 bar*a$n$n* sren*+ o0 +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ee6 or )n"er/$n$n* +$s
sec)r$: o0 en)re or bas$c r$*+s6 or
c$rc)/;en$n* +e pro;$s$ons o0 re*)#ar
e/p#o:/en6 $n an: o0 +e 0o##o!$n* $nsances:
A$B In a""$$on o +$s ass$*ne" 0)nc$ons6 reF)$r$n*
+e conrac)a# e/p#o:ee o per0or/ 0)nc$ons
!+$c+ are c)rren#: be$n* per0or/e" b: +e
re*)#ar e/p#o:ees o0 +e pr$nc$pa# or o0 +e
conracor or s)bconracorE
A$$B ReF)$r$n* +$/ o s$*n6 as a precon"$$on o
e/p#o:/en or con$n)e" e/p#o:/en6 an
ane"ae" res$*na$on #eerE a b#anC pa:ro##E a
!a$;er o0 #abor san"ar"s $nc#)"$n* /$n$/)/
!a*es an" soc$a# or !e#0are bene0$sE or a
F)$c#a$/ re#eas$n* +e pr$nc$pa#6 conracor or
s)bconracor 0ro/ an: #$ab$#$: as o pa:/en o0
0))re c#a$/sE an"
A$$$B ReF)$r$n* +$/ o s$*n a conrac 0$-$n* +e
per$o" o0 e/p#o:/en o a er/ s+orer +an +e
er/ o0 +e conrac be!een +e pr$nc$pa# an" +e
conracor or s)bconracor6 )n#ess +e #aer
conrac $s "$;$s$b#e $no p+ases 0or !+$c+
s)bsan$a##: "$00eren sC$##s are reF)$re" an" +$s
$s /a"e Cno!n o +e e/p#o:ee a +e $/e o0
A"B Conrac$n* o) o0 a .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce
+ro)*+ an $n@+o)se a*enc: !+$c+ re0ers o a
conracor or s)bconracor en*a*e" $n +e
s)pp#: o0 #abor !+$c+ $s o!ne"6 /ana*e" or
conro##e" b: +e pr$nc$pa# an" !+$c+ operaes
so#e#: 0or +e pr$nc$pa#E
AeB Conrac$n* o) o0 a .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce
"$rec#: re#ae" o +e b)s$ness or opera$on o0 +e
pr$nc$pa# b: reason o0 a sr$Ce or #ocCo) !+e+er
ac)a# or $//$nenE
A0B Conrac$n* o) o0 a .ob6 !orC or ser;$ce be$n*
per0or/e" b: )n$on /e/bers !+en s)c+ !$##
$ner0ere !$+6 resra$n or coerce e/p#o:ees $n +e
e-erc$se o0 +e$r r$*+s o se#0 or*an$Da$on as
pro;$"e" $n Ar. &45 AcB o0 +e Labor Co"e6 as
Sec$on 9. "#istence of an employer-employee
relationship. @ T+e conracor or s)bconracor
s+a## be cons$"ere" +e e/p#o:er o0 +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ee 0or p)rposes o0 en0orc$n*
+e pro;$s$ons o0 +e Labor Co"e an" o+er soc$a#
#e*$s#a$on. T+e pr$nc$pa#6 +o!e;er6 s+a## be
so#$"ar$#: #$ab#e !$+ +e conracor $n +e e;en o0
an: ;$o#a$on o0 an: pro;$s$on o0 +e Labor Co"e6
$nc#)"$n* +e 0a$#)re o pa: !a*es.
T+e pr$nc$pa# s+a## be "ee/e" +e e/p#o:er o0 +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ee $n an: o0 +e 0o##o!$n*
cases as "ec#are" b: a co/peen a)+or$::
AaB !+ere +ere $s #abor@on#: conrac$n*E or
AbB !+ere +e conrac$n* arran*e/en 0a##s !$+$n
+e pro+$b$$ons pro;$"e" $n Sec$on 8
A1ro+$b$$onsB +ereo0.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=
Sec$on 5. Rights of Contractual "mployees. @
Cons$sen !$+ Sec$on 9 o0 +ese R)#es6 +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ee s+a## be en$#e" o a## +e
r$*+s an" pr$;$#e*es ")e a re*)#ar e/p#o:ee as
pro;$"e" 0or $n +e Labor Co"e6 as a/en"e"6 o
$nc#)"e +e 0o##o!$n*:
AaB Sa0e an" +ea#+0)# !orC$n* con"$$onsE
AbB Labor san"ar"s s)c+ as ser;$ce $ncen$;e
#ea;e6 res "a:s6 o;er$/e pa:6 +o#$"a: pa:6 1'+
/on+ pa: an" separa$on pa:E
AcB Soc$a# sec)r$: an" !e#0are bene0$sE
A"B Se#0@or*an$Da$on6 co##ec$;e bar*a$n$n* an"
peace0)# concere" ac$onE an"
AeB Sec)r$: o0 en)re.
Sec$on 3. Contract bet$een contractor or
subcontractor and contractual employee. @
No!$+san"$n* ora# or !r$en s$p)#a$ons o +e
conrar:6 +e conrac be!een +e conracor or
s)bconracor an" +e conrac)a# e/p#o:ee6
!+$c+ s+a## be $n !r$$n*6 s+a## $nc#)"e +e
0o##o!$n* er/s an" con"$$ons:
AaB T+e spec$0$c "escr$p$on o0 +e .ob6 !orC or
ser;$ce o be per0or/e" b: +e conrac)a#
AbB T+e p#ace o0 !orC an" er/s an" con"$$ons o0
e/p#o:/en6 $nc#)"$n* a sae/en o0 +e !a*e
rae app#$cab#e o +e $n"$;$")a# conrac)a#
e/p#o:eeE an"
AcB T+e er/ or ")ra$on o0 e/p#o:/en6 !+$c+
s+a## be coe-ens$;e !$+ +e conrac o0 +e
pr$nc$pa# an" s)bconracor6 or !$+ +e spec$0$c
p+ase 0or !+$c+ +e conrac)a# e/p#o:ee $s
en*a*e"6 as +e case /a: be.
T+e conracor or s)bconracor s+a## $n0or/ +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ee o0 +e 0ore*o$n* er/s an"
con"$$ons on or be0ore +e 0$rs "a: o0 +$s
Sec$on 1%. "ffect of Termination of Contractual
"mployment. - In cases o0 er/$na$on o0
e/p#o:/en pr$or o +e e-p$ra$on o0 +e conrac
be!een +e pr$nc$pa# an" +e conracor or
s)bconracor6 +e r$*+ o0 +e conrac)a#
e/p#o:ee o separa$on pa: or o+er re#ae"
bene0$s s+a## be *o;erne" b: +e app#$cab#e #a!s
an" .)r$spr)"ence on er/$na$on o0 e/p#o:/en.
W+ere +e er/$na$on res)#s 0ro/ +e e-p$ra$on
o0 +e conrac be!een +e pr$nc$pa# an" +e
conracor or s)bconracor6 or 0ro/ +e
co/p#e$on o0 +e p+ase o0 +e .ob6 !orC or
ser;$ce 0or !+$c+ +e conrac)a# e/p#o:ee $s
en*a*e"6 +e #aer s+a## no be en$#e" o
separa$on pa:. ?o!e;er6 +$s s+a## be !$+o)
pre.)"$ce o co/p#e$on bon)ses or o+er
e/o#)/ens6 $nc#)"$n* re$re/en pa: as /a: be
pro;$"e" b: #a! or $n +e conrac be!een +e
pr$nc$pa# an" +e conracor or s)bconracor.
Sec$on 11. Registration of Contractors or
!ubcontractors. @ Cons$sen !$+ +e a)+or$: o0
+e Secrear: o0 Labor an" E/p#o:/en o resr$c
or pro+$b$ +e conrac$n* o) o0 #abor +ro)*+
appropr$ae re*)#a$ons6 a re*$sra$on s:se/ o
*o;ern conrac$n* arran*e/ens an" o be
$/p#e/ene" b: +e Re*$ona# O00$ces $s +ereb:
T+e re*$sra$on o0 conracors an"
s)bconracors s+a## be necessar: 0or p)rposes
o0 esab#$s+$n* an e00ec$;e #abor /arCe
$n0or/a$on an" /on$or$n*.
Fa$#)re o re*$ser s+a## *$;e r$se o +e
pres)/p$on +a +e conracor $s en*a*e" $n
#abor@on#: conrac$n*.
Sec$on 1&. Re%uirements for registration. @ A
conracor or s)bconracor s+a## be #$se" $n +e
re*$sr: o0 conracors an" s)bconracors )pon
co/p#e$on o0 an app#$ca$on 0or/ o be pro;$"e"
b: +e DOLE. T+e app#$can conracor or
s)bconracor s+a## pro;$"e $n +e app#$ca$on
0or/ +e 0o##o!$n* $n0or/a$on:
AaB T+e na/e an" b)s$ness a""ress o0 +e
app#$can an" +e area or areas !+ere $ seeCs o
AbB T+e na/es an" a""resses o0 o00$cers6 $0 +e
app#$can $s a corpora$on6 parners+$p6
coopera$;e or )n$onE
AcB T+e na)re o0 +e app#$canGs b)s$ness an" +e
$n")sr: or $n")sr$es !+ere +e app#$can seeCs
o operaeE
A"B T+e n)/ber o0 re*)#ar !orCersE +e #$s o0
c#$ens6 $0 an:E +e n)/ber o0 personne# ass$*ne"
o eac+ c#$en6 $0 an: an" +e ser;$ces pro;$"e" o
+e c#$enE
AeB T+e "escr$p$on o0 +e p+ases o0 +e conrac
an" +e n)/ber o0 e/p#o:ees co;ere" $n eac+
p+ase6 !+ere appropr$aeE an"
A0B A cop: o0 a)"$e" 0$nanc$a# sae/ens $0 +e
app#$can $s a corpora$on6 parners+$p6
coopera$;e or a )n$on6 or cop: o0 +e #aes ITR $0
+e app#$can $s a so#e propr$eors+$p.
T+e app#$ca$on s+a## be s)ppore" b::
AaB A cer$0$e" cop: o0 a cer$0$cae o0 re*$sra$on
o0 0$r/ or b)s$ness na/e 0ro/ +e Sec)r$$es an"
E-c+an*e Co//$ss$on ASECB6 Depar/en o0
Tra"e an" In")sr: ADTIB6 Coopera$;e
De;e#op/en A)+or$: ACDAB6 or 0ro/ +e DOLE $0
+e app#$can $s a )n$onE an"
AbB A cer$0$e" cop: o0 +e #$cense or b)s$ness
per/$ $ss)e" b: +e #oca# *o;ern/en )n$ or
)n$s !+ere +e conracor or s)bconracor
T+e app#$ca$on s+a## be ;er$0$e" an" s+a## $nc#)"e
an )n"eraC$n* +a +e conracor or
s)bconracor s+a## ab$"e b: a## app#$cab#e #abor
#a!s an" re*)#a$ons.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A
Sec$on 1'. &iling and processing of applications.
@ T+e app#$ca$on an" $s s)ppor$n* "oc)/ens
s+a## be 0$#e" $n r$p#$cae $n +e Re*$ona# O00$ces
!+ere +e app#$can pr$nc$pa##: operaes. No
app#$ca$on 0or re*$sra$on s+a## be accepe"
)n#ess a## +e 0ore*o$n* reF)$re/ens are
co/p#$e" !$+. T+e conracor or s)bconracor
s+a## be "ee/e" re*$sere" )pon pa:/en o0 a
re*$sra$on 0ee o0 11%%.%% o +e Re*$ona# O00$ce.
W+ere a## +e s)ppor$n* "oc)/ens +a;e been
s)b/$e"6 +e Re*$ona# O00$ce s+a## "en: or
appro;e +e app#$ca$on !$+$n se;en A9B !orC$n*
"a:s a0er $s 0$#$n*.
Upon re*$sra$on6 +e Re*$ona# O00$ce s+a## re)rn
one se o0 +e ")#:@sa/pe" app#$ca$on
"oc)/ens o +e app#$can6 rea$n one se 0or $s
0$#e6 an" rans/$ +e re/a$n$n* se o +e B)rea)
o0 Loca# E/p#o:/en. T+e B)rea) s+a## "e;$se +e
necessar: 0or/s 0or +e e-pe"$$o)s process$n*
o0 a## app#$ca$ons 0or re*$sra$on.
Sec$on 14. Duty to produce copy of contract
bet$een the principal and the contractor or
subcontractor. - T+e pr$nc$pa# or +e conracor or
s)bconracor s+a## be )n"er an ob#$*a$on o
pro")ce a cop: o0 +e conrac be!een +e
pr$nc$pa# an" +e conracor $n +e or"$nar:
co)rse o0 $nspec$on. T+e conracor s+a##
#$Ce!$se be )n"er an ob#$*a$on o pro")ce a cop:
o0 +e conrac o0 e/p#o:/en o0 +e conrac)a#
!orCer !+en "$rece" o "o so b: +e Re*$ona#
D$recor or +$s a)+or$De" represena$;e.
A cop: o0 +e conrac be!een +e conrac)a#
e/p#o:ee an" +e conracor or s)bconracor
s+a## be 0)rn$s+e" +e cer$0$e" bar*a$n$n* a*en6
$0 +ere $s an:.
Sec$on 12. Annual Reporting of Registered
Contractors. @ T+e conracor or s)bconracor
s+a## s)b/$ $n r$p#$cae $s ann)a# repor )s$n* a
prescr$be" 0or/ o +e appropr$ae Re*$ona#
O00$ce no #aer +an +e 12+ o0 (an)ar: o0 +e
0o##o!$n* :ear. T+e repor s+a## $nc#)"e:
AaB A #$s o0 conracs enere" !$+ +e pr$nc$pa#
")r$n* +e s) repor$n* per$o"E
AbB T+e n)/ber o0 !orCers co;ere" b: eac+
conrac !$+ +e pr$nc$pa#E
AcB A s!orn )n"eraC$n* +a +e bene0$s 0ro/ +e
Soc$a# Sec)r$: S:se/ ASSSB6 +e ?o/e
De;e#op/en ,))a# F)n" A?D,FB6 1+$#?ea#+6
E/p#o:ees Co/pensa$on Co//$ss$on AECCB6
an" re/$ances o +e B)rea) o0 Inerna# Re;en)e
ABIRB ")e $s conrac)a# e/p#o:ees +a;e been
/a"e ")r$n* +e s) repor$n* per$o".
T+e Re*$ona# O00$ce s+a## re)rn one se o0 +e
")#:@sa/pe" repor o +e conracor or
s)bconracor6 rea$n one se 0or $s 0$#e6 an"
rans/$ +e re/a$n$n* se o +e B)rea) o0 Loca#
E/p#o:/en !$+$n 0$;e A2B "a:s 0ro/ rece$p
Sec$on 18. Delisting of contractors or
subcontractors. @ S) o ")e process6 +e
Re*$ona# D$recor s+a## cance# +e re*$sra$on o0
conracors or s)bconracors base" on an: o0
+e 0o##o!$n* *ro)n"s:
AaB Non@s)b/$ss$on o0 conracs be!een +e
pr$nc$pa# an" +e conracor or s)bconracor
!+en reF)$re" o "o soE
AbB Non@s)b/$ss$on o0 ann)a# reporE
AcB F$n"$n*s +ro)*+ arb$ra$on +a +e
conracor or s)bconracor +as en*a*e" $n #abor@
on#: conrac$n* an" +e pro+$b$e" ac$;$$es as
pro;$"e" $n Sec$on 8 A1ro+$b$$onsB +ereo0E an"
A"B Non@co/p#$ance !$+ #abor san"ar"s an"
!orC$n* con"$$ons.
Sec$on 19. Rene$al of registration of contractors
or subcontractors. @ A## re*$sere" conracors or
s)bconracors /a: app#: 0or rene!a# o0
re*$sra$on e;er: +ree :ears. For +$s p)rpose6
+e Tr$par$e In")sr$a# 1eace Co)nc$# ATI1CB as
creae" )n"er E-ec)$;e Or"er No. 436 s+a## ser;e
as +e o;ers$*+ co//$ee o ;er$0: an" /on$or
+e 0o##o!$n*:
AaB En*a*$n* $n a##o!ab#e conrac$n* ac$;$$esE
AbB Co/p#$ance !$+ a"/$n$sra$;e repor$n*
Sec$on 15. "nforcement of 'abor !tandards and
(or)ing Conditions. @ Cons$sen !$+ Ar$c#e 1&5
A7$s$or$a# an" En0orce/en 1o!erB o0 +e Labor
Co"e6 as a/en"e"6 +e Re*$ona# D$recor +ro)*+
+$s ")#: a)+or$De" represena$;es6 $nc#)"$n*
#abor re*)#a$on o00$cers s+a## +a;e +e a)+or$:
o con")c ro)$ne $nspec$on o0 esab#$s+/ens
en*a*e" $n conrac$n* or s)bconrac$n* an"
s+a## +a;e access o e/p#o:erGs recor"s an"
pre/$ses a an: $/e o0 +e "a: or n$*+ !+ene;er
!orC $s be$n* )n"eraCen +ere$n6 an" +e r$*+ o
cop: +ere0ro/6 o F)es$on an: e/p#o:ee an"
$n;es$*ae an: 0ac6 con"$$on or /aer !+$c+
/a: be necessar: o "eer/$ne ;$o#a$ons or
!+$c+ /a: a$" $n +e en0orce/en o0 +e Labor
Co"e an" o0 an: #abor #a!6 !a*e or"er6 or r)#es
an" re*)#a$ons $ss)e" p)rs)an +ereo.
T+e 0$n"$n*s o0 +e ")#: a)+or$De" represena$;e
s+a## be re0erre" o +e Re*$ona# D$recor 0or
appropr$ae ac$on as pro;$"e" 0or $n Ar$c#e 1&56
an" s+a## be 0)rn$s+e" +e co##ec$;e bar*a$n$n*
a*en6 $0 an:.
Base" on +e ;$s$or$a# an" en0orce/en po!er o0
+e Secrear: o0 Labor an" E/p#o:/en $n Ar$c#e
1&5 AaB6 AbB6 AcB an" A"B6 +e Re*$ona# D$recor s+a##
$ss)e co/p#$ance or"ers o *$;e e00ec o +e #abor
san"ar"s pro;$s$ons o0 +e Labor Co"e6 o+er
#abor #e*$s#a$on an" +ese *)$"e#$nes.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "@
Sec$on 13. !olidary liability. @ T+e pr$nc$pa# s+a##
be "ee/e" as +e "$rec e/p#o:er o0 +e
conrac)a# e/p#o:ees an" +ere0ore6 so#$"ar$#:
#$ab#e !$+ +e conracor or s)bconracor 0or
!+ae;er /onear: c#a$/s +e conrac)a#
e/p#o:ees /a: +a;e a*a$ns +e 0or/er $n +e
case o0 ;$o#a$ons as pro;$"e" 0or $n Sec$ons 2
ALabor@On#: conrac$n*B6 8 A1ro+$b$$onsB6 5
AR$*+s o0 Conrac)a# E/p#o:eesB an" 18
ADe#$s$n*B o0 +ese R)#es. In a""$$on6 +e
pr$nc$pa# s+a## a#so be so#$"ar$#: #$ab#e $n case +e
conrac be!een +e pr$nc$pa# an" conracor or
s)bconracor $s preer/$nae" 0or reasons no
ar$b)ab#e o +e 0a)# o0 +e conracor or
Sec$on &%. !upersession. @ A## r)#es an"
re*)#a$ons $ss)e" b: +e Secrear: o0 Labor an"
E/p#o:/en $ncons$sen !$+ +e pro;$s$ons o0
+$s R)#e are +ereb: s)perse"e". Conrac$n* or
s)bconrac$n* arran*e/ens $n +e consr)c$on
$n")sr:6 )n"er +e #$cens$n* co;era*e o0 +e
1CAB an" s+a## no $nc#)"e s+$pb)$#"$n* an" s+$p
repa$r$n* !orCs6 +o!e;er6 s+a## con$n)e o be
*o;erne" b: Depar/en Or"er No. 136 ser$es o0
Sec$on &1. "ffectivity. @ T+$s Or"er s+a## be
e00ec$;e 0$0een A12B "a:s a0er co/p#e$on o0 $s
p)b#$ca$on $n !o A&B ne!spapers o0 *enera#
,an$#a6 1+$#$pp$nes6 &1 Febr)ar: &%%&.
a. (e>uirements &or 'ndeendent Contractor
San Di!uel Cor ,. 8L(C )
Dali1si, .( 8o. "A%@BB, 5ec. B, 4::B
L''Q*A-PDPB ,. Burlin!!ame
cor., .( 8o. "B4$==, June "@, 4::%
b. 5esirable ? Lnnecessar/
Coca-Cola Bottlers Phil., 'nc. ,.
8L(C, =:% SC(A "=" ("###)
c. Labor Contractor +nl/; (e>uisites and
Danila 2ater Co., 'nc. ,. Pena,
A=A SC(A @4 (4::A)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "B
d. E&&ect o& Kindin!
San Di!uel Cororation ,. Abella,
AB" SC(A =#4 (4::@)
=. Liabilit/ o& 'ndirect Emlo/er
Lanzaderas ,. Ameth/st Securit/ )
.eneral Ser,ices, 'nc., supra
D. 1re@e/p#o:/en6 Recr)$/en an" 1#ace/en o0
(e&erence7 Arts. "4-A4; P+EA (ules; Boo1 ", (ules '''-9''',
+mnibus (ules; Di!rant 2or1ers and +,erseas Kiliinos Act
o& "##@ ((A $:A4); Anti-Tra&&ic1in! in Persons Act 4::= ((A
#4:$) and (ules and (e!ulations 'mlementin! (A #4:$
". Pre-emlo/ment Polic/ ? Statement o& +b3ecti,es,
Art. "4 (a) (&);
Const., Art. '', Sec. #; (A $:A4, Sec. 4, A ) @.
A(T. "4. ,tatement of ob-ectives. - 't is the olic/ o&
the State7
a) To romote and maintain a state o& &ull
emlo/ment throu!h imro,ed manower
trainin!, allocation and utilization;
&) To stren!then the networ1 o& ublic
emlo/ment o&&ices and rationalize the
articiation o& the ri,ate sector in the
recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers,
locall/ and o,erseas, to ser,e national
de,eloment ob3ecti,es;
"#$% Constitution, Art '', Sec. #
The State shall romote a 3ust and d/namic
social order that will ensure the roserit/
and indeendence o& the nation and &ree the
eole &rom o,ert/ throu!h olicies that
ro,ide ade>uate social ser,ices, romote
&ull emlo/ment, a risin! standard o& li,in!,
and an imro,ed >ualit/ o& li&e &or all.
(EPLBL'C ACT 8+. $:A4
SEC. 4. 5ECLA(AT'+8 +K P+L'C'ES--
(a) 'n the ursuit o& an indeendent &orei!n
olic/ and while considerin! national
so,erei!nt/, territorial inte!rit/, national
interest and the ri!ht to sel&-determination
aramount in its relations with other states,
the State shall, at all times, uhold the
di!nit/ o& its citizens whether in countr/ or
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "%
o,erseas, in !eneral, and Kiliino mi!rant
wor1ers, in articular.
(b) The State shall a&&ord &ull rotection to
labor, local and o,erseas, or!anized and
unor!anized, and romote &ull emlo/ment
and e>ualit/ o& emlo/ment oortunities &or
all. Towards this end, the State shall ro,ide
ade>uate and timel/ social, economic and
le!al ser,ices to Kiliino mi!rant wor1ers.
(c) 2hile reco!nizin! the si!ni&icant
contribution o& Kiliino mi!rant wor1ers to the
national econom/ throu!h their &orei!n
e0chan!e remittances, the State does not
romote o,erseas emlo/ment as a means
to sustain economic !rowth and achie,e
national de,eloment. The e0istence o& the
o,erseas emlo/ment ro!ram rests solel/
on the assurance that the di!nit/ and
&undamental human ri!hts and &reedoms o&
the Kiliino citizens shall not, at an/ time, be
comromised or ,iolated. The State,
there&ore, shall continuousl/ create local
emlo/ment oortunities and romote the
e>uitable distribution o& wealth and the
bene&its o& de,eloment.
(d) The State a&&irms the &undamental
e>ualit/ be&ore the law o& women and men
and the si!ni&icant role o& women in nation-
buildin!. (eco!nizin! the contribution o&
o,erseas mi!rant women wor1ers and their
articular ,ulnerabilities, the State shall
al/ !ender sensiti,e criteria in the
&ormulation and imlementation o& olicies
and ro!rams a&&ectin! mi!rant wor1ers and
the comosition o& bodies tas1ed &or the
wel&are o& mi!rant wor1ers.
(e) Kree access to the courts and >uasi-
3udicial bodies and ade>uate le!al
assistance shall not be denied to an/
ersons b/ reason o& o,ert/. 'n this re!ard,
it is imerati,e that an e&&ecti,e mechanism
be instituted to ensure that the ri!hts and
interest o& distressed o,erseas Kiliinos, in
!eneral, and Kiliino mi!rant wor1ers, in
articular, documented or undocumented,
are ade>uatel/ rotected and sa&e!uarded.
(&) The ri!ht o& Kiliino mi!rant wor1ers and
all o,erseas Kiliinos to articiate in the
democratic decision-ma1in! rocesses o&
the State and to be reresented in
institutions rele,ant to o,erseas emlo/ment
is reco!nized and !uaranteed.
(!) The State reco!nizes that the ultimate
rotection to all mi!rant wor1ers is the
ossession o& s1ills. Pursuant to this and as
soon as racticable, the !o,ernment shall
delo/ andCor allow the delo/ment onl/ to
s1illed Kiliino wor1ers.
(h) 8on-!o,ernmental or!anizations, dul/
reco!nized as le!itimate, are artners o& the
State in the rotection o& Kiliino mi!rant
wor1ers and in the romotion o& their
wel&are, the State shall cooerate with them
in a sirit o& trust and mutual resect.
(') .o,ernment &ees and other administrati,e
costs o& recruitment, introduction, lacement
and assistance to mi!rant wor1ers
shall be rendered &ree without re3udice to
the ro,ision o& Section =B hereo&.
8onetheless, the delo/ment o& Kiliino
o,erseas wor1ers, whether land-based or
sea-based b/ local ser,ice contractors and
mannin! a!encies emlo/in! them shall be
encoura!ed. Aroriate incenti,es ma/ be
e0tended to them.
SEC. A. 5elo/ment o& Di!rant 2or1ers -
The State shall delo/ o,erseas Kiliino
wor1ers onl/ in countries where the ri!hts o&
Kiliino mi!rant wor1ers are rotected. The
!o,ernment reco!nizes an/ o& the &ollowin!
as !uarantee on the art o& the recei,in!
countr/ &or the rotection and the ri!hts o&
o,erseas Kiliino wor1ers7
(a) 't has e0istin! labor and social laws
rotectin! the ri!hts o& mi!rant wor1ers;
(b) 't is a si!nator/ to multilateral
con,entions, declaration or resolutions
relatin! to the rotection o& mi!rant wor1ers;
(c) 't has concluded a bilateral a!reement or
arran!ement with the !o,ernment rotectin!
the ri!hts o& o,erseas Kiliino wor1ers; and
(d) 't is ta1in! ositi,e, concrete measures to
rotect the ri!hts o& mi!rant wor1ers.
SEC. @. TE(D'8AT'+8 +( BA8 +8
5EPL+RDE8T - 8otwithstandin! the
ro,isions o& Section A hereo&, the
!o,ernment, in ursuit o& the national
interest or when ublic wel&are so re>uires,
ma/, at an/ time, terminate or imose a ban
on the delo/ment o& mi!rant wor1ers.
4. Pri,ate Sector ? A!encies and Entities
a. Parties
") 2or1er ? Art. "= (a)
A(T. "=. Definitions. - (a) "&" means
an/ member o& the labor &orce, whether emlo/ed or
4) Pri,ate Emlo/ment A!enc/ ? Arts. "= (c) (d), "4 (&), "A
A(T. "=. (c) "Private fee+charging
employment agency" means an/ erson or
entit/ en!a!ed in recruitment and lacement
o& wor1ers &or a &ee which is char!ed,
directl/ or indirectl/, &rom the wor1ers or
emlo/ers or both.
(d) "License" means a document issued b/
the 5eartment o& Labor authorizin! a
erson or entit/ to oerate a ri,ate
emlo/ment a!enc/.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "$
A(T. "4. ,tatement of ob-ectives. - 't is the
olic/ o& the State7
&) To stren!then the networ1 o& ublic
emlo/ment o&&ices and rationalize the
articiation o& the ri,ate sector in the
recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers,
locall/ and o,erseas, to ser,e national
de,eloment ob3ecti,es;
A(T. "A. *mployment promotion. - The
Secretar/ o& Labor shall ha,e the ower and
(a) To or!anize and establish new
emlo/ment o&&ices in addition to the e0istin!
emlo/ment o&&ices under the 5eartment o&
Labor as the need arises;
=) Pri,ate (ecruitment Entit/ ? Arts. "= (e) (&), "4 (&), "A (a)
A(T. "=. (e) "Private recruitment entity"
means an/ erson or association en!a!ed in
the recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers,
locall/ or o,erseas, without char!in!, directl/
or indirectl/, an/ &ee &rom the wor1ers or
(&) "uthority" means a document issued b/
the 5eartment o& Labor authorizin! a
erson or association to en!a!e in
recruitment and lacement acti,ities as a
ri,ate recruitment entit/.
A(T. "4. ,tatement of ob-ectives. - 't is the
olic/ o& the State7
&) To stren!then the networ1 o& ublic
emlo/ment o&&ices and rationalize the
articiation o& the ri,ate sector in the
recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers,
locall/ and o,erseas, to ser,e national
de,eloment ob3ecti,es;
A(T. "A. *mployment promotion. - The
Secretar/ o& Labor shall ha,e the ower and
(a) To or!anize and establish new
emlo/ment o&&ices in addition to the e0istin!
emlo/ment o&&ices under the 5eartment o&
Labor as the need arises;
b. (ecruitment and Placement
") Local Emlo/ment, Art. "= (b)
(b) "Recruitment and placement" re&ers to
an/ act o& can,assin!, enlistin!, contractin!,
transortin!, utilizin!, hirin! or rocurin!
wor1ers, and includes re&errals, contract
ser,ices, romisin! or ad,ertisin! &or
emlo/ment, locall/ or abroad, whether &or
ro&it or not7 Pro,ided, That an/ erson or
entit/ which, in an/ manner, o&&ers or
romises &or a &ee, emlo/ment to two or
more ersons shall be deemed en!a!ed in
recruitment and lacement.
4) +,erseas Emlo/ment, Sec. B, (A $:A4
Sec. B. 5EK'8'T'+8S. - Kor uroses o& this
Act, ille!al recruitment shall mean an/ act o&
can,assin!, enlistin!, contractin!,
transortin!, utilizin!, hirin!, rocurin!
wor1ers and includes re&errin!, contact
ser,ices, romisin! or ad,ertisin! &or
emlo/ment abroad, whether &or ro&it or
not, when underta1en b/ a non-license or
non-holder o& authorit/ contemlated under
Article "=(&) o& Presidential 5ecree 8o. AA4,
as amended, otherwise 1nown as the Labor
Code o& the Philiines. Pro,ided, that such
non-license or non-holder, who, in an/
manner, o&&ers or romises &or a &ee
emlo/ment abroad to two or more ersons
shall be deemed so en!a!ed. 't shall
li1ewise include the &ollowin! acts, whether
committed b/ an/ ersons, whether a non-
licensee, non-holder, licensee or holder o&
(a) To char!e or accet directl/ or indirectl/
an/ amount !reater than the seci&ied in the
schedule o& allowable &ees rescribed b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment, or to
ma1e a wor1er a/ an/ amount !reater than
that actuall/ recei,ed b/ him as a loan or
(b) To &urnish or ublish an/ &alse notice or
in&ormation or document in relation to
recruitment or emlo/ment;
(c) To !i,e an/ &alse notice, testimon/,
in&ormation or document or commit an/ act
o& misreresentation &or the urose o&
securin! a license or authorit/ under the
Labor Code;
(d) To induce or attemt to induce a wor1er
alread/ emlo/ed to >uit his emlo/ment in
order to o&&er him another unless the trans&er
is desi!ned to liberate a wor1er &rom
oressi,e terms and conditions o&
(e) To in&luence or attemt to in&luence an/
ersons or entit/ not to emlo/ an/ wor1er
who has not alied &or emlo/ment throu!h
his a!enc/;
(&) To en!a!e in the recruitment o&
lacement o& wor1ers in 3obs harm&ul to
ublic health or moralit/ or to di!nit/ o& the
(eublic o& the Philiines;
(!) To obstruct or attemt to obstruct
insection b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment or b/ his dul/ authorized
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "#
(h) To &ail to submit reorts on the status o&
emlo/ment, lacement ,acancies,
remittances o& &orei!n e0chan!e earnin!s,
searations &rom 3obs, deartures and such
other matters or in&ormation as ma/ be
re>uired b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
(i) To substitute or alter to the re3udice o&
the wor1er, emlo/ment contracts aro,ed
and ,eri&ied b/ the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment &rom the time o& actual si!nin!
thereo& b/ the arties u to and includin! the
eriod o& the e0iration o& the same without
the aro,al o& the 5eartment o& Labor and
(3) Kor an o&&icer or a!ent o& a recruitment or
lacement a!enc/ to become an o&&icer or
member o& the Board o& an/ cororation
en!a!ed in tra,el a!enc/ or to be en!a!ed
directl/ on indirectl/ in the mana!ement o& a
tra,el a!enc/;
(1) To withhold or den/ tra,el documents
&rom alicant wor1ers be&ore dearture &or
monetar/ or &inancial considerations other
than those authorized under the Labor Code
and its imlementin! rules and re!ulations;
(l) Kailure to actuall/ delo/ without ,alid
reasons as determined b/ the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment; and
(m) Kailure to reimburse e0enses incurred
b/ the wor1ers in connection with his
documentation and rocessin! &or uroses
o& delo/ment, in cases where the
delo/ment does not actuall/ ta1e lace
without the wor1erSs &ault. 'lle!al recruitment
when committed b/ a s/ndicate or in lar!e
scale shall be considered as o&&ense
in,ol,in! economic sabota!e.
'lle!al recruitment is deemed committed b/ a
s/ndicate carried out b/ a !rou o& three (=)
or more ersons consirin! or con&ederatin!
with one another. 't is deemed committed in
lar!e scale i& committed a!ainst three (=) or
more ersons indi,iduall/ or as a !rou.
The ersons criminall/ liable &or the abo,e
o&&enses are the rincials, accomlices and
accessories. 'n case o& 3uridical ersons, the
o&&icers ha,in! control, mana!ement or
direction o& their business shall be liable.
c. Allowed and Protected Entities
") Allowed Pri,ate A!encies and Entities, Arts. "B, "$, 4@,
"4 (&)
A(T. "B. Private recruitment. - E0cet as
ro,ided in Chater '' o& this Title, no erson
or entit/ other than the ublic emlo/ment
o&&ices, shall en!a!e in the recruitment and
lacement o& wor1ers.
A(T. "$. /an on direct+hiring. - 8o
emlo/er ma/ hire a Kiliino wor1er &or
o,erseas emlo/ment e0cet throu!h the
Boards and entities authorized b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor. 5irect-hirin! b/ members
o& the dilomatic cors, international
or!anizations and such other emlo/ers as
ma/ be allowed b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor is
e0emted &rom this ro,ision.
A(T. 4@. Private sector participation in the
recruitment and placement of $or.ers. -
Pursuant to national de,eloment ob3ecti,es
and in order to harness and ma0imize the
use o& ri,ate sector resources and initiati,e
in the de,eloment and imlementation o& a
comrehensi,e emlo/ment ro!ram, the
ri,ate emlo/ment sector shall articiate
in the recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers,
locall/ and o,erseas, under such !uidelines,
rules and re!ulations as ma/ be issued b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor.
A(T. "4. ,tatement of ob-ectives. - 't is the
olic/ o& the State7
&) To stren!then the networ1 o& ublic
emlo/ment o&&ices and rationalize the
articiation o& the ri,ate sector in the
recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers,
locall/ and o,erseas, to ser,e national
de,eloment ob3ecti,es;
4) Prohibited Business A!encies and Entities, Arts. "B, "$,
4@, 4B
A(T. "B. Private recruitment. - E0cet as ro,ided in
Chater '' o& this Title, no erson or entit/ other than
the ublic emlo/ment o&&ices, shall en!a!e in the
recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers.
A(T. "$. /an on direct+hiring. - 8o emlo/er ma/ hire
a Kiliino wor1er &or o,erseas emlo/ment e0cet
throu!h the Boards and entities authorized b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor. 5irect-hirin! b/ members o& the
dilomatic cors, international or!anizations and such
other emlo/ers as ma/ be allowed b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor is e0emted &rom this ro,ision.
A(T. 4@. Private sector participation in the
recruitment and placement of $or.ers. - Pursuant to
national de,eloment ob3ecti,es and in order to
harness and ma0imize the use o& ri,ate sector
resources and initiati,e in the de,eloment and
imlementation o& a comrehensi,e emlo/ment
ro!ram, the ri,ate emlo/ment sector shall
articiate in the recruitment and lacement o&
wor1ers, locall/ and o,erseas, under such !uidelines,
rules and re!ulations as ma/ be issued b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor.
A(T. 4B. Travel agencies prohibited to recruit. -
Tra,el a!encies and sales a!encies o& airline
comanies are rohibited &rom en!a!in! in the
business o& recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers &or
o,erseas emlo/ment whether &or ro&it or not.
d. .o,ernment Techni>ues o& (e!ulation ? Pri,ate
") Licensin!, Arts. 4%, 4$, 4#, =:, =", P+EA rules and
(e!ulations, Boo1 '', Sec. " and Boo1 '', (ule ''
A(T. 4%. Citi0enship re1uirement. - +nl/
Kiliino citizens or cororations, artnershis
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4:
or entities at least se,ent/-&i,e ercent
(%@P) o& the authorized and ,otin! caital
stoc1 o& which is owned and controlled b/
Kiliino citizens shall be ermitted to
articiate in the recruitment and lacement
o& wor1ers, locall/ or o,erseas.
A(T. 4$. Capitali0ation. - All alicants &or
authorit/ to hire or renewal o& license to
recruit are re>uired to ha,e such substantial
caitalization as determined b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor.
A(T. 4#. Non+transferability of license or
authority. - 8o license or authorit/ shall be
used directl/ or indirectl/ b/ an/ erson
other than the one in whose &a,or it was
issued or at an/ lace other than that stated
in the license or authorit/ be trans&erred,
con,e/ed or assi!ned to an/ other erson or
entit/. An/ trans&er o& business address,
aointment or desi!nation o& an/ a!ent or
reresentati,e includin! the establishment o&
additional o&&ices an/where shall be sub3ect
to the rior aro,al o& the 5eartment o&
A(T. =:. Registration fees. - The Secretar/
o& Labor shall romul!ate a schedule o& &ees
&or the re!istration o& all alicants &or
license or authorit/.
A(T. =". /onds. - All alicants &or license
or authorit/ shall ost such cash and suret/
bonds as determined b/ the Secretar/ o&
Labor to !uarantee comliance with
rescribed recruitment rocedures, rules and
re!ulations, and terms and conditions o&
emlo/ment as ma/ be aroriate.
1OEA R)#es6 BooC II6
Section ". Muali&ications. +nl/ those who
ossess the &ollowin! >uali&ications ma/ be
ermitted to en!a!e in the business o&
recruitment and lacement o& Kiliino
a. Kiliino citizens, artnershis or
cororations at least se,ent/ &i,e ercent
(%@P) o& the authorized caital stoc1 o&
which is owned and controlled b/ Kiliino
b. A minimum caitalization o& Two Dillion
Pesos (P4,:::,:::.::) in case o& a sin!le
rorietorshi or artnershi and a minimum
aid-u caital o& Two Dillion Pesos
(P4,:::,:::.::) in case o& a cororation;
Provided that those with e0istin! licenses
shall, within &our /ears &rom e&&ecti,it/
hereo&, increase their caitalization or aid
u caital, as the case ma/ be, to Two
Dillion Pesos (P4,:::,:::.::) at the rate o&
Two *undred Ki&t/ Thousand Pesos
(P4@:,:::.::) e,er/ /ear.
c. Those not otherwise dis>uali&ied b/ law or
other !o,ernment re!ulations to en!a!e in
the recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers &or
o,erseas emlo/ment.
(LLE ''

Section ". Re1uirements for )ssuance of
License. - E,er/ alicant &or license to
oerate a ri,ate emlo/ment a!enc/ or
mannin! a!enc/ shall submit a written
alication to!ether with the &ollowin!
a. A certi&ied co/ o& the Articles o&
'ncororation or o& Partnershi dul/
re!istered with the Securities and E0chan!e
Commission (SEC), in the case o&
cororation or artnershi or Certi&icate o&
(e!istration o& &irm or business name with
the Bureau o& 5omestic Trade (B5T) in the
case o& a sin!le rorietorshi;
b. Proo& o& &inancial caacit/7 'n the case o&
a sin!le rorietorshi or artnershi,
,eri&ied income ta0 returns &or the ast two
(4) /ears and a ban1 certi&icate o& a cash
deosit o& P4@:,:::.::, ro,ided that the
alicant should submit an authorit/ to
e0amine such ban1 deosit.
'n the case o& a newl/ or!anized cororation,
submission o& a ban1 certi&icate o& a cash
deosit o& at least P4@:,:::.:: with authorit/
to e0amine the same. Kor an e0istin!
cororation, submission o& a ,eri&ied &inancial
statement, cororate ta0 returns &or the ast
two (4) /ears and ban1 certi&ication o& a cash
deosit o& at least P4@:,:::.:: with the
corresondin! authorit/ to e0amine such
c. Escrow a!reement in the amount o&
P4::,:::.:: with an accredited reutable
ban1in! cororation to rimaril/ answer &or
,alid and le!al claims o& recruited wor1ers as
a result o& recruitment ,iolations or mone/
d. Clearance o& all members o& the Board o&
5irectors, artner, or rorietor o& the
alicant a!enc/ &rom the 8ational Bureau
o& 'n,esti!ation (8B') and other !o,ernment
a!encies as the need ma/ re>uire, KiscalGs
clearance in case o& ersons with criminal
cases; ro,ided that where the member or
artner concerned is a &orei!ner, clearance
&rom his countr/ o& ori!in shall be
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4"
e. Proo& o& mar1etin! caabilit/;

Kor land-based alicants7

An alicant with an actual rincialC&orei!n
emlo/er to be ser,iced, shall at the time o&
alication submit the &ollowin! documents
&or e,aluation7

(") A dul/ e0ecuted Secial Power o&
Attorne/ authenticated b/ the Philiine
Embass/CConsulate or Labor Attache in the
lace where the rincialCemlo/ers hold
their o&&ice; or

(4) A concluded ser,iceCrecruitment
a!reement authenticated b/ the Philiine
Embass/CConsulate, or Labor Attache in the
lace where the ro3ectC3ob site is located;

(=) An authenticated manower mobilization
re>uest or ,isa aro,al o& not less than &i&t/
(@:) wor1ers &or delo/ment within a eriod
not e0ceedin! si0 (B) months &rom issuance
o& aro,ed license;

An alicant who, at the time o& alication
is unable to resent a &orei!n
rincialCemlo/er shall, uon comliance
with all other licensin! re>uirements as
herein ro,ided, be issued a ro,isional
license, sub3ect to submission o& a ,eri&ied
underta1in! to delo/ at least &i&t/ (@:)
wor1ers, e0clusi,e o& direct hired, within a
eriod not e0ceedin! si0 (B) months &rom
date o& issuance o& ro,isional license. 't is
understood that &ailure to coml/ with this
underta1in! shall result in the automatic
re,ocation o& the ro,isional license.

Kor mannin! alicants7
(") A dul/ e0ecuted Secial Power o&
Attorne/ authenticated b/ the Philiine
Embass/CConsulate or Labor Attache in
lace where the ,essel
ownersCoeratorsCmana!er hold their
rincial o&&ice; or

(4) A dul/ concluded mannin! a!reement
authenticated b/ the Philiine Embass/,
Consulate, or Labor Attache in the lace
where the ,esselCownersCoeratorsC
mana!er hold their rincial o&&ice;

(=) A manower mobilization re>uest o& not
less than &i&t/ (@:) sea&arers &or delo/ment
within a eriod not e0ceedin! si0 (B) months
&rom issuance o& aro,ed license.
&. A ,eri&ied underta1in! statin! that the
(") Shall select onl/ medicall/ and
technicall/ >uali&ied recruits;

(4) Shall assume &ull and comlete
resonsibilit/ &or all claims and liabilities
which ma/ arise in connection with the use
o& license;

(=) Shall assume 3oint and solidar/ liabilit/
with the emlo/er &or all claims and liabilities
which ma/ arise in connection with the
imlementation o& the contract, includin! but
not limited to a/ment o& wa!es, death and
disabilit/ comensation and reatriation;

(A) Shall !uarantee comliance with the
e0istin! labor and social le!islations o& the
Philiines and o& the countr/ o& emlo/ment
o& recruited wor1ers; and

(@) Shall assume &ull and comlete
resonsibilit/ &or all acts o& its o&&icials,
emlo/ees and reresentati,es done in
connection with recruitment and lacement;
!. List o& all o&&icials and ersonnel in,ol,ed
in the recruitment and lacement, to!ether
with their aointment, bio-data and two (4)
coies o& their assort-size ictures.
h. Co/ o& contract o& lease or roo& o&
buildin! ownershi to!ether with o&&ice
Section 4. ction on the pplication. + 2ithin
thirt/ (=:) calendar da/s &rom receit o&
alication or re>uirements includin! roo& o&
a/ment o& a non-re&undable &ilin! &ee o&
P@,:::.::, the Administration shall e,aluate
ertinent documents o& the alicant, insect
the o&&ices and e>uiment and recommend
to the Secretar/ the aro,al or denial o& the
Section =. )ssuance of License. - The
Administration shall recommend to the
Secretar/ issuance o& the corresondin!
license uon due e,aluation and comliance
with licensin! re>uirements and oerational
Section A. Payment of 2ees and Posting of
/onds. - Lon aro,al o& the alication,
the alicant shall a/ a license &ee o&
P=:,:::.::. 't shall also ost a cash bond o&
P"::,:::.:: and a suret/ bond o&
P@:,:::.:: &rom a bondin! coman/
accetable to the Administration and dul/
accredited b/ the 'nsurance Commission.
The bonds shall answer &or all ,alid and le!al
claims arisin! &rom ,iolations o& the
conditions &or the !rant and use o& the
license, andCor accreditation and contracts o&
emlo/ment. The bonds shall li1ewise
!uarantee comliance with the ro,isions o&
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 44
the Code and its imlementin! rules and
re!ulations relatin! to recruitment and
lacement, the (ules o& the Administration
and rele,ant issuances o& the 5eartment
and all liabilities which the Administration
ma/ imose. The suret/ bonds shall include
the condition Hthat notice to the rincial is
notice to the suret/ and that an/ 3ud!ment
a!ainst the rincial in connection with
matters &allin! under P+EAGs 3urisdiction
shall be bindin! and conclusi,e on the
suret/. The suret/ bonds shall be co-
terminus with the ,alidit/ eriod o& the
Section @. #alidity of License. + E,er/
license shall be ,alid &or at least two (4)
/ears &rom the date o& issuance unless
sooner cancelled or re,o1ed b/ the
Secretar/ or susended b/ the
Administration &or ,iolation o& the Code and
its rules and rele,ant decrees, orders and
issuances and other rules and re!ulations o&
the 5eartment. Such license shall be ,alid
onl/ at the laceCs stated therein and when
used b/ the licensed erson, artnershi or
Section B. Non+Transferability of License. +
8o license shall be trans&erred, con,e/ed or
assi!ned to an/ erson, artnershi or
cororation. 't shall not be used directl/ or
indirectl/ b/ an/ erson, artnershi or
cororation other than the one in whose
&a,or it was issued. 9iolation shall cause
automatic re,ocation o& license.
'n case o& death o& the sole rorietor, and in
order to re,ent disrution o& oeration and
so as not to re3udice the interest o&
le!itimate heirs, the licensed sin!le
rorietorshi ma/ be allowed to continue
onl/ &or the urose o& windin! u its
business oeration.
Section %. Change of
'$nership3Relationship of ,ingle
Proprietorship or Partnership. + Trans&er or
chan!e o& ownershi o& a sin!le
rorietorshi licensed to en!a!e in
o,erseas emlo/ment shall cause the
automatic re,ocation o& the license. The
new owner shall be re>uired to al/ &or a
license in accordance with these (ules.
A chan!e in the relationshi o& the artners
in a artnershi dul/ licensed to en!a!e in
o,erseas emlo/ment which materiall/
interruts the course o& the business or
results in the actual dissolution o& the
artnershi shall li1ewise cause the
automatic re,ocation o& the license.
Section $. 4pgrading of ,ingle
Proprietorship or Partnerships. + License
holders which are sin!le rorietorshis or
artnershis ma/, sub3ect to the !uidelines
o& the Administration, con,ert into
cororation &or uroses o& u!radin! or
raisin! their caabilities to resond
ade>uatel/ to de,elomentsCchan!es in the
international labor mar1et and to enable
them to better coml/ with their
resonsibilities arisin! &rom the recruitment
and delo/ment o& wor1ers o,erseas.
The aro,al o& mer!er, consolidation or
u!radin! shall automaticall/ re,o1e or
cancel the licenses o& the sin!le
rorietorshis, artnershis or cororations
so mer!ed, consolidated or u!raded.
Section #. Change of Directors of
Corporation. + E,er/ chan!e in the
comosition o& the Board o& 5irectors o& a
cororation licensed to articiate in
o,erseas emlo/ment shall be re!istered
with the Administration within thirt/ (=:)
calendar da/s &rom the date the chan!e was
decided or aro,ed. The cororation shall
be re>uired to submit to the Administration
the Dinutes o& Proceedin!s dul/ certi&ied b/
the SEC, the bio-data and clearances o& the
new members o& the Board &rom the
!o,ernment a!encies identi&ied in Section "
(e) o& this (ule.
Section ":. Change of 'ther 'fficers and
Personnel. + E,er/ chan!e or termination o&
aointment o& o&&icers, reresentati,es and
ersonnel shall be re!istered with the
Administration within thirt/ (=:) calendar
da/s &rom the date o& such chan!e.
The Administration reser,es the ri!ht to den/
the aointment o& o&&icers and emlo/ees
who were directl/ in,ol,ed in recruitment
Section "". ppointment of
Representatives. - E,er/ aointment o&
reresentati,es or a!ents o& licensed a!enc/
shall be sub3ect to rior aro,al or authorit/
o& the Administration.

The aro,al ma/ be issued uon
submission o& or comliance with the
&ollowin! re>uirements7
a. Proosed aointment or secial ower o&

b. Clearances o& the roosed
reresentati,e or a!ent &rom 8B';

c. A sworn or ,eri&ied statement b/ the
desi!natin! or aointin! erson or
coman/ assumin! &ull resonsibilit/ &or all
acts o& the a!ent or reresentati,e done in
connection with the recruitment and
lacement o& wor1ers;
Section "4. Publication of Change of
Directors3'ther 'fficers and Personnel3
Revocation or mendment of ppointment
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4=
of Representatives. + 'n addition to the
re>uirement o& re!istration with and
submission to the Administration, e,er/
chan!e in the membershi o& the Board o&
5irectors, resi!nationCtermination o& other
o&&icers and ersonnel, re,ocation or
amendment o& aointment o&
reresentati,es shall be ublished at least
once in a newsaer o& !eneral circulation,
in order to bind third arties. Proo& o& such
ublication shall be submitted to the
Section "=. Transfer of /usiness ddress
and ,tudio. + An/ trans&er o& business
address shall be e&&ected onl/ with rior
authorit/ or aro,al o& the Administration.
The aro,al shall be issued onl/ uon
&ormal notice o& the intention to trans&er with
the &ollowin! attachments7
a. Co/ o& the coman/Gs notice to the B5T
or the SEC on the trans&er o& business

b. 'n the case o& a cororation, a Board
(esolution dul/ re!istered with the SEC
authorizin! the trans&er o& business address;

c. 'n the case o& a sin!le rorietorshi, a
co/ o& the B5TGs ac1nowled!ment o& the
notice to trans&er; and

d. Co/ o& the contract o& lease or roo& o&
buildin! ownershi.
The new o&&ice shall be sub3ect to the normal
ocular insection rocedures b/ dul/
authorized reresentati,es o& the
A notice to the ublic o& the new address
shall be ublished in a newsaer o& !eneral
Section "A. *stablishment of *xecutive
'ffice. - The establishment o& an e0ecuti,e
o&&ice outside o& the re!istered address shall
be e&&ected onl/ with rior aro,al or
authorit/ o& the Administration. The aro,al
ma/ be issued uon submission o& an
a&&ida,it o& underta1in! to the e&&ect that no
recruitment acti,it/ whatsoe,er shall be
conducted thereat and that the a!enc/ has a
,alid contract o& lease or buildin! ownershi.
Section "@. *stablishment of /ranch and
*xtension 'ffices. + Branch and e0tension
o&&ices ma/ be established in areas
aro,ed b/ the Secretar/, sub3ect to
imlementin! !uidelines.
Section "B. Conduct of Recruitment 'utside
of Registered 'ffice% /ranch or *xtension
'ffice. + 8o licensed a!enc/ shall conduct
an/ ro,incial recruitment, 3ob &airs or
recruitment acti,ities o& an/ &orm outside o&
the address stated in the license,
ac1nowled!ed Branch or E0tension +&&ice or
without &irst securin! rior authorit/ &rom the
Administration o& the Center.
Section "%. Rene$al of License. + An
a!enc/ shall submit an alication &or the
renewal thereo& to the Administration. Such
alication shall be suorted b/ the
&ollowin! documents7
a. Proo& o& &orei!n e0chan!e earnin!s issued
b/ the Central Ban1;

b. Suret/ bond dul/ renewed or re,alidated;

c. Escrow a!reement in the amount o&
P4::,:::.:: with an accredited reutable
ban1in! cororation to rimaril/ answer &or
,alid and le!al claims o& recruited wor1ers as
a result o& recruitment ,iolations or mone/

d. (elenishment o& the cash bond in case
such or an/ art thereo& is !arnished;

e. Proo& o& &inancial caacit/ such as but not
limited to ,eri&ied &inancial statements &or the
ast two (4) /ears, ,eri&ied cororate or
indi,idual ta0 returns with con&irmation
receits, and comliance with caitalization
re>uirements and in&usion thereo& as the
case ma/ be, as certi&ied b/ the Securities
and E0chan!e Commission;

&. Summar/ o& delo/ment reorts durin! the
,alidit/ o& the license sou!ht to be renewed;

!. Summar/ o& a/roll reorts in case o&
contractors and mannin! a!encies durin!
the ,alidit/ o& the license sou!ht to be
renewed; and

h. +ther re>uirements as ma/ be imosed
b/ the Administration.
Section "$. Non+expiration of License. +
2here the license holder has made timel/
and su&&icient alication &or renewal, the
e0istin! license shall not e0ire until the
alication shall ha,e been &inall/
determined b/ the Administration.
Section "#. ction on Rene$al of License. -
2ithin thirt/ (=:) calendar da/s &rom receit
o& the alication &or renewal the
Administration shall underta1e e,aluation
and insection and therea&ter recommend to
the Secretar/ the !rant or denial o& the
Section 4:. 2ailure to Rene$. + An/ a!enc/
which &ails to obtain a renewal o& its license
within thirt/ (=:) calendar da/s &rom
e0iration thereo&, shall be immediatel/
deemed delisted and disallowed &rom
conductin! recruitment and lacement.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4A
Section 4". Denial of Rene$al of Licenses.
- Licenses o& a!encies which &ail to conclude
a recruitment or mannin! a!reement andCor
underta1e minimum le,els o& wor1er
delo/ment and &orei!n e0chan!e
!eneration or those which &ail to meet the
minimum oerational standards and
re>uirements set b/ the Administration, shall
not be renewed.
Section 44. &hen to Consider Cash
/ond3Deposit in *scro$ !arnished. - As
soon as an +rder o& .arnishment is ser,ed
uon the AdministrationCBan1, and the same
is corresondin!l/ earmar1ed, the cash
bondCdeosit in escrow o& an a!enc/ shall no
lon!er be considered su&&icient. The
Administration shall &orthwith ser,e uon the
a!enc/ a notice to relenish.
Section 4=. Replenishment of Cash or
,urety /onds3Deposit in *scro$. + 2ithin
&i&teen ("@) calendar da/s &rom date o&
receit o& notice &rom the Administration that
the bondsCdeosit in escrow, or an/ art
thereo& had been !arnished, the a!enc/
shall relenish the same. Kailure to
relenish such bondsCdeosit in escrow
within the said eriod shall cause the
susension o& the license.
Section 4A. Refund of Cash /ond3Release
of Deposit in *scro$. - A licensed a!enc/
which ,oluntaril/ surrenders its license shall
be entitled to the re&und o& its deosited cash
bond and release o& the deosit in escrow,
onl/ a&ter ostin! a suret/ bond o& similar
amount ,alid &or &our (A) /ears &rom
e0iration o& license.
Section 4@. *valuation of Performance of
gencies. + The Administration shall
underta1e the annual e,aluation and ratin!
o& the er&ormance o& licensed a!encies to
determine the merits o& their continued
articiation in the o,erseas emlo/ment
ro!ram ta1in! into consideration
comliance with laws and re!ulations and
such other criteria as it ma/ deem roer.
Section 4B. Classification and +
The Administration ma/ underta1e the
classi&ication and ran1in! o& a!encies. 'n
reco!nition o& e0emlar/ er&ormance, it
ma/ underta1e schemes &or incenti,es and
4) 2or1ersG Kees, Art. =4
A(T. =4. 2ees to be paid by $or.ers. - An/
erson al/in! with a ri,ate &ee-char!in!
emlo/ment a!enc/ &or emlo/ment
assistance shall not be char!ed an/ &ee until
he has obtained emlo/ment throu!h its
e&&orts or has actuall/ commenced
emlo/ment. Such &ee shall be alwa/s
co,ered with the aroriate receit clearl/
showin! the amount aid. The Secretar/ o&
Labor shall romul!ate a schedule o&
allowable &ees.
=) (eortsCEmlo/ment 'n&ormation, Arts. ==, "A (d)
A(T. ==. Reports on employment status. -
2hene,er the ublic interest re>uires, the
Secretar/ o& Labor ma/ direct all ersons or
entities within the co,era!e o& this Title to
submit a reort on the status o& emlo/ment,
includin! 3ob ,acancies, details o& 3ob
re>uisitions, searation &rom 3obs, wa!es,
other terms and conditions and other
emlo/ment data.
A(T. "A. *mployment promotion. - The
Secretar/ o& Labor shall ha,e the ower and
(d) To re>uire an/ erson, establishment,
or!anization or institution to submit such
emlo/ment in&ormation as ma/ be
rescribed b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor.
A) Prohibited Practices, Art. =A
A(T. =A. Prohibited practices. - 't shall be
unlaw&ul &or an/ indi,idual, entit/, licensee,
or holder o& authorit/7
(a) To char!e or accet, directl/ or indirectl/,
an/ amount !reater than that seci&ied in the
schedule o& allowable &ees rescribed b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor, or to ma1e a wor1er a/
an/ amount !reater than that actuall/
recei,ed b/ him as a loan or ad,ance;
(b) To &urnish or ublish an/ &alse notice or
in&ormation or document in relation to
recruitment or emlo/ment;
(c) To !i,e an/ &alse notice, testimon/,
in&ormation or document or commit an/ act
o& misreresentation &or the urose o&
securin! a license or authorit/ under this
(d) To induce or attemt to induce a wor1er
alread/ emlo/ed to >uit his emlo/ment in
order to o&&er him to another unless the
trans&er is desi!ned to liberate the wor1er
&rom oressi,e terms and conditions o&
(e) To in&luence or to attemt to in&luence
an/ erson or entit/ not to emlo/ an/
wor1er who has not alied &or emlo/ment
throu!h his a!enc/;
(&) To en!a!e in the recruitment or
lacement o& wor1ers in 3obs harm&ul to
ublic health or moralit/ or to the di!nit/ o&
the (eublic o& the Philiines;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4@
(!) To obstruct or attemt to obstruct
insection b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor or b/
his dul/ authorized reresentati,es;
(h) To &ail to &ile reorts on the status o&
emlo/ment, lacement ,acancies,
remittance o& &orei!n e0chan!e earnin!s,
searation &rom 3obs, deartures and such
other matters or in&ormation as ma/ be
re>uired b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor.
(i) To substitute or alter emlo/ment
contracts aro,ed and ,eri&ied b/ the
5eartment o& Labor &rom the time o& actual
si!nin! thereo& b/ the arties u to and
includin! the eriods o& e0iration o& the
same without the aro,al o& the Secretar/
o& Labor;
(3) To become an o&&icer or member o& the
Board o& an/ cororation en!a!ed in tra,el
a!enc/ or to be en!a!ed directl/ or indirectl/
in the mana!ement o& a tra,el a!enc/; and
(1) To withhold or den/ tra,el documents
&rom alicant wor1ers be&ore dearture &or
monetar/ or &inancial considerations other
than those authorized under this Code and
its imlementin! rules and re!ulations.
@) 'lle!al (ecruitment, Art. =$; Sec. B, (A $:A4
A(T. =$. )llegal recruitment. - (a) An/
recruitment acti,ities, includin! the rohibited
ractices enumerated under Article =A o& this
Code, to be underta1en b/ non-licensees or
non-holders o& authorit/, shall be deemed
ille!al and unishable under Article =# o& this
Code. The 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment or an/ law en&orcement o&&icer
ma/ initiate comlaints under this Article.
(b) 'lle!al recruitment when committed b/ a
s/ndicate or in lar!e scale shall be
considered an o&&ense in,ol,in! economic
sabota!e and shall be enalized in
accordance with Article =# hereo&.
'lle!al recruitment is deemed committed b/ a
s/ndicate i& carried out b/ a !rou o& three
(=) or more ersons consirin! andCor
con&ederatin! with one another in carr/in!
out an/ unlaw&ul or ille!al transaction,
enterrise or scheme de&ined under the &irst
ara!rah hereo&. 'lle!al recruitment is
deemed committed in lar!e scale i&
committed a!ainst three (=) or more ersons
indi,iduall/ or as a !rou.
(c) The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment
or his dul/ authorized reresentati,es shall
ha,e the ower to cause the arrest and
detention o& such non-licensee or non-holder
o& authorit/ i& a&ter in,esti!ation it is
determined that his acti,ities constitute a
dan!er to national securit/ and ublic order
or will lead to &urther e0loitation o& 3ob-
see1ers. The Secretar/ shall order the
search o& the o&&ice or remises and seizure
o& documents, arahernalia, roerties and
other imlements used in ille!al recruitment
acti,ities and the closure o& comanies,
establishments and entities &ound to be
en!a!ed in the recruitment o& wor1ers &or
o,erseas emlo/ment, without ha,in! been
licensed or authorized to do so.
B) En&orcement
a) (e!ulator/ Power, Art. =B
A(T. =B. Regulatory po$er. - The Secretar/
o& Labor shall ha,e the ower to restrict and
re!ulate the recruitment and lacement
acti,ities o& all a!encies within the co,era!e
o& this Title and is hereb/ authorized to issue
orders and romul!ate rules and re!ulations
to carr/ out the ob3ecti,es and imlement the
ro,isions o& this Title.
b) (ule-Da1in! Power, Art. =B
c) 9isitorial Power, Art. =%
A(T. =%. #isitorial Po$er. - The Secretar/ o&
Labor or his dul/ authorized reresentati,es
ma/, at an/ time, insect the remises,
boo1s o& accounts and records o& an/ erson
or entit/ co,ered b/ this Title, re>uire it to
submit reorts re!ularl/ on rescribed &orms,
and act on ,iolation o& an/ ro,isions o& this
%) Joint and Se,eral Liabilit/ o& A!ent and Princial, P+EA
(ules, Boo1 '', (ule '', Sec. " (&)
Section ". Re1uirements for )ssuance of
License. - E,er/ alicant &or license to
oerate a ri,ate emlo/ment a!enc/ or
mannin! a!enc/ shall submit a written
alication to!ether with the &ollowin!
&. A ,eri&ied underta1in! statin! that the
(") Shall select onl/ medicall/ and technicall/
>uali&ied recruits;

(4) Shall assume &ull and comlete resonsibilit/ &or
all claims and liabilities which ma/ arise in
connection with the use o& license;

(=) Shall assume 3oint and solidar/ liabilit/ with the
emlo/er &or all claims and liabilities which ma/
arise in connection with the imlementation o& the
contract, includin! but not limited to a/ment o&
wa!es, death and disabilit/ comensation and

5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4B
(A) Shall !uarantee comliance with the e0istin!
labor and social le!islations o& the Philiines and
o& the countr/ o& emlo/ment o& recruited wor1ers;

(@) Shall assume &ull and comlete resonsibilit/ &or
all acts o& its o&&icials, emlo/ees and
reresentati,es done in connection with recruitment
and lacement;
e. Jurisdiction
") (TC o,er Criminal Action arisin! &rom 'lle!al (ecruitment, (A
8o. $:A4, Sec. #
SEC. #. 9E8LE. - A criminal action arisin! &rom ille!al
recruitment as de&ined herein shall be &iled with the
(e!ional Trial Court o& the ro,ince or cit/ where the
o&&ense was committed or where the o&&ended art/
actuall/ resides at the same time o& the commission
o& the o&&ense7 Pro,ided, That the court where the
criminal action is &irst &iled shall ac>uire 3urisdiction to
the e0clusion o& other courts. Pro,ided, howe,er, That
the a&orestated ro,isions shall also al/ to those
criminal actions that ha,e alread/ been &iled in court
at the time o& the e&&ecti,it/ o& this Act.
4) LA o,er Done/ Claims, (A $:A4, Sec. ":
SEC. ":. D+8ER CLA'DS. -
Botwithstandin! an/ ro,ision o& law to the
contrar/, the Labor Arbiters o& the 8ational
Labor (elations Commission (8L(C) shall
ha,e the ri!inal and e0clusi,e 3urisdiction to
hear and decide, within ninet/ (#:) calendar
da/s a&ter &ilin! o& the comlaint, the claims
arisin! out o& an emlo/er-emlo/ee
relationshi or b/ ,irtue o& an/ law or
contract in,ol,in! Kiliino wor1ers &or
o,erseas delo/ment includin! claims &or
actual, moral, e0emlar/ and other &orms o&
The liabilit/ o& the
rincialCemlo/er and the
recruitmentClacement a!enc/ &or an/ and all
claims under this section shall be 3oint and
se,eral. This ro,isions shall be
incororated in the contract &or o,erseas
emlo/ment and shall be a condition
recedent &or its aro,al. The er&ormance
bond to be &iled b/ the
recruitmentClacement a!enc/, as ro,ided
b/ law, shall be answerable &or all mone/
claims or dama!es that ma/ be awarded to
the wor1ers. '& the recruitmentClacement
a!enc/ is a 3uridical bein!, the cororate
o&&icers and directors and artners as the
case ma/ be, shall themsel,es be 3ointl/ and
solidaril/ liable with the cororation or
artnershi &or the a&oresaid claims and
Such liabilities shall continue
durin! the entire eriod or duration o& the
emlo/ment contract and shall not be
a&&ected b/ an/ substitution, amendment or
modi&ication made locall/ or in a &orei!n
countr/ o& the said contract.
An/ comromiseCamicable
settlement or ,oluntar/ a!reement on mone/
claims inclusi,e o& dama!es under this
section shall be aid within &our (A) months
&rom the aro,al o& the settlement b/ the
aroriate authorit/.
'n case o& termination o& o,erseas
emlo/ment without 3ust, ,alid or authorized
cause as de&ined b/ law or contract, the
wor1ers shall be entitled to the &ull
reimbursement o& his lacement &ee with
interest o& twel,e ercent ("4P) er annum,
lus his salaries &or the une0ired ortion o&
his emlo/ment contract or &or three (=)
months &or e,er/ /ear o& the une0ired term,
whiche,er is less.
8on-comliance with the
mandator/ eriods &or resolutions o& cases
ro,ided under this section shall sub3ect the
resonsible o&&icials to an/ or all o& the
&ollowin! enalties7
(a) The salar/ o& an/ such o&&icial
who &ails to render his decision or resolutions
within the rescribed eriod shall be, or
caused to be, withheld until the said o&&icial
comlies therewith;
(b) Susension &or not more than
ninet/ (#:) da/s; or
(c) 5ismissal &rom the ser,ice with
dis>uali&ications to hold an/ aointi,e ublic
o&&ice &or &i,e (@) /ears.
Pro,ided, howe,er, that the
enalties herein ro,ided shall be without
re3udice to an/ liabilit/ which an/ such
o&&icial ma/ ha,e incurred under other
e0istin! laws or rules and re!ulations as a
conse>uence o& ,iolatin! the ro,isions o&
this ara!rah.
=) P+EA o,er Administrati,e Cases
a) Pre-emlo/ment Cases, +mnibus rules 'ml. (A
8o. $:A4, Sec. 4$ (a)
Sec. &5. ()r$s"$c$on o0 +e 1OEA. @ T+e
1OEA s+a## e-erc$se or$*$na# an"
e-c#)s$;e .)r$s"$c$on o +ear an" "ec$"e:
AaB a## cases6 !+$c+ are a"/$n$sra$;e $n
c+aracer6 $n;o#;$n* or ar$s$n* o) o0 ;$o#a$ons o0
r)#es an" re*)#a$ons re#a$n* o #$cens$n* an"
re*$sra$on o0 recr)$/en an" e/p#o:/en
a*enc$es or en$$esE an"
b) 5iscilinar/ Cases, Sec. 4$ (b)
AbB "$sc$p#$nar: ac$on cases an" o+er
spec$a# cases6 !+$c+ are a"/$n$sra$;e $n
c+aracer6 $n;o#;$n* e/p#o:ers6
pr$nc$pa#s6 conrac$n* parners an"
F$#$p$no /$*ran !orCers.
=. Public Sector
A!encies ? Emlo/ment +&&ices, Art. "4 (&); "A (a); Sec. =,
(eor!anizin! P+EA (E+ 8o. 4A%); P+EA (ules
A(T. "4. ,tatement of ob-ectives. - 't is the olic/ o&
the State7
&) To stren!then the networ1 o& ublic
emlo/ment o&&ices and rationalize the
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4%
articiation o& the ri,ate sector in the
recruitment and lacement o& wor1ers, locall/
and o,erseas, to ser,e national de,eloment
A(T. "A. *mployment promotion. - The Secretar/ o&
Labor shall ha,e the ower and authorit/7
(a) To or!anize and establish new
emlo/ment o&&ices in addition to the e0istin!
emlo/ment o&&ices under the 5eartment o&
Labor as the need arises;
E+ 8o. 4A%, Sec. =. Po$ers and 2unctions. + 'n the
ursuit o& its mandate, the Administration shall ha,e
the &ollowin! owers and &unctions7
(a) (e!ulate ri,ate sector articiation in
the recruitment and o,erseas
lacement o& wor1ers b/ settin! u a
licensin! and re!istration s/stem;

(b) Kormulate and imlement, in
coordination with aroriate entities
concerned, when necessar/, a s/stem
&or romotin! and monitorin! the
o,erseas emlo/ment o& Kiliino
wor1ers ta1in! into consideration their
wel&are and the domestic manower

(c) Protect the ri!hts o& Kiliino wor1ers
&or o,erseas emlo/ment to &air and
e>uitable recruitment and emlo/ment
ractices and ensure their wel&are;

(d) E0ercise ori!inal and e0clusi,e
3urisdiction to hear and decide all claims
arisin! out o& an emlo/er-emlo/ee
relationshi or b/ ,irtue o& an/ law or
contract in,ol,in! Kiliino wor1ers &or
o,erseas emlo/ment includin! the
discilinar/ cases; and all re-
emlo/ment cases which are
administrati,e in character in,ol,in! or
arisin! out o& ,iolation or re>uirement
laws, rules and re!ulations includin!
mone/ claims arisin! there&rom, or
,iolation o& the conditions &or issuance
o& license or authorit/ to recruit wor1ers.

All rohibited recruitment acti,ities and
ractices which are enal in character
as enumerated and de&ined under and
b/ ,irtue o& e0istin! laws, shall be
rosecuted in the re!ular courts in
close coordination with the aroriate
5eartments and a!encies concerned;

(e) Daintain a re!istr/ o& s1ills &or
o,erseas lacement;

(&) (ecruit and lace wor1ers to ser,ice
the re>uirements &or trained and
cometent Kiliino wor1ers b/ &orei!n
!o,ernments and their instrumentalities
and such other emlo/ers as ublic
interest ma/ re>uire;

(!) Promote the de,eloment o& s1ills
and care&ul selection o& Kiliino

(h) Lnderta1e o,erseas mar1et
de,eloment acti,ities &or lacement o&
Kiliino wor1ers;

(i) Secure the best terms and conditions
o& emlo/ment o& Kiliino contract
wor1ers and ensure comliance

(3) Promote and rotect the well-bein!
o& Kiliino wor1ers o,erseas;

(1) 5e,elo and imlement ro!rams
&or the e&&ecti,e monitorin! o& returnin!
contract wor1ers, romotin! their re-
trainin! and re-emlo/ment or their
smooth re-inte!ration into the
mainstream o& national econom/ in
coordination with other !o,ernment

(l) 'nstitute a s/stem &or ensurin! &air
and seed/ disosition o& cases
in,ol,in! ,iolation or recruitment rules
and re!ulations as well as ,iolation o&
terms and conditions o& o,erseas

(m) Establish a s/stem &or seed/ and
e&&icient en&orcement o& decisions laid
down throu!h the e0ercise o& its
ad3udicator/ &unction;

(n) Establish and maintain close
relationshi and enter into 3oint ro3ects
with the 5eartment o& Korei!n A&&airs,
Philiine Tourism Authorit/, Danila
'nternational Airort Authorit/,
5eartment o& Justice, 5eartment o&
Bud!et and Dana!ement and other
rele,ant !o,ernment entities, in the
ursuit o& its ob3ecti,es. The
Administration shall also establish and
maintain 3oint ro3ects with ri,ate
or!anizations, domestic or &orei!n, in
the &urtherance o& its ob3ecti,es.
A. Sanctions, Arts. =@, =# (a) (b) (c) (d) (e); (A $:A4,
Secs. B , %, ":
A(T. =@. ,uspension and3or cancellation of
license or authority. - The Dinister o& Labor
shall ha,e the ower to susend or cancel
an/ license or authorit/ to recruit emlo/ees
&or o,erseas emlo/ment &or ,iolation o&
rules and re!ulations issued b/ the Dinistr/
o& Labor, the +,erseas Emlo/ment
5e,eloment Board, or &or ,iolation o& the
ro,isions o& this and other alicable laws,
.eneral +rders and Letters o& 'nstructions.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4$
A(T. =#. Penalties. - (a) The enalt/ o& li&e
imrisonment and a &ine o& +ne *undred
Thousand Pesos (P":::,:::.::) shall be
imosed i& ille!al recruitment constitutes
economic sabota!e as de&ined herein;
(b) An/ licensee or holder o& authorit/ &ound
,iolatin! or causin! another to ,iolate an/
ro,ision o& this Title or its imlementin!
rules and re!ulations shall, uon con,iction
thereo&, su&&er the enalt/ o& imrisonment o&
not less than two /ears nor more than &i,e
/ears or a &ine o& not less than P":,::: nor
more than P@:,:::, or both such
imrisonment and &ine, at the discretion o&
the court;
(c) An/ erson who is neither a licensee nor
a holder o& authorit/ under this Title &ound
,iolatin! an/ ro,ision thereo& or its
imlementin! rules and re!ulations shall,
uon con,iction thereo&, su&&er the enalt/ o&
imrisonment o& not less than &our /ears nor
more than ei!ht /ears or a &ine o& not less
than P4:,::: nor more than P"::,::: or
both such imrisonment and &ine, at the
discretion o& the court;
(d) '& the o&&ender is a cororation,
artnershi, association or entit/, the enalt/
shall be imosed uon the o&&icer or o&&icers
o& the cororation, artnershi, association
or entit/ resonsible &or ,iolation; and i& such
o&&icer is an alien, he shall, in addition to the
enalties herein rescribed, be deorted
without &urther roceedin!s;
(e) 'n e,er/ case, con,iction shall cause and
carr/ the automatic re,ocation o& the license
or authorit/ and all the ermits and ri,ile!es
!ranted to such erson or entit/ under this
Title, and the &or&eiture o& the cash and
suret/ bonds in &a,or o& the +,erseas
Emlo/ment 5e,eloment Board or the
8ational Seamen Board, as the case ma/
be, both o& which are authorized to use the
same e0clusi,el/ to romote their ob3ecti,es.
a. Local Emlo/ment, Art. =#
b. +,erseas Emlo/ment, Art. =@; (A $:A4,
Sec. %
(SEE AB+9E K+( A(T. =@)
Sec. B. 5EK'8'T'+8S. - Kor uroses o& this Act,
ille!al recruitment shall mean an/ act o& can,assin!,
enlistin!, contractin!, transortin!, utilizin!, hirin!,
rocurin! wor1ers and includes re&errin!, contact
ser,ices, romisin! or ad,ertisin! &or emlo/ment
abroad, whether &or ro&it or not, when underta1en b/
a non-license or non-holder o& authorit/ contemlated
under Article "=(&) o& Presidential 5ecree 8o. AA4, as
amended, otherwise 1nown as the Labor Code o& the
Philiines. Pro,ided, that such non-license or non-
holder, who, in an/ manner, o&&ers or romises &or a
&ee emlo/ment abroad to two or more ersons shall
be deemed so en!a!ed. 't shall li1ewise include the
&ollowin! acts, whether committed b/ an/ ersons,
whether a non-licensee, non-holder, licensee or
holder o& authorit/.
(a) To char!e or accet directl/ or indirectl/ an/
amount !reater than the seci&ied in the schedule o&
allowable &ees rescribed b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment, or to ma1e a wor1er a/ an/
amount !reater than that actuall/ recei,ed b/ him as
a loan or ad,ance;
(b) To &urnish or ublish an/ &alse notice or
in&ormation or document in relation to recruitment or
(c) To !i,e an/ &alse notice, testimon/, in&ormation or
document or commit an/ act o& misreresentation &or
the urose o& securin! a license or authorit/ under
the Labor Code;
(d) To induce or attemt to induce a wor1er alread/
emlo/ed to >uit his emlo/ment in order to o&&er him
another unless the trans&er is desi!ned to liberate a
wor1er &rom oressi,e terms and conditions o&
(e) To in&luence or attemt to in&luence an/ ersons
or entit/ not to emlo/ an/ wor1er who has not
alied &or emlo/ment throu!h his a!enc/;
(&) To en!a!e in the recruitment o& lacement o&
wor1ers in 3obs harm&ul to ublic health or moralit/ or
to di!nit/ o& the (eublic o& the Philiines;
(!) To obstruct or attemt to obstruct insection b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or b/ his dul/
authorized reresentati,e;
(h) To &ail to submit reorts on the status o&
emlo/ment, lacement ,acancies, remittances o&
&orei!n e0chan!e earnin!s, searations &rom 3obs,
deartures and such other matters or in&ormation as
ma/ be re>uired b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
(i) To substitute or alter to the re3udice o& the wor1er,
emlo/ment contracts aro,ed and ,eri&ied b/ the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment &rom the time
o& actual si!nin! thereo& b/ the arties u to and
includin! the eriod o& the e0iration o& the same
without the aro,al o& the 5eartment o& Labor and
(3) Kor an o&&icer or a!ent o& a recruitment or
lacement a!enc/ to become an o&&icer or member o&
the Board o& an/ cororation en!a!ed in tra,el
a!enc/ or to be en!a!ed directl/ on indirectl/ in the
mana!ement o& a tra,el a!enc/;
(1) To withhold or den/ tra,el documents &rom
alicant wor1ers be&ore dearture &or monetar/ or
&inancial considerations other than those authorized
under the Labor Code and its imlementin! rules and
(l) Kailure to actuall/ delo/ without ,alid reasons as
determined b/ the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment; and
(m) Kailure to reimburse e0enses incurred b/ the
wor1ers in connection with his documentation and
rocessin! &or uroses o& delo/ment, in cases
where the delo/ment does not actuall/ ta1e lace
without the wor1erSs &ault. 'lle!al recruitment when
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e 4#
committed b/ a s/ndicate or in lar!e scale shall be
considered as o&&ense in,ol,in! economic sabota!e.
'lle!al recruitment is deemed committed b/ a
s/ndicate carried out b/ a !rou o& three (=) or more
ersons consirin! or con&ederatin! with one another.
't is deemed committed in lar!e scale i& committed
a!ainst three (=) or more ersons indi,iduall/ or as a
The ersons criminall/ liable &or the abo,e o&&enses
are the rincials, accomlices and accessories. 'n
case o& 3uridical ersons, the o&&icers ha,in! control,
mana!ement or direction o& their business shall be
(a) An/ erson &ound !uilt/ o& ille!al recruitment shall
su&&er the enalt/ o& imrisonment o& not less than si0
(B) /ears and one (") da/ but not more than twel,e
("4) /ears and a &ine not less than two hundred
thousand esos (P4::,:::.::) nor more than &i,e
hundred thousand esos (P@::,:::.::).
(b) The enalt/ o& li&e imrisonment and a &ine o& not
less than &i,e hundred thousand esos (P@::,:::.::)
nor more than one million esos (P",:::,:::.::)
shall be imosed i& ille!al recruitment constitutes
economic sabota!e as de&ined herein.
Pro,ided, howe,er, that the ma0imum enalt/ shall
be imosed i& the erson ille!all/ recruited is less than
ei!hteen ("$) /ears o& a!e or committed b/ a non-
licensee or non-holder o& authorit/.
SEC. ":. D+8ER CLA'DS. - 8otwithstandin! an/
ro,ision o& law to the contrar/, the Labor Arbiters o&
the 8ational Labor (elations Commission (8L(C)
shall ha,e the ri!inal and e0clusi,e 3urisdiction to
hear and decide, within ninet/ (#:) calendar da/s
a&ter &ilin! o& the comlaint, the claims arisin! out o&
an emlo/er-emlo/ee relationshi or b/ ,irtue o& an/
law or contract in,ol,in! Kiliino wor1ers &or o,erseas
delo/ment includin! claims &or actual, moral,
e0emlar/ and other &orms o& dama!es.
The liabilit/ o& the rincialCemlo/er and
the recruitmentClacement a!enc/ &or an/ and all
claims under this section shall be 3oint and se,eral.
This ro,isions shall be incororated in the contract
&or o,erseas emlo/ment and shall be a condition
recedent &or its aro,al. The er&ormance bond to
be &iled b/ the recruitmentClacement a!enc/, as
ro,ided b/ law, shall be answerable &or all mone/
claims or dama!es that ma/ be awarded to the
wor1ers. '& the recruitmentClacement a!enc/ is a
3uridical bein!, the cororate o&&icers and directors
and artners as the case ma/ be, shall themsel,es be
3ointl/ and solidaril/ liable with the cororation or
artnershi &or the a&oresaid claims and dama!es.
Such liabilities shall continue durin! the
entire eriod or duration o& the emlo/ment contract
and shall not be a&&ected b/ an/ substitution,
amendment or modi&ication made locall/ or in a
&orei!n countr/ o& the said contract.
An/ comromiseCamicable settlement or
,oluntar/ a!reement on mone/ claims inclusi,e o&
dama!es under this section shall be aid within &our
(A) months &rom the aro,al o& the settlement b/ the
aroriate authorit/.
'n case o& termination o& o,erseas
emlo/ment without 3ust, ,alid or authorized cause as
de&ined b/ law or contract, the wor1ers shall be
entitled to the &ull reimbursement o& his lacement &ee
with interest o& twel,e ercent ("4P) er annum, lus
his salaries &or the une0ired ortion o& his
emlo/ment contract or &or three (=) months &or e,er/
/ear o& the une0ired term, whiche,er is less.
8on-comliance with the mandator/ eriods
&or resolutions o& cases ro,ided under this section
shall sub3ect the resonsible o&&icials to an/ or all o&
the &ollowin! enalties7
(a) The salar/ o& an/ such o&&icial who &ails
to render his decision or resolutions within the
rescribed eriod shall be, or caused to be, withheld
until the said o&&icial comlies therewith;
(b) Susension &or not more than ninet/
(#:) da/s; or
(c) 5ismissal &rom the ser,ice with
dis>uali&ications to hold an/ aointi,e ublic o&&ice
&or &i,e (@) /ears.
Pro,ided, howe,er, that the enalties herein
ro,ided shall be without re3udice to an/ liabilit/
which an/ such o&&icial ma/ ha,e incurred under other
e0istin! laws or rules and re!ulations as a
conse>uence o& ,iolatin! the ro,isions o& this
@. 'ssues and Muestions on +,erseas Emlo/ment
Soriano, Da. Teresa D.,
)mplications of )nternational (igration%
2ocus on the Philippine *xperience , PL(, 9ol 4:. 8o. 4
Qin!, Amelia D., ,ocial and
*conomic /enefits and Costs , PL(, 9ol. #, 8o. " ("#$@).
Licuanan, Patricia B. 5atas ng
,audi% a closer loo1. PL( 9ol. #, 8o. " ("#$@).
B. Tra&&ic1in! in Persons, (A #4:$ and (ules and (e!ulations
'mlementin! (A #4:$
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =:
Rep)b#$c o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes
Con*ress o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes
Detro Danila
T!e#0+ Con*ress
Secon" Re*)#ar Sess$on
Be!un held in Detro Danila on Donda/, the
twent/-second da/ o& Jul/, two thousand two
Rep)b#$c Ac No. 3&%5 ,a: &86 &%%'
/e it enacted by the ,enate and the 6ouse of
Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
Sec$on 1. Title. This Act shall be 1nown as the
IAn$@Tra00$cC$n* $n 1ersons Ac o0 &%%'I.
Sec$on &. Declaration of Policy. 't is hereb/
declared that the State ,alues the di!nit/ o&
e,er/ human erson and !uarantees the resect
o& indi,idual ri!hts. 'n ursuit o& this olic/, the
State shall !i,e hi!hest riorit/ to the enactment
o& measures and de,eloment o& ro!rams that
will romote human di!nit/, rotect the eole
&rom an/ threat o& ,iolence and e0loitation,
eliminate tra&&ic1in! in ersons, and miti!ate
ressures &or in,oluntar/ mi!ration and
ser,itude o& ersons, not onl/ to suort
tra&&ic1ed ersons but more imortantl/, to
ensure their reco,er/, rehabilitation and
reinte!ration into the mainstream o& societ/.
't shall be a State olic/ to reco!nize the e>ual
ri!hts and inherent human di!nit/ o& women and
men as enshrined in the Lnited 8ations
Lni,ersal 5eclaration on *uman (i!hts, Lnited
8ations Con,ention on the (i!hts o& the Child,
Lnited 8ations Con,ention on the Protection o&
Di!rant 2or1ers and their Kamilies. Lnited
8ations Con,ention A!ainst Transnational
+r!anized Crime 'ncludin! its Protocol to
Pre,ent, Suress and Punish Tra&&ic1in! in
Persons, Eseciall/ 2omen and Children and
all other rele,ant and uni,ersall/ acceted
human ri!hts instruments and other international
con,entions to which the Philiines is a
Sec$on '. Definition of Terms. - As used in this
(a) in Persons - re&ers to the
recruitment, transortation, trans&er or
harborin!, or receit o& ersons with or
without the ,ictimSs consent or
1nowled!e, within or across national
borders b/ means o& threat or use o&
&orce, or other &orms o& coercion,
abduction, &raud, decetion, abuse o&
ower or o& osition, ta1in! ad,anta!e
o& the ,ulnerabilit/ o& the erson, or, the
!i,in! or recei,in! o& a/ments or
bene&its to achie,e the consent o& a
erson ha,in! control o,er another
erson &or the urose o& e0loitation
which includes at a minimum, the
e0loitation or the rostitution o& others
or other &orms o& se0ual e0loitation,
&orced labor or ser,ices, sla,er/,
ser,itude or the remo,al or sale o&
The recruitment, transortation, trans&er,
harborin! or receit o& a child &or the
urose o& e0loitation shall also be
considered as Ttra&&ic1in! in ersonsT
e,en i& it does not in,ol,e an/ o& the
means set &orth in the recedin!
(b) Child - re&ers to a erson below
ei!hteen ("$) /ears o& a!e or one who is
o,er ei!hteen ("$) but is unable to &ull/
ta1e care o& or rotect himsel&Chersel&
&rom abuse, ne!lect, cruelt/,
e0loitation, or discrimination because
o& a h/sical or mental disabilit/ or
(c) Prostitution - re&ers to an/ act,
transaction, scheme or desi!n in,ol,in!
the use o& a erson b/ another, &or
se0ual intercourse or lasci,ious conduct
in e0chan!e &or mone/, ro&it or an/
other consideration.
(d) 2orced Labor and ,lavery - re&er to
the e0traction o& wor1 or ser,ices &rom
an/ erson b/ means o& enticement,
,iolence, intimidation or threat, use o&
&orce or coercion, includin! deri,ation
o& &reedom, abuse o& authorit/ or moral
ascendanc/, debt-bonda!e or
(e) ,ex Tourism - re&ers to a ro!ram
or!anized b/ tra,el and tourism-related
establishments and indi,iduals which
consists o& tourism ac1a!es or
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ="
acti,ities, utilizin! and o&&erin! escort
and se0ual ser,ices as enticement &or
tourists. This includes se0ual ser,ices
and ractices o&&ered durin! rest and
recreation eriods &or members o& the
(&) ,exual *xploitation - re&ers to
articiation b/ a erson in rostitution
or the roduction o& orno!rahic
materials as a result o& bein! sub3ected
to a threat, decetion, coercion,
abduction, &orce, abuse o& authorit/,
debt bonda!e, &raud or throu!h abuse o&
a ,ictimSs ,ulnerabilit/.
(!) Debt /ondage - re&ers to the
led!in! b/ the debtor o& hisCher
ersonal ser,ices or labor or those o& a
erson under hisCher control as securit/
or a/ment &or a debt, when the len!th
and nature o& ser,ices is not clearl/
de&ined or when the ,alue o& the
ser,ices as reasonabl/ assessed is not
alied toward the li>uidation o& the
(h) Pornography - re&ers to an/
reresentation, throu!h ublication,
e0hibition, cinemato!rah/, indecent
shows, in&ormation technolo!/, or b/
whate,er means, o& a erson en!a!ed
in real or simulated e0licit se0ual
acti,ities or an/ reresentation o& the
se0ual arts o& a erson &or rimaril/
se0ual uroses.
(i) Council - shall mean the 'nter-A!enc/
Council A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! created
under Section 4: o& this Act.
Sec$on 4. cts of in Persons. - 't
shall be unlaw&ul &or an/ erson, natural or
3uridical, to commit an/ o& the &ollowin! acts7
(a) To recruit, transort, trans&er; harbor,
ro,ide, or recei,e a erson b/ an/
means, includin! those done under the
rete0t o& domestic or o,erseas
emlo/ment or trainin! or
arenticeshi, &or the urose o&
rostitution, orno!rah/, se0ual
e0loitation, &orced labor, sla,er/,
in,oluntar/ ser,itude or debt bonda!e;
(b) To introduce or match &or mone/,
ro&it, or material, economic or other
consideration, an/ erson or, as
ro,ided &or under (eublic Act 8o.
B#@@, an/ Kiliino woman to a &orei!n
national, &or marria!e &or the urose o&
ac>uirin!, bu/in!, o&&erin!, sellin! or
tradin! himCher to en!a!e in rostitution,
orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation, &orced
labor, sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or
debt bonda!e;
(c) To o&&er or contract marria!e, real or
simulated, &or the urose o& ac>uirin!,
bu/in!, o&&erin!, sellin!, or tradin! them
to en!a!e in rostitution, orno!rah/,
se0ual e0loitation, &orced labor or
sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or debt
(d) To underta1e or or!anize tours and
tra,el lans consistin! o& tourism
ac1a!es or acti,ities &or the urose o&
utilizin! and o&&erin! ersons &or
rostitution, orno!rah/ or se0ual
(e) To maintain or hire a erson to
en!a!e in rostitution or orno!rah/;
(&) To adot or &acilitate the adotion o&
ersons &or the urose o& rostitution,
orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation, &orced
labor, sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or
debt bonda!e;
(!) To recruit, hire, adot, transort or
abduct a erson, b/ means o& threat or
use o& &orce, &raud, deceit, ,iolence,
coercion, or intimidation &or the urose
o& remo,al or sale o& or!ans o& said
erson; and
(h) To recruit, transort or adot a child
to en!a!e in armed acti,ities in the
Philiines or abroad.
Sec$on 2. cts that Promote in
Persons. - The &ollowin! acts which romote or
&acilitate tra&&ic1in! in ersons, shall be unlaw&ul7
(a) To 1nowin!l/ lease or sublease, use
or allow to be used an/ house, buildin!
or establishment &or the urose o&
romotin! tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(b) To roduce, rint and issue or
distribute unissued, tamered or &a1e
counselin! certi&icates, re!istration
stic1ers and certi&icates o& an/
!o,ernment a!enc/ which issues these
certi&icates and stic1ers as roo& o&
comliance with !o,ernment re!ulator/
and re-dearture re>uirements &or the
urose o& romotin! tra&&ic1in! in
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =4
(c) To ad,ertise, ublish, rint,
broadcast or distribute, or cause the
ad,ertisement, ublication, rintin!,
broadcastin! or distribution b/ an/
means, includin! the use o& in&ormation
technolo!/ and the internet, o& an/
brochure, &l/er, or an/ roa!anda
material that romotes tra&&ic1in! in
(d) To assist in the conduct o&
misreresentation or &raud &or uroses
o& &acilitatin! the ac>uisition o&
clearances and necessar/ e0it
documents &rom !o,ernment a!encies
that are mandated to ro,ide re-
dearture re!istration and ser,ices &or
deartin! ersons &or the urose o&
romotin! tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(e) To &acilitate, assist or hel in the e0it
and entr/ o& ersons &romCto the countr/
at international and local airorts,
territorial boundaries and seaorts who
are in ossession o& unissued, tamered
or &raudulent tra,el documents &or the
urose o& romotin! tra&&ic1in! in
(&) To con&iscate, conceal, or destro/ the
assort, tra,el documents, or ersonal
documents or belon!in!s o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons in &urtherance o& tra&&ic1in! or to
re,ent them &rom lea,in! the countr/ or
see1in! redress &rom the !o,ernment or
aroriate a!encies; and
(!) To 1nowin!l/ bene&it &rom, &inancial
or otherwise, or ma1e use o&, the labor
or ser,ices o& a erson held to a
condition o& in,oluntar/ ser,itude, &orced
labor, or sla,er/.
Sec$on 8. 7ualified in Persons. -
The &ollowin! are considered as >uali&ied
(a) 2hen the tra&&ic1ed erson is a child;
(b) 2hen the adotion is e&&ected
throu!h (eublic Act 8o. $:A=,
otherwise 1nown as the T'nter-Countr/
Adotion Act o& "##@T and said adotion
is &or the urose o& rostitution,
orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation, &orced
labor, sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or
debt bonda!e;
(c) 2hen the crime is committed b/ a
s/ndicate, or in lar!e scale. Tra&&ic1in!
is deemed committed b/ a s/ndicate i&
carried out b/ a !rou o& three (=) or
more ersons consirin! or
con&ederatin! with one another. 't is
deemed committed in lar!e scale i&
committed a!ainst three (=) or more
ersons, indi,iduall/ or as a !rou;
(d) 2hen the o&&ender is an ascendant,
arent, siblin!, !uardian or a erson
who e0ercises authorit/ o,er the
tra&&ic1ed erson or when the o&&ense is
committed b/ a ublic o&&icer or
(e) 2hen the tra&&ic1ed erson is
recruited to en!a!e in rostitution with
an/ member o& the militar/ or law
en&orcement a!encies;
(&) 2hen the o&&ender is a member o&
the militar/ or law en&orcement
a!encies; and
(!) 2hen b/ reason or on occasion o&
the act o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons, the
o&&ended art/ dies, becomes insane,
su&&ers mutilation or is a&&licted with
*uman 'mmunode&icienc/ 9irus (*'9) or
the Ac>uired 'mmune 5e&icienc/
S/ndrome (A'5S).
Sec$on 8. Confidentiality. - At an/ sta!e o& the
in,esti!ation, rosecution and trial o& an o&&ense
under this Act, law en&orcement o&&icers,
rosecutors, 3ud!es, court ersonnel and
medical ractitioners, as well as arties to the
case, shall reco!nize the ri!ht to ri,ac/ o& the
tra&&ic1ed erson and the accused. Towards this
end, law en&orcement o&&icers, rosecutors and
3ud!es to whom the comlaint has been re&erred
ma/, whene,er necessar/ to ensure a &air and
imartial roceedin!, and a&ter considerin! all
circumstances &or the best interest o& the arties,
order a closed-door in,esti!ation, rosecution or
trial. The name and ersonal circumstances o&
the tra&&ic1ed erson or o& the accused, or an/
other in&ormation tendin! to establish their
identities and such circumstances or in&ormation
shall not be disclosed to the ublic.
'n cases when rosecution or trial is conducted
behind closed-doors, it shall be unlaw&ul &or an/
editor, ublisher, and reorter or columnist in
case o& rinted materials, announcer or roducer
in case o& tele,ision and radio, roducer and
director o& a &ilm in case o& the mo,ie industr/, or
an/ erson utilizin! tri-media &acilities or
in&ormation technolo!/ to cause ublicit/ o& an/
case o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ==
Sec$on 5. Prosecution of Cases. - An/ erson
who has ersonal 1nowled!e o& the commission
o& an/ o&&ense under this Act, the tra&&ic1ed
erson, the arents, souse, siblin!s, children or
le!al !uardian ma/ &ile a comlaint &or
Sec$on 3. #enue. - A criminal action arisin!
&rom ,iolation o& this Act shall be &iled where the
o&&ense was committed, or where an/ o& its
elements occurred, or where the tra&&ic1ed
erson actuall/ resides at the time o& the
commission o& the o&&ense7 Provided, That the
court where the criminal action is &irst &iled shall
ac>uire 3urisdiction to the e0clusion o& other
Sec$on 1%. Penalties and ,anctions. - The
&ollowin! enalties and sanctions are hereb/
established &or the o&&enses enumerated in this
(a) An/ erson &ound !uilt/ o&
committin! an/ o& the acts enumerated
in Section A shall su&&er the enalt/ o&
imrisonment o& twent/ (4:) /ears and a
&ine o& not less than +ne million esos
(P",:::,:::.::) but not more than Two
million esos (P4,:::,:::.::);
(b) An/ erson &ound !uilt/ o&
committin! an/ o& the acts enumerated
in Section @ shall su&&er the enalt/ o&
imrisonment o& &i&teen ("@) /ears and a
&ine o& not less than Ki,e hundred
thousand esos (P@::,:::.::) but not
more than +ne million esos
(c) An/ erson &ound !uilt/ o& >uali&ied
tra&&ic1in! under Section B shall su&&er
the enalt/ o& li&e imrisonment and a
&ine o& not less than Two million esos
(P4,:::,:::.::) but not more than Ki,e
million esos (P@,:::,:::.::);
(d) An/ erson who ,iolates Section %
hereo& shall su&&er the enalt/ o&
imrisonment o& si0 (B) /ears and a &ine
o& not less than Ki,e hundred thousand
esos (P@::,:::.::) but not more than
+ne million esos (P",:::,:::.::);
(e) '& the o&&ender is a cororation,
artnershi, association, club,
establishment or an/ 3uridical erson,
the enalt/ shall be imosed uon the
owner, resident, artner, mana!er,
andCor an/ resonsible o&&icer who
articiated in the commission o& the
crime or who shall ha,e 1nowin!l/
ermitted or &ailed to re,ent its
(&) The re!istration with the Securities
and E0chan!e Commission (SEC) and
license to oerate o& the errin! a!enc/,
cororation, association, reli!ious !rou,
tour or tra,el a!ent, club or
establishment, or an/ lace o&
entertainment shall be cancelled and
re,o1ed ermanentl/. The owner,
resident, artner or mana!er thereo&
shall not be allowed to oerate similar
establishments in a di&&erent name;
(!) '& the o&&ender is a &orei!ner, he shall
be immediatel/ deorted a&ter ser,in!
his sentence and be barred ermanentl/
&rom enterin! the countr/;
(h) An/ emlo/ee or o&&icial o&
!o,ernment a!encies who shall issue or
aro,e the issuance o& tra,el e0it
clearances, assorts, re!istration
certi&icates, counselin! certi&icates,
marria!e license, and other similar
documents to ersons, whether 3uridical
or natural, recruitment a!encies,
establishments or other indi,iduals or
!rous, who &ail to obser,e the
rescribed rocedures and the
re>uirement as ro,ided &or b/ laws,
rules and re!ulations, shall be held
administrati,el/ liable, without re3udice
to criminal liabilit/ under this Act. The
concerned !o,ernment o&&icial or
emlo/ee shall, uon con,iction, be
dismissed &rom the ser,ice and be
barred ermanentl/ to hold ublic o&&ice.
*isCher retirement and other bene&its
shall li1ewise be &or&eited; and
(i) Con,iction b/ &inal 3ud!ment o& the
adoter &or an/ o&&ense under this Act
shall result in the immediate rescission
o& the decree o& adotion.
Sec$on 11. 4se of Traffic.ed Persons. - An/
erson who bu/s or en!a!es the ser,ices o&
tra&&ic1ed ersons &or rostitution shall be
enalized as &ollows7
(a) Kirst o&&ense - si0 (B) months o&
communit/ ser,ice as ma/ be
determined b/ the court and a &ine o&
Ki&t/ thousand esos (P@:,:::.::); and
(b) Second and subse>uent o&&enses -
imrisonment o& one (") /ear and a &ine
o& +ne hundred thousand esos
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =A
Sec$on 1&. Prescriptive Period. - Tra&&ic1in!
cases under this Act shall rescribe in ten (":)
/ears7 Provided% ho$ever% That tra&&ic1in! cases
committed b/ a s/ndicate or in a lar!e scale as
de&ined under Section B shall rescribe in twent/
(4:) /ears.
The rescriti,e eriod shall commence to run
&rom the da/ on which the tra&&ic1ed erson is
deli,ered or released &rom the conditions o&
bonda!e and shall be interruted b/ the &ilin! o&
the comlaint or in&ormation and shall
commence to run a!ain when such roceedin!s
terminate without the accused bein! con,icted
or ac>uitted or are un3usti&iabl/ stoed &or an/
reason not imutable to the accused.
Sec$on 1'. *xemption from 2iling 2ees. - 2hen
the tra&&ic1ed erson institutes a searate ci,il
action &or the reco,er/ o& ci,il dama!es, heCshe
shall be e0emt &rom the a/ment o& &ilin! &ees.
Sec$on 14. Confiscation and 2orfeiture of the
Proceeds and )nstruments Derived from in Persons. - 'n addition to the
enalt/ imosed &or the ,iolation o& this Act, the
court shall order the con&iscation and &or&eiture,
in &a,or o& the !o,ernment, o& all the roceeds
and roerties deri,ed &rom the commission o&
the crime, unless the/ are the roert/ o& a third
erson not liable &or the unlaw&ul act; Provided%
ho$ever% That all awards &or dama!es shall be
ta1en &rom the ersonal and searate roerties
o& the o&&ender; Provided% further% That i& such
roerties are insu&&icient, the balance shall be
ta1en &rom the con&iscated and &or&eited
2hen the roceeds, roerties and instruments
o& the o&&ense ha,e been destro/ed, diminished
in ,alue or otherwise rendered worthless b/ an/
act or omission, directl/ or indirectl/, o& the
o&&ender, or it has been concealed, remo,ed,
con,erted or trans&erred to re,ent the same
&rom bein! &ound or to a,oid &or&eiture or
con&iscation, the o&&ender shall be ordered to
a/ the amount e>ual to the ,alue o& the
roceeds, roert/ or instruments o& the o&&ense.
Sec$on 12. Trust 2und. - All &ines imosed
under this Act and the roceeds and roerties
&or&eited and con&iscated ursuant to Section "A
hereo& shall accrue to a Trust Kund to be
administered and mana!ed b/ the Council to be
used e0clusi,el/ &or ro!rams that will re,ent
acts o& tra&&ic1in! and rotect, rehabilitate,
reinte!rate tra&&ic1ed ersons into the
mainstream o& societ/. Such ro!rams shall
include, but not limited to, the &ollowin!7
(a) Pro,ision &or mandator/ ser,ices set
&orth in Section 4= o& this Act;
(b) Sonsorshi o& a national research
ro!ram on tra&&ic1in! and
establishment o& a data collection
s/stem &or monitorin! and e,aluation
(c) Pro,ision o& necessar/ technical and
material suort ser,ices to aroriate
!o,ernment a!encies and non-
!o,ernment or!anizations (8.+s);
(d) Sonsorshi o& con&erences and
seminars to ro,ide ,enue &or
consensus buildin! amon!st the ublic,
the academe, !o,ernment, 8.+s and
international or!anizations; and
(e) Promotion o& in&ormation and
education camai!n on tra&&ic1in!.
Sec$on 18. Programs that ddress
in Persons. - The !o,ernment shall establish
and imlement re,enti,e, rotecti,e and
rehabilitati,e ro!rams &or tra&&ic1ed ersons.
Kor this urose, the &ollowin! a!encies are
hereb/ mandated to imlement the &ollowin!
(a) 5eartment o& Korei!n A&&airs (5KA)
- shall ma1e a,ailable its resources and
&acilities o,erseas &or tra&&ic1ed ersons
re!ardless o& their manner o& entr/ to
the recei,in! countr/, and e0lore
means to &urther enhance its assistance
in eliminatin! tra&&ic1in! acti,ities
throu!h closer networ1in! with
!o,ernment a!encies in the countr/ and
o,erseas, articularl/ in the &ormulation
o& olicies and imlementation o&
rele,ant ro!rams.
The 5KA shall ta1e necessar/
measures &or the e&&icient
imlementation o& the Dachine
(eadable Passorts to rotect the
inte!rit/ o& Philiine assorts, ,isas
and other tra,el documents to reduce
the incidence o& tra&&ic1in! throu!h the
use o& &raudulent identi&ication
't shall establish and imlement a re-
marria!e, on-site and re-dearture
counselin! ro!ram on intermarria!es.
(b) 5eartment o& Social 2el&are and
5e,eloment (5S25) - shall imlement
rehabilitati,e and rotecti,e ro!rams
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =@
&or tra&&ic1ed ersons. 't shall ro,ide
counselin! and temorar/ shelter to
tra&&ic1ed ersons and de,elo a s/stem
&or accreditation amon! 8.+s &or
uroses o& establishin! centers and
ro!rams &or inter,ention in ,arious
le,els o& the communit/.
(c) 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment (5+LE) - shall ensure the
strict imlementation and comliance
with the rules and !uidelines relati,e to
the emlo/ment o& ersons locall/ and
o,erseas. 't shall li1ewise monitor,
document and reort cases o& tra&&ic1in!
in ersons in,ol,in! emlo/ers and
labor recruiters.
(d) 5eartment o& Justice (5+J) - shall
ensure the rosecution o& ersons
accused o& tra&&ic1in! and desi!nate and
train secial rosecutors who shall
handle and rosecute cases o&
tra&&ic1in!. 't shall also establish a
mechanism &or &ree le!al assistance &or
tra&&ic1ed ersons, in coordination with
the 5S25, 'nte!rated Bar o& the
Philiines ('BP) and other 8.+s and
,olunteer !rous.
(e) 8ational Commission on the (ole o&
Kiliino 2omen (8C(K2) - shall
acti,el/ articiate and coordinate in the
&ormulation and monitorin! o& olicies
addressin! the issue o& tra&&ic1in! in
ersons in coordination with rele,ant
!o,ernment a!encies. 't shall li1ewise
ad,ocate &or the inclusion o& the issue o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons in both its local
and international ad,ocac/ &or womenSs
(&) Bureau o& 'mmi!ration (B') - shall
strictl/ administer and en&orce
immi!ration and alien administration
laws. 't shall adot measures &or the
arehension o& susected tra&&ic1ers
both at the lace o& arri,al and
dearture and shall ensure comliance
b/ the Kiliino &iancUsC&iancUes and
souses o& &orei!n nationals with the
!uidance and counselin! re>uirement
as ro,ided &or in this Act.
(!) Philiine 8ational Police (P8P) -
shall be the rimar/ law en&orcement
a!enc/ to underta1e sur,eillance,
in,esti!ation and arrest o& indi,iduals or
ersons susected to be en!a!ed in
tra&&ic1in!. 't shall closel/ coordinate
with ,arious law en&orcement a!encies
to secure concerted e&&orts &or e&&ecti,e
in,esti!ation and arehension o&
susected tra&&ic1ers. 't shall also
establish a s/stem to recei,e comlaints
and calls to assist tra&&ic1ed ersons
and conduct rescue oerations.
(h) Philiine +,erseas Emlo/ment
Administration (P+EA) - shall imlement
an e&&ecti,e re-emlo/ment orientation
seminars and re-dearture counselin!
ro!rams to alicants &or o,erseas
emlo/ment. 't shall li1ewise &ormulate a
s/stem o& ro,idin! &ree le!al
assistance to tra&&ic1ed ersons.
(i) 5eartment o& the 'nterior and Local
.o,ernment (5'L.) - shall institute a
s/stematic in&ormation and re,ention
camai!n and li1ewise maintain a
databan1 &or the e&&ecti,e monitorin!,
documentation and rosecution o& cases
on tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
(3) Local !o,ernment units (L.Ls) - shall
monitor and document cases o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons in their areas o&
3urisdiction, e&&ect the cancellation o&
licenses o& establishments which ,iolate
the ro,isions o& this Act and ensure
e&&ecti,e rosecution o& such cases.
The/ shall also underta1e an
in&ormation camai!n a!ainst tra&&ic1in!
in ersons throu!h the establishment o&
the Di!rants Ad,isor/ and 'n&ormation
8etwor1 (DA'8) des1s in municialities
or ro,inces in coordination with 5'L.,
Philiine 'n&ormation A!enc/ (P'A),
Commission on Kiliinos +,erseas
(CK+), 8.+s and other concerned
a!encies. The/ shall encoura!e and
suort communit/ based initiati,es
which address the tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
'n imlementin! this Act, the a!encies
concerned ma/ see1 and enlist the
assistance o& 8.+s, eoleSs
or!anizations (Pos), ci,ic or!anizations
and other ,olunteer !rous.
Sec$on 19. Legal Protection to Traffic.ed
Persons. - Tra&&ic1ed ersons shall be
reco!nized as ,ictims o& the act or acts o&
tra&&ic1in! and as such shall not be enalized &or
crimes directl/ related to the acts o& tra&&ic1in!
enumerated in this Act or in obedience to the
order made b/ the tra&&ic1er in relation thereto.
'n this re!ard, the consent o& a tra&&ic1ed erson
to the intended e0loitation set &orth in this Act
shall be irrele,ant.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =B
Sec$on 15. Preferential *ntitlement 4nder the
&itness Protection Program. - An/ ro,ision o&
(eublic Act 8o. B#$" to the contrar/
notwithstandin!, an/ tra&&ic1ed erson shall be
entitled to the witness rotection ro!ram
ro,ided therein.
Sec$on 13. Traffic.ed Persons &ho are
2oreign Nationals. - Sub3ect to the !uidelines
issued b/ the Council, tra&&ic1ed ersons in the
Philiines who are nationals o& a &orei!n
countr/ shall also be entitled to aroriate
rotection, assistance and ser,ices a,ailable to
tra&&ic1ed ersons under this Act7 Provided, That
the/ shall be ermitted continued resence in
the Philiines &or a len!th o& time rescribed b/
the Council as necessar/ to e&&ect the
rosecution o& o&&enders.
Sec$on &%. )nter+gency Council gainst - There is hereb/ established an
'nter-A!enc/ Council A!ainst Tra&&ic1in!, to be
comosed o& the Secretar/ o& the 5eartment o&
Justice as Chairerson and the Secretar/ o& the
5eartment o& Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment
as Co-Chairerson and shall ha,e the &ollowin!
as members7
(a) Secretar/, 5eartment o& Korei!n
(b) Secretar/, 5eartment o& Labor and
(c) Administrator, Philiine +,erseas
Emlo/ment Administration;
(d) Commissioner, Bureau o&
(e) 5irector-.eneral, Philiine 8ational
(&) Chairerson, 8ational Commission
on the (ole o& Kiliino 2omen; and
(!) Three (=) reresentati,es &rom
8.+s, who shall be comosed o& one
(") reresentati,e each &rom amon! the
sectors reresentin! women, o,erseas
Kiliino wor1ers (+K2s) and children,
with a ro,en record o& in,ol,ement in
the re,ention and suression o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons. These
reresentati,es shall be nominated b/
the !o,ernment a!enc/ reresentati,es
o& the Council, &or aointment b/ the
President &or a term o& three (=) /ears.
The members o& the Council ma/
desi!nate their ermanent
reresentati,es who shall ha,e a ran1
not lower than an assistant secretar/ or
its e>ui,alent to meetin!s, and shall
recei,e emoluments as ma/ be
determined b/ the Council in
accordance with e0istin! bud!et and
accountin!, rules and re!ulations.
Sec$on &1. 2unctions of the Council. - The
Council shall ha,e the &ollowin! owers and
(a) Kormulate a comrehensi,e and
inte!rated ro!ram to re,ent and
suress the tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(b) Promul!ate rules and re!ulations as
ma/ be necessar/ &or the e&&ecti,e
imlementation o& this Act;
(c) Donitor and o,ersee the strict
imlementation o& this Act;
(d) Coordinate the ro!rams and
ro3ects o& the ,arious member
a!encies to e&&ecti,el/ address the
issues and roblems attendant to
tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(e) Coordinate the conduct o& massi,e
in&ormation dissemination and camai!n
on the e0istence o& the law and the
,arious issues and roblems attendant
to tra&&ic1in! throu!h the L.Ls,
concerned a!encies, and 8.+s;
(&) 5irect other a!encies to immediatel/
resond to the roblems brou!ht to their
attention and reort to the Council on
action ta1en;
(!) Assist in &ilin! o& cases a!ainst
indi,iduals, a!encies, institutions or
establishments that ,iolate the
ro,isions o& this Act;
(h) Kormulate a ro!ram &or the
reinte!ration o& tra&&ic1ed ersons in
cooeration with 5+LE, 5S25,
Technical Education and S1ills
5e,eloment Authorit/ (TES5A),
Commission on *i!her Education
(C*E5), L.Ls and 8.+s;
(i) Secure &rom an/ deartment, bureau,
o&&ice, a!enc/, or instrumentalit/ o& the
!o,ernment or &rom 8.+s and other
ci,ic or!anizations such assistance as
ma/ be needed to e&&ecti,el/ imlement
this Act;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =%
(3) Comlement the shared !o,ernment
in&ormation s/stem &or mi!ration
established under (eublic Act 8o.
$:A4, otherwise 1nown as the TDi!rant
2or1ers and +,erseas Kiliinos Act o&
"##@T with data on cases o& tra&&ic1in! in
ersons, and ensure that the roer
a!encies conduct a continuin! research
and stud/ on the atterns and scheme
o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons which shall &orm
the basis &or olic/ &ormulation and
ro!ram direction;
(1) 5e,elo the mechanism to ensure
the timel/, coordinated, and e&&ecti,e
resonse to cases o& tra&&ic1in! in
(l) (ecommend measures to enhance
cooerati,e e&&orts and mutual
assistance amon! &orei!n countries
throu!h bilateral andCor multilateral
arran!ements to re,ent and suress
international tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(m) Coordinate with the 5eartment o&
Transortation and Communications
(5+TC), 5eartment o& Trade and
'ndustr/ (5T'), and other 8.+s in
monitorin! the romotion o&
ad,ertisement o& tra&&ic1in! in the
(n) Adot measures and olicies to
rotect the ri!hts and needs o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons who are &orei!n nationals in the
(o) 'nitiate trainin! ro!rams in
identi&/in! and ro,idin! the necessar/
inter,ention or assistance to tra&&ic1ed
ersons; and
() E0ercise all the owers and er&orm
such other &unctions necessar/ to attain
the uroses and ob3ecti,es o& this Act.
Sec$on &&. ,ecretariat to the Council. - The
5eartment o& Justice shall establish the
necessar/ Secretariat &or the Council.
Sec$on &'. (andatory ,ervices to Traffic.ed
Persons. - To ensure reco,er/, rehabilitation
and reinte!ration into the mainstream o& societ/,
concerned !o,ernment a!encies shall ma1e
a,ailable the &ollowin! ser,ices to tra&&ic1ed
(a) Emer!enc/ shelter or aroriate
(b) Counselin!;
(c) Kree le!al ser,ices which shall
include in&ormation about the ,ictimsS
ri!hts and the rocedure &or &ilin!
comlaints, claimin! comensation and
such other le!al remedies a,ailable to
them, in a lan!ua!e understood b/ the
tra&&ic1ed erson;
(d) Dedical or s/cholo!ical ser,ices;
(e) Li,elihood and s1ills trainin!; and
(&) Educational assistance to a tra&&ic1ed
Sustained suer,ision and &ollow throu!h
mechanism that will trac1 the ro!ress o&
reco,er/, rehabilitation and reinte!ration o& the
tra&&ic1ed ersons shall be adoted and carried
Sec$on &4. 'ther ,ervices for Traffic.ed
Persons. -
(a) Legal ssistance. - Tra&&ic1ed
ersons shall be considered under the
cate!or/ T+,erseas Kiliino in 5istressT
and ma/ a,ail o& the le!al assistance
created b/ (eublic Act 8o. $:A4,
sub3ect to the !uidelines as ro,ided b/
(b) 'verseas 2ilipino Resource Centers.
- The ser,ices a,ailable to o,erseas
Kiliinos as ro,ided &or b/ (eublic Act
8o. $:A4 shall also be e0tended to
tra&&ic1ed ersons re!ardless o& their
immi!ration status in the host countr/.
(c) The Country Team pproach. - The
countr/ team aroach under E0ecuti,e
+rder 8o. %A o& "##=, shall be the
oerational scheme under which
Philiine embassies abroad shall
ro,ide rotection to tra&&ic1ed ersons
inso&ar as the romotion o& their wel&are,
di!nit/ and &undamental ri!hts are
Sec$on &2. Repatriation of Traffic.ed Persons.
+ The 5KA, in coordination with 5+LE and other
aroriate a!encies, shall ha,e the rimar/
resonsibilit/ &or the reatriation o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons, re!ardless o& whether the/ are
documented or undocumented.
'&, howe,er, the reatriation o& the tra&&ic1ed
ersons shall e0ose the ,ictims to !reater ris1s,
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =$
the 5KA shall ma1e reresentation with the host
!o,ernment &or the e0tension o& aroriate
residenc/ ermits and rotection, as ma/ be
le!all/ ermissible in the host countr/.
Sec$on &8. *xtradition. + The 5+J, in
consultation with 5KA, shall endea,or to include
o&&enses o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons amon!
e0traditable o&&enses.
Sec$on &9. Reporting Re1uirements. + The
Council shall submit to the President o& the
Philiines and to Con!ress an annual reort o&
the olicies, ro!rams and acti,ities relati,e to
the imlementation o& this Act.
Sec$on &5. 2unding. + The heads o& the
deartments and a!encies concerned shall
immediatel/ include in their ro!rams and issue
such rules and re!ulations to imlement the
ro,isions o& this Act, the &undin! o& which shall
be included in the annual .eneral
Aroriations Act.
Sec$on &3. )mplementing Rules and
Regulations. + The Council shall romul!ate the
necessar/ imlementin! rules and re!ulations
within si0t/ (B:) da/s &rom the e&&ecti,it/ o& this
Sec$on '%. Non+restriction of 2reedom of
,peech and of ssociation% Religion and the
Right to Travel. + 8othin! in this Act shall be
interreted as a restriction o& the &reedom o&
seech and o& association, reli!ion and the ri!ht
to tra,el &or uroses not contrar/ to law as
!uaranteed b/ the Constitution.
Sec$on '1. ,eparability Clause. + '&, &or an/
reason, an/ section or ro,ision o& this Act is
held unconstitutional or in,alid, the other
sections or ro,isions hereo& shall not be
a&&ected thereb/.
Sec$on '&. Repealing clause. + All laws,
residential decrees, e0ecuti,e orders and rules
and re!ulations, or arts thereo&, inconsistent
with the ro,isions o& this Act are hereb/
reealed or modi&ied accordin!l/7 Provided, That
this Act shall not in an/ wa/ amend or reeal the
ro,ision o& (eublic Act 8o. %B":, otherwise
1nown as the TSecial Protection o& Children
A!ainst Child Abuse, E0loitation and
5iscrimination ActT.
Sec$on ''. *ffectivity. + This Act shall ta1e
e&&ect &i&teen ("@) da/s &rom the date o& its
comlete ublication in at least two (4)
newsaers o& !eneral circulation.
OF &%%'>
Pursuant to the authorit/ o& the 'nter-A!enc/
Council A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! ('ACAT) under
Section 4# o& (eublic Act 8o. #4:$ otherwise
1nown as the HAnti-Tra&&ic1in! in Persons Act o&
4::=N, the &ollowin!
rules and re!ulations are hereb/ romul!ated to
imlement the ro,isions o& said Act7
Ar$c#e I
Sec. ". Title. These rules and re!ulations shall
be 1nown and cited as HThe (ules and
(e!ulations 'mlementin! the Anti-Tra&&ic1in! in
Persons Act o& 4::=N.
Sec. 4. urpose. These rules and re!ulations
are hereb/ romul!ated to institute olicies,
establish the institutional mechanism &or the
suort and rotection o& tra&&ic1ed ersons and
rescribe the rocedures and !uidelines &or the
imlementation o& (eublic Act 8o. #4:$ in
order to &acilitate comliance therewith and
achie,e the ob3ecti,es thereo&.
Sec. =. Declaration of !tate olicy. The State
,alues the di!nit/ o& e,er/ human erson and
!uarantees the resect &or indi,idual ri!hts.
Towards this end, the State shall !i,e the
hi!hest riorit/ to the enactment o& measures
and de,eloment o& ro!rams that will romote
human di!nit/, rotect the eole &rom an/
threat o& ,iolence and e0loitation, eliminate
tra&&ic1in! in ersons, and miti!ate ressures &or
in,oluntar/ mi!ration and ser,itude o& ersons,
not onl/ to suort tra&&ic1ed ersons but more
imortantl/, to ensure
their reco,er/, rehabilitation and reinte!ration
into the mainstream o& societ/.
The State also reco!nizes the e>ual ri!hts and
inherent human di!nit/ o& women and men, as
well as the ri!hts o& children, as enshrined and
!uaranteed in the &ollowin! international
(i) Lni,ersal 5eclaration on *uman
(ii) Con,ention &or the Suression o&
the Tra&&ic in Persons and
E0loitation o& the Prostitution o&
(iii) Con,ention on the Elimination o& All
Korms o& 5iscrimination A!ainst
(i,) Con,ention on the (i!hts o& the
Child and its+tional Protocols;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e =#
(,) Con,ention on the Protection o&
Di!rant 2or1ers and Dembers o&
their Kamilies;
(,i) Con,ention A!ainst Transnational
+r!anizedCrimes includin! its
Protocol to Pre,ent,Suress and
Punish Tra&&ic1in! in Persons,
Eseciall/ 2omen and Children;
(,ii) 'L+ Con,ention 8o. "$4
(Con,ention Concernin! the
Prohibition and 'mmediate Action &or
the Elimination o& the 2orst Korms
o& Child Labor); and
(,iii) All other rele,ant and uni,ersall/
acceted human ri!hts instruments
and other international con,entions
to which the Philiines is a State
Part/. 'n all actions concernin!
children, their best interests shall be
the aramount consideration.
Sec. A. Construction. These rules and
re!ulations shall be liberall/ construed in &a,or
o& the tra&&ic1ed ersons to romote their human
di!nit/; ensure their reco,er/, rehabilitation and
reinte!ration into the mainstream o& societ/;
eliminate tra&&ic1in! in ersons; and achie,e the
ob3ecti,es o& the Act.
Ar$c#e II
Sec. @. Definition of Terms. As used in these
rules and re!ulations, unless the conte0t
otherwise re>uires, the &ollowin! terms shall be
understood to mean7
(a) ct O re&ers to (eublic Act 8o. #4:$,
1nown as the HAnti-Tra&&ic1in! in Persons Act o&
(b) Council O re&ers to the 'nter-A!enc/ Council
A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! ('ACAT) created under
Section 4: o& the Act;
(c) in Persons O re&ers to the
recruitment, transortation, trans&er or harborin!,
or receit o& ersons, with or without the ,ictimGs
consent or 1nowled!e, within or across national
borders b/ means o& threat or use o& &orce, or
other &orms o& coercion, abduction, &raud,
decetion, abuse o& ower or o& osition, ta1in!
ad,anta!e o& the ,ulnerabilit/ o& the erson, or,
the !i,in! or recei,in! o& a/ments or bene&its to
achie,e the consent o& a erson ha,in! control
o,er another erson &or the urose o&
e0loitation which includes at a minimum, the
e0loitation or the rostitution o& others or other
&orms o& se0ual e0loitation, &orced labor or
ser,ices, sla,er/, ser,itude or the remo,al or
sale o& or!ans.
The recruitment, transortation, trans&er,
harborin! or receit o& a child &or the urose o&
shall also be considered as Htra&&ic1in! in
ersonsN e,en i& it does not in,ol,e an/ o& the
means set &orth in the recedin! ara!rah.
(d) Child O re&ers to a erson below ei!hteen
("$) /ears o& a!e or one who is o,er ei!hteen
("$) but is unable to &ull/ ta1e care o& or rotect
himsel&Chersel& &rom abuse, ne!lect, cruelt/,
e0loitation, or discrimination because o& a
h/sical or mental disabilit/ or condition;
(e) Prostitution O re&ers to an/ act, transaction,
scheme or desi!n in,ol,in! the use o& a erson
b/ another, &or se0ual intercourse or lasci,ious
conduct in e0chan!e &or mone/, ro&it or an/
other consideration;
(&) 2orced Labor and ,lavery O re&er to the
e0traction o& wor1 or ser,ices &rom an/ erson
b/ means o& enticement, ,iolence, intimidation
or threat, use o& &orce or coercion, includin!
deri,ation o& &reedom, abuse o& authorit/ or
moral ascendanc/, debt-bonda!e or decetion;
(!) ,ex Tourism O re&ers to a ro!ram
or!anized b/ tra,el and tourism-related
establishments and indi,iduals which consists
o& tourism ac1a!es or acti,ities, utilizin! and
o&&erin! escort and se0ual ser,ices as
enticement &or tourists. This includes se0ual
ser,ices and ractices o&&ered durin! rest and
recreation eriods &or members o& the militar/;
(h) ,exual *xploitation O re&ers to articiation
b/ a erson in rostitution or the roduction o&
materials as a result o& bein! sub3ected to a
threat, decetion, coercion, abduction, &orce,
abuse o& authorit/, debt bonda!e, &raud or
throu!h abuse o& a ,ictimGs ,ulnerabilit/;
(i) Debt /ondage O re&ers to the led!in! b/ the
debtor o& hisCher ersonal ser,ices or labor or
those o& a erson under hisCher control as
securit/ or a/ment &or a debt, when the len!th
and nature o& ser,ices is not clearl/ de&ined or
when the ,alue o& the ser,ices as reasonabl/
assessed is not alied toward the li>uidation o&
the debt;
(3) Pornography O re&ers to an/ reresentation,
throu!h ublication, e0hibition, cinemato!rah/,
shows, in&ormation technolo!/, or b/ whate,er
means, o& a erson en!a!ed in real or simulated
e0licit se0ual acti,ities or an/ reresentation o&
the se0ual arts o& a erson rimaril/ &or se0ual
uroses; and
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A:
(1) )nvoluntary ,ervitude O re&ers to a condition
o& en&orced, comulsor/ ser,ice induced b/
means o& an/ scheme, lan or attern, intended
to cause a erson to belie,e that, i& the erson
did not enter into or continue in such condition,
that erson or another erson would su&&er
serious harm or other &orms o& abuse or h/sical
restraint, or the abuse or threatened abuse o&
the le!al rocess.
Ar$c#e III
Sec. B. Creation. The 'nter-A!enc/ Council
A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! ('ACAT) shall be established
which shall be rimaril/ tas1ed to coordinate,
monitor and o,ersee the imlementation o& the
Sec. %. Composition. The Council shall be
comosed o& the &ollowin!7
(a) Secretar/, 5eartment o& Justice (5+J) as
(b) Secretar/, 5eartment o& Social 2el&are and
5e,eloment (5S25) as Co-Chairerson;
(c) Secretar/, 5eartment o& Korei!n A&&airs
(5KA) as Dember;
(d) Secretar/, 5eartment o& Labor and
(5+LE) as Dember;
(e) Administrator, Philiine +,erseas
Administration (P+EA) as Dember;
(&) Commissioner, Bureau o& 'mmi!ration (B') as
(!) 5irector-.eneral, Philiine 8ational Police
(P8P) as Dember;
(h) Chairerson, 8ational Commission on the
(ole o& Kiliino 2omen (8C(K2) as Dember;
(i) +ne (") reresentati,e &rom an 8.+
reresentin!the women sector as Dember;
(3) +ne (") reresentati,e &rom an 8.+
reresentin! he +,erseas Kiliino 2or1ers
(+K2s) sector as Dember; and
(1) +ne (") reresentati,e &rom an 8.+
reresentin! he children sector as Dember.
The members o& the Council ma/ desi!nate their
ermanent reresentati,es who shall ha,e a
ran1 not lower than an Assistant Secretar/ or its
e>ui,alent to attend the meetin!s o& the Council.
Sec. $. *ualifications+ !election and
Appointment of ,G- and its
Representatives. The 8.+s, with national and
international networ1s, and its reresentati,es to
the Council must ha,e a ro,en trac1 record o&
in,ol,ement in the re,ention and suression
o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons. The/ shall be
nominated b/ an/
o& the !o,ernment a!enc/ reresentati,es o& the
Council and shall be selected b/ ma3orit/ ,ote
thereo& and endorsed to the President. The/
shall be aointed b/ the President &or a term o&
three (=) /ears.
Sec. #. &unctions of the Council. The Council
shall ha,e the &ollowin! owers and &unctions7
(a) Kormulate a comrehensi,e and inte!rated
ro!ram to re,ent and suress the tra&&ic1in!
in ersons;
(b) Promul!ate rules and re!ulations as ma/ be
necessar/ &or the e&&ecti,e imlementation o& the
(c) Donitor and o,ersee the strict
imlementation o& the Act;
(d) Coordinate the ro!rams and ro3ects o& the
,arious member a!encies to e&&ecti,el/ address
the issues and roblems attendant to tra&&ic1in!
in ersons;
(e) Coordinate the conduct o& massi,e
in&ormation dissemination and camai!n on the
e0istence o& the law and the ,arious issues and
roblems attendant to tra&&ic1in! throu!h the
local !o,ernment units (L.Ls), concerned
a!encies, and 8.+s;
(&) 5irect other a!encies to immediatel/ resond
to the roblems brou!ht to their attention and
reort to the Council on action ta1en;
(!) Assist in &ilin! o& cases a!ainst indi,iduals,
a!encies, institutions or establishments that
,iolate the
ro,isions o& the Act;
(h) Kormulate a ro!ram &or the reinte!ration o&
tra&&ic1ed ersons in cooeration with 5+LE,
5S25, Technical Education and S1ills
5e,eloment Authorit/ (TES5A), Commission
on *i!her Education (C*E5), L.Ls and 8.+s;
(i) Secure &rom an/ deartment, bureau, o&&ice,
a!enc/, or instrumentalit/ o& the !o,ernment or
&rom 8.+s
and other ci,ic or!anizations such assistance as
ma/ be needed to e&&ecti,el/ imlement the Act;
(3) Comlement the shared !o,ernment
in&ormation s/stem &or mi!ration established
under (eublic Act 8o. $:A4, otherwise 1nown
as the HDi!rant 2or1ers and +,erseas Kiliinos
Act o& "##@N with data on cases o& tra&&ic1in! in
ersons, and ensure that the roer a!encies
conduct a continuin! research and stud/ on the
atterns and scheme o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons
which shall &orm the basis &or olic/ &ormulation
and ro!ram direction;
(1) 5e,elo the mechanism to ensure the timel/
coordinated and e&&ecti,e resonse to cases o&
tra&&ic1in! in
(l) (ecommend measures to enhance
cooerati,e e&&orts and mutual assistance
amon! &orei!n countries throu!h bilateral andCor
multilateral arran!ements to re,ent and
suress international tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A"
(m) Coordinate with the 5eartment o&
Transortation and Communications (5+TC),
5eartment o& Trade and 'ndustr/ (5T'), and
other 8.+s in monitorin! the romotion o&
ad,ertisement o& tra&&ic1in! in the 'nternet;
(n) Adot measures and olicies to rotect the
ri!hts and needs o& tra&&ic1ed ersons who are
&orei!n nationals in the Philiines;
(o) 'nitiate trainin! ro!rams in identi&/in! and
ro,idin! the necessar/ inter,ention or
assistance to tra&&ic1ed
ersons; and
() E0ercise all the owers and er&orm such
other &unctions necessar/ to attain the uroses
and ob3ecti,es o& the Act.
Sec. ":. Reportorial &unction. 2ithin si0t/ (B:)
da/s a&ter the closin! o& each calendar /ear, the
Council shall submit to the +&&ice o& the
President a comrehensi,e reort on the actions
and ro!rams
ta1en b/ the Council relati,e to and concernin!
the imlementation o& the Act.
Sec. "". .eetings of the Council. The Council
shall meet re!ularl/ at least once a month.
Secial meetin!s ma/ be called b/ the Chair as
the need arises. Da3orit/ o& the members o& the
shall constitute a >uorum to transact business.
Sec. "4. /onoraria or "moluments. The
Dembers o& the Council or their desi!nated
ermanent reresentati,es shall recei,e
honoraria or emoluments as ma/ be determined
b/ the Council in
accordance with e0istin! bud!et and accountin!
rules and re!ulations.
Sec. "=. 0mplementation of the 'a$ at !ub-
,ational and 'ocal 'evels. The Council shall,
as &ar as racticable, de,elo mechanisms to
ensure the imlementation o& the law and these
rules and re!ulations at the sub-national and
local le,els
Ar$c#e I7
SEC. "A. -rgani1ation. The 5eartment o&
Justice shall establish a Secretariat to assist the
Council in the er&ormance o& its &unctions. The
Secretar/ o& Justice shall determine the
or!anizational structure and sta&&in! attern o&
the Secretariat.
Sec. "@. &unctions. The Secretariat shall ha,e
the &ollowin! &unctions7
(a) Coordinate and monitor, under the direction
o& the Council, the imlementation o& the olicies
and !uidelines romul!ated b/ the Council;
(b) Establish, maintain and mana!e a central
database on tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(c) Pro,ide secretariat, records 1eein! and
other ser,ices to the Council; and
(d) Per&orm such other &unctions as ma/ be
directed b/ the Council.
Ar$c#e 7
Sec. "B. Common Roles and Responsibilities
of Council .ember Agencies. All member
!o,ernment a!encies o& the Council shall ha,e
the &ollowin! common roles and resonsibilities7
(a) 5e,elo olicies and ro!rams suorti,e o&
and consistent with the ob3ecti,es o& the Act;
(b) Enhance the caabilit/ o& its o&&icers and
ersonnel in,ol,ed in tra&&ic1in! issues and
concerns throu!h aroriate trainin! and sta&&
suort ro!rams;
(c) Lnderta1e in&ormation, education and
ad,ocac/ camai!ns a!ainst tra&&ic1in! in
(d) Daintain a databan1 on tra&&ic1in! in ersons
to be shared amon! rele,ant a!encies and
comlement the central databan1 to be
established b/ the Council; and
(e) 5ocument !ood ractices as bases &or olic/
&ormulation and ro!ram de,eloment.
Sec. "%. !pecific Roles and Responsibilities
of ,ational Government Agencies $hich are
.embers of the Council. The &ollowin! national
!o,ernment a!encies, which are member
a!encies o& the Council, shall ha,e, but not
limited to, the &ollowin! roles and resonsibilities
in the re,ention and suression o& tra&&ic1in!
in ersons7
(a) 5eartment o& Justice (5+J)
(i) Ensure the rosecution o& ersons &or
,iolations o& the Act;
(ii) 5esi!nate and train secial rosecutors who
shall in,esti!ate and rosecute cases o&
(iii) Establish a mechanism &or &ree le!al
assistance &or tra&&ic1ed ersons, in coordination
with the 5S25, Commission on *uman (i!hts
(C*(), 'nte!rated Bar o& the Philiines ('BP)
and other 8.+s and ,olunteer !rous;
(i,) Pro,ide, witness rotection to tra&&ic1ed
,ictims and their witnesses;
(,) Conduct trainin! and continuin! education
ro!ram on in,esti!ation and rosecution &or
tra&&ic1in! in
ersons and other related o&&enses &or
rosecutors and law en&orcement o&&icers;
(,i) (ecei,e, e,aluate, rocess and in,esti!ate
claims &or comensation b/ tra&&ic1ed ,ictims,
when alicable, ursuant to (eublic Act 8o.
%=:# (9ictims Comensation
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A4
(,ii) (e,iew and recommend olicies and
measures to enhance rotection a!ainst
tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(,iii) (ecommend the ne!otiation o& mutual le!al
assistance and e0tradition treaties with other
countries in
coordination with the 5KA; and
(i0) Coordinate with andCor ro,ide assistance to
the Anti-Done/ Launderin! Council (ADLC) on
cases o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons with ossible mone/
launderin! underinnin!s.
(b) 5eartment o& Social 2el&are and
5e,eloment (5S25)
(i) Pro,ide s/cho-social counselin!, temorar/
shelter and other suort ser,ices to
,ictimsCsur,i,ors o&
tra&&ic1in! and their &amilies;
(ii) Da1e a,ailable s1ills trainin! and li,elihood
ser,ices to ,ictimsCsur,i,ors o& tra&&ic1in!;
(iii) 5e,elo ro!ram and other suort
inter,entions to &acilitate the reco,er/ and
reinte!ration o&
tra&&ic1ed ,ictims into their &amilies and
(i,) Pro,ide social wel&are ser,ices to Kiliino
,ictims o& tra&&ic1in! in other countries throu!h
the 5S25
Social 2el&are AttachU and social wor1ers
osted in &orei!n countries, which ma/ include
but not limited to stress mana!ement,
reatriation and other aroriate s/chosocial
inter,entions &or their rotection and wel&are;
(,) Conduct technical assistance and caabilit/
buildin! acti,ities &or social wel&are
o&&icersCsocial wor1ers
o& L.Ls and 8.+s;
(,i) Accredit 8.+s that ro,ide ro!rams and
ser,ices to ensure that the/ meet the standards
set b/ the
5eartment; and
(,ii) Pro,ide temorar/ shelter and s/cho-
social ser,ices to &orei!n nationals who are
,ictims o& tra&&ic1in!
in ersons as con&irmed b/ the Bureau o&
(c) 5eartment o& Korei!n A&&airs (5KA)
(i) Da1e a,ailable its resources and &acilities
o,erseas and to ro,ide ser,ices &or tra&&ic1ed
re!ardless o& the manner o& their entr/ to the
recei,in! countr/;
(ii) E0lore means to &urther enhance its
assistance in eliminatin! tra&&ic1in! acti,ities
throu!h closer
networ1in! with !o,ernment a!encies in the
countr/ and o,erseas, articularl/ in the
&ormulation o& olicies and imlementation o&
rele,ant ro!rams;
(iii) Acti,el/ articiate in bilateral, re!ional and
international initiati,es and cooerati,e
aimed at suressin! tra&&ic1in! in ersons and
rotectin! and assistin! ,ictims o& tra&&ic1in! to
include monitorin! o& inter-countr/ adotion
(i,) Ta1e necessar/ measures &or the e&&icient
imlementation o& the Dachine (eadable
Passorts and
9isas to rotect the inte!rit/ o& Philiine
assorts, ,isas, and other tra,el documents to
reduce the incidence o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons
throu!h the use o& &raudulent identi&ication
(,) Establish and imlement re-marria!e, on-
site and re-dearture counselin! ro!ram on
Kor this urose, the 5KA shall romul!ate the
necessar/ !uidelines to imlement the said
ro!ram; and
(,i) 'nte!rate into the re-dearture orientation
seminars &or &orei!n ser,ice ersonnel a trainin!
module on
tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
(d) 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment
(i) Ensure the strict imlementation o& and
comliance with rules and !uidelines relati,e to
emlo/ment o& ersons locall/ and o,erseas;
(ii) Donitor, document and reort cases o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons in,ol,in! emlo/ers and
(iii) Da1e a,ailable e0istin! resources such as
emlo/ment and li,elihood ro!rams as art o&
!o,ernmentGs measure to suress tra&&ic1in! in
ersons; and
(i,) Conduct ublic awareness ro!rams and
acti,ities to re,ent ,ictimization.
(e) Philiine +,erseas Emlo/ment
Administration (P+EA)
(i) 'mlement an e&&ecti,e re-emlo/ment
orientation seminar and re-dearture
counselin! ro!ram
to alicants &or o,erseas emlo/ment;
(ii) Kormulate a s/stem ro,idin! &ree le!al
assistance to tra&&ic1ed ersons which shall
include the
(a) Pro,ision o& le!al assistance to ,ictims o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons b/ means o&, or in the
!uise o&,
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A=
recruitment &or o,erseas emlo/ment, as
de&ined in Section B o& (.A. 8o. $:A4, such as
&ree le!al ad,ice, assistance in the rearation
and &ilin! o& administrati,e and criminal actions
&or tra&&ic1in! as de&ined in the Act, without
re3udice to the &ilin! o& administrati,e andCor
criminal actions &or ille!al recruitment, as
de&ined in (.A.8o. $:A4, when roer;
(b) Assistance in the rosecution o& ersons who
en!a!e in, romote and &acilitate tra&&ic1in! in
b/ means o&, or in the !uise o&, recruitment &or
o,erseas emlo/ment, as de&ined in Section B o&
(.A. $:A4;
'n this connection, the P+EA shall li1ewise
adot a olic/ o& con&identialit/ in all cases
re&erred to it in,ol,in!
ossible ,iolations o& the Act.
(iii) Adot olicies and rocedures, reare and
imlement ro!rams !eared towards the
eradication o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons as well as acts that
romote tra&&ic1in! in ersons such as, but not
limited to, the &ollowin!7
(a) Comrehensi,e and 'nte!rated Education
Pro!ram on o,erseas emlo/ment which shall
be underta1en in artnershi with other rele,ant
or!anizations and !o,ernment entities. Such
education ro!ram shall co,er all sta!es o&
recruitment and emlo/ment and shall ro,ide
in&ormation use&ul &or o,erseas wor1ers
includin! a module on anti-tra&&ic1in! ro!ram
and measures;
(b) 8ationwide multi-media and sustainable
!rassroots in&ormation camai!n to create
ublicawareness on the realities o& o,erseas
emlo/ment and dan!ers o& becomin! ,ictims o&
ille!al tra&&ic1in! acti,ities;
(c) Conduct secial oerations, comlementar/
to the ower o& the P8P, on ersons and entities
in recruitment &or o,erseas emlo/ment reorted
to be ,iolatin! the ro,isions o& the Act &or the
urose o&
e&&ectin! closure o& said establishments
ursuant to the ro,isions o& (.A. 8o. $:A4; and
(d) 5atabase o& cases in,ol,in!, and
ersonalities in,ol,ed in, tra&&ic1in! ersons
searate and distinct &rom its ille!al (ecruitment
cases &or monitorin! uroses;
(i,) 'n cases o& reatriation in,ol,in! wor1ers
recruited and delo/ed b/ licensed a!encies,
the P+EA shall
noti&/ the a!enc/ concerned to ro,ide a lane
tic1et or Preaid Tra,el Ad,ice (PTA) and shall
imose sanctions on said a!encies &or &ailure to
cooerate in ro,idin! wel&are assistance to
+K2s the/ ha,e delo/ed; and
(,) Continue to re!ulate ri,ate sector
articiation in the recruitment and o,erseas
lacement o&
wor1ers throu!h its licensin! and re!istration
s/stem ursuant to its rules and re!ulation on
emlo/ment. 't shall &ormulate and imlement, in
coordination with aroriate entities concerned,
necessar/, a s/stem o& romotin! and
monitorin! the o,erseas emlo/ment o& Kiliino
wor1ers, ta1in! into
consideration their wel&are and rotection &rom
the dan!ers and ris1s inherent in o,erseas
emlo/ment, includin! ille!al tra&&ic1in!.
(&) Bureau o& 'mmi!ration (B')
(i) Strictl/ administer and en&orce immi!ration
and alien re!istration laws;
(ii) Adot measures &or the arehension o&
susected tra&&ic1ers both at the lace o& arri,al
(iii) Ensure comliance b/ the Kiliino &iancUsC
&iancUes and souses o& &orei!n nationals with
the redearture and counselin! ro!ram
re>uirement o& the Act;
(i,) Strictl/ imlement the re>uirement &or a
arental tra,el authorit/ dul/ rocessed b/ the
5S25 &or
minors tra,elin! abroad unaccomanied b/ one
arent, and the tra,el clearance &or minors
tra,elin! abroad
unaccomanied b/ both arents;
(,) Ensure comliance b/ +,erseas Kiliino
2or1ers o& the dearture re>uirements o& the
(,i) Conduct eriodic trainin! and seminar on
&raudulent document detection and assen!er
to enhance the le,el o& s1ill and cometence o&
all its immi!ration o&&icers and a!ents in
document &raud detection;
(,ii) Conduct eriodic stud/ o& the trends, routes
and modus oerandi emlo/ed b/ the tra&&ic1ers
its recruitment base, transit countries and
countr/ o& destination;
(,iii) Establish a networ1 with other law
en&orcement a!encies and immi!ration
counterarts o&
source, transit and destination countries to
&acilitate e0chan!e and sharin! o& in&ormation on
the acti,ities o&
tra&&ic1in! s/ndicates;
(i0) Establish networ1 with L.Ls &or the e&&ecti,e
arehension o& susected tra&&ic1ers and their
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e AA
(0) 5e,elo a ro!ram &or the rocurement and
installation o& 'nternational Ci,il A,iation
('CA+) O comliant machine readers and &raud
detection e>uiment at all international airorts
and seaorts in the countr/ to deter tra&&ic1in! in
ersons; and
(0i) 5e,elo and distribute materials containin!
ad,isor/ and other ertinent in&ormation to
awareness a!ainst tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
(!) Philiine 8ational Police (P8P)
(i) Lnderta1e sur,eillance, in,esti!ation and
arrest o& indi,iduals or ersons susected to be
en!a!ed in
(ii) Coordinate closel/ with ,arious law
en&orcement a!encies to secure concerted
e&&orts &or e&&ecti,e
in,esti!ation and arehension o& susected
tra&&ic1ers. Kor this urose, it shall also7
(a) Pursue the detection and in,esti!ation o&
susected or alle!ed tra&&ic1in! acti,ities at
throu!h its A,iation Securit/ .rou, at seaorts
andCor harbors throu!h its Daritime .rou, and
at land
transortation terminals throu!h its olice station
and when roer, &ile the aroriate char!es
a!ainst tra&&ic1ers in the roer court;
(b) Coordinate with the Philiine Ports Authorit/
(PPA) which ma/ ha,e initiall/ rocessed
comlaints at their 8/alay ,ilungan sa
Daungan9; and
(c) Coordinate with local and baran!a/ o&&icials
with resect to the arehension andCor arrest o&
(iii) Establish a s/stem to recei,e comlaints and
calls to assist tra&&ic1ed ersons, and the
conduct o& rescue oerations;
(i,) 5irect and suer,ise the en&orcement o& its
andate under the Act and its rules and
(,) Suer,ise the conduct o& in,esti!ations
relatin! to arehension occurrin! at land
terminals, domestic seaorts and airorts and
monitor the &ilin! o& aroriate cases a!ainst
(,i) Kormulate lans and ro!rams &or the
re,ention andCor reduction o& tra&&ic1in! in
(,ii) 'nte!rate in the ro!ram o& instruction
comrehensi,e, !ender sensiti,e and child-
in,esti!ation and handlin! o& cases o& tra&&ic1in!
in ersons in the Philiine 8ational Police
Academ/ (P8PA), Philiine Public Sa&et/
Colle!e (PPSC) and other trainin! schools
oerated and mana!ed b/ the P8P; and
(,iii) Establish anti-tra&&ic1in! section under the
2omen and Children Comlaint 5es1 (2CC5)
in all cit/
and municial olice stations.
(h) 8ational Commission on the (ole o& Kiliino
2omen (8C(K2)
(i) Acti,el/ ad,ocate and articiate in
international and re!ional discussion and
initiati,es in
tra&&ic1in! in women and include the same in all
o& its international commitments and olic/
ronouncements. 2here ossible and
aroriate, wor1 with the 5eartment o&
Korei!n A&&airs in &or!in! bilateral and
multilateral collaborati,e ro3ects on tra&&ic1in!;
(ii) Assist the Council in the &ormulation and
monitorin! o& olicies addressin! the issue o&
tra&&ic1in! in
ersons in coordination with rele,ant
!o,ernment a!encies;
(iii) Assist the Council in the conduct o&
in&ormation dissemination and trainin! to
&rontline !o,ernment
a!encies, 8.+s and the !eneral ublic;
(i,) Assist in the de,eloment o& !ender
resonsi,e documentation s/stem in
coordination with other a!encies and the
8ational Statistical Coordination Board (8SCB)
throu!h its monitorin! o& the situation o& women
articularl/ on ,iolence a!ainst women;
(,) Assist the Council in the &ormulation o&
re,ention and reinte!ration ro!rams &or
,ictims o&
tra&&ic1in! includin! the demand side; and (,i)
Conduct studies on the root causes, ma!nitude
and &orms o& tra&&ic1in! in women and document
best ractices in re,ention ro!rams.
Sec. "$. Roles and Responsibilities of -ther
Relevant ,ational Government Agencies. O
Consistent with their mandates under e0istin!
laws, the &ollowin! a!encies shall inte!rate
human tra&&ic1in! issues in their strate!/ and
ro!ram &ormulation and imlement ro!rams
and ser,ices &or the re,ention and suression
o& tra&&ic1in! and &or the rotection o& tra&&ic1ed
The/ shall li1ewise ha,e the &ollowin! roles and
(a) 5eartment o& the 'nterior and Local
.o,ernment (5'L.)
(i) Conduct a s/stematic in&ormation
disseminationCad,ocac/ and re,ention
camai!n a!ainst tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A@
(ii) Daintain a databan1 &or the e&&ecti,e
monitorin!, documentation and rosecution o&
cases on
tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(iii) 'ssue directi,es to the L.Ls and baran!a/s
to institutionalize recruiter-monitorin!
mechanisms and
increase ublic awareness re!ardin! tra&&ic1in!
in ersons;
(i,) Promote &amil/ and communit/
emowerment to re,ent tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(,) Stren!then, acti,ate and mobilize e0istin!
committees, councils, similar or!anizations and
bodies at the local le,el to re,ent and suress
tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
(b) 5eartment o& Tourism (5+T)
(i) Kormulate and imlement re,enti,e
measures to sto se0 tourism ac1a!es and
other acti,ities o& tourism establishments which
mi!ht contribute to the tra&&ic1in! in ersons in
coordination with local !o,ernmentunits; and
(ii) Pro,ide trainin! to tourist securit/ o&&icers on
sur,eillance, in,esti!ation and rescue oeration
(c) 5eartment o& Education (5eEd)
(i) 'nte!rate in the aroriate sub3ect areas
core messa!es on mi!ration and tra&&ic1in! in
the elementar/
and secondar/ le,els b/ ro,idin! lesson with
emhasis on their imlications and social costs
to ersons and countr/;
(ii) Pro,ide oortunities &or tra&&ic1ed ersons in
the educational mainstream throu!h the basic
and non-&ormal education curricula; and
(iii) Pro,ide education and raise consciousness
o& bo/sCmen in schools and communities in
order to discoura!e the Hdemand sideN or the
useCbu/in! o& tra&&ic1ed women
and children.
(d) 5eartment o& *ealth (5+*)
(i) Da1e a,ailable its resources and &acilities in
ro,idin! health care to ,ictims o& tra&&ic1in!
which shall,
at all times, be held con&idential.
(e) 5eartment o& Transortation and
Communication (5+TC)
(i) Pro,ide !uidelines &or the land, sea and air
transort ro,iders to train their ersonnel in
in ersons;
(ii) Standardize !uidelines &or monitorin!
tra&&ic1in! in ersons in e,er/ ort; and
(iii) Donitor the romotion o& ad,ertisement o&
tra&&ic1in! in the 'nternet.
(&) Commission on *uman (i!hts (C*()
(i) Conduct ad,ocac/ and trainin! ro!rams
relatin! to anti-tra&&ic1in!;
(ii) 'n,esti!ate and recommend &or rosecution
,iolations o& the Act;
(iii) Pro,ide le!al and &inancial assistance to
,ictims o& tra&&ic1in!; and
(i,) 'nte!rate anti-tra&&ic1in! e&&orts in the
Baran!a/ *uman (i!hts Action Center
(B*(AC); and
(,) Donitor !o,ernment comliance to
international human ri!hts treat/ obli!ations
related to the
suressionCelimination o& tra&&ic1in!, articularl/
the Con,ention &or the Suression o& Tra&&ic in
Persons and E0loitation o& the Prostitution o&
+thers, the Con,ention on the Elimination o& All
Korms o& 5iscrimination A!ainst 2omen, the
Con,ention on the (i!hts o& the Child, the
Con,ention on the Protection o& Di!rant
2or1ers and Dembers o& Their Kamilies, and
the L8 Con,ention A!ainst Transnational
+r!anized Crimes includin! its Protocol to
Pre,ent, Suress and Punish Tra&&ic1in! in
Persons, Eseciall/ 2omen and Children.
(!) 8ational Bureau o& 'n,esti!ation (8B')
(i) Conduct sur,eillance, monitor and in,esti!ate
recruiters, tra,el a!encies, hotels and other
susected to be en!a!ed in tra&&ic1in! in
(ii) Coordinate closel/ with all the Council
member a!encies &or e&&ecti,e detection and
in,esti!ation o& susected tra&&ic1ers;
(iii) Kormulate lans and ro!rams &or the
detection and re,ention o& tra&&ic1in!, and the
arrest and
rosecution o& susected tra&&ic1ers;
(i,) Share intelli!ence in&ormation on susected
tra&&ic1ers to all Council member a!encies when
(,) Koster cooeration and coordination with the
law en&orcement a!encies o& other countries and
'8TE(P+L in the in,esti!ation and
arehension o& susected tra&&ic1ers.
(h) Philiine Center on Transnational Crime
(i) Continue to &unction in accordance with its
mandate ursuant to E0ecuti,e +rder 8o. B4, s.
"###, on
matters concernin! tra&&ic1in! in ersons with
transnational dimension;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e AB
(ii) Lnderta1e strate!ic researches on the
structure and d/namics o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons
with transnational crime dimension, redict
trends and anal/ze !i,en &actors &or the
&ormulation o& indi,idual and collecti,e
strate!ies &or the re,ention and detection o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons and the arehension o&
criminal elements in,ol,ed;
(iii) Conduct case oerations in coordination with
other law en&orcement a!encies; and
(i,) Ser,e as the &ocal oint in international law
en&orcement coordination on tra&&ic1in! in
articularl/ with the '8TE(P+L.
(i) +,erseas 2or1ers 2el&are Administration
(i) Assist in the in&ormation and ad,ocac/
camai!n amon! +K2s to re,ent tra&&ic1in! in
(ii) Assist in the documentation o& cases o&
tra&&ic1in! and ensure the ro,ision o& its
ro!rams and
ser,ices to +K2s and their &amilies; and (iii)
'nclude a module on anti-tra&&ic1in! to its
(3) Council &or the 2el&are o& Children (C2C)
(i) 'nte!rate in its de,eloment and strate!ic
&ramewor1s issues and concerns a&&ectin!
tra&&ic1in! in
children and ensure the adotion o& such
&ramewor1s b/ the L.Ls and other
(ii) 9i!orousl/ ad,ocate a!ainst tra&&ic1in! o&
(iii) 'mro,e data on tra&&ic1in! in children
throu!h inte!ration o& critical and rele,ant
indicators into the
monitorin! s/stem &or children;
(i,) Adot olicies and measures that will rotect
and romote the ri!hts and wel&are o& children
,ictims o&
tra&&ic1in! and coordinate and monitor their
imlementation; and
(,) Address issues on tra&&ic1in! o& children
throu!h olic/ and ro!ram inter,entions.
(1) Philiine 'n&ormation A!enc/ (P'A)
(i) Enhance ublic awareness on tra&&ic1in! in
ersons, ertinent laws and ossible actions to
,ictimization and re-,ictimization b/ de,eloin!
ublic ad,ocac/ ro!ram as well as rintin! and
aroriate in&ormation materials.
(l) Technical Education and S1ills 5e,eloment
Authorit/ (TES5A)
(i) Pro,ide s1ills and entrereneurial trainin! to
tra&&ic1ed ,ictims; and
(ii) Kormulate a secial ro!ram to ensure the
ro,ision o& aroriate s1ills trainin! &or
tra&&ic1ed ,ictims.
Sec. "#. Roles and Responsibilities of 'ocal
Government 2nits 3'G2s4. The L.Ls shall
ha,e the &ollowin! roles and resonsibilities7
(a) Donitor and document cases o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons in their areas o& 3urisdiction;
(b) E&&ect the cancellation o& licenses o&
establishments which ,iolate the ro,isions o&
the Act and
ensure its e&&ecti,e rosecution;
(c) Lnderta1e an in&ormation camai!n a!ainst
tra&&ic1in! in ersons throu!h the establishment
o& the Di!rants Ad,isor/ and 'n&ormation
8etwor1 (DA'8) des1s in municialities and
ro,inces in coordination with the 5'L., P'A,
Commission on Kiliino +,erseas (CK+), 8.+s
and other concerned a!encies;
(d) Encoura!e and suort communit/ based
initiati,es which address tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(e) Pro,ide basic social ser,ices &or the
re,ention, rescue, reco,er/, rehabilitation and
reinte!rationCa&ter care suort ser,ices to
,ictims o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons and their
(&) Enact ordinances or issuances aimed at
ro,idin! rotection and suort to tra&&ic1ed
ersons and adot measures to re,ent and
suress tra&&ic1in! in ersons; and
(!) Stren!then, acti,ate and mobilize e0istin!
committees, councils, similar or!anizations and
secial bodies
at the ro,incial, cit/, municial and baran!a/
le,els to re,ent and suress tra&&ic1in! in
Sec. 4:. Roles and Responsibilities of ,on-
Government -rgani1ations $hich are
.embers of the Council. The 8.+ members
o& the Council shall ha,e the &ollowin! roles and
(a) Assist !o,ernment a!encies in &ormulatin!
and imlementin! olicies, ro!rams and 'EC
camai!n a!ainst tra&&ic1in!;
(b) Assist in caabilit/-buildin! acti,ities o&
!o,ernment ersonnel and share their
e0eriences and
e0ertise in handlin! tra&&ic1in! cases;
(c) Coordinate with concerned !o,ernment
a!encies, L.Ls and other 8.+s in reortin!
alle!ed eretrators, rescuin! ,ictims o&
tra&&ic1in!, and conductin! in,esti!ationC
sur,eillance, i& indicated;
(d) Lnderta1e ro!rams and acti,ities &or the
re,ention, rescue, reco,er/ and reinte!ration o&
the ,ictims o&
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A%
tra&&ic1in! and other suort ser,ices &or their
(e) 5ocument andCor assist in the documentation
o& cases o& tra&&ic1in!;
(&) 5isseminate !uidelines to all its networ1
members, local and international, on olicies
and ro!rams
addressin! issues on tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(!) Kormulate educational module to address
thedemand side o& tra&&ic1in!; and
(h) Per&orm such other tas1s as ma/ be a!reed
uon b/ the Council.
Sec. 4". Assistance of -ther Agencies and
0nstitutions. 'n imlementin! the Act and these
rules and re!ulations, the a!encies concerned
ma/ see1 and enlist the assistance o& 8.+s,
or!anizations (P+s), ci,ic or!anizations and
other ,olunteer !rous, which will all li1ewise be
encoura!ed to assume the same roles and
resonsibilities enumerated in the recedin!
Ar$c#e 7I
Sec. 44. (ho .ay and To (hom to Report.
An/ erson who has an/ 1nowled!e or learns o&
&acts or circumstances that !i,e rise to a
reasonable belie& that a erson will be, or ma/
be, or has been tra&&ic1ed shall immediatel/
reort the same, either orall/, in writin! or
throu!h other means, to an/ member o& the
Council, the baran!a/ authorities, the nearest
olice or other law en&orcement a!enc/, the
local social wel&are and de,eloment o&&ice or
the local Council &or the Protection o& Children.
'n the case o& tra&&ic1in! cases abroad, the
reort shall be made to the Philiine
Embass/CConsulate which has 3urisdiction o,er
the lace where the tra&&ic1in! occurred or
where the tra&&ic1ed erson is
Sec. 4=. Action on the Report. The a!enc/,
entit/ or erson
to whom the reort is made shall immediatel/
act as soon as the reort is recei,ed in
coordination with other rele,ant !o,ernment
a!enc/ &or aroriate inter,ention. Kor this
urose, the Council shall de,elo a mechanism
to ensure the timel/, coordinated and e&&ecti,e
resonse to cases o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
Ar$c#e 7II
Sec. 4A. rocedure in the 0nterception+ Arrest
and 0nvestigation of Traffic)ers in ersons at
0nternational Airport or !eaport. 2hen an
o&&ense unishable under the Act or an/ other
o&&ense in relation thereto or in &urtherance
thereo& has been committed, or is actuall/ bein!
committed in the resence o& an immi!ration
o&&icer assi!ned at the international airort or
heCshe shall immediatel/ cause the intercetion
andCor arrest o& the ersons in,ol,ed &or
in,esti!ation. The 5+J Tas1 Korce A!ainst
Tra&&ic1in! shall cause the &ilin! o& aroriate
case in court when
e,idence warrants. '& the erson arrested is a
&orei!ner, the concerned B.'.
in,esti!atin! unit shall ta1e &ull custod/ o,er the
arrested erson, conduct the in,esti!ation
roer motu proprio and endorse the comlaint
and suortin! documents to the rosecutor &or
in>uest or DTC Jud!e &or aroriate
Sec. 4@. rocedure in the 0nterception+ Arrest
and 0nvestigation of Traffic)ers in ersons at
'ocal Airport+ !eaport and 'and
Transportation Terminals. 'n cases where the
,iolation is committed at local seaort, airort or
in land transortation terminals, the members o&
the law en&orcement a!enc/ shall
immediatel/ cause the intercetion andCor arrest
o& the susected tra&&ic1ers. Therea&ter, the
in,esti!ation shall be conducted b/ the law
en&orcement a!enc/ on the ersonCs
intercetedCarrested, and
re&erred to the ProsecutorGs +&&ice o& the lace
where the o&&ense was committed or to the 5+J
Tas1 Korce A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! in Persons or
Tas1 Korce on Passort 'rre!ularities or
Dunicial Trial Court o&
the lace where the crime was committed in
case o& municialities and non-chartered cities
&or uroses o& in>uest or reliminar/
in,esti!ation as the case ma/ be.
Sec. 4B. Creation of a 5oint Tas) &orce
Against Traffic)ing in ersons. Kor the
urose o& the abo,e ro,isions, there shall be
created a Joint Tas1 Korce A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! in
Persons to be assi!ned at airorts comosed o&
Prosecution, B', P8P, and 8B' ersonnel and
another Tas1 Korce at land transortation
terminals and local seaorts and airorts to be
comosed o& Prosecution, P8P, B', PPA, and
PC. ersonnel. The 5+J 8ational Tas1 Korce
A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! in Persons shall issue the
oerational !uidelines &or the e&&ecti,e
coordination, arehension, in,esti!ation and
rosecution o& ,iolations o& the Act. The 5+J
Tas1 Korce assi!ned at local seaorts, airorts
and land transortation
terminals shall cooerate or coordinate with the
local authorities, local social wel&are and
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A$
de,eloment o&&icers or acti,e 8.+s concerned
with tra&&ic1in! in ersons in the localit/.
Sec. 4%. Rights of the erson Arrested+
0nvestigated or Detained. 'n all cases, the
ri!hts o& the erson arrested, in,esti!ated or
detained as ro,ided b/ the Philiine
Constitution and under (eublic Act 8o. %A=$
(An Act 5e&inin! Certain (i!hts o& Persons
Arrested, 5etained or Lnder Custodial
'n,esti!ation As 2ell As The 5uties o& the
Arrestin!, 5etainin! and 'n,esti!atin! +&&icers,
and Pro,idin! Penalties Kor 9iolations Thereo&)
shall, at all times, be resected.
Ar$c#e 7III
Sec. 4$. The Country Team Approach. The
countr/ team aroach under E0ecuti,e +rder
8o. %A, series o& "##= and &urther enunciated in
(eublic Act 8o. $:A4 shall be the oerational
scheme under which Philiine embassies
abroad shall ro,ide rotection to tra&&ic1ed
ersons re!ardless o& their immi!ration status.
Lnder the Countr/ Team Aroach, all o&&icers,
reresentati,es and ersonnel o& the Philiine
!o,ernment osted abroad re!ardless o& their
mother a!encies shall, on a er countr/ basis,
act as one-countr/ team with mission under the
leadershi o& the Ambassador or the head o&
Sec. 4#. Rescue at the Country of
Destination. O
(a) Procedure. 2hen the ,ictim is a Kiliino
national and at the time o& rescue is residin!
abroad, the embass/ or consulate which has
3urisdiction o,er the lace where the ,ictim is
residin! shall ,eri&/ the ,eracit/ o& the reort o&
incidence o& tra&&ic1in! and in>uire about the
condition o& the ,ictim.
Consistent with the countr/ team aroach, the
Post concerned shall send a team comosed o&
a consular o&&icer and ersonnel &rom the
Philiine +,erseas Labor +&&ice (P+L+) or the
Kiliino 2or1ers (esource Center (K2(C), the
+&&ice o& the Social 2el&are AttachU as the case
ma/ be, to conduct a ,isit to the 3ail,
establishment, wor1 site or residence o& the
,ictim. 'n the case o& Posts without attached
ser,ices, the team
will be comosed o& a consular o&&icer and
ersonnel &rom the Assistance-to-8ationals
The Post shall ma1e reresentations with the
olice authorities or other rele,ant law
en&orcement a!encies with resect to the
conduct o& rescue oerations.
(escue oeration shall also be made in
cooeration and close coordination with some
8.+Gs, local contacts or ri,ate indi,iduals
when necessar/.
'n countries and areas where the ser,ices o& the
K2(C is not accessible, a mobile t/e o&
ser,ices shall be e0tended b/ the countr/ team
members to tra&&ic1ed ersons re!ardless o&
their status in the host countr/.
Therea&ter, the ,ictim will be encoura!ed to
e0ecute a sworn statement, recountin! amon!
others, the eoleCestablishment in,ol,ed in the
recruitmentCtrans&er and delo/ment, the modus
oerandi emlo/ed to recruit, transort and
delo/ the ,ictim, and other ertinent
in&ormation which could ro,ide a lead in the
in,esti!ation and e,entual rosecution o& the
(b) ssistance to Traffic.ed Persons. The
tra&&ic1ed erson shall be ro,ided with
temorar/ shelter and other &orms o& assistance.
'n countries where there is an Kiliino 2or1ers
(esource Center, the ser,ices a,ailable to
o,erseas Kiliinos as ro,ided &or in (eublic
Act 8o. $:A4 shall also be e0tended to tra&&ic1ed
ersons re!ardless o& their status in the host
(c) Legal ssistance 2und. Tra&&ic1ed ersons
shall be considered under the cate!or/
H+,erseas Kiliinos in
5istressN and ma/ a,ail o& the Le!al Assistance
Kund created b/ (eublic Act 8o. $:A4, sub3ect
to the !uidelines as ro,ided b/ law, includin!
rules and re!ulations issued b/ the 5KA as
to its utilization and disbursement.
Sec. =:. Repatriation of Traffic)ed ersons.
The 5KA, in coordination with 5+LE and other
aroriate a!encies, shall ha,e the rimar/
resonsibilit/ &or the reatriation o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons, re!ardless o& whether the/ are
documented or undocumented.
'&, howe,er, the reatriation o& tra&&ic1ed ersons
shall e0ose the ,ictims to !reater ris1s, the
5KA shall ma1e reresentation with the host
!o,ernment &or the e0tension o& aroriate
residenc/ ermits
and rotection, as ma/ be le!all/ ermissible in
the host countr/.
Sec. =". rocedure for Repatriation. 'n
accordance with e0istin! rules and re!ulations
on the use and disbursement o& Assistance-to-
8ationals Kund o& the 5KA &or the reatriation o&
distressed +K2s, the Post shall immediatel/
re>uest the 5KA, throu!h the +&&ice o& the
Lndersecretar/ &or Di!rant 2or1ersG A&&airs
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e A#
(+LD2A), allocation o& &unds &or the
reatriation o& the ,ictim. 'n aroriate cases
and to a,oid re-,ictimization, the Post ma/
withdraw the assort o& the ,ictim and &orward
it to the 5KA and in
its lace issue a Tra,el 5ocument (KA Korm
%#(B)) ,alid &or direct tra,el to the Philiines.
The Post concerned shall reort to the 5KA,
throu!h the +LD2A, co/ &urnished the +&&ice
o& Consular A&&airs, the actual date o&
reatriation and other ertinent in&ormation and
submit a co/ o& the sworn statement and other
rele,ant documents.
'n aroriate cases, eseciall/ when the ,ictim
is su&&erin! &rom mental illness, has su&&ered
h/sical or se0ual abuse or has recei,ed serious
threats to his or her li&e and sa&et/, the ,ictim will
met uon arri,al in the Philiines b/ 5S25
ersonnel, in coordination with the Joint Tas1
Korce A!ainst Tra&&ic1in! in Persons and other
!o,ernment a!encies such as +22A, B' and
5+*. 'n the case o& mentall/ ill atients, minors,
and other ersons re>uirin! secial care, the
Post shall desi!nate a dul/ authorized indi,idual
to escort said ,ictims to the Philiines.
The ,ictim will be encoura!ed, i& he or she has
not done so be&ore, to e0ecute a sworn
statement with the ,iew o& &ilin! the aroriate
char!es a!ainst the susected tra&&ic1er in the
Philiines. Should the ,ictim re>uest the
assistance o& 5KA, +LD2A shall inter,iew the
,ictim and ma1e recommendations &or
in,esti!ation with law en&orcement a!encies
such as the P8P and the 8B'. 'n cases where
recruitment a!encies are in,ol,ed, the case
shall also be re&erred to the P+EA &or
aroriate action. The reort shall also be
&orwarded to the B' &or case build u. The ,ictim
ma/ be re&erred to the 5S25CLocal Social
And 5e,eloment +&&ice or to the 8B' +ne-Sto
Sho &or s/chosocial inter,entions,
s/cholo!ical and medical e0amination and
&ollow-throu!h thera/ sessions. Protecti,e
custod/ and emer!enc/ shelter shall also be
ro,ided to the ,ictim, in aroriate cases.
Sec. =4. Rescue (ithin the Country. (escue
oerations within the countr/ shall be rimaril/
underta1en b/ the law en&orcement a!encies in
coordination with L.Ls, 5+LE, 5S25 and
5+*. Lon receit o& a reort o& a susected or
alle!ed tra&&ic1in! ncident or acti,it/, the law
en&orcement a!enc/ to which the reort is made
shall conduct rescue oerations o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons. At the minimum, rescue oerations
shall be !uided b/ the &ollowin!7
(a) Conduct o& rescue oeration o& tra&&ic1ed
ersons shall be roerl/ coordinated with the
concerned a!encies articularl/ 5S25Clocal
social wel&are and de,eloment o&&icer;
(b) The rescue team shall ensure &ull rotection
o& the ri!hts o& the tra&&ic1ed erson as well as
the tra&&ic1ers while under its custod/ and
(c) A&ter the rescue oeration, the in,esti!ation
o& the case shall be re&erred to the 2omen and
Children Comlaint 5es1 (2CC5) des1 o& P8P,
the 9iolence A!ainst 2omen and Children
5i,ision (9A2C5) o& the 8B' or other similar
units or des1s;
(d) A&ter the comletion o& the necessar/
documents &or the &ilin! o& cases, the rescue
team shall e&&ect the aroriate and immediate
turn-o,er o& the tra&&ic1ed erson to 5S25Clocal
social wel&are and de,eloment o&&icer; and
(e) 'n the course o& in,esti!ation o& the tra&&ic1ed
erson, the in,esti!ator handlin! the case shall
ensure that
the ,ictim shall be accorded with roer
treatment and in,esti!ated in a child-&riendl/ and
en,ironment. 'n the conduct o& in,esti!ati,e
inter,iews on children, the law en&orcers shall
li1ewise be !uided b/ the (ule on the
E0amination o& a Child 2itness romul!ated b/
Sureme Court, as ma/ be alicable. Kor this
urose, the in,esti!ators shall be roerl/
trained in the handlin! o& cases o& tra&&ic1ed
Ar$c#e IX
Sec. ==. Comprehensive rogram. The
5S25, L.Ls and other concerned a!encies
shall ro,ide a comrehensi,e, !endersensiti,e
and child &riendl/ ro!ram &or the reco,er/,
and reinte!ration o& ,ictimsCsur,i,ors o&
tra&&ic1in!, such as but not limited to the
(a) 'mlementation o& residential care, child
lacement, educational assistance, li,elihood
and s1ills trainin!
and other communit/-based ser,ices must be
resonsi,e to the seci&ic needs and roblems
o& the ,ictimsCsur,i,ors and their &amilies;
(b) Acti,e in,ol,ement and articiation o& the
,ictimsCsur,i,ors in the rehabilitation and
reinte!ration rocess shall be encoura!ed. 'n
order to emower them and to re,ent their re-
,ictimization, caabilit/ buildin! ro!rams must
be ro,ided; and Law, (ules and Local
'nstruments @ =
(c) Acti,e cooeration and coordination with
8.+s and other members o& the ci,il societ/
includin! the business communit/, tourism-
related industries as well as the media in the
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @:
rehabilitation and reinte!ration o&
,ictimsCsur,i,ors shall be underta1en.
Sec. =A rocedure. The &ollowin! rocedure
shall be underta1en in imlementin! a
comrehensi,e ro!ram &or the reco,er/,
rehabilitation and reinte!ration o&
,ictimsCsur,i,ors o& tra&&ic1in!7
(a) The ,ictimCsur,i,or o& tra&&ic1in! ma/ !o to
the nearest 5S25CL.L Social 2el&are and
5e,eloment +&&ice &or assistance;
(b) Lon re&erralCinter,iew the 5S25CLocal
.o,ernment Social 2or1er shall conduct an
inta1e assessment
to determine aroriate inter,ention with the
(c) The social wor1er shall reare a social case
stud/ reortCcase summar/ &or the
,ictimCsur,i,orGs admission to a residential
&acilit/ &or temorar/ shelter or communit/-
based ser,ices;
(d) Pro,ide ser,icesCinter,entions based on the
rehabilitation lan in coordination with
aroriate a!encies,
e.!. counselin!, le!al, medical and educational
assistance; li,elihood andCor s1ills trainin!; as
well as aroriate ser,ices to the &amil/ o& the
tra&&ic1ed ,ictimCsur,i,or; and
(e) Donitor imlementation and eriodicall/
e,aluateCudate the rehabilitation lan until the
,ictimC sur,i,or has been reinte!rated with
hisCher &amil/ and communit/.
Sec. =@. Capability Building of !ervice
roviders. The &rontline a!encies and the
ser,ice ro,iders must under!o trainin! and
other caabilit/ buildin! acti,ities to enhance
their 1nowled!e and s1ills in handlin! cases o&
tra&&ic1in! to re,ent e0acerbation o& traumatic
stress and &acilitate more e&&ecti,e crisis
inter,entions, healin! and reinte!ration ser,ices.
Sec. =B. Documentation. 5ata ban1in!,
research and documentation o& best ractices in
rehabilitation and reinte!ration ro!rams shall
be conducted to identi&/ e&&icient and e&&ecti,e
measures and ser,ices &or the ,ictims o&
tra&&ic1in! and their &amilies.
Ar$c#e X
Sec. =%. (ho .ay &ile a Complaint.
Comlaints &or ,iolations o& the Act ma/ be &iled
b/ the &ollowin!7
(a) An/ erson who has ersonal 1nowled!e o&
the commission o& the o&&ense;
(b) The tra&&ic1ed erson or the o&&ended art/;
(c) Parents or le!al !uardians;
(d) Souse;
(e) Siblin!s; or
(&) Children.
The &ore!oin! ersons ma/ also see1 the
assistance o& the Council in the &ilin! o&
Sec. =$. 0nstitution of Criminal Action6 "ffect.
The institution o& the criminal action be&ore the
+&&ice o& the Prosecutor or the court, as the case
ma/ be, &or uroses o& reliminar/ in,esti!ation
shall interrut the runnin! o& the eriod &or
rescrition o& the o&&ense char!ed. The
rescriti,e eriod shall commence to run a!ain
when such roceedin!s terminate without the
accused bein! con,icted or ac>uitted or are
un3usti&iabl/ stoed &or an/ reason not
imutable to the accused.
Sec. =#. 0nstitution of Criminal and Civil
Actions. Pursuant to the (e,ised (ules on
Criminal Procedure, when a criminal action is
instituted, the ci,il action arisin! &rom the o&&ense
char!ed shall be deemed instituted with the
criminal action unless the o&&ended art/ wai,es
the ci,il action, reser,es the ri!ht to institute it
searatel/ or institutes the ci,il action rior to
the criminal action.
Sec. A:. "#emption from &iling &ees. 2hen
the tra&&ic1ed erson institutes a searate ci,il
action &or the reco,er/ o& ci,il dama!es, heCshe
shall be e0emt &rom the a/ment o& &ilin! &ees.
Sec. A". 7enue. The o&&enses unishable under
the Act shall be considered as a continuin!
o&&ense and ma/ be &iled in the lace where the
o&&ense was committed or where an/ o& its
elements occurred or where the tra&&ic1ed
erson actuall/ resides at the time o& the
commission o& the o&&ense. Pro,ided, that the
court where the criminal action is &irst &iled shall
ac>uire 3urisdiction to the e0clusion o& other
Sec. A4. &orfeiture of the roceeds and
0nstruments Derived from Traffic)ing in
ersons. O
(a) A&ter con,iction, all roceeds and
instruments, includin! an/ real or ersonal
roert/ used in the commission o& the o&&ense,
shall be ordered con&iscated and &or&eited in
&a,or o& the State unless the owner thereo& can
ro,e the lac1 o& 1nowled!e o& the use o& such
roert/ in the said ille!al acti,it/. An/ award &or
dama!es arisin! &rom the commission o& the
o&&ense ma/ be satis&ied and char!ed a!ainst
the ersonal and
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @"
searate roerties o& the o&&ender and i& the
same is insu&&icient to satis&/ the claim, the
balance shall be ta1en &rom the &or&eited
roerties as ma/ be ordered b/ the court.
(b) 5urin! the endenc/ o& the criminal action,
no roert/ or income used or deri,ed there&rom
which are sub3ect to con&iscation and &or&eiture,
shall be disosed, alienated or trans&erred and
the same shall be in custodia legis and no bond
shall be admitted &or the release o& the same.
(c) The trial rosecutor shall a,ail o& the
ro,isional remedies in criminal cases to ensure
the con&iscation,
reser,ation and &or&eiture o& the said roerties.
(d) '& the o&&ender is a ublic o&&icer or emlo/ee,
the &or&eiture o& hisCher roert/ &ound to be
unlaw&ull/ ac>uired shall be !o,erned b/
(eublic Act 8o. "=%# otherwise 1nown as HAn
Act 5eclarin! Kor&eiture in Ka,or o& the State
An/ Proert/ Kound to *a,e Been Lnlaw&ull/
Ac>uired b/ An/ Public +&&icer or Emlo/ee and
Pro,idin! &or the Proceedin!s There&ore.N
Ar$c#e XI
Sec. A=. 'egal rotection. Tra&&ic1ed ersons
shall be reco!nized as ,ictims o& the act or acts
o& tra&&ic1in!. As such, the/ shall not be
enalized &or crimes directl/ related to the acts
o& tra&&ic1in! enumerated under the Act or in
obedience to the order made b/ the tra&&ic1er in
relation thereto. 'n this re!ard, the consent o& the
tra&&ic1ed erson to the intended e0loitation set
&orth in the Act shall be irrele,ant.
Sec. AA. referential "ntitlement under the
(itness rotection rogram. An/ ro,ision o&
(eublic Act 8o. B#$" to the contrar/
notwithstandin!, an/ tra&&ic1ed erson shall be
entitled to the witness rotection ro!ram
ro,ided therein.
Sec. A@. 0mmunity from Criminal
rosecution. An/ erson who has ersonal
1nowled!e in the commission o& an/ o& the
o&&enses enalized under the Act and who
,oluntaril/ !i,es material in&ormation relati,e
thereto and willin!l/ testi&ies a!ainst the o&&ender
shall be e0emt &rom rosecution &or the o&&ense
with re&erence to which his in&ormation and
testimon/ were !i,en, sub3ect to the &ollowin!
(a) The in&ormation and testimon/ are necessar/
&or the con,iction o& the accused; and
(b) Such in&ormation and testimon/ are not /et in
the ossession o& the state.
Sec. AB. .andatory !ervices. To ensure
reco,er/, rehabilitation and reinte!ration into the
mainstream o& societ/, concerned !o,ernment
a!encies shall ma1e a,ailable the &ollowin!
ser,ices to tra&&ic1ed ersons7
(a) Emer!enc/ shelter or aroriate housin!;
(b) Counselin!;
(c) Kree le!al ser,ices which shall include
in&ormation about the ,ictimsG ri!hts and the
rocedure &or &ilin! comlaints, claimin!
comensation and such other le!al remedies
a,ailable to them, in a lan!ua!e understood b/
the tra&&ic1ed erson;
(d) Dedical or s/cholo!ical ser,ices;
(e) Li,elihood and s1ills trainin!; and
(&) Educational assistance to a tra&&ic1ed child.
Sustained suer,ision and &ollow throu!h
mechanism that will trac1 the ro!ress o&
reco,er/, rehabilitation and reinte!ration o& the
tra&&ic1ed ersons shall be adoted and carried
Sec. A%. 'egal rotection of Traffic)ed
ersons (ho are &oreign ,ationals.
Tra&&ic1ed ersons in the Philiines who are
nationals o& a &orei!n countr/ shall be entitled to
aroriate rotection, assistance and ser,ices
a,ailable to the tra&&ic1ed ersons and shall be
allowed to continued resence in the Philiines
&or a eriod o& &i&t/-nine (@#) da/s to enable them
to e&&ect the rosecution o& the o&&enders. Such
eriod ma/ be renewed uon showin! o& roo&
b/ the trial rosecutor that their &urther testimon/
is essential to the rosecution o& the case. The
trial rosecutor shall course his re>uest &or
e0tension to the Council which shall accordin!l/
act uon the same. '& such re>uest is !ranted,
the re!istration and immi!ration &ees o&
such &orei!n nationals shall be wai,ed. The
Council, &or this urose, shall de,elo
!uidelines to imlement this ro,ision.
Ar$c#e XII
Sec. A$. Trust &und6 !ources. All &ines
imosed under the Act and the roceeds and
roerties &or&eited and con&iscated ursuant to
Section "A o& the Act and Article '<, Section @ o&
these rules and
re!ulations shall accrue to a Trust Kund to be
administered and mana!ed b/ the Council.
Sec. A#. 2tili1ation. The Trust Kund shall be
used e0clusi,el/ &or ro!rams that will re,ent
acts o& tra&&ic1in! and rotect, rehabilitate,
reinte!rate tra&&ic1ed ersons into the
mainstream o& societ/. Such ro!rams shall
include, but not limited to the &ollowin!7
(a) Pro,ision &or mandator/ ser,ices set &orth in
Section 4= o& the Act; and Section A% o& these
(ules and
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @4
(b) Sonsorshi o& a national research ro!ram
on tra&&ic1in! and establishment o& a data
collection s/stem &or monitorin! and e,aluation
(c) Pro,ision o& necessar/ technical and material
suort ser,ices to aroriate !o,ernment
a!encies and non!o,ernment or!anizations
(d) Sonsorshi o& con&erences and seminars to
ro,ide ,enue &or consensus buildin! amon! the
ublic, the academe, !o,ernment, 8.+s and
international or!anizations; and
(e) Promotion o& in&ormation and education
camai!n on tra&&ic1in!.
The Trust Kund ma/ also be used to suort the
oerations o& the Secretariat.
Sec. @:. 2se and Disbursement of Trust
&und. The use and disbursement o& the trust
&und shall be sub3ect to the aro,al o& at least
two-thirds (4C=) o& the members o& the Council
and shall be
!o,erned b/ e0istin! !o,ernment accountin!
and auditin! rules and re!ulations.
Ar$c#e XIII
Sec. @". 0nternational Cooperation. The
Council, in close coordination with the 5KA and
other concerned a!encies, shall romote
cooeration, technical assistance and
artnershi amon! !o,ernments and re!ional
and international or!anizations on the &ollowin!
(a) Pre,ention, rotection, rosecution,
reatriation and reinte!ration asects o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons, eseciall/ women and
(b) S/stematic e0chan!e o& in&ormation and
!ood ractices amon! law en&orcement and
immi!ration authorities;
(c) Pre,ention, detection, in,esti!ation and
rosecution o& tra&&ic1in! in ersons, includin!
the rotection
o& ,ictims throu!h e0chan!es and 3oint trainin!
at the bilateral, re!ional and international le,els,
between and amon! rele,ant o&&icials includin!
olice, 3ud!es, rosecutors, immi!ration o&&icers,
other law en&orcement a!ents as well as
consular authorities; and
(d) (eatriation o& ,ictims o& tra&&ic1in! with due
re!ard to their sa&et/ and in consideration o&
and comassionate &actors.
Ar$c#e XI7
Sec. @4. Confidentiality. At an/ sta!e o& the
in,esti!ation, rosecution and trial o& an o&&ense
under this Act, law en&orcement o&&icers,
rosecutors, 3ud!es, court ersonnel and
medical ractitioners, as well as arties to the
case, shall reco!nize the ri!ht to ri,ac/ o& the
tra&&ic1ed erson and the accused. Towards this
end, law en&orcement o&&icers, rosecutors and
3ud!es to whom the comlaint has been re&erred
ma/, whene,er necessar/ to ensure a &air and
imartial roceedin!, and a&ter considerin! all
circumstances &or the best interest o& the arties,
order a closed-door in,esti!ation, rosecution or
trial. The name and ersonal circumstances o&
the tra&&ic1ed erson or o& the accused, or an/
other in&ormation tendin! to establish their
identities and such circumstances or in&ormation
shall not be disclosed to the ublic. 'n case
when the rosecution or trial is conducted
behind closed doors, it shall be unlaw&ul &or an/
editor, ublisher, reorter or columnist in case o&
rinted materials, announcer or roducer in case
o& tele,ision and radio, roducer and director o&
a &ilm in case o& the mo,ie industr/, or an/
erson utilizin! tri-media or in&ormation
technolo!/ to cause ublicit/ o& and case o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons.
Ar$c#e X7
Sec. @=. Acts of Traffic)ing in ersons. An/
erson, natural or 3uridical, who commits an/ o&
the &ollowin! acts shall su&&er the enalt/ o&
imrisonment o& twent/ (4:) /ears and a &ine o&
not less than +ne million esos (P",:::,:::.::)
but not more than Two million esos
(a) To recruit, transort, trans&er, harbor,
ro,ide, or recei,e a erson b/ an/ means,
includin! those done under the rete0t o&
domestic or o,erseas emlo/ment or trainin! or
arenticeshi, &or the urose o& rostitution,
orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation, &orced labor,
sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or debt bonda!e;
(b) To introduce or match &or mone/, ro&it or
material, economic or other consideration, an/
erson or, as
ro,ided &or under (eublic Act 8o. B#@@, an/
Kiliino woman with a &orei!n national, &or
marria!e &or the urose o& ac>uirin!, bu/in!,
o&&erin!, sellin! or tradin! himCher to en!a!e in
rostitution, orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation,
&orced labor, sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or
debt bonda!e;
(c) To o&&er or contract marria!e, real or
simulated, &or the urose o& ac>uirin!, bu/in!,
o&&erin!, sellin!, or tradin! them to en!a!e in
rostitution, orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation,
&orced labor or sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or
debt bonda!e;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @=
(d) To underta1e or or!anize tours and tra,el
lans consistin! tourism ac1a!es or acti,ities
&or the urose o& utilizin! and o&&erin! ersons
&or rostitution, orno!rah/ or se0ual
(e) To maintain or hire a erson to en!a!e in
rostitution or orno!rah/;
(&) To adot or &acilitate the adotion o& ersons
&or the urose o& rostitution, orno!rah/,
se0ual e0loitation,&orced labor, sla,er/,
in,oluntar/ ser,itude or debt bonda!e;
(!) To recruit, hire, adot, transort or abduct a
erson, b/ means o& threat or use o& &orce,
&raud, deceit, ,iolence, coercion, or intimidation
&or the urose o& remo,al or sale o& or!ans o&
said erson; and
(h) To recruit, transort or adot a child to
en!a!e in armed acti,ities in the Philiines or
Sec. @A. Acts that romote Traffic)ing in
ersons. An/ erson, natural or 3uridical, who
shall commit the &ollowin! acts which romote or
&acilitate tra&&ic1in! in ersons, shall be
enalized with the enalt/ o& imrisonment o&
&i&teen ("@) /ears and a &ine o& not less than Ki,e
hundred thousand esos (P@::,:::.::) but not
more than +ne million esos (P",:::,:::.::)7
(a) To 1nowin!l/ lease or sublease, use or allow
to used an/ house, buildin! or establishment &or
the urose o& romotin! tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(b) To roduce, rint and issue or distribute
unissued, tamered or &a1e counselin!
certi&icates, re!istration stic1ers and certi&icates
o& an/ !o,ernment a!enc/ which issues these
certi&icates and stic1ers as roo& o& comliance
with !o,ernment re!ulator/ and re-dearture
re>uirements &or the urose o& romotin!
tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(c) To ad,ertise, ublish, rint, broadcast or
distribute, or cause the ad,ertisement,
ublication, rintin!,
broadcastin! or distribution b/ an/ means,
includin! the use o& in&ormation technolo!/ and
the internet o& an/ brochure, &l/er, or an/
roa!anda material that romotes tra&&ic1in! in
(d) To assist in the conduct o& misreresentation
or &raud &or uroses o& &acilitatin! the
ac>uisition o& clearances and necessar/ e0it
documents &rom !o,ernment a!encies that are
mandated to ro,ide re-dearture re!istration
and ser,ices &or deartin! ersons &or the
urose o& romotin! tra&&ic1in!
in ersons;
(e) To &acilitate, assist or hel in the e0it and
entr/ o& ersons &romCto the countr/ at
international and local airorts, territorial
boundaries and seaorts who are in ossession
o& unissued, tamered or &raudulent and tra,el
documents &or the urose o& romotin!
tra&&ic1in! in ersons;
(&) To con&iscate, conceal, or destro/ the
assort, tra,el documents, or ersonal
documents or belon!in!s o& tra&&ic1ed ersons in
&urtherance o& tra&&ic1in! or to re,ent them &rom
lea,in! the countr/ or see1in! redress &rom the
!o,ernment or aroriate a!encies; and
(!) To 1nowin!l/ bene&it &rom, &inancial or
otherwise or ma1e use o&, the labor or ser,ices
o& a erson held to a condition o& in,oluntar/
ser,itude, &orced labor , or sla,er/.
Sec. @@. *ualified Traffic)ing in ersons. The
&ollowin! are considered as >uali&ied tra&&ic1in!
and shall be enalized with the enalt/ o& li&e
imrisonment and a &ine o& not less than Two
million esos (4,:::,:::.::) but not more than
Ki,e million esos (@,:::,:::.::);
(a) 2hen the tra&&ic1ed erson is a child;
(b) 2hen the adotion is e&&ected throu!h
(eublic Act 8o. $:A=, otherwise 1nown as the
H'nter-Countr/ Adotion Act o& "##@N and said
adotion is &or the urose o& rostitution,
orno!rah/, se0ual e0loitation, &orced labor,
sla,er/, in,oluntar/ ser,itude or debt bonda!e;
(c) 2hen the crime is committed b/ a s/ndicate ,
or in lar!e scale. Tra&&ic1in! is deemed
committed b/ a s/ndicate i& carried out b/ a
!rou o& three (=) or more ersons consirin! or
con&ederatin! with one another. 't is deemed
committed in lar!e scale i& committed a!ainst
three (=) or more ersons ,
indi,iduall/ or as a !rou;
(d) 2hen the o&&ender is an ascendant, arent,
siblin!, !uardian or a erson who e0ercises
authorit/ o,er the tra&&ic1ed erson or when the
o&&ense is committed b/ a ublic o&&icer or
(e) 2hen the tra&&ic1ed erson is recruited to
en!a!e in rostitution with an/ member o& the
militar/ or law
en&orcement a!encies;
(&) 2hen the o&&ender is a member o& the militar/
orlaw en&orcement a!encies; and
(!) 2hen b/ reason or on occasion o& the act o&
tra&&ic1in! in ersons, the o&&ended art/ dies,
becomes insane, su&&ers mutilation or is a&&licted
with *uman 'mmunode&icienc/ 9irus *'9 or the
Ac>uired 'mmune 5e&icienc/ S/ndrome (A'5S).
Sec. @B. 7iolation of Confidentiality
rovisions. An/ erson who ,iolates Section %
o& the Act and Section @4, Article <'9 hereo&
shall su&&er the enalt/ o& imrisonment o& si0 (B)
/ears and a &ine not less than Ki,e hundred
thousand esos (P@::,:::.::) but not more
than +ne million esos (P",:::,:::.::).
Sec. @%. Application of enalties and -ther
!anctions. The &ollowin! shall be alied in the
imosition o& enalties7
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @A
(a) '& the o&&ender is a cororation, artnershi,
association, club, establishment or an/ 3udicial
erson, the
enalt/ shall be imosed uon the owner,
resident, artner, mana!er, andCor an/
resonsible o&&icer who articiated in the
commission o& the crime or who shall ha,e
1nowin!l/ ermitted or &ailed to re,ent its
(b) The re!istration with the Securities and
e0chan!e Commission (SEC) and license to
oerate o& the errin! a!enc/, cororation,
association, reli!ious !rou, tour or tra,el a!ent,
club or establishment, or an/ lace or
entertainment shall be cancelled and re,o1ed
ermanentl/. The owner, resident, artner or
mana!er thereo& shall not be allowed to oerate
similar establishment in a di&&erent name;
(c) '& the o&&ender is a &orei!ner, he shall be
immediatel/ deorted a&ter ser,in! his sentence
and be barred
ermanentl/ &rom enterin! the countr/;
(d) An/ emlo/ee or o&&icial o& !o,ernment
a!encies who shall issue or aro,e the
issuance o& tra,el e0it clearances, assorts,
re!istration certi&icates, counselin! certi&icates,
marria!e license, and other similar documents to
ersons, whether 3udicial or natural, recruitment
a!encies, establishments or other indi,iduals or
!rous, who &ail to obser,e the rescribed
rocedures and the re>uirement as ro,ided &or
b/ laws, rules and re!ulations, shall be held
administrati,el/ liable, without re3udice to
criminal liabilit/ under the Act. The concerned
!o,ernment o&&icial or emlo/ee shall, uon
con,iction, be dismissed &rom the ser,ice and be
barred ermanentl/ to hold ublic o&&ice. *isCher
retirement and other bene&its shall li1ewise be
&or&eited; and
(e) Con,iction b/ &inal 3ud!ment o& the adoter
&or an/ o&&ense under this Act shall result in the
rescission o& the decree o& adotion.
Sec. @$. 2se of Traffic)ed ersons. An/
erson who bu/s or en!a!es the ser,ices o&
tra&&ic1ed ersons &or rostitution shall be
enalized as &ollows7
(a) Kirst o&&ense O si0 (B) months o& communit/
ser,ice as ma/ be determined b/ the court and
a &ine o& Ki&t/ thousand esos (P@:,:::.::); and
(b) Second and subse>uent o&&enses O
imrisonment o& one /ear (") /ear and a &ine o&
+ne hundred thousand esos (P"::,:::.::).
The Council shall coordinate with the Sureme
Court throu!h the +&&ice o& the Court
Administrator &or the issuance o& aroriate
!uidelines and measures &or the 3udiciar/ to
imlement this ro,ision articularl/ on the
asect o& imlementin! the enalt/ o&
communit/ ser,ice.
Ar$c#e X7
Sec. @#. 0nclusion in Agency Appropriations.
The heads o& deartments and a!encies
concerned shall immediatel/ include in their
annual aroriations the &undin! necessar/ to
imlement ro!rams and ser,ices re>uired b/
the Act and these re!ulations.
'n the interim, the &undin! necessar/ to carr/ out
their mandate under the law ma/ be char!ed
a!ainst their .ender and 5e,eloment (.A5)
Ar$c#e X7II
Sec. B:. ,on-Restriction of &reedom of
!peech and of Association+ Religion and the
Right to Travel. 8othin! in these rules and
re!ulations shall be interreted as a restriction o&
the &reedom and o& association, reli!ion and the
ri!ht to tra,el &or uroses not contrar/ to law as
!uaranteed b/ the Constitution.
Sec. B". !aving Clause. The ro,isions o&
(eublic Act 8o. %B":, otherwise 1nown as the
HSecial Protection o& Children A!ainst Child
Abuse, E0loitation and 5iscrimination ActN shall
remain alicable and shall not in an/ wa/ be
amended or reealed b/ the ro,isions o& the
Act and these rules and re!ulations.
Sec. B4. !eparability Clause. The declaration
o& in,alidit/ o& an/ ro,ision o& these rules and
re!ulations or art thereo& shall not a&&ect the
,alidit/ o& the remainin! ro,isions.
Sec. B=. Repealing Clause. Pertinent
ro,isions o& all laws, residential decrees,
e0ecuti,e orders and rules and re!ulations, or
arts thereo&, contrar/ to or inconsistent with the
ro,isions o& the Act and these rules and
re!ulations are hereb/ reealed or modi&ied
Sec. BA. "ffectivity. These rules and
re!ulations shall ta1e e&&ect &i&teen ("@) da/s
a&ter its comlete ublication in at least two (4)
newsaers o& !eneral circulation.
%. Alien Emlo/ment (e!ulation
(e&erence7 Arts. "4 (e), A:-A4; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ', (ule
<'9, 5+ "4, "B 8o,. 4::"; +mnibus .uidelines &or 'ssuance
o& Emlo/ment Permits to Korei!n 8ationals); Const., Art.
<'', Sec. "4
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @@
a. Co,era!e
Almodiel ,. 8L(C, 44= SC(A =A"
b. Conditions &or !rant o& Permit, +mnibus
.uidelines, (ule '''. ", 4, =
RULE III. Re;oca$onJCance##a$on o0 E/p#o:/en
1er/$s Iss)e"
". The ermits issued ma/, motu rorio or
uon a etition, be cancelled or re,o1ed
based on an/ o& the &ollowin! !rounds7
"." Disreresentation o& &acts or &alsi&ication
o& the documents submitted;
".4 The &orei!n national has been declared
as an undesirable alien b/ cometent
".= 8on-comliance with the conditions &or
which the AEP was issued;
".A Kailure to renew AEP within one (") /ear
a&ter its e0iration.
4. Petitions &or cancellation or re,ocation o&
ermits issued shall be resol,ed within thirt/
(=:) calendars &rom receit thereo&.
=. An/ a!!rie,ed art/ ma/ &ile a Dotion &or
(econsideration andCor Aeal and the
same shall be resol,ed based on Para!rah
A o& this (ule.
.eneral Dillin! Cor. ,. Torres,
"#B SC(A 4"@ ("##")
c. 9alidit/ o& AEP, +mnibus (ules, (ule ''.%
8. 7alidity of ermits - The ,alidit/ o& ermits shall
be as &ollows7
%." As a !eneral rule, the ,alidit/ o& ermits
shall be &or a eriod o& one (") /ear, unless
the emlo/ment contract, consultanc/
ser,ices, or other modes o& en!a!ement or
term o& o&&ice &or electi,e o&&icers, ro,ides
&or a lon!er eriod.
%.4 The e&&ecti,it/ o& the renewal shall be on
the da/ a&ter the e0iration o& the re,ious
ermit, re!ardless o& whether or not the
renewal is !ranted be&ore or a&ter the
e0iration o& the re,ious ermit.
%.= As a !eneral rule, the ermits shall be
,alid onl/ &or the osition and the emlo/er
&or which it was issued, e0cet in case o&
&orei!n nationals who are holders o& multile
ositions in one cororation, where one AEP
shall be ,alid &or such multile ositions.
%.A The ermits o& resident &orei!n nationals
shall be ,alid &or multile emlo/ers,
re!ardless o& the nature and duration o& their
emlo/ment, ro,ided that the/ shall reort
chan!es in their emlo/ment status and the
identit/ o& their emlo/ers to the 5+LE
(e!ional +&&ice which has issued the ermit.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @B
d. (e,ocationCCancellationC.rounds, +mnibus .uidelines,
(ule '''."
RULE III. Re;oca$onJCance##a$on o0 E/p#o:/en
1er/$s Iss)e"
". The ermits issued ma/, motu rorio or uon a
etition, be cancelled or re,o1ed based on an/ o&
the &ollowin! !rounds7
"." Disreresentation o& &acts or &alsi&ication o& the
documents submitted;
".4 The &orei!n national has been declared as
an undesirable alien b/ cometent authorities;
".= 8on-comliance with the conditions &or
which the AEP was issued;
".A Kailure to renew AEP within one (") /ear
a&ter its e0iration.
E. ?)/an Reso)rces De;e#op/en
(e&erence7 Arts. @%-$"; Technical Education and S1ills
5e,eloment Authorit/ Act o& "##A (TES5A) ((A %%#B);
5ual Trainin! S/stems Act o& "##A ((A %B$B); Da!na Carta
&or 5isabled Persons ((A %4%%)
". Polic/ +b3ecti,es, (A %%#B, Secs. 4-=
SEC. 4. Declaration of Policy. - ' t is hereb/ declared
the olic/ o& the State to ro,ide rele,ant, accessible,
hi!h >ualit/ and e&&icient technical education and s1ills
de,eloment in suort o& the de,eloment o& hi!h
>ualit/ Kiliino middle-le,el manower resonsi,e to
and in accordance with Philiine de,eloment !oals
and riorities.
The State shall encoura!e acti,e articiation o&
,arious concerned sectors, articularl/ ri,ate
enterrises, bein! direct articiants in and immediate
bene&iciaries o& a trained and s1illed wor1&orce, in
ro,idin! technical education and s1ills de,eloment
SEC. =. ,tatement of !oals and 'b-ectives. - 't is the
!oal and ob3ecti,e o& this Act to7
Promote and stren!then the >ualit/ o& technical
education and s1ills de,eloment ro!rams to attain
international cometiti,eness;
Kocus technical education and s1ills de,eloment on
meetin! the chan!in! demands &or >ualit/ middle-le,el

Encoura!e critical and creati,e thin1in! b/ disseminatin!
the scienti&ic and technical 1nowled!e base o& middle-le,el
manower de,eloment ro!rams;

(eco!nize and encoura!e the comlementar/ roles o&
ublic and ri,ate institutions in technical education and
s1ills de,eloment and trainin! s/stems; and

'nculcate desirable ,alues throu!h the de,eloment o&
moral character with emhasis on wor1 ethic, sel&-disciline,
sel&-reliance and nationalism.
4. Arentice
a. 5e&inition, (A %%#B, Sec. A (3)
TArenticeT is a erson under!oin! trainin! &or an
aro,ed arenticeable occuation durin! an
arenticeshi a!reement;
b. Arenticeable +ccuation, (A %%#B,
Sec. A (m)
(m) TArenticeable +ccuationT is an occuation
o&&iciall/ endorsed b/ a triartite bod/ and aro,ed
&or arenticeshi b/ the authorit/;
c. Muali&ication, (A %B":, as amended b/
(A %B@$, Sec. "4
A8 ACT P(+*'B'T'8. T*E EDPL+RDE8T +K
C*'L5(E8 BEL+2 "@ REA(S +K A.E '8 PLBL'C
A85 P('9ATE L85E(TAQ'8.S, ADE85'8. K+(
T*'S PL(P+SE SECT'+8 "4, A(T'CLE 9''' +K R.
A. 981%.
Sec$on 1. Sec$on 1&6 Ar$c#e 7III o0 R. A. No. 981%
o+er!$se Cno!n as +e ISpec$a# 1roec$on o0
C+$#"ren A*a$ns C+$#" Ab)se6 E-p#o$a$on an"
D$scr$/$na$on AcI $s +ereb: a/en"e" o rea" as
ISec. 1&. E/p#o:/en o0 C+$#"ren. K C+$#"ren
be#o! 0$0een A12B :ears o0 a*e s+a## no be
e/p#o:e" e-cep:
A1B W+en a c+$#" !orCs "$rec#: )n"er +e so#e
respons$b$#$: o0 +$s parens or #e*a# *)ar"$an an"
!+ere on#: /e/bers o0 +e e/p#o:erGs 0a/$#: are
e/p#o:e": rovided+ ho$ever+ T+a +$s
e/p#o:/en ne$+er en"an*ers +$s #$0e6 sa0e:6
+ea#+ an" /ora#s6 nor $/pa$rs +$s nor/a#
"e;e#op/enE rovided+ further+ T+a +e paren or
#e*a# *)ar"$an s+a## pro;$"e +e sa$" /$nor c+$#"
!$+ +e prescr$be" pr$/ar: an"Jor secon"ar:
e")ca$onE or
A&B W+ere a c+$#"Gs e/p#o:/en or par$c$pa$on $n
p)b#$c enera$n/en or $n0or/a$on +ro)*+
c$ne/a6 +eaer6 ra"$o or e#e;$s$on $s essen$a#:
rovided+ T+e e/p#o:/en conrac $s conc#)"e"
b: +e c+$#"Gs parens or #e*a# *)ar"$an6 !$+ +e
e-press a*ree/en o0 +e c+$#" concerne"6 $0
poss$b#e6 an" +e appro;a# o0 +e Depar/en o0
Labor an" E/p#o:/en: an" rovided6 T+a +e
0o##o!$n* reF)$re/ens $n a## $nsances are sr$c#:
co/p#$e" !$+:
AaB T+e e/p#o:er s+a## ens)re +e proec$on6
+ea#+6 sa0e:6 /ora#s an" nor/a# "e;e#op/en o0
+e c+$#"E
AbB T+e e/p#o:er s+a## $ns$)e /eas)res o
pre;en +e c+$#"Gs e-p#o$a$on or "$scr$/$na$on
aC$n* $no acco)n +e s:se/ an" #e;e# o0
re/)nera$on6 an" +e ")ra$on an" arran*e/en
o0 !orC$n* $/eE an"
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @%
AcB T+e e/p#o:er s+a## 0or/)#ae an" $/p#e/en6
s) o +e appro;a# an" s)per;$s$on o0
co/peen a)+or$$es6 a con$n)$n* pro*ra/ 0or
ra$n$n* an" sC$##s acF)$s$$on o0 +e c+$#".
In +e abo;e e-cep$ona# cases !+ere an: s)c+
c+$#" /a: be e/p#o:e"6 +e e/p#o:er s+a## 0$rs
sec)re6 be0ore en*a*$n* s)c+ c+$#"6 a !orC per/$
0ro/ +e Depar/en o0 Labor an" E/p#o:/en
!+$c+ s+a## ens)re obser;ance o0 +e abo;e
T+e Depar/en o0 Labor an" E/p#o:/en s+a##
pro/)#*ae r)#es an" re*)#a$ons necessar: 0or
+e e00ec$;e $/p#e/ena$on o0 +$s Sec$on.I

Sec. &. A## #a!s6 "ecrees6 e-ec)$;e or"ers6 r)#es
an" re*)#a$ons or pars +ereo0 conrar: o6 or
$ncons$sen !$+ +$s Ac are +ereb: /o"$0$e" or
repea#e" accor"$n*#:.
Sec. '. T+$s Ac s+a## aCe e00ec 0$0een A12B "a:s
a0er $s co/p#ee p)b#$ca$on $n +e O00$c$a#
GaDee or $n a #eas !o A&B na$ona# ne!spapers
or *enera# c$rc)#a$on !+$c+e;er co/es ear#$er.

Approved9 No;e/ber 36 133'
d. Allowed Emlo/ment; (e>uirement
Pro!ram Aro,al
8itto Enterrises ,. 8L(C,
4@$ SC(A B@A ("##@)
e. Terms and Conditions o& Emlo/ment,
Art. B", %4
A(T. B". Contents of apprenticeship agreements. -
Arenticeshi a!reements, includin! the wa!e rates
o& arentices, shall con&orm to the rules issued b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment. The eriod
o& arenticeshi shall not e0ceed si0 months.
Arenticeshi a!reements ro,idin! &or wa!e rates
below the le!al minimum wa!e, which in no case shall
start below %@ ercent o& the alicable minimum
wa!e, ma/ be entered into onl/ in accordance with
arenticeshi ro!rams dul/ aro,ed b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment. The 5eartment
shall de,elo standard model ro!rams o&
arenticeshi. (As amended b/ Section ", E0ecuti,e
+rder 8o. """, 5ecember 4A, "#$B).
A(T. %4. pprentices $ithout compensation. - The
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ authorize
the hirin! o& arentices without comensation whose
trainin! on the 3ob is re>uired b/ the school or trainin!
ro!ram curriculum or as re>uisite &or !raduation or
board e0amination.
=. Costs, Art. %"
A(T. %". Deductibility of training costs. - An additional
deduction &rom ta0able income o& one-hal& ("C4) o& the
,alue o& labor trainin! e0enses incurred &or de,eloin!
the roducti,it/ and e&&icienc/ o& arentices shall be
!ranted to the erson or enterrise or!anizin! an
arenticeshi ro!ram7 Pro,ided, That such ro!ram is
dul/ reco!nized b/ the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment7 Pro,ided, &urther, That such deduction shall
not e0ceed ten (":P) ercent o& direct labor wa!e7 and
Pro,ided, &inall/, That the erson or enterrise who wishes
to a,ail himsel& or itsel& o& this incenti,e should a/ his
arentices the minimum wa!e.
A. En&orcement, Arts. B@, BB, B%
A(T. B@. )nvestigation of violation of apprenticeship
agreement. - Lon comlaint o& an/ interested erson
or uon its own initiati,e, the aroriate a!enc/ o&
the 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment or its
authorized reresentati,e shall in,esti!ate an/
,iolation o& an arenticeshi a!reement ursuant to
such rules and re!ulations as ma/ be rescribed b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment.
A(T. BB. ppeal to the ,ecretary of Labor and
*mployment. - The decision o& the authorized a!enc/
o& the 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ be
aealed b/ an/ a!!rie,ed erson to the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment within &i,e (@) da/s &rom
receit o& the decision. The decision o& the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment shall be &inal and
A(T. B%. *xhaustion of administrative remedies. - 8o
erson shall institute an/ action &or the en&orcement
o& an/ arenticeshi a!reement or dama!es &or
breach o& an/ such a!reement, unless he has
e0hausted all a,ailable administrati,e remedies.
@. Learners
a. 5e&inition, (A %%#B, Sec. A
(n) HLearnersT re&er to ersons hired as trainees in semi-
s1ills and other industrial occuations which are non-
arenticeable. Learnersshi ro!rams must be aro,ed
b/ the Authorit/;
b. Allowed Emlo/ment, Art. %A (b)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @$
A(T. %A. &hen learners may be hired. - Learners ma/ be
emlo/ed when no e0erienced wor1ers are a,ailable, the
emlo/ment o& learners is necessar/ to re,ent
curtailment o& emlo/ment oortunities, and the
emlo/ment does not create un&air cometition in terms o&
labor costs or imair or lower wor1in! standards.
c. Terms and Conditions o& Emlo/ment,
Arts. %@, %B
A(T. %@. Learnership agreement. - An/ emlo/er
desirin! to emlo/ learners shall enter into a
learnershi a!reement with them, which a!reement
shall include7
(a) The names and addresses o& the learners;
(b) The duration o& the learnershi eriod, which
shall not e0ceed three (=) months;
(c) The wa!es or salar/ rates o& the learners which
shall be!in at not less than se,ent/-&i,e ercent
(%@P) o& the alicable minimum wa!e; and
(d) A commitment to emlo/ the learners i& the/ so
desire, as re!ular emlo/ees uon comletion o&
the learnershi. All learners who ha,e been allowed
or su&&ered to wor1 durin! the &irst two (4) months
shall be deemed re!ular emlo/ees i& trainin! is
terminated b/ the emlo/er be&ore the end o& the
stiulated eriod throu!h no &ault o& the learners.
The learnershi a!reement shall be sub3ect to
insection b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment or his dul/ authorized reresentati,e.
A(T. %B. Learners in piece$or.. - Learners
emlo/ed in iece or incenti,e-rate 3obs durin! the
trainin! eriod shall be aid in &ull &or the wor1
B. 5i&&erentl/-Abled 2or1er (*andicaed), (A
a. 5e&inition, (A %4%%, Sec. A (a) (b) (c) (d)
Sec. 4. De0$n$$on o0 Ter/s. K For p)rposes o0
+$s Ac6 +ese er/s are "e0$ne" as 0o##o!s:
AaB D$sab#e" persons are +ose s)00er$n* 0ro/
resr$c$on or "$00eren ab$#$$es6 as a res)# o0 a
/ena#6 p+:s$ca# or sensor: $/pa$r/en6 o
per0or/ an ac$;$: $n +e /anner or !$+$n +e
ran*e cons$"ere" nor/a# 0or a +)/an be$n*E

AbB I/pa$r/en $s an: #oss6 "$/$n)$on or
aberra$on o0 ps:c+o#o*$ca#6 p+:s$o#o*$ca#6 or
anao/$ca# sr)c)re or 0)nc$onE
AcB D$sab$#$: s+a## /ean 1B a p+:s$ca# or /ena#
$/pa$r/en +a s)bsan$a##: #$/$s one or /ore
ps:c+o#o*$ca#6 p+:s$o#o*$ca# or anao/$ca#
0)nc$on o0 an $n"$;$")a# or ac$;$$es o0 s)c+
$n"$;$")a#E &B a recor" o0 s)c+ an $/pa$r/enE or
'B be$n* re*ar"e" as +a;$n* s)c+ an $/pa$r/enE
A"B ?an"$cap re0ers o a "$sa";ana*e 0or a *$;en
$n"$;$")a#6 res)#$n* 0ro/ an $/pa$r/en or a
"$sab$#$:6 +a #$/$s or pre;ens +e 0)nc$on or
ac$;$:6 +a $s cons$"ere" nor/a# *$;en +e a*e
an" se- o0 +e $n"$;$")a#E
b. Polic/ 5eclaration, (A %4%%, Sec. 4
Sec. &. Dec#ara$on o0 1o#$c: K T+e *ran o0 +e
r$*+s an" pr$;$#e*es 0or "$sab#e" persons s+a## be
*)$"e" b: +e 0o##o!$n* pr$nc$p#es:
AaB D$sab#e" persons are par o0 1+$#$pp$ne
soc$e:6 +)s +e Sae s+a## *$;e 0)## s)ppor o
+e $/pro;e/en o0 +e oa# !e##@be$n* o0
"$sab#e" persons an" +e$r $ne*ra$on $no +e
/a$nsrea/ o0 soc$e:. To!ar" +$s en"6 +e Sae
s+a## a"op po#$c$es ens)r$n* +e re+ab$#$a$on6
se#0@"e;e#op/en an" se#0@re#$ance o0 "$sab#e"
persons. I s+a## "e;e#op +e$r sC$##s an" poen$a#s
o enab#e +e/ o co/pee 0a;orab#: 0or a;a$#ab#e

AbB D$sab#e" persons +a;e +e sa/e r$*+s as
o+er peop#e o aCe +e$r proper p#ace $n soc$e:.
T+e: s+o)#" be ab#e o #$;e 0ree#: an" as
$n"epen"en#: as poss$b#e. T+$s /)s be +e
concern o0 e;er:one K +e 0a/$#:6 co//)n$: an"
a## *o;ern/en an" non*o;ern/en
or*an$Da$ons. D$sab#e" personsG r$*+s /)s
ne;er be perce$;e" as !e#0are ser;$ces b: +e
AcB T+e re+ab$#$a$on o0 +e "$sab#e" persons s+a##
be +e concern o0 +e Go;ern/en $n or"er o
0oser +e$r capac$: o aa$n a /ore /ean$n*0)#6
pro")c$;e an" sa$s0:$n* #$0e. To reac+ o) o a
*reaer n)/ber o0 "$sab#e" persons6 +e
re+ab$#$a$on ser;$ces an" bene0$s s+a## be
e-pan"e" be:on" +e ra"$$ona# )rban@base"
ceners o co//)n$: base" pro*ra/s6 +a !$##
ens)re 0)## par$c$pa$on o0 "$00eren secors as
s)ppore" b: na$ona# an" #oca# *o;ern/en
A"B T+e Sae a#so reco*n$Des +e ro#e o0 +e
pr$;ae secor $n pro/o$n* +e !e#0are o0
"$sab#e" persons an" s+a## enco)ra*e parners+$p
$n pro*ra/s +a a""ress +e$r nee"s an"
AeB To 0ac$#$ae $ne*ra$on o0 "$sab#e" persons
$no +e /a$nsrea/ o0 soc$e:6 +e Sae s+a##
a";ocae 0or an" enco)ra*e respec 0or "$sab#e"
persons. T+e Sae s+a## e-er a## e00ors o
re/o;e a## soc$a#6 c)#)ra#6 econo/$c6
en;$ron/ena# an" a$)"$na# barr$ers +a are
pre.)"$c$a# o "$sab#e" persons.
c. Co,era!e, (A %4%%, Sec. =
Sec. '. Co;era*e. K T+$s Ac s+a## co;er a## "$sab#e"
persons an"6 o +e e-en +ere$n pro;$"e"6
"epar/ens6 o00$ces an" a*enc$es o0 +e Na$ona#
Go;ern/en or non*o;ern/en or*an$Da$ons
$n;o#;e" $n +e aa$n/en o0 +e$;es o0 +$s
d. (i!hts and Pri,ile!es, (A %4%%, Secs. @, B, %
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e @#
Sec. 2. EF)a# Oppor)n$: 0or E/p#o:/en. K No
"$sab#e person s+a## be "en$e" access o
oppor)n$$es 0or s)$ab#e e/p#o:/en. A F)a#$0$e"
"$sab#e" e/p#o:ee s+a## be s) o +e sa/e
er/s an" con"$$ons o0 e/p#o:/en an" +e
sa/e co/pensa$on6 pr$;$#e*es6 bene0$s6 0r$n*e
bene0$s6 $ncen$;es or a##o!ances as a F)a#$0$e"
ab#e bo"$e" person.
F$;e percen A2LB o0 a## cas)a# e/er*enc: an"
conrac)a# pos$$ons $n +e Depar/ens o0 Soc$a#
We#0are an" De;e#op/enE ?ea#+E E")ca$on6
C)#)re an" SporsE an" o+er *o;ern/en
a*enc$es6 o00$ces or corpora$ons en*a*e" $n
soc$a# "e;e#op/en s+a## be reser;e" 0or "$sab#e"
Sec. 8. S+e#ere" E/p#o:/en K I0 s)$ab#e
e/p#o:/en 0or "$sab#e" persons canno be
0o)n" +ro)*+ open e/p#o:/en as pro;$"e" $n
+e $//e"$ae#: prece"$n* Sec$on6 +e Sae s+a##
en"ea;or o pro;$"e $ b: /eans o0 s+e#ere"
e/p#o:/en. In +e p#ace/en o0 "$sab#e"
persons $n s+e#ere" e/p#o:/en6 $ s+a## accor"
")e re*ar" o +e $n"$;$")a# F)a#$$es6 ;oca$ona#
*oa#s an" $nc#$na$ons o ens)re a *oo" !orC$n*
a/osp+ere an" e00$c$en pro")c$on.
Sec. 9. Appren$ces+$p. K S) o +e
pro;$s$ons o0 +e Labor Co"e as a/en"e"6
"$sab#e" persons s+a## be e#$*$b#e as appren$ces
or #earners: 1ro;$"e"6 T+a +e$r +an"$cap $s no
as /)c+ as o e00ec$;e#: $/pe"e +e per0or/ance
o0 .ob opera$ons $n +e par$c)#ar occ)pa$on 0or
!+$c+ +e: are +$re"E 1ro;$"e"6 0)r+er6 T+a a0er
+e #apse o0 +e per$o" o0 appren$ces+$p6 $0 0o)n"
sa$s0acor: $n +e .ob per0or/ance6 +e: s+a## be
e#$*$b#e 0or e/p#o:/en.
Bernardo ,. 8L(C ) KEBTC, =": SC(A
"$B ("###)
e. 5iscrimination, (A %4%%, Secs. =4, ==
Sec. '&. D$scr$/$na$on on E/p#o:/en. K No
en$:6 !+e+er p)b#$c or pr$;ae6 s+a##
"$scr$/$nae a*a$ns a F)a#$0$e" "$sab#e" person
b: reason o0 "$sab$#$: $n re*ar" o .ob app#$ca$on
proce")res6 +e +$r$n*6 pro/o$on6 or "$sc+ar*e o0
e/p#o:ees6 e/p#o:ee co/pensa$on6 .ob ra$n$n*6
an" o+er er/s6 con"$$ons6 an" pr$;$#e*es o0
e/p#o:/en. T+e 0o##o!$n* cons$)e acs o0
AaB L$/$$n*6 se*re*a$n* or c#ass$0:$n* a "$sab#e"
.ob app#$can $n s)c+ a /anner +a a";erse#:
a00ecs +$s !orC oppor)n$$esE

AbB Us$n* F)a#$0$ca$on san"ar"s6 e/p#o:/en
ess or o+er se#ec$on cr$er$a +a screen o) or
en" o screen o) a "$sab#e" person )n#ess s)c+
san"ar"s6 ess or o+er se#ec$on cr$er$a are
s+o!n o be .ob@re#ae" 0or +e pos$$on $n
F)es$on an" are cons$sen !$+ b)s$ness
AcB U$#$D$n* san"ar"s6 cr$er$a6 or /e+o"s o0
a"/$n$sra$on +a:
A1B +a;e +e e00ec o0 "$scr$/$na$on on +e bas$s
o0 "$sab$#$:E or

A&B perpe)ae +e "$scr$/$na$on o0 o+ers !+o
are s) o co//on a"/$n$sra$;e conro#.
A"B 1ro;$"$n* #ess co/pensa$on6 s)c+ as sa#ar:6
!a*e or o+er 0or/s o0 re/)nera$on an" 0r$n*e
bene0$s6 o a F)a#$0$e" "$sab#e" e/p#o:ee6 b:
reason o0 +$s "$sab$#$:6 +an +e a/o)n o !+$c+
a non@"$sab#e" person per0or/$n* +e sa/e !orC
$s en$#e"E

AeB Fa;or$n* a non@"$sab#e" e/p#o:ee o;er a
F)a#$0$e" "$sab#e" e/p#o:ee !$+ respec o
pro/o$on6 ra$n$n* oppor)n$$es6 s)": an"
sc+o#ars+$p *rans6 so#e#: on acco)n o0 +e
#aerGs "$sab$#$:E
A0B Re@ass$*n$n* or rans0err$n* a "$sab#e"
e/p#o:ee o a .ob or pos$$on +e canno per0or/
b: reason o0 +$s "$sab$#$:E
A*B D$s/$ss$n* or er/$na$n* +e ser;$ces o0 a
"$sab#e" e/p#o:ee b: reason o0 +$s "$sab$#$:
)n#ess +e e/p#o:er can pro;e +a +e $/pa$rs +e
sa$s0acor: per0or/ance o0 +e !orC $n;o#;e" o
+e pre.)"$ce o0 +e b)s$ness en$:: 1ro;$"e"6
+o!e;er6 T+a +e e/p#o:er 0$rs so)*+ o
pro;$"e reasonab#e acco//o"a$ons 0or "$sab#e"
A+B Fa$#$n* o se#ec or a"/$n$ser $n +e /os
e00ec$;e /anner e/p#o:/en ess !+$c+
acc)rae#: re0#ec +e sC$##s6 ap$)"e or o+er
0acor o0 +e "$sab#e" app#$can or e/p#o:ee +a
s)c+ ess p)rpors o /eas)re6 ra+er +an +e
$/pa$re" sensor:6 /an)a# or speaC$n* sC$##s o0
s)c+ app#$can or e/p#o:ee6 $0 an:E an"
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B:
A$B E-c#)"$n* "$sab#e" persons 0ro/ /e/bers+$p
$n #abor )n$ons or s$/$#ar or*an$Da$ons.
Sec. ''. E/p#o:/en Enrance E-a/$na$on. K
Upon an o00er o0 e/p#o:/en6 a "$sab#e"
app#$can /a: be s)b.ece" o /e"$ca#
e-a/$na$on6 on +e 0o##o!$n* occas$ons:
AaB a## ener$n* e/p#o:ees are s)b.ece" o s)c+
an e-a/$na$on re*ar"#ess o0 "$sab$#$:E

AbB $n0or/a$on oba$ne" ")r$n* +e /e"$ca#
con"$$on or +$sor: o0 +e app#$can $s co##ece"
an" /a$na$ne" on separae 0or/s an" $n separae
/e"$ca# 0$#es an" $s reae" as a con0$"en$a#
/e"$ca# recor"E 1ro;$"e"6 +o!e;er6 T+a:
A1B s)per;$sors an" /ana*ers /a: be $n0or/e"
re*ar"$n* necessar: resr$c$ons on +e !orC or
")$es o0 +e e/p#o:ees an" necessar:

A&B 0$rs a$" an" sa0e: personne# /a: be $n0or/e"6
!+en appropr$ae6 $0 +e "$sab$#$: /a: reF)$re
e/er*enc: rea/enE
A'B *o;ern/en o00$c$a#s $n;es$*a$n* co/p#$ance
!$+ +$s Ac s+a## be pro;$"e" re#e;an
$n0or/a$on on reF)esE an"
A4B +e res)#s o0 s)c+ e-a/$na$on are )se" on#:
$n accor"ance !$+ +$s Ac.
&. En&orcement, Secs. AA, A@, AB
Sec. 44. En0orce/en b: +e Secrear: o0 ()s$ce.
AaB Den$a# o0 R$*+
A1B D): o In;es$*ae K +e Secrear: o0 ()s$ce
s+a## $n;es$*ae a##e*e" ;$o#a$ons o0 +$s Ac6 an"
s+a## )n"eraCe per$o"$c re;$e!s o0 co/p#$ance o0
co;ere" en$$es )n"er +$s Ac.
AbB 1oen$a# 7$o#a$ons K I0 +e Secrear: o0
()s$ce +as reasonab#e ca)se o be#$e;e +a K
A1B an: person or *ro)p o0 persons $s en*a*e" $n
a paern or prac$ce o0 "$scr$/$na$on )n"er +$s
AcE or

A&B an: person or *ro)p or persons +as been
"$scr$/$nae" a*a$ns )n"er +$s Ac an" s)c+
"$scr$/$na$on ra$ses an $ss)e o0 *enera# p)b#$c
$/porance6 +e Secrear: o0 ()s$ce /a:
co//ence a #e*a# ac$on $n an: appropr$ae
Sec. 42. A)+or$: o0 Co)r. K T+e co)r /a:
*ran an: eF)$ab#e re#$e0 +a s)c+ co)r
cons$"ers o be appropr$ae6 $nc#)"$n*6 o +e
e-en reF)$re" b: +$s Ac:
AaB *ran$n* e/porar:6 pre#$/$nar: or per/anen

AbB pro;$"$n* an a)-$#$ar: a$" or ser;$ce6
/o"$0$ca$on o0 po#$c:6 prac$ce or proce")re6 or
a#erna$;e /e+o"E an"
AcB /aC$n* 0ac$#$$es rea"$#: access$b#e o an"
)sab#e b: $n"$;$")a#s !$+ "$sab$#$$es.
Sec. 48. 1ena# C#a)se. K AaB An: person !+o
;$o#aes an: pro;$s$on o0 +$s Ac s+a## s)00er +e
0o##o!$n* pena#$es:
A1B 0or +e 0$rs ;$o#a$on6 a 0$ne o0 no #ess +an
F$0: +o)san" pesos A12%6%%%.%%B b) no
e-cee"$n* One +)n"re" +o)san" pesos
A11%%6%%%.%%B or $/pr$son/en o0 no #ess +an s$-
A8B /on+s b) no /ore +an !o A&B :ears6 or
bo+ a +e "$scre$on o0 +e co)rE an"

A&B 0or an: s)bseF)en ;$o#a$on6 a 0$ne o0 no #ess
+an One +)n"re" +o)san" pesos A11%%6%%%.%%B
b) no e-cee"$n* T!o +)n"re" +o)san" pesos
A1&%%6%%%.%%B or $/pr$son/en 0or no #ess +an
!o A&B :ears b) no /ore +an s$- A8B :ears6 or
bo+ a +e "$scre$on o0 +e co)r.
AbB An: person !+o ab)ses +e pr$;$#e*es *rane"
+ere$n s+a## be p)n$s+e" !$+ $/pr$son/en o0 no
#ess +an s$- A8B /on+s or a 0$ne o0 no #ess +an
F$;e +o)san" pesos A126%%%.%%B6 b) no /ore
+an F$0: +o)san" pesos A12%6%%%.%%B6 or bo+6 a
+e "$scre$on o0 +e co)r.

AcB I0 +e ;$o#aor $s a corpora$on6 or*an$Da$on or
an: s$/$#ar en$:6 +e o00$c$a#s +ereo0 "$rec#:
$n;o#;e" s+a## be #$ab#e +ere0or.
A"B I0 +e ;$o#aor $s an a#$en or a 0ore$*ner6 +e s+a##
be "epore" $//e"$ae#: a0er ser;$ce o0 senence
!$+o) 0)r+er "epora$on procee"$n*s.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B"
Alien Emlo/ment (e!ulation
(e&erence7 Arts. "4 (e), A:-A4; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ', (ule
<'9, 5+ "4, "B 8o,. 4::"; +mnibus .uidelines &or 'ssuance
o& Emlo/ment Permits to Korei!n 8ationals); Const., Art.
<'', Sec. "4
Labor Co"e
Art. "4 (e) To re!ulate the emlo/ment o& aliens, includin!
the establishment o& a re!istration andCor wor1 ermit
A(T. A:. *mployment permit of non+resident aliens. - An/
alien see1in! admission to the Philiines &or emlo/ment
uroses and an/ domestic or &orei!n emlo/er who desires
to en!a!e an alien &or emlo/ment in the Philiines shall
obtain an emlo/ment ermit &rom the 5eartment o& Labor.
The emlo/ment ermit ma/ be issued to a non-resident
alien or to the alicant emlo/er a&ter a determination o& the
non-a,ailabilit/ o& a erson in the Philiines who is
cometent, able and willin! at the time o& alication to
er&orm the ser,ices &or which the alien is desired.
Kor an enterrise re!istered in re&erred areas o&
in,estments, said emlo/ment ermit ma/ be issued uon
recommendation o& the !o,ernment a!enc/ char!ed with the
suer,ision o& said re!istered enterrise.
A(T. A". Prohibition against transfer of employment. - (a)
A&ter the issuance o& an emlo/ment ermit, the alien shall
not trans&er to another 3ob or chan!e his emlo/er without
rior aro,al o& the Secretar/ o& Labor.
(b) An/ non-resident alien who shall ta1e u emlo/ment in
,iolation o& the ro,ision o& this Title and its imlementin!
rules and re!ulations shall be unished in accordance with
the ro,isions o& Articles 4$# and 4#: o& the Labor Code.
'n addition, the alien wor1er shall be sub3ect to deortation
a&ter ser,ice o& his sentence.
A(T. A4. ,ubmission of list. - An/ emlo/er emlo/in! non-
resident &orei!n nationals on the e&&ecti,e date o& this Code
shall submit a list o& such nationals to the Secretar/ o& Labor
within thirt/ (=:) da/s a&ter such date indicatin! their names,
citizenshi, &orei!n and local addresses, nature o&
emlo/ment and status o& sta/ in the countr/. The Secretar/
o& Labor shall then determine i& the/ are entitled to an
emlo/ment ermit.
O/n$b)s R)#es6 BooC I6 R)#e XI7
(LLE <'9
Emlo/ment o& Aliens
SECT'+8 ". Co,era!e. O This (ule shall al/ to all aliens
emlo/ed or see1in! emlo/ment in the Philiines, and
their resent or rosecti,e emlo/ers.
SECT'+8 4. Submission o& list. O All emlo/ers emlo/in!
&orei!n nationals, whether resident or non-resident shall
submit a list o& such nationals to the Bureau indicatin! their
names, citizenshi, &orei!n and local addresses; nature o&
emlo/ment and status o& sta/ in the Philiines.
SECT'+8 =. (e!istration o& resident aliens. O All emlo/ed
resident aliens shall re!ister with the Bureau under such
!uidelines as ma/ be issued b/ it.
SECT'+8 A. Emlo/ment ermit re>uired &or entr/. O 8o
alien see1in! emlo/ment, whether on resident or non-
resident status, ma/ enter the Philiines without &irst
securin! an emlo/ment ermit &rom the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment. '& an alien enters the countr/ under
a non-wor1in! ,isa and wishes to be emlo/ed therea&ter, he
ma/ onl/ be allowed to be emlo/ed uon resentation o& a
dul/ aro,ed emlo/ment ermit.
SECT'+8 @. (e>uirements &or emlo/ment ermit
alication. O The alication &or an emlo/ment ermit
shall be accomanied b/ the &ollowin!7
(a) Curriculum ,itae dul/ si!ned b/ the alicant indicatin!
his educational bac1!round, his wor1 e0erience and other
data showin! that he ossesses hi!h technical s1ills in his
trade or ro&ession;
(b) Contract o& emlo/ment between the emlo/er and the
rincial which shall embod/ the &ollowin!, amon! others7
(") That the non-resident alien wor1er shall coml/ with all
alicable laws and rules and re!ulations o& the Philiines;
(4) That the non-resident alien wor1er and the emlo/er
shall bind themsel,es to train at least two (4) Kiliino
understudies &or a eriod to be determined b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment; and
(=) That he shall not en!a!e in an/ !ain&ul emlo/ment other
than that &or which he was issued a ermit.
(c) A desi!nation b/ the emlo/er o& at least two (4)
understudies &or e,er/ alien wor1er. Such understudies must
be the most ran1in! re!ular emlo/ees in the section or
deartment &or which the e0atriates are bein! hired to
ensure the actual trans&er o& technolo!/.
SECT'+8 B. 'ssuances o& emlo/ment ermit. O The
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ issue an
emlo/ment ermit to the alicant based on7
a) Comliance b/ the alicant and his emlo/er with the
re>uirements o& Section 4 hereo&;
b) (eort o& the Bureau 5irector as to the a,ailabilit/ or non-
a,ailabilit/ o& an/ erson in the Philiines who is
cometent, able, and willin! to do the 3ob &or which the
ser,ices o& the alicant are desired;
c) *is assessment as to whether or not the emlo/ment o&
the alicant will redound to the national interest;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B4
d) Admissibilit/ o& the alien as certi&ied b/ the Commission
on 'mmi!ration and 5eortation;
e) The recommendation o& the Board o& 'n,estments or other
aroriate !o,ernment a!encies i& the alicant will be
emlo/ed in re&erred areas o& in,estments or in accordance
with imerati,es o& economic de,eloments; and
&) Pa/ments o& a P"::.:: &ee.
SECT'+8 %. 5uration o& emlo/ment ermit. O Sub3ect to
renewal uon showin! o& !ood cause, the emlo/ment
ermit shall be ,alid &or a minimum eriod o& one (") /ear
startin! &rom the date o& its issuance unless sooner re,o1ed
b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment &or ,iolation o&
an/ ro,isions o& the Code or o& these (ules.
SECT'+8 $. Ad,ice to Commission on 'mmi!ration and
5eortation. O The Bureau shall ad,ice the Commission on
'mmi!ration and 5eortation on the issuance o& an
emlo/ment ermit to an alicant.
SECT'+8 #. Lnderstud/ Trainin! Pro!ram. O The emlo/er
shall submit a trainin! ro!ram &or his understudies to the
Bureau within thirt/ (=:) da/s uon arri,al o& the alien
wor1ers. The suer,ision o& the trainin! ro!ram shall be the
resonsibilit/ o& the Bureau and shall be in accordance with
standards established b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
O/n$b)s G)$"e#$nes 0or Iss)ance o0 E/p#o:/en
1er/$s o Fore$*n Na$ona#s MDO 1&6 No;e/ber 1&6
ASer$es o0 &%%1B
1)rs)an o +e pro;$s$ons o0 Ar$c#es 2 an" 4% o0
1. D. 44&6 as a/en"e"6 +e pro;$s$ons o0 R)#e XI76
BooC I o0 $s I/p#e/en$n* R)#es an" Re*)#a$ons6
Sec$on 19A2B6 C+aper 46 T$#e 7II o0 +e
A"/$n$sra$;e Co"e o0 13596 +e 0o##o!$n*
O/n$b)s G)$"e#$nes 0or +e $ss)ance o0
E/p#o:/en 1er/$s are +ereb: pro/)#*ae":

Rule 0
Coverage and "#emption

1. The follo$ing shall apply for Alien "mployment
ermit 3A"49
1.1. A## 0ore$*n na$ona#s seeC$n* a"/$ss$on o +e
1+$#$pp$nes 0or +e p)rpose o0 e/p#o:/enE

1.&. ,$ss$onar$es or re#$*$o)s !orCers !+o $nen"
o en*a*e $n *a$n0)# e/p#o:/enE

1.'. ?o#"ers o0 Spec$a# In;esors Res$"en 7$sa
ASIR7B6 Spec$a# Re$rees Res$"en 7$sa ASRR7B6
Trea: Tra"ers 7$sa A3"B or Spec$a# Non@$//$*ran
7$sa A49AaB&B6 !+o occ)p: an: e-ec)$;e6
a";$sor:6 s)per;$sor:6 or ec+n$ca# pos$$on $n an:

1.4. A*enc$es6 or*an$Da$ons or $n"$;$")a#s
!+e+er p)b#$c or pr$;ae6 !+o sec)re +e
ser;$ces o0 0ore$*n pro0ess$ona#s o prac$ce +e$r
pro0ess$ons $n +e 1+$#$pp$nes $n +e 1+$#$pp$nes
)n"er rec$proc$: an" o+er $nerna$ona#

1.2. Non@In"o@C+$nese Re0)*ees !+o are as:#)/
seeCers an" *$;en re0)*ee sa)s b: +e Un$e"
Na$ons ?$*+ Co//$ss$oner on Re0)*ees
AUN?CRB or +e Depar/en o0 ()s$ce )n"er DO(
Depar/en Or"er No. 346 ser$es o0 1335E

1.8. Res$"en 0ore$*n na$ona#s seeC$n*
e/p#o:/en $n +e 1+$#$pp$nes.
:. "#emption. T+e 0o##o!$n* cae*or$es o0 0ore$*n
na$ona#s are e-e/p 0ro/ sec)r$n* an
e/p#o:/en per/$ $n or"er o !orC $n +e
&.1 A## /e/bers o0 +e "$p#o/a$c ser;$ces an"
0ore$*n *o;ern/en o00$c$a#s accre"$e" b: +e
1+$#$pp$ne Go;ern/enE
&.& O00$cers an" sa00 o0 $nerna$ona#
or*an$Da$ons o0 !+$c+ +e 1+$#$pp$ne *o;ern/en
$s a coopera$n* /e/ber6 an" +e$r #e*$$/ae
spo)se "es$r$n* o !orC $n +e 1+$#$pp$nesE
&.' Fore$*n na$ona#s e#ece" as /e/bers o0 +e
Go;ern$n* boar" !+o "o no occ)p: an: o+er
pos$$on6 b) +a;e on#: ;o$n* r$*+s $n +e
corpora$onE an"
&.4 A## 0ore$*n na$ona#s *rane" e-e/p$on b:
spec$a# #a!s an" a## o+er #a!s +a /a: be
pro/)#*ae" b: +e Con*ress.
Rule 00
rocedures in the rocessing of Applications for

1. A## 0ore$*n na$ona#s seeC$n* e/p#o:/en $n +e
1+$#$pp$nes )n"er R)#e 1 +ereo0 or +e$r
prospec$;e e/p#o:ers6 s+a## 0$#e +e$r
app#$ca$ons !$+ +e DOLE Re*$ona# O00$ce
+a;$n* .)r$s"$c$on o;er +e $nen"e" p#ace o0
&. &ees @ T+e app#$can s+a## pa: 0$#$n*6 p)b#$ca$on
an" per/$ 0ees $n +e a/o)n o0 E$*+ +o)san"
pesos A156%%%.%%B 0or eac+ app#$ca$on 0or AE1
!$+ a ;a#$"$: o0 one A1B :ear. T+ree +o)san"
pesos A1'6%%%.%%B s+a## be c+ar*e" 0or e;er:
a""$$ona# :ear o0 ;a#$"$: or a 0rac$on +ereo0.
'. An AE1 s+a## be $ss)e" base" on +e 0o##o!$n*:
'.1. Co/p#$ance b:e +e app#$can e/p#o:er or +e
0ore$*n na$ona# !$+ +e s)bsan$;e an"
"oc)/enar: reF)$re/ensE

'.&. Deer/$na$on o0 +e DOLE Secrear: +a
+ere $s no F$#$p$no na$ona# !+o $s co/peen6
ab#e an" !$##$n* o "o +e .ob 0or !+$c+ +e
ser;$ces o0 +e app#$can $s "es$re"E

'.'. Assess/en o0 +e DOLE Secrear: +a +e
e/p#o:/en o0 +e 0ore$*n na$ona# !$## re"o)n"
o na$ona# bene0$E
4. Denial of Application for A" @ An app#$ca$on
0or AE1 /a: be "en$e" base" on +e *ro)n" o0
non@co/p#$ance !$+ an: o0 +e reF)$re/ens 0or
$ss)ance o0 AE1 or 0or /$srepresena$on o0 0acs
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B=
$n +e app#$ca$on or s)b/$ss$on o0 0a#s$0$e" or
a/pere" "oc)/ens.
Fore$*n na$ona#s !+ose app#$ca$ons +a;e been
"en$e" s+a## no be a##o!e" o re@app#: $n an: o0
+e DOLE Re*$ona# O00$ces.
2. Rene$al of ermit @ An app#$ca$on 0or rene!a#
o0 AE1 s+a## be 0$#e" a #eas 0$0een A12B "a:s
be0ore $s e-p$ra$on. For e#ec$;e o00$cers6
app#$ca$ons 0or rene!a# s+a## be 0$#e" )pon
e#ec$on or a #eas +$r: A'%B "a:s be0ore +e
e00ec$;$: o0 +e app#$canGs er/ o0 o00$ce $0 +e
s)ccee"$n* er/ o0 o00$ce $s ascera$ne".

Fa$#)re o 0$#e +e app#$ca$on 0or rene!a# o0 per/$
!$+$n +e prescr$be" per$o" s+a## be s) o
0$nes o0 F$;e T+o)san" 1esos A26%%%.%%B6 $0 0$#e"
!$+$n s$- A8B /on+s a0er +e prescr$be" per$o"
an" Ten T+o)san" 1esos A1%6%%%.%%B6 $0 0$#e" a0er
s$- A8B /on+s. Fa$#)re o rene! +e AE1 !$+$n
one A1B :ear a0er $s e-p$ra$on s+a## be a ca)se
0or $s re;oca$on or cance##a$on.
8. T+e e/p#o:er s+a## no$0: +e DOLE@RO !+$c+
$ss)e" +e per/$ o0 +e "ae o0 +e ass)/p$on o
"): o0 +e 0ore$*n na$ona# !$+$n +$r: A'%B "a:s
0ro/ $ss)ance o0 +e per/$.
9. 7alidity of ermits @ T+e ;a#$"$: o0 per/$s s+a##
be as 0o##o!s:
9.1. As a *enera# r)#e6 +e ;a#$"$: o0 per/$s s+a##
be 0or a per$o" o0 one A1B :ear6 )n#ess +e
e/p#o:/en conrac6 cons)#anc: ser;$ces6 or
o+er /o"es o0 en*a*e/en or er/ o0 o00$ce 0or
e#ec$;e o00$cers6 pro;$"es 0or a #on*er per$o".

9.&. T+e e00ec$;$: o0 +e rene!a# s+a## be on +e
"a: a0er +e e-p$ra$on o0 +e pre;$o)s per/$6
re*ar"#ess o0 !+e+er or no +e rene!a# $s
*rane" be0ore or a0er +e e-p$ra$on o0 +e
pre;$o)s per/$.

9.'. As a *enera# r)#e6 +e per/$s s+a## be ;a#$"
on#: 0or +e pos$$on an" +e e/p#o:er 0or !+$c+ $
!as $ss)e"6 e-cep $n case o0 0ore$*n na$ona#s
!+o are +o#"ers o0 /)#$p#e pos$$ons $n one
corpora$on6 !+ere one AE1 s+a## be ;a#$" 0or
s)c+ /)#$p#e pos$$ons.

9.4. T+e per/$s o0 res$"en 0ore$*n na$ona#s s+a##
be ;a#$" 0or /)#$p#e e/p#o:ers6 re*ar"#ess o0 +e
na)re an" ")ra$on o0 +e$r e/p#o:/en6
pro;$"e" +a +e: s+a## repor c+an*es $n +e$r
e/p#o:/en sa)s an" +e $"en$: o0 +e$r
e/p#o:ers o +e DOLE Re*$ona# O00$ce !+$c+ +as
$ss)e" +e per/$.
Rule 000
Revocation;Cancellation of "mployment ermits

1. T+e per/$s $ss)e" /a:6 motu proprio or )pon
a pe$$on6 be cance##e" or re;oCe" base" on an:
o0 +e 0o##o!$n* *ro)n"s:
1.1 ,$srepresena$on o0 0acs or 0a#s$0$ca$on o0
+e "oc)/ens s)b/$e"E

1.& T+e 0ore$*n na$ona# +as been "ec#are" as an
)n"es$rab#e a#$en b: co/peen a)+or$$esE

1.' Non@co/p#$ance !$+ +e con"$$ons 0or !+$c+
+e AE1 !as $ss)e"E

1.4 Fa$#)re o rene! AE1 !$+$n one A1B :ear a0er
$s e-p$ra$on.
&. 1e$$ons 0or cance##a$on or re;oca$on o0
per/$s $ss)e" s+a## be reso#;e" !$+$n +$r: A'%B
ca#en"ars 0ro/ rece$p +ereo0.
'. An: a**r$e;e" par: /a: 0$#e a ,o$on 0or
Recons$"era$on an"Jor Appea# an" +e sa/e
s+a## be reso#;e" base" on 1ara*rap+ 4 o0 +$s
4. Remedies in Case of Denial or Cancellation @ A
,o$on 0or Recons$"era$on /a:be 0$#e" b: an
a**r$e;e" par: !$+$n se;en A9B ca#en"ar "a:s
a0er rece$p o0 +e Or"er o0 Den$a#JCance##a$on.
T+e DOLE Re*$ona# D$recor s+a## reso#;e +e sa$"
,o$on 0or Recons$"era$on !$+$n en A1%B
ca#en"ar "a:s 0ro/ rece$p +ereo0.
A /o$on 0or Recons$"era$on 0$#e" a0er +e per$o"
o0 se;en A9B ca#en"ar "a:s b) !$+$n en A1%B
ca#en"ar "a:s a0er rece$p o0 +e "en$a# s+a## be
reae" as an appea#.
An appea# 0ro/ +e "ec$s$on o0 +e DOLE Re*$ona#
D$recor /a: be 0$#e" !$+ +e Secrear: o0 #abor
an" E/p#o:/en !$+$n en A1%B ca#en"ar "a:s
0ro/ rece$p o0 an Or"er 0ro/ +e DOLE Re*$ona#
D$recor. T+e "ec$s$on o0 +e Secrear: o0 Labor
an" E/p#o:/en s+a## be 0$na# an" )nappea#ab#e.

Rule 07
enal and Transitory rovisions

1. T+e DOLE Re*$ona# D$recors6 a0er ")e no$ce
an" +ear$n*6 s+a## +a;e +e po!er o or"er an"
$/pose a 0$ne o0 F$;e T+o)san" 1esos A126%%%.%%B
on 0ore$*n na$ona#s 0o)n" !orC$n* !$+o) an
AE1 0or #ess +an one A1B :ear an" Ten T+o)san"
1esos A11%6%%%.%%B 0or /ore +an one A1B :ear.
&. A## app#$ca$ons 0or e/p#o:/en
per/$Jcer$0$caes pen"$n* a +e DOLE@RO )pon
+e e00ec$;$: o0 +ese G)$"e#$nes s+a## be
co;ere" an" processe" )n"er +e pro;$s$ons o0
+ese G)$"e#$nes.
'. ?o#"ers o0 pro;$s$ona# an" e-en"e" AE1s
$ss)e" )n"er ,e/oran")/ "ae" &4 A)*)s &%%1
re*ar"$n* A#erna$;e Iner$/ ,eas)res 0or +e
Iss)ance o0 A#$en E/p#o:/en 1er/$s6 s+a##
app#: 0or an AE1 p)rs)an o +ese G)$"e#$nes on
or be0ore +e e-p$ra$on o0 +e pro;$s$ona# an"
e-en"e" AE1.
4. Fore$*n na$ona#s !+o are a#rea": !orC$n* $n
+e co)nr: an" !+o +a;e no :e sec)re" +e
reF)$s$e e/p#o:/en per/$ s+a## +a;e n$ne:
A3%B "a:s 0ro/ +e e00ec$;$: o0 +ese G)$"e#$nes
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e BA
o sec)re +e sa$" e/p#o:/en per/$ !$+o)
Rule 7
.iscellaneous rovisions

1. .anual of -perations. @ T+e B)rea) o0 Loca#
E/p#o:/en s+a## $ss)e a ,an)a# o0 Opera$ons o
$/p#e/en +e pro;$s$ons o0 +ese G)$"e#$nes.
&. !eparability Clause. @ I0 an: pro;$s$on or par o0
+$s Depar/en Or"er or +e app#$ca$on +ereo0
o an: person or c$rc)/sance $s +e#" $n;a#$" b:
+e Co)rs6 +e re/a$n$n* ;a#$" pro;$s$ons o0 +$s
Depar/en Or"er s+a## no be a00ece".
'. Repealing Clause. @ A## *)$"e#$nes6 r)#es an"
re*)#a$ons an" a*ree/ens $ncons$sen +ere!$+
are +ereb: repea#e" or /o"$0$e" accor"$n*#:.
4. "ffectivity. @ T+ese *)$"e#$nes s+a## aCe e00ec
0$0een A12B "a:s a0er $s p)b#$ca$on $n !o A&B
ne!spapers o0 *enera# c$rc)#a$on.
Cons$)$on6 Ar. XII6 Sec. 1&
Sec$on 1&. The State shall romote the re&erential
use o& Kiliino labor, domestic materials and locall/
roduced !oods, and adot measures that hel ma1e
them cometiti,e.
F. Con"$$ons o0 WorC
(e&erence7 Arts. $4-#:; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''', (ules l,
lA, ll
Title '
2+(Q'8. C+85'T'+8S
A85 (EST PE('+5S

Chater '
*+L(S +K 2+(Q

A(T. $4. Coverage. - The ro,isions o& this Title shall
al/ to emlo/ees in all establishments and
underta1in!s whether &or ro&it or not, but not to
!o,ernment emlo/ees, mana!erial emlo/ees, &ield
ersonnel, members o& the &amil/ o& the emlo/er
who are deendent on him &or suort, domestic
helers, ersons in the ersonal ser,ice o& another,
and wor1ers who are aid b/ results as determined b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor in aroriate re!ulations.
As used herein, "managerial employees" re&er to
those whose rimar/ dut/ consists o& the
mana!ement o& the establishment in which the/ are
emlo/ed or o& a deartment or subdi,ision thereo&,
and to other o&&icers or members o& the mana!erial
"2ield personnel" shall re&er to non-a!ricultural
emlo/ees who re!ularl/ er&orm their duties awa/
&rom the rincial lace o& business or branch o&&ice o&
the emlo/er and whose actual hours o& wor1 in the
&ield cannot be determined with reasonable certaint/.
A(T. $=. Normal hours of $or.. - The normal hours o&
wor1 o& an/ emlo/ee shall not e0ceed ei!ht ($) hours
a da/.
*ealth ersonnel in cities and municialities with a
oulation o& at least one million (",:::,:::) or in
hositals and clinics with a bed caacit/ o& at least
one hundred ("::) shall hold re!ular o&&ice hours &or
ei!ht ($) hours a da/, &or &i,e (@) da/s a wee1,
e0clusi,e o& time &or meals, e0cet where the
e0i!encies o& the ser,ice re>uire that such ersonnel
wor1 &or si0 (B) da/s or &ort/-ei!ht (A$) hours, in which
case, the/ shall be entitled to an additional
comensation o& at least thirt/ ercent (=:P) o& their
re!ular wa!e &or wor1 on the si0th da/. Kor uroses
o& this Article, "health personnel" shall include
resident h/sicians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians,
harmacists, social wor1ers, laborator/ technicians,
aramedical technicians, s/cholo!ists, midwi,es,
attendants and all other hosital or clinic ersonnel.
A(T. $A. 6ours $or.ed. - *ours wor1ed shall include
(a) all time durin! which an emlo/ee is re>uired to
be on dut/ or to be at a rescribed wor1lace; and (b)
all time durin! which an emlo/ee is su&&ered or
ermitted to wor1.
(est eriods o& short duration durin! wor1in! hours
shall be counted as hours wor1ed.
A(T. $@. (eal periods. - Sub3ect to such re!ulations
as the Secretar/ o& Labor ma/ rescribe, it shall be
the dut/ o& e,er/ emlo/er to !i,e his emlo/ees not
less than si0t/ (B:) minutes time-o&& &or their re!ular
A(T. $B. Night shift differential. - E,er/ emlo/ee
shall be aid a ni!ht shi&t di&&erential o& not less than
ten ercent (":P) o& his re!ular wa!e &or each hour o&
wor1 er&ormed between ten oGcloc1 in the e,enin!
and si0 oGcloc1 in the mornin!.
A(T. $%. 'vertime $or.. - 2or1 ma/ be er&ormed
be/ond ei!ht ($) hours a da/ ro,ided that the
emlo/ee is aid &or the o,ertime wor1, an additional
comensation e>ui,alent to his re!ular wa!e lus at
least twent/-&i,e ercent (4@P) thereo&. 2or1
er&ormed be/ond ei!ht hours on a holida/ or rest
da/ shall be aid an additional comensation
e>ui,alent to the rate o& the &irst ei!ht hours on a
holida/ or rest da/ lus at least thirt/ ercent (=:P)
A(T. $$. 4ndertime not offset by overtime. -
Lndertime wor1 on an/ articular da/ shall not be
o&&set b/ o,ertime wor1 on an/ other da/. Permission
!i,en to the emlo/ee to !o on lea,e on some other
da/ o& the wee1 shall not e0emt the emlo/er &rom
a/in! the additional comensation re>uired in this
A(T. $#. *mergency overtime $or.. - An/ emlo/ee
ma/ be re>uired b/ the emlo/er to er&orm o,ertime
wor1 in an/ o& the &ollowin! cases7chan robles ,irtual
law librar/
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B@
(a) 2hen the countr/ is at war or when an/ other
national or local emer!enc/ has been declared b/ the
8ational Assembl/ or the Chie& E0ecuti,e;
(b) 2hen it is necessar/ to re,ent loss o& li&e or
roert/ or in case o& imminent dan!er to ublic
sa&et/ due to an actual or imendin! emer!enc/ in
the localit/ caused b/ serious accidents, &ire, &lood,
t/hoon, earth>ua1e, eidemic, or other disaster or
(c) 2hen there is ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on
machines, installations, or e>uiment, in order to
a,oid serious loss or dama!e to the emlo/er or
some other cause o& similar nature;
(d) 2hen the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent loss or
dama!e to erishable !oods; and
(e) 2here the comletion or continuation o& the wor1
started be&ore the ei!hth hour is necessar/ to re,ent
serious obstruction or re3udice to the business or
oerations o& the emlo/er.
An/ emlo/ee re>uired to render o,ertime wor1 under
this Article shall be aid the additional comensation
re>uired in this Chater.
A(T. #:. Computation of additional compensation. -
Kor uroses o& comutin! o,ertime and other
additional remuneration as re>uired b/ this Chater,
the "regular $age" o& an emlo/ee shall include the
cash wa!e onl/, without deduction on account o&
&acilities ro,ided b/ the emlo/er.
B++Q T*(EE
Conditions o& Emlo/ment
(LLE '
*ours o& 2or1
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O The
ro,isions o& this (ule shall al/ to all emlo/ees in
all establishments and underta1in!s, whether
oerated &or ro&it or not, e0cet to those seci&icall/
e0emted under Section 4 hereo&.
SECT'+8 4. E0emtion. O The ro,isions o& this
(ule shall not al/ to the &ollowin! ersons i& the/
>uali&/ &or e0emtion under the conditions set &orth
(a) .o,ernment emlo/ees whether emlo/ed b/ the
8ational .o,ernment or an/ o& its olitical
subdi,ision, includin! those emlo/ed in !o,ernment-
owned andCor controlled cororations;
(b) Dana!erial emlo/ees, i& the/ meet all o& the
&ollowin! conditions7
(") Their rimar/ dut/ consists o& the mana!ement o&
the establishment in which the/ are emlo/ed or o& a
deartment or sub-di,ision thereo&.
(4) The/ customaril/ and re!ularl/ direct the wor1 o&
two or more emlo/ees therein.
(=) The/ ha,e the authorit/ to hire or &ire emlo/ees
o& lower ran1; or their su!!estions and
recommendations as to hirin! and &irin! and as to the
romotion or an/ other chan!e o& status o& other
emlo/ees, are !i,en articular wei!ht.
(c) +&&icers or members o& a mana!erial sta&& i& the/
er&orm the &ollowin! duties and resonsibilities7
(") The rimar/ dut/ consists o& the er&ormance o&
wor1 directl/ related to mana!ement olicies o& their
(4) Customaril/ and re!ularl/ e0ercise discretion and
indeendent 3ud!ment; and
(=) (i) (e!ularl/ and directl/ assist a rorietor or a
mana!erial emlo/ee whose rimar/ dut/ consists o&
the mana!ement o& the establishment in which he is
emlo/ed or subdi,ision thereo&; or (ii) e0ecute under
!eneral suer,ision wor1 alon! secialized or
technical lines re>uirin! secial trainin!, e0erience,
or 1nowled!e; or (iii) e0ecute, under !eneral
suer,ision, secial assi!nments and tas1s; and
(A) 2ho do not de,ote more than 4: ercent o& their
hours wor1ed in a wor1 wee1 to acti,ities which are
not directl/ and closel/ related to the er&ormance o&
the wor1 described in ara!rahs ("), (4) and (=)
(d) 5omestic ser,ants and ersons in the ersonal
ser,ice o& another i& the/ er&orm such ser,ices in the
emlo/erSs home which are usuall/ necessar/ or
desirable &or the maintenance and en3o/ment thereo&,
or minister to the ersonal com&ort, con,enience, or
sa&et/ o& the emlo/er as well as the members o& his
emlo/erSs household.
(e) 2or1ers who are aid b/ results, includin! those
who are aid on iece-wor1, Tta1a/,T Ta1iaoT or tas1
basis, and other non-time wor1 i& their outut rates are
in accordance with the standards rescribed under
Section $, (ule 9'', Boo1 Three o& these re!ulations,
or where such rates ha,e been &i0ed b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment in accordance with the
a&oresaid Section.
(&) 8on-a!ricultural &ield ersonnel i& the/ re!ularl/
er&orm their duties awa/ &rom the rincial or branch
o&&ice or lace o& business o& the emlo/er and whose
actual hours o& wor1 in the &ield cannot be determined
with reasonable certaint/.
SECT'+8 =. *ours wor1ed. O The &ollowin! shall be
considered as comensable hours wor1ed7
(a) All time durin! which an emlo/ee is re>uired to
be on dut/ or to be at the emlo/erSs remises or to
be at a rescribed wor1 lace; and
(b) All time durin! which an emlo/ee is su&&ered or
ermitted to wor1.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e BB
SECT'+8 A. Princiles in determinin! hours wor1ed.
O The &ollowin! !eneral rinciles shall !o,ern in
determinin! whether the time sent b/ an emlo/ee is
considered hours wor1ed &or uroses o& this (ule7
(a) All hours are hours wor1ed which the emlo/ee is
re>uired to !i,e his emlo/er, re!ardless o& whether
or not such hours are sent in roducti,e labor or
in,ol,e h/sical or mental e0ertion.
(b) An emlo/ee need not lea,e the remises o& the
wor1 lace in order that his rest eriod shall not be
counted, it bein! enou!h that he stos wor1in!, ma/
rest comletel/ and ma/ lea,e his wor1 lace, to !o
elsewhere, whether within or outside the remises o&
his wor1 lace.
(c) '& the wor1 er&ormed was necessar/, or it
bene&ited the emlo/er, or the emlo/ee could not
abandon his wor1 at the end o& his normal wor1in!
hours because he had no relacement, all time sent
&or such wor1 shall be considered as hours wor1ed, i&
the wor1 was with the 1nowled!e o& his emlo/er or
immediate suer,isor.
(d) The time durin! which an emlo/ee is inacti,e b/
reason o& interrutions in his wor1 be/ond his control
shall be considered wor1in! time either i& the
imminence o& the resumtion o& wor1 re>uires the
emlo/eeSs resence at the lace o& wor1 or i& the
inter,al is too brie& to be utilized e&&ecti,el/ and
!ain&ull/ in the emlo/eeSs own interest.
SECT'+8 @. 2aitin! time. O (a) 2aitin! time sent
b/ an emlo/ee shall be considered as wor1in! time i&
waitin! is an inte!ral art o& his wor1 or the emlo/ee
is re>uired or en!a!ed b/ the emlo/er to wait.
(b) An emlo/ee who is re>uired to remain on call in
the emlo/erSs remises or so close thereto that he
cannot use the time e&&ecti,el/ and !ain&ull/ &or his
own urose shall be considered as wor1in! while on
call. An emlo/ee who is not re>uired to lea,e word at
his home or with coman/ o&&icials where he ma/ be
reached is not wor1in! while on call.
SECT'+8 B. Lectures, meetin!s, trainin! ro!rams.
O Attendance at lectures, meetin!s, trainin!
ro!rams, and other similar acti,ities shall not be
counted as wor1in! time i& all o& the &ollowin!
conditions are met7
(a) Attendance is outside o& the emlo/eeSs re!ular
wor1in! hours;
(b) Attendance is in &act ,oluntar/; and
(c) The emlo/ee does not er&orm an/ roducti,e
wor1 durin! such attendance.
SECT'+8 %. Deal and (est Periods. O E,er/
emlo/er shall !i,e his emlo/ees, re!ardless o& se0,
not less than one (") hour time-o&& &or re!ular meals,
e0cet in the &ollowin! cases when a meal eriod o&
not less than twent/ (4:) minutes ma/ be !i,en b/ the
emlo/er ro,ided that such shorter meal eriod is
credited as comensable hours wor1ed o& the
(a) 2here the wor1 is non-manual wor1 in nature or
does not in,ol,e strenuous h/sical e0ertion;
(b) 2here the establishment re!ularl/ oerates not
less than si0teen ("B) hours a da/;
(c) 'n case o& actual or imendin! emer!encies or
there is ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on machineries,
e>uiment or installations to a,oid serious loss which
the emlo/er would otherwise su&&er; and
(d) 2here the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent serious
loss o& erishable !oods.
(est eriods or co&&ee brea1s runnin! &rom &i,e (@) to
twent/ (4:) minutes shall be considered as
comensable wor1in! time.
SECT'+8 $. +,ertime a/. O An/ emlo/ee co,ered
b/ this (ule who is ermitted or re>uired to wor1
be/ond ei!ht ($) hours on ordinar/ wor1in! da/s shall
be aid an additional comensation &or the o,ertime
wor1 in the amount e>ui,alent to his re!ular wa!e
lus at least twent/-&i,e ercent (4@P) thereo&.
SECT'+8 #. Premium and o,ertime a/ &or holida/
and rest da/ wor1. O (a) E0cet emlo/ees re&erred
to under Section 4 o& this (ule, an emlo/ee who is
ermitted or su&&ered to wor1 on secial holida/s or
on his desi!nated rest da/s not &allin! on re!ular
holida/s, shall be aid with an additional
comensation as remium a/ o& not less than thirt/
ercent (=:P) o& his re!ular wa!e. Kor wor1
er&ormed in e0cess o& ei!ht ($) hours on secial
holida/s and rest da/s not &allin! on re!ular holida/s,
an emlo/ee shall be aid an additional
comensation &or the o,ertime wor1 e>ui,alent to his
rate &or the &irst ei!ht hours on a secial holida/ or
rest da/ lus at least thirt/ ercent (=:P) thereo&.
(b) Emlo/ees o& ublic utilit/ enterrises as well as
those emlo/ed in non-ro&it institutions and
or!anizations shall be entitled to the remium and
o,ertime a/ ro,ided herein, unless the/ are
seci&icall/ e0cluded &rom the co,era!e o& this (ule
as ro,ided in Section 4 hereo&.
(c) The a/ment o& additional comensation &or wor1
er&ormed on re!ular holida/s shall be !o,erned b/
(ule '9, Boo1 Three, o& these (ules.
SECT'+8 ":. Comulsor/ o,ertime wor1. O 'n an/ o&
the &ollowin! cases, an emlo/er ma/ re>uire an/ o&
his emlo/ees to wor1 be/ond ei!ht ($) hours a da/,
ro,ided that the emlo/ee re>uired to render
o,ertime wor1 is aid the additional comensation
re>uired b/ these re!ulations7
(a) 2hen the countr/ is at war or when an/ other
national or local emer!enc/ has been declared b/
Con!ress or the Chie& E0ecuti,e;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B%
(b) 2hen o,ertime wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent loss
o& li&e or roert/, or in case o& imminent dan!er to
ublic sa&et/ due to actual or imendin! emer!enc/ in
the localit/ caused b/ serious accident, &ire, &loods,
t/hoons, earth>ua1e, eidemic or other disaster or
(c) 2hen there is ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on
machines, installations, or e>uiment, in order to
a,oid serious loss or dama!e to the emlo/er or
some other causes o& similar nature;
(d) 2hen the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent loss or
dama!e to erishable !oods;
(e) 2hen the comletion or continuation o& wor1
started be&ore the $th hour is necessar/ to re,ent
serious obstruction or re3udice to the business or
oerations o& the emlo/er; or
(&) 2hen o,ertime wor1 is necessar/ to a,ail o&
&a,orable weather or en,ironmental conditions where
er&ormance or >ualit/ o& wor1 is deendent thereon.
'n cases not &allin! within an/ o& these enumerated in
this Section, no emlo/ee ma/ be made to wor1
be/ond ei!ht hours a da/ a!ainst his will.
(LLE '-A
*ours o& 2or1 o& *osital and Clinic Personnel
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O This
(ule shall al/ to7
(a) All hositals and clinics, includin! those with a bed
caacit/ o& less than one hundred ("::) which are
situated in cities or municialities with a oulation o&
one million or more; and
(b) All hositals and clinics with a bed caacit/ o& at
least one hundred ("::), irresecti,e o& the size o& the
oulation o& the cit/ or municialit/ where the/ ma/
be situated.
SECT'+8 4. *ositals or clinics within the meanin! o&
this (ule. O The terms ThositalsT and TclinicsT as
used in this (ule shall mean a lace de,oted rimaril/
to the maintenance and oeration o& &acilities &or the
dia!nosis, treatment and care o& indi,iduals su&&erin!
&rom illness, disease, in3ur/, or de&ormit/, or in need o&
obstetrical or other medical and nursin! care. Either
term shall also be construed as an/ institution,
buildin!, or lace where there are installed beds, or
cribs, or bassinets &or twent/-&our (4A) hours use or
lon!er b/ atients in the treatment o& disease, in3uries,
de&ormities, or abnormal h/sical and mental states,
maternit/ cases or sanitorial care; or in&irmaries,
nurseries, disensaries, and such other similar names
b/ which the/ ma/ be desi!nated.
SECT'+8 =. 5etermination o& bed caacit/ and
oulation. O (a) Kor uroses o& determinin! the
alicabilit/ o& this (ule, the actual bed caacit/ o&
the hosital or clinic at the time o& such determination
shall be considered, re!ardless o& the actual or bed
occuanc/. The bed caacit/ o& hosital or clinic as
determined b/ the Bureau o& Dedical Ser,ices
ursuant to (eublic Act 8o. A44B, otherwise 1nown
as the *osital Licensure Act, shall rima &acie be
considered as the actual bed caacit/ o& such hosital
or clinic.
(b) The size o& the oulation o& the cit/ or
municialit/ shall be determined &rom the latest o&&icial
census issued b/ the Bureau o& the Census and
SECT'+8 A. Personnel co,ered b/ this (ule. O This
(ule alies to all ersons emlo/ed b/ an/ ri,ate
or ublic hosital or clinic mentioned in Section "
hereo&, and shall include, but not limited to, resident
h/sicians, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians,
harmacists, social wor1ers, laborator/ technicians
aramedical technicians, s/cholo!ists, midwi,es,
and attendants.
SECT'+8 @. (e!ular wor1in! hours. O The re!ular
wor1in! hours o& an/ erson co,ered b/ this (ule
shall not be more than ei!ht ($) hours in an/ one da/
nor more than &ort/ (A:) hours in an/ one wee1.
Kor uroses o& this (ule a Tda/T shall mean a wor1
da/ o& twent/-&our (4A) consecuti,e hours be!innin!
at the same time each calendar /ear. A Twee1T shall
mean the wor1 o& "B$ consecuti,e hours, or se,en
consecuti,e 4A-hour wor1 da/s, be!innin! at the
same hour and on the same calendar da/ each
calendar wee1.
SECT'+8 B. (e!ular wor1in! da/s. O The re!ular
wor1in! da/s o& co,ered emlo/ees shall not be more
than &i,e da/s in a wor1 wee1. The wor1 wee1 ma/
be!in at an/ hour and on an/ da/, includin! Saturda/
or Sunda/, desi!nated b/ the emlo/er.
Emlo/ers are not recluded &rom chan!in! the time
at which the wor1 da/ or wor1 wee1 be!ins, ro,ided
that the chan!e is not intended to e,ade the
re>uirements o& this (ule.
SECT'+8 %. +,ertime wor1. O 2here the e0i!encies
o& the ser,ice so re>uire as determined b/ the
emlo/er, an/ emlo/ee co,ered b/ this (ule ma/ be
scheduled to wor1 &or more than &i,e (@) da/s or &ort/
(A:) hours a wee1, ro,ided that the emlo/ee is aid
&or the o,ertime wor1 an additional comensation
e>ui,alent to his re!ular wa!e lus at least thirt/
ercent (=:P) thereo&, sub3ect to the ro,isions o& this
Boo1 on the a/ment o& additional comensation &or
wor1 er&ormed on secial and re!ular holida/s and
on rest da/s.
SECT'+8 $. *ours wor1ed. O 'n determinin! the
comensable hours o& wor1 o& hosital and clinic
ersonnel co,ered b/ this (ule, the ertinent
ro,isions o& (ule " o& this Boo1 shall al/.
SECT'+8 #. Additional comensation. O *osital
and clinic ersonnel co,ered b/ this (ule, with the
e0cetion o& those emlo/ed b/ the .o,ernment,
shall be entitled to an additional comensation &or
wor1 er&ormed on re!ular and secial holida/s and
rest da/s as ro,ided in this Boo1. Such emlo/ees
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B$
shall also be entitled to o,ertime a/ &or ser,ices
rendered in e0cess o& &ort/ hours a wee1, or in e0cess
o& ei!ht hours a da/, whiche,er will /ield the hi!her
additional comensation to the emlo/ee in the wor1
SECT'+8 ":. (elation to (ule '. O All ro,isions o&
(ule ' o& this Boo1 which are not inconsistent with this
(ule shall be deemed alicable to hosital and clinic
(LLE ''
8i!ht Shi&t 5i&&erential
SECT'+8 ". Co,era!e. O This (ule shall al/ to all
emlo/ees e0cet7
(a) Those o& the !o,ernment and an/ o& its olitical
subdi,isions, includin! !o,ernment-owned andCor
controlled cororations;
(b) Those o& retail and ser,ice establishments
re!ularl/ emlo/in! not more than &i,e (@) wor1ers;
(c) 5omestic helers and ersons in the ersonal
ser,ice o& another;
(d) Dana!erial emlo/ees as de&ined in Boo1 Three
o& this Code;
(e) Kield ersonnel and other emlo/ees whose time
and er&ormance is unsuer,ised b/ the emlo/er
includin! those who are en!a!ed on tas1 or contract
basis, urel/ commission basis, or those who are aid
a &i0ed amount &or er&ormin! wor1 irresecti,e o& the
time consumed in the er&ormance thereo&.
SECT'+8 4. 8i!ht shi&t di&&erential. O An emlo/ee
shall be aid ni!ht shi&t di&&erential o& no less than ten
er cent (":P) o& his re!ular wa!e &or each hour o&
wor1 er&ormed between ten oScloc1 in the e,enin!
and si0 oScloc1 in the mornin!.
SECT'+8 =. Additional comensation. O 2here an
emlo/ee is ermitted or su&&ered to wor1 on the
eriod co,ered a&ter his wor1 schedule, he shall be
entitled to his re!ular wa!e lus at least twent/-&i,e
er cent (4@P) and an additional amount o& no less
than ten er cent (":P) o& such o,ertime rate &or each
hour or wor1 er&ormed between ": .m. to B a.m.
SECT'+8 A. Additional comensation on scheduled
rest da/Csecial holida/. O An emlo/ee who is
re>uired or ermitted to wor1 on the eriod co,ered
durin! rest da/s andCor secial holida/s not &allin! on
re!ular holida/s, shall be aid a comensation
e>ui,alent to his re!ular wa!e lus at least thirt/
(=:P) er cent and an additional amount o& not less
than ten (":P) er cent o& such remium a/ rate &or
each hour o& wor1 er&ormed.
SECT'+8 @. Additional comensation on re!ular
holida/s. O Kor wor1 on the eriod co,ered durin!
re!ular holida/s, an emlo/ee shall be entitled to his
re!ular wa!e durin! these da/s lus an additional
comensation o& no less than ten (":P) er cent o&
such remium rate &or each hour o& wor1 er&ormed.
SECT'+8 B. (elation to a!reements. O 8othin! in
this (ule shall 3usti&/ an emlo/er in withdrawin! or
reducin! an/ bene&its, sulements or a/ments as
ro,ided in e0istin! indi,idual or collecti,e
a!reements or emlo/er ractice or olic/.
". *ours o& 2or1
a. (e!ulation; (ationale
Danila Terminal Co. 'nc. ,. C'(, #"
Phil. B4@ ("#@4)
b. Co,era!eCE0emtions, Art. $4, 4%B; (ule l,
Sec.s "-A
(See Abo,e)
") .o,ernment Emlo/ees, Const., Art. '<-B, Sec.
A(T'CLE '< ? B. T*E C'9'L SE(9'CE
Sec$on &. A1B The ci,il ser,ice embraces all
branches, subdi,isions, instrumentalities, and
a!encies o& the .o,ernment, includin! !o,ernment-
owned or controlled cororations with ori!inal
4) Dana!erial Emlo/ees, Art. $4; (ule ', Sec. 4 (b)
(b) Dana!erial emlo/ees, i& the/ meet all o& the
&ollowin! conditions7
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e B#
(") Their rimar/ dut/ consists o& the mana!ement o&
the establishment in which the/ are emlo/ed or o& a
deartment or sub-di,ision thereo&.
(4) The/ customaril/ and re!ularl/ direct the wor1 o&
two or more emlo/ees therein.
(=) The/ ha,e the authorit/ to hire or &ire emlo/ees
o& lower ran1; or their su!!estions and
recommendations as to hirin! and &irin! and as to the
romotion or an/ other chan!e o& status o& other
emlo/ees, are !i,en articular wei!ht.
(c) +&&icers or members o& a mana!erial sta&& i& the/
er&orm the &ollowin! duties and resonsibilities7
(") The rimar/ dut/ consists o& the er&ormance o&
wor1 directl/ related to mana!ement olicies o& their
(4) Customaril/ and re!ularl/ e0ercise discretion and
indeendent 3ud!ment; and
(=) (i) (e!ularl/ and directl/ assist a rorietor or a
mana!erial emlo/ee whose rimar/ dut/ consists o&
the mana!ement o& the establishment in which he is
emlo/ed or subdi,ision thereo&; or (ii) e0ecute under
!eneral suer,ision wor1 alon! secialized or
technical lines re>uirin! secial trainin!, e0erience,
or 1nowled!e; or (iii) e0ecute, under !eneral
suer,ision, secial assi!nments and tas1s; and
(A) 2ho do not de,ote more than 4: ercent o& their
hours wor1ed in a wor1 wee1 to acti,ities which are
not directl/ and closel/ related to the er&ormance o&
the wor1 described in ara!rahs ("), (4) and (=)
Asia Paci&ic Christenin!, 'nc. ,. Karolan, =#= SC(A A@A
Charlito PeWranda ,. Ba!an!a Pl/wood Cor., et al., ..(.
"@#@%%, Da/ =, 4::B
=) Kield Personnel, Art. $4; (ule ', Sec. 4 (&)
Derdicar Kishin! Cor ,. 8L(C,
4#% SC(A AA: ("##$)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %:
Auto Bus Transort S/stems, 'nc.
,. Bautista, A@$ SC(A @%$ (4::@)
A) 5eendent Kamil/ Dembers
@) 5omestic *elers, Art. "A", "A@; (ule ', Sec. 4 (d)
Chater '''
A(T. "A". Coverage. - This Chater shall al/ to all
ersons renderin! ser,ices in households &or comensation.
"Domestic or household service" shall mean ser,ice in the
emlo/erGs home which is usuall/ necessar/ or desirable &or
the maintenance and en3o/ment thereo& and includes
ministerin! to the ersonal com&ort and con,enience o& the
members o& the emlo/erGs household, includin! ser,ices o&
&amil/ dri,ers.
A(T. "A@. ssignment to non+household $or.. - 8o
househeler shall be assi!ned to wor1 in a commercial,
industrial or a!ricultural enterrise at a wa!e or salar/ rate
lower than that ro,ided &or a!ricultural or non-a!ricultural
wor1ers as rescribed herein.
(d) 5omestic ser,ants and ersons in the ersonal
ser,ice o& another i& the/ er&orm such ser,ices in the
emlo/erSs home which are usuall/ necessar/ or
desirable &or the maintenance and en3o/ment thereo&,
or minister to the ersonal com&ort, con,enience, or
sa&et/ o& the emlo/er as well as the members o& his
emlo/erSs household.
B) Persons in the Personal Ser,ice o& Another, (ule ', Sec. 4
(d) 5omestic ser,ants and ersons in the ersonal
ser,ice o& another i& the/ er&orm such ser,ices in the
emlo/erSs home which are usuall/ necessar/ or
desirable &or the maintenance and en3o/ment thereo&,
or minister to the ersonal com&ort, con,enience, or
sa&et/ o& the emlo/er as well as the members o& his
emlo/erSs household.
%) Piece 2or1ers, (ule ', Sec. 4 (e)
(e) 2or1ers who are aid b/ results, includin! those
who are aid on iece-wor1, Tta1a/,T Ta1iaoT or tas1
basis, and other non-time wor1 i& their outut rates are
in accordance with the standards rescribed under
Section $, (ule 9'', Boo1 Three o& these re!ulations,
or where such rates ha,e been &i0ed b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment in accordance with the
a&oresaid Section.
Labor Con!ress ,. 8L(C, 4#:
SC(A @:# ("##$)
c. 8ormal *ours o& 2or1, Art. $=
A(T. $=. Normal hours of $or.. - The normal hours o& wor1
o& an/ emlo/ee shall not e0ceed ei!ht ($) hours a da/.
*ealth ersonnel in cities and municialities with a
oulation o& at least one million (",:::,:::) or in hositals
and clinics with a bed caacit/ o& at least one hundred ("::)
shall hold re!ular o&&ice hours &or ei!ht ($) hours a da/, &or
&i,e (@) da/s a wee1, e0clusi,e o& time &or meals, e0cet
where the e0i!encies o& the ser,ice re>uire that such
ersonnel wor1 &or si0 (B) da/s or &ort/-ei!ht (A$) hours, in
which case, the/ shall be entitled to an additional
comensation o& at least thirt/ ercent (=:P) o& their re!ular
wa!e &or wor1 on the si0th da/. Kor uroses o& this Article,
"health personnel" shall include resident h/sicians, nurses,
nutritionists, dietitians, harmacists, social wor1ers,
laborator/ technicians, aramedical technicians,
s/cholo!ists, midwi,es, attendants and all other hosital or
clinic ersonnel.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %"
d. Comensable *ours o& 2or1 ? 'n !eneral
") +n 5ut/, Art. $A (a); (ule ', Sec. = (a), Sec. A (a)
A(T. $A. 6ours $or.ed. - *ours wor1ed shall include (a) all
time durin! which an emlo/ee is re>uired to be on dut/ or
to be at a rescribed wor1lace; and (b) all time durin! which
an emlo/ee is su&&ered or ermitted to wor1.
(est eriods o& short duration durin! wor1in! hours shall be
counted as hours wor1ed.
SECT'+8 =. *ours wor1ed. O The &ollowin! shall be
considered as comensable hours wor1ed7
(a) All time durin! which an emlo/ee is re>uired to
be on dut/ or to be at the emlo/erSs remises or to
be at a rescribed wor1 lace; and
SECT'+8 A. Princiles in determinin! hours wor1ed.
O The &ollowin! !eneral rinciles shall !o,ern in
determinin! whether the time sent b/ an emlo/ee is
considered hours wor1ed &or uroses o& this (ule7
(a) All hours are hours wor1ed which the emlo/ee is
re>uired to !i,e his emlo/er, re!ardless o& whether
or not such hours are sent in roducti,e labor or
in,ol,e h/sical or mental e0ertion.
=) At 2or1, Art. $A (b); (ule ', Sec. = (b)
A(T. $A. 6ours $or.ed. - *ours wor1ed shall include (a) all
time durin! which an emlo/ee is re>uired to be on dut/ or
to be at a rescribed wor1lace; and (b) all time durin! which
an emlo/ee is su&&ered or ermitted to wor1.
Sec. =(b) All time durin! which an emlo/ee is
su&&ered or ermitted to wor1.
e. Seci&ic (ules
") (est Period
a) Short 5uration or HCo&&ee Brea1N, Art. $A, 4
ar.; Boo1 ''',
(ule ', Sec. %, 4
(est eriods o& short duration durin! wor1in! hours shall be
counted as hours wor1ed.
SECT'+8 %. Deal and (est Periods. O E,er/ emlo/er
shall !i,e his emlo/ees, re!ardless o& se0, not less than
one (") hour time-o&& &or re!ular meals, e0cet in the
&ollowin! cases when a meal eriod o& not less than twent/
(4:) minutes ma/ be !i,en b/ the emlo/er ro,ided that
such shorter meal eriod is credited as comensable hours
wor1ed o& the emlo/ee7
(est eriods or co&&ee brea1s runnin! &rom &i,e (@) to twent/
(4:) minutes shall be considered as comensable wor1in!
b) Dore than 4: min., (ules ', Sec. A (b)
SECT'+8 A. Princiles in determinin! hours wor1ed. O
The &ollowin! !eneral rinciles shall !o,ern in determinin!
whether the time sent b/ an emlo/ee is considered hours
wor1ed &or uroses o& this (ule7
(b) An emlo/ee need not lea,e the remises o& the
wor1 lace in order that his rest eriod shall not be counted,
it bein! enou!h that he stos wor1in!, ma/ rest comletel/
and ma/ lea,e his wor1 lace, to !o elsewhere, whether
within or outside the remises o& his wor1 lace.
4) Deal Period
a) (e!ular Deal Period (+ne *our), Art. $@; (ule ', Sec. %, "
A(T. $@. (eal periods. - Sub3ect to such re!ulations as the
Secretar/ o& Labor ma/ rescribe, it shall be the dut/ o&
e,er/ emlo/er to !i,e his emlo/ees not less than si0t/
(B:) minutes time-o&& &or their re!ular meals.
SECT'+8 %. Deal and (est Periods. O E,er/ emlo/er
shall !i,e his emlo/ees, re!ardless o& se0, not less than
one (") hour time-o&& &or re!ular meals, e0cet in the
&ollowin! cases when a meal eriod o& not less than twent/
(4:) minutes ma/ be !i,en b/ the emlo/er ro,ided that
such shorter meal eriod is credited as comensable hours
wor1ed o& the emlo/ee7
Philiine Airlines, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, =:4 SC(A @$4 ("###)
b) Shorter Deal Period (Less than +ne *our, but 8ot Less
than 4: min.), (ule ', Sec. %, "
(See Abo,e)
A) 2aitin! Time, (ule ', Sec. @ (a)
SECT'+8 @. 2aitin! time. O (a) 2aitin! time sent b/ an
emlo/ee shall be considered as wor1in! time i& waitin! is
an inte!ral art o& his wor1 or the emlo/ee is re>uired or
en!a!ed b/ the emlo/er to wait.
Arica ,. 8L(C, "%: SC(A
%%B ("#$#)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %4
A) +n Call, (ule ', Sec. @ (b)
b) An emlo/ee who is re>uired to remain on call in the
emlo/erSs remises or so close thereto that he cannot use
the time e&&ecti,el/ and !ain&ull/ &or his own urose shall be
considered as wor1in! while on call. An emlo/ee who is not
re>uired to lea,e word at his home or with coman/ o&&icials
where he ma/ be reached is not wor1in! while on call.
@) 'nacti,e due to 2or1 'nterrutions, Boo1 ''', (ule ', Sec.
A (d)
SECT'+8 A. Princiles in determinin! hours wor1ed. O The
&ollowin! !eneral rinciles shall !o,ern in determinin!
whether the time sent b/ an emlo/ee is considered hours
wor1ed &or uroses o& this (ule7
(d) The time durin! which an emlo/ee is inacti,e b/ reason
o& interrutions in his wor1 be/ond his control shall be
considered wor1in! time either i& the imminence o& the
resumtion o& wor1 re>uires the emlo/eeSs resence at the
lace o& wor1 or i& the inter,al is too brie& to be utilized
e&&ecti,el/ and !ain&ull/ in the emlo/eeSs own interest.
Lni,ersit/ o& Pan!asinan
Kacult/ Lnion ,. Lni,ersit/ o& Pan!asinan, "4% SC(A B#"
B) 2or1 a&ter 8ormal *ours, (ule ', Sec. A (c)
(c) '& the wor1 er&ormed was necessar/, or it bene&ited the
emlo/er, or the emlo/ee could not abandon his wor1 at
the end o& his normal wor1in! hours because he had no
relacement, all time sent &or such wor1 shall be
considered as hours wor1ed, i& the wor1 was with the
1nowled!e o& his emlo/er or immediate suer,isor.
%) Lectures, Deetin!s, Trainin! Pro!rams, (ule ', Sec. B
SECT'+8 B. Lectures, meetin!s, trainin! ro!rams. O
Attendance at lectures, meetin!s, trainin! ro!rams, and
other similar acti,ities shall not be counted as wor1in! time i&
all o& the &ollowin! conditions are met7
(a) Attendance is outside o& the emlo/eeSs re!ular wor1in!
(b) Attendance is in &act ,oluntar/; and
(c) The emlo/ee does not er&orm an/ roducti,e wor1
durin! such attendance.
$) Tra,el Time
(ada ,. 8L(C, 4:@ SC(A B#
&. +,ertime 2or1 Pa/, Arts. $%-#:; (ule ', Secs. $-""
A(T. $%. 'vertime $or.. - 2or1 ma/ be er&ormed
be/ond ei!ht ($) hours a da/ ro,ided that the emlo/ee
is aid &or the o,ertime wor1, an additional comensation
e>ui,alent to his re!ular wa!e lus at least twent/-&i,e
ercent (4@P) thereo&. 2or1 er&ormed be/ond ei!ht
hours on a holida/ or rest da/ shall be aid an additional
comensation e>ui,alent to the rate o& the &irst ei!ht hours
on a holida/ or rest da/ lus at least thirt/ ercent (=:P)
A(T. $$. 4ndertime not offset by overtime. - Lndertime
wor1 on an/ articular da/ shall not be o&&set b/ o,ertime
wor1 on an/ other da/. Permission !i,en to the emlo/ee
to !o on lea,e on some other da/ o& the wee1 shall not
e0emt the emlo/er &rom a/in! the additional
comensation re>uired in this Chater.
A(T. $#. *mergency overtime $or.. - An/ emlo/ee ma/
be re>uired b/ the emlo/er to er&orm o,ertime wor1 in
an/ o& the &ollowin! cases7chan robles ,irtual law librar/
(a) 2hen the countr/ is at war or when an/ other national
or local emer!enc/ has been declared b/ the 8ational
Assembl/ or the Chie& E0ecuti,e;
(b) 2hen it is necessar/ to re,ent loss o& li&e or roert/
or in case o& imminent dan!er to ublic sa&et/ due to an
actual or imendin! emer!enc/ in the localit/ caused b/
serious accidents, &ire, &lood, t/hoon, earth>ua1e,
eidemic, or other disaster or calamit/;
(c) 2hen there is ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on
machines, installations, or e>uiment, in order to a,oid
serious loss or dama!e to the emlo/er or some other
cause o& similar nature;
(d) 2hen the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent loss or dama!e
to erishable !oods; and
(e) 2here the comletion or continuation o& the wor1
started be&ore the ei!hth hour is necessar/ to re,ent
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %=
serious obstruction or re3udice to the business or
oerations o& the emlo/er.
An/ emlo/ee re>uired to render o,ertime wor1 under this
Article shall be aid the additional comensation re>uired
in this Chater.
A(T. #:. Computation of additional compensation. - Kor
uroses o& comutin! o,ertime and other additional
remuneration as re>uired b/ this Chater, the "regular
$age" o& an emlo/ee shall include the cash wa!e onl/,
without deduction on account o& &acilities ro,ided b/ the
(LLE '
SECT'+8 $. +,ertime a/. O An/ emlo/ee co,ered b/ this
(ule who is ermitted or re>uired to wor1 be/ond ei!ht ($)
hours on ordinar/ wor1in! da/s shall be aid an additional
comensation &or the o,ertime wor1 in the amount
e>ui,alent to his re!ular wa!e lus at least twent/-&i,e
ercent (4@P) thereo&.
SECT'+8 #. Premium and o,ertime a/ &or holida/ and rest
da/ wor1. O (a) E0cet emlo/ees re&erred to under Section
4 o& this (ule, an emlo/ee who is ermitted or su&&ered to
wor1 on secial holida/s or on his desi!nated rest da/s not
&allin! on re!ular holida/s, shall be aid with an additional
comensation as remium a/ o& not less than thirt/ ercent
(=:P) o& his re!ular wa!e. Kor wor1 er&ormed in e0cess o&
ei!ht ($) hours on secial holida/s and rest da/s not &allin!
on re!ular holida/s, an emlo/ee shall be aid an additional
comensation &or the o,ertime wor1 e>ui,alent to his rate &or
the &irst ei!ht hours on a secial holida/ or rest da/ lus at
least thirt/ ercent (=:P) thereo&.
(b) Emlo/ees o& ublic utilit/ enterrises as well as those
emlo/ed in non-ro&it institutions and or!anizations shall be
entitled to the remium and o,ertime a/ ro,ided herein,
unless the/ are seci&icall/ e0cluded &rom the co,era!e o&
this (ule as ro,ided in Section 4 hereo&.
(c) The a/ment o& additional comensation &or wor1
er&ormed on re!ular holida/s shall be !o,erned b/ (ule '9,
Boo1 Three, o& these (ules.
SECT'+8 ":. Comulsor/ o,ertime wor1. O 'n an/ o& the
&ollowin! cases, an emlo/er ma/ re>uire an/ o& his
emlo/ees to wor1 be/ond ei!ht ($) hours a da/, ro,ided
that the emlo/ee re>uired to render o,ertime wor1 is aid
the additional comensation re>uired b/ these re!ulations7
(a) 2hen the countr/ is at war or when an/ other national or
local emer!enc/ has been declared b/ Con!ress or the
Chie& E0ecuti,e;
(b) 2hen o,ertime wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent loss o& li&e
or roert/, or in case o& imminent dan!er to ublic sa&et/
due to actual or imendin! emer!enc/ in the localit/ caused
b/ serious accident, &ire, &loods, t/hoons, earth>ua1e,
eidemic or other disaster or calamities;
(c) 2hen there is ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on machines,
installations, or e>uiment, in order to a,oid serious loss or
dama!e to the emlo/er or some other causes o& similar
(d) 2hen the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent loss or dama!e to
erishable !oods;
(e) 2hen the comletion or continuation o& wor1 started
be&ore the $th hour is necessar/ to re,ent serious
obstruction or re3udice to the business or oerations o& the
emlo/er; or
(&) 2hen o,ertime wor1 is necessar/ to a,ail o& &a,orable
weather or en,ironmental conditions where er&ormance or
>ualit/ o& wor1 is deendent thereon.
'n cases not &allin! within an/ o& these enumerated in this
Section, no emlo/ee ma/ be made to wor1 be/ond ei!ht
hours a da/ a!ainst his will.
") +,ertime in +rdinar/ 2or1in! 5a/, Art. $%; (ule ',
Sec. $
4) Emer!enc/ or Comulsor/ +,ertime 2or1, Art. $#
=) Lndertime 2or1CLea,e, Art. $$
A) Additional Comensation, Art. $%
@) 8o Comutation Kormula Basic Contract
Danila Terminal Co., 'nc. ,.
C'(, supra
B) Proo& o& 2or1CEmlo/er +bli!ation
Social Securit/ S/stem ,.
Court o& Aeals, =A$ SC(A " (4:::)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %A
!. 8i!htwor1, Art. $B; (ule '', Secs. "-B
A(T. $B. Night shift differential. - E,er/ emlo/ee shall be
aid a ni!ht shi&t di&&erential o& not less than ten ercent
(":P) o& his re!ular wa!e &or each hour o& wor1 er&ormed
between ten oGcloc1 in the e,enin! and si0 oGcloc1 in the
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O This (ule
shall al/ to all emlo/ers whether oeratin! &or ro&it or
not, includin! ublic utilities oerated b/ ri,ate ersons.
SECT'+8 4. Business on Sunda/sC*olida/s. O All
establishments and enterrises ma/ oerate or oen &or
business on Sunda/s and holida/s ro,ided that the
emlo/ees are !i,en the wee1l/ rest da/ and the bene&its as
ro,ided in this (ule.
SECT'+8 =. 2ee1l/ rest da/. O E,er/ emlo/er shall !i,e
his emlo/ees a rest eriod o& not less than twent/-&our (4A)
consecuti,e hours a&ter e,er/ si0 consecuti,e normal wor1
SECT'+8 A. Pre&erence o& emlo/ee. O The re&erence o&
the emlo/ee as to his wee1l/ da/ o& rest shall be resected
b/ the emlo/er i& the same is based on reli!ious !rounds.
The emlo/ee shall ma1e 1nown his re&erence to the
emlo/er in writin! at least se,en (%) da/s be&ore the
desired e&&ecti,it/ o& the initial rest da/ so re&erred.
2here, howe,er, the choice o& the emlo/ee as to his rest
da/ based on reli!ious !rounds will ine,itabl/ result in
serious re3udice or obstruction to the oerations o& the
underta1in! and the emlo/er cannot normall/ be e0ected
to resort to other remedial measures, the emlo/er ma/ so
schedule the wee1l/ rest da/ o& his choice &or at least two (4)
da/s in a month.
SECT'+8 @. Schedule o& rest da/. O (a) 2here the wee1l/
rest is !i,en to all emlo/ees simultaneousl/, the emlo/er
shall ma1e 1nown such rest eriod b/ means o& a written
notice osted consicuousl/ in the wor1 lace at least one
wee1 be&ore it becomes e&&ecti,e.
(b) 2here the rest eriod is not !ranted to all emlo/ees
simultaneousl/ and collecti,el/, the emlo/er shall ma1e
1nown to the emlo/ees their resecti,e schedules o&
wee1l/ rest throu!h written notices osted consicuousl/ in
the wor1 lace at least one wee1 be&ore the/ become
SECT'+8 B. 2hen wor1 on rest da/ authorized. O An
emlo/er ma/ re>uire an/ o& his emlo/ees to wor1 on his
scheduled rest da/ &or the duration o& the &ollowin!
emer!encies and e0cetional conditions7
(a) 'n case o& actual or imendin! emer!encies caused b/
serious accident, &ire, &lood, t/hoon, earth>ua1e, eidemic
or other disaster or calamit/, to re,ent loss o& li&e or
roert/, or in cases o& &orce ma3eure or imminent dan!er to
ublic sa&et/;
(b) 'n case o& ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on machineries,
e>uiment or installations to a,oid serious loss which the
emlo/er would otherwise su&&er;
(c) 'n the e,ent o& abnormal ressure o& wor1 due to secial
circumstances, where the emlo/er cannot ordinaril/ be
e0ected to resort to other measures;
(d) To re,ent serious loss o& erishable !oods;
(e) 2here the nature o& the wor1 is such that the emlo/ees
ha,e to wor1 continuousl/ &or se,en (%) da/s in a wee1 or
more, as in the case o& the crew members o& a ,essel to
comlete a ,o/a!e and in other similar cases; and
(&) 2hen the wor1 is necessar/ to a,ail o& &a,orable weather
or en,ironmental conditions where er&ormance or >ualit/ o&
wor1 is deendent thereon.
8o emlo/ee shall be re>uired a!ainst his will to wor1 on his
scheduled rest da/ e0cet under circumstances ro,ided in
this Section7 Pro,ided, *owe,er, that where an emlo/ee
,olunteers to wor1 on his rest da/ under other
circumstances, he shall e0ress such desire in writin!,
sub3ect to the ro,isions o& Section % hereo& re!ardin!
additional comensation.
") Co,era!eCE0clusion,
(ule '', Sec. "
4) Additional
Comensation, Art. $B
Shell +il Co. o& the
Philiines, Ltd. ,. 8ational Labor Lnion, $" Phil. ="@ ("#A$)
4. 2ee1l/ rest Periods
(e&erence7 Arts. #"-#=; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''',
(ule ''', Secs. "-#
Chater ''
A(T. #". Right to $ rest day. - (a) 't shall be the dut/ o&
e,er/ emlo/er, whether oeratin! &or ro&it or not, to
ro,ide each o& his emlo/ees a rest eriod o& not less than
twent/-&our (4A) consecuti,e hours a&ter e,er/ si0 (B)
consecuti,e normal wor1 da/s.
(b) The emlo/er shall determine and schedule the wee1l/
rest da/ o& his emlo/ees sub3ect to collecti,e bar!ainin!
a!reement and to such rules and re!ulations as the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ ro,ide. *owe,er,
the emlo/er shall resect the re&erence o& emlo/ees as
to their wee1l/ rest da/ when such re&erence is based on
reli!ious !rounds.
A(T. #4. &hen employer may re1uire $or. on a rest day. -
The emlo/er ma/ re>uire his emlo/ees to wor1 on an/
(a) 'n case o& actual or imendin! emer!encies caused b/
serious accident, &ire, &lood, t/hoon, earth>ua1e, eidemic
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %@
or other disaster or calamit/ to re,ent loss o& li&e and
roert/, or imminent dan!er to ublic sa&et/;
(b) 'n cases o& ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on the
machiner/, e>uiment, or installation, to a,oid serious loss
which the emlo/er would otherwise su&&er;
(c) 'n the e,ent o& abnormal ressure o& wor1 due to secial
circumstances, where the emlo/er cannot ordinaril/ be
e0ected to resort to other measures;
(d) To re,ent loss or dama!e to erishable !oods;
(e) 2here the nature o& the wor1 re>uires continuous
oerations and the stoa!e o& wor1 ma/ result in
irrearable in3ur/ or loss to the emlo/er; and
(&) Lnder other circumstances analo!ous or similar to the
&ore!oin! as determined b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
A(T. #=. Compensation for rest day% ,unday or holiday
$or.. - (a) 2here an emlo/ee is made or ermitted to wor1
on his scheduled rest da/, he shall be aid an additional
comensation o& at least thirt/ ercent (=:P) o& his re!ular
wa!e. An emlo/ee shall be entitled to such additional
comensation &or wor1 er&ormed on Sunda/ onl/ when it is
his established rest da/.chan robles ,irtual law librar/
(b) 2hen the nature o& the wor1 o& the emlo/ee is such that
he has no re!ular wor1da/s and no re!ular rest da/s can be
scheduled, he shall be aid an additional comensation o& at
least thirt/ ercent (=:P) o& his re!ular wa!e &or wor1
er&ormed on Sunda/s and holida/s.
(c) 2or1 er&ormed on an/ secial holida/ shall be aid an
additional comensation o& at least thirt/ ercent (=:P) o&
the re!ular wa!e o& the emlo/ee. 2here such holida/ wor1
&alls on the emlo/eeGs scheduled rest da/, he shall be
entitled to an additional comensation o& at least &i&t/ er
cent (@:P) o& his re!ular wa!e.
(d) 2here the collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement or other
alicable emlo/ment contract stiulates the a/ment o& a
hi!her remium a/ than that rescribed under this Article,
the emlo/er shall a/ such hi!her rate.
2ee1l/ (est Periods
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O This (ule
shall al/ to all emlo/ers whether oeratin! &or ro&it or
not, includin! ublic utilities oerated b/ ri,ate ersons.
SECT'+8 4. Business on Sunda/sC*olida/s. O All
establishments and enterrises ma/ oerate or oen &or
business on Sunda/s and holida/s ro,ided that the
emlo/ees are !i,en the wee1l/ rest da/ and the bene&its as
ro,ided in this (ule.
SECT'+8 =. 2ee1l/ rest da/. O E,er/ emlo/er shall !i,e
his emlo/ees a rest eriod o& not less than twent/-&our (4A)
consecuti,e hours a&ter e,er/ si0 consecuti,e normal wor1
SECT'+8 A. Pre&erence o& emlo/ee. O The re&erence o&
the emlo/ee as to his wee1l/ da/ o& rest shall be resected
b/ the emlo/er i& the same is based on reli!ious !rounds.
The emlo/ee shall ma1e 1nown his re&erence to the
emlo/er in writin! at least se,en (%) da/s be&ore the
desired e&&ecti,it/ o& the initial rest da/ so re&erred.
2here, howe,er, the choice o& the emlo/ee as to his rest
da/ based on reli!ious !rounds will ine,itabl/ result in
serious re3udice or obstruction to the oerations o& the
underta1in! and the emlo/er cannot normall/ be e0ected
to resort to other remedial measures, the emlo/er ma/ so
schedule the wee1l/ rest da/ o& his choice &or at least two (4)
da/s in a month.
SECT'+8 @. Schedule o& rest da/. O (a) 2here the wee1l/
rest is !i,en to all emlo/ees simultaneousl/, the emlo/er
shall ma1e 1nown such rest eriod b/ means o& a written
notice osted consicuousl/ in the wor1 lace at least one
wee1 be&ore it becomes e&&ecti,e.
(b) 2here the rest eriod is not !ranted to all emlo/ees
simultaneousl/ and collecti,el/, the emlo/er shall ma1e
1nown to the emlo/ees their resecti,e schedules o&
wee1l/ rest throu!h written notices osted consicuousl/ in
the wor1 lace at least one wee1 be&ore the/ become
SECT'+8 B. 2hen wor1 on rest da/ authorized. O An
emlo/er ma/ re>uire an/ o& his emlo/ees to wor1 on his
scheduled rest da/ &or the duration o& the &ollowin!
emer!encies and e0cetional conditions7
(a) 'n case o& actual or imendin! emer!encies caused b/
serious accident, &ire, &lood, t/hoon, earth>ua1e, eidemic
or other disaster or calamit/, to re,ent loss o& li&e or
roert/, or in cases o& &orce ma3eure or imminent dan!er to
ublic sa&et/;
(b) 'n case o& ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on machineries,
e>uiment or installations to a,oid serious loss which the
emlo/er would otherwise su&&er;
(c) 'n the e,ent o& abnormal ressure o& wor1 due to secial
circumstances, where the emlo/er cannot ordinaril/ be
e0ected to resort to other measures;
(d) To re,ent serious loss o& erishable !oods;
(e) 2here the nature o& the wor1 is such that the emlo/ees
ha,e to wor1 continuousl/ &or se,en (%) da/s in a wee1 or
more, as in the case o& the crew members o& a ,essel to
comlete a ,o/a!e and in other similar cases; and
(&) 2hen the wor1 is necessar/ to a,ail o& &a,orable weather
or en,ironmental conditions where er&ormance or >ualit/ o&
wor1 is deendent thereon.
8o emlo/ee shall be re>uired a!ainst his will to wor1 on his
scheduled rest da/ e0cet under circumstances ro,ided in
this Section7 Pro,ided, *owe,er, that where an emlo/ee
,olunteers to wor1 on his rest da/ under other
circumstances, he shall e0ress such desire in writin!,
sub3ect to the ro,isions o& Section % hereo& re!ardin!
additional comensation.
SECT'+8 %. Comensation on rest da/CSunda/Cholida/. O
(a) E0cet those emlo/ees re&erred to under Section 4,
(ule ', Boo1 Three, an emlo/ee who is made or ermitted
to wor1 on his scheduled rest da/ shall be aid with an
additional comensation o& at least =:P o& his re!ular wa!e.
An emlo/ee shall be entitled to such additional
comensation &or wor1 er&ormed on a Sunda/ onl/ when it
is his established rest da/.
(b) 2here the nature o& the wor1 o& the emlo/ee is such
that he has no re!ular wor1 da/s and no re!ular rest da/s
can be scheduled, he shall be aid an additional
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %B
comensation o& at least =:P o& his re!ular wa!e &or wor1
er&ormed on Sunda/s and holida/s.
(c) 2or1 er&ormed on an/ secial holida/ shall be aid with
an additional comensation o& at least =:P o& the re!ular
wa!e o& the emlo/ees. 2here such holida/ wor1 &alls on
the emlo/eeSs scheduled rest da/, he shall be entitled to
additional comensation o& at least @:P o& his re!ular wa!e.
(d) The a/ment o& additional comensation &or wor1
er&ormed on re!ular holida/ shall be !o,erned b/ (ule '9,
Boo1 Three, o& these re!ulations.
(e) 2here the collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement or other
alicable emlo/ment contract stiulates the a/ment o& a
hi!her remium a/ than that rescribed under this Section,
the emlo/er shall a/ such hi!her rate.
SECT'+8 $. Paid-o&& da/s. O 8othin! in this (ule shall
3usti&/ an emlo/er in reducin! the comensation o& his
emlo/ees &or the unwor1ed Sunda/s, holida/s, or other rest
da/s which are considered aid-o&& da/s or holida/s b/
a!reement or ractice subsistin! uon the e&&ecti,it/ o& the
SECT'+8 #. (elation to a!reements. O 8othin! herein shall
re,ent the emlo/er and his emlo/ees or their
reresentati,es in enterin! into an/ a!reement with terms
more &a,orable to the emlo/ees than those ro,ided herein,
or be used to diminish an/ bene&it !ranted to the emlo/ees
under e0istin! laws, a!reements, and ,oluntar/ emlo/er
a. Co,era!e, Art. $4, #"; (ule ''', Sec. "
A(T. $4. Coverage. - The ro,isions o& this Title shall al/
to emlo/ees in all establishments and underta1in!s
whether &or ro&it or not, but not to !o,ernment emlo/ees,
mana!erial emlo/ees, &ield ersonnel, members o& the
&amil/ o& the emlo/er who are deendent on him &or
suort, domestic helers, ersons in the ersonal ser,ice o&
another, and wor1ers who are aid b/ results as determined
b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor in aroriate re!ulations.
As used herein, "managerial employees" re&er to those
whose rimar/ dut/ consists o& the mana!ement o& the
establishment in which the/ are emlo/ed or o& a
deartment or subdi,ision thereo&, and to other o&&icers or
members o& the mana!erial sta&&.
"2ield personnel" shall re&er to non-a!ricultural emlo/ees
who re!ularl/ er&orm their duties awa/ &rom the rincial
lace o& business or branch o&&ice o& the emlo/er and
whose actual hours o& wor1 in the &ield cannot be determined
with reasonable certaint/.
b. 5etermination; comulsor/ 2or1;
Comensation, Arts. #", #4
Danila Electric Co. ,. Public
Ltilities Emlo/ees Assn, %# Phil. A:#
c. Premium Pa/, Art. #= #a) (b) (c)
d. CBA on *i!her Premium Pa/, Art. #= (d)
=. *olida/s
(e&erence7 art. #A; E0ecuti,e +rder 4:= ("#$%); +mnibus
(ules, Boo1 ''', (ule '9
Chater '''
*+L'5ARS, SE(9'CE '8CE8T'9E LEA9ES
A85 SE(9'CE C*A(.ES
A(T. #A. Right to holiday pay. - (a) E,er/ wor1er shall be
aid his re!ular dail/ wa!e durin! re!ular holida/s, e0cet in
retail and ser,ice establishments re!ularl/ emlo/in! less
than ten (":) wor1ers;
(b) The emlo/er ma/ re>uire an emlo/ee to wor1 on an/
holida/ but such emlo/ee shall be aid a comensation
e>ui,alent to twice his re!ular rate; and
(c) As used in this Article, "holiday" includes7 8ew RearGs
5a/, Daund/ Thursda/, .ood Krida/, the ninth o& Aril, the
&irst o& Da/, the twel&th o& June, the &ourth o& Jul/, the
thirtieth o& 8o,ember, the twent/-&i&th and thirtieth o&
5ecember and the da/ desi!nated b/ law &or holdin! a
!eneral election.
EXECUTI7E ORDER NO. &%' ()ne '%6 1359
2*E(EAS, a Cabinet Assistance Secretariat
Committee was constituted to re,iew all e0istin!
ublic holida/s;
2*E(EAS, there are too man/ holida/s bein!
obser,ed which has caused con&usion amon! the
8+2, T*E(EK+(E, ', C+(AX+8 C. AML'8+,
President o& the Philiines, do hereb/ order7
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %%
Sec. ". Lnless otherwise modi&ied b/ law, order or
roclamation, the &ollowin! re!ular holida/s and
secial da/s shall be obser,ed in this countr/7
A. (e!ular *olida/s
8ew RearSs 5a/ Januar/
Daund/ Thursda/ Do,able date
.ood Krida/ Do,able date
Araw n! Qa!itin!an
(Bataan and Corre!idor
Aril #
Labor 5a/ Da/ "
'ndeendence 5a/ June "4
8ational *eroes 5a/ Last Sunda/ o&
Boni&acio 5a/ 8o,ember =:
Christmas 5a/ 5ecember 4@
(izal 5a/ 5ecember =:
B. 8ationwide Secial 5a/s
All Saints 5a/ 8o,ember "
Last 5a/ o& the Rear 5ecember ="
Sec. 4. *ence&orth, the terms Tle!al or re!ular
holida/T and Tsecial holida/T, as used in laws,
orders, rules and re!ulations or other issuances shall
now be re&erred to as Tre!ular holida/T and Tsecial
da/T, resecti,el/.
Sec. =. All laws, orders, issuances, rules and
re!ulations or arts thereo& inconsistent with this
E0ecuti,e +rder are hereb/ reealed or modi&ied
Sec. A. This E0ecuti,e +rder shall ta1e e&&ect
5one in the Cit/ o& Danila, this =:th da/ o& June, in
the /ear o& +ur Lord, nineteen hundred and ei!ht/-
(LLE '9
*olida/s with Pa/
SECT'+8 ". Co,era!e. O This rule shall al/ to all
emlo/ees e0cet7
(a) Those o& the !o,ernment and an/ o& the olitical
subdi,ision, includin! !o,ernment-owned and controlled
(b) Those o& retail and ser,ice establishments re!ularl/
emlo/in! less than ten (":) wor1ers;
(c) 5omestic helers and ersons in the ersonal ser,ice o&
(d) Dana!erial emlo/ees as de&ined in Boo1 Three o& the
(e) Kield ersonnel and other emlo/ees whose time and
er&ormance is unsuer,ised b/ the emlo/er includin!
those who are en!a!ed on tas1 or contract basis, urel/
commission basis, or those who are aid a &i0ed amount &or
er&ormin! wor1 irresecti,e o& the time consumed in the
er&ormance thereo&.
SECT'+8 4. Status o& emlo/ees aid b/ the month. O
Emlo/ees who are uni&orml/ aid b/ the month,
irresecti,e o& the number o& wor1in! da/s therein, with a
salar/ o& not less than the statutor/ or established minimum
wa!e shall be aid &or all da/s in the month whether wor1ed
or not.
Kor this urose, the monthl/ minimum wa!e shall not be
less than the statutor/ minimum wa!e multilied b/ =B@ da/s
di,ided b/ twel,e.
SECT'+8 =. *olida/ Pa/. O E,er/ emlo/er shall a/ his
emlo/ees their re!ular dail/ wa!e &or an/ wor1ed re!ular
As used in the rule, the term Sre!ular holida/S shall
e0clusi,el/ re&er to7 8ew RearSs 5a/, Daund/ Thursda/,
.ood Krida/, the ninth o& Aril, the &irst o& Da/, the twel&th o&
June, the last Sunda/ o& Au!ust, the thirtieth o& 8o,ember,
the twent/-&i&th and thirtieth o& 5ecember. 8ationwide secial
da/s shall include the &irst o& 8o,ember and the last da/ o&
As used in this (ule le!al or re!ular holida/ and secial
holida/ shall now be re&erred to as Sre!ular holida/S and
Ssecial da/S, resecti,el/.
SECT'+8 A. Comensation &or holida/ wor1. O An/
emlo/ee who is ermitted or su&&ered to wor1 on an/
re!ular holida/, not e0ceedin! ei!ht ($) hours, shall be aid
at least two hundred ercent (4::P) o& his re!ular dail/
wa!e. '& the holida/ wor1 &alls on the scheduled rest da/ o&
the emlo/ee, he shall be entitled to an additional remium
a/ o& at least =:P o& his re!ular holida/ rate o& 4::P based
on his re!ular wa!e rate.
SECT'+8 @. +,ertime a/ &or holida/ wor1. O Kor wor1
er&ormed in e0cess o& ei!ht hours on a re!ular holida/, an
emlo/ee shall be aid an additional comensation &or the
o,ertime wor1 e>ui,alent to his rate &or the &irst ei!ht hours
on such holida/ wor1 lus at least =:P thereo&.
2here the re!ular holida/ wor1 e0ceedin! ei!ht hours &alls
on the scheduled rest da/ o& the emlo/ee, he shall be aid
an additional comensation &or the o,ertime wor1 e>ui,alent
to his re!ular holida/-rest da/ &or the &irst $ hours lus =:P
thereo&. The re!ular holida/ rest da/ rate o& an emlo/ee
shall consist o& 4::P o& his re!ular dail/ wa!e rate lus =:P
SECT'+8 B. Absences. O (a) All co,ered emlo/ees shall
be entitled to the bene&it ro,ided herein when the/ are on
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %$
lea,e o& absence with a/. Emlo/ees who are on lea,e o&
absence without a/ on the da/ immediatel/ recedin! a
re!ular holida/ ma/ not be aid the re>uired holida/ a/ i&
he has not wor1ed on such re!ular holida/.
(b) Emlo/ees shall !rant the same ercenta!e o& the
holida/ a/ as the bene&it !ranted b/ cometent authorit/ in
the &orm o& emlo/eeSs comensation or social securit/
a/ment, whiche,er is hi!her, i& the/ are not reortin! &or
wor1 while on such bene&its.
(c) 2here the da/ immediatel/ recedin! the holida/ is a
non-wor1in! da/ in the establishment or the scheduled rest
da/ o& the emlo/ee, he shall not be deemed to be on lea,e
o& absence on that da/, in which case he shall be entitled to
the holida/ a/ i& he wor1ed on the da/ immediatel/
recedin! the non-wor1in! da/ or rest da/.
SECT'+8 %. Temorar/ or eriodic shutdown and temorar/
cessation o& wor1. O (a) 'n cases o& temorar/ or eriodic
shutdown and temorar/ cessation o& wor1 o& an
establishment, as when a /earl/ in,entor/ or when the reair
or cleanin! o& machineries and e>uiment is underta1en, the
re!ular holida/s &allin! within the eriod shall be
comensated in accordance with this (ule.
(b) The re!ular holida/ durin! the cessation o& oeration o&
an enterrise due to business re,erses as authorized b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ not be aid b/ the
SECT'+8 $. *olida/ a/ o& certain emlo/ees. O (a)
Pri,ate school teachers, includin! &acult/ members o&
colle!es and uni,ersities, ma/ not be aid &or the re!ular
holida/s durin! semestral ,acations. The/ shall, howe,er, be
aid &or the re!ular holida/s durin! Christmas ,acation;
(b) 2here a co,ered emlo/ee, is aid b/ results or outut,
such as a/ment on iece wor1, his holida/ a/ shall not be
less than his a,era!e dail/ earnin!s &or the last se,en (%)
actual wor1in! da/s recedin! the re!ular holida/; Pro,ided,
*owe,er, that in no case shall the holida/ a/ be less than
the alicable statutor/ minimum wa!e rate.
(c) Seasonal wor1ers ma/ not be aid the re>uired holida/
a/ durin! o&&-season when the/ are not at wor1.
(d) 2or1ers who ha,e no re!ular wor1in! da/s shall be
entitled to the bene&its ro,ided in this (ule.
SECT'+8 #. (e!ular holida/ &allin! on rest da/s or
Sunda/s. O (a) A re!ular holida/ &allin! on the emlo/eeSs
rest da/ shall be comensated accordin!l/.
(b) 2here a re!ular holida/ &alls on a Sunda/, the &ollowin!
da/ shall be considered a secial holida/ &or uroses o& the
Labor Code, unless said da/ is also a re!ular holida/.
SECT'+8 ":. Successi,e re!ular holida/s. O 2here there
are two (4) successi,e re!ular holida/s, li1e *ol/ Thursda/
and .ood Krida/, an emlo/ee ma/ not be aid &or both
holida/s i& he absents himsel& &rom wor1 on the da/
immediatel/ recedin! the &irst holida/, unless he wor1s on
the &irst holida/, in which case he is entitled to his holida/
a/ on the second holida/.
SECT'+8 "". (elation to a!reements. O 8othin! in this
(ule shall 3usti&/ an emlo/er in withdrawin! or reducin! an/
bene&its, sulements or a/ments &or unwor1ed holida/s as
ro,ided in e0istin! indi,idual or collecti,e a!reement or
emlo/er ractice or olic/.
a. 5e&inition
") (etail Establishments, (ule 'ml. (A B%4%, ar. K
&) H(etail EstablishmentN is one rinciall/ en!a!ed in the
sale o& !oods to end-users &or ersonal or household use;
4) Ser,ice Establishment, (ule 'ml. (A B%4%, ar. !
!) HSer,ice EstablishmentN is one rinciall/ en!a!ed in the
sale o& ser,ice to indi,iduals &or their own or household use
and is !enerall/ reco!nized as such;
b. Co,era!eCE0clusions, Art. #A (a)
A(T. #A. Right to holiday pay. - (a) E,er/ wor1er shall be
aid his re!ular dail/ wa!e durin! re!ular holida/s, e0cet in
retail and ser,ice establishments re!ularl/ emlo/in! less
than ten (":) wor1ers;
DantradeCKDDC 5i,ision
Emlo/ees and 2or1ers Lnion ,. Bacun!an, "AA SC(A @":
Cirineo Bowlin! Plaza, 'nc. ,. .err/
Sensin!, et al., AA$ SC(A "%@ (4::@)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e %#
c. *olida/ Pa/, Art. #A (b)
(b) The emlo/er ma/ re>uire an emlo/ee to wor1 on an/
holida/ but such emlo/ee shall be aid a comensation
e>ui,alent to twice his re!ular rate; and
") Kacult/ in Pri,ate School, (ule '9, Sec. $ (a)
SECT'+8 $. *olida/ a/ o& certain emlo/ees. O (a)
Pri,ate school teachers, includin! &acult/ members o&
colle!es and uni,ersities, ma/ not be aid &or the re!ular
holida/s durin! semestral ,acations. The/ shall, howe,er, be
aid &or the re!ular holida/s durin! Christmas ,acation;
B) 5i,isor as Kactor
Trans-Asia Phil. Emlo/ees Association ,.
8L(C, =4: SC(A =A% ("###)
%) Sunda/, Art. #= #a), 4
Sentence; (ule ''', Sec. 4
A(T. #=. Compensation for rest day% ,unday or holiday
$or.. - (a) 2here an emlo/ee is made or ermitted to wor1
on his scheduled rest da/, he shall be aid an additional
comensation o& at least thirt/ ercent (=:P) o& his re!ular
wa!e. An emlo/ee shall be entitled to such additional
comensation &or wor1 er&ormed on Sunda/ onl/ when it is
his established rest da/.
SECT'+8 4. Business on Sunda/sC*olida/s. O All
establishments and enterrises ma/ oerate or oen &or
business on Sunda/s and holida/s ro,ided that the
emlo/ees are !i,en the wee1l/ rest da/ and the bene&its as
ro,ided in this (ule.
2ellin!ton 'n,estment 'nc. ,.
Tra3ano, 4A@ SC(A @B" ("##@)
$) Duslim *olida/, Art. "B#-"%4; P5 ":$= (Keb. "#%%)
Ar$c#e 183. 'fficial (uslim holidays. The &ollowin! are
hereb/ reco!nized as le!al Duslim holida/s7
(a) SAmun Jadid (8ew Rear), which &alls on the &irst
da/ o& the &irst lunar month o& Duharram;
(b) Daulid-un-8abi (Birthda/ o& the Prohet
Duhammad), which &alls on the twel&th da/ o& the
third lunar month o& (abi-ul-Awwal;
(c) Lailatul 'sra 2al DiSra3 (8octurnal Journe/ and
Ascension o& the Prohet Duhammad), which &alls
on the twent/-se,enth da/ o& the se,enth lunar
month o& (a3ab;
(d) S'd-ul-Kitr (*ari (a/a Pausa), which &alls on the
&irst da/ o& the tenth lunar month o& Shawwal,
commemoratin! the end o& the &astin! season;
(e) S'd-ul-Adha (*ari (a3a *a3i), which &alls on the
tenth da/ o& the twel&th lunar month o& 5hu "-*i33a.
Ar$c#e 19%. Provinces and cities $here officially observed.
(") Duslim holida/s shall be o&&iciall/ obser,ed in
the Pro,inces o& Basilan, Lanao del 8orte, Lanao
del Sur, Da!uindanao, 8orth Cotabato, Sultan
Qudarat, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Xamboan!a del 8orte
and Xamboan!a del Sur, and in the Cities o&
Cotabato, 'li!an, Darawi, Pa!adian, and
Xamboan!a and in such other Duslim ro,inces
and cities as ma/ herea&ter be created.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $:
(4) Lon roclamation b/ the President o& the
Philiines, Duslim holida/s ma/ also be o&&iciall/
obser,ed in other ro,inces and cities.
Ar$c#e 191. Dates of observance. The dates o& Duslim
holida/s shall be determined b/ the +&&ice o& the President o&
the Philiines in accordance with the Duslim Lunar
Calendar (*i3ra).
Ar$c#e 19&. 'bservance of (uslim employees.
(") All Duslim !o,ernment o&&icials and emlo/ees
in laces other than those enumerated under
Article "%: shall also be e0cused &rom reortin! to
o&&ice in order that the/ ma/ be able to obser,e
Duslim holida/s.
(4) The President o& the Philiines ma/, b/
roclamation, re>uire ri,ate o&&ices, a!encies or
establishments to e0cuse their Duslim emlo/ees
&rom reortin! &or wor1 durin! a Duslim holida/
without reduction in their usual comensation.
San Di!uel Cor. ,. Court o&
Aeals, =%@ SC(A ="" (4::4)
d. Absences, (ule l9, Secs. B (a), ":
SECT'+8 B. Absences. O (a) All co,ered emlo/ees shall
be entitled to the bene&it ro,ided herein when the/ are on
lea,e o& absence with a/. Emlo/ees who are on lea,e o&
absence without a/ on the da/ immediatel/ recedin! a
re!ular holida/ ma/ not be aid the re>uired holida/ a/ i&
he has not wor1ed on such re!ular holida/.
SECT'+8 ":. Successi,e re!ular holida/s. O 2here there
are two (4) successi,e re!ular holida/s, li1e *ol/ Thursda/
and .ood Krida/, an emlo/ee ma/ not be aid &or both
holida/s i& he absents himsel& &rom wor1 on the da/
immediatel/ recedin! the &irst holida/, unless he wor1s on
the &irst holida/, in which case he is entitled to his holida/
a/ on the second holida/.
e. 8on-2or1in!CSchedule o& (est 5a/, (ule '9,
Sec. B (c)
(c) 2here the da/ immediatel/ recedin! the holida/ is a
non-wor1in! da/ in the establishment or the scheduled rest
da/ o& the emlo/ee, he shall not be deemed to be on lea,e
o& absence on that da/, in which case he shall be entitled to
the holida/ a/ i& he wor1ed on the da/ immediatel/
recedin! the non-wor1in! da/ or rest da/.
A. Ser,ice 'ncenti,e Lea,e
(e&erence7 Art. #@; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''', (ule 9
A(T. #@. Right to service incentive leave. - (a) E,er/
emlo/ee who has rendered at least one /ear o& ser,ice
shall be entitled to a /earl/ ser,ice incenti,e lea,e o& &i,e
da/s with a/.
(b) This ro,ision shall not al/ to those who are alread/
en3o/in! the bene&it herein ro,ided, those en3o/in! ,acation
lea,e with a/ o& at least &i,e da/s and those emlo/ed in
establishments re!ularl/ emlo/in! less than ten emlo/ees
or in establishments e0emted &rom !rantin! this bene&it b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment a&ter considerin!
the ,iabilit/ or &inancial condition o& such establishment.
(c) The !rant o& bene&it in e0cess o& that ro,ided herein
shall not be made a sub3ect o& arbitration or an/ court or
administrati,e action.
a. Co,era!e, Art. #@ (a) (b)
Da1ati *aberdasher/ 'nc. 8.
8L(C, "%# SC(A AA# ("#$#)
Labor Con!ress ,. 8L(C, supra
b. Comutation and Liabilit/
Sentinel Securit/ A!enc/, 'nc. ,.
8L(C, 4#@ SC(A "4= "##$)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $"
Auto Bus Transort S/stems, 'nc.
,. Bautista, supra
@. Paternit/ Lea,e, Paternit/ Lea,e o& "##B ((A
$"$%), Secs. "-B; 'ml. (ules


Be it enacted b/ the Senate and *ouse o&
(eresentati,es o& the Philiines in Con!ress

SECT'+8 ". Short Title. - This Act shall be 1nown
as the TPaternity Leave ct of :;;<T.

SECT'+8 4. 8otwithstandin! an/ law, rules and
re!ulations to the contrar/, e,er/ married male
emlo/ee in the ri,ate and ublic sectors shall be
entitled to a aternit/ lea,e o& se,en (%) da/s with &ull
a/ &or the &irst &our (A) deli,eries o& the le!itimate
souse with whom he is cohabitin!. The male
emlo/ee al/in! &or aternit/ lea,e shall noti&/ his
emlo/er o& the re!nanc/ o& his le!itimate souse
and the e0ected date o& such deli,er/.

Kor uroses, o& this Act, deli,er/ shall include
childbirth or an/ miscarria!e.

SECT'+8 =. Definition of Term. - Kor uroses o&
this Act, Paternit/ Lea,e re&ers to the bene&its
!ranted to a married male emlo/ee allowin! him not
to reort &or wor1 &or se,en (%)
da/s but continues to earn the comensation there&or,
on the condition that his souse has deli,ered a child
or su&&ered a miscarria!e &or uroses o& enablin!
him to e&&ecti,el/ lend
suort to his wi&e in her eriod o& reco,er/ andCor in
the nursin! o& the newl/-born child.

SECT'+8 A. The Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment, the Chairman o& the Ci,il Ser,ice
Commission and the Secretar/ o& *ealth shall, within
thirt/ (=:) da/s &rom the e&&ecti,it/ o&
this Act, issue such rules and re!ulations necessar/
&or the roer imlementation o& the ro,isions

SECT'+8 @. An/ erson, cororation, trust, &irm,
artnershi, association or entit/ &ound ,iolatin! this
Act or the rules and re!ulations romul!ated
thereunder shall be unished b/ a &ine not e0ceedin!
Twent/-&i,e thousand esos (P4@,:::) or
imrisonment o& not less than thirt/ (=:)da/s nor more
than si0 (B) months.

'& the ,iolation is committed b/ a cororation, trust
or &irm, artnershi, association or an/ other entit/,
the enalt/ o& imrisonment shall be imosed on the
entit/Ss resonsible o&&icers, includin!, but not limited
to, the resident, ,ice-resident, chie& e0ecuti,e
o&&icer, !eneral mana!er, mana!in! director or
artner directl/ resonsible there&or.

SECT'+8 B. Nondiminution Clause. - 8othin! in
this Act shall be construed to reduce an/ e0istin!
bene&its o& an/ &orm !ranted under e0istin! laws,
decrees, e0ecuti,e orders, or an/
contract a!reement or olic/ between emlo/er and

SECT'+8 %. Repealing Clause. - All laws,
ordinances, rules, re!ulations, issuances, or arts
thereo& which are inconsistent with this Act are
hereb/ reealed or modi&ied accordin!l/.

SECT'+8 $. *ffectivity. - This Act shall ta1e e&&ect
("@) da/s &rom its ublication in the +&&icial .azette
or in at least two (4) newsaers o& national


(S.5.) 8EPTAL' A. .+8XALES
President o& the Senate

(S.5.) J+SE 5E 9E8EC'A, J(.
Sea1er o& the *ouse o& (eresentati,es

This Act, which is a consolidation o& Senate Bill
8o. ":=4 and *ouse Bill 8o. %"=A was &inall/ assed
b/ the Senate and the *ouse o& (eresentati,es on
June $, "##B.
". Parental Lea,e, Solo ParentsG 2el&are Act o& 4:::
((A $#%4); 'ml. (ules
/e it enacted by the ,enate and 6ouse of
Representatives of the Philippines Congress
Sec$on 1. Title. - This Act shall be 1nown as the
TSolo ParentsS 2el&are Act o& 4:::.T
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $4
Sec$on &. Declaration of Policy. - 't is the olic/ o&
the State to romote the &amil/ as the &oundation o&
the nation, stren!then its solidarit/ and ensure its total
de,eloment. Towards this end, it shall de,elo a
comrehensi,e ro!ram o& ser,ices &or solo arents
and their children to be carried out b/ the 5eartment
o& Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment (5S25), the
5eartment o& *ealth (5+*), the 5eartment o&
Education, Culture and Sorts (5ECS), the
5eartment o& the 'nterior and Local .o,ernment
(5'L.), the Commission on *i!her Education
(C*E5), the Technical Education and S1ills
5e,eloment Authorit/ (TES5A), the 8ational
*ousin! Authorit/ (8*A), the 5eartment o& Labor
and Emlo/ment (5+LE) and other related
!o,ernment and non!o,ernment a!encies.
Sec$on '. Definition of Terms. - 2hene,er used in
this Act, the &ollowin! terms shall mean as &ollows7
(a) TSolo arentT - an/ indi,idual who &alls
under an/ o& the &ollowin! cate!ories7
(") A woman who !i,es birth as a
result o& rae and other crimes
a!ainst chastit/ e,en without a &inal
con,iction o& the o&&ender7 Provided,
That the mother 1ees and raises
the child;
(4) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
death o& souse;
(=) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood while
the souse is detained or is ser,in!
sentence &or a criminal con,iction
&or at least one (") /ear;
(A) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
h/sical andCor mental incaacit/ o&
souse as certi&ied b/ a ublic
medical ractitioner;
(@) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
le!al searation or de facto
searation &rom souse &or at least
one (") /ear, as lon! as heCshe is
entrusted with the custod/ o& the
(B) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
declaration o& nullit/ or annulment
o& marria!e as decreed b/ a court
or b/ a church as lon! as heCshe is
entrusted with the custod/ o& the
(%) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
abandonment o& souse &or at least
one (") /ear;
($) Lnmarried motherC&ather who
has re&erred to 1ee and rear
herChis childCchildren instead o&
ha,in! others care &or them or !i,e
them u to a wel&are institution;
(#) An/ other erson who solel/
ro,ides arental care and suort
to a child or children;
(":) An/ &amil/ member who
assumes the resonsibilit/ o& head
o& &amil/ as a result o& the death,
abandonment, disaearance or
rolon!ed absence o& the arents
or solo arent.
A chan!e in the status or
circumstance o& the arent claimin!
bene&its under this Act, such that
heCshe is no lon!er le&t alone with
the resonsibilit/ o& arenthood,
shall terminate hisCher eli!ibilit/ &or
these bene&its.
(b) TChildrenT - re&er to those li,in! with and
deendent uon the solo arent &or suort
who are unmarried, unemlo/ed and not
more than ei!hteen ("$) /ears o& a!e, or
e,en o,er ei!hteen ("$) /ears but are
incaable o& sel&-suort because o& mental
andCor h/sical de&ectCdisabilit/.
(c) TParental resonsibilit/T - with resect to
their minor children shall re&er to the ri!hts
and duties o& the arents as de&ined in
Article 44: o& E0ecuti,e +rder 8o. 4:#, as
amended, otherwise 1nown as the TKamil/
Code o& the Philiines.T
(d) TParental lea,eT - shall mean lea,e
bene&its !ranted to a solo arent to enable
himCher to er&orm arental duties and
resonsibilities where h/sical resence is
(e) TKle0ible wor1 scheduleT - is the ri!ht
!ranted to a solo arent emlo/ee to ,ar/
hisCher arri,al and dearture time without
a&&ectin! the core wor1 hours as de&ined b/
the emlo/er.
Sec$on 4. Criteria for ,upport. - An/ solo arent
whose income in the lace o& domicile &alls below the
o,ert/ threshold as set b/ the 8ational Economic
and 5e,eloment Authorit/ (8E5A) and sub3ect to the
assessment o& the 5S25 wor1er in the area shall be
eli!ible &or assistance7 Provided% ho$ever, That an/
solo arent whose income is abo,e the o,ert/
threshold shall en3o/ the bene&its mentioned in
Sections B, % and $ o& this Act.
Sec$on 2. Comprehensive Pac.age of ,ocial
Development and &elfare ,ervices. - A
comrehensi,e ac1a!e o& social de,eloment and
wel&are ser,ices &or solo arents and their &amilies will
be de,eloed b/ the 5S25, 5+*, 5ECS, C*E5,
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $=
TES5A, 5+LE, 8*A and 5'L., in coordination with
local !o,ernment units and a non!o,ernmental
or!anization with ro,en trac1 record in ro,idin!
ser,ices &or solo arents.
The 5S25 shall coordinate with concerned a!encies
the imlementation o& the comrehensi,e ac1a!e o&
social de,eloment and wel&are ser,ices &or solo
arents and their &amilies. The ac1a!e will initiall/
(a) Li,elihood de,eloment ser,ices which
include trainin!s on li,elihood s1ills, basic
business mana!ement, ,alue orientation and
the ro,ision o& seed caital or 3ob
(b) Counselin! ser,ices which include
indi,idual, eer !rou or &amil/ counselin!.
This will &ocus on the resolution o& ersonal
relationshi and role con&licts.
(c) Parent e&&ecti,eness ser,ices which
include the ro,ision and e0ansion o&
1nowled!e and s1ills o& the solo arent on
earl/ childhood de,eloment, beha,ior
mana!ement, health care, ri!hts and duties
o& arents and children.
(d) Critical incidence stress debrie&in! which
includes re,enti,e stress mana!ement
strate!/ desi!ned to assist solo arents in
coin! with crisis situations and cases o&
(e) Secial ro3ects &or indi,iduals in need o&
rotection which include temorar/ shelter,
counselin!, le!al assistance, medical care,
sel&-concet or e!o-buildin!, crisis
mana!ement and siritual enrichment.
Sec$on 8. 2lexible &or. ,chedule. - The emlo/er
shall ro,ide &or a &le0ible wor1in! schedule &or solo
arents7 Pro,ided, That the same shall not a&&ect
indi,idual and coman/ roducti,it/7 Provided%
further% That an/ emlo/er ma/ re>uest e0emtion
&rom the abo,e re>uirements &rom the 5+LE on
certain meritorious !rounds.
Sec$on 9. &or. Discrimination. - 8o emlo/er shall
discriminate a!ainst an/ solo arent emlo/ee with
resect to terms and conditions o& emlo/ment on
account o& hisCher status.
Sec$on 5. Parental Leave. - 'n addition to lea,e
ri,ile!es under e0istin! laws, arental lea,e o& not
more than se,en (%) wor1in! da/s e,er/ /ear shall be
!ranted to an/ solo arent emlo/ee who has
rendered ser,ice o& at least one (") /ear.
Sec$on 3. *ducational /enefits. - The 5ECS, C*E5
and TES5A shall ro,ide the &ollowin! bene&its and
(") Scholarshi ro!rams &or >uali&ied solo
arents and their children in institutions o&
basic, tertiar/ and technicalCs1ills education;
(4) 8on&ormal education ro!rams
aroriate &or solo arents and their
The 5ECS, C*E5 and TES5A shall romul!ate rules
and re!ulations &or the roer imlementation o& this
Sec$on 1%. 6ousing /enefits. - Solo arents shall be
!i,en allocation in housin! ro3ects and shall be
ro,ided with liberal terms o& a/ment on said
!o,ernment low-cost housin! ro3ects in accordance
with housin! law ro,isions rioritizin! alicants
below the o,ert/ line as declared b/ the 8E5A.
Sec$on 11. (edical ssistance. - The 5+* shall
de,elo a comrehensi,e health care ro!ram &or
solo arents and their children. The ro!ram shall be
imlemented b/ the 5+* throu!h their retained
hositals and medical centers and the local
!o,ernment units (L.Ls) throu!h their
ro,incialCdistrictCcit/Cmunicial hositals and rural
health units ((*Ls).
Sec$on 1&. dditional Po$ers and 2unctions of the
D,&D. The 5S25 shall er&orm the &ollowin!
additional owers and &unctions relati,e to the wel&are
o& solo arents and their &amilies7
(a) Conduct research necessar/ to7 (")
de,elo a new bod/ o& 1nowled!e on solo
arents; (4) de&ine e0ecuti,e and le!islati,e
measures needed to romote and rotect
the interest o& solo arents and their
children; and (=) assess the e&&ecti,eness o&
ro!rams desi!ned &or disad,anta!ed solo
arents and their children;
(b) Coordinate the acti,ities o& ,arious
!o,ernmental and non!o,ernmental
or!anizations en!a!ed in romotin! and
rotectin! the interests o& solo arents and
their children; and
(c) Donitor the imlementation o& the
ro,isions o& this Act and su!!est
mechanisms b/ which such ro,isions are
e&&ecti,el/ imlemented.
Sec$on 1'. )mplementing Rules and Regulations. -
An intera!enc/ committee headed b/ the 5S25, in
coordination with the 5+*, 5ECS, C*E5, TES5A,
5+LE, 8*A, and 5'L. is hereb/ established which
shall &ormulate, within ninet/ (#:) da/s uon the
e&&ecti,it/ o& this Act, the imlementin! rules and
re!ulations in consultation with the local !o,ernment
units, non!o,ernment or!anizations and eoleSs
Sec$on 14. ppropriations. - The amount necessar/
to carr/ out the ro,isions o& this Act shall be included
in the bud!et o& concerned !o,ernment a!encies in
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $A
the .eneral Aroriations Act o& the /ear &ollowin!
its enactment into law and therea&ter.:a$
Sec$on 12. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees,
e0ecuti,e orders, administrati,e orders or arts
thereo& inconsistent with the ro,isions o& this Act are
hereb/ reealed, amended or modi&ied accordin!l/.
Sec$on 18. ,eparability Clause. - '& an/ ro,ision o&
this Act is held in,alid or unconstitutional, other
ro,isions not a&&ected thereb/ shall continue to be in
&ull &orce and e&&ect.
Sec$on 19. *ffectivity Clause. - This Act shall ta1e
e&&ect &i&teen ("@) da/s &ollowin! its comlete
ublication in the 'fficial !a0ette or in at least two (4)
newsaer o& !eneral circulation.
President of the Philippines
(eublic o& the Philiines
8ational Economic 5e,eloment Authorit/
(esolution 8o.4 (Series 4::4)
W?EREAS6 it is the olic/ o& the State to romote the
&amil/ as the &oundation o& the nation, stren!then its
solidarit/ and ensure its total de,eloment;
W?EREAS6 in suort o& this State olic/, (.A. $#%4,
otherwise 1nown as the Solo ParentsG 2el&are Act o&
4:::, has been enacted to de,elo a comrehensi,e
ro!ram &or social de,eloment and wel&are ser,ices
&or solo arents and their children;
W?EREAS6 to ensure the imlementation o& the Act,
the 5eartment o& Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment
was tas1ed to coordinate with concerned a!encies
and er&orm additional &unctions relati,e to the
wel&are and de,eloment o& solo arents and their
W?EREAS6 an intera!enc/ committee headed b/
5S25 and articiated in b/ the 5eartments o&
*ealth (5+*), Education (5eEd), Labor and
Emlo/ment (5+LE), and 'nterior and Local
.o,ernment (5'L.), Commission on *i!her
Education (C*E5), Technical Education and S1ills
5e,eloment Authorit/ (TES5A), and 8ational
*ousin! Authorit/ (8*A) dra&ted the '(( in
consultation with the local !o,ernment units, non-
!o,ernment or!anizations and eoleGs or!anizations;
W?EREAS6 the dra&t IRR was deliberated uon and
aro,ed b/ the members o& the S5C-Cabinet le,el
sub3ect to the incororation o& certain comments
durin! its meetin! on the ":
da/ o& Aril 4::4;
?EREBH RESOL7ED6 b/ the Chairman and
members o& the 8E5A BoardGs Social 5e,eloment
Committee-Cabinet le,el, to aro,e the '(( o& (.A.
RESOL7ED FURT?ER6 that this IRR shall be
ublished at least in one newsaer o& !eneral
Adoted, this ": da/ o& Aril in the /ear o& our Lord,
Two Thousand and Two, Pasi! Cit/.
Section ". Title ? These rules shall be 1nown and
cited as the (ules and (e!ulations 'mlementin!
(eublic Act 8o. $#%4, more commonl/ 1nown as the
So#o 1arens< We#0are Ac o0 &%%%.
Section 4. Purose ? These (ules are romul!ated to
rescribe the rocedure and !uidelines &or the
imlementation o& the Solo ParentsG 2el&are Act o&
4::: in order to &acilitate the comliance therewith
and to achie,e the ob3ecti,es thereo&.
Section =. Construction ? These (ules shall be
#$bera##: construed $n 0a;or o0 +e so#o paren and
alied in accordance with and in &urtherance o& the
olic/ and ob3ecti,es o& the law. 'n case o& con&lict
andCor ambi!uit/, which ma/ arise in the
imlementation o& these (ules, the concerned
a!encies shall issue the necessar/ clari&ication.
A(T'CLE ''
Section A. 5eclaration o& Polic/ ? 't is the olic/ o& the
State to romote the &amil/ as the &oundation o& the
nation, stren!then its solidarit/ and ensure its total
de,eloment. Towards this end, it shall de,elo a
comrehensi,e ro!ram o& ser,ices &or solo arents
and their children to be carried out b/ the 5eartment
o& Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment (5S25), the
5eartment o& *ealth (5+*), the 5eartment o&
Education (5eEd), the 5eartment o& the 'nterior
and Local .o,ernment (5'L.), the Commission on
*i!her Education (C*E5), the Technical Education
and S1ills 5e,eloment Authorit/ (TES5A), the
8ational *ousin! Authorit/ (8*A), the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment (5+LE) and other related
!o,ernment a!encies and non-!o,ernment
or!anizations or ci,il societ/.
Section @. +b3ecti,e ? These (ules and (e!ulations
see1 to clari&/ the scoe and alication o& the Act in
order that the roer arties ma/ a,ail o& its bene&its.
A(T'CLE '''
5EK'8'T'+8 +K TE(DS
Section B. 5e&inition o& terms ? As used in these
(ules, the &ollowin! terms shall mean as &ollows7
(a) HActN ? the Solo ParentsG 2el&are Act o&
(b) HSolo ParentN ? an/ indi,idual who &alls
under an/ o& the &ollowin! cate!ories7
(") A woman who !i,es birth as a
result o& rae or crimes a!ainst chastit/,
e,en without a &inal con,iction o& the
o&&ender7 Pro,ided, that the mother 1ees
and raises the child;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $@
(4) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to death o&
(=) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood while the souse
is detained, or is ser,in! sentence &or a
criminal con,iction &or at least one (") /ear;
The law alies to the souses o& risoners, whether
or not a &inal 3ud!ement has been rendered, ro,ided
the/ are in detention &or a minimum eriod o& one (")
(A) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to h/sical
andCor mental incaacit/ o& souse as
certi&ied b/ a ublic medical ractitioner;
(@) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to le!al
searation or de &acto searation &rom
souse &or at least one (") /ear7 Pro,ided,
that he or she is entrusted with the custod/
o& the children;
(B) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
declaration o& nullit/ or annulment o&
marrria!e as decreed b/ a court or b/ a
church7 Pro,ided, that heCshe is entrusted
with the custod/ o& the children;
(%) Parent le&t solo or alone with the
resonsibilit/ o& arenthood due to
abandonment o& souse &or at least one (")
($) Lnmarried motherC&ather who
has re&erred to 1ee and rear hisCher
childCchildren instead o& ha,in! others care
&or them or !i,e them u to a wel&are
(#) An/ other erson who solel/
ro,ides arental care and suort to a child
or children ro,ided heCshe is dul/ licensed
as a &oster arent b/ the 5S25 or dul/
aointed le!al !uardian b/ the court;
(":) An/ &amil/ member who
assumes the resonsibilit/ o& head o& &amil/
as a result o& the death, abandonment,
disaearance, or absence lasts &or at least
one (") /ear.
A chan!e in the status or circumstance o& the arent
claimin! bene&its under the Act, such that heCshe is no
lon!er le&t alone with the resonsibilit/ o& arenthood,
shall terminate hisCher eli!ibilit/ &or these bene&its;
(c) HKamil/N ? shall re&er to the Solo Parent
and hisCher childCchildren; Pro,ided, howe,er, that the
&amil/ member re&erred to in Section =, ara!rah (a)
(":) o& these (ules shall include an/ relati,e b/
consan!uinit/ u to the &ourth ci,il de!ree. These
ersons shall include, but are not limited to, an/
uncle, aunt, !rand&ather, !randmother, niece,
nehew, or cousin;
(d) HSocial 2or1erN ? a erson who is a
!raduate o& Social 2or1 and dul/ re!istered ursuant
to (eublic Act A=%= and emlo/ed with the Social
2el&are and 5e,eloment +&&ice o& the local
!o,ernment unit where the solo arent resides;
(e) HChildrenN ? re&er to those li,in! with and
deendent uon the solo arent &or suort who are
unmarried, unemlo/ed and be#o! e$*+een A15B
:ears o0 a*e6 or e;en e$*+een A15B :ears an"
abo;e but are incaable o& sel&-suort andCor
mentall/ andCor h/sicall/ challen!ed;
(&) HParental resonsibilit/N ? with resect to
their minor children shall re&er to the ri!hts and duties
o& the arents as de&ined in Article 44: o& E0ecuti,e
+rder 8o. 4:#, as amended, otherwise 1nown as the
HKamil/ Code o& the Philiines,N and hereunder
enumerated as &ollows7
(") To 1ee them in their coman/,
to suort, educate and instruct them b/
ri!ht recet and !ood e0amle and to
ro,ide &or their ubrin!in! in 1eein! with
their means;
(4) To !i,e them lo,e and a&&ection,
ad,ice and counsel, comanionshi and
(=) To ro,ide them with moral and
siritual !uidance, inculcate in them honest/,
inte!rit/, sel&-disciline, sel&-reliance,
industr/ and thri&t, stimulate their interest in
ci,ic a&&airs, and insire in them comliance
with the duties o& citizenshi;
(A) To &urnish them with !ood and
wholesome educational materials, suer,ise
their acti,ities, recreation and association
with others, rotect them &rom bad coman/,
and re,ent them &rom ac>uirin! habits
detrimental to their health, studies and
(@) To reresent them in all matters
a&&ectin! their interest;
(B) To demand &rom them resect
and obedience;
(%) To 'mose disciline on them as
ma/ be re>uired under the circumstances;
($) To er&orm such other duties as
are imosed b/ law and uon arents and
(!) HParental lea,eN ? shall mean lea,e
bene&its !ranted to a solo arent to enable himCher to
er&orm arental duties and resonsibilities where
h/sical resence is re>uired;
(h) HKle0ible wor1 scheduleN ? is the ri!ht
!ranted to a solo arent emlo/ee to ,ar/ hisCher
arri,al and dearture time without a&&ectin! the core
wor1 hours as de&ined b/ the emlo/er;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $B
(i) H5S25N ? shall re&er to the 5eartment o&
Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment;
(3) H5+*N ? shall re&er to the 5eartment o&
(1) H5+LEN ? shall re&er to the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment;
(l) H5eEdN ? shall re&er to the 5eartment o&
(m) H5'L.N ? shall re&er to the 5eartment o&
the 'nterior and Local .o,ernment;
(n) HC*E5N ? shall re&er to the Commission
on *i!her Education;
(o) H8*AN ? shall re&er to the 8ational
*ousin! Authorit/;
() HTES5AN ? shall re&er to the Technical
Education and S1ills 5e,eloment Authorit/;
(>) H8E5AN ? shall re&er to the 8ational
Economic and 5e,eloment Authorit/;
(r) H8SCBN ? shall re&er to the 8ational
Statistical Coordination Board, an attached a!enc/ o&
8E5A and resonsible &or determinin! the re!ional
o,ert/ threshold.
A(T'CLE '9
C('TE('A K+( SLPP+(T
Section %. Criteria &or Suort ? An/ solo arent
whose income in the lace o& domicile 0a##s eF)a# o
or be#o! +e po;er: +res+o#" as set b/ the 8SCB
and sub3ect to the assessment o& the dul/ aointed
or desi!nated social wor1er in the area shall be
eli!ible &or assistance7 Pro,ided, howe,er, That an/
solo arent whose income is abo,e the o,ert/
threshold shall en3o/ the bene&its mentioned in
Sections "B, "%, "$, "#, 4:, 4" and 4= o& these (ules.
Kor uroses o& the Act and these (ules, the lace o&
domicile shall re&er to the residence mentioned in
Section $(a) o& these (ules.
Section $. Muali&ications o& Solo Parent ? A solo
arent see1in! bene&its other than those ro,ided &or
under Sections "B, "%, "$, "#, 4:, 4" and 4= o& these
(ules shall be >uali&ied on the basis o& the &ollowin!7
(a) A resident o& the area where the
assistance is sou!ht, as cer$0$e" b:
+e baran*a: capa$nE 1ro;$"e"6 +a
$0 +e so#o paren $s a rans0eree 0ro/
ano+er baran*a:6 +eJs+e $s reF)$re"
o sec)re a c#earance 0ro/ +$sJ+er
pre;$o)s baran*a:6 $n"$ca$n*
!+e+er or no +eJs+e +as a;a$#e" o0
an: bene0$s 0or so#o parens6 an"
+e na)re o0 s)c+ bene0$s.
(b) 2ith an income le,el e>ual to or below
the o,ert/ threshold as set &orth b/
8SCB and assessed b/ a social wor1er
as ro,ided &or under Section % o&
these (ules.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $%
Section #. Assessment ?an alicant who mani&ests
the need &or assistance under the Act is sub3ect to
assessment b/ a social wor1er at the cit/Cmunicial
Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment +&&ice. The
assessment shall co,er, but not be limited to, the
(a) 5etermination o& the alicantGs cate!or/
as enumerated in Article ''' Section B
ara!rah (b) o& these (ules;
(b) E,aluation o& the needs o& the alicant
and hisCher children as basis &or
ro,ision o& the aroriate ser,ice and
(c) 'denti&ication o& the le,el o& readiness o&
the alicant to recei,e a articular
ser,iceCassistance, which shall ser,e as
basis &or the conduct o& social
rearation acti,ities rior to the
ro,ision o& such ser,iceCassistance;
(d) 'denti&ication o& e0istin! and otentiall/
a,ailable resources that ma/ suort
the alicant and hisCher children.
Section ":. Procedure in Accessin! Ser,ices &or Solo
Parents - A erson who needs assistance under this
Act shall coml/ with the &ollowin! rocess;
(a) 9isit the Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment
+&&ice o& the cit/ or municialit/ o&
herChis residence to mani&est herChis
need &or assistance;
(b) Kill u alication &orm &or the assistance,
indicatin! but not limited to, the
&ollowin! in&ormation7
". 8ame
4. A!e
=. AddressCArea o& 5omicile
A. 'ncome er month
@. SourceCs o& income
B. 8umber o& children
%. Circumstances o& bein! solo;
(c) Lnder!o the necessar/ assessment
rocess as stiulated in Section #
Article '9 o& these (ules;
(d) A Social Case Stud/ (eort shall be
reared b/ the social wor1er based on
the in&ormationCdata ro,ided &or b/ the
alicant, as well as hisCher
assessment o& said alicant, indicatin!
therein the aroriate ser,ices
(e) The Social Case Stud/ (eort, to!ether
with a re&erral letter reared b/ the
social wor1er, shall be &orwarded b/ the
+&&ice o& the Cit/CDunicial Social
2el&are and 5e,eloment +&&ice to the
a!enc/ concerned ro,idin! the
aroriate assistanceCser,ice.
(&) The social wor1er shall in&orm the solo
arent o& the status o& hisCher
alication within thirt/ (=:) wor1in!
da/s &rom the &ilin! o& such and shall
re>uire himCher to ,isit the
a!enc/Cinstitution ro,idin! the
assistance. 'n case the alicant is not
>uali&ied &or ser,ices under this Act,
heCshe will be re&erred to the
aroriate a!enc/Cro!ram &or
(!) Lon the &a,orable e,aluation o& the
social wor1er, a Solo Parent
'denti&ication Card shall be issued on
the solo arent within '% "a:s uon
alication dul/ si!ned b/ the
cit/Cmunicial Social 2el&are +&&icer
and the cit/Cmunicial ma/or. The Solo
Parent 'denti&ication Card is necessar/
&or the a,ailment o& bene&its under the
Act and these (ules. Such 'denti&ication
Card shall be ,alid &or onl/ one (") /ear,
but ma/ be renewed sub3ect to a new
assessment and e,aluation;
(h) Kor the ublicGs in&ormation and
!uidance, a list o& ersons who alied
and those who were able to a,ail o& the
bene&its under this Act shall be made
a,ailable b/ the concerned
cit/Cmunicial social wel&are and
de,eloment o&&ice which rocessed
their alications.
Section "". Procedure &or Alication o& Bene&its ? An
alicant who was determined b/ a social wor1er to
be eli!ible &or assistance ma/ al/ &or bene&its under
this Act throu!h the &ollowin!;
(a) The solo arent ma/ !o to the a!enc/
ro,idin! such bene&it brin!in! with
herChim the 'denti&ication Card issued
b/ the DunicialCCit/ Social 2el&are
and 5e,eloment +&&ice;
(b) Lnder!o the necessar/ >uali&/in!
acti,ities re>uired b/ the a!enc/ as
rescribed b/ these (ules; and
(c) Coml/ with the re>uirements set &orth b/
the a!enc/ ro,idin! the ser,ice &or the
duration o& the assistance (e.!.
schoolin!, housin!) sub3ect to e0istin!
rules o& the a!encies concerned.
Section "4. Procedure &or Termination o& Bene&its
(a) A solo arent shall mani&est to the Social
2el&are +&&ice hisCher intention to
withdraw the a,ailment o& the bene&its
under this Act.
AbB '& the solo arent does not ,oluntaril/
mani&est hisCher intention to terminate
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $$
the ro,ision o& bene&its and ser,ices
be0ore +e #apse o0 one :ear 0ro/ +e
$ss)ance o0 +e So#o 1aren I.D.6 the
Social 2or1er, based on a reort b/ the
emlo/er or an/ interested erson shall
conduct the necessar/
assessmentCe,aluation to ascertain i&
!rounds &or termination and withdrawal
o& bene&its e0ist. The 'denti&ication Card
shall cease to be e&&ecti,e uon the
lase o& one /ear &rom issuance, unless
renewed based on a new assessment
and e,aluation. Fa$#)re o rene! !$##
/ean +a +eJs+e +as c+an*e"
+$sJ+er sa)s as a so#o paren.
AcB The solo arent shall be in&ormed o& the
result o& the assessmentCe,aluation and
termination o& the ser,ice, i& warranted,
throu!h written notice. The termination
shall ta1e e&&ect =: da/s &rom the
receit o& the notice o& termination. 'n
cases when the ser,ice cannot be
terminated in a eriod o& one month,
e.!. schoolin!, the ser,ice shall be
comleted until its due time.
The 8*A and other articiatin! housin! a!encies
shall issue the !uidelines in the termination o& housin!
bene&its ro,ided in sections 4= and 4A o& these
A"B The solo arent and hisCher children shall
under!o s/chosocial counselin! with
the social wor1er to reare them &or
indeendent li,in!.
Section "=. (elocation o& the Kamil/ ? 'n the e,ent a
solo arent decides to relocate hisCher &amil/, heCshe
shall in&orm the cit/Cmunicial Social 2el&are and
5e,eloment +&&ice. Said o&&ice shall thereuon
transmit the records to the cit/Cmunicial Social
2el&are and 5e,eloment +&&ice o& the lace o&
Section "A. 5ut/ to Donitor ? 't shall be the dut/ o&
the cit/Cmunicial Social 2el&are +&&icer who recei,es
said records, to assi!n a social wor1er to monitor the
status o& the relocated solo arent and hisCher &amil/.
Doreo,er, it shall also be the dut/ o& said o&&icer to
coordinate with the concerned a!encies o& an/
chan!es in the status o& the solo arent recei,in!
bene&its &rom said a!encies.
Section "@. Comrehensi,e Pac1a!e o& Social
5e,eloment and 2el&are Ser,ices ? A
comrehensi,e ac1a!e o& social de,eloment and
wel&are ser,ices &or solo arents and their &amilies will
be de,eloed b/ the 5S25, 5+*, 5eEd, C*E5,
TES5A, 5+LE, 8*A and 5'L., in coordination with
local !o,ernment units and non-!o,ernmental
or!anizations with ro,en trac1 record in ro,idin!
ser,ices &or solo arents.
The 5S25 shall coordinate with concerned a!encies
the imlementation o& the comrehensi,e ac1a!e o&
social de,eloment and wel&are ser,ices &or solo
arents and their &amilies. The ac1a!e will initiall/
(a) Li,elihood de,eloment ser,ices, which
include trainin! on li,elihood s1ills,
basic business mana!ement, ,alue
orientation and the ro,ision o& seed
caital or 3ob lacement.
The criteria and rocedure &or e,aluation o&
bene&iciaries &or the uroses o& a,ailin! o& the
bene&its o& this item shall be ro,ided &or b/ the 5+LE
and TES5A; the ro,ision o& seed caital shall be
!uided b/ the credit olic/ o& the 8ational Credit
Council as contained in E.+. 8o. "=$, H(ationalization
o& .o,ernment 5irected Credit Pro!ramN, assed in
(b) Counselin! ser,ices, which include
indi,idual, eer !rou or &amil/
counselin!. These will &ocus on the
resolution o& ersonal relationshi and
role con&licts.
The criteria and rocedure &or e,aluation o&
bene&iciaries &or the uroses o& a,ailin! o& the
bene&its o& this item shall be ro,ided &or b/ the
(c) Parent e&&ecti,eness ser,ices which
include the ro,ision and e0ansion o&
1nowled!e and s1ills o& the solo arent
on earl/ childhood de,eloment,
beha,ior mana!ement, health care and
roer nutrition, ri!hts and duties o&
arents and children;
(d) Critical incidence stress debrie&in!, which
includes re,enti,e stress mana!ement
strate!/ desi!ned to assist solo arents
in coin! with crisis situations and
cases o& abuse;
(e) Secial ro3ects &or indi,iduals in need o&
rotection which include temorar/
shelter, counselin!, le!al assistance,
medical care, sel&-concet or e!o-
buildin!, crisis mana!ement and
siritual enrichment.
Section "B. Kle0ible 2or1 Schedule ? The emlo/er
shall ro,ide &or a &le0ible wor1 schedule &or solo
arents7 Pro,ided, That the same shall not a&&ect
indi,idual and coman/ roducti,it/7 Pro,ided &urther,
That an/ emlo/er ma/ re>uest e0emtion &rom the
abo,e re>uirements &rom the 5+LE on certain
meritorious !rounds.
'n the case o& emlo/ees in the !o,ernment ser,ice,
&le0ible wor1in! hours will be sub3ect to the discretion
o& the head o& the a!enc/. 'n no case shall the wee1l/
wor1in! hours be reduced in the e,ent the a!enc/
adots the &le0ible wor1in! hours schedule &ormat
(&le0i-time). 'n the adotion o& &le0i-time, the core
wor1in! hours shall be rescribed ta1in! into
consideration the needs o& the ser,ice..
Section "%. 2or1 5iscrimination ? 8o
emlo/er shall discriminate a!ainst an/ solo arent
emlo/ee with resect to terms and conditions o&
emlo/ment on account o& hisCher status.
Section "$. Parental Lea,e ? 'n addition to lea,e
ri,ile!es under e0istin! laws, arental lea,e o& not
more than se,en (%) wor1in! da/s e,er/ /ear shall be
!ranted to an/ solo arent emlo/ee who has
rendered ser,ice o& at least one (") /ear. The se,en-
da/ arental lea,e shall be non-cumulati,e.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e $#
Section "#. Conditions &or Entitlement o& Parental
Lea,e ? A solo arent shall be entitled to arental
lea,e ro,ided that7
(a) *eCShe has rendered at least one (")
/ear o& ser,ice whether continuous or
bro1en at the time o& the a&&ecti,it/ o&
the Act;
(b) *eCShe has noti&ied hisCher emlo/er o&
the a,ailment thereo& within a
reasonable time eriod; and
(c) *eCShe has resented a Solo Parent
'denti&ication Card to hisCher emlo/er.
Section 4:. 8on-con,ersion o& Parental Lea,e ? 'n
the e,ent that the arental lea,e is not a,ailed o&, said
lea,e shall not be con,ertible to cash unless
seci&icall/ a!reed uon re,iousl/. *owe,er, i& said
lea,e were denied an emlo/ee as a result o& non-
comliance with the ro,isions o& these (ules b/ an
emlo/er, the a&orementioned lea,e ma/ be used a
basis &or the comutation o& dama!es.
Section 4". Creditin! o& E0istin! Lea,e ? '& there is an
e0istin! or similar bene&it under a coman/ olic/, or
a collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement or collecti,e
ne!otiation a!reement the same shall be credited as
such. '& the same is !reater than the se,en (%) da/s
ro,ided &or in the Act, the !reater bene&it shall
Emer!enc/ or contin!enc/ lea,e ro,ided under a
coman/ olic/ or a collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement
shall not be credited as comliance with the arental
lea,e ro,ided &or under the Act and these (ules.
Section 44. Educational Bene&its ? The 5eEd, C*E5
and TES5A shall ro,ide the &ollowin! bene&its and
(a) Scholarshi ro!rams &or >uali&ied solo
arents and their children in
institutions o& basic, tertiar/ and
technicalCs1ills education;
(b) 8on-&ormal education ro!rams
aroriate &or solo arents and their
Alication Procedure7
". Alicant must secure alication &orm
&rom either 5eEd, C*E5 and TES5A
deendin! on their need;
4. Submit the dul/ accomlished alication
&orm to!ether with the re>uired
documents to the aroriate a!enc/.
The &ollowin! are the documents re>uired to be
attached with the alication7
". Solo Parent 'denti&ication Card
4. Baran!a/ Clearance
=. Birth Certi&icate
A. 8otice o& admission &rom the
@. +ri!inal or Certi&ied True Co/ o&
the transcrit o& record, or the
(eort Care o& the last /ear the
alicant attended school.
Section 4=. *ousin! Bene&its ? Solo arents who
meet the eli!ibilit/ criteria &or housin! assistance
under (.A. 8o. %4%# (Lrban 5e,eloment and
*ousin! Act o& "##4) and other related rules and
re!ulations o& articiatin! housin! a!encies shall be
ro,ided with liberal terms o& a/ment on !o,ernment
low-cost housin! ro3ects, in accordance with housin!
law ro,isions, rioritizin! alicants below the
o,ert/ line as declared b/ the 8SCB.
Section4A. The 8*A shall ma1e a,ailable housin!
units to solo arents in its housin! ro3ects sub3ect to
e0istin! disosition olicies or ma/ re&er them to other
housin! ro3ects, as aroriate, ro,ided that7
(a) The identi&ied solo arent must be eli!ible
&or assistance under the ro,isions o&
this Act;
(b) Solo arents al/in! &or housin!
bene&its must meet the >uali&ication
criteria &or housin! assistance under
(eublic Act %4%#, or the Lrban
5e,eloment and *ousin! Act
(L5*A) and other 8*A eli!ibilit/
criteria under e0istin! olicies, rules
and re!ulations; and
(c) Eli!ible solo arents shall &ile their
alication &or housin! unit directl/
with the concerned 8*A Pro3ect
Lon written re>uest, the 8*A shall ro,ide the
5S25 a listin! o& 8*A ro3ects with a,ailable
housin! units &or disosition. This list shall be udated
and ro,ided semi-annuall/.
Section 4@. Dedical Assistance ? The 5+* shall
de,elo a comrehensi,e health care ro!ram &or
solo arents and their children. The ro!ram shall be
imlemented b/ the 5+* throu!h their retained
hositals and medical centers and the local
!o,ernment units (L.Ls) throu!h their
ro,incialCdistrictCcit/Cmunicial hositals and rural
health units ((*Ls).
Section 4B. Essential *ealth Pac1a!es ? To ensure
the state o& well-bein! o& the solo arent and hisCher
&amil/, health/Cmedical ser,ices shall be made
a,ailable at all times, in all le,els o& health care
deli,er/ s/stem as mentioned in the re,ious section.
These healthCmedical ser,ices shall be art o& the
re!ular essential health ac1a!es bein! ro,ided at
,arious sta!es o& li&e.
A(T'CLE 9'
A55'T'+8AL P+2E(S A85 KL8CT'+8S +K T*E
Section 4%. Additional Powers and Kunctions o& the
5S25 ? The 5S25 shall er&orm the &ollowin!
additional owers and &unctions relati,e to the wel&are
and de,eloment o& solo arents and their &amilies7
(a) Conduct research necessar/ to7
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #:
(") de,elo a new bod/ o& 1nowled!e
on solo arents;
(4) 5e&ine e0ecuti,e and le!islati,e
measures needed to romote and
rotect the interest o& solo arents
and their children; and
(=) Assess the e&&ecti,eness o& olicies
and ro!rams desi!ned &or solo
arents and their children;
The commissionin! or contractin! out &or the conduct
o& said research shall be inherent in the er&ormance
o& herein &unction;
(b) Coordinate the acti,ities o& ,arious
!o,ernment a!encies, LGUs, and non-
!o,ernment or!anizations en!a!ed in
romotin! and rotectin! the interests
o& solo arents and their children;
(c) Coordinate the dissemination o&
in&ormation concernin! the bene&its o&
the Act and these (ules, as well as
other ad,ocac/ acti,ities; and
(d) Donitor the imlementation o& the
ro,isions o& this Act and su!!est
mechanisms b/ which such ro,isions
are e&&icientl/ and e&&ecti,el/
Section 4$. (e,iew Committee ? A secial re,iew
committee comrised o& members &rom the DSWD6
an" o+er re#ae" *o;ern/en a*enc$es and non-
!o,ernment or!anizations or ci,il societ/ in,ol,ed in
the imlementation o& the ro,isions o& the Act shall
be created and headed b/ the 5S25 &or the urose
o& e,aluatin! the e&&icac/ and rele,anc/ o& the
ro,isions o& the Act to the resent situation.
The duties and resonsibilities o& the members o& this
(e,iew Committee shall be considered as art o& their
re!ular &unctions.
A(T'CLE 9''
K'8AL P(+9'S'+8S
Section 4#. Aroriations ? The amount necessar/
to carr/ out the ro,isions o& the Act shall be included
in the bud!et o& concerned !o,ernment a!encies in
the .eneral Aroriations Act o& the /ear &ollowin!
its enactment into law and therea&ter.
Section =:. (eealin! Clause ? All laws, decrees,
e0ecuti,e orders, administrati,e orders or arts
thereo& inconsistent with the ro,isions o& the Act are
hereb/ reealed, amended or modi&ied accordin!l/.
Section =". Searabilit/ Clause ? '& an/ ro,ision o&
the Act is held in,alid or unconstitutional, other
ro,isions not a&&ected thereb/ shall continue to be in
&ull &orce and e&&ect.
Section =4. E&&ecti,it/ Clause ? These 'mlementin!
(ules and (e!ulations shall ta1e e&&ect &i&teen ("@)
da/s &ollowin! its ublication in one (") national
newsaer o& !eneral circulation.
%. Ser,ice Char!es
(e&erence7 Art. #B; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''', (ule 9'
A(T. #B. ,ervice charges. - All ser,ice char!es collected b/
hotels, restaurants and similar establishments shall be
distributed at the rate o& ei!ht/-&i,e ercent ($@P) &or all
co,ered emlo/ees and &i&teen ercent ("@P) &or
mana!ement. The share o& the emlo/ees shall be e>uall/
distributed amon! them. 'n case the ser,ice char!e is
abolished, the share o& the co,ered emlo/ees shall be
considered inte!rated in their wa!es.

(LLE 9'
Ser,ice Char!es
SECT'+8 ". Co,era!e. O This rule shall al/ onl/ to
establishments collectin! ser,ice char!es such as hotels,
restaurants, lod!in! houses, ni!ht clubs, coc1tail loun!e,
massa!e clinics, bars, casinos and !amblin! houses, and
similar enterrises, includin! those entities oeratin!
rimaril/ as ri,ate subsidiaries o& the .o,ernment.
SECT'+8 4. Emlo/ees co,ered. O This rule shall al/ to
all emlo/ees o& co,ered emlo/ers, re!ardless o& their
ositions, desi!nations or emlo/ment status, and
irresecti,e o& the method b/ which their wa!es are aid
e0cet to mana!erial emlo/ees.
As used herein, a Tmana!erial emlo/eeT shall mean one
who is ,ested with owers or rero!ati,es to la/ down and
e0ecute mana!ement olicies andCor to hire, trans&er,
susend, la/-o&&, recall, dischar!e, assi!n, or disciline
emlo/ees or to e&&ecti,el/ recommend such mana!erial
actions. All emlo/ees not &allin! within this de&inition shall
be considered ran1-and-&ile emlo/ees.
SECT'+8 =. 5istribution o& ser,ice char!es. O All ser,ice
char!es collected b/ co,ered emlo/ers shall be distributed
at the rate o& $@P &or the emlo/ees and "@P &or the
mana!ement. The $@P shall be distributed e>uall/ amon!
the co,ered emlo/ees. The "@P shall be &or the disosition
b/ mana!ement to answer &or losses and brea1a!es and
distribution to mana!erial emlo/ees at the discretion o& the
mana!ement in the latter case.
SECT'+8 A. Kre>uenc/ o& distribution. O The shares
re&erred to herein shall be distributed and aid to the
emlo/ees not less than once e,er/ two (4) wee1s or twice a
month at inter,als not e0ceedin! si0teen ("B) da/s.
SECT'+8 @. 'nte!ration o& ser,ice char!es. O 'n case the
ser,ice char!es is abolished the share o& co,ered
emlo/ees shall be considered inte!rated in their wa!es.
The basis o& the amount to be inte!rated shall be the
a,era!e monthl/ share o& each emlo/ee &or the ast twel,e
("4) months immediatel/ recedin! the abolition o&
withdrawal o& such char!es.
SECT'+8 B. (elation to a!reements. O 8othin! in this (ule
shall re,ent the emlo/er and his emlo/ees &rom enterin!
into an/ a!reement with terms more &a,orable to the
emlo/ees than those ro,ided herein, or be used to
diminish an/ bene&it !ranted to the emlo/ees under e0istin!
laws, a!reement and ,oluntar/ emlo/er ractice.
SECT'+8 %. This rule shall be without re3udice to e0istin!,
&uture collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reements.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #"
8othin! in this rule shall be construed to 3usti&/ the reduction
or diminution o& an/ bene&it bein! en3o/ed b/ an/ emlo/ee
at the time o& e&&ecti,it/ o& this rule.
a. Co,ered Emlo/ees, Art. #B
b. Sharin!, Art. #B
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #4
G. ,$n$/)/ Wa*es an" Wa*e F$-$n* ,ac+$ner:
(e&erence7 Art. #B; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''', (ules 9''-9'''
A(T. ##. Regional minimum $ages. - The minimum wa!e
rates &or a!ricultural and non-a!ricultural emlo/ees and
wor1ers in each and e,er/ re!ion o& the countr/ shall be
those rescribed b/ the (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Boards. (As amended b/ Section =, (eublic
Act 8o. B%4%, June #, "#$#).
Art <''', Section =. The State shall a&&ord &ull rotection to
labor, local and o,erseas, or!anized and unor!anized, and
romote &ull emlo/ment and e>ualit/ o& emlo/ment
oortunities &or all.
't shall !uarantee the ri!hts o& all wor1ers to sel&-
or!anization, collecti,e bar!ainin! and ne!otiations, and
eace&ul concerted acti,ities, includin! the ri!ht to stri1e in
accordance with law. The/ shall be entitled to securit/ o&
tenure, humane conditions o& wor1, and a li,in! wa!e. The/
shall also articiate in olic/ and decision-ma1in!
rocesses a&&ectin! their ri!hts and bene&its as ma/ be
ro,ided b/ law.
The State shall romote the rincile o& shared resonsibilit/
between wor1ers and emlo/ers and the re&erential use o&
,oluntar/ modes in settlin! disutes, includin! conciliation,
and shall en&orce their mutual comliance therewith to &oster
industrial eace.
The State shall re!ulate the relations between wor1ers and
emlo/ers, reco!nizin! the ri!ht o& labor to its 3ust share in
the &ruits o& roduction and the ri!ht o& enterrises to
reasonable returns to in,estments, and to e0ansion and
(LLE 9''
SECT'+8 ". 5e&inition o& Terms. As used in this (ules O
a) TActT means (eublic Act 8o. B%4%;
b) TCommissionT means the 8ational 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Commission;
c) TBoardT means the (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Board;
d) TA!ricultureT re&ers to all &armin! acti,ities in all its
branches and includes amon! others, the culti,ation and
tilla!e o& the soil, roduction, culti,ation, !rowin! and
har,estin! o& an/ a!ricultural or horticultural commodities,
dair/in!, raisin! o& li,estoc1 or oultr/, the culture o& &ish and
other a>uatic roducts in &arms or onds, and an/ acti,ities
er&ormed b/ a &armer or on a &arm as an incident to or in
con3unction with such &armin! oerations, but does not
include the manu&acturin! andCor rocessin! o& su!ar,
coconut, abaca, tobacco, ineale, a>uatic or other &arm
e) TPlantation A!ricultural EnterriseT is one en!a!ed in
a!riculture within an area o& more than 4A hectares in a
localit/ andCor which emlo/s at least 4: wor1ers. An/ other
a!ricultural enterrise shall be considered as T8on-
Plantation A!ricultural EnterrisesT;
&) T(etail EstablishmentT is one rinciall/ en!a!ed in the
sale o& !oods to end-users &or ersonal or household use;
!) TSer,ice EstablishmentT is one rimaril/ en!a!ed in the
sale o& ser,ice to indi,iduals &or their own or household use
and is !enerall/ reco!nized as such;
h) TCotta!eC*andicra&t EstablishmentT is one en!a!ed in an
economic endea,or in which the roducts are rimaril/ done
in the home or such other laces &or ro&it which re>uires
manual de0terit/ and cra&tsmanshi and whose caitalization
does not e0ceed P@::,:::, re!ardless o& re,ious
re!istration with the de&unct 8AC'5A;
i) T8ational Caital (e!ionT co,ers the cities o& Qaloo1an,
Danila, Pasa/ and Muezon and the municialities o& Las
PiWas, Da1ati, Dalabon, Dandalu/on!, Dari1ina,
Duntinlua, 8a,otas, ParaWa>ue, Pasi!, Pateros, San Juan,
Ta!ui! and 9alenzuela;
3) T(e!ion '''T co,ers the ro,inces o& Bataan, Bulacan,
8ue,a Eci3a, Paman!a, Tarlac, and Xambales and the
cities o& An!eles, Cabanatuan, +lon!ao, Pala/an and San
1) T(e!ion '9T co,ers the ro,inces o& Aurora, Batan!as,
Ca,ite, La!una, Darindu>ue, +ccidental Dindoro, Palawan,
Muezon, (izal and (omblon and the cities o& Batan!as,
Ca,ite, Lia, Lucena, Puerto Princesa, San Pablo, Ta!a/ta/
and Trece Dartires;
l) T5eartmentT re&ers to the 5eartment o& Labor and
m) TSecretar/T means the Secretar/ o& Labor and
n) TBasic 2a!eT means all remuneration or earnin!s aid b/
an emlo/er to a wor1er &or ser,ices rendered on normal
wor1in! da/s and hours but does not include cost-o&-li,in!
allowances, ro&it sharin! a/ments, remium a/ments,
"=th month a/ or other monetar/ bene&its which are not
considered as art o& or inte!rated into the re!ular salar/ o&
the wor1ers on the date the Act became e&&ecti,e.T
o) TStatutor/ Dinimum 2a!eT is the lowest wa!e &i0ed b/
law that an emlo/er can a/ his wor1ers;
) T2a!e 5istortionT means a situation where an increase in
rescribed wa!e rates results in the elimination or se,ere
contraction o& intentional >uantitati,e di&&erences in wa!e or
salar/ rates between and amon! emlo/ee !rous in an
establishment as to e&&ecti,el/ obliterate the distinctions
embodied in such wa!e structure based on s1ills, len!th o&
ser,ice, or other lo!ical bases o& di&&erentiation;
>) TCaitalizationT means aid-u caital, in the case o& a
cororation, and total in,ested caital, in the case o& a
artnershi or sin!le rorietorshi.
2a!e 'ncrease
SECT'+8 ". Co,era!e. O The wa!e increase rescribed
under the Act shall al/ to all wor1ers and emlo/ees in the
ri,ate sector re!ardless o& their osition, desi!nation or
status, and irresecti,e o& the method b/ which their wa!es
are aid, e0cet7
a) *ousehold or domestic helers, includin! &amil/ dri,ers
and wor1ers in the ersonal ser,ice o& another;
b) 2or1ers and emlo/ees in retailCser,ice establishments
re!ularl/ emlo/in! not more than ": wor1ers, when
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #=
e0emted &rom comliance with the Act, &or a eriod &i0ed b/
the CommissionCBoards in accordance with Section A (c) o&
the Act and Section "@, Chater " o& these (ules;
c) 2or1ers and emlo/ees in new business enterrises
outside the 8ational Caital (e!ion and e0ort rocessin!
zones &or a eriod o& not more than two or three /ears, as
the case ma/ be, &rom the start o& oerations when
e0emted in accordance with Section @ o& the Act and
Section "@, Chater ' o& these (ules;
d) 2or1ers and emlo/ees recei,in! a basic wa!e o& more
than P"::.:: er da/.
SECT'+8 4. E&&ecti,it/. O The Act ta1es e&&ect on Jul/ ",
"#$#, "@ da/s &ollowin! its comlete ublication in two
newsaers o& !eneral circulation on June "@, "#$#
ursuant to Section "@ thereo&.
SECT'+8 =. Amount o& Dinimum 2a!e 'ncrease. O
E&&ecti,e Jul/ ", "#$#, the dail/ statutor/ minimum wa!e
rates o& co,ered wor1ers and emlo/ees shall be increased
as &ollows7
a) P4@.:: &or those in the 8ational Caital (e!ion;
b) P4@.:: &or those outside the 8ational Caital (e!ion,
e0cet &or the &ollowin!7
P4:.:: &or those in lantation a!ricultural enterrises with an
annual !ross sales o& less than P@ million in the &iscal /ear
immediatel/ recedin! the e&&ecti,it/ o& the Act;
P"@.:: &or those in the &ollowin! enterrises7
". 8on-lantation a!riculture
4. Cotta!eChandicra&t
=. (etailCSer,ice re!ularl/ emlo/in! not more than ":
A. Business enterrises with a caitalization o& not more than
P@::,::: and emlo/in! not more than 4: wor1ers.
SECT'+8 A. 2hen 2a!e 'ncrease 5ue +ther 2or1ers. O
a) All wor1ers and emlo/ees who, rior to Jul/ ", "#$#,
were alread/ recei,in! a basic wa!e abo,e the statutor/
minimum wa!e rates ro,ided under (eublic Act BBA: but
not o,er P"::.:: er da/ shall recei,e a wa!e increase
e>ui,alent to that ro,ided in the recedin! Section.
b) Those recei,in! not more than the &ollowin! monthl/ basic
wa!e rates rior to Jul/ ", "#$# shall be deemed co,ered b/
the recedin! subsection7
(i) P=,4@%.@: O where the wor1ers and emlo/ees wor1
e,er/da/, includin! remium a/ments &or Sunda/s or rest
da/s, secial da/s and re!ular holida/s.
(ii) P=,:A".B% O where the wor1ers and emlo/ees do not
wor1 but considered aid on rest da/s, secial da/s and
re!ular holida/s.
(iii) P4,B"B.B% O where the wor1ers and emlo/ees do not
wor1 and are not considered aid on Sunda/s or rest da/s.
(i,) P4,"$=.== O where the wor1ers and emlo/ees do not
wor1 and are not considered aid on Saturda/s and
Sunda/s or rest da/s.
c) 2or1ers and emlo/ees who, rior to Jul/ ", "#$#, were
recei,in! a basic wa!e o& more than P"::.:: er da/ or its
monthl/ e>ui,alent, are not b/ law entitled to the wa!e
increase ro,ided under the Act. The/ ma/ howe,er, recei,e
wa!e increases throu!h the correction o& wa!e distortions in
accordance with Section "B, Chater ' o& these (ules.
SECT'+8 @. 5ail/ Statutor/ Dinimum 2a!e (ates. O The
dail/ minimum wa!e rates o& wor1ers and emlo/ees shall
be as &ollows7
SectorC'ndustr/ Lnder Lnder
(. A. BBA: (. A. B%4%
(E&&ecti,e (E&&ecti,e
5ec. "A, Jul/ ",
"#$%) "#$#)
A. 8AT'+8AL CAP'TAL (E.'+8
8on-A!riculture PBA.:: P$#.::
Plantation @A.:: %#.::
8on-Plantation A=.@: B$.@:
Emlo/in! more than =:
wor1ers @4.:: %%.::
Emlo/in! not more than
=: wor1ers @:.:: %@.::
Pri,ate *ositals
2ith bed caacit/ o& more
than ":: BA.:: $#.::
2ith bed caacit/ o& "::
or less B:.:: $@.::
Emlo/in! more than "@
wor1ers BA.:: $#.::
Emlo/in! "" to "@
wor1ers B:.:: $@.::
Emlo/in! not more than
": wor1ers A=.:: B$.::
B. +LTS'5E 8AT'+8AL CAP'TAL (E.'+8
8on-A!riculture BA.:: $#.::
Plantation with annual !ross
sales o& P@D or more @A.:: %#.::
Plantation with annual !ross
sales o& less than P@D @A.:: %A.::
8on-lantation A=.@: @$.@:
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #A
Emlo/in! more than
=: wor1ers @4.:: B%.::
Emlo/in! not more
than =: wor1ers @:.:: B@.::
Pri,ate *ositals B:.:: $@.::
Cities wC oulation o& more
than "@:,:::
Emlo/in! more than
"@ wor1ers BA.:: $#.::
Emlo/in! "" to "@ wor1ers B:.:: $@.::
Emlo/in! not more than
": wor1ers A=.:: @$.::
Su!ar Dills
Plantation wC annual !ross
sales o& P@D or more A$.@: %=.@:
Plantation wC annual !ross
sales o& less than P@D A$.@: B$.@:
8on-lantation A=.@: @$.@:
Business Enterrises wC Caitalization
o& not more than P@::,::: and
emlo/in! not more than 4: wor1ers
8on-A!riculture BA.:: %#.::
A!riculture Plantation
Products +ther than Su!ar @A.:: B#.::
Su!ar A$.@: B=.@:
Pri,ate *ositals B:.:: %@.::
Cities wC oulation o& more
than "@:,:::
Emlo/in! more than
"@ wor1ers BA.:: %#.::
Emlo/in! "" to "@ wor1ers B:.:: %@.::
Dunicialities and Cities
wC oulation o& not more
than "@:,:::
Emlo/in! more than ":
wor1ers B:.:: %@.::
SECT'+8 B. Su!!ested Kormula in 5eterminin! the
E>ui,alent Donthl/ Statutor/ Dinimum 2a!e (ates. O
2ithout re3udice to e0istin! coman/ ractices, a!reements
or olicies, the &ollowin! &ormula ma/ be used as !uides in
determinin! the e>ui,alent monthl/ statutor/ minimum wa!e
a) Kor those who are re>uired to wor1 e,er/da/ includin!
Sunda/s or rest da/s, secial da/s and re!ular holida/s7
E>ui,alent Alicable dail/ wa!e rate (A5() 0 =#:.#: da/s
(ate (ED() "4
2here =#:.#: da/s Y
=:4 da/s +rdinar/ wor1in! da/s
4: da/s ": re!ular holida/s 0 4::P
BB.=: da/s @" rest da/s 0 "=:P
4.B: da/s 4 secial da/s 0 "=:P
=#:.#: da/s Total e>ui,alent number o& da/s.
b) Kor those who do not wor1 but considered aid on rest
da/s, secial da/s and re!ular holida/s7
A5( 0 =B@ da/s
2here =B@ da/s Y
=:4 da/s +rdinar/ wor1in! da/s
@" da/s (est da/s
": da/s (e!ular holida/s
4 da/s Secial da/s
=B@ da/s Total e>ui,alent number o& da/s
c) Kor those who do not wor1 and are not considered aid on
Sunda/s or rest da/s7
A5( 0 ="A da/s
2here ="A da/s Y
=:4 da/s +rdinar/ wor1in! da/s
": da/s (e!ular holida/s
4 da/s Secial da/s ('& considered
aid; '& actuall/ wor1ed,
this is e>ui,alent to 4.B da/s)
="A da/s Total e>ui,alent number o& da/s
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #@
d) Kor those who do not wor1 and are not considered aid
on Saturda/s or rest da/s7
A5( 0 4B4 da/s
2here 4B4 da/s Y
4@: da/s +rdinar/ wor1in! da/s
": da/s (e!ular holida/s
4 da/s Secial da/s ('& considered aid; '& actuall/
wor1ed, this is e>ui,alent to 4.B da/s)
4B4 da/s Total e>ui,alent number o& da/s
Note= 2or $or.ers $hose rest days fall on ,undays% the
number of rest days in a year is reduced from >? to >: days%
the last ,unday of ugust being a regular holiday under
*xecutive 'rder No. ?@:. 2or purposes of computation% said
holiday% although still a rest day for them% is included in the
ten regular holidays. 2or $or.ers $hose rest days do not fall
on ,undays% the number of rest days is >? days% as there
are >? $ee.s in a year.
8othin! herein shall be considered as authorizin! the
reduction o& bene&its !ranted under e0istin! a!reements or
emlo/er racticesColicies.
SECT'+8 %. Basis o& Dinimum 2a!es (ates. O The
statutor/ minimum wa!e rules rescribed under the Act shall
be &or the normal wor1in! hours, which shall not e0ceed
ei!ht hours wor1 a da/.
SECT'+8 $. Creditable 2a!e 'ncrease. O
a) 8o wa!e increase shall be credited as comliance with
the increases rescribed under the Act unless e0ressl/
ro,ided under collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reements; and, such
wa!e increase was !ranted not earlier than Aril ", "#$# but
not later than Jul/ ", "#$#. 2here the wa!e increase
!ranted is less than the rescribed increase under the Act,
the emlo/er shall a/ the di&&erence.
b) Anni,ersar/ wa!e increase ro,ided in collecti,e
a!reements, merit wa!e increase, and those resultin! &rom
the re!ularization or romotion o& emlo/ees shall not be
credited as comliance thereto.
SECT'+8 #. 2or1ers Paid b/ (esults. O
a) All wor1ers aid b/ results, includin! those who are aid
on iecewor1, ta1a/, a1/aw, or tas1 basis, shall recei,e not
less than the alicable statutor/ minimum wa!e rates
rescribed under the Act &or the normal wor1in! hours which
shall not e0ceed ei!ht hours wor1 a da/, or a roortion
thereo& &or wor1 o& less than the normal wor1in! hours.
The ad3usted minimum wa!e rates &or wor1ers aid b/
results shall be comuted in accordance with the &ollowin!
") Amount o& increase in AD2 - Pre,ious AD2 0 ":: Y P
4) E0istin! rateCiece 0 P increase Y increase in rateCiece;
=) E0istin! rateCiece 6 increase in rateCiece Y Ad3usted
2here AD2 is the alicable minimum wa!e rate.
b) The wa!e rates o& wor1ers who are aid b/ results shall
continue to be established in accordance with Article ":" o&
the Labor Code, as amended and its imlementin!
SECT'+8 ":. 2a!es o& Secial .rous o& 2or1ers. O
2a!es o& arentices, learners and handicaed wor1ers
shall in no case be less than %@ ercent o& the alicable
statutor/ minimum wa!e rates.
All reco!nized learnershi and arenticeshi a!reements
entered into be&ore Jul/ ", "#$# shall be considered as
automaticall/ modi&ied inso&ar as their wa!e clauses are
concerned to re&lect the increases rescribed under the Act.
SECT'+8 "". Alication to Contractors. O 'n the case o&
contracts &or construction ro3ects and &or securit/, 3anitorial
and similar ser,ices, the rescribed wa!e increases shall be
borne b/ the rincials or clients o& the constructionCser,ice
contractors and the contract shall be deemed amended
accordin!l/. 'n the e,ent, howe,er, that the rincial or client
&ails to a/ the rescribed wa!e rates, the
constructionCser,ice contractor shall be 3ointl/ and se,erall/
liable with his rincial or client.
SECT'+8 "4. Alication to Pri,ate Educational 'nstitution.
O Pri,ate educational institutions which increased tuition
&ees be!innin! school /ear "#$#-"##: shall coml/ with the
P4@.:: er da/ wa!e increase rescribed under the Act
e&&ecti,e as &ollows7
a) 'n cases where the tuition &ee increase was e&&ected
be&ore the e&&ecti,it/ o& the Act, the wa!e increase shall ta1e
e&&ect onl/ Jul/ ", "#$#.
b) 'n cases where the tuition &ee increase was e&&ected on or
a&ter the e&&ecti,it/ o& the Act, the wa!e increase shall ta1e
e&&ect not later than the date the school actuall/ increased
tuition but in the latter case, such wa!e increase ma/ not be
made retroacti,e in Jul/ ", "#$#.
Be!innin! school /ear "##:-"##", all schools shall
imlement the wa!e increase re!ardless o& whether or not
the/ ha,e actuall/ increased tuition &ees.
SECT'+8 "=. Dobile and Branch 2or1ers. O The statutor/
minimum wa!e rates o& wor1ers, who b/ the nature o& their
wor1 ha,e to tra,el, shall be those alicable in the domicile
or head o&&ice o& the emlo/er.
The minimum wa!e rates o& wor1ers wor1in! in branches or
a!encies o& establishments in or outside the 8ational Caital
(e!ion shall be those alicable in the lace where the/ are
SECT'+8 "A. Trans&er o& Personnel. O The trans&er o&
ersonnel to areas outside the 8ational Caital (e!ion shall
not be a ,alid !round &or the reduction o& the wa!e rates
bein! en3o/ed b/ the wor1ers rior to such trans&er. The
wor1ers trans&erred to the 8ational Caital (e!ion shall be
entitled to the minimum wa!e rate alicable therein.
SECT'+8 "@. E0emtions. O
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #B
a) The &ollowin! establishments ma/ be e0emted &rom
comliance with the wa!e increase rescribed under the Act7
") (etailCSer,ice establishments re!ularl/ emlo/in! not
more than ": wor1ers uon alication with and as
determined b/ the aroriate Board in accordance with
alicable !uidelines to be issued b/ the Commission.
4) 8ew business enterrises that ma/ be established outside
the 8ational Caital (e!ion and e0ort rocessin! zones
&rom Jul/ ", "#$# to June =:, "##=, whose oeration or
in,estments need initial assistance ma/ be e0emted &or not
more than three /ears &rom the start o& oerations, sub3ect to
!uidelines to be issued b/ the Secretar/ in consultation with
the 5eartment o& Trade and 'ndustr/ and the 5eartment o&
8ew business enterrises in (e!ion ''' (Central Luzon) and
(e!ion '9 (Southern Ta!alo!) ma/ be e0emted &or two
/ears onl/ &rom start o& oerations, e0cet those that ma/ be
established in the ro,inces o& Palawan, +riental Dindoro,
+ccidental Dindoro, Darindu>ue, (omblon, Muezon and
Aurora, which ma/ also be e0emted &or not more than three
/ears &rom the start o& oerations.
b) 2hene,er an alication &or e0emtion has been dul/
&iled with the aroriate o&&ice in the 5eartmentCBoard,
action b/ the (e!ional +&&ice o& the 5eartment on an/
comlaints &or alle!ed non-comliance with the Act shall be
de&erred endin! resolution o& the alicant &or e0emtion.
c) 'n the e,ent that the alication &or e0emtion is not
!ranted, the wor1ers and emlo/ees shall recei,e the
aroriate comensation due them as ro,ided &or under
the Act lus interest o& one ercent er month retroacti,e to
Jul/ ", "#$# or the start o& oerations whiche,er is
SECT'+8 "B. E&&ects on E0istin! 2a!e Structure. O 2here
the alication o& the wa!e increase rescribed herein
results in distortions in the wa!e structure within an
establishment which !i,es rise to a disute therein, such
disute shall &irst be settled ,oluntaril/ between the arties.
'n the e,ent o& a deadloc1, such disute shall be &inall/
resol,ed throu!h comulsor/ arbitration b/ the re!ional
arbitration branch o& the 8ational Labor (elations
Commission (8L(C) ha,in! 3urisdiction o,er the wor1lace.
The 8L(C shall conduct continuous hearin!s and decide
an/ disute arisin! &rom wa!e distortions within twent/
calendar da/s &rom the time said disute is &ormall/
submitted to it &or arbitration. The endenc/ o& a disute
arisin! &rom a wa!e distortion shall not in an/ wa/ dela/ the
alicabilit/ o& the increases in the wa!e rates rescribed
under the Act.
An/ issue in,ol,in! wa!e distortion shall not be a !round &or
a stri1eCloc1out.
SECT'+8 "%. Comlaints &or 8on-Comliance. O
Comlaints &or non-comliance with the wa!e increases
rescribed under the Act shall be &iled with the (e!ional
+&&ices o& the 5eartment ha,in! 3urisdiction o,er the
wor1lace and shall be the sub3ect o& en&orcement
roceedin!s under Articles "4$ and "4# o& the Labor Code,
as amended.
SECT'+8 "$. Conduct o& insection b/ the 5eartment. O
The 5eartment shall conduct insections o& establishments,
as o&ten as necessar/, to determine whether the wor1ers are
aid the rescribed wa!e rates and other bene&its !ranted b/
law or an/ 2a!e +rder. 'n the conduct o& insection in
unionized comanies, 5eartment insectors shall alwa/s
be accomanied b/ the resident or other resonsible o&&icer
o& the reco!nized bar!ainin! unit or o& an/ interested union.
'n the case o& non-unionized establishments, a wor1er
reresentin! the wor1ers in the said coman/ shall
accoman/ the insector.
The wor1erSs reresentati,e shall ha,e the ri!ht to submit his
own &indin!s to the 5eartment and to testi&/ on the same i&
he does not concur with the &indin!s o& the labor insector.
SECT'+8 "#. Pa/ment o& 2a!es. O Lon written etition o&
the ma3orit/ o& the wor1ers and emlo/ees concerned, all
ri,ate establishments, comanies, businesses and other
entities with at least twent/ wor1ers and located within one
1ilometer radius to a commercial, sa,in!s or rural ban1, shall
a/ the wa!es and other bene&its o& their wor1ers throu!h
an/ o& said ban1s, within the eriod and in the manner and
&orm rescribed under the Labor Code as amended.
SECT'+8 4:. 5ut/ o& Ban1. O 2hene,er alicable and
uon re>uest o& concerned wor1er or union, the ban1
throu!h which wa!es and other bene&its are aid issue a
certi&ication o& the record o& a/ment o& said wa!es and
bene&its o& a articular wor1er or wor1ers &or a articular
a/roll eriod.
C*APTE( ''
The 8ational 2a!es and Producti,it/ Commission and
(e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards
SECT'+8 ". Commission. O The 8ational 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Commission created under the Act shall hold
o&&ice in the 8ational Caital (e!ion. The Commission shall
be attached to the 5eartment &or olic/ and ro!ram
SECT'+8 4. Powers and Kunctions o& the Commission. O
The Commission shall ha,e the &ollowin! owers and
a) To act as the national consultati,e and ad,isor/ bod/ to
the President o& the Philiines and Con!ress on matters
relatin! to wa!es, incomes and roducti,it/;
b) To &ormulate olicies and !uidelines on wa!es, incomes
and roducti,it/ imro,ement at the enterrise, industr/ and
national le,els;
c) To rescribe rules and !uidelines &or the determination o&
aroriate minimum wa!e and roducti,it/ measures at the
re!ional, ro,incial or industr/ le,els;
d) To re,iew re!ional wa!e le,els set b/ the (e!ional
Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Board to determine i&
these are in accordance with rescribed !uidelines and
national de,eloment lans;
e) To underta1e studies, researches and sur,e/s necessar/
&or the attainment o& its &unctions and ob3ecti,es, and to
collect and comile data and eriodicall/ disseminate
in&ormation on wa!es and roducti,it/ and other related
in&ormation, includin!, but not limited to, emlo/ment, cost-
o&-li,in!, labor costs, in,estments and returns;
&) To re,iew lans and ro!rams o& the (e!ional Triartite
2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards to determine whether these
are consistent with national de,eloment lans;
!) To e0ercise technical and administrati,e suer,ision o,er
the (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #%
h) To call, &rom time to time, a national triartite con&erence
o& reresentati,es o& !o,ernment, wor1ers and emlo/ers &or
the consideration o& measures to romote wa!e
rationalization and roducti,it/; and
i) To e0ercise such owers and &unctions as ma/ be
necessar/ to imlement this Act.
SECT'+8 =. Comosition o& the Commission. O The
Commission shall be comosed o& the Secretar/ as e0-
o&&icio Chairman, the 5irector .eneral o& the 8ational
Economic and 5e,eloment Authorit/ (8E5A) as e0-o&&icio
9ice-Chairman and two members each &rom wor1ers and
emlo/ers sectors who shall be aointed b/ the President
&or a term o& &i,e /ears uon recommendation o& the
Secretar/. The recommendees shall be selected &rom the
lists o& nominees submitted b/ the wor1ersS and emlo/ersS
sectors. The E0ecuti,e 5irector o& the Commission
Secretariat shall be also a member o& the Commission.
The members o& the Commission reresentin! labor and
mana!ement shall ha,e the same ran1, emoluments,
allowances and other bene&its as those rescribed b/ law &or
labor and mana!ement reresentati,es in the Emlo/eesS
Comensation Commission.
SECT'+8 A. Commission Secretariat. O The Commission
shall be assisted b/ a Secretariat to be headed b/ an
E0ecuti,e 5irector and two 5eut/ 5irectors who shall be
aointed b/ the President uon recommendation o& the
The E0ecuti,e 5irector shall ha,e the ran1 o& a 5eartment
Assistant Secretar/, while the 5eut/ 5irectors that o& a
Bureau 5irector. The E0ecuti,e 5irector and 5eut/
5irectors shall recei,e the corresondin! salar/, bene&its
and other emoluments o& the ositions.
SECT'+8 @. (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/
Boards. O The (e!ional 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards
created under the Act in all re!ions, includin! autonomous
re!ions as ma/ be established b/ law, shall hold o&&ices in
areas where the (e!ional +&&ices o& the 5eartment are
SECT'+8 B. Powers and Kunctions o& the Boards. O The
Boards shall ha,e the &ollowin! owers and &unctions7
a) To de,elo lans, ro!rams and ro3ects relati,e to
wa!es, incomes and roducti,it/ imro,ement &or their
resecti,e re!ions;
b) To determine and &i0 minimum wa!e rates alicable in
their re!ion, ro,inces or industries therein and to issue the
corresondin! wa!e orders, sub3ect to !uidelines issued b/
the Commission;
c) To underta1e studies, researches, and sur,e/s necessar/
&or the attainment o& their &unctions, ob3ecti,es and
ro!rams, and to collect and comile data on wa!es,
incomes, roducti,it/ and other related in&ormation and
eriodicall/ disseminate the same;
d) To coordinate with the other Boards as ma/ be necessar/
to attain the olic/ and intention o& the Labor Code;
e) To recei,e, rocess and act on alications &or e0emtion
&rom rescribed wa!e rates as ma/ be ro,ided b/ law or
an/ 2a!e +rder; and
&) To e0ercise such other owers and &unctions as ma/ be
necessar/ to carr/ out their mandate under the Labor Code.
'mlementation o& the lans, ro!rams and ro3ects o& the
Boards shall be throu!h the resecti,e (e!ional +&&ices o&
the 5eartment, ro,ided, howe,er, that the Boards shall
ha,e technical suer,ision o,er the (e!ional +&&ice o& the
5eartment with resect to the imlementation o& these
lans, ro!rams and ro3ects.
SECT'+8 %. Comositions o& the Boards. O Each Board
shall be comosed o& the (e!ional 5irector o& the
5eartment as Chairman, the (e!ional 5irectors o& the
8ational Economic and 5e,eloment Authorit/ (8E5A) and
5eartment o& Trade and 'ndustr/ (5T') as 9ice-Chairmen
and two members each o& wor1ers and emlo/ers sectors
who shall be aointed b/ the President &or a term o& &i,e
/ears uon the recommendation o& the Secretar/. The
recommendees shall be selected &rom the list o& nominees
submitted b/ the wor1ers and emlo/ers sectors.
Each Board shall be assisted b/ a Secretariat.
SECT'+8 $. Authorit/ to +r!anize and Aoint Personnel.
O The Chairman o& the Commission shall or!anize such
units and aoint the necessar/ ersonnel o& the
Commission and Board Secretaries, sub3ect to ertinent
laws, rules and re!ulations.
C*APTE( '''
Dinimum 2a!e 5etermination
SECT'+8 ". (e!ional Dinimum 2a!es. O The minimum
wa!e rates &or a!ricultural and non-a!ricultural wor1ers and
emlo/ees in e,er/ re!ion shall be those rescribed b/ the
Boards which shall in no case be lower than the statutor/
minimum wa!e rates. These wa!e rates ma/ include wa!es
b/ industr/, ro,ince or localit/ as ma/ be deemed
necessar/ b/ the Boards.
SECT'+8 4. StandardsCCriteria &or Dinimum 2a!e Ki0in!.
O The re!ional minimum wa!es to be established b/ the
Boards shall be as nearl/ ade>uate as is economicall/
&easible to maintain the minimum standards o& li,in!
necessar/ &or the health, e&&icienc/ and !eneral well-bein! o&
the wor1ers within the &ramewor1 o& the national economic
and social de,eloment ro!rams. 'n the determination o&
re!ional minimum wa!es, the Boards, shall, amon! other
rele,ant &actors, consider the &ollowin!7
a) The demand &or li,in! wa!es;
b) 2a!e ad3ustment ,is-a-,is the consumer rice inde0;
c) The cost o& li,in! and chan!es or increases therein;
d) The needs o& wor1ers and their &amilies;
e) The need to induce industries to in,est in countr/side;
&) 'mro,ements in standards o& li,in!;
!) The re,ailin! wa!e le,els;
h) Kair return o& the caital in,ested and caacit/ to a/ o&
i) E&&ects on emlo/ment !eneration and &amil/ income; and
3) The e>uitable distribution o& income and wealth alon! the
imerati,es o& economic and social de,eloment.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e #$
SECT'+8 =. 2a!e +rder. O 2hene,er conditions in the
re!ion so warrant, the Board shall in,esti!ate and stud/ all
ertinent &acts; and, based on standards and criteria
rescribed herein, shall determine whether a 2a!e +rder
should be issued.
'n the er&ormance o& its wa!e determinin! &unctions, the
Board shall conduct ublic hearin!s and consultations !i,in!
notices to emlo/eesS and emlo/ersS !rous, ro,incial, cit/
and municial o&&icials and other interested arties.
SECT'+8 A. E&&ecti,it/ o& 2a!e +rder. O An/ 2a!e +rder
issued b/ the Board shall ta1e e&&ect "@ da/s a&ter its
comlete ublication in at least one newsaer o& !eneral
circulation in the re!ion.
SECT'+8 @. Aeal to the Commission. O An/ art/
a!!rie,ed b/ the 2a!e +rder issued b/ the Board ma/ &ile
an aeal with the Commission within ten calendar da/s
&rom the ublication o& the +rder. The Commission shall
decide the aeal within si0t/ calendar da/s &rom the date o&
SECT'+8 B. E&&ect o& Aeal. O The &ilin! o& the aeal
shall not susend the e&&ecti,it/ o& the 2a!e +rder unless
the erson aealin! such order &iles with the Commission
an underta1in! with a suret/ or sureties in such amount as
ma/ be &i0ed b/ the Commission.
SECT'+8 %. 2a!e 5istortions. O 2here the alication o&
an/ wa!e increase resultin! &rom a 2a!e +rder issued b/
an/ Board results in distortions in the wa!e structure within
an establishment, the emlo/er and the union shall ne!otiate
to correct the distortions usin! the !rie,ance rocedure
under their collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement. '& it remains
unresol,ed, it shall be decided throu!h ,oluntar/ arbitration
ten calendar da/s &rom the time the disute was re&erred &or
,oluntar/ arbitration, unless otherwise a!reed b/ the arties
in writin!.
2here there are no collecti,e a!reements or reco!nized
labor unions, the emlo/er and wor1ers shall endea,or to
correct the wa!e distortion. An/ disute arisin! there&rom
shall be settled throu!h the 8ational Conciliation and
Dediation Board and i& it remains unresol,ed a&ter ten
calendar da/s o& conciliation, it shall be re&erred to the
aroriate branch o& the 8ational Labor (elations
Commission (8L(C). The 8L(C shall conduct continuous
hearin!s and decide the disute within twent/ calendar da/s
&rom the time said disute is submitted &or comulsor/
The endenc/ o& a disute arisin! &rom a wa!e distortion
shall not in an/ wa/ dela/ the alicabilit/ o& an/ wa!e
increase rescribed ursuant to the ro,isions o& law or
2a!e +rder.
SECT'+8 $. 8on-5iminution o& Bene&its. O 8othin! in the
Act and in these (ules shall be construed to reduce an/
e0istin! laws, decrees, issuances, e0ecuti,e orders, andCor
under an/ contract or a!reement between the wor1ers and
SECT'+8 #. Prohibition A!ainst 'n3unction. O 8o
reliminar/ or ermanent in3unction or temorar/ restrainin!
order ma/ be issued b/ an/ court, tribunal or other entit/
a!ainst an/ roceedin!s be&ore the Commission or Boards.
SECT'+8 ":. Penal Pro,isions. O An/ erson, cororation
trust, &irm, artnershi, association or entit/ which re&uses or
&ails to a/ an/ o& the rescribed increases or ad3ustments in
the wa!e rates made in accordance with the Act shall be
unished b/ a &ine not e0ceedin! P4@,::: andCor
imrisonment o& not less than one /ear nor more than two
/ears7 Pro,ided, that an/ erson con,icted under the Act
shall not be entitled to the bene&its ro,ided &or under the
Probation Law.
'& the ,iolation is committed b/ a cororation, trust or &irm,
artnershi, association or an/ other entit/, the enalt/ o&
imrisonment shall be imosed uon the entit/Ss resonsible
o&&icers, includin!, but not limited to, the resident, ,ice-
resident, chie& e0ecuti,e o&&icer, !eneral mana!er,
mana!in! director or artner.
SECT'+8 "". (e!istrationC(eortin! (e>uirement. O An/
erson, coman/, cororation, artnershi or an/ other
entit/ en!a!ed in business shall submit annuall/ a ,eri&ied
itemized listin! o& their labor comonent to the aroriate
Board and the 8ational Statistics +&&ice not later than
Januar/ =" o& each /ear, startin! on Januar/ =", "##: in
accordance with the &orm to be rescribed b/ the
Commission. The listin! shall seci&/ the names, salaries
and wa!es o& their wor1ers and emlo/ees below the
mana!erial le,el includin! learners, arentices and
disabledChandicaed wor1ers.
C*APTE( '9
Transitor/ Pro,isions
SECT'+8 ". Abolition o& the 8ational 2a!es Council and
the 8ational Producti,it/ Commission. O The 8ational
2a!es Council created under E0ecuti,e +rder 8o. B"A and
the 8ational Producti,it/ Commission created under
E0ecuti,e +rder 8o. B"@ are abolished. All roerties,
records, e>uiment, buildin!s, &acilities, and other assets,
liabilities and aroriations o& and belon!in! to the
abo,ementioned o&&ices, as well as other matters endin!
herein, shall be trans&erred to the Commission. All ersonnel
o& the abo,e abolished o&&ices shall continue to &unction in a
hold-o,er caacit/ and shall be re&erentiall/ considered &or
aointments to or lacements in the CommissionCBoards.
An/ o&&icial or emlo/ee searated &rom the ser,ice as a
result o& the abolition o& o&&ices ursuant to the Act shall be
entitled to aroriate searation a/ o& one month salar/
&or e,er/ /ear o& ser,ice andCor retirement and other bene&its
accruin! to them under e0istin! laws. 'n lieu thereo&, at the
otion o& the emlo/ee, he shall be re&erentiall/ considered
&or emlo/ment in the !o,ernment or in an/ o& its
subdi,isions, instrumentalities, or a!encies, includin!
!o,ernment owned or controlled cororations and their
SECT'+8 4. 'nterim Processin! o& Alications &or
E0emtion and Submission o& (eorts. O Pendin! the
oerationalization o& the Commission and Boards, the
8ational 2a!es Council shall, in the interim, recei,e and
rocess alications &or e0emtion sub3ect to !uidelines to
be issued b/ the Secretar/, in accordance with Section "" o&
the Act.
(eorts o& establishments on their labor comonent,
includin! wa!es and salaries o& their wor1ers rescribed
under the Act, shall be submitted to the 8ational 2a!es
Council throu!h the (e!ional +&&ices o& the 5eartment.
SECT'+8 =. Kundin! (e>uirement. O The &unds necessar/
to carr/ out the ro,isions o& the Act shall be ta1en &rom the
Comensation and +r!anization Ad3ustment Kund, the
Contin!ent Kund, and other sa,in!s under (eublic Act 8o.
BB$$, otherwise 1nown as the .eneral Aroriations Act o&
"#$#, or &rom an/ unaroriated &unds o& the 8ational
Treasur/; Pro,ided, that the &undin! re>uirements necessar/
to imlement the Act shall be included in the annual .eneral
Aroriations Act &or the succeedin! /ears.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ##
SECT'+8 A. (eealin! Clause. O All laws, orders,
issuances, rules and re!ulations or arts thereo& inconsistent
with the ro,isions o& the Act and this (ules are hereb/
reealed, amended or modi&ied accordin!l/. '& an/ ro,ision
or art o& the Act and this (ules, or the alication thereo& to
an/ erson or circumstance is held in,alid or
unconstitutional, the remainder o& the Act and these (ules or
the alication o& such ro,ision or art thereo& to other
ersons or circumstance shall not be a&&ected thereb/.
SECT'+8 @. E&&ecti,it/. O These rules shall ta1e e&&ect on
Jul/ ", "#$#.
(LLE 9'''
Pa/ment o& 2a!es
SECT'+8 ". Danner o& wa!e a/ment. O As a !eneral rule,
wa!es shall be aid in le!al tender and the use o& to1ens,
romissor/ notes, ,ouchers, couons, or an/ other &orm
alle!ed to reresent le!al tender is absolutel/ rohibited
e,en when e0ressl/ re>uested b/ the emlo/ee.
SECT'+8 4. Pa/ment b/ chec1. O Pa/ment o& wa!es b/
ban1 chec1s, ostal chec1s or mone/ orders is allowed
where such manner o& wa!e a/ment is customar/ on the
date o& the e&&ecti,it/ o& the Code, where it is so stiulated in
a collecti,e a!reement, or where all o& the &ollowin!
conditions are met7
(a) There is a ban1 or other &acilit/ &or encashment within a
radius o& one (") 1ilometer &rom the wor1lace;
(b) The emlo/er or an/ o& his a!ents or reresentati,es
does not recei,e an/ ecuniar/ bene&it directl/ or indirectl/
&rom the arran!ement;
(c) The emlo/ees are !i,en reasonable time durin! ban1in!
hours to withdraw their wa!es &rom the ban1 which time shall
be considered as comensable hours wor1ed i& done durin!
wor1in! hours; and
(d) The a/ment b/ chec1 is with the written consent o& the
emlo/ees concerned i& there is no collecti,e a!reement
authorizin! the a/ment o& wa!es b/ ban1 chec1s.
SECT'+8 =. Time o& a/ment. O (a) 2a!es shall be aid
not less than once e,er/ two (4) wee1s or twice a month at
inter,als not e0ceedin! si0teen ("B) da/s, unless a/ment
cannot be made with such re!ularit/ due to &orce ma3eure or
circumstances be/ond the emlo/erSs control in which case
the emlo/er shall a/ the wa!es immediatel/ a&ter such
&orce ma3eure or circumstances ha,e ceased.
(b) 'n case o& a/ment o& wa!es b/ results in,ol,in! wor1
which cannot be &inished in two (4) wee1s, a/ment shall be
made at inter,als not e0ceedin! si0teen da/s in roortion to
the amount o& wor1 comleted. Kinal settlement shall be
made immediatel/ uon comletion o& the wor1.
SECT'+8 A. Place o& a/ment. O As a !eneral rule, the
lace o& a/ment shall be at or near the lace o&
underta1in!. Pa/ment in a lace other than the wor1 lace
shall be ermissible onl/ under the &ollowin! circumstances7
(a) 2hen a/ment cannot be e&&ected at or near the lace o&
wor1 b/ reason o& the deterioration o& eace and order
conditions, or b/ reason o& actual or imendin! emer!encies
caused b/ &ire, &lood, eidemic or other calamit/ renderin!
a/ment thereat imossible;
(b) 2hen the emlo/er ro,ides &ree transortation to the
emlo/ees bac1 and &orth; and
(c) Lnder an/ other analo!ous circumstances; Pro,ided,
That the time sent b/ the emlo/ees in collectin! their
wa!es shall be considered as comensable hours wor1ed;
(d) 8o emlo/er shall a/ his emlo/ees in an/ bar, ni!ht or
da/ club, drin1in! establishment, massa!e clinic, dance hall,
or other similar laces or in laces where !ames are la/ed
with sta1es o& mone/ or thin!s reresentin! mone/ e0cet in
the case o& ersons emlo/ed in said laces.
SECT'+8 @. 5irect a/ment o& wa!es. O Pa/ment o& wa!es
shall be made direct to the emlo/ee entitled thereto e0cet
in the &ollowin! cases7
(a) 2here the emlo/er is authorized in writin! b/ the
emlo/ee to a/ his wa!es to a member o& his &amil/;
(b) 2here a/ment to another erson o& an/ art o& the
emlo/eeSs wa!es is authorized b/ e0istin! law, includin!
a/ments &or the insurance remiums o& the emlo/ee and
union dues where the ri!ht to chec1-o&& has been reco!nized
b/ the emlo/er in accordance with a collecti,e a!reement
or authorized in writin! b/ the indi,idual emlo/ees
concerned; or
(c) 'n case o& death o& the emlo/ee as ro,ided in the
succeedin! Section.
SECT'+8 B. 2a!es o& deceased emlo/ee. O The a/ment
o& the wa!es o& a deceased emlo/ee shall be made to his
heirs without the necessit/ o& intestate roceedin!s. 2hen
the heirs are o& a!e, the/ shall e0ecute an a&&ida,it attestin!
to their relationshi to the deceased and the &act that the/
are his heirs to the e0clusion o& all other ersons. 'n case
an/ o& the heirs is a minor, such a&&ida,it shall be e0ecuted in
his behal& b/ his natural !uardian or ne0t o& 1in. Lon
resentation o& the a&&ida,it to the emlo/er, he shall ma1e
a/ment to the heirs as reresentati,e o& the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment.
SECT'+8 %. Ci,il liabilit/ o& emlo/er and contractors. O
E,er/ emlo/er or indirect emlo/er shall be 3ointl/ and
se,erall/ liable with his contractor or sub-contractor &or the
unaid wa!es o& the emlo/ees o& the latter. Such emlo/er
or indirect emlo/er ma/ re>uire the contractor or sub-
contractor to &urnish a bond e>ual to the cost o& labor under
contract on condition that the bond will answer &or the wa!es
due the emlo/ees should the contractor or subcontractor,
as the case ma/ be, &ail to a/ the same.
SECT'+8 $. Job Contractin!. O There is 3ob contractin!
ermissible under the Code i& the &ollowin! conditions are
(a) The contractor carries on an indeendent business and
underta1es the contract wor1 on his own account under his
own resonsibilit/ accordin! to his own manner and method,
&ree &rom the control and direction o& his emlo/er or
rincial in all matters connected with the er&ormance o& the
wor1 e0cet as to the results thereo&; and
(b) The contractor has substantial caital or in,estment in
the &orm o& tools, e>uiment, machineries, wor1 remises,
and other materials which are necessar/ in the conduct o&
his business.
SECT'+8 #. Labor-onl/ contractin!. O (a) An/ erson who
underta1es to sul/ wor1ers to an emlo/er shall be
deemed to be en!a!ed in labor-onl/ contractin! where such
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "::
(") 5oes not ha,e substantial caital or in,estment in the
&orm o& tools, e>uiment, machineries, wor1 remises and
other materials; and
(4) The wor1ers recruited and laced b/ such erson are
er&ormin! acti,ities which are directl/ related to the
rincial business or oerations o& the emlo/er in which
wor1ers are habituall/ emlo/ed.
(b) Labor-onl/ contractin! as de&ined herein is hereb/
rohibited and the erson actin! as contractor shall be
considered merel/ as an a!ent or intermediar/ o& the
emlo/er who shall be resonsible to the wor1ers in the
same manner and e0tent as i& the latter were directl/
emlo/ed b/ him.
(c) Kor cases not &allin! under this (ule, the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment shall determine throu!h aroriate
orders whether or not the contractin! out o& labor is
ermissible in the li!ht o& the circumstances o& each case
and a&ter considerin! the oeratin! needs o& the emlo/er
and the ri!hts o& the wor1ers in,ol,ed. 'n such case, he ma/
rescribe conditions and restrictions to insure the rotection
and wel&are o& the wor1ers.
SECT'+8 ":. Pa/ment o& wa!es in case o& ban1rutc/. O
Lnaid wa!es earned b/ the emlo/ees be&ore the
declaration o& ban1rutc/ or 3udicial li>uidation o& the
emlo/erSs business shall be !i,en &irst re&erence and shall
be aid in &ull be&ore other creditors ma/ establish an/ claim
to a share in the assets o& the emlo/er.
SECT'+8 "". Attorne/Ss &ees. O Attorne/Ss &ees in an/
3udicial or administrati,e roceedin!s &or the reco,er/ o&
wa!es shall not e0ceed ": ercent o& the amount awarded.
The &ees ma/ be deducted &rom the total amount due the
winnin! art/.
SECT'+8 "4. 8on-inter&erence in disosal o& wa!es. O 8o
emlo/er shall limit or otherwise inter&ere with the &reedom o&
an/ emlo/ee to disose o& his wa!es and no emlo/er shall
in an/ manner obli!e an/ o& his emlo/ees to atronize an/
store or a,ail o& the ser,ices o&&ered b/ an/ erson.
SECT'+8 "=. 2a!es deduction. O 5eductions &rom the
wa!es o& the emlo/ees ma/ be made b/ the emlo/er in
an/ o& the &ollowin! cases7
(a) 2hen the deductions are authorized b/ law, includin!
deductions &or the insurance remiums ad,anced b/ the
emlo/er in behal& o& the emlo/ee as well as union dues
where the ri!ht to chec1-o&& has been reco!nized b/ the
emlo/er or authorized in writin! b/ the indi,idual emlo/ee
(b) 2hen the deductions are with the written authorization o&
the emlo/ees &or a/ment to the third erson and the
emlo/er a!rees to do so; Pro,ided, That the latter does not
recei,e an/ ecuniar/ bene&it, directl/ or indirectl/, &rom the
SECT'+8 "A. 5eduction &or loss or dama!e. O 2here the
emlo/er is en!a!ed in a trade, occuation or business
where the ractice o& ma1in! deductions or re>uirin!
deosits is reco!nized to answer &or the reimbursement o&
loss or dama!e to tools, materials, or e>uiment sulied b/
the emlo/er to the emlo/ee, the emlo/er ma/ ma1e
wa!e deductions or re>uire the emlo/ees to ma1e deosits
&rom which deductions shall be made, sub3ect to the
&ollowin! conditions7
(a) That the emlo/ee concerned is clearl/ shown to be
resonsible &or the loss or dama!e;
(b) That the emlo/ee is !i,en reasonable oortunit/ to
show cause wh/ deduction should not be made;
(c) That the amount o& such deduction is &air and reasonable
and shall not e0ceed the actual loss or dama!e; and
(d) That the deduction &rom the wa!es o& the emlo/ee does
not e0ceed 4: ercent o& the emlo/eeSs wa!es in a wee1.
". Dinimum 2a!e, Art. ##; Consti., Art. <''', Sec. =
A(T. ##. Regional minimum $ages. - The minimum wa!e
rates &or a!ricultural and non-a!ricultural emlo/ees and
wor1ers in each and e,er/ re!ion o& the countr/ shall be
those rescribed b/ the (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Boards. (As amended b/ Section =, (eublic
Act 8o. B%4%, June #, "#$#).
Art <''', Section =. The State shall a&&ord &ull rotection to
labor, local and o,erseas, or!anized and unor!anized, and
romote &ull emlo/ment and e>ualit/ o& emlo/ment
oortunities &or all.
't shall !uarantee the ri!hts o& all wor1ers to sel&-
or!anization, collecti,e bar!ainin! and ne!otiations, and
eace&ul concerted acti,ities, includin! the ri!ht to stri1e in
accordance with law. The/ shall be entitled to securit/ o&
tenure, humane conditions o& wor1, and a li,in! wa!e. The/
shall also articiate in olic/ and decision-ma1in!
rocesses a&&ectin! their ri!hts and bene&its as ma/ be
ro,ided b/ law.
The State shall romote the rincile o& shared resonsibilit/
between wor1ers and emlo/ers and the re&erential use o&
,oluntar/ modes in settlin! disutes, includin! conciliation,
and shall en&orce their mutual comliance therewith to &oster
industrial eace.
The State shall re!ulate the relations between wor1ers and
emlo/ers, reco!nizin! the ri!ht o& labor to its 3ust share in
the &ruits o& roduction and the ri!ht o& enterrises to
reasonable returns to in,estments, and to e0ansion and
a. Co,era!e, Arts. #% (b) (c) (e), #$
A(T. #%. Definitions. - As used in this Title7
(b) "*mployer" includes an/ erson actin! directl/ or
indirectl/ in the interest o& an emlo/er in relation to an
emlo/ee and shall include the !o,ernment and all its
branches, subdi,isions and instrumentalities, all
!o,ernment-owned or controlled cororations and
institutions, as well as non-ro&it ri,ate institutions, or
(c) "*mployee" includes an/ indi,idual emlo/ed b/ an
e) "*mploy" includes to su&&er or ermit to wor1.
A(T. #$. pplication of Title. - This Title shall not al/ to
&arm tenanc/ or leasehold, domestic ser,ice and ersons
wor1in! in their resecti,e homes in needle wor1 or in an/
cotta!e industr/ dul/ re!istered in accordance with law.
Philiine Kisheries 5e,eloment
Authorit/ ,. 8L(C, 4"= SC(A B4" ("##4)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":"
b. (ules
") 5e&inition
Cha,ez ,. 8L(C, supra
4) 8o 2or1, 8o Pa/ (A &air da/Gs wa!e &or a &air
da/Gs labor)
A1lan Electric Cor., 'nc. ,. 8L(C,
=4= SC(A 4@# (4:::)
=) E>ual Pa/ &or 2or1 o& E>ual 9alue
'nternational School Alliance o&
Educators ,. Muisumbin!, supra
Ban1ard Emlo/ers Lnion ,.
8L(C, A4= SC(A "A$ (4::A)
A) Korm7 A!reement &or Comensation o&
Arms Ta0i ,. 8L(C, 4"# SC(A
=:B ("##=)
c. Dinimum 2a!e
") 5etermination o& Comliance with Dinimum 2a!e
'ran ,. 8L(C, 4$# SC(A A==
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":4
4) Kacilities and SulementsCAllowances
Dillares ,. 8L(C ) P'C+P, =:@
SC(A @:: ("###)
=) Cash 2a!eCCommission
Son!co ,. 8L(C, "$= SC(A B":
Boie Ta1eda ,. 5e la Serna, 44$
SC(A =4# ("##=)
Philiine 5ulicators ,. 8L(C,
4A" SC(A =$: ("##@)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":=
A) .ratuit/ and Salar/C2a!es, 5i&&erence
Plastic Town Center cor. ,.
8L(C, "%4 SC(A @$:
@) E&&ect on Bene&its
5a,ao Kruits Cororation ,.
Associated Labor Lnion, 44@ SC(A @B4 ("##=)
4. 2a!e Ki0in! Dachiner/
(e&erence7 2a!e (ationalization Act ((A B%4%);
Art. "4:-"4%; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''', (ule '<
Rep)b#$c o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes
Con*ress o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes
,ero ,an$#a
Second (e!ular Session
Be!un and held in Detro Danila, on Donda/, the
&i&th da/ o& Jul/, nineteen hundred and ei!ht/-ei!ht
DEC*A8'SD A85 P(+PE( STA85A(5S
T*E(EK+(, ADE85'8. K+( T*E PL(P+SE
A(T'CLE ## +K, A85 '8C+(P+(AT'8. A(T'CLES
"4:, "4", "44, "4=, "4A, "4B A85 "4% '8T+,
P(ES'5E8T'AL 5EC(EE 8+. AA4, AS ADE85E5,
+T*E(2'SE Q8+28 AS T*E LAB+( C+5E +K
T*E P*'L'PP'8ES, K'<'8. 8E2 2A.E (ATES,
P(+9'5'8. 2A.E '8CE8T'9ES K+( '85LST('AL
5'SPE(SAL T+ T*E C+L8T(RS'5E, A85 K+(
Be it enacted b/ the Senate and *ouse o&
(eresentati,es o& the Philiines in Con!ress
Sec. ". This Act shall be 1nown as the T2a!e
(ationalization Act.T
Sec. 4. 't is hereb/ declared the olic/ o& the State
to rationalize the &i0in! o& minimum wa!es and to
romote roducti,it/-imro,ement and !ain-sharin!
measures to ensure a decent standard o& li,in! &or the
wor1ers and their &amilies; to !uarantee the ri!hts o&
labor to its 3ust share in the &ruits o& roduction; to
enhance emlo/ment !eneration in the countr/side
throu!h industr/ disersal; and to allow business and
industr/ reasonable returns on in,estment, e0ansion
and !rowth.
The State shall romote collecti,e bar!ainin! as
the rimar/ mode o& settin! wa!es and other terms
and conditions o& emlo/ment; and, whene,er
necessar/, the minimum wa!e rates shall be ad3usted
in a &air and e>uitable manner, considerin! e0istin!
re!ional disarities in the cost o& li,in! and other
socio-economic &actors and the national economic
and social de,eloment lans.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":A
Sec. =. 'n line with the declared olic/ under this
Act, Article ## o& Presidential 5ecree 8o. AA4, as
amended, is hereb/ amended and Articles "4:, "4",
"44, "4=, "4A, "4B and "4% are hereb/ incororated
into Presidential 5ecree 8o. AA4, as amended, to
read as &ollows7
TArt. ##. (e!ional Dinimum 2a!es. - The minimum
wa!e rates &or a!ricultural and non-a!ricultural
emlo/ees and wor1ers in each and e,er/ re!ion o&
the countr/ shall be those rescribed b/ the (e!ional
Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards.T
TArt. "4:. Creation o& the 8ational 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Commission. - There is hereb/ created a
8ational 2a!es and Producti,it/ Commission,
hereina&ter re&erred to as the Commission, which shall
be attached to the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment (5+LE) &or olic/ and ro!ram
TArt. "4". Powers and Kunctions o& the
Commission. - The Commission shall ha,e the
&ollowin! owers and &unctions7
(a) To act as the national consultati,e and ad,isor/
bod/ to the President o& the Philiines and Con!ress
on matters relatin! to wa!es, incomes and
(b) To &ormulate olicies and !uidelines on wa!es,
incomes and roducti,it/ imro,ement at the
enterrise, industr/ and national le,els;
(c) To rescribe rules and !uidelines &or the
determination o& aroriate minimum wa!e and
roducti,it/ measures at the re!ional, ro,incial or
industr/ le,els;
(d) To re,iew re!ional wa!e le,els set b/ the
(e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards to
determine i& these are in accordance with rescribed
!uidelines and national de,eloment lans;
(e) To underta1e studies, researches and sur,e/s
necessar/ &or the attainment o& its &unctions and
ob3ecti,es, and to collect and comile data and
eriodicall/ disseminate in&ormation on wa!es and
roducti,it/ and other related in&ormation, includin!,
but not limited to, emlo/ment, cost-o&-li,in!, labor
costs, in,estments and returns;
(&) To re,iew lans and ro!rams o& the (e!ional
Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards to
determine whether these are consistent with national
de,eloment lans;
(!) To e0ercise technical and administrati,e
suer,ision o,er the (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and
Producti,it/ Boards;
(h) To call, &rom time to time, a national triartite
con&erence o& reresentati,es o& !o,ernment, wor1ers
and emlo/ers &or the consideration o& measures to
romote wa!e rationalization and roducti,it/; and
(i) To e0ercise such owers and &unctions as ma/ be
necessar/ to imlement this Act.
TThe Commission shall be comosed o& the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment as e0-o&&icio
chairman, the 5irector-.eneral o& the 8ational
Economic and 5e,eloment Authorit/ (8E5A) as e0-
o&&icio ,ice-chairman, and two (4) members each &rom
wor1ers and emlo/ers sectors who shall be
aointed b/ the President o& the Philiines uon
recommendation o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment to be made on the basis o& the list o&
nominees submitted b/ the wor1ers and emlo/ers
sectors, resecti,el/, and who shall ser,e &or a term
o& &i,e (@) /ears. The E0ecuti,e 5irector o& the
Commission Secretariat shall also be a member o&
the Commission.T
TThe Commission shall be assisted b/ a Secretariat
to be headed b/ an E0ecuti,e 5irector and two (4)
5eut/ 5irectors, who shall be aointed b/ the
President o& the Philiines, uon recommendation o&
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment.T
TThe E0ecuti,e 5irector shall ha,e the same ran1,
salar/, bene&its and other emoluments as that o& a
5eartment Assistant Secretar/, while the 5eut/
5irectors shall ha,e the same ran1, salar/, bene&its
and other emoluments as that o& a Bureau 5irector.
The members o& the Commission reresentin! labor
and mana!ement shall ha,e the same ran1,
emoluments, allowances and other bene&its as those
rescribed b/ law &or labor and mana!ement
reresentati,es in the Emlo/eesS Comensation
TArt. "44. Creation o& (e!ional Triartite 2a!es
and Producti,it/ Boards. - There is hereb/ created
(e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards,
hereina&ter re&erred to as (e!ional Boards, in all
re!ions, includin! autonomous re!ions as ma/ be
established b/ law. The Commission shall determine
the o&&icesChead>uarters o& the resecti,e (e!ional
TThe (e!ional Boards shall ha,e the &ollowin!
owers and &unctions in their resecti,e territorial
(a) To de,elo lans, ro!rams and ro3ects relati,e
to wa!es, incomes and roducti,it/ imro,ement &or
their resecti,e re!ions;
(b) To determine and &i0 minimum wa!e rates
alicable in their re!ion, ro,inces or industries
therein and to issue the corresondin! wa!e orders,
sub3ect to !uidelines issued b/ the Commission;
(c) To underta1e studies, researches, and sur,e/s
necessar/ &or the attainment o& their &unctions,
ob3ecti,es and ro!rams, and to collect and comile
data on wa!es, incomes, roducti,it/ and other
related in&ormation and eriodicall/ disseminate the
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":@
(d) To coordinate with the other (e!ional Boards as
ma/ be necessar/ to attain the olic/ and intention o&
this Code;
(e) To recei,e, rocess and act on alications &or
e0emtion &rom rescribed wa!e rates as ma/ be
ro,ided b/ law or an/ 2a!e +rder; and
(&) To e0ercise such other owers and &unctions as
ma/ be necessar/ to carr/ out their mandate under
this Code.
T'mlementation o& the lans, ro!rams and
ro3ects o& the (e!ional Boards re&erred to in the
second ara!rah, letter (a) o& this Article, shall be
throu!h the resecti,e re!ional o&&ices o& the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment within their
territorial 3urisdiction; Pro,ided, howe,er, That the
(e!ional Boards shall ha,e technical suer,ision o,er
the re!ional o&&ice o& the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment with resect to the imlementation o&
said lans, ro!rams and ro3ects.
TEach (e!ional Board shall be comosed o& the
(e!ional 5irector o& the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment as chairman, the (e!ional 5irectors o&
the 8ational Economic and 5e,eloment Authorit/
and 5eartment o& Trade and 'ndustr/ as ,ice-
chairmen and two (4) members each &rom wor1ers
and emlo/ers sectors who shall be aointed b/ the
President o& the Philiines, uon recommendation o&
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment, to be made
on the basis o& the list o& nominees submitted b/ the
wor1ers and emlo/ers sectors, resecti,el/, and
who shall ser,e &or a term o& &i,e (@) /ears.
TEach (e!ional Board to be headed b/ its chairman
shall be assisted b/ a Secretariat.T
TArt. "4=. 2a!e +rder. - 2hene,er conditions in
the re!ion so warrant, the (e!ional Board shall
in,esti!ate and stud/ all ertinent &acts; and, based
on the standards and criteria herein rescribed, shall
roceed to determine whether a 2a!e +rder should
be issued.
An/ such 2a!e +rder shall ta1e e&&ect a&ter &i&teen
("@) da/s &rom its comlete ublication in at least one
(l) newsaer o& !eneral circulation in the re!ion.
T'n the er&ormance o& its wa!e-determinin!
&unctions, the (e!ional Board shall conduct ublic
hearin!sCconsultations, !i,in! notices to emlo/eesS
and emlo/ersS !rous, ro,incial, cit/ and municial
o&&icials and other interested arties.
TAn/ art/ a!!rie,ed b/ the 2a!e +rder issued b/
the (e!ional Board ma/ aeal such order to the
Commission within ten (l:) calendar da/s &rom the
ublication o& such order. 't shall be mandator/ &or the
Commission to decide such aeal within si0t/ (B:)
calendar da/s &rom the &ilin! thereo&.
TThe &ilin! o& the aeal does not oerate to sta/
the order unless the erson aealin! such order
shall &ile with the Commission an underta1in! with a
suret/ or sureties satis&actor/ to the Commission &or
the a/ment to the emlo/ees a&&ected b/ the order o&
the corresondin! increase, in the e,ent such order is
TArt. "4A. StandardsCCriteria &or Dinimum 2a!e
Ki0in!. The re!ional minimum wa!es to be
established b/ the (e!ional Board shall be as nearl/
ade>uate as is economicall/ &easible to maintain the
minimum standards o& li,in! necessar/ &or the health,
e&&icienc/ and !eneral well-bein! o& the emlo/ees
within the &ramewor1 o& the national economic and
social de,eloment ro!ram. 'n the determination o&
such re!ional minimum wa!es, the (e!ional Board
shall, amon! other rele,ant &actors, consider the
(a) The demand &or li,in! wa!es;
(b) 2a!e ad3ustment ,is-Z-,is the consumer rice
(c) The cost o& li,in! and chan!es or increases
(d) The needs o& wor1ers and their &amilies;
(e) The need to induce industries to in,est in the
(&) 'mro,ements in standards o& li,in!;
(!) The re,ailin! wa!e le,els;
(h) Kair return o& the caital in,ested and caacit/ to
a/ o& emlo/ers;
(i) E&&ects on emlo/ment !eneration and &amil/
income; and
(3) The e>uitable distribution o& income and wealth
alon! the imerati,es o& economic and social
TThe wa!es rescribed in accordance with the
ro,isions o& this Title shall be the standard re,ailin!
minimum wa!es in e,er/ re!ion. These wa!es shall
include wa!es ,ar/in! with industries, ro,inces or
localities i& in the 3ud!ment o& the (e!ional Board
conditions ma1e such local di&&erentiation roer and
necessar/ to e&&ectuate the urose o& this Title.
TAn/ erson, coman/, cororation, artnershi or
an/ other entit/ en!a!ed in business shall &ile and
re!ister annuall/ with the aroriate (e!ional Board,
Commission and the 8ational Statistics +&&ice an
itemized listin! o& their labor comonent, seci&/in!
the names o& their wor1ers and emlo/ees below the
mana!erial le,el, includin! learners, arentices and
disabledChandicaed wor1ers who were hired under
the terms rescribed in the emlo/ment contracts,
and their corresondin! salaries and wa!es.
T2here the alication o& an/ rescribed wa!e
increase b/ ,irtue o& a law or 2a!e +rder issued b/
an/ (e!ional Board results in distortions o& the wa!e
structure within an establishment, the emlo/er and
the union shall ne!otiate to correct the distortions.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":B
An/ disute arisin! &rom wa!e distortions shall be
resol,ed throu!h the !rie,ance rocedure under their
collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement and, i& it remains
unresol,ed, throu!h ,oluntar/ arbitration. Lnless
otherwise a!reed b/ the arties in writin!, such
disute shall be decided b/ the ,oluntar/ arbitrator or
anel o& ,oluntar/ arbitrators within ten (":) calendar
da/s &rom the time said disute was re&erred to
,oluntar/ arbitration.
T'n cases where there are no collecti,e a!reements
or reco!nized labor unions, the emlo/ers and
wor1ers shall endea,or to correct such distortions.
An/ disute arisin! there&rom shall be settled throu!h
the 8ational Conciliation and Dediation Board and, i&
it remains unresol,ed a&ter ten (":) calendar da/s o&
conciliation, shall be re&erred to the aroriate
branch o& the 8ational Labor (elations Commission
(8L(C). 't shall be mandator/ &or the 8L(C to
conduct continuous hearin!s and decide the disute
within twent/ (4:) calendar da/s &rom the time said
disute is submitted &or comulsor/ arbitration.
TThe endenc/ o& a disute arisin! &rom a wa!e
distortion shall not in an/ wa/ dela/ the alicabilit/ o&
an/ increase in rescribed wa!e rates ursuant to the
ro,isions o& law or 2a!e +rder.
TAs used, herein, a wa!e distortion shall mean a
situation where an increase in rescribed wa!e rates
results in the elimination or se,ere contraction o&
intentional >uantitati,e di&&erences in wa!e or salar/
rates between and amon! emlo/ee !rous in an
establishment as to e&&ecti,el/ obliterate the
distinctions embodied in such wa!e structure based
on s1ills, len!th o& ser,ice, or other lo!ical bases o&
TAll wor1ers aid b/ result, includin! those who are
aid on iecewor1, ta1a/, a1/aw or tas1 basis, shall
recei,e not less than the rescribed wa!e rates er
ei!ht ($) hours wor1 a da/, or a roortion thereo& &or
wor1in! less than ei!ht ($) hours.
TAll reco!nized learnershi and arenticeshi
a!reements shall be considered automaticall/
modi&ied inso&ar as their wa!e clauses are concerned
to re&lect the rescribed wa!e rates.T
TArt. "4B. Prohibition A!ainst 'n3unction. - 8o
reliminar/ or ermanent in3unction or temorar/
restrainin! order ma/ be issued b/ an/ court, tribunal
or other entit/ a!ainst an/ roceedin!s be&ore the
Commission or the (e!ional Boards.T
TArt. "4%. 8on-5iminution o& Bene&its. - 8o 2a!e
+rder issued b/ an/ (e!ional Board shall ro,ide &or
wa!e rates lower than the statutor/ minimum wa!e
rates rescribed b/ Con!ress.T
Sec. A. (a) Lon the e&&ecti,it/ o& this Act, the
statutor/ minimum wa!e rates o& all wor1ers and
emlo/ees in the ri,ate sector, whether a!ricultural
or non-a!ricultural, shall be increased b/ twent/-&i,e
esos (P4@.::) er da/, e0cet that wor1ers and
emlo/ees in lantation a!ricultural enterrises
outside o& the 8ational Caital (e!ion (8C() with an
annual !ross sales o& less than &i,e million esos
(P@,:::,:::.::) in the recedin! /ear shall be aid
an increase o& twent/ esos (P4:.::), and e0cet
&urther that wor1ers and emlo/ees o&
cotta!eChandicra&t industries, non-lantation
a!ricultural enterrises, retailCser,ice establishments
re!ularl/ emlo/in! not more than ten (":) wor1ers,
and business enterrises with a caitalization o& not
more than &i,e hundred thousand esos
(P@::,:::.::) and emlo/in! not more than twent/
(4:) emlo/ees, which are located or oeratin!
outside the 8C(, shall be aid onl/ an increase o&
&i&teen esos (P"@.::)7 Pro,ided, That those alread/
recei,in! abo,e the minimum wa!e rates u to one
hundred esos (P"::.::) shall also recei,e an
increase o& twent/-&i,e esos (P4@.::) er da/, and
e0cet that the wor1ers and emlo/ees mentioned in
the &irst e0cetion clause o& this section shall also be
aid onl/ an increase o& twent/-esos (P4:.::), and
e0cet &urther that those emlo/ees enumerated in
the second e0cetion clause o& this Section shall also
be aid onl/ an increase o& &i&teen esos (P"@.::)7
Pro,ide, &urther, That the aroriate (e!ional Board
is hereb/ authorized to !rant additional increases to
the wor1ers and emlo/ees mentioned in the
e0cetion clauses o& this Section i&, on the basis o& its
determination ursuant to Article "4A o& the Labor
Code such increases are necessar/.
(b) The increase o& twent/-&i,e esos (P4@.::)
rescribed under this Section shall al/ to all
wor1ers and emlo/ees entitled to the same in ri,ate
educational institutions as soon as the/ ha,e
increased or are !ranted authorit/ to increase their
tuition &ees durin! school /ear "#$#-"##:. +therwise,
such increase shall be so alicable not later than the
oenin! o& the ne0t school /ear be!innin! "##:.
(c) E0emted &rom the ro,isions o& this Act are
household or domestic helers and ersons
emlo/ed in the ersonal ser,ice o& another, includin!
&amil/ dri,ers.
(etailCser,ice establishments re!ularl/ emlo/in!
not more than ten (":) wor1ers ma/ be e0emted
&rom the alicabilit/ o& this Act uon alication with
and as determined b/ the aroriate (e!ional Board
in accordance with the alicable rules and
re!ulations issued b/ the Commission. 2hene,er an
alication &or e0emtion has been dul/ &iled with the
aroriate (e!ional Board, action on an/ comlaint
&or alle!ed non-comliance with this Act shall be
de&erred endin! resolution o& the alication &or
e0emtion b/ the aroriate (e!ional Board.
'n the e,ent that alications &or e0emtions are
not !ranted, emlo/ees shall recei,e the aroriate
comensation due them as ro,ided &or b/ this Act
lus interest o& one ercent ("P) er month
retroacti,e to the e&&ecti,it/ o& this Act.
(d) '& e0ressl/ ro,ided &or and a!reed uon in the
collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reements, all increases in the
dail/ basic wa!e rates !ranted b/ the emlo/ers three
(=) months be&ore the e&&ecti,it/ o& this Act shall be
credited as comliance with the increases in the wa!e
rates rescribed herein, ro,ided that, where such
increases are less than the rescribed increases in
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":%
the wa!e rates under this Act, the emlo/er shall a/
the di&&erence. Such increases shall not include
anni,ersar/ wa!e increases, merit wa!e increases
and those resultin! &rom the re!ularization or
romotion o& emlo/ees.
2here the alication o& the increases in the wa!e
rate under this Section results in distortions as
de&ined under e0istin! laws in the wa!e structure
within an establishment and !i,es rise to a disute
therein, such disute shall &irst be settled ,oluntaril/
between the arties and in the e,ent o& a deadloc1,
the same shall be &inall/ resol,ed throu!h comulsor/
arbitration b/ the re!ional arbitration branch o& the
8ational Labor (elations Commission (8L(C) ha,in!
3urisdiction o,er the wor1lace.
't shall be mandator/ &or the 8L(C to conduct
continuous hearin!s and decide an/ disute arisin!
under this Section within twent/(4:) calendar da/s
&rom the time said disute is &ormall/ submitted to it
&or arbitration. The endenc/ o& a disute arisin! &rom
a wa!e distortion shall not in an/ wa/ dela/ the
alicabilit/ o& the increases in the wa!e rates
rescribed under this Section.
Sec. @. 2ithin a eriod o& &our (A) /ears &rom the
e&&ecti,it/ o& this Act and without re3udice to
collecti,e bar!ainin! ne!otiations or a!reements or
other emlo/ment contracts between emlo/ers and
wor1ers, new business enterrises that ma/ be
established outside the 8C( and e0ort rocessin!
zones whose oeration or in,estments need initial
assistance as ma/ be determined b/ the 5eartment
o& Labor and Emlo/ment in consultation with the
5eartment o& Trade and 'ndustr/ or the 5eartment
o& A!riculture, as the case ma/ be shall be e0emt
&rom the alication o& this Act &or not more than three
(=) /ears &rom the start o& their oerations7 Pro,ided,
That such new business enterrises established in
(e!ion ''' (Central Luzon) and (e!ion '9 (Southern
Ta!alo!) shall be e0emt &rom such increases onl/
&or two (4) /ears &rom the start o& their oerations,
e0cet those established in the Pro,inces o& Palawan,
+riental Dindoro, +ccidental Dindoro, Darindu>ue,
(omblon, Muezon and Aurora, which shall en3o/ such
e0emtion &or not more than three (=) /ears &rom the
start o& their oerations.
Sec. B. 'n the case o& contracts &or construction
ro3ects and &or securit/, 3anitorial and similar
ser,ices, the rescribed increases in the wa!e rates
o& the wor1ers shall be borne b/ the rincials or
clients o& the constructionCser,ice contractors and the
contract shall be deemed amended accordin!l/. 'n
the e,ent, howe,er, that the rincial or client &ails to
a/ the rescribed wa!e rates, the
constructionCser,ice contractor shall be 3ointl/ and
se,erall/ liable with his rincial or client.
Sec. %. Lon written etition o& the ma3orit/ o& the
emlo/ees or wor1ers concerned, all ri,ate
establishments, comanies, businesses, and other
entities with twent/ &i,e (4@) or more emlo/ees and
located within one (") 1ilometer radius to a
commercial, sa,in!s or rural ban1 shall a/ the
wa!es and other bene&its o& their emlo/ees throu!h
an/ o& said ban1s and within the eriod &or a/ment o&
wa!es &i0ed b/ Presidential 5ecree 8o. AA4, as
amended, otherwise 1nown as the Labor Code o& the
Sec. $. 2hene,er alicable and uon re>uest o& a
concerned wor1er or union, the ban1 shall issue a
certi&ication o& the record o& a/ment o& wa!es o& a
articular wor1er or wor1ers &or a articular a/roll
Sec. #. The 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment
shall conduct insections as o&ten as ossible within
its manower constraint o& the a/roll and other
&inancial records 1et b/ the coman/ or business to
determine whether the wor1ers are aid the
rescribed wa!e rates and other bene&its !ranted b/
law or an/ 2a!e +rder. 'n unionized comanies, the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment insectors
shall alwa/s be accomanied b/ the resident or an/
resonsible o&&icer o& the reco!nized bar!ainin! unit
o& an/ interested union in the conduct o& the
insection. 'n non-unionized comanies,
establishments or businesses, the insection shall be
carried out in the resence o& a wor1er reresentin!
the wor1ers in the said coman/. The wor1ersS
reresentati,e shall ha,e the ri!ht to submit his own
&indin!s to the 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment
and to testi&/ on the same i& he cannot concur with the
&indin!s o& the labor insector.
Sec. ":. The &unds necessar/ to carr/ out the
ro,isions o& this Act shall be ta1en &rom the
Comensation and +r!anizational Ad3ustment Kund,
the Contin!ent Kund, and other sa,in!s under
(eublic Act 8o. BB$$, otherwise 1nown as the
.eneral Aroriations Act o& "#$#, or &rom an/
unaroriated &unds o& the 8ational Treasur/7
Pro,ided, That the &undin! re>uirements necessar/ to
imlement this Act shall be included in the annual
.eneral Aroriations Act &or the succeedin! /ears.
Sec. "". The 8ational 2a!es Council created
under E0ecuti,e +rder 8o. B"A and the 8ational
Producti,it/ Commission created under E0ecuti,e
+rder 8o. B"@ are hereb/ abolished. All roerties,
records, e>uiment, buildin!s, &acilities, and other
assets, liabilities and aroriations o& and belon!in!
to the abo,ementioned o&&ices, as well as other
matters endin! therein, shall be trans&erred to the
Commission. All ersonnel o& the abo,e abolished
o&&ices shall continue to &unction in a holdo,er
caacit/ and shall be re&erentiall/ considered &or
aointments to or lacement in the Commission.
An/ o&&icial or emlo/ee searated &rom the ser,ice
as a result o& the abolition o& o&&ices ursuant to this
Act shall be entitled to aroriate searation a/ and
retirement and other bene&its accruin! to them under
e0istin! laws. 'n lieu thereo&, at the otion o& the
emlo/ee, he shall be re&erentiall/ considered &or
emlo/ment in the !o,ernment or in an/ o& its
subdi,isions, instrumentalities, or a!encies, includin!
!o,ernment-owned or controlled cororations and
their subsidiaries.
Sec. "4. An/ erson, cororation, trust, &irm,
artnershi, association or entit/ which re&uses or
&ails to a/ an/ o& the rescribed increases or
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":$
ad3ustments in the wa!e rates made in accordance
with this Act shall be unished b/ a &ine not e0ceedin!
twent/-&i,e thousand esos (P4@,:::.::) andCor
imrisonment o& not less than one (") /ear nor more
than two (4) /ears7 Pro,ided, That an/ erson
con,icted under this Act shall not be entitled to the
bene&its ro,ided &or under the Probation Law.
'& the ,iolation is committed b/ a cororation, trust
or &irm, artnershi, association or an/ other entit/,
the enalt/ o& imrisonment shall be imosed uon
the entit/Ss resonsible o&&icers, includin!, but not
limited to, the resident, ,ice resident, chie&
e0ecuti,e o&&icer, !eneral mana!er, mana!in! director
or artner.
Sec. "=. The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment
shall romul!ate the necessar/ rules and re!ulations
to imlement the ro,isions o& this Act.
Sec. "A. All laws, orders, issuances, rules and
re!ulations or arts thereo& inconsistent with the
ro,isions o& this Act are hereb/ reealed, amended
or modi&ied accordin!l/. 'n an/ ro,ision or art o& this
Act, or the alication thereo& to an/ erson or
circumstance, is held in,alid or unconstitutional, the
remainder o& this Act or the alication o& such
ro,ision or art thereo& to other ersons or
circumstances shall not be a&&ected thereb/.
8othin! in this Act shall be construed to reduce an/
e0istin! wa!e rates, allowances and bene&its o& an/
&orm under e0istin! laws, decrees, issuances,
e0ecuti,e orders, andCor under an/ contract or
a!reement between the wor1ers and emlo/ers.
Sec. "@. This Act shall ta1e e&&ect &i&teen ("@) da/s
a&ter its comlete ublication in the +&&icial .azette or
in at least two (4) national newsaers o& !eneral
circulation, whiche,er comes earlier.
A(T. "4:. Creation of National &ages and Productivity
Commission. - There is hereb/ created a 8ational 2a!es
and Producti,it/ Commission, hereina&ter re&erred to as the
Commission, which shall be attached to the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment (5+LE) &or olic/ and ro!ram
coordination. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. B%4%, June
#, "#$#).
A(T. "4". Po$ers and functions of the Commission. - The
Commission shall ha,e the &ollowin! owers and &unctions7
(a) To act as the national consultati,e and ad,isor/ bod/ to
the President o& the Philiines and Con!ress on matters
relatin! to wa!es, incomes and roducti,it/;
(b) To &ormulate olicies and !uidelines on wa!es, incomes
and roducti,it/ imro,ement at the enterrise, industr/ and
national le,els;
(c) To rescribe rules and !uidelines &or the determination o&
aroriate minimum wa!e and roducti,it/ measures at the
re!ional, ro,incial, or industr/ le,els;
(d) To re,iew re!ional wa!e le,els set b/ the (e!ional
Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards to determine i&
these are in accordance with rescribed !uidelines and
national de,eloment lans;
(e) To underta1e studies, researches and sur,e/s necessar/
&or the attainment o& its &unctions and ob3ecti,es, and to
collect and comile data and eriodicall/ disseminate
in&ormation on wa!es and roducti,it/ and other related
in&ormation, includin!, but not limited to, emlo/ment, cost-
o&-li,in!, labor costs, in,estments and returns;
(&) To re,iew lans and ro!rams o& the (e!ional Triartite
2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards to determine whether these
are consistent with national de,eloment lans;
(!) To e0ercise technical and administrati,e suer,ision o,er
the (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards;chan
robles ,irtual law librar/
(h) To call, &rom time to time, a national triartite con&erence
o& reresentati,es o& !o,ernment, wor1ers and emlo/ers &or
the consideration o& measures to romote wa!e
rationalization and roducti,it/; and
(i) To e0ercise such owers and &unctions as ma/ be
necessar/ to imlement this Act.
The Commission shall be comosed o& the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment as ex+officio chairman, the 5irector-
.eneral o& the 8ational Economic and 5e,eloment
Authorit/ (8E5A) as ex+officio ,ice-chairman, and two (4)
members each &rom wor1ersG and emlo/ersG sectors who
shall be aointed b/ the President o& the Philiines uon
recommendation o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment
to be made on the basis o& the list o& nominees submitted b/
the wor1ersG and emlo/ersG sectors, resecti,el/, and who
shall ser,e &or a term o& &i,e (@) /ears. The E0ecuti,e
5irector o& the Commission shall also be a member o& the
The Commission shall be assisted b/ a Secretariat to be
headed b/ an E0ecuti,e 5irector and two (4) 5eut/
5irectors, who shall be aointed b/ the President o& the
Philiines, uon the recommendation o& the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment.
The E0ecuti,e 5irector shall ha,e the same ran1, salar/,
bene&its and other emoluments as that o& a 5eartment
Assistant Secretar/, while the 5eut/ 5irectors shall ha,e
the same ran1, salar/, bene&its and other emoluments as
that o& a Bureau 5irector. The members o& the Commission
reresentin! labor and mana!ement shall ha,e the same
ran1, emoluments, allowances and other bene&its as those
rescribed b/ law &or labor and mana!ement reresentati,es
in the Emlo/eesG Comensation Commission. (As amended
b/ (eublic Act 8o. B%4%, June #, "#$#).
A(T. "44. Creation of Regional Tripartite &ages and
Productivity /oards. - There is hereb/ created (e!ional
Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Boards, hereina&ter
re&erred to as (e!ional Boards, in all re!ions, includin!
autonomous re!ions as ma/ be established b/ law. The
Commission shall determine the o&&icesChead>uarters o& the
resecti,e (e!ional Boards.
The (e!ional Boards shall ha,e the &ollowin! owers and
&unctions in their resecti,e territorial 3urisdictions7
(a) To de,elo lans, ro!rams and ro3ects relati,e to
wa!es, incomes and roducti,it/ imro,ement &or their
resecti,e re!ions;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ":#
(b) To determine and &i0 minimum wa!e rates alicable in
their re!ions, ro,inces or industries therein and to issue the
corresondin! wa!e orders, sub3ect to !uidelines issued b/
the Commission;
(c) To underta1e studies, researches, and sur,e/s
necessar/ &or the attainment o& their &unctions, ob3ecti,es
and ro!rams, and to collect and comile data on wa!es,
incomes, roducti,it/ and other related in&ormation and
eriodicall/ disseminate the same;
(d) To coordinate with the other (e!ional Boards as ma/ be
necessar/ to attain the olic/ and intention o& this Code;
(e) To recei,e, rocess and act on alications &or
e0emtion &rom rescribed wa!e rates as ma/ be ro,ided
b/ law or an/ 2a!e +rder; and
(&) To e0ercise such other owers and &unctions as ma/ be
necessar/ to carr/ out their mandate under this Code.
'mlementation o& the lans, ro!rams, and ro3ects o& the
(e!ional Boards re&erred to in the second ara!rah, letter
(a) o& this Article, shall be throu!h the resecti,e re!ional
o&&ices o& the 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment within
their territorial 3urisdiction; Provided% ho$ever, That the
(e!ional Boards shall ha,e technical suer,ision o,er the
re!ional o&&ice o& the 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment
with resect to the imlementation o& said lans, ro!rams
and ro3ects.
Each (e!ional Board shall be comosed o& the (e!ional
5irector o& the 5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment as
chairman, the (e!ional 5irectors o& the 8ational Economic
and 5e,eloment Authorit/ and the 5eartment o& Trade
and 'ndustr/ as ,ice-chairmen and two (4) members each
&rom wor1ersG and emlo/ersG sectors who shall be
aointed b/ the President o& the Philiines, uon the
recommendation o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment,
to be made on the basis o& the list o& nominees submitted b/
the wor1ersG and emlo/ersG sectors, resecti,el/, and who
shall ser,e &or a term o& &i,e (@) /ears.
Each (e!ional Board to be headed b/ its chairman shall be
assisted b/ a Secretariat. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o.
B%4%, June #, "#$#).
A(T. "4=. &age 'rder. - 2hene,er conditions in the re!ion
so warrant, the (e!ional Board shall in,esti!ate and stud/
all ertinent &acts; and based on the standards and criteria
herein rescribed, shall roceed to determine whether a
2a!e +rder should be issued. An/ such 2a!e +rder shall
ta1e e&&ect a&ter &i&teen ("@) da/s &rom its comlete
ublication in at least one (") newsaer o& !eneral
circulation in the re!ion.
'n the er&ormance o& its wa!e-determinin! &unctions, the
(e!ional Board shall conduct ublic hearin!sCconsultations,
!i,in! notices to emlo/eesG and emlo/ersG !rous,
ro,incial, cit/ and municial o&&icials and other interested
An/ art/ a!!rie,ed b/ the 2a!e +rder issued b/ the
(e!ional Board ma/ aeal such order to the Commission
within ten (":) calendar da/s &rom the ublication o& such
order. 't shall be mandator/ &or the Commission to decide
such aeal within si0t/ (B:) calendar da/s &rom the &ilin!
The &ilin! o& the aeal does not sta/ the order unless the
erson aealin! such order shall &ile with the Commission,
an underta1in! with a suret/ or sureties satis&actor/ to the
Commission &or the a/ment to the emlo/ees a&&ected b/
the order o& the corresondin! increase, in the e,ent such
order is a&&irmed. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. B%4%,
June #, "#$#).
A(T. "4A. ,tandards3Criteria for minimum $age fixing. - The
re!ional minimum wa!es to be established b/ the (e!ional
Board shall be as nearl/ ade>uate as is economicall/
&easible to maintain the minimum standards o& li,in!
necessar/ &or the health, e&&icienc/ and !eneral well-bein! o&
the emlo/ees within the &ramewor1 o& the national
economic and social de,eloment ro!ram. 'n the
determination o& such re!ional minimum wa!es, the
(e!ional Board shall, amon! other rele,ant &actors, consider
the &ollowin!7

(a) The demand &or li,in! wa!es;
(b) 2a!e ad3ustment vis+A+vis the consumer rice inde0;
(c) The cost o& li,in! and chan!es or increases therein;
(d) The needs o& wor1ers and their &amilies;
(e) The need to induce industries to in,est in the
(&) 'mro,ements in standards o& li,in!;
(!) The re,ailin! wa!e le,els;
(h) Kair return o& the caital in,ested and caacit/ to a/ o&
(i) E&&ects on emlo/ment !eneration and &amil/ income; and
(3) The e>uitable distribution o& income and wealth alon! the
imerati,es o& economic and social de,eloment.

The wa!es rescribed in accordance with the ro,isions o&
this Title shall be the standard re,ailin! minimum wa!es in
e,er/ re!ion. These wa!es shall include wa!es ,ar/in! with
industries, ro,inces or localities i& in the 3ud!ment o& the
(e!ional Board, conditions ma1e such local di&&erentiation
roer and necessar/ to e&&ectuate the urose o& this Title.
An/ erson, coman/, cororation, artnershi or an/ other
entit/ en!a!ed in business shall &ile and re!ister annuall/
with the aroriate (e!ional Board, Commission and the
8ational Statistics +&&ice, an itemized listin! o& their labor
comonent, seci&/in! the names o& their wor1ers and
emlo/ees below the mana!erial le,el, includin! learners,
arentices and disabledChandicaed wor1ers who were
hired under the terms rescribed in the emlo/ment
contracts, and their corresondin! salaries and wa!es.
2here the alication o& an/ rescribed wa!e increase b/
,irtue o& a law or wa!e order issued b/ an/ (e!ional Board
results in distortions o& the wa!e structure within an
establishment, the emlo/er and the union shall ne!otiate to
correct the distortions. An/ disute arisin! &rom wa!e
distortions shall be resol,ed throu!h the !rie,ance
rocedure under their collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement and, i&
it remains unresol,ed, throu!h ,oluntar/ arbitration. Lnless
otherwise a!reed b/ the arties in writin!, such disute shall
be decided b/ the ,oluntar/ arbitrators within ten (":)
calendar da/s &rom the time said disute was re&erred to
,oluntar/ arbitration.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "":
'n cases where there are no collecti,e a!reements or
reco!nized labor unions, the emlo/ers and wor1ers shall
endea,or to correct such distortions. An/ disute arisin!
there&rom shall be settled throu!h the 8ational Conciliation
and Dediation Board and, i& it remains unresol,ed a&ter ten
(":) calendar da/s o& conciliation, shall be re&erred to the
aroriate branch o& the 8ational Labor (elations
Commission (8L(C). 't shall be mandator/ &or the 8L(C to
conduct continuous hearin!s and decide the disute within
twent/ (4:) calendar da/s &rom the time said disute is
submitted &or comulsor/ arbitration.
The endenc/ o& a disute arisin! &rom a wa!e distortion
shall not in an/ wa/ dela/ the alicabilit/ o& an/ increase in
rescribed wa!e rates ursuant to the ro,isions o& law or
wa!e order.
As used herein, a wa!e distortion shall mean a situation
where an increase in rescribed wa!e rates results in the
elimination or se,ere contraction o& intentional >uantitati,e
di&&erences in wa!e or salar/ rates between and amon!
emlo/ee !rous in an establishment as to e&&ecti,el/
obliterate the distinctions embodied in such wa!e structure
based on s1ills, len!th o& ser,ice, or other lo!ical bases o&
All wor1ers aid b/ result, includin! those who are aid on
iecewor1, ta.ay, pa.ya$ or tas1 basis, shall recei,e not
less than the rescribed wa!e rates er ei!ht ($) hours o&
wor1 a da/, or a roortion thereo& &or wor1in! less than
ei!ht ($) hours.
All reco!nized learnershi and arenticeshi a!reements
shall be considered automaticall/ modi&ied inso&ar as their
wa!e clauses are concerned to re&lect the rescribed wa!e
rates. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. B%4%, June #,
A(T. "4@. 2reedom to bargain. - 8o wa!e order shall be
construed to re,ent wor1ers in articular &irms or
enterrises or industries &rom bar!ainin! &or hi!her wa!es
with their resecti,e emlo/ers. (As amended b/ (eublic
Act 8o. B%4%, June #, "#$#).
A(T. "4B. Prohibition against in-unction. ? 8o reliminar/ or
ermanent in3unction or temorar/ restrainin! order ma/ be
issued b/ an/ court, tribunal or other entit/ a!ainst an/
roceedin!s be&ore the Commission or the (e!ional Boards.
(As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. B%4%, June #, "#$#).
A(T. "4%. Non+diminution of benefits. - 8o wa!e order
issued b/ an/ re!ional board shall ro,ide &or wa!e rates
lower than the statutor/ minimum wa!e rates rescribed b/
Con!ress. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. B%4%, June #,
(LLE '<
2a!e Studies and 5etermination
SECT'+8 ". 5e&inition o& terms. O (a) T'ndustr/T shall mean
an/ identi&iable !rou o& roducti,e units or enterrises,
whether oerated &or ro&it or not, en!a!ed in similar or
allied economic acti,ities in which indi,iduals are !ain&ull/
(b) A TbranchT o& an industr/ is a wor1, roduct or ser,ice
!rouin! thereo& which can be considered a distinct di,ision
&or wa!e-&i0in! uroses.
(c) TSubstantial numberT shall mean such an areciable
number o& emlo/ees in an industr/ as, in the CommissionSs
oinion, considerin! all rele,ant &acts, ma/ re>uire action
under Art. "4" o& the Code to e&&ectuate the uroses o&
wa!e determination, re!ardless o& the roortion o& such
emlo/ees to the total number o& emlo/ees in the industr/.
SECT'+8 4. 2a!e studies. O The 8ational 2a!es Council
shall conduct a continuin! stud/ o& wa!e rates and other
economic conditions in all industries, a!ricultural and non-
a!ricultural. The results o& such stud/ shall be eriodicall/
disseminated to the !o,ernment, labor and mana!ement
sectors &or their in&ormation and !uidance.
SECT'+8 =. 2a!es recommendation. O '& a&ter such stud/,
the Commission is o& the oinion that a substantial number
o& emlo/ees in an/ !i,en industr/ or branch thereo& are
recei,in! wa!es, which althou!h coml/in! with the
minimum ro,ided b/ law, are less than su&&icient to maintain
them in health, e&&icienc/ and !eneral well-bein!, ta1in! into
account, amon! others, the eculiar circumstances o& the
industr/ and its !eo!rahical location, the Commission shall,
with the aro,al o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment,
roceed to determine whether a wa!e recommendation
should be issued.
SECT'+8 A. Criteria &or wa!e &i0in!. O (a) 'n addition to the
criteria established b/ Art. "4= o& the Code &or minimum
wa!e &i0in!, the Commission shall consider, amon! other
&actors, social ser,ices and bene&its !i,en &ree to wor1ers
and the ossible e&&ect o& a !i,en increase in the minimum
wa!e on rices, mone/ sul/, emlo/ment, labor mobilit/
and roducti,it/, labor or!anization e&&icac/, domestic and
&orei!n trade, and other rele,ant indicators o& social and
economic de,eloment.
(b) 2here a &air return to caital in,ested cannot be
reasonabl/ determined, or where the industr/ concerned is
not oerated &or ro&it, its caacit/ to a/, ta1in! into account
all resources a,ailable to it, shall be considered.
SECT'+8 @. Muorum. O Three (=) members o& the
Commission, includin! its Chairman, shall constitute a
>uorum to transact the CommissionSs business.
SECT'+8 B. Commission actions, number o& ,otes re>uired.
O The ,otes o& at least three (=) members o& the
Commission shall be necessar/ to e&&ect an/ decision or
recommendation it is authorized to issue under the Code
and this rule7 Pro,ided, That in the internal re!ulation and
direction o& the &unctions o& the CommissionSs sta&& includin!
the conduct o& administrati,e rocesses and the
maintenance o& roer liaison and coordination with other
or!anizations, the Chairman shall not need the consent o&
the Commission or an/ member thereo&.
SECT'+8 %. +utside assistance. O The Commission ma/
call uon the assistance and cooeration o& an/ !o,ernment
a!enc/ or o&&icial, and ma/ in,ite an/ ri,ate erson or
or!anization to &urnish in&ormation in connection with
industr/ studies and wa!e &i0in! hearin!s or in aid o& the
CommissionSs deliberations.
SECT'+8 $. Schedule o& hearin!s and notices. O The
Commission shall reare a schedule o& hearin!s &or the
recetion o& e,idence necessar/ &or wa!e &i0in! in an
industr/, includin! a list o& witnesses that it will in,ite and the
date, time and lace o& the hearin!s. A notice thereo& to all
sectors o& the industr/ shall be !i,en in the most e0editious
manner. 't ma/ ha,e rior consultations with labor and
mana!ement leaders in the industr/ &or the abo,e urose.
SECT'+8 #. Lnsolicited testimon/. O Persons who o&&er to
testi&/ be&ore the Commission shall be heard onl/ a&ter the
Commission is satis&ied, uon brie& reliminar/ e0amination,
that the/ are in ossession o& &acts rele,ant to the sub3ect o&
in>uir/. The Chairman, or in other cases, the erson
conductin! the hearin!, shall re,ise the schedule o& hearin!s
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e """
whene,er necessar/ to achie,e lo!ical se>uence o&
SECT'+8 ":. Comulsor/ rocesses. O (ecourse to
comulsor/ rocesses under the (e,ised Administrati,e
Code to ensure the attendance o& witnesses andCor the
roduction o& rele,ant documentar/ e,idence shall be used
onl/ on occasions o& e0treme imortance and a&ter other
means shall ha,e &ailed, sub3ect to the aro,al o& the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment.
SECT'+8 "". *earin!s; where, b/ whom conducted. O
Commission hearin!s ma/ be conducted b/ the Commission
en banc, or, when authorized b/ the Commission, b/ an/
member or hearin! o&&icer desi!nated b/ the Chairman. The
hearin!s ma/ be held where,er the industr/ or branches
thereo& are situated; otherwise the/ shall be held in the
.reater Danila Area. The hearin!s shall be oen to the
SECT'+8 "4. *earin!s be&ore sin!le member or hearin!
o&&icer. O *earin!s conducted b/ a dul/ authorized member
or hearin! o&&icer shall be considered as hearin!s be&ore the
Commission. The records o& such hearin!s shall be
submitted to the Commission as soon as the/ are
comleted, indicatin! the time and lace o& the hearin!s and
the aearances thereat, to!ether with a brie& statement o&
the &indin!s and recommendations o& the member or hearin!
o&&icer concerned.
SECT'+8 "=. Testimon/ under oath. O The testimon/ o& all
witnesses shall be made under oath or a&&irmation and shall
be ta1en down and transcribed b/ a dul/ aointed
steno!rahic reorter.
SECT'+8 "A. 8on-alicabilit/ o& technical rules. O The
technical rules o& e,idence alied b/ the courts in
roceedin!s at law or e>uit/ shall not strictl/ al/ in an/
roceedin!s conducted be&ore the Commission.
SECT'+8 "@. Stiulation o& &act. O Stiulations o& &act ma/
be admitted with resect to an/ matter at issue in the
SECT'+8 "B. 5ocumentar/ e,idence. O 2ritten e,idence
submitted to the Commission or an/ member or hearin!
o&&icer shall be roerl/ mar1ed to &acilitate identi&ication.
SECT'+8 "%. Submission o& industr/-reort. O 2ithin si0t/
(B:) wor1in! da/s &rom the date o& the &irst hearin!, the
Commission shall submit to the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment an T'ndustr/ (eortT which shall relate in brie&
the oerations that led thereto, the basic &indin!s o&
economic &acts about the industr/ and the recommendations
made on the basis thereo&.
SECT'+8 "$. Action b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment. O 2ithin thirt/ (=:) wor1in! da/s a&ter the
submission o& the T'ndustr/ (eort,T the Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment shall either re3ect or aro,e the
recommendation o& the Commission in accordance with Art.
"44 o& the Code. '& he aro,es the recommendation, he
shall issue a 2a!e +rder adotin! the same, sub3ect to the
aro,al o& the President o& the Philiines, rescribin! the
minimum wa!e or wa!es &or the industr/ concerned.
SECT'+8 "#. 2a!e +rder. O The 2a!e +rder shall seci&/
the industr/ or branch to which the minimum wa!es
rescribed therein shall al/; Pro,ided, That no de&inite
rates shall be rescribed &or seci&ic 3ob titles in the industr/.
SECT'+8 4:. 9ar/in! minimum wa!es. O To 3usti&/
di&&erent minimum wa!es &or di&&erent localities, the
economic and other conditions &ound in a articular localit/
must not onl/ be more or less uni&orm therein but also
di&&erent &rom those re,ailin! in other localities.
SECT'+8 4". Publication o& 2a!e +rder. O +nl/ such
ortions o& a 2a!e +rder shall be ublished as shall
e&&ecti,el/ !i,e notice to all interested arties that such an
+rder has been issued, the industr/ a&&ected, the minimum
wa!es rescribed and the date o& its e&&ecti,it/.
SECT'+8 44. E&&ecti,it/. O A 2a!e +rder shall become
e&&ecti,e a&ter &i&teen ("@) da/s &rom its ublication as
ro,ided in Article "4A o& the Code.
SECT'+8 4=. 'nternal rules o& the Commission. O Sub3ect
to the aro,al o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment,
the 8ational 2a!es Council ma/ issue rules and re!ulations
!o,ernin! its internal rocedure.
a. (ationale &or 2a!e (ationalization, (A B%4%,
Sec. 4
Sec. 4. 't is hereb/ declared the olic/ o& the State to
rationalize the &i0in! o& minimum wa!es and to romote
roducti,it/-imro,ement and !ain-sharin! measures to
ensure a decent standard o& li,in! &or the wor1ers and their
&amilies; to !uarantee the ri!hts o& labor to its 3ust share in
the &ruits o& roduction; to enhance emlo/ment !eneration
in the countr/side throu!h industr/ disersal; and to allow
business and industr/ reasonable returns on in,estment,
e0ansion and !rowth.
The State shall romote collecti,e bar!ainin! as the rimar/
mode o& settin! wa!es and other terms and conditions o&
emlo/ment; and, whene,er necessar/, the minimum wa!e
rates shall be ad3usted in a &air and e>uitable manner,
considerin! e0istin! re!ional disarities in the cost o& li,in!
and other socio-economic &actors and the national economic
and social de,eloment lans.
b. A!encies in 2a!e Ki0in! Dachiner/
") 8ational 2a!es and Producti,it/ Commission, (A
B%4%, Sec. =; Arts. "4:, "4", "4B
4) (e!ional Triartite 2a!es and Producti,it/ Board,
(A B%4%, Sec. =; Arts. "44, "4B
8asiit Lumber Co. ,. 8L(C, 4$#
SC(A BB% ("##$)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""4
c. StandardsCCriteria &or Dinimum 2a!e Ki0in!,
(A B%4%, Sec. =; Art. "4A
d. 2a!e +rder, Arts. "4=, "4A
") Dethods o& Ki0in!
a) Kloor 2a!e method
b) Salar/ ? Ceilin! Dethod
Emlo/ers Con&ederation o& the
Phil. 9. 8ational 2a!e and Producti,it/ Commission, 4:"
SC(A %@# ("##")
4) 9alidit/
Ca!a/an Su!ar Dillin! Co. ,.
Secretar/, 5+LE, 4$A SC(A "@: ("##$)
=) 2a!e 5istortion
Pruban1ers Association ,.
Prudential Ban1 ) Trust Co., =:4 SC(A %A ("###)
=. 2a!e Pa/ment and Protection
a. Korm o& Pa/ment, Art. 4:4; Ci,il Code, Art. "%:@;
(ule 9''', Secs. ", 4
A(T. 4:4. *rroneous payment. - (a) '& the S/stem in !ood
&aith a/s income bene&it to a deendent who is in&erior in
ri!ht to another deendent or with whom another deendent
is entitled to share, such a/ments shall dischar!e the
S/stem &rom liabilit/, unless and until such other deendent
noti&ies the S/stem o& his claim rior to the a/ments.
(b) 'n case o& doubt as to the resecti,e ri!hts o& ri,al
claimants, the S/stem is hereb/ emowered to determine as
to whom a/ments should be made in accordance with such
re!ulations as the Commission ma/ aro,e. '& the mone/ is
a/able to a minor or incometent, a/ment shall be made
b/ the S/stem to such erson or ersons as it ma/ consider
to be best >uali&ied to ta1e care and disose o& the minorGs
or incometentGs roert/ &or his bene&it.
8CC Art. "%:@. The laborerSs wa!es shall be aid in le!al
SECT'+8 ". Danner o& wa!e a/ment. O As a !eneral rule,
wa!es shall be aid in le!al tender and the use o& to1ens,
romissor/ notes, ,ouchers, couons, or an/ other &orm
alle!ed to reresent le!al tender is absolutel/ rohibited
e,en when e0ressl/ re>uested b/ the emlo/ee.
SECT'+8 4. Pa/ment b/ chec1. O Pa/ment o& wa!es b/
ban1 chec1s, ostal chec1s or mone/ orders is allowed
where such manner o& wa!e a/ment is customar/ on the
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""=
date o& the e&&ecti,it/ o& the Code, where it is so stiulated in
a collecti,e a!reement, or where all o& the &ollowin!
conditions are met7
(a) There is a ban1 or other &acilit/ &or encashment within a
radius o& one (") 1ilometer &rom the wor1lace;
(b) The emlo/er or an/ o& his a!ents or reresentati,es
does not recei,e an/ ecuniar/ bene&it directl/ or indirectl/
&rom the arran!ement;
(c) The emlo/ees are !i,en reasonable time durin! ban1in!
hours to withdraw their wa!es &rom the ban1 which time shall
be considered as comensable hours wor1ed i& done durin!
wor1in! hours; and
(d) The a/ment b/ chec1 is with the written consent o& the
emlo/ees concerned i& there is no collecti,e a!reement
authorizin! the a/ment o& wa!es b/ ban1 chec1s.
Con!son ,. 8L(C, 4A= SC(A 4B:
b. Time o& Pa/ment, Art. ":=, Sec. =
A(T. ":=. Time of payment. - 2a!es shall be aid at least
once e,er/ two (4) wee1s or twice a month at inter,als not
e0ceedin! si0teen ("B) da/s. '& on account o& force ma-eure
or circumstances be/ond the emlo/erGs control, a/ment o&
wa!es on or within the time herein ro,ided cannot be
made, the emlo/er shall a/ the wa!es immediatel/ a&ter
such force ma-eure or circumstances ha,e ceased. 8o
emlo/er shall ma1e a/ment with less &re>uenc/ than once
a month.
The a/ment o& wa!es o& emlo/ees en!a!ed to er&orm a
tas1 which cannot be comleted in two (4) wee1s shall be
sub3ect to the &ollowin! conditions, in the absence o& a
collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reement or arbitration award7
(") That a/ments are made at inter,als not e0ceedin!
si0teen ("B) da/s, in roortion to the amount o& wor1
(4) That &inal settlement is made uon comletion o& the
SECT'+8 =. Time o& a/ment. O (a) 2a!es shall be aid
not less than once e,er/ two (4) wee1s or twice a month at
inter,als not e0ceedin! si0teen ("B) da/s, unless a/ment
cannot be made with such re!ularit/ due to &orce ma3eure or
circumstances be/ond the emlo/erSs control in which case
the emlo/er shall a/ the wa!es immediatel/ a&ter such
&orce ma3eure or circumstances ha,e ceased.
(b) 'n case o& a/ment o& wa!es b/ results in,ol,in! wor1
which cannot be &inished in two (4) wee1s, a/ment shall be
made at inter,als not e0ceedin! si0teen da/s in roortion to
the amount o& wor1 comleted. Kinal settlement shall be
made immediatel/ uon comletion o& the wor1.
c. Place o& Pa/ment, Art. ":A, Sec. A
SECT'+8 A. Place o& a/ment. O As a !eneral rule, the
lace o& a/ment shall be at or near the lace o&
underta1in!. Pa/ment in a lace other than the wor1 lace
shall be ermissible onl/ under the &ollowin! circumstances7
(a) 2hen a/ment cannot be e&&ected at or near the lace o&
wor1 b/ reason o& the deterioration o& eace and order
conditions, or b/ reason o& actual or imendin! emer!encies
caused b/ &ire, &lood, eidemic or other calamit/ renderin!
a/ment thereat imossible;
(b) 2hen the emlo/er ro,ides &ree transortation to the
emlo/ees bac1 and &orth; and
(c) Lnder an/ other analo!ous circumstances; Pro,ided,
That the time sent b/ the emlo/ees in collectin! their
wa!es shall be considered as comensable hours wor1ed;
(d) 8o emlo/er shall a/ his emlo/ees in an/ bar, ni!ht or
da/ club, drin1in! establishment, massa!e clinic, dance hall,
or other similar laces or in laces where !ames are la/ed
with sta1es o& mone/ or thin!s reresentin! mone/ e0cet in
the case o& ersons emlo/ed in said laces.
LC A(T. ":A. Place of payment. - Pa/ment o& wa!es shall
be made at or near the lace o& underta1in!, e0cet as
otherwise ro,ided b/ such re!ulations as the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ rescribe under conditions to
ensure !reater rotection o& wa!es.
See7 Labor Ad,isor/ on Pa/ment o& Salaries Thru
Automated Teller Dachines (ATD)
d. Person to Pa/, Art. ":@, Secs. @, B
SECT'+8 @. 5irect a/ment o& wa!es. O Pa/ment o& wa!es
shall be made direct to the emlo/ee entitled thereto e0cet
in the &ollowin! cases7
(a) 2here the emlo/er is authorized in writin! b/ the
emlo/ee to a/ his wa!es to a member o& his &amil/;
(b) 2here a/ment to another erson o& an/ art o& the
emlo/eeSs wa!es is authorized b/ e0istin! law, includin!
a/ments &or the insurance remiums o& the emlo/ee and
union dues where the ri!ht to chec1-o&& has been reco!nized
b/ the emlo/er in accordance with a collecti,e a!reement
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""A
or authorized in writin! b/ the indi,idual emlo/ees
concerned; or
(c) 'n case o& death o& the emlo/ee as ro,ided in the
succeedin! Section.
SECT'+8 B. 2a!es o& deceased emlo/ee. O The a/ment
o& the wa!es o& a deceased emlo/ee shall be made to his
heirs without the necessit/ o& intestate roceedin!s. 2hen
the heirs are o& a!e, the/ shall e0ecute an a&&ida,it attestin!
to their relationshi to the deceased and the &act that the/
are his heirs to the e0clusion o& all other ersons. 'n case
an/ o& the heirs is a minor, such a&&ida,it shall be e0ecuted in
his behal& b/ his natural !uardian or ne0t o& 1in. Lon
resentation o& the a&&ida,it to the emlo/er, he shall ma1e
a/ment to the heirs as reresentati,e o& the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment.
A(T. ":@. Direct payment of $ages. - 2a!es shall be aid
directl/ to the wor1ers to whom the/ are due, e0cet7
(a) 'n cases o& force ma-eure renderin! such a/ment
imossible or under other secial circumstances to be
determined b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment in
aroriate re!ulations, in which case, the wor1er ma/ be
aid throu!h another erson under written authorit/ !i,en b/
the wor1er &or the urose; or
(b) 2here the wor1er has died, in which case, the emlo/er
ma/ a/ the wa!es o& the deceased wor1er to the heirs o&
the latter without the necessit/ o& intestate roceedin!s. The
claimants, i& the/ are all o& a!e, shall e0ecute an a&&ida,it
attestin! to their relationshi to the deceased and the &act
that the/ are his heirs, to the e0clusion o& all other ersons. '&
an/ o& the heirs is a minor, the a&&ida,it shall be e0ecuted on
his behal& b/ his natural !uardian or ne0t-o&-1in. The a&&ida,it
shall be resented to the emlo/er who shall ma1e a/ment
throu!h the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his
reresentati,e. The reresentati,e o& the Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment shall act as re&eree in di,idin! the amount
aid amon! the heirs. The a/ment o& wa!es under this
Article shall absol,e the emlo/er o& an/ &urther liabilit/ with
resect to the amount aid.
Bermiso ,. Escano, 'nc., ":@ Phil.
4=" ("#@#)
A. 2a!e Prohibitions
a. 2a!e 'nter&erence in 5isosal o& 2a!es, Art. ""4;
(ule 9''', Sec. #
a. 2a!e 'nter&erence in 5isosal o& 2a!es, Art.
""4; (ule 9''', Sec. #
A(T. ""4. Non+interference in disposal of $ages. - 8o
emlo/er shall limit or otherwise inter&ere with the &reedom o&
an/ emlo/ee to disose o& his wa!es. *e shall not in an/
manner &orce, comel, or obli!e his emlo/ees to urchase
merchandise, commodities or other roert/ &rom an/ other
erson, or otherwise ma1e use o& an/ store or ser,ices o&
such emlo/er or an/ other erson.
SECT'+8 #. Labor-onl/ contractin!. O (a) An/ erson who
underta1es to sul/ wor1ers to an emlo/er shall be
deemed to be en!a!ed in labor-onl/ contractin! where such
(") 5oes not ha,e substantial caital or in,estment in the
&orm o& tools, e>uiment, machineries, wor1 remises and
other materials; and
(4) The wor1ers recruited and laced b/ such erson are
er&ormin! acti,ities which are directl/ related to the
rincial business or oerations o& the emlo/er in which
wor1ers are habituall/ emlo/ed.
(b) Labor-onl/ contractin! as de&ined herein is hereb/
rohibited and the erson actin! as contractor shall be
considered merel/ as an a!ent or intermediar/ o& the
emlo/er who shall be resonsible to the wor1ers in the
same manner and e0tent as i& the latter were directl/
emlo/ed b/ him.
(c) Kor cases not &allin! under this (ule, the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment shall determine throu!h aroriate
orders whether or not the contractin! out o& labor is
ermissible in the li!ht o& the circumstances o& each case
and a&ter considerin! the oeratin! needs o& the emlo/er
and the ri!hts o& the wor1ers in,ol,ed. 'n such case, he ma/
rescribe conditions and restrictions to insure the rotection
and wel&are o& the wor1ers.
b. 2a!e 5eduction, Art. ""=; (ule 9''', Sec. ":
A(T. ""=. &age deduction. - 8o emlo/er, in his own behal&
or in behal& o& an/ erson, shall ma1e an/ deduction &rom
the wa!es o& his emlo/ees, e0cet7
(a) 'n cases where the wor1er is insured with his consent b/
the emlo/er, and the deduction is to recomense the
emlo/er &or the amount aid b/ him as remium on the
(b) Kor union dues, in cases where the ri!ht o& the wor1er or
his union to chec1-o&& has been reco!nized b/ the emlo/er
or authorized in writin! b/ the indi,idual wor1er concerned;
(c) 'n cases where the emlo/er is authorized b/ law or
re!ulations issued b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
SECT'+8 ":. Pa/ment o& wa!es in case o& ban1rutc/. O
Lnaid wa!es earned b/ the emlo/ees be&ore the
declaration o& ban1rutc/ or 3udicial li>uidation o& the
emlo/erSs business shall be !i,en &irst re&erence and shall
be aid in &ull be&ore other creditors ma/ establish an/ claim
to a share in the assets o& the emlo/er.
Aodaca ,. 8L(C, "%4 SC(A AA4
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""@
c. (e>uirement to ma1e 5eosits &or Loss or
5ama!e, Art. Arts. ""A, ""@; (ule 9''', Sec. ""
A(T. ""A. Deposits for loss or damage. - 8o emlo/er shall
re>uire his wor1er to ma1e deosits &rom which deductions
shall be made &or the reimbursement o& loss o& or dama!e
to tools, materials, or e>uiment sulied b/ the emlo/er,
e0cet when the emlo/er is en!a!ed in such trades,
occuations or business where the ractice o& ma1in!
deductions or re>uirin! deosits is a reco!nized one, or is
necessar/ or desirable as determined b/ the Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment in aroriate rules and
A(T. ""@. Limitations. - 8o deduction &rom the deosits o&
an emlo/ee &or the actual amount o& the loss or dama!e
shall be made unless the emlo/ee has been heard
thereon, and his
SECT'+8 "". Attorne/Ss &ees. O Attorne/Ss &ees in an/
3udicial or administrati,e roceedin!s &or the reco,er/ o&
wa!es shall not e0ceed ": ercent o& the amount awarded.
The &ees ma/ be deducted &rom the total amount due the
winnin! art/ resonsibilit/ has been clearl/ shown.
5entech Danu&acturin! Cor.
8L(C, "%4 SC(A @$$ ("#$#)
Ki,e J Ta0i ,. 8L(C, 4=@ SC(A
@@B ("##A)
e. 2ithholdin! o& 2a!es, Art. ""B; Ci,il Code,
Art. "%:B
A(T. ""B. &ithholding of $ages and .ic.bac.s prohibited. -
't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/ erson, directl/ or indirectl/, to
withhold an/ amount &rom the wa!es o& a wor1er or induce
him to !i,e u an/ art o& his wa!es b/ &orce, stealth,
intimidation, threat or b/ an/ other means whatsoe,er
without the wor1erGs consent.
8CC Art. "%:B. 2ithholdin! o& the wa!es, e0cet &or a
debt due, shall not be made b/ the emlo/er.
&. 5eduction to Ensure Emlo/ment, Art. ""%
A(T. ""%. Deduction to ensure employment. - 't shall be
unlaw&ul to ma1e an/ deduction &rom the wa!es o& an/
emlo/ee &or the bene&it o& the emlo/er or his
reresentati,e or intermediar/ as consideration o& a romise
o& emlo/ment or retention in emlo/ment.
!. (etaliator/ Deasures, Art. ""$
A(T. ""$. Retaliatory measures. - 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an
emlo/er to re&use to a/ or reduce the wa!es and bene&its,
dischar!e or in an/ manner discriminate a!ainst an/
emlo/ee who has &iled an/ comlaint or instituted an/
roceedin! under this Title or has testi&ied or is about to
testi&/ in such roceedin!s.
h. Kalse (eortin!, Art. ""#; (ule <, Sec. "=
A(T. ""#. 2alse reporting. - 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/
erson to ma1e an/ statement, reort, or record &iled or 1et
ursuant to the ro,isions o& this Code 1nowin! such
statement, reort or record to be &alse in an/ material
SECT'+8 "=. Kalse reortin!. O 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/
emlo/er or an/ erson to ma1e an/ &alse statement, reort
or record on matters re>uired to be 1et or maintained
ursuant to the ro,isions o& this (ule.
i. Qeein! o& Emlo/eeGs (ecords in a Place
other than the 2or1lace
South Dotorists Enterrises ,.
Tosoc, "$" SC(A =$B ("##:)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""B
3. .arnishmentCE0ecution, Ci,il Code, Art. "%:$
8CC Art. "%:$. The laborerSs wa!es shall not be sub3ect to
e0ecution or attachment, e0cet &or debts incurred &or &ood,
shelter, clothin! and medical attendance.
.AA ,. Court o& Aeals, "A:
SC(A =:A ("#$@)
Secial Steel Cor. ,. 9illareal, A=A
SC(A "# (4::A)
@. 2or1 Pre&erence in the E,ent o& Ban1rutc/, Art.
"":; Boo1 ''', (ule 9''', Sec. %; ci,il Code, Arts. "4:%, 44A"
(B), 44A4 (=), 44AA (4)
LC A(T. "":. & preference in case of ban.ruptcy. - 'n
the e,ent o& ban1rutc/ or li>uidation o& an emlo/erGs
business, his wor1ers shall en3o/ &irst re&erence as re!ards
their wa!es and other monetar/ claims, an/ ro,isions o&
law to the contrar/ notwithstandin!. Such unaid wa!es and
monetar/ claims shall be aid in &ull be&ore claims o& the
!o,ernment and other creditors ma/ be aid. (As amended
b/ Section ", (eublic Act 8o. B%"@, Darch 4", "#$#).
'(( SECT'+8 %. Ci,il liabilit/ o& emlo/er and contractors.
O E,er/ emlo/er or indirect emlo/er shall be 3ointl/ and
se,erall/ liable with his contractor or sub-contractor &or the
unaid wa!es o& the emlo/ees o& the latter. Such emlo/er
or indirect emlo/er ma/ re>uire the contractor or sub-
contractor to &urnish a bond e>ual to the cost o& labor under
contract on condition that the bond will answer &or the wa!es
due the emlo/ees should the contractor or subcontractor,
as the case ma/ be, &ail to a/ the same.
8CC Art. 44A". 2ith re&erence to seci&ic mo,able roert/
o& the debtor, the &ollowin! claims or liens shall be re&erred7
(B) Claims &or laborersS wa!es, on the !oods
manu&actured or the wor1 done; 000
Art. 44A4. 2ith re&erence to seci&ic immo,able roert/ and
real ri!hts o& the debtor, the &ollowin! claims, mort!a!es and
liens shall be re&erred, and shall constitute an encumbrance
on the immo,able or real ri!ht7
(=) Claims o& laborers, masons, mechanics and other
wor1men, as well as o& architects, en!ineers and
contractors, en!a!ed in the construction, reconstruction or
reair o& buildin!s, canals or other wor1s, uon said
buildin!s, canals or other wor1s; 000
Art. 44AA. 2ith re&erence to other roert/, real and
ersonal, o& the debtor, the &ollowin! claims or credits shall
be re&erred in the order named7
(4) Credits &or ser,ices rendered the insol,ent b/
emlo/ees, laborers, or household helers &or one /ear
recedin! the commencement o& the roceedin!s in
insol,enc/; 000
Art. "4:%. The concurrence o& two or more creditors or o&
two or more debtors in one and the same obli!ation does not
iml/ that each one o& the &ormer has a ri!ht to demand, or
that each one o& the latter is bound to render, entire
comliance with the restation. There is a solidar/ liabilit/
onl/ when the obli!ation e0ressl/ so states, or when the
law or the nature o& the obli!ation re>uires solidarit/. (""=%a)
(eublic ,. Peralta, "@: SC(A =% ("#$%)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""%
Danila Ban1in! Cor. ,. 8L(C, 4%# SC(A
B:4, B4"-BA4 ("##%)
B. 2a!e (eco,er/CJurisdiction, arts. "4$, "4#, 4"%,
"""; Boo1 ''', (ule <, Secs. "-@
A(T. "4$. #isitorial and enforcement po$er. - (a) The
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/ authorized
reresentati,es, includin! labor re!ulation o&&icers, shall
ha,e access to emlo/erGs records and remises at an/ time
o& the da/ or ni!ht whene,er wor1 is bein! underta1en
therein, and the ri!ht to co/ there&rom, to >uestion an/
emlo/ee and in,esti!ate an/ &act, condition or matter which
ma/ be necessar/ to determine ,iolations or which ma/ aid
in the en&orcement o& this Code and o& an/ labor law, wa!e
order or rules and re!ulations issued ursuant thereto.
(b) 8otwithstandin! the ro,isions o& Articles "4# and 4"% o&
this Code to the contrar/, and in cases where the
relationshi o& emlo/er-emlo/ee still e0ists, the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/ authorized
reresentati,es shall ha,e the ower to issue comliance
orders to !i,e e&&ect to the labor standards ro,isions o& this
Code and other labor le!islation based on the &indin!s o&
labor emlo/ment and en&orcement o&&icers or industrial
sa&et/ en!ineers made in the course o& insection. The
Secretar/ or his dul/ authorized reresentati,es shall issue
writs o& e0ecution to the aroriate authorit/ &or the
en&orcement o& their orders, e0cet in cases where the
emlo/er contests the &indin!s o& the labor emlo/ment and
en&orcement o&&icer and raises issues suorted b/
documentar/ roo&s which were not considered in the course
o& insection. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. %%=:, June
4, "##A).
An order issued b/ the dul/ authorized reresentati,e o& the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment under this Article ma/
be aealed to the latter. 'n case said order in,ol,es a
monetar/ award, an aeal b/ the emlo/er ma/ be
er&ected onl/ uon the ostin! o& a cash or suret/ bond
issued b/ a reutable bondin! coman/ dul/ accredited b/
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment in the amount
e>ui,alent to the monetar/ award in the order aealed
&rom. (As amended b/ (eublic Act 8o. %%=:, June 4,
(c) The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/ li1ewise
order stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o& oerations o& an/
unit or deartment o& an establishment when non-
comliance with the law or imlementin! rules and
re!ulations oses !ra,e and imminent dan!er to the health
and sa&et/ o& wor1ers in the wor1lace. 2ithin twent/-&our
hours, a hearin! shall be conducted to determine whether an
order &or the stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o& oerations
shall be li&ted or not. 'n case the ,iolation is attributable to
the &ault o& the emlo/er, he shall a/ the emlo/ees
concerned their salaries or wa!es durin! the eriod o& such
stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o& oeration.
(d) 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/ erson or entit/ to obstruct,
imede, dela/ or otherwise render ine&&ecti,e the orders o&
the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/
authorized reresentati,es issued ursuant to the authorit/
!ranted under this Article, and no in&erior court or entit/ shall
issue temorar/ or ermanent in3unction or restrainin! order
or otherwise assume 3urisdiction o,er an/ case in,ol,in! the
en&orcement orders issued in accordance with this Article.
(e) An/ !o,ernment emlo/ee &ound !uilt/ o& ,iolation o&, or
abuse o& authorit/, under this Article shall, a&ter aroriate
administrati,e in,esti!ation, be sub3ect to summar/
dismissal &rom the ser,ice.
(&) The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment ma/, b/
aroriate re!ulations, re>uire emlo/ers to 1ee and
maintain such emlo/ment records as ma/ be necessar/ in
aid o& his ,isitorial and en&orcement owers under this Code.
A(T. "4#. Recovery of $ages% simple money claims and
other benefits. - Lon comlaint o& an/ interested art/, the
(e!ional 5irector o& the 5eartment o& Labor and
Emlo/ment or an/ o& the dul/ authorized hearin! o&&icers o&
the 5eartment is emowered, throu!h summar/ roceedin!
and a&ter due notice, to hear and decide an/ matter in,ol,in!
the reco,er/ o& wa!es and other monetar/ claims and
bene&its, includin! le!al interest, owin! to an emlo/ee or
erson emlo/ed in domestic or household ser,ice or
househeler under this Code, arisin! &rom emlo/er-
emlo/ee relations7 Pro,ided, That such comlaint does not
include a claim &or reinstatement7 Pro,ided &urther, That the
a!!re!ate mone/ claims o& each emlo/ee or househeler
does not e0ceed Ki,e thousand esos (P@,:::.::). The
(e!ional 5irector or hearin! o&&icer shall decide or resol,e
the comlaint within thirt/ (=:) calendar da/s &rom the date
o& the &ilin! o& the same. An/ sum thus reco,ered on behal&
o& an/ emlo/ee or househeler ursuant to this Article shall
be held in a secial deosit account b/, and shall be aid on
order o&, the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or the
(e!ional 5irector directl/ to the emlo/ee or househeler
concerned. An/ such sum not aid to the emlo/ee or
househeler because he cannot be located a&ter dili!ent and
reasonable e&&ort to locate him within a eriod o& three (=)
/ears, shall be held as a secial &und o& the 5eartment o&
Labor and Emlo/ment to be used e0clusi,el/ &or the
amelioration and bene&it o& wor1ers.
An/ decision or resolution o& the (e!ional 5irector or
hearin! o&&icer ursuant to this ro,ision ma/ be aealed
on the same !rounds ro,ided in Article 44= o& this Code,
within &i,e (@) calendar da/s &rom receit o& a co/ o& said
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""$
decision or resolution, to the 8ational Labor (elations
Commission which shall resol,e the aeal within ten (":)
calendar da/s &rom the submission o& the last leadin!
re>uired or allowed under its rules.chan robles ,irtual law
The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment or his dul/
authorized reresentati,e ma/ suer,ise the a/ment o&
unaid wa!es and other monetar/ claims and bene&its,
includin! le!al interest, &ound owin! to an/ emlo/ee or
househeler under this Code. (As amended b/ Section 4,
(eublic Act 8o. B%"@, Darch 4", "#$#).
A(T. 4"%. "urisdiction of the Labor rbiters and the
Commission. - (a) E0cet as otherwise ro,ided under this
Code, the Labor Arbiters shall ha,e ori!inal and e0clusi,e
3urisdiction to hear and decide, within thirt/ (=:) calendar
da/s a&ter the submission o& the case b/ the arties &or
decision without e0tension, e,en in the absence o&
steno!rahic notes, the &ollowin! cases in,ol,in! all wor1ers,
whether a!ricultural or non-a!ricultural7
". Ln&air labor ractice cases;
4. Termination disutes;
=. '& accomanied with a claim &or reinstatement, those
cases that wor1ers ma/ &ile in,ol,in! wa!es, rates o& a/,
hours o& wor1 and other terms and conditions o&
A. Claims &or actual, moral, e0emlar/ and other &orms o&
dama!es arisin! &rom the emlo/er-emlo/ee relations;
@. Cases arisin! &rom an/ ,iolation o& Article 4BA o& this
Code, includin! >uestions in,ol,in! the le!alit/ o& stri1es and
loc1outs; and
B. E0cet claims &or Emlo/ees Comensation, Social
Securit/, Dedicare and maternit/ bene&its, all other claims
arisin! &rom emlo/er-emlo/ee relations, includin! those o&
ersons in domestic or household ser,ice, in,ol,in! an
amount e0ceedin! &i,e thousand esos (P@,:::.::)
re!ardless o& whether accomanied with a claim &or
(b) The Co!""!o# "hall ha$e e%&l'"!$e a((ella)e *'+!",!&)!o#
o$e+ all &a"e" ,e&!,e, b- Labo+ A+b!)e+".
(c) Cases arisin! &rom the interretation or imlementation o&
collecti,e bar!ainin! a!reements and those arisin! &rom the
interretation or en&orcement o& coman/ ersonnel olicies
shall be disosed o& b/ the Labor Arbiter b/ re&errin! the
same to the !rie,ance machiner/ and ,oluntar/ arbitration
as ma/ be ro,ided in said a!reements. (As amended b/
Section #, (eublic Act 8o. B%"@, Darch 4", "#$#).
A(T. """. ttorneyBs fees. - (a) 'n cases o& unlaw&ul
withholdin! o& wa!es, the culable art/ ma/ be assessed
attorne/Gs &ees e>ui,alent to ten ercent o& the amount o&
wa!es reco,ered.
SECT'+8 ". 9isitorial ower. O The Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment or his dul/ authorized reresentati,es, includin!
Labor (e!ulations +&&icers or 'ndustrial Sa&et/ En!ineers,
shall ha,e access to emlo/erSs records and remises at
an/ time o& the da/ or ni!ht whene,er wor1 is bein!
underta1en therein, and ri!ht to co/ there&rom, to >uestion
an/ emlo/ee, and to in,esti!ate an/ &act, condition or
matter rele,ant to the en&orcement o& an/ ro,ision o& the
Code and o& an/ labor law, wa!e order or rules and
re!ulations issued ursuant thereto.
SECT'+8 4. En&orcement ower. O (a) The (e!ional
5irector in cases where emlo/er relations shall e0ist, shall
ha,e the ower to order and administer, a&ter due notice and
hearin!, comliance with the labor standards ro,isions o&
the Code and other labor le!islations based on the &indin!s
o& the Labor (e!ulation +&&icers or 'ndustrial Sa&et/
En!ineers (Labor Standard and 2el&are +&&icer) and made
in the course o& insection, and to issue writs o& e0ecution to
the aroriate authorit/ o& the en&orcement o& his order. 'n
line with the ro,isions o& Article "4$ in relation to Articles
4$# and 4#: o& the Labor Code as amended in cases,
howe,er, where the emlo/er contests the &indin!s o& the
Labor Standards and 2el&are +&&icers and raises issues
which cannot be resol,ed without considerin! e,identiar/
matters that are not ,eri&iable in the normal course o&
insection, the (e!ional 5irector concerned shall indorse the
case to the aroriate arbitration branch o& the 8ational
Labor (elations Commission &or ad3udication.
(b) The (e!ional 5irector shall !i,e the emlo/er &i&teen ("@)
da/s within which to coml/ with his order be&ore issuin! a
writ o& e0ecution. Co/ o& such order or writ o& e0ecution
shall immediatel/ be &urnished the Secretar/ o& Labor and
SECT'+8 =. En&orcement ower on health and sa&et/ o&
wor1ers. O (a) The (e!ional 5irector ma/ li1ewise order
stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o& oerations o& an/ unit or
deartment o& an establishment when non-comliance with
the law, sa&et/ order or imlementin! rules and re!ulations
oses !ra,e and imminent dan!er to the health and sa&et/ o&
wor1ers in the wor1lace.
(b) 2ithin 4A hours &rom issuance o& the order o& stoa!e
or susension, a hearin! shall be conducted to determine
whether the order &or the stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o&
oeration shall be li&ted or not. The roceedin!s shall be
terminated within se,ent/-two (%4) hours and a co/ o& such
order or resolution shall be immediatel/ &urnished the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment. 'n case the ,iolation is
attributable to the &ault o& the emlo/er, he shall a/ the
emlo/ees concerned their salaries or wa!es durin! the
eriod o& such stoa!e o& wor1 or susension o& oeration.
SECT'+8 A. Power to re,iew. O (a) The Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment, at his own initiati,e or uon re>uest o& the
emlo/er andCor emlo/ee, ma/ re,iew the order o& the
(e!ional 5irector. The order o& the (e!ional 5irector shall
be immediatel/ &inal and e0ecutor/ unless sta/ed b/ the
Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment uon ostin! b/ the
emlo/er o& a reasonable cash or suret/ bond as &i0ed b/
the (e!ional 5irector.
(b) 'n aid o& his ower o& re,iew, the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment ma/ direct the Bureau o& 2or1in! Conditions to
e,aluate the &indin!s or orders o& the (e!ional 5irector. The
decision o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment shall be
&inal and e0ecutor/.
SECT'+8 @. 'nter&erence and in3unctions rohibited. O 't
shall be unlaw&ul &or an/ erson or entit/ to obstruct, imede,
dela/ or otherwise render ine&&ecti,e the e0ercise o& the
en&orcement ower o& the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment, (e!ional 5irector or their dul/ authorized
reresentati,es ursuant to the authorit/ !ranted b/ the
Code and its imlementin! rules and re!ulations, and no
in&erior court or entit/ shall issue temorar/ or ermanent
in3unction or restrainin! order or otherwise assume
3urisdiction o,er an/ case in,ol,in! the en&orcement orders
issued in accordance with the Code. 'n addition to the
enalties ro,ided &or b/ the Labor Code, an/ !o,ernment
emlo/ees &ound !uilt/ o& ,iolation or abuse o& authorit/,
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e ""#
shall be sub3ect to the ro,isions o& Presidential 5ecree 8o.
Cirineo Bowlin! Plaza ,. .err/ Sensin!,
San Di!uel Cororation ,. Court o&
Aeals, supra
.uico ,. Sec. o& Labor, 4#$ SC(A BB%
?. T+$reen+ ,on+ 1a:
". *istor/ o& the Law
5entech D&!. Cor. ,. 8L(C, supra
4. Co,era!e
Archilles Danu&acturin! Cor. ,, 8L(C,
4AA SC(A %@: ("##@)
Lltra 9illa Kood *aus ,. .eniston, =:#
SC(A "% ("###)
=. (ationale, P5 $@", 2hereas Clauses
and L'mitations
&6*R*,, it is necessar/ to &urther rotect the le,el o& real
wa!es &rom the ra,a!e o& worldwide in&lation;

&6*R*,, there has been no increase in the le!al
minimum wa!e rates since "#%:;

&6*R*,, the Christmas season is an oortune time &or
societ/ to show its concern &or the li!ht o& the wor1in!
masses so the/ ma/ roerl/ celebrate Christmas and 8ew

Section ". All emlo/ers are hereb/ re>uired to a/ all their
emlo/ees recei,in! a basic salar/ o& not more than P",:::
a month, re!ardless o& the nature o& their emlo/ment, a
"=th-month a/ not later than 5ecember 4A o& e,er/ /ear.

Sec. 4. Emlo/ers alread/ a/in! their emlo/ees a "=th-
month a/ or its e>ui,alent are not co,ered b/ this 5ecree.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4:
A. Amount and 5ate o& Pa/ment
a. Basic 2a!eCCommissions
Boie Ta1eda ,. 5ela Serna, ,upra
'ran ,. 8L(C, supra
*onda Philiines 'nc. ,. Samahan
n! Dala/an! Dan!!a!awa sa *onda, AB: SC(A "$B (4::@)
b. Substitute Pa/ment
Kramanlis Karms, 'nc. ,. 8L(C,
"%" SC(A $% ("#$#)
c. "A
Donth Pa/
Qama/a Port *otel ,. 8L(C, "%%
SC(A "B: ("#$#)
d. 5iminution
5a,ao Kruits Cor. ,. Associated
Labor Lnions, supra
I. Bon)s
". 8ature
Philiine 5ulicators 'nc. ,.
8L(C, 4A" SC(A =$: ("##@)
4. 5e&inition; 2hen 5emandable
Darcos ,. 8L(C, 4A$ SC(A "AB
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4"
Business 'n&ormation S/stems and
Ser,ices, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, 44" SC(A # ("##=)Philiine
Aliance Cor. ,. Court o& Aeals, A=: SC(A @4@ (4::A)
American 2ire and Cable 5ail/
(ated Emlo/ees Lnion ,. American 2ire and Cable Co.,
'nc., A@% SC(A B$A (4::@)
(. WorC$n* Con"$$ons 0or Spec$a# Gro)p o0
". 2omen, Arts. "=:-"=$; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''',
(ule <'', Sec. "; Constitution, Arts. '', Sec. "= ) <''', Sec.
"A; Con,ention on the Elimination o& All Korms o&
5iscrimination A!ainst 2omen (CE5A2), Arts. ""-"=; 'L+
Con,ention 8os. ":: ) """
Chater '
A(T. "=:. Night$or. prohibition. - 8o woman, re!ardless o&
a!e, shall be emlo/ed or ermitted or su&&ered to wor1, with
or without comensation7
(a) 'n an/ industrial underta1in! or branch thereo& between
ten oGcloc1 at ni!ht and si0 oGcloc1 in the mornin! o& the
&ollowin! da/; or
(b) 'n an/ commercial or non-industrial underta1in! or
branch thereo&, other than a!ricultural, between midni!ht
and si0 oGcloc1 in the mornin! o& the &ollowin! da/; or
(c) 'n an/ a!ricultural underta1in! at ni!httime unless she is
!i,en a eriod o& rest o& not less than nine (#) consecuti,e
A(T. "=". *xceptions. - The rohibitions rescribed b/ the
recedin! Article shall not al/ in an/ o& the &ollowin!
(a) 'n cases o& actual or imendin! emer!encies caused b/
serious accident, &ire, &lood, t/hoon, earth>ua1e, eidemic
or other disasters or calamit/, to re,ent loss o& li&e or
roert/, or in cases o& force ma-eure or imminent dan!er to
ublic sa&et/;
(b) 'n case o& ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on machineries,
e>uiment or installation, to a,oid serious loss which the
emlo/er would otherwise su&&er;
(c) 2here the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent serious loss o&
erishable !oods;
(d) 2here the woman emlo/ee holds a resonsible osition
o& mana!erial or technical nature, or where the woman
emlo/ee has been en!a!ed to ro,ide health and wel&are
(e) 2here the nature o& the wor1 re>uires the manual s1ill
and de0terit/ o& women wor1ers and the same cannot be
er&ormed with e>ual e&&icienc/ b/ male wor1ers;
(&) 2here the women emlo/ees are immediate members o&
the &amil/ oeratin! the establishment or underta1in!; and
(!) Lnder other analo!ous cases e0emted b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment in aroriate re!ulations.
A(T. "=4. 2acilities for $omen. - The Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment shall establish standards that will ensure the
sa&et/ and health o& women emlo/ees. 'n aroriate
cases, he shall, b/ re!ulations, re>uire an/ emlo/er to7
(a) Pro,ide seats roer &or women and ermit them to use
such seats when the/ are &ree &rom wor1 and durin! wor1in!
hours, ro,ided the/ can er&orm their duties in this osition
without detriment to e&&icienc/;
(b) To establish searate toilet rooms and la,atories &or men
and women and ro,ide at least a dressin! room &or women;
(c) To establish a nurser/ in a wor1lace &or the bene&it o&
the women emlo/ees therein; and
(d) To determine aroriate minimum a!e and other
standards &or retirement or termination in secial
occuations such as those o& &li!ht attendants and the li1e.
A(T. "==. (aternity leave benefits. - (a) E,er/ emlo/er
shall !rant to an/ re!nant woman emlo/ee who has
rendered an a!!re!ate ser,ice o& at least si0 (B) months &or
the last twel,e ("4) months, maternit/ lea,e o& at least two
(4) wee1s rior to the e0ected date o& deli,er/ and another
&our (A) wee1s a&ter normal deli,er/ or abortion with &ull a/
based on her re!ular or a,era!e wee1l/ wa!es. The
emlo/er ma/ re>uire &rom an/ woman emlo/ee al/in!
&or maternit/ lea,e the roduction o& a medical certi&icate
statin! that deli,er/ will robabl/ ta1e lace within two
(b) The maternit/ lea,e shall be e0tended without a/ on
account o& illness medicall/ certi&ied to arise out o& the
re!nanc/, deli,er/, abortion or miscarria!e, which renders
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "44
the woman un&it &or wor1, unless she has earned unused
lea,e credits &rom which such e0tended lea,e ma/ be
(c) The maternit/ lea,e ro,ided in this Article shall be aid
b/ the emlo/er onl/ &or the &irst &our (A) deli,eries b/ a
woman emlo/ee a&ter the e&&ecti,it/ o& this Code.
A(T. "=A. 2amily planning servicesC incentives for family
planning. - (a) Establishments which are re>uired b/ law to
maintain a clinic or in&irmar/ shall ro,ide &ree &amil/
lannin! ser,ices to their emlo/ees which shall include, but
not be limited to, the alication or use o& contraceti,e ills
and intrauterine de,ices.
(b) 'n coordination with other a!encies o& the !o,ernment
en!a!ed in the romotion o& &amil/ lannin!, the 5eartment
o& Labor and Emlo/ment shall de,elo and rescribe
incenti,e bonus schemes to encoura!e &amil/ lannin!
amon! &emale wor1ers in an/ establishment or enterrise.
A(T. "=@. Discrimination prohibited. - 't shall be unlaw&ul &or
an/ emlo/er to discriminate a!ainst an/ woman emlo/ee
with resect to terms and conditions o& emlo/ment solel/
on account o& her se0.
The &ollowin! are acts o& discrimination7
(a) Pa/ment o& a lesser comensation, includin! wa!e,
salar/ or other &orm o& remuneration and &rin!e bene&its, to a
&emale emlo/ees as a!ainst a male emlo/ee, &or wor1 o&
e>ual ,alue; and
(b) Ka,orin! a male emlo/ee o,er a &emale emlo/ee with
resect to romotion, trainin! oortunities, stud/ and
scholarshi !rants solel/ on account o& their se0es.
Criminal liabilit/ &or the will&ul commission o& an/ unlaw&ul act
as ro,ided in this Article or an/ ,iolation o& the rules and
re!ulations issued ursuant to Section 4 hereo& shall be
enalized as ro,ided in Articles 4$$ and 4$# o& this Code7
Pro,ided, That the institution o& an/ criminal action under
this ro,ision shall not bar the a!!rie,ed emlo/ee &rom
&ilin! an entirel/ searate and distinct action &or mone/
claims, which ma/ include claims &or dama!es and other
a&&irmati,e relie&s. The actions hereb/ authorized shall
roceed indeendentl/ o& each other. (As amended b/
(eublic Act 8o. B%4@, Da/ "4, "#$#).
A(T. "=B. ,tipulation against marriage. - 't shall be unlaw&ul
&or an emlo/er to re>uire as a condition o& emlo/ment or
continuation o& emlo/ment that a woman emlo/ee shall
not !et married, or to stiulate e0ressl/ or tacitl/ that uon
!ettin! married, a woman emlo/ee shall be deemed
resi!ned or searated, or to actuall/ dismiss, dischar!e,
discriminate or otherwise re3udice a woman emlo/ee
merel/ b/ reason o& her marria!e.
A(T. "=%. Prohibited acts. - (a) 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/
(") To den/ an/ woman emlo/ee the bene&its ro,ided &or
in this Chater or to dischar!e an/ woman emlo/ed b/ him
&or the urose o& re,entin! her &rom en3o/in! an/ o& the
bene&its ro,ided under this Code.
(4) To dischar!e such woman on account o& her re!nanc/,
or while on lea,e or in con&inement due to her re!nanc/;
(=) To dischar!e or re&use the admission o& such woman
uon returnin! to her wor1 &or &ear that she ma/ a!ain be
A(T. "=$. Classification of certain $omen $or.ers . - An/
woman who is ermitted or su&&ered to wor1, with or without
comensation, in an/ ni!ht club, coc1tail loun!e, massa!e
clinic, bar or similar establishments under the e&&ecti,e
control or suer,ision o& the emlo/er &or a substantial
eriod o& time as determined b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment, shall be considered as an emlo/ee o& such
establishment &or uroses o& labor and social le!islation.
(LLE <''
Emlo/ment o& 2omen and Dinors
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O This (ule
shall al/ to all emlo/ers, whether oeratin! &or ro&it or
not, includin! educational, reli!ious and charitable
institutions, e0cet to the .o,ernment and to !o,ernment-
owned or controlled cororations and to emlo/ers o&
household helers and ersons in their ersonal ser,ice
inso&ar as such wor1ers are concerned.
Cons$)$on Ar. II6 Sec$on 1'. The State
reco!nizes the ,ital role o& the /outh in nation-buildin!
and shall romote and rotect their h/sical, moral,
siritual, intellectual, and social well-bein!. 't shall
inculcate in the /outh atriotism and nationalism, and
encoura!e their in,ol,ement in ublic and ci,ic a&&airs.
A(T'CLE <''' ? 2+DE8
Sec$on 14. The State shall rotect wor1in! women
b/ ro,idin! sa&e and health&ul wor1in! conditions,
ta1in! into account their maternal &unctions, and such
&acilities and oortunities that will enhance their
wel&are and enable them to realize their &ull otential
in the ser,ice o& the nation.
Article <<
". States Parties shall ta1e all aroriate measures
to eliminate discrimination a!ainst women in the &ield
o& emlo/ment in order to ensure, on a basis o&
e>ualit/ o& men and women, the same ri!hts, in
(a) The ri!ht to wor1 as an inalienable ri!ht o& all
human bein!s;
(b) The ri!ht to the same emlo/ment oortunities,
includin! the alication o& the same criteria &or
selection in matters o& emlo/ment;
(c) The ri!ht to &ree choice o& ro&ession and
emlo/ment, the ri!ht to romotion, 3ob securit/ and
all bene&its and conditions o& ser,ice and the ri!ht to
recei,e ,ocational trainin! and retrainin!, includin!
arenticeshis, ad,anced ,ocational trainin! and
recurrent trainin!;
(d) The ri!ht to e>ual remuneration, includin!
bene&its, and to e>ual treatment in resect o& wor1 o&
e>ual ,alue, as well as e>ualit/ o& treatment in the
e,aluation o& the >ualit/ o& wor1;
(e) The ri!ht to social securit/, articularl/ in cases o&
retirement, unemlo/ment, sic1ness, in,alidit/ and old
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4=
a!e and other incaacit/ to wor1, as well as the ri!ht
to aid lea,e;
(&) The ri!ht to rotection o& health and to sa&et/ in
wor1in! conditions, includin! the sa&e!uardin! o& the
&unction o& reroduction.
4. 'n order to re,ent discrimination a!ainst women
on the !rounds o& marria!e or maternit/ and to ensure
their e&&ecti,e ri!ht to wor1, States Parties shall ta1e
aroriate measures7
(a) To rohibit, sub3ect to the imosition o& sanctions,
dismissal on the !rounds o& re!nanc/ or o& maternit/
lea,e and discrimination in dismissals on the basis o&
marital status;
(b) To introduce maternit/ lea,e with a/ or with
comarable social bene&its without loss o& &ormer
emlo/ment, seniorit/ or social allowances;
(c) To encoura!e the ro,ision o& the necessar/
suortin! social ser,ices to enable arents to
combine &amil/ obli!ations with wor1 resonsibilities
and articiation in ublic li&e, in articular throu!h
romotin! the establishment and de,eloment o& a
networ1 o& child-care &acilities;
(d) To ro,ide secial rotection to women durin!
re!nanc/ in t/es o& wor1 ro,ed to be harm&ul to
=. Protecti,e le!islation relatin! to matters co,ered in
this article shall be re,iewed eriodicall/ in the li!ht o&
scienti&ic and technolo!ical 1nowled!e and shall be
re,ised, reealed or e0tended as necessar/.
Article <:
". States Parties shall ta1e all aroriate measures
to eliminate discrimination a!ainst women in the &ield
o& health care in order to ensure, on a basis o&
e>ualit/ o& men and women, access to health care
ser,ices, includin! those related to &amil/ lannin!.
4. 8otwithstandin! the ro,isions o& ara!rah ' o&
this article, States Parties shall ensure to women
aroriate ser,ices in connection with re!nanc/,
con&inement and the ost-natal eriod, !rantin! &ree
ser,ices where necessar/, as well as ade>uate
nutrition durin! re!nanc/ and lactation.
Article <=
States Parties shall ta1e all aroriate measures to
eliminate discrimination a!ainst women in other areas
o& economic and social li&e in order to ensure, on a
basis o& e>ualit/ o& men and women, the same ri!hts,
in articular7
(a) The ri!ht to &amil/ bene&its;
(b) The ri!ht to ban1 loans, mort!a!es and other
&orms o& &inancial credit;
(c) The ri!ht to articiate in recreational acti,ities,
sorts and all asects o& cultural li&e.
C1%% EF)a# Re/)nera$on Con;en$on6 1321
Con,ention concernin! E>ual (emuneration &or Den and
2omen 2or1ers &or 2or1 o& E>ual 9alue (8ote7 5ate o&
comin! into &orce7 4=7:@7"#@=.)
Session o& the Con&erence7=A
5ate o& adotion74#7:B7"#@"
Sub3ect classi&ication7 E>ual (emuneration
Sub3ect classi&ication7 2omen
Sub3ect7 EF)a#$: o0 Oppor)n$: an" Trea/en
The .eneral Con&erence o& the 'nternational Labour
*a,in! been con,ened at .ene,a b/ the .o,ernin! Bod/ o&
the 'nternational Labour +&&ice, and ha,in! met in its Thirt/-
&ourth Session on B June "#@", and
*a,in! decided uon the adotion o& certain roosals with
re!ard to the rincile o& e>ual remuneration &or men and
women wor1ers &or wor1 o& e>ual ,alue, which is the se,enth
item on the a!enda o& the session, and
*a,in! determined that these roosals shall ta1e the &orm
o& an international Con,ention,
adots this twent/-ninth da/ o& June o& the /ear one
thousand nine hundred and &i&t/-one the &ollowin!
Con,ention, which ma/ be cited as the E>ual (emuneration
Con,ention, "#@"7
Article "
Kor the urose o& this Con,ention--
(a) the term remuneration includes the ordinar/, basic or
minimum wa!e or salar/ and an/ additional emoluments
whatsoe,er a/able directl/ or indirectl/, whether in cash or
in 1ind, b/ the emlo/er to the wor1er and arisin! out o& the
wor1erSs emlo/ment;
(b) the term e%ual remuneration for men and $omen
$or)ers for $or) of e%ual value re&ers to rates o&
remuneration established without discrimination based on
Article 4
". Each Dember shall, b/ means aroriate to the methods
in oeration &or determinin! rates o& remuneration, romote
and, in so &ar as is consistent with such methods, ensure the
alication to all wor1ers o& the rincile o& e>ual
remuneration &or men and women wor1ers &or wor1 o& e>ual
4. This rincile ma/ be alied b/ means o&--
(a) national laws or re!ulations;
(b) le!all/ established or reco!nised machiner/ &or wa!e
(c) collecti,e a!reements between emlo/ers and wor1ers;
(d) a combination o& these ,arious means.
Article =
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4A
". 2here such action will assist in !i,in! e&&ect to the
ro,isions o& this Con,ention measures shall be ta1en to
romote ob3ecti,e araisal o& 3obs on the basis o& the wor1
to be er&ormed.
4. The methods to be &ollowed in this araisal ma/ be
decided uon b/ the authorities resonsible &or the
determination o& rates o& remuneration, or, where such rates
are determined b/ collecti,e a!reements, b/ the art[es
=. 5i&&erential rates between wor1ers which corresond,
without re!ard to se0, to di&&erences, as determined b/ such
ob3ecti,e araisal, in the wor1 to be er&ormed shall not be
considered as bein! contrar/ to the rincile o& e>ual
remuneration &or men and women wor1ers &or wor1 o& e>ual
Article A
Each Dember shall co-oerate as aroriate with the
emlo/ersS and wor1ersS or!anisations concerned &or the
urose o& !i,in! e&&ect to the ro,isions o& this Con,ention.
Article @
The &ormal rati&ications o& this Con,ention shall be
communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational
Labour +&&ice &or re!istration.
Article B
". This Con,ention shall be bindin! onl/ uon those
Dembers o& the 'nternational Labour +r!anisation whose
rati&ications ha,e been re!istered with the 5irector-.eneral.
4. 't shall come into &orce twel,e months a&ter the date on
which the rati&ications o& two Dembers ha,e been re!istered
with the 5irector-.eneral.
=. Therea&ter, this Con,ention shall come into &orce &or an/
Dember twel,e months a&ter the date on which its rati&ication
has been re!istered.
Article %
". 5eclarations communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the
'nternational Labour +&&ice in accordance with ara!rah 4
o& Article =@ o& the Constitution o& the 'nternational Labour
+r!anisation shall indicate --
a) the territories in resect o& which the Dember concerned
underta1es that the ro,isions o& the Con,ention shall be
alied without modi&ication;
b) the territories in resect o& which it underta1es that the
ro,isions o& the Con,ention shall be alied sub3ect to
modi&ications, to!ether with details o& the said modi&ications;
c) the territories in resect o& which the Con,ention is
inalicable and in such cases the !rounds on which it is
d) the territories in resect o& which it reser,es its decision
endin! &urther consideration o& the osition.
4. The underta1in!s re&erred to in subara!rahs (a) and (b)
o& ara!rah " o& this Article shall be deemed to be an
inte!ral art o& the rati&ication and shall ha,e the &orce o&
=. An/ Dember ma/ at an/ time b/ a subse>uent declaration
cancel in whole or in art an/ reser,ation made in its ori!inal
declaration in ,irtue o& subara!rah (b), (c) or (d) o&
ara!rah " o& this Article.
A. An/ Dember ma/, at an/ time at which the Con,ention is
sub3ect to denunciation in accordance with the ro,isions o&
Article #, communicate to the 5irector-.eneral a declaration
modi&/in! in an/ other resect the terms o& an/ &ormer
declaration and statin! the resent osition in resect o&
such territories as it ma/ seci&/.
Article $
". 5eclarations communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the
'nternational Labour +&&ice in accordance with ara!rah A
or @ o& Article =@ o& the Constitution o& the 'nternational
Labour +r!anisation shall indicate whether the ro,isions o&
the Con,ention will be alied in the territor/ concerned
without modi&ication or sub3ect to modi&ications; when the
declaration indicates that the ro,isions o& the Con,ention
will be alied sub3ect to modi&ications, it shall !i,e details o&
the said modi&ications.
4. The Dember, Dembers or international authorit/
concerned ma/ at an/ time b/ a subse>uent declaration
renounce in whole or in art the ri!ht to ha,e recourse to an/
modi&ication indicated in an/ &ormer declaration.
=. The Dember, Dembers or international authorit/
concerned ma/, at an/ time at which this Con,ention is
sub3ect to denunciation in accordance with the ro,isions o&
Article #, communicate to the 5irector-.eneral a declaration
modi&/in! in an/ other resect the terms o& an/ &ormer
declaration and statin! the resent osition in resect o& the
alication o& the Con,ention.
Article #
". A Dember which has rati&ied this Con,ention ma/
denounce it a&ter the e0iration o& ten /ears &rom the date on
which the Con,ention &irst comes into &orce, b/ an act
communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational
Labour +&&ice &or re!istration. Such denunciation shall not
ta1e e&&ect until one /ear a&ter the date on which it is
4. Each Dember which has rati&ied this Con,ention and
which does not, within the /ear &ollowin! the e0iration o& the
eriod o& ten /ears mentioned in the recedin! ara!rah,
e0ercise the ri!ht o& denunciation ro,ided &or in this Article,
will be bound &or another eriod o& ten /ears and, therea&ter,
ma/ denounce this Con,ention at the e0iration o& each
eriod o& ten /ears under the terms ro,ided &or in this
Article ":
". The 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice
shall noti&/ all Dembers o& the 'nternational Labour
+r!anisation o& the re!istration o& all rati&ications,
declarations and denunciations communicated to him b/ the
Dembers o& the +r!anisation.
4. 2hen noti&/in! the Dembers o& the +r!anisation o& the
re!istration o& the second rati&ication communicated to him,
the 5irector-.eneral shall draw the attention o& the Dembers
o& the +r!anisation to the date uon which the Con,ention
will come into &orce.
Article ""
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4@
The 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice shall
communicate to the Secretar/-.eneral o& the Lnited 8ations
&or re!istration in accordance with Article ":4 o& the Charter
o& the Lnited 8ations &ull articulars o& all rati&ications,
declarations and acts o& denunciation re!istered b/ him in
accordance with the ro,isions o& the recedin! articles.
Article "4
At such times as ma/ consider necessar/ the .o,ernin!
Bod/ o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice shall resent to the
.eneral Con&erence a reort on the wor1in! o& this
Con,ention and shall e0amine the desirabilit/ o& lacin! on
the a!enda o& the Con&erence the >uestion o& its re,ision in
whole or in art.
Article "=
". Should the Con&erence adot a new Con,ention re,isin!
this Con,ention in whole or in art, then, unless the new
Con,ention otherwise ro,ides--
a) the rati&ication b/ a Dember o& the new re,isin!
Con,ention shall iso 3ure in,ol,e the immediate
denunciation o& this Con,ention, notwithstandin! the
ro,isions o& Article # abo,e, i& and when the new re,isin!
Con,ention shall ha,e come into &orce;
b) as &rom the date when the new re,isin! Con,ention
comes into &orce this Con,ention shall cease to be oen to
rati&ication b/ the Dembers.
4. This Con,ention shall in an/ case remain in &orce in its
actual &orm and content &or those Dembers which ha,e
rati&ied it but ha,e not rati&ied the re,isin! Con,ention.
Article "A
The En!lish and Krench ,ersions o& the te0t o& this
Con,ention are e>uall/ authoritati,e.
C111 D$scr$/$na$on AE/p#o:/en an" Occ)pa$onB
Con;en$on6 1325
Con,ention concernin! 5iscrimination in (esect o&
Emlo/ment and +ccuation (8ote7 5ate o& comin! into
&orce7 "@7:B7"#B:.)
Session o& the Con&erence7A4
5ate o& adotion74@7:B7"#@$
Sub3ect classi&ication7 8on-discrimination (Emlo/ment and
Sub3ect classi&ication7 2omen
Sub3ect7 EF)a#$: o0 Oppor)n$: an" Trea/en

The .eneral Con&erence o& the 'nternational Labour
*a,in! been con,ened at .ene,a b/ the .o,ernin! Bod/ o&
the 'nternational Labour +&&ice, and ha,in! met in its Kort/-
second Session on A June "#@$, and
*a,in! decided uon the adotion o& certain roosals with
re!ard to discrimination in the &ield o& emlo/ment and
occuation, which is the &ourth item on the a!enda o& the
session, and
*a,in! determined that these roosals shall ta1e the &orm
o& an international Con,ention, and
Considerin! that the 5eclaration o& Philadelhia a&&irms that
all human bein!s, irresecti,e o& race, creed or se0, ha,e
the ri!ht to ursue both their material well-bein! and their
siritual de,eloment in conditions o& &reedom and di!nit/, o&
economic securit/ and e>ual oortunit/, and
Considerin! &urther that discrimination constitutes a ,iolation
o& ri!hts enunciated b/ the Lni,ersal 5eclaration o& *uman
adots this twent/-&i&th da/ o& June o& the /ear one thousand
nine hundred and &i&t/-ei!ht the &ollowin! Con,ention, which
ma/ be cited as the 5iscrimination (Emlo/ment and
+ccuation) Con,ention, "#@$7
Article "
". Kor the urose o& this Con,ention the term
discrimination includes--
(a) an/ distinction, e0clusion or re&erence made on the
basis o& race, colour, se0, reli!ion, olitical oinion, national
e0traction or social ori!in, which has the e&&ect o& nulli&/in! or
imairin! e>ualit/ o& oortunit/ or treatment in emlo/ment
or occuation;
(b) such other distinction, e0clusion or re&erence which has
the e&&ect o& nulli&/in! or imairin! e>ualit/ o& oortunit/ or
treatment in emlo/ment or occuation as ma/ be
determined b/ the Dember concerned a&ter consultation with
reresentati,e emlo/ersS and wor1ersS or!anisations, where
such e0ist, and with other aroriate bodies.
4. An/ distinction, e0clusion or re&erence in resect o& a
articular 3ob based on the inherent re>uirements thereo&
shall not be deemed to be discrimination.
=. Kor the urose o& this Con,ention the terms
employment and occupation include access to ,ocational
trainin!, access to emlo/ment and to articular
occuations, and terms and conditions o& emlo/ment.
Article 4
Each Dember &or which this Con,ention is in &orce
underta1es to declare and ursue a national olic/ desi!ned
to romote, b/ methods aroriate to national conditions
and ractice, e>ualit/ o& oortunit/ and treatment in resect
o& emlo/ment and occuation, with a ,iew to eliminatin!
an/ discrimination in resect thereo&.
Article =
Each Dember &or which this Con,ention is in &orce
underta1es, b/ methods aroriate to national conditions
and ractice--
(a) to see1 the co-oeration o& emlo/ersS and wor1ersS
or!anisations and other aroriate bodies in romotin! the
accetance and obser,ance o& this olic/;
(b) to enact such le!islation and to romote such educational
ro!rammes as ma/ be calculated to secure the accetance
and obser,ance o& the olic/;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4B
(c) to reeal an/ statutor/ ro,isions and modi&/ an/
administrati,e instructions or ractices which are
inconsistent with the olic/;
(d) to ursue the olic/ in resect o& emlo/ment under the
direct control o& a national authorit/;
(e) to ensure obser,ance o& the olic/ in the acti,ities o&
,ocational !uidance, ,ocational trainin! and lacement
ser,ices under the direction o& a national authorit/;
(&) to indicate in its annual reorts on the alication o& the
Con,ention the action ta1en in ursuance o& the olic/ and
the results secured b/ such action.
Article A
An/ measures a&&ectin! an indi,idual who is 3usti&iabl/
susected o&, or en!a!ed in, acti,ities re3udicial to the
securit/ o& the State shall not be deemed to be
discrimination, ro,ided that the indi,idual concerned shall
ha,e the ri!ht to aeal to a cometent bod/ established in
accordance with national ractice.
Article @
". Secial measures o& rotection or assistance ro,ided &or
in other Con,entions or (ecommendations adoted b/ the
'nternational Labour Con&erence shall not be deemed to be
4. An/ Dember ma/, a&ter consultation with reresentati,e
emlo/ersS and wor1ersS or!anisations, where such e0ist,
determine that other secial measures desi!ned to meet the
articular re>uirements o& ersons who, &or reasons such as
se0, a!e, disablement, &amil/ resonsibilities or social or
cultural status, are !enerall/ reco!nised to re>uire secial
rotection or assistance, shall not be deemed to be
Article B
Each Dember which rati&ies this Con,ention underta1es to
al/ it to non-metroolitan territories in accordance with the
ro,isions o& the Constitution o& the 'nternational Labour
Article %
The &ormal rati&ications o& this Con,ention shall be
communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational
Labour +&&ice &or re!istration.
Article $
". This Con,ention shall be bindin! onl/ uon those
Dembers o& the 'nternational Labour +r!anisation whose
rati&ications ha,e been re!istered with the 5irector-.eneral.
4. 't shall come into &orce twel,e months a&ter the date on
which the rati&ications o& two Dembers ha,e been re!istered
with the 5irector-.eneral.
=. Therea&ter, this Con,ention shall come into &orce &or an/
Dember twel,e months a&ter the date on which its rati&ication
has been re!istered.
Article #
". A Dember which has rati&ied this Con,ention ma/
denounce it a&ter the e0iration o& ten /ears &rom the date on
which the Con,ention &irst comes into &orce, b/ an act
communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational
Labour +&&ice &or re!istration. Such denunciation shall not
ta1e e&&ect until one /ear a&ter the date on which it is
4. Each Dember which has rati&ied this Con,ention and
which does not, within the /ear &ollowin! the e0iration o& the
eriod o& ten /ears mentioned in the recedin! ara!rah,
e0ercise the ri!ht o& denunciation ro,ided &or in this Article,
will be bound &or another eriod o& ten /ears and, therea&ter,
ma/ denounce this Con,ention at the e0iration o& each
eriod o& ten /ears under the terms ro,ided &or in this
Article ":
". The 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice
shall noti&/ all Dembers o& the 'nternational Labour
+r!anisation o& the re!istration o& all rati&ications and
denunciations communicated to him b/ the Dembers o& the
4. 2hen noti&/in! the Dembers o& the +r!anisation o& the
re!istration o& the second rati&ication communicated to him,
the 5irector-.eneral shall draw the attention o& the Dembers
o& the +r!anisation to the date uon which the Con,ention
will come into &orce.
Article ""
The 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice shall
communicate to the Secretar/-.eneral o& the Lnited 8ations
&or re!istration in accordance with Article ":4 o& the Charter
o& the Lnited 8ations &ull articulars o& all rati&ications and
acts o& denunciation re!istered b/ him in accordance with
the ro,isions o& the recedin! Articles.
Article "4
At such times as it ma/ consider necessar/ the .o,ernin!
Bod/ o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice shall resent to the
.eneral Con&erence a reort on the wor1in! o& this
Con,ention and shall e0amine the desirabilit/ o& lacin! on
the a!enda o& the Con&erence the >uestion o& its re,ision in
whole or in art.
Article "=
". Should the Con&erence adot a new Con,ention re,isin!
this Con,ention in whole or in art, then, unless the new
Con,ention otherwise ro,ides7
a) the rati&ication b/ a Dember o& the new re,isin!
Con,ention shall iso 3ure in,ol,e the immediate
denunciation o& this Con,ention, notwithstandin! the
ro,isions o& Article # abo,e, i& and when the new re,isin!
Con,ention shall ha,e come into &orce;
b) as &rom the date when the new re,isin! Con,ention
comes into &orce, this Con,ention shall cease to be oen to
rati&ication b/ the Dembers.
4. This Con,ention shall in an/ case remain in &orce in its
actual &orm and content &or those Dembers which ha,e
rati&ied it but ha,e not rati&ied the re,isin! Con,ention.
Article "A
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4%
The En!lish and Krench ,ersions o& the te0t o& this
Con,ention are e>uall/ authoritati,e.
a. E>ualit/7 Kormal E>ualit/ ,s. Substanti,e
Bartlett, Qatharine, !ender La$ , in
5u1e Journal o& .ender Law and Polic/ ("##A)
2ormal *1uality and ,ubstantive
*1uality in the Te0tboo1 on .ender and the Law b/ An!ela
Baldoz, (osalinda, "ob
discrimination against $omen in the $or. environment= the
Philippine setting% PLR% #ol. ?D% No. : E?@@@F.
b. 2omen under the Constitution, Art. '', Sec.
"A; Art <''', Sec "A
Philiine Association o& Ser,ice
E0orters ,. 5rilon, "B= SC(A =$B ("#$$)
Phil. Tele!rah and Telehone Co.
,. 8L(C, 4%4 SC(A @#B ("##%)
c. Co,era!e, (ule <'', Sec. '
Emlo/ment o& 2omen and Dinors
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O This (ule
shall al/ to all emlo/ers, whether oeratin! &or ro&it or
not, includin! educational, reli!ious and charitable
institutions, e0cet to the .o,ernment and to !o,ernment-
owned or controlled cororations and to emlo/ers o&
household helers and ersons in their ersonal ser,ice
inso&ar as such wor1ers are concerned.
d. Prohibited Acts
") 8i!ht 2or1CE0cetion, Art. "=:-"="
A(T. "=:. Night$or. prohibition. - 8o woman, re!ardless o&
a!e, shall be emlo/ed or ermitted or su&&ered to wor1, with
or without comensation7
(a) 'n an/ industrial underta1in! or branch thereo& between
ten oGcloc1 at ni!ht and si0 oGcloc1 in the mornin! o& the
&ollowin! da/; or
(b) 'n an/ commercial or non-industrial underta1in! or
branch thereo&, other than a!ricultural, between midni!ht
and si0 oGcloc1 in the mornin! o& the &ollowin! da/; or
(c) 'n an/ a!ricultural underta1in! at ni!httime unless she is
!i,en a eriod o& rest o& not less than nine (#) consecuti,e
A(T. "=". *xceptions. - The rohibitions rescribed b/ the
recedin! Article shall not al/ in an/ o& the &ollowin!
(a) 'n cases o& actual or imendin! emer!encies caused b/
serious accident, &ire, &lood, t/hoon, earth>ua1e, eidemic
or other disasters or calamit/, to re,ent loss o& li&e or
roert/, or in cases o& force ma-eure or imminent dan!er to
ublic sa&et/;
(b) 'n case o& ur!ent wor1 to be er&ormed on machineries,
e>uiment or installation, to a,oid serious loss which the
emlo/er would otherwise su&&er;
(c) 2here the wor1 is necessar/ to re,ent serious loss o&
erishable !oods;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4$
(d) 2here the woman emlo/ee holds a resonsible osition
o& mana!erial or technical nature, or where the woman
emlo/ee has been en!a!ed to ro,ide health and wel&are
(e) 2here the nature o& the wor1 re>uires the manual s1ill
and de0terit/ o& women wor1ers and the same cannot be
er&ormed with e>ual e&&icienc/ b/ male wor1ers;
(&) 2here the women emlo/ees are immediate members o&
the &amil/ oeratin! the establishment or underta1in!; and
(!) Lnder other analo!ous cases e0emted b/ the Secretar/
o& Labor and Emlo/ment in aroriate re!ulations.
#) 5iscrimination, Art. "=@
A(T. "=@. Discrimination prohibited. - 't shall be unlaw&ul &or
an/ emlo/er to discriminate a!ainst an/ woman emlo/ee
with resect to terms and conditions o& emlo/ment solel/
on account o& her se0.
The &ollowin! are acts o& discrimination7
(a) Pa/ment o& a lesser comensation, includin! wa!e,
salar/ or other &orm o& remuneration and &rin!e bene&its, to a
&emale emlo/ees as a!ainst a male emlo/ee, &or wor1 o&
e>ual ,alue; and
(b) Ka,orin! a male emlo/ee o,er a &emale emlo/ee with
resect to romotion, trainin! oortunities, stud/ and
scholarshi !rants solel/ on account o& their se0es.
Criminal liabilit/ &or the will&ul commission o& an/ unlaw&ul act
as ro,ided in this Article or an/ ,iolation o& the rules and
re!ulations issued ursuant to Section 4 hereo& shall be
enalized as ro,ided in Articles 4$$ and 4$# o& this Code7
Pro,ided, That the institution o& an/ criminal action under
this ro,ision shall not bar the a!!rie,ed emlo/ee &rom
&ilin! an entirel/ searate and distinct action &or mone/
claims, which ma/ include claims &or dama!es and other
a&&irmati,e relie&s. The actions hereb/ authorized shall
roceed indeendentl/ o& each other. (As amended b/
(eublic Act 8o. B%4@, Da/ "4, "#$#).
":) Stiulation A!ainst Darria!e, Art. "=B
A(T. "=B. ,tipulation against marriage. - 't shall be unlaw&ul
&or an emlo/er to re>uire as a condition o& emlo/ment or
continuation o& emlo/ment that a woman emlo/ee shall
not !et married, or to stiulate e0ressl/ or tacitl/ that uon
!ettin! married, a woman emlo/ee shall be deemed
resi!ned or searated, or to actuall/ dismiss, dischar!e,
discriminate or otherwise re3udice a woman emlo/ee
merel/ b/ reason o& her marria!e.
5uncan Association o& 5etailman ?
PT.2+ ,. .la0o 2ellcome Philiines, 'nc., A=$ SC(A =A=
"") 5ischar!e on Account o& Pre!nanc/, Art. "=%
A(T. "=%. Prohibited acts. - (a) 't shall be unlaw&ul &or an/
(") To den/ an/ woman emlo/ee the bene&its ro,ided &or
in this Chater or to dischar!e an/ woman emlo/ed b/ him
&or the urose o& re,entin! her &rom en3o/in! an/ o& the
bene&its ro,ided under this Code.
(4) To dischar!e such woman on account o& her re!nanc/,
or while on lea,e or in con&inement due to her re!nanc/;
(=) To dischar!e or re&use the admission o& such woman
uon returnin! to her wor1 &or &ear that she ma/ a!ain be
d. Kacilities, Art. "=4, "=A
A(T. "=4. 2acilities for $omen. - The Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment shall establish standards that will ensure the
sa&et/ and health o& women emlo/ees. 'n aroriate
cases, he shall, b/ re!ulations, re>uire an/ emlo/er to7
(a) Pro,ide seats roer &or women and ermit them to use
such seats when the/ are &ree &rom wor1 and durin! wor1in!
hours, ro,ided the/ can er&orm their duties in this osition
without detriment to e&&icienc/;
(b) To establish searate toilet rooms and la,atories &or men
and women and ro,ide at least a dressin! room &or women;
(c) To establish a nurser/ in a wor1lace &or the bene&it o&
the women emlo/ees therein; and
(d) To determine aroriate minimum a!e and other
standards &or retirement or termination in secial
occuations such as those o& &li!ht attendants and the li1e.
A(T. "=A. 2amily planning servicesC incentives for family
planning. - (a) Establishments which are re>uired b/ law to
maintain a clinic or in&irmar/ shall ro,ide &ree &amil/
lannin! ser,ices to their emlo/ees which shall include, but
not be limited to, the alication or use o& contraceti,e ills
and intrauterine de,ices.
(b) 'n coordination with other a!encies o& the !o,ernment
en!a!ed in the romotion o& &amil/ lannin!, the 5eartment
o& Labor and Emlo/ment shall de,elo and rescribe
incenti,e bonus schemes to encoura!e &amil/ lannin!
amon! &emale wor1ers in an/ establishment or enterrise.
e. Secial 2omen 2or1ers, "=$
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "4#
A(T. "=$. Classification of certain $omen $or.ers . - An/
woman who is ermitted or su&&ered to wor1, with or without
comensation, in an/ ni!ht club, coc1tail loun!e, massa!e
clinic, bar or similar establishments under the e&&ecti,e
control or suer,ision o& the emlo/er &or a substantial
eriod o& time as determined b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
Emlo/ment, shall be considered as an emlo/ee o& such
establishment &or uroses o& labor and social le!islation.
&. Daternit/ Lea,e, Social Securit/ Law o& "##%
((A ""B", as amended b/ (A $4$4), Sec. "A-A, (A $4$
TSEC. "A-A. (aternity Leave /enefit. + A &emale member
who has aid at least three (=) monthl/ contributions in the
twel,e-month eriod immediatel/ recedin! the semester o&
her childbirth or miscarria!e shall be aid a dail/ maternit/
bene&it e>ui,alent to one hundred ercent ("::P) o& her
a,era!e dail/ salar/ credit &or si0t/ (B:) da/s or se,ent/-
ei!ht (%$) da/s in case o& caesarian deli,er/, sub3ect to the
&ollowin! conditions7
T(a) That the emlo/ee shall ha,e noti&ied her emlo/er o&
her re!nanc/ and the robable date o& her childbirth, which
notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the
rules and re!ulations it ma/ ro,ide;
T(b) The &ull a/ment shall be ad,anced b/ the emlo/er
within thirt/ (=:) da/s &rom the &ilin! o& the maternit/ lea,e
T(c) That a/ment o& dail/ maternit/ bene&its shall be a bar to
the reco,er/ o& sic1ness bene&its ro,ided b/ this Act &or the
same eriod &or which dail/ maternit/ bene&its ha,e been
T(d) That the maternit/ bene&its ro,ided under this section
shall be aid onl/ &or the &irst &our (A) deli,eries or
T(e) That the SSS shall immediatel/ reimburse the emlo/er
o& one hundred ercent ("::P) o& the amount o& maternit/
bene&its ad,anced to the emlo/ee b/ the emlo/er uon
receit o& satis&actor/ roo& o& such a/ment and le!alit/
thereo&; and
T(&) That i& an emlo/ee member should !i,e birth or su&&er
miscarria!e without the re>uired contributions ha,in! been
remitted &or her b/ her emlo/er to the SSS, or without the
latter ha,in! been re,iousl/ noti&ied b/ the emlo/er o& the
time o& the re!nanc/, the emlo/er shall a/ to the SSS
dama!es e>ui,alent to the bene&its which said emlo/ee
member would otherwise ha,e been entitled to.
!. Se0ual *arassment ((A %$%%)
Be it enacted by the !enate and /ouse of
Representatives of the hilippines in Congress
Section ". Title. ? This Act shall be 1nown as the
TAnti-Se0ual *arassment Act o& "##@.T
Sec. 4. Declaration of Policy. ? The State shall
,alue the di!nit/ o& e,er/ indi,idual, enhance the
de,eloment o& it human resources, !uarantee &ull
resect &or human ri!hts, and uhold the di!nit/ o&
wor1ers, emlo/ees, alicants &or emlo/ment,
students or those under!oin! trainin!, instruction or
education. Towards this end, all &orms o& se0ual
harassment in the emlo/ment, education or trainin!
en,ironment are hereb/ declared unlaw&ul.
Sec. =. 2or1, Education or Trainin!-related
Se0ual *arassment 5e&ined. ? 2or1, education or
trainin!-related se0ual harassment is committed b/ an
emlo/ee, mana!er, suer,isor, a!ent o& the
emlo/er, teacher, instructor, ro&essor, coach,
trainor, or an/ other erson who, ha,in! authorit/,
in&luence or moral ascendanc/ o,er another in a wor1
or trainin! or education en,ironment, demands,
re>uests or otherwise re>uires an/ se0ual &a,or &rom
the other, re!ardless o& whether the demand, re>uest
or re>uirement &or submission is acceted b/ the
ob3ect o& said Act.
(a) 'n a wor1-related or emlo/ment
en,ironment, se0ual harassment is committed when7
(") The se0ual &a,or is made as a condition
in the hirin! or in the emlo/ment, re-emlo/ment or
continued emlo/ment o& said indi,idual, or in
!rantin! said indi,idual &a,orable comensation,
terms, conditions, romotions, or ri,ile!es; or the
re&usal to !rant the se0ual &a,or results in limitin!,
se!re!atin! or classi&/in! the emlo/ee which in a
wa/ would discriminate, deri,e or diminish
emlo/ment oortunities or otherwise ad,ersel/
a&&ect said emlo/ee;
(4) The abo,e acts would imair the
emlo/eeGs ri!hts or ri,ile!es under e0istin! labor
laws; or
(=) The abo,e acts would result in an
intimidatin!, hostile, or o&&ensi,e en,ironment &or the
(b) 'n an education or trainin! en,ironment,
se0ual harassment is committed7
(") A!ainst one who is under the care,
custod/ or suer,ision o& the o&&ender;
(4) A!ainst one whose education, trainin!,
arenticeshi or tutorshi is entrusted to the
(=) 2hen the se0ual &a,or is made a
condition to the !i,in! o& a assin! !rade, or the
!rantin! o& honors and scholarshis, or the a/ment
o& a stiend, allowance or other bene&its, ri,ile!es, or
considerations; or
(A) 2hen the se0ual ad,ances result in an
intimidatin!, hostile or o&&ensi,e en,ironment &or the
student, trainee or arentice.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=:
An/ erson who directs or induces
another to commit an/ act o& se0ual harassment as
herein de&ined, or who cooerates in the commission
thereo& b/ another without which it would not ha,e
been committed, shall also be held liable under this
Sec.A. Duty of the *mployer or 6ead of 'ffice in
a &or.+related% *ducation or Training *nvironment. ?
't shall be the dut/ o& the emlo/er or the head o& the
wor1-related, educational or trainin! en,ironment or
institution, to re,ent or deter the commission o& acts
o& se0ual harassment and to ro,ide the rocedures
&or the resolution, settlement or rosecution o& acts o&
se0ual harassment. Towards this end, the emlo/er
or head o& o&&ice shall7
(a) Promul!ate aroriate rules and
re!ulations in consultation with the 3ointl/ aro,ed b/
the emlo/ees or students or trainees, throu!h their
dul/ desi!nated reresentati,es, rescribin! the
rocedure &or the in,esti!ation or se0ual harassment
cases and the administrati,e sanctions there&or.
Administrati,e sanctions shall not be a bar to
rosecution in the roer courts &or unlaw&ul acts o&
se0ual harassment.
The said rules and re!ulations issued ursuant
to this section (a) shall include, amon! others,
!uidelines on roer decorum in the wor1lace and
educational or trainin! institutions.
(c) Create a committee on decorum and
in,esti!ation o& cases on se0ual harassment. The
committee shall conduct meetin!s, as the case ma/
be, with other o&&icers and emlo/ees, teachers,
instructors, ro&essors, coaches, trainors and
students or trainees to increase understandin! and
re,ent incidents o& se0ual harassment. 't shall also
conduct the in,esti!ation o& the alle!ed cases
constitutin! se0ual harassment.
'n the case o& a wor1-related en,ironment, the
committee shall be comosed o& at least one (")
reresentati,e each &rom the mana!ement, the union,
i& an/, the emlo/ees &rom the suer,isor/ ran1, and
&rom the ran1 and &ile emlo/ees.
'n the case o& the educational or trainin!
institution, the committee shall be comosed o& at
least one (") reresentati,e &rom the administration,
the trainors, teachers, instructors, ro&essors or
coaches and students or trainees, as the case ma/be.
TThe emlo/er or head o& o&&ice, educational or
trainin! institution shall disseminate or ost a co/ o&
this Act &or the in&ormation o& all concerned.
Sec. @. Liability of the *mployer% 6ead of 'ffice%
*ducational or Training )nstitution. ? The emlo/er or
head o& o&&ice, educational trainin! institution shall be
solidaril/ liable &or dama!e arisin! &rom the acts o&
se0ual harassment committed in the emlo/ment,
education or trainin! en,ironment i& the emlo/er or
head o& o&&ice, educational or trainin! institution is
in&ormed o& such acts b/ the o&&ended art/ and no
immediate action is ta1en thereon.
Sec. B. )ndependent ction for Damages. ?
8othin! in this Act shall reclude the ,ictim o& wor1,
education or trainin!-related se0ual harassment &rom
institutin! a searate and indeendent action &or
dama!es and other a&&irmati,e relie&.
Sec. %. Penalties. ? An/ erson who ,iolates the
ro,isions o& this Act shall, uon con,iction, be
enalized b/ imrisonment o& not less than one (")
month nor more than si0 (B) months, or a &ine o& not
less than Ten thousand esos (P":,:::) nor more
than Twent/ thousand esos (P4:,:::), or both such
&ine and imrisonment at the discretion o& the court.
An/ action arisin! &rom the ,iolation o& the
ro,ision o& this Act shall rescribe in three (=) /ears.
Sec. $. ,eparability Clause ? '& an/ ortion or
ro,ision o& this Act is declared ,oid and
unconstitutional, the remainin! ortions or ro,isions
hereo& shall not be a&&ected b/ such declaration.
Sec.#. Repealing Clause. ? All laws, decrees,
orders, rules and re!ulations, other issuances, or
arts thereo& inconsistent with the ro,isions o& this
Act are hereb/ reealed or modi&ied accordin!l/.
Sec.":. *ffectivity Clause. ? This Act shall ta1e
e&&ect &i&teen ("@) da/s a&ter its comlete ublication in
at least two (4) national newsaer o& !eneral
Libres ,. 8L(C, =:% SC(A B%@
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "="
Philiine Aelous Automoti,e
Lnited Cor. ,. 8L(C, =="SC(A 4=% (4:::)
(enato S. .atbonton ,. 8L(C, et
al., A%# SC(A A"B (4::B)
4. Dinors
(e&erence7 Art.s "=#-"A:; +mnibus (ules, Boo1
''', (ule <'', Secs. 4-=; Secial Protection o& Children Act o&
4::= ((A %B":, as amended b/ (A #4="); 'L+ Con,ention
8o."$4 and 'L+ (ecommendation 8o. "#:
A(T. "=#. (inimum employable age. - (a) 8o child below
&i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e shall be emlo/ed, e0cet when he
wor1s directl/ under the sole resonsibilit/ o& his arents or
!uardian, and his emlo/ment does not in an/ wa/ inter&ere
with his schoolin!.
(b) An/ erson between &i&teen ("@) and ei!hteen ("$) /ears
o& a!e ma/ be emlo/ed &or such number o& hours and such
eriods o& the da/ as determined b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor
and Emlo/ment in aroriate re!ulations.
(c) The &ore!oin! ro,isions shall in no case allow the
emlo/ment o& a erson below ei!hteen ("$) /ears o& a!e in
an underta1in! which is hazardous or deleterious in nature
as determined b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment.
A(T. "A:. Prohibition against child discrimination. - 8o
emlo/er shall discriminate a!ainst an/ erson in resect to
terms and conditions o& emlo/ment on account o& his a!e.
SECT'+8 4. Emlo/able a!e. O Children below &i&teen ("@)
/ears o& a!e ma/ be allowed to wor1 under the direct
resonsibilit/ o& their arents or !uardians in an/ non-
hazardous underta1in! where the wor1 will not in an/ wa/
inter&ere with their schoolin!. 'n such cases, the children
shall not be considered as emlo/ees o& the emlo/ers or
their arents or !uardians.
SECT'+8 =. Eli!ibilit/ &or emlo/ment. O An/ erson o&
either se0, between "@ and "$ /ears o& a!e, ma/ be
emlo/ed in an/ non-hazardous wor1. 8o emlo/er shall
discriminate a!ainst such erson in re!ard to terms and
conditions o& emlo/ment on account o& his a!e.
Kor uroses o& this (ule, a non-hazardous wor1 or
underta1in! shall mean an/ wor1 or acti,it/ in which the
emlo/ee is not e0osed to an/ ris1 which constitutes an
imminent dan!er to his sa&et/ and health. The Secretar/ o&
Labor and Emlo/ment shall &rom time to time ublish a list
o& hazardous wor1 and acti,ities in which ersons "$ /ears
o& a!e and below cannot be emlo/ed.
Rep)b#$c o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes
Con*ress o0 +e 1+$#$pp$nes
Detro Danila
T!e#0+ Con*ress
T+$r" Re*)#ar Sess$on
Be!un and held in Detro Danila, on Donda/, the
twent/-ei!hth da/ o& Jul/, two thousand three.
Rep)b#$c Ac No. 3&'1 Dece/ber 136 &%%'
/e it enacted by the ,enate and the 6ouse of
Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=4
Sec$on 1. Section 4 o& (eublic Act 8o. %B":, as
amended, otherwise 1nown as the TSecial Protection
o& Children A!ainst Child Abuse, E0loitation and
5iscrimination ActT, is hereb/ amended to read as
TSec. 4. Declaration of ,tate Policy and Principles. - 't
is hereb/ declared to be the olic/ o& the State to
ro,ide secial rotection to children &rom all &orms o&
abuse, ne!lect, cruelt/, e0loitation and
discrimination, and other conditions re3udicial to their
de,eloment includin! child labor and its worst &orms;
ro,ide sanctions &or their commission and carr/ out a
ro!ram &or re,ention and deterrence o& and crisis
inter,ention in situations o& child abuse, e0loitation
and discrimination. The State shall inter,ene on
behal& o& the child when the arent, !uardian, teacher
or erson ha,in! care or custod/ o& the child &ails or is
unable to rotect the child a!ainst abuse, e0loitation
and discrimination or when such acts a!ainst the child
are committed b/ the said arent, !uardian, teacher
or erson ha,in! care and custod/ o& the same.
T't shall be the olic/ o& the State to rotect and
rehabilitate children !ra,el/ threatened or
endan!ered b/ circumstances which a&&ect or will
a&&ect their sur,i,al and normal de,eloment and o,er
which the/ ha,e no control.
TThe best interests o& children shall be the aramount
consideration in all actions concernin! them, whether
underta1en b/ ublic or ri,ate social wel&are
institutions, courts o& law, administrati,e authorities,
and le!islati,e bodies, consistent with the rincile o&
Kirst Call &or Children as enunciated in the Lnited
8ations Con,ention on the (i!hts o& the Child. E,er/
e&&ort shall be e0erted to romote the wel&are o&
children and enhance their oortunities &or a use&ul
and ha/ li&e.T
Sec$on &. Section "4 o& the same Act, as amended,
is hereb/ &urther amended to read as &ollows7
TSec. 4. *mployment of Children - Children below
&i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e shall not be emlo/ed
T") 2hen a child wor1s directl/ under the sole
resonsibilit/ o& hisCher arents or le!al !uardian and
where onl/ members o& hisCher &amil/ are emlo/ed7
Provided% ho$ever% That hisCher emlo/ment neither
endan!ers hisCher li&e, sa&et/, health, and morals, nor
imairs hisCher normal de,eloment7 Provided%
further, That the arent or le!al !uardian shall ro,ide
the said child with the rescribed rimar/ andCor
secondar/ education; or
T4) 2here a childSs emlo/ment or articiation in
ublic entertainment or in&ormation throu!h cinema,
theater, radio, tele,ision or other &orms o& media is
essential7 Provided, That the emlo/ment contract is
concluded b/ the childSs arents or le!al !uardian,
with the e0ress a!reement o& the child concerned, i&
ossible, and the aro,al o& the 5eartment o& Labor
and Emlo/ment7 Provided% further, That the &ollowin!
re>uirements in all instances are strictl/ comlied
T(a) The emlo/er shall ensure the rotection, health,
sa&et/, morals and normal de,eloment o& the child;
T(b) The emlo/er shall institute measures to re,ent
the childSs e0loitation or discrimination ta1in! into
account the s/stem and le,el o& remuneration, and
the duration and arran!ement o& wor1in! time; and
T(c) The emlo/er shall &ormulate and imlement,
sub3ect to the aro,al and suer,ision o& cometent
authorities, a continuin! ro!ram &or trainin! and s1ills
ac>uisition o& the child.
T'n the abo,e-e0cetional cases where an/ such child
ma/ be emlo/ed, the emlo/er shall &irst secure,
be&ore en!a!in! such child, a wor1 ermit &rom the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment which shall
ensure obser,ance o& the abo,e re>uirements.
TKor uroses o& this Article, the term TchildT shall
al/ to all ersons under ei!hteen ("$) /ears o&
Sec$on '. The same Act, as amended, is hereb/
&urther amended b/ addin! new sections to be
denominated as Sections "4-A, "4-B, "4-C, and "4-5
to read as &ollows7
TSec. 4-A. 6ours of &or. of a & Child. - Lnder
the e0cetions ro,ided in Section "4 o& this Act, as
T(") A child below &i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e ma/ be
allowed to wor1 &or not more than twent/ (4:) hours a
wee17 Provided, That the wor1 shall not be more than
&our (A) hours at an/ !i,en da/;
T(4) A child &i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e but below
ei!hteen ("$) shall not be allowed to wor1 &or more
than ei!ht ($) hours a da/, and in no case be/ond
&ort/ (A:) hours a wee1;
T(=) 8o child below &i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e shall be
allowed to wor1 between ei!ht oScloc1 in the e,enin!
and si0 oScloc1 in the mornin! o& the &ollowin! da/ and
no child &i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e but below ei!hteen
("$) shall be allowed to wor1 between ten oScloc1 in
the e,enin! and si0 oScloc1 in the mornin! o& the
&ollowin! da/.T
TSec. "4-B. '$nership% 4sage and dministration of
the & ChildGs )ncome. - The wa!es, salaries,
earnin!s and other income o& the wor1in! child shall
belon! to himCher in ownershi and shall be set aside
rimaril/ &or hisCher suort, education or s1ills
ac>uisition and secondaril/ to the collecti,e needs o&
the &amil/7 Provided% That not more than twent/
ercent (4:P) o& the childSs income ma/ be used &or
the collecti,e needs o& the &amil/.
TThe income o& the wor1in! child andCor the roert/
ac>uired throu!h the wor1 o& the child shall be
administered b/ both arents. 'n the absence or
incaacit/ o& either o& the arents, the other arent
shall administer the same. 'n case both arents are
absent or incaacitated, the order o& re&erence on
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "==
arental authorit/ as ro,ided &or under the Kamil/
Code shall al/.
TSec. "4-C. Trust 2und to Preserve Part of the
& ChildGs )ncome. + The arent or le!al
!uardian o& a wor1in! child below ei!hteen ("$) /ears
o& a!e shall set u a trust &und &or at least thirt/
ercent (=:P) o& the earnin!s o& the child whose
wa!es and salaries &rom wor1 and other income
amount to at least two hundred thousand esos
(P4::,:::.::) annuall/, &or which heCshe shall render
a semi-annual accountin! o& the &und to the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment, in comliance
with the ro,isions o& this Act. The child shall ha,e &ull
control o,er the trust &und uon reachin! the a!e o&
TSec. "4-5. Prohibition gainst &orst 2orms of Child
Labor. - 8o child shall be en!a!ed in the worst &orms
o& child labor. The hrase Tworst &orms o& child laborT
shall re&er to an/ o& the &ollowin!7
T(") All &orms o& sla,er/, as de&ined under the TAnti-
tra&&ic1in! in Persons Act o& 4::=T, or ractices similar
to sla,er/ such as sale and tra&&ic1in! o& children,
debt bonda!e and ser&dom and &orced or comulsor/
labor, includin! recruitment o& children &or use in
armed con&lict; or
T(4) The use, rocurin!, o&&erin! or e0osin! o& a child
&or rostitution, &or the roduction o& orno!rah/ or
&or orno!rahic er&ormances; or
T(=) The use, rocurin! or o&&erin! o& a child &or ille!al
or illicit acti,ities, includin! the roduction and
tra&&ic1in! o& dan!erous dru!s and ,olatile substances
rohibited under e0istin! laws; or
T(A) 2or1 which, b/ its nature or the circumstances in
which it is carried out, is hazardous or li1el/ to be
harm&ul to the health, sa&et/ or morals o& children,
such that it7
Ta) 5ebases, de!rades or demeans the intrinsic worth
and di!nit/ o& a child as a human bein!; or
Tb) E0oses the child to h/sical, emotional or se0ual
abuse, or is &ound to be hi!hl/ stress&ul
s/cholo!icall/ or ma/ re3udice morals; or
Tc) 's er&ormed under!round, underwater or at
dan!erous hei!hts; or
Td) 'n,ol,es the use o& dan!erous machiner/,
e>uiment and tools such as ower-dri,en or
e0losi,e ower-actuated tools; or
Te) E0oses the child to h/sical dan!er such as, but
not limited to the dan!erous &eats o& balancin!,
h/sical stren!th or contortion, or which re>uires the
manual transort o& hea,/ loads; or
T&) 's er&ormed in an unhealth/ en,ironment
e0osin! the child to hazardous wor1in! conditions,
elements, substances, co-a!ents or rocesses
in,ol,in! ionizin!, radiation, &ire, &lammable
substances, no0ious comonents and the li1e, or to
e0treme temeratures, noise le,els, or ,ibrations; or
T!) 's er&ormed under articularl/ di&&icult conditions;
Th) E0oses the child to biolo!ical a!ents such as
bacteria, &un!i, ,iruses, rotozoans, nematodes and
other arasites; or
Ti) 'n,ol,es the manu&acture or handlin! o& e0losi,es
and other /rotechnic roducts.T
Sec$on 4. Section "= o& the same Act is hereb/
amended to read as &ollows7
TSec. "=. ccess to *ducation and Training for
& Children - Ta) 8o child shall be deri,ed o&
&ormal or non-&ormal education. 'n all cases o&
emlo/ment allowed in this Act, the emlo/er shall
ro,ide a wor1in! child with access to at least rimar/
and secondar/ education.
Tb) To ensure and !uarantee the access o& the
wor1in! child to education and trainin!, the
5eartment o& Education (5EPE5) shall7 (")
&ormulate, romul!ate, and imlement rele,ant and
e&&ecti,e course desi!ns and educational ro!rams;
(4) conduct the necessar/ trainin! &or the
imlementation o& the aroriate curriculum &or the
urose; (=) ensure the a,ailabilit/ o& the needed
educational &acilities and materials; and (A) conduct
continuin! research and de,eloment ro!ram &or the
necessar/ and rele,ant alternati,e education o& the
wor1in! child.
Tc) The 5EPE5 shall romul!ate a course desi!n
under its non-&ormal education ro!ram aimed at
romotin! the intellectual, moral and ,ocational
e&&icienc/ o& wor1in! children who ha,e not
under!one or &inished elementar/ or secondar/
education. Such course desi!n shall inte!rate the
learnin! rocess deemed most e&&ecti,e under !i,en
Sec$on 2. Section "A o& the same Act is hereb/
amended to read as &ollows7
TSec. "A. Prohibition on the *mployment of Children
in Certain dvertisements. - 8o child shall be
emlo/ed as a model in an/ ad,ertisement directl/ or
indirectl/ romotin! alcoholic be,era!es, into0icatin!
drin1s, tobacco and its b/roducts, !amblin! or an/
&orm o& ,iolence or orno!rah/.T
Sec$on 8. Section "B o& the same Act, is hereb/
amended to read as &ollows7
TSec. "B. Penal Provisions +
Ta) An/ emlo/er who ,iolates Sections "4, "4-A, and
Section "A o& this act, as amended, shall be enalized
b/ imrisonment o& si0 (B) months and one (") da/ to
si0 (B) /ears or a &ine o& not less than Ki&t/ thousand
esos (P@:,:::.::) but not more than Three hundred
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=A
thousand esos (P=::,:::.::) or both at the
discretion o& the court.
Tb) An/ erson who ,iolates the ro,ision o& Section
"4-5 o& this act or the emlo/er o& the subcontractor
who emlo/s, or the one who &acilitates the
emlo/ment o& a child in hazardous wor1, shall su&&er
the enalt/ o& a &ine o& not less than +ne hundred
thousand esos (P"::,:::.::) but not more than +ne
million esos (P",:::,:::.::), or imrisonment o& not
less than twel,e ("4) /ears and one (") da/ to twent/
(4:) /ears, or both such &ine and imrisonment at the
discretion o& the court.
Tc) An/ erson who ,iolates Sections "4-5(") and "4-
5(4) shall be rosecuted and enalized in accordance
with the enalt/ ro,ided &or b/ (. A. #4:$ otherwise
1nown as the TAnti-tra&&ic1in! in Persons Act o& 4::=T7
Provided% That Such enalt/ shall be imosed in its
ma0imum eriod.
Td) An/ erson who ,iolates Section "4-5 (=) shall be
rosecuted and enalized in accordance with (.A.
#"B@, otherwise 1nown as the TComrehensi,e
5an!erous 5ru!s Act o& 4::4T; Provided, That such
enalt/ shall be imosed in its ma0imum eriod.
Te) '& a cororation commits an/ o& the ,iolations
a&orecited, the board o& directorsCtrustees and o&&icers,
which include the resident, treasurer and secretar/
o& the said cororation who articiated in or
1nowin!l/ allowed the ,iolation, shall be enalized
accordin!l/ as ro,ided &or under this Section.
T&) Parents, biolo!ical or b/ le!al &iction, and le!al
!uardians &ound to be ,iolatin! Sections "4, "4-A, "4-
B and "4-C o& this Act shall a/ a &ine o& not less than
Ten thousand esos (P":,:::.::) but not more than
+ne hundred thousand esos (P"::,:::.::), or be
re>uired to render communit/ ser,ice &or not less than
thirt/ (=:) da/s but not more than one (") /ear, or
both such &ine and communit/ ser,ice at the
discretion o& the court7 Provided% That the ma0imum
len!th o& communit/ ser,ice shall be imosed on
arents or le!al !uardians who ha,e ,iolated the
ro,isions o& this Act three (=) times; Provided%
further, That in addition to the communit/ ser,ice, the
enalt/ o& imrisonment o& thirt/ (=:) da/s but not
more than one (") /ear or both at the discretion o& the
court, shall be imosed on the arents or le!al
!uardians who ha,e ,iolated the ro,isions o& this Act
more than three (=) times.
T!) The Secretar/, o& Labor and Emlo/ment or
hisCher dul/ authorized reresentati,e ma/, a&ter due
notice and hearin!, order the closure o& an/ business
&irm or establishment &ound to ha,e ,iolated an/ o&
the ro,isions o& this Act more than three (=) times.
*eCshe shall li1ewise order the immediate closure o&
such &irm or establishment i&7
T(") The ,iolation o& an/ ro,ision o& this Act has
resulted in the death, insanit/ or serious h/sical
in3ur/ o& a child emlo/ed in such establishment; or
T(4) Such &irm or establishment is en!a!ed or
emlo/ed in rostitution or in obscene or lewd shows.
Th) 'n case o& such closure, the emlo/er shall be
re>uired to a/ the emlo/ee(s) the searation a/
and other monetar/ bene&its ro,ided &or b/ law.T
Sec$on 9. The same Act is hereb/ &urther amended
b/ addin! a new section to be denominated as
Section "B-A, to read as &ollows7
TSec. "B-A. Trust 2und from 2ines and Penalties +
The &ine imosed b/ the court shall be treated as a
Trust Kund, administered b/ the 5eartment o& Labor
and Emlo/ment and disbursed e0clusi,el/ &or the
needs, includin! the costs o& rehabilitation and
reinte!ration into the mainstream o& societ/ o& the
wor1in! children who are ,ictims o& the ,iolations o&
this Act, and &or the ro!rams and ro3ects that will
re,ent acts o& child labor.T
Sec$on 5. Section 4% o& the same Act is hereb/
amended to read as &ollows7
TSec. 4%. &ho (ay 2ile a Complaint - Comlaints on
cases o& unlaw&ul acts committed a!ainst children as
enumerated herein ma/ be &iled b/ the &ollowin!7
T(a) +&&ended art/;
T(b) Parents or !uardians;
T(c) Ascendant or collateral relati,e within the third
de!ree o& consan!uinit/;
T(d) +&&icer, social wor1er or reresentati,e o& a
licensed child-carin! institution;
T(e) +&&icer or social wor1er o& the 5eartment o&
Social 2el&are and 5e,eloment;
T(&) Baran!a/ chairman o& the lace where the
,iolation occurred, where the child is residin! or
emlo/ed; or
T(!) At least three (=) concerned, resonsible citizens
where the ,iolation occurred.T
Sec$on 3. The same Act is hereb/ &urther amended
b/ addin! new sections to Section "B to be
denominated as Sections "B-A, "B-B and "B-C to
read as &ollows7
TSec. "B-A. "urisdiction - The &amil/ courts shall ha,e
ori!inal 3urisdiction o,er all cases in,ol,in! o&&enses
unishable under this Act7 Provided% That in cities or
ro,inces where there are no &amil/ courts /et, the
re!ional trial courts and the municial trial courts shall
ha,e concurrent 3urisdiction deendin! on the
enalties rescribed &or the o&&ense char!ed.
TThe reliminar/ in,esti!ation o& cases &iled under this
Act shall be terminated within a eriod o& thirt/ (=:)
da/s &rom the date o& &ilin!.
T'& the reliminar/ in,esti!ation establishes a prima
facie case, then the corresondin! in&ormation shall
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=@
be &iled in court within &ort/ ei!ht (A$) hours &rom the
termination o& the in,esti!ation.
TTrial o& cases under this Act shall be terminated b/
the court not later than ninet/ (#:) da/s &rom the date
o& &ilin! o& in&ormation. 5ecision on said cases shall
be rendered within a eriod o& &i&teen ("@) da/s &rom
the date o& submission o& the case.
TSec. "@. *xemptions from 2iling 2ees. - 2hen the
,ictim o& child labor institutes a searate ci,il action
&or the reco,er/ o& ci,il dama!es, heCshe shall be
e0emt &rom a/ment o& &ilin! &ees.
TSec. "B-C. ccess to )mmediate Legal% (edical and
Psycho+,ocial ,ervices - The wor1in! child shall ha,e
the ri!ht to &ree le!al, medical and s/cho-social
ser,ices to be ro,ided b/ the State.T
Sec$on 1%. )mplementing Rules and Regulations -
The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment, in
coordination with the Committees on Labor and
Emlo/ment o& both *ouses o& Con!ress, shall issue
the necessar/ 'mlementin! (ules and (e!ulations
('(() to e&&ecti,el/ imlement the ro,isions o& this
Act, in consultation with concerned ublic and ri,ate
sectors, within si0t/ (B:) da/s &rom the e&&ecti,it/ o&
this Act.
Such rules and re!ulations shall ta1e e&&ect uon their
ublication in two (4) national newsaers o& !eneral
Sec$on 11. ,eparability Clause. - '& an/ ro,ision o&
this Act is declared in,alid or unconstitutional, the
,alidit/ o& the remainin! ro,isions hereo& shall
remain in &ull &orce and e&&ect.
Sec$on 1&. Repealing Clause. - All laws, decrees, or
rules inconsistent with the ro,isions o& this Act are
hereb/ reealed or modi&ied accordin!l/.
Sec$on 1'. *ffectivity. - This Act shall ta1e e&&ect
&i&teen ("@) da/s &rom the date o& its comlete
ublication in the 'fficial !a0ette or in at least two (4)
national newsaers o& !eneral circulation.
C15& Wors For/s o0 C+$#" Labo)r Con;en$on6
Con,ention concernin! the Prohibition and 'mmediate
Action &or the Elimination o& the 2orst Korms o& Child
Labour (8ote7 5ate o& comin! into &orce7 "#7""74:::)
Session o& the Con&erence7$%
5ate o& adotion7"%7:B7"###
Sub3ect classi&ication7 Elimination o& Child Labour
Sub3ect classi&ication7 Children and Roun! Persons
Sub3ect7 E#$/$na$on o0 C+$#" Labo)r an"
1roec$on o0 C+$#"ren an" Ho)n* 1ersons
The .eneral Con&erence o& the 'nternational Labour
*a,in! been con,ened at .ene,a b/ the .o,ernin!
Bod/ o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice, and ha,in!
met in its $%th Session on " June "###, and
Considerin! the need to adot new instruments &or
the rohibition and elimination o& the worst &orms o&
child labour, as the main riorit/ &or national and
international action, includin! international
cooeration and assistance, to comlement the
Con,ention and the (ecommendation concernin!
Dinimum A!e &or Admission to Emlo/ment, "#%=,
which remain &undamental instruments on child
labour, and
Considerin! that the e&&ecti,e elimination o& the worst
&orms o& child labour re>uires immediate and
comrehensi,e action, ta1in! into account the
imortance o& &ree basic education and the need to
remo,e the children concerned &rom all such wor1
and to ro,ide &or their rehabilitation and social
inte!ration while addressin! the needs o& their
&amilies, and
(ecallin! the resolution concernin! the elimination o&
child labour adoted b/ the 'nternational Labour
Con&erence at its $=rd Session in "##B, and
(eco!nizin! that child labour is to a !reat e0tent
caused b/ o,ert/ and that the lon!-term solution lies
in sustained economic !rowth leadin! to social
ro!ress, in articular o,ert/ alle,iation and
uni,ersal education, and
(ecallin! the Con,ention on the (i!hts o& the Child
adoted b/ the Lnited 8ations .eneral Assembl/ on
4: 8o,ember "#$#, and
(ecallin! the 'L+ 5eclaration on Kundamental
Princiles and (i!hts at 2or1 and its Kollow-u,
adoted b/ the 'nternational Labour Con&erence at its
$Bth Session in "##$, and
(ecallin! that some o& the worst &orms o& child labour
are co,ered b/ other international instruments, in
articular the Korced Labour Con,ention, "#=:, and
the Lnited 8ations Sulementar/ Con,ention on the
Abolition o& Sla,er/, the Sla,e Trade, and 'nstitutions
and Practices Similar to Sla,er/, "#@B, and
*a,in! decided uon the adotion o& certain
roosals with re!ard to child labour, which is the
&ourth item on the a!enda o& the session, and
*a,in! determined that these roosals shall ta1e the
&orm o& an international Con,ention;
adots this se,enteenth da/ o& June o& the /ear one
thousand nine hundred and ninet/-nine the &ollowin!
Con,ention, which ma/ be cited as the 2orst Korms
o& Child Labour Con,ention, "###.
Article "
Each Dember which rati&ies this Con,ention shall ta1e
immediate and e&&ecti,e measures to secure the
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=B
rohibition and elimination o& the worst &orms o& child
labour as a matter o& ur!enc/.
Article 4
Kor the uroses o& this Con,ention, the term child
shall al/ to all ersons under the a!e o& "$.
Article =
Kor the uroses o& this Con,ention, the term the
$orst forms of child labour comrises7
(a) all &orms o& sla,er/ or ractices similar to sla,er/,
such as the sale and tra&&ic1in! o& children, debt
bonda!e and ser&dom and &orced or comulsor/
labour, includin! &orced or comulsor/ recruitment o&
children &or use in armed con&lict;
(b) the use, rocurin! or o&&erin! o& a child &or
rostitution, &or the roduction o& orno!rah/ or &or
orno!rahic er&ormances;
(c) the use, rocurin! or o&&erin! o& a child &or illicit
acti,ities, in articular &or the roduction and
tra&&ic1in! o& dru!s as de&ined in the rele,ant
international treaties;
(d) wor1 which, b/ its nature or the circumstances in
which it is carried out, is li1el/ to harm the health,
sa&et/ or morals o& children.
Article A
". The t/es o& wor1 re&erred to under Article =(d)
shall be determined b/ national laws or re!ulations or
b/ the cometent authorit/, a&ter consultation with the
or!anizations o& emlo/ers and wor1ers concerned,
ta1in! into consideration rele,ant international
standards, in articular Para!rahs = and A o& the
2orst Korms o& Child Labour (ecommendation, "###.
4. The cometent authorit/, a&ter consultation with the
or!anizations o& emlo/ers and wor1ers concerned,
shall identi&/ where the t/es o& wor1 so determined
=. The list o& the t/es o& wor1 determined under
ara!rah " o& this Article shall be eriodicall/
e0amined and re,ised as necessar/, in consultation
with the or!anizations o& emlo/ers and wor1ers
Article @
Each Dember shall, a&ter consultation with emlo/ersS
and wor1ersS or!anizations, establish or desi!nate
aroriate mechanisms to monitor the
imlementation o& the ro,isions !i,in! e&&ect to this
Article B
". Each Dember shall desi!n and imlement
ro!rammes o& action to eliminate as a riorit/ the
worst &orms o& child labour.
4. Such ro!rammes o& action shall be desi!ned and
imlemented in consultation with rele,ant !o,ernment
institutions and emlo/ersS and wor1ersS
or!anizations, ta1in! into consideration the ,iews o&
other concerned !rous as aroriate.
Article %
". Each Dember shall ta1e all necessar/ measures to
ensure the e&&ecti,e imlementation and en&orcement
o& the ro,isions !i,in! e&&ect to this Con,ention
includin! the ro,ision and alication o& enal
sanctions or, as aroriate, other sanctions.
4. Each Dember shall, ta1in! into account the
imortance o& education in eliminatin! child labour,
ta1e e&&ecti,e and time-bound measures to7
(a) re,ent the en!a!ement o& children in the worst
&orms o& child labour;
(b) ro,ide the necessar/ and aroriate direct
assistance &or the remo,al o& children &rom the worst
&orms o& child labour and &or their rehabilitation and
social inte!ration;
(c) ensure access to &ree basic education, and,
where,er ossible and aroriate, ,ocational
trainin!, &or all children remo,ed &rom the worst &orms
o& child labour;
(d) identi&/ and reach out to children at secial ris1;
(e) ta1e account o& the secial situation o& !irls.
=. Each Dember shall desi!nate the cometent
authorit/ resonsible &or the imlementation o& the
ro,isions !i,in! e&&ect to this Con,ention.
Article $
Dembers shall ta1e aroriate stes to assist one
another in !i,in! e&&ect to the ro,isions o& this
Con,ention throu!h enhanced international
cooeration andCor assistance includin! suort &or
social and economic de,eloment, o,ert/
eradication ro!rammes and uni,ersal education.
Article #
The &ormal rati&ications o& this Con,ention shall be
communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o& the
'nternational Labour +&&ice &or re!istration.
Article ":
". This Con,ention shall be bindin! onl/ uon those
Dembers o& the 'nternational Labour +r!anization
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=%
whose rati&ications ha,e been re!istered with the
5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice.
4. 't shall come into &orce "4 months a&ter the date on
which the rati&ications o& two Dembers ha,e been
re!istered with the 5irector-.eneral.
=. Therea&ter, this Con,ention shall come into &orce
&or an/ Dember "4 months a&ter the date on which its
rati&ication has been re!istered.
Article ""
". A Dember which has rati&ied this Con,ention ma/
denounce it a&ter the e0iration o& ten /ears &rom the
date on which the Con,ention &irst comes into &orce,
b/ an act communicated to the 5irector-.eneral o&
the 'nternational Labour +&&ice &or re!istration. Such
denunciation shall not ta1e e&&ect until one /ear a&ter
the date on which it is re!istered.
4. Each Dember which has rati&ied this Con,ention
and which does not, within the /ear &ollowin! the
e0iration o& the eriod o& ten /ears mentioned in the
recedin! ara!rah, e0ercise the ri!ht o&
denunciation ro,ided &or in this Article, will be bound
&or another eriod o& ten /ears and, therea&ter, ma/
denounce this Con,ention at the e0iration o& each
eriod o& ten /ears under the terms ro,ided &or in
this Article.
Article "4
". The 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour
+&&ice shall noti&/ all Dembers o& the 'nternational
Labour +r!anization o& the re!istration o& all
rati&ications and acts o& denunciation communicated
b/ the Dembers o& the +r!anization.
4. 2hen noti&/in! the Dembers o& the +r!anization o&
the re!istration o& the second rati&ication, the 5irector-
.eneral shall draw the attention o& the Dembers o&
the +r!anization to the date uon which the
Con,ention shall come into &orce.
Article "=
The 5irector-.eneral o& the 'nternational Labour
+&&ice shall communicate to the Secretar/-.eneral o&
the Lnited 8ations, &or re!istration in accordance with
article ":4 o& the Charter o& the Lnited 8ations, &ull
articulars o& all rati&ications and acts o& denunciation
re!istered b/ the 5irector-.eneral in accordance with
the ro,isions o& the recedin! Articles.
Article "A
At such times as it ma/ consider necessar/, the
.o,ernin! Bod/ o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice
shall resent to the .eneral Con&erence a reort on
the wor1in! o& this Con,ention and shall e0amine the
desirabilit/ o& lacin! on the a!enda o& the
Con&erence the >uestion o& its re,ision in whole or in
Article "@
". Should the Con&erence adot a new Con,ention
re,isin! this Con,ention in whole or in art, then,
unless the new Con,ention otherwise ro,ides --
(a) the rati&ication b/ a Dember o& the new re,isin!
Con,ention shall iso 3ure in,ol,e the immediate
denunciation o& this Con,ention, notwithstandin! the
ro,isions o& Article "" abo,e, i& and when the new
re,isin! Con,ention shall ha,e come into &orce;
(b) as &rom the date when the new re,isin!
Con,ention comes into &orce, this Con,ention shall
cease to be oen to rati&ication b/ the Dembers.
4. This Con,ention shall in an/ case remain in &orce in
its actual &orm and content &or those Dembers which
ha,e rati&ied it but ha,e not rati&ied the re,isin!
Article "B
The En!lish and Krench ,ersions o& the te0t o& this
Con,ention are e>uall/ authoritati,e.
R13% Wors For/s o0 C+$#" Labo)r
Reco//en"a$on6 1333
(ecommendation concernin! the rohibition and
immediate action &or the elimination o& the worst &orms
o& child labour
Session o& the Con&erence7$%
5ate o& adotion7"%7:B7"###
Sub3ect classi&ication7 Elimination o& Child Labour
Sub3ect classi&ication7 Children and Roun! Persons
Sub3ect7 E#$/$na$on o0 C+$#" Labo)r an"
1roec$on o0 C+$#"ren an" Ho)n* 1ersons
The .eneral Con&erence o& the 'nternational Labour
*a,in! been con,ened at .ene,a b/ the .o,ernin!
Bod/ o& the 'nternational Labour +&&ice, and ha,in!
met in its Ei!ht/-se,enth Session on " June "###,
*a,in! adoted the 2orst Korms o& Child Labour
Con,ention, "###, and
*a,in! decided uon the adotion o& certain
roosals with re!ard to child labour, which is the
&ourth item on the a!enda o& the session, and
*a,in! determined that these roosals shall ta1e the
&orm o& a (ecommendation sulementin! the 2orst
Korms o& Child Labour Con,ention, "###;
adots this se,enteenth da/ o& June o& the /ear one
thousand nine hundred and ninet/-nine the &ollowin!
(ecommendation, which ma/ be cited as the 2orst
Korms o& Child Labour (ecommendation, "###.
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=$
". The ro,isions o& this (ecommendation
sulement those o& the 2orst Korms o& Child Labour
Con,ention, "### (herea&ter re&erred to as Tthe
Con,entionT), and should be alied in con3unction
with them.
'. Pro!rammes o& action
4. The ro!rammes o& action re&erred to in Article B o&
the Con,ention should be desi!ned and imlemented
as a matter o& ur!enc/, in consultation with rele,ant
!o,ernment institutions and emlo/ersS and wor1ersS
or!anizations, ta1in! into consideration the ,iews o&
the children directl/ a&&ected b/ the worst &orms o&
child labour, their &amilies and, as aroriate, other
concerned !rous committed to the aims o& the
Con,ention and this (ecommendation. Such
ro!rammes should aim at, inter alia7
(a) identi&/in! and denouncin! the worst &orms o& child
(b) re,entin! the en!a!ement o& children in or
remo,in! them &rom the worst &orms o& child labour,
rotectin! them &rom rerisals and ro,idin! &or their
rehabilitation and social inte!ration throu!h measures
which address their educational, h/sical and
s/cholo!ical needs;
(c) !i,in! secial attention to7
(i) /oun!er children;
(ii) the !irl child;
(iii) the roblem o& hidden wor1 situations, in which
!irls are at secial ris1;
(i,) other !rous o& children with secial ,ulnerabilities
or needs;
(d) identi&/in!, reachin! out to and wor1in! with
communities where children are at secial ris1;
(e) in&ormin!, sensitizin! and mobilizin! ublic oinion
and concerned !rous, includin! children and their
''. *azardous wor1
=. 'n determinin! the t/es o& wor1 re&erred to under
Article =(d) o& the Con,ention, and in identi&/in!
where the/ e0ist, consideration should be !i,en, inter
alia, to7
(a) wor1 which e0oses children to h/sical,
s/cholo!ical or se0ual abuse;
(b) wor1 under!round, under water, at dan!erous
hei!hts or in con&ined saces;
(c) wor1 with dan!erous machiner/, e>uiment and
tools, or which in,ol,es the manual handlin! or
transort o& hea,/ loads;
(d) wor1 in an unhealth/ en,ironment which ma/, &or
e0amle, e0ose children to hazardous substances,
a!ents or rocesses, or to temeratures, noise le,els,
or ,ibrations dama!in! to their health;
(e) wor1 under articularl/ di&&icult conditions such as
wor1 &or lon! hours or durin! the ni!ht or wor1 where
the child is unreasonabl/ con&ined to the remises o&
the emlo/er.
A. Kor the t/es o& wor1 re&erred to under Article =(d)
o& the Con,ention and Para!rah = abo,e, national
laws or re!ulations or the cometent authorit/ could,
a&ter consultation with the wor1ersS and emlo/ersS
or!anizations concerned, authorize emlo/ment or
wor1 as &rom the a!e o& "B on condition that the
health, sa&et/ and morals o& the children concerned
are &ull/ rotected, and that the children ha,e
recei,ed ade>uate seci&ic instruction or ,ocational
trainin! in the rele,ant branch o& acti,it/.
'''. 'mlementation
@. (") 5etailed in&ormation and statistical data on the
nature and e0tent o& child labour should be comiled
and 1et u to date to ser,e as a basis &or
determinin! riorities &or national action &or the
abolition o& child labour, in articular &or the rohibition
and elimination o& its worst &orms as a matter o&
(4) As &ar as ossible, such in&ormation and statistical
data should include data disa!!re!ated b/ se0, a!e
!rou, occuation, branch o& economic acti,it/, status
in emlo/ment, school attendance and !eo!rahical
location. The imortance o& an e&&ecti,e s/stem o&
birth re!istration, includin! the issuin! o& birth
certi&icates, should be ta1en into account.
(=) (ele,ant data concernin! ,iolations o& national
ro,isions &or the rohibition and elimination o& the
worst &orms o& child labour should be comiled and
1et u to date.
B. The comilation and rocessin! o& the in&ormation
and data re&erred to in Para!rah @ abo,e should be
carried out with due re!ard &or the ri!ht to ri,ac/.
%. The in&ormation comiled under Para!rah @ abo,e
should be communicated to the 'nternational Labour
+&&ice on a re!ular basis.
$. Dembers should establish or desi!nate aroriate
national mechanisms to monitor the imlementation o&
national ro,isions &or the rohibition and elimination
o& the worst &orms o& child labour, a&ter consultation
with emlo/ersS and wor1ersS or!anizations.
#. Dembers should ensure that the cometent
authorities which ha,e resonsibilities &or
imlementin! national ro,isions &or the rohibition
and elimination o& the worst &orms o& child labour
cooerate with each other and coordinate their
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "=#
":. 8ational laws or re!ulations or the cometent
authorit/ should determine the ersons to be held
resonsible in the e,ent o& non-comliance with
national ro,isions &or the rohibition and elimination
o& the worst &orms o& child labour.
"". Dembers should, in so &ar as it is comatible with
national law, cooerate with international e&&orts
aimed at the rohibition and elimination o& the worst
&orms o& child labour as a matter o& ur!enc/ b/7
(a) !atherin! and e0chan!in! in&ormation concernin!
criminal o&&ences, includin! those in,ol,in!
international networ1s;
(b) detectin! and rosecutin! those in,ol,ed in the
sale and tra&&ic1in! o& children, or in the use,
rocurin! or o&&erin! o& children &or illicit acti,ities, &or
rostitution, &or the roduction o& orno!rah/ or &or
orno!rahic er&ormances;
(c) re!isterin! eretrators o& such o&&ences.
"4. Dembers should ro,ide that the &ollowin! worst
&orms o& child labour are criminal o&&ences7
(a) all &orms o& sla,er/ or ractices similar to sla,er/,
such as the sale and tra&&ic1in! o& children, debt
bonda!e and ser&dom and &orced or comulsor/
labour, includin! &orced or comulsor/ recruitment o&
children &or use in armed con&lict;
(b) the use, rocurin! or o&&erin! o& a child &or
rostitution, &or the roduction o& orno!rah/ or &or
orno!rahic er&ormances; and
(c) the use, rocurin! or o&&erin! o& a child &or illicit
acti,ities, in articular &or the roduction and
tra&&ic1in! o& dru!s as de&ined in the rele,ant
international treaties, or &or acti,ities which in,ol,e the
unlaw&ul carr/in! or use o& &irearms or other weaons.
"=. Dembers should ensure that enalties includin!,
where aroriate, criminal enalties are alied &or
,iolations o& the national ro,isions &or the rohibition
and elimination o& an/ t/e o& wor1 re&erred to in
Article =(d) o& the Con,ention.
"A. Dembers should also ro,ide as a matter o&
ur!enc/ &or other criminal, ci,il or administrati,e
remedies, where aroriate, to ensure the e&&ecti,e
en&orcement o& national ro,isions &or the rohibition
and elimination o& the worst &orms o& child labour,
such as secial suer,ision o& enterrises which ha,e
used the worst &orms o& child labour, and, in cases o&
ersistent ,iolation, consideration o& temorar/ or
ermanent re,o1in! o& ermits to oerate.
"@. +ther measures aimed at the rohibition and
elimination o& the worst &orms o& child labour mi!ht
include the &ollowin!7
(a) in&ormin!, sensitizin! and mobilizin! the !eneral
ublic, includin! national and local olitical leaders,
arliamentarians and the 3udiciar/;
(b) in,ol,in! and trainin! emlo/ersS and wor1ersS
or!anizations and ci,ic or!anizations;
(c) ro,idin! aroriate trainin! &or the !o,ernment
o&&icials concerned, eseciall/ insectors and law
en&orcement o&&icials, and &or other rele,ant
(d) ro,idin! &or the rosecution in their own countr/
o& the DemberSs nationals who commit o&&ences under
its national ro,isions &or the rohibition and
immediate elimination o& the worst &orms o& child
labour e,en when these o&&ences are committed in
another countr/;
(e) simli&/in! le!al and administrati,e rocedures
and ensurin! that the/ are aroriate and romt;
(&) encoura!in! the de,eloment o& olicies b/
underta1in!s to romote the aims o& the Con,ention;
(!) monitorin! and !i,in! ublicit/ to best ractices on
the elimination o& child labour;
(h) !i,in! ublicit/ to le!al or other ro,isions on child
labour in the di&&erent lan!ua!es or dialects;
(i) establishin! secial comlaints rocedures and
ma1in! ro,isions to rotect &rom discrimination and
rerisals those who le!itimatel/ e0ose ,iolations o&
the ro,isions o& the Con,ention, as well as
establishin! hellines or oints o& contact and
(3) adotin! aroriate measures to imro,e the
educational in&rastructure and the trainin! o& teachers
to meet the needs o& bo/s and !irls;
(1) as &ar as ossible, ta1in! into account in national
ro!rammes o& action7
(i) the need &or 3ob creation and ,ocational trainin! &or
the arents and adults in the &amilies o& children
wor1in! in the conditions co,ered b/ the Con,ention;
(ii) the need &or sensitizin! arents to the roblem o&
children wor1in! in such conditions.
"B. Enhanced international cooeration andCor
assistance amon! Dembers &or the rohibition and
e&&ecti,e elimination o& the worst &orms o& child labour
should comlement national e&&orts and ma/, as
aroriate, be de,eloed and imlemented in
consultation with emlo/ersS and wor1ersS
or!anizations. Such international cooeration andCor
assistance should include7
(a) mobilizin! resources &or national or international
(b) mutual le!al assistance;
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A:
(c) technical assistance includin! the e0chan!e o&
(d) suort &or social and economic de,eloment,
o,ert/ eradication ro!rammes and uni,ersal
a. Dinors under the Constitution, Art. '', Sec. "=
Sec$on 1'. The State reco!nizes the ,ital role o& the
/outh in nation-buildin! and shall romote and rotect
their h/sical, moral, siritual, intellectual, and social
well-bein!. 't shall inculcate in the /outh atriotism
and nationalism, and encoura!e their in,ol,ement in
ublic and ci,ic a&&airs.
b. Co,era!e, (A #4=", Sec. 4, ar. = on Sec.
"4; Boo1 ''', (ule <'', Sec. "
(See Abo,e)
c. Emlo/ment o& Children, Art. "=#; (A %B":,
Sec. "4-"B; DOLE ,e/o C$rc)#ar No. &6 S 1335 ReE
?aDar"o)s an" Non@?aDar"o)s Esab#$s+/ens
(A %B":
WorC$n* C+$#"ren
Sec$on 1&. *mployment of Children. - Children
below &i&teen ("@) /ears o& a!e ma/ be emlo/ed
(") 2hen a child wor1s directl/ under the
sole resonsibilit/ o& his arents or le!al
!uardian and where onl/ members o& the
emlo/erSs &amil/ are emlo/ed7 Pro,ided,
howe,er, That his emlo/ment neither
endan!ers his li&e, sa&et/ and health and
morals, nor imairs his normal de,eloment7
Pro,ided, &urther, That the arent or le!al
!uardian shall ro,ide the said minor child
with the rescribed rimar/ andCor
secondar/ education; or
(4) 2hen a childSs emlo/ment or
articiation in ublic ) entertainment or
in&ormation throu!h cinema, theater, radio or
tele,ision is essential7 Pro,ided, The
emlo/ment contract concluded b/ the
childSs arent or !uardian, with the e0ress
a!reement o& the child concerned, i&
ossible, and the aro,al o& the 5eartment
o& Labor and Emlo/ment7 Pro,ided, That
the &ollowin! re>uirements in all instances
are strictl/ comlied with7
(a) The emlo/er shall ensure the rotection,
health, sa&et/ and morals o& the child;
(b) the emlo/er shall institute measures to
re,ent the childSs e0loitation or
discrimination ta1in! into account the s/stem
and le,el o& remuneration, and the duration
and arran!ement o& wor1in! time; and;
(c) The emlo/er shall &ormulate and
imlement, sub3ect to the aro,al and
suer,ision o& cometent authorities, a
continuin! ro!ram &or trainin! and s1ill
ac>uisition o& the child.
'n the abo,e e0cetional cases where an/ such child
ma/ be emlo/ed, the emlo/er shall &irst secure,
be&ore en!a!in! such child, a wor1 ermit &rom the
5eartment o& Labor and Emlo/ment which shall
ensure obser,ance o& the abo,e re>uirement.
The 5eartment o& Labor Emlo/ment shall
romul!ate rules and re!ulations necessar/ &or the
e&&ecti,e imlementation o& this Section.
Sec$on 1'. Non+formal *ducation for &
Children. - The 5eartment o& Education, Culture and
Sorts shall romul!ate a course desi!n under its
non-&ormal education ro!ram aimed at romotin! the
intellectual, moral and ,ocational e&&icienc/ o& wor1in!
children who ha,e not under!one or &inished
elementar/ or secondar/ education. Such course
desi!n shall inte!rate the learnin! rocess deemed
most e&&ecti,e under !i,en circumstances.
Sec$on 14. Prohibition on the *mployment of
Children in Certain dvertisements. - 8o erson shall
emlo/ child models in all commercials or
ad,ertisements romotin! alcoholic be,era!es,
into0icatin! drin1s, tobacco and its b/roducts and
Sec$on 12. Duty of *mployer. - E,er/ emlo/er shall
coml/ with the duties ro,ided &or in Articles ":$ and
":# o& Presidential 5ecree 8o. B:=.
Sec$on 18. Penalties. - An/ erson who shall ,iolate
an/ ro,ision o& this Article shall su&&er the enalt/ o&
a &ine o& not less than +ne thousand esos (P",:::)
but not more than Ten thousand esos (P":,:::) or
imrisonment o& not less than three (=) months but
not more than three (=) /ears, or both at the discretion
o& the court; Pro,ided, That, in case o& reeated
,iolations o& the ro,isions o& this Article, the
o&&enderSs license to oerate shall be re,o1ed.
d. *ours o& 2or1, (A #4=", Sec. = on Sec. "4-a
e. Prohibitions A!ainst 2orst Korms o& Child
Labor, Sec. = on Sec. "4-d; Sec @ on sec. "A
&. 5iscrimination, Art. "A:
!. Jurisdiction, Sec. # on Sec. "B-A
5el (osario and Bon!a, )ssues and
!aps !overning Child Labor, in Child Labor in the
Philiines, A (e,iew o& Selected Studies and Polic/
Paers, . "%$-"$= (4:::).
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A"
=. *ousehelersCCare!i,ers
(e&erence7 Arts. "A"-"@4; +mnibus (ules, Boo1 ''', (ule
Chater '''
A(T. "A". Coverage. - This Chater shall al/ to all
ersons renderin! ser,ices in households &or comensation.
"Domestic or household service" shall mean ser,ice in the
emlo/erGs home which is usuall/ necessar/ or desirable &or
the maintenance and en3o/ment thereo& and includes
ministerin! to the ersonal com&ort and con,enience o& the
members o& the emlo/erGs household, includin! ser,ices o&
&amil/ dri,ers.
A(T. "A4. Contract of domestic service. - The ori!inal
contract o& domestic ser,ice shall not last &or more than two
(4) /ears but it ma/ be renewed &or such eriods as ma/ be
a!reed uon b/ the arties.
A(T. "A=. (inimum $age. - (a) *ousehelers shall be aid
the &ollowin! minimum wa!e rates7
(") Ei!ht hundred esos (P$::.::) a month &or househelers
in Danila, Muezon, Pasa/, and Caloocan cities and
municialities o& Da1ati, San Juan, Dandalu/on!,
Duntinlua, 8a,otas, Dalabon, ParaWa>ue, Las PiWas,
Pasi!, Dari1ina, 9alenzuela, Ta!ui! and Pateros in Detro
Danila and in hi!hl/ urbanized cities;
(4) Si0 hundred &i&t/ esos (PB@:.::) a month &or those in
other chartered cities and &irst-class municialities; and
(=) Ki,e hundred &i&t/ esos (P@@:.::) a month &or those in
other municialities.
Pro,ided, That the emlo/ers shall re,iew the emlo/ment
contracts o& their househelers e,er/ three (=) /ears with the
end in ,iew o& imro,in! the terms and conditions thereo&.
Pro,ided, &urther, That those househelers who are
recei,in! at least +ne thousand esos (P",:::.::) shall be
co,ered b/ the Social Securit/ S/stem (SSS) and be entitled
to all the bene&its ro,ided thereunder. (As amended b/
(eublic Act 8o. %B@@, Au!ust "#, "##=).
A(T. "AA. (inimum cash $age. - The minimum wa!e rates
rescribed under this Chater shall be the basic cash wa!es
which shall be aid to the househelers in addition to
lod!in!, &ood and medical attendance.
A(T. "A@. ssignment to non+household $or.. - 8o
househeler shall be assi!ned to wor1 in a commercial,
industrial or a!ricultural enterrise at a wa!e or salar/ rate
lower than that ro,ided &or a!ricultural or non-a!ricultural
wor1ers as rescribed herein.
A(T. "AB. 'pportunity for education. - '& the househeler is
under the a!e o& ei!hteen ("$) /ears, the emlo/er shall !i,e
him or her an oortunit/ &or at least elementar/ education.
The cost o& education shall be art o& the househelerGs
comensation, unless there is a stiulation to the contrar/.
A(T. "A%. Treatment of househelpers. - The emlo/er shall
treat the househeler in a 3ust and humane manner. 'n no
case shall h/sical ,iolence be used uon the househeler.
A(T. "A$. /oard% lodging% and medical attendance. - The
emlo/er shall &urnish the househeler, &ree o& char!e,
suitable and sanitar/ li,in! >uarters as well as ade>uate
&ood and medical attendance.
A(T. "A#. )ndemnity for un-ust termination of services. - '&
the eriod o& household ser,ice is &i0ed, neither the emlo/er
nor the househeler ma/ terminate the contract be&ore the
e0iration o& the term, e0cet &or a 3ust cause. '& the
househeler is un3ustl/ dismissed, he or she shall be aid
the comensation alread/ earned lus that &or &i&teen ("@)
da/s b/ wa/ o& indemnit/.
'& the househeler lea,es without 3usti&iable reason, he or
she shall &or&eit an/ unaid salar/ due him or her not
e0ceedin! &i&teen ("@) da/s.
A(T. "@:. ,ervice of termination notice. - '& the duration o&
the household ser,ice is not determined either in stiulation
or b/ the nature o& the ser,ice, the emlo/er or the
househeler ma/ !i,e notice to ut an end to the
relationshi &i,e (@) da/s be&ore the intended termination o&
the ser,ice.
A(T. "@". *mployment certification. - Lon the se,erance o&
the household ser,ice relation, the emlo/er shall !i,e the
househeler a written statement o& the nature and duration
o& the ser,ice and his or her e&&icienc/ and conduct as
A(T. "@4. *mployment record. - The emlo/er ma/ 1ee
such records as he ma/ deem necessar/ to re&lect the actual
terms and conditions o& emlo/ment o& his househeler,
which the latter shall authenticate b/ si!nature or thumbmar1
uon re>uest o& the emlo/er.
(LLE <'''
Emlo/ment o& *ousehelers
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O (a) The
ro,isions o& this (ule shall al/ to all househelers
whether emlo/ed on &ull or art-time basis.
(b) The term ThousehelerT as used herein is s/non/mous to
the term Tdomestic ser,antT and shall re&er to an/ erson,
whether male or &emale, who renders ser,ices in and about
the emlo/erSs home and which ser,ices are usuall/
necessar/ or desirable &or the maintenance and en3o/ment
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A4
thereo&, and ministers e0clusi,el/ to the ersonal com&ort
and en3o/ment o& the emlo/erSs &amil/.
SECT'+8 4. Dethod o& a/ment not determinant. O The
ro,isions o& this (ule shall al/ irresecti,e o& the method
o& a/ment o& wa!es a!reed uon b/ the emlo/er and
househeler, whether it be hourl/, dail/, wee1l/, or monthl/,
or b/ iece or outut basis.
SECT'+8 =. Children o& househelers. O The children and
relati,es o& a househeler who li,e under the emlo/erSs roo&
and who share the accommodations ro,ided &or the
househelers b/ the emlo/er shall not be deemed as
househelers i& the/ are not otherwise en!a!ed as such and
are not re>uired to er&orm an/ substantial household wor1.
SECT'+8 A. Emlo/ment contract. O The initial contract &or
household ser,ice shall not last &or more than two (4) /ears.
*owe,er, such contract ma/ be renewed &rom /ear to /ear.
SECT'+8 @. Dinimum monthl/ wa!e. O The minimum
comensation o& househelers shall not be less than the
&ollowin! rates7
(a) Si0t/ esos (PB:.::) a month &or those emlo/ed in the
cities o& Danila, Muezon, Pasa/ and Caloocan, and in the
municialities o& Da1ati, San Juan, Dandalu/on!,
Duntinlua, 8a,otas, Dalabon, ParaWa>ue, Las PiWas, Pasi!
and Dari1ina, in the Pro,ince o& (izal.
(b) Kort/-&i,e esos (PA@.::) a month &or those emlo/ed in
other chartered cities and &irst class municialities; and
(c) Thirt/ esos (P=:.::) a month &or those in other
SECT'+8 B. E>ui,alent dail/ rate. O The e>ui,alent
minimum dail/ wa!e rate o& househelers shall be
determined b/ di,idin! the alicable minimum monthl/ rate
b/ thirt/ (=:) da/s.
SECT'+8 %. Pa/ment b/ results. O 2here the method o&
a/ment o& wa!es a!reed uon b/ the emlo/er and the
househeler is b/ iece or outut basis, the iece or outut
rates shall be such as will assure the househeler o& the
minimum monthl/ or the e>ui,alent dail/ rate as ro,ided in
this issuance.
SECT'+8 $. Dinimum cash wa!e. O The minimum wa!e
rates rescribed under this (ule shall be basic cash wa!es
which shall be aid to the househelers in addition to
lod!in!, &ood and medical attendance.
SECT'+8 #. Time and manner o& a/ment. O 2a!es shall
be aid directl/ to the househeler to whom the/ are due at
least once a month. 8o deductions there&rom shall be made
b/ the emlo/er unless authorized b/ the househeler
himsel& or b/ e0istin! laws.
SECT'+8 ":. Assi!nment to non-household wor1. O 8o
househeler shall be assi!ned to wor1 in a commercial,
industrial or a!ricultural enterrise at a wa!e or salar/ rate
lower than that ro,ided &or a!ricultural and non-a!ricultural
SECT'+8 "". +ortunit/ &or education. O '& the
househeler is under the a!e o& ei!hteen ("$) /ears, the
emlo/er shall !i,e him or her an oortunit/ &or at least
elementar/ education. The cost o& such education shall be
art o& the househelerSs comensation, unless there is a
stiulation to the contrar/.
SECT'+8 "4. Treatment o& househelers. O The emlo/er
shall treat the househeler in a 3ust and humane manner. 'n
no case shall h/sical ,iolence be in&licted uon the
SECT'+8 "=. Board, lod!in! and medical attendance. O
The emlo/er shall &urnish the househeler &ree suitable and
sanitar/ li,in! >uarters as well as ade>uate &ood and
medical attendance.
SECT'+8 "A. 'ndemnit/ &or un3ust termination o& ser,ice. O
'& the eriod &or household ser,ice is &i0ed, neither the
emlo/er nor the househeler ma/ terminate the contract
be&ore the e0iration o& the term, e0cet &or a 3ust cause. '&
the househeler is un3ustl/ dismissed, he or she shall be
aid the comensation alread/ earned lus that &or &i&teen
("@) da/s b/ wa/ o& indemnit/.
'& the househeler lea,es without 3usti&iable reason, he or
she shall &or&eit an/ unaid salar/ due him or her not
e0ceedin! &i&teen ("@) da/s.
SECT'+8 "@. Emlo/ment certi&ication. O Lon the
se,erance o& the household ser,ice relationshi, the
househeler ma/ demand &rom the emlo/er a written
statement o& the nature and duration o& the ser,ice and his
or her e&&icienc/ and conduct as househeler.
SECT'+8 "B. Kuneral e0enses. O 'n case o& death o& the
househeler, the emlo/er shall bear the &uneral e0enses
commensurate to the standards o& li&e o& the deceased.
SECT'+8 "%. 5isosition o& the househelerSs bod/. O
Lnless so desired b/ the househeler or b/ his or her
!uardian with court aro,al, the trans&er or use o& the bod/
o& the deceased househeler &or uroses other than burial
is rohibited. 2hen so authorized b/ the househeler, the
trans&er, use and disosition o& the bod/ shall be in
accordance with the ro,isions o& (eublic Act 8o. =A#.
SECT'+8 "$. Emlo/ment records. O The emlo/er ma/
1ee such records as he ma/ deem necessar/ to re&lect the
actual terms and conditions o& emlo/ment o& his
househeler which the latter shall authenticate b/ si!nature
or thumbmar1 uon re>uest o& the emlo/er.
SECT'+8 "#. Prohibited reduction o& a/. O 2hen the
comensation o& the househeler be&ore the romul!ation o&
these re!ulations is hi!her than that rescribed in the Code
and in this issuance, the same shall not be reduced or
diminished b/ the emlo/er on or a&ter said date.
SECT'+8 4:. (elation to other laws and a!reements. O
8othin! in this (ule shall deri,e a househeler o& the ri!ht
to see1 hi!her wa!es, shorter wor1in! hours and better
wor1in! conditions than those rescribed herein, nor 3usti&/
an emlo/er in reducin! an/ bene&it or ri,ile!e !ranted to
the househeler under e0istin! laws, a!reements or
,oluntar/ emlo/er ractices with terms more &a,orable to
the househelers than those rescribed in this (ule.
a. 5e&inition, (ule <''', Sec. " (b)
(b) The term ThousehelerT as used herein is s/non/mous to
the term Tdomestic ser,antT and shall re&er to an/ erson,
whether male or &emale, who renders ser,ices in and about
the emlo/erSs home and which ser,ices are usuall/
necessar/ or desirable &or the maintenance and en3o/ment
thereo&, and ministers e0clusi,el/ to the ersonal com&ort
and en3o/ment o& the emlo/erSs &amil/.
b. Co,era!e, Art. "A"
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A=
A(T. "A". Coverage. - This Chater shall al/ to all
ersons renderin! ser,ices in households &or comensation.
"Domestic or household service" shall mean ser,ice in the
emlo/erGs home which is usuall/ necessar/ or desirable &or
the maintenance and en3o/ment thereo& and includes
ministerin! to the ersonal com&ort and con,enience o& the
members o& the emlo/erGs household, includin! ser,ices o&
&amil/ dri,ers.
c. 8on-*ousehold 2or1, Art. "A@
A(T. "A@. ssignment to non+household $or.. - 8o
househeler shall be assi!ned to wor1 in a commercial,
industrial or a!ricultural enterrise at a wa!e or salar/ rate
lower than that ro,ided &or a!ricultural or non-a!ricultural
wor1ers as rescribed herein.
Ae0 Dinin! Co. 8L(C, "#B SC(A
4@" ("##")
e. Conditions o& Emlo/ment, Arts. "4"-"@4;
Ci,il Code, Arts. "B$#-"B##
A(T. "@". *mployment certification. - Lon the se,erance o&
the household ser,ice relation, the emlo/er shall !i,e the
househeler a written statement o& the nature and duration
o& the ser,ice and his or her e&&icienc/ and conduct as
A(T. "@4. *mployment record. - The emlo/er ma/ 1ee
such records as he ma/ deem necessar/ to re&lect the actual
terms and conditions o& emlo/ment o& his househeler,
which the latter shall authenticate b/ si!nature or thumbmar1
uon re>uest o& the emlo/er.
C'9'L C+5E
Art. "B$#. *ousehold ser,ice shall alwa/s be reasonabl/
comensated. An/ stiulation that household ser,ice is
without comensation shall be ,oid. Such comensation
shall be in addition to the house helerSs lod!in!, &ood, and
medical attendance.
Art. "B#:. The head o& the &amil/ shall &urnish, &ree o&
char!e, to the house heler, suitable and sanitar/ >uarters
as well as ade>uate &ood and medical attendance.
Art. "B#". '& the house heler is under the a!e o& ei!hteen
/ears, the head o& the &amil/ shall !i,e an oortunit/ to the
house heler &or at least elementar/ education. The cost o&
such education shall be a art o& the house helerSs
comensation, unless there is a stiulation to the contrar/.
Art. "B#4. 8o contract &or household ser,ice shall last &or
more than two /ears. *owe,er, such contract ma/ be
renewed &rom /ear to /ear.
Art. "B#=. The house helerSs clothes shall be sub3ect to
stiulation. *owe,er, an/ contract &or household ser,ice
shall be ,oid i& thereb/ the house heler cannot a&&ord to
ac>uire suitable clothin!.
Art. "B#A. The head o& the &amil/ shall treat the house heler
in a 3ust and humane manner. 'n no case shall h/sical
,iolence be used uon the house heler.
Art. "B#@. *ouse heler shall not be re>uired to wor1 more
than ten hours a da/. E,er/ house heler shall be allowed
&our da/sS ,acation each month, with a/.
Art. "B#B. 'n case o& death o& the house heler, the head o&
the &amil/ shall bear the &uneral e0enses i& the house heler
has no relati,es in the lace where the head o& the &amil/
li,es, with su&&icient means there&or.
Art. "B#%. '& the eriod &or household ser,ice is &i0ed neither
the head o& the &amil/ nor the house heler ma/ terminate
the contract be&ore the e0iration o& the term, e0cet &or a
3ust cause. '& the house heler is un3ustl/ dismissed, he shall
be aid the comensation alread/ earned lus that &or &i&teen
da/s b/ wa/ o& indemnit/. '& the house heler lea,es without
3usti&iable reason, he shall &or&eit an/ salar/ due him and
unaid, &or not e0ceedin! &i&teen da/s.
Art. "B#$. '& the duration o& the household ser,ice is not
determined either b/ stiulation or b/ the nature o& the
ser,ice, the head o& the &amil/ or the house heler ma/ !i,e
notice to ut an end to the ser,ice relation, accordin! to the
&ollowin! rules7
(") '& the comensation is aid b/ the da/, notice
ma/ be !i,en on an/ da/ that the ser,ice shall end
at the close o& the &ollowin! da/;
(4) '& the comensation is aid b/ the wee1, notice
ma/ be !i,en, at the latest on the &irst business
da/ o& the wee1, that the ser,ice shall be
terminated at the end o& the se,enth da/ &rom the
be!innin! o& the wee1;
(=) '& the comensation is aid b/ the month,
notice ma/ be !i,en, at the latest, on the &i&th da/
o& the month, that the ser,ice shall cease at the
end o& the month.
Art. "B##. Lon the e0tin!uishment o& the ser,ice relation,
the house heler ma/ demand &rom the head o& the &amil/ a
written statement on the nature and duration o& the ser,ice
and the e&&icienc/ and conduct o& the house heler.

=. *omewor1ers
a. Co,era!e and (e!ulation, Arts. "@=-"@@; 5+ @,
5+LE, A Keb. "##4, now Boo1 ''', (ule <'9
A(T. "@=. Regulation of industrial home$or.ers. - The
emlo/ment o& industrial homewor1ers and &ield ersonnel
shall be re!ulated b/ the !o,ernment throu!h the
aroriate re!ulations issued b/ the Secretar/ o& Labor and
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "AA
Emlo/ment to ensure the !eneral wel&are and rotection o&
homewor1ers and &ield ersonnel and the industries
emlo/in! them.
A(T. "@A. Regulations of ,ecretary of
Labor. - The re!ulations or orders to be
issued ursuant to this Chater shall be
desi!ned to assure the minimum terms
and conditions o& emlo/ment
alicable to the industrial homewor1ers
or &ield ersonnel in,ol,ed.
A(T. "@@. Distribution of home$or.. -
Kor uroses o& this Chater, the
"employer" o& homewor1ers includes
an/ erson, natural or arti&icial who, &or
his account or bene&it, or on behal& o&
an/ erson residin! outside the countr/,
directl/ or indirectl/, or throu!h an
emlo/ee, a!ent contractor, sub-
contractor or an/ other erson7
(") 5eli,ers, or causes to be deli,ered,
an/ !oods, articles or materials to be
rocessed or &abricated in or about a
home and therea&ter to be returned or to
be disosed o& or distributed in
accordance with his directions; or
(4) Sells an/ !oods, articles or materials to be rocessed or
&abricated in or about a home and then rebu/s them a&ter
such rocessin! or &abrication, either b/ himsel& or throu!h
some other erson.
(LLE <'9
Emlo/ment o& *omewor1ers
SECT'+8 ". .eneral statement on co,era!e. O This (ule
shall al/ to an/ homewor1er who er&orms in or about his
home an/ rocessin! o& !oods or materials, in whole or in
art, which ha,e been &urnished directl/ or indirectl/ b/ an
emlo/er and therea&ter to be returned to the latter.
SECT'+8 4. 5e&initions. O As used in this (ule, the
&ollowin! terms shall ha,e the meanin!s indicated
(a) T*omeT means an/ room, house, aartment, or other
remises used re!ularl/, in whole or in art, as a dwellin!
lace, e0cet those situated within the remises or
comound o& an emlo/er, contractor, and the wor1
er&ormed therein is under the acti,e or ersonal suer,ision
b/, or &or, the latter.
(b) TEmlo/erT means an/ natural or arti&icial erson who, &or
his own account or bene&it, or on behal& o& an/ erson
residin! outside the Philiines, directl/ or indirectl/, or
throu!h an/ emlo/ee, a!ent, contractor, sub-contractor; or
an/ other erson7
(") 5eli,ers or causes to be deli,ered an/ !oods or articles
to be rocessed in or about a home and therea&ter to be
returned or to be disosed o& or distributed in accordance
with his direction; or
(4) Sells an/ !oods or articles &or the urose o& ha,in! such
!oods or articles rocessed in or about a home and then
reurchases them himsel& or throu!h another a&ter such
(c) TContractorT or Tsub-contractorT means an/ erson who,
&or the account or bene&it o& an emlo/er, deli,ers or caused
to be deli,ered to a homewor1er !oods or articles to be
rocessed in or about his home and therea&ter to be
returned, disosed o& or distributed in accordance with the
direction o& the emlo/er.
(d) TProcessin!T means manu&acturin!, &abricatin!, &inishin!,
reairin!, alterin!, ac1in!, wrain! or handlin! an/
SECT'+8 =. Pa/ment &or wor1. O (a) 'mmediatel/ uon
receit o& the &inished !oods or articles, the emlo/er shall
a/ the homewor1er or the contractor or sub-contractor, as
the case ma/ be, &or the wor1 er&ormed; Pro,ided,
*owe,er, that where a/ment is made to a contractor or
sub-contractor, the homewor1er shall be aid within the
wee1 a&ter the contractor or sub-contractor has collected the
!oods or articles &rom the homewor1ers.
(b) The Secretar/ o& Labor and Emlo/ment shall &rom time
to time establish the standard minimum iece or outut rate
in aroriate orders &or the articular wor1 or rocessin! to
be er&ormed b/ the homewor1ers.
SECT'+8 A. 5eductions. O 8o emlo/ee, contractor, or
sub-contractor shall ma1e an/ deduction &rom the
homewor1erSs earnin!s &or the ,alue o& materials which ha,e
been lost, destro/ed, soiled or otherwise dama!ed unless
the &ollowin! conditions are met7
(a) The homewor1er concerned is clearl/ shown to be
resonsible &or the loss or dama!e;
(b) The emlo/ee is !i,en reasonable oortunit/ to show
cause wh/ deductions should not be made;
(c) The amount o& such deduction is &air and reasonable and
shall not e0ceed the actual loss or dama!es; and
(d) The deduction is made at such rate that the amount
deducted does not e0ceed 4:P o& the homewor1erSs
earnin!s in a wee1.
SECT'+8 @. Conditions &or a/ment o& wor1. O (a) The
emlo/er ma/ re>uire the homewor1er to re-do wor1 which
has been imroerl/ e0ecuted without ha,in! to a/ the
stiulated rate more than once.
(b) An emlo/er, contractor, or sub-contractor need not a/
the homewor1er &or an/ wor1 which has been done on
!oods and articles which ha,e been returned &or reasons
attributable to the &ault o& the homewor1er.
SECT'+8 B. 5isa!reement between homewor1ers and
emlo/er. O 'n cases o& disa!reement between the
homewor1er and the emlo/er, contractor or sub-contractor
on matters &allin! under Section A (a), @ and B o& this (ule,
either art/ ma/ re&er the case to the (e!ional +&&ice ha,in!
3urisdiction o,er the homewor1er. The (e!ional +&&ice shall
decide the case within ten (":) wor1in! da/s &rom receit o&
the case. 'ts decision shall be &inal and unaealable.
SECT'+8 %. Liabilit/ o& emlo/er and contractor. O
2hene,er an emlo/er shall contract with another &or the
er&ormance o& the emlo/erSs wor1, it shall be the dut/ o&
such emlo/er to ro,ide in such contract that the
emlo/ees or homewor1ers o& the contractor and the latterSs
sub-contractor shall be aid in accordance with the
ro,isions o& this (ule. 'n the e,ent that such contractor or
sub-contractor &ails to a/ the wa!es or earnin!s o& his
emlo/ees or homewor1ers as seci&ied in this (ule, such
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A@
emlo/er shall be 3ointl/ and se,erall/ liable with the
contractor or sub-contractor to the wor1ers o& the latter, to
the e0tent that such wor1 is er&ormed under such contract,
in the same manner as i& the emlo/ees or homewor1ers
were directl/ en!a!ed b/ the emlo/er.
b. 5e&inition, 5+ @, Sec. 4, 5+ @
c. (e!istration, Secs. A-B
d. Conditions o& Emlo/mentC5eductions, Secs. B-#
&. Joint and Se,eral Liabilit/ o&
Emlo/erCContractor, Sec. ""
!. Prohibitions, Sec. "=
h. En&orcement, Sec. ":
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "AB
K. ,ena#6 Dena# an" Occ)pa$ona# Sa0e:
(e&erence7 Art. "@B-"B@; +mnibus (ules, Boo1
'9, (ule ', Secs. "-":; (ule '', Secs. "-\:
". Co,era!e, (ule ', Sec. "
4. Kirst Aid Treatment, Art. "@B
=. Emer!enc/ Dedical and 5ental
a. 2hen (e>uired, Art. "@%
b. 2hen 8ot (e>uired, Art. "@$
A. Emlo/er assistance, Art. "B"
@. +ccuational Sa&et/ and *ealth
Standards, Trainin! o&
a. 2hen (e>uired, (ule '', Secs. @ (a) (d)
b. 2hen 8ot (e>uired, (ule '', Sec. @ (e)
B. En&orcementC5+LE +bli!ations, Arts.
8ote7 Arts. "BB-4:$7 reealed b/ SSS Law o&
"##% ((A ""B", as amended); (e7 Art. 4:#, see 8ational
*ealth 'nsurance act o& "##@ ((A %$%@); Boo1 '9, (ule '',
Sec. $
L. E/p#o:ee C#ass$0$ca$on
". Co,era!e, Art. 4%$
4. Emlo/er (eco!nition
Philiine Kederation o& Credit
Cooerati,es, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, =:: SC(A %4 ("##$)
Pan!ilinan ,. .eneral Dillin! cor.,
A=A SC(A "@# (4::A)
=. Emlo/er 5eterminationC5esi!nation
5e Leon ,. 8L(C, "%B SC(A B"@
9ioleta ,. 8L(C, 4$: SC(A @4: ("##%)
San Di!uel Cororation ,. 8L(C, 4#%
SC(A 4%% ("##$)
A. Dana!ement Prero!ati,e
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A%
Danila Electric Co. ,. 8L(C, 4B= SC(A
@=" ("##B)
PAL, 'nc. ,. Pascua, A:# SC(A "#@
Coca-cola Bottlers Phil., 'nc. Sales
Korce Lnion-PT.2+-BALA'S ,. Coca-cola Bottlers Phil.,
'nc., .( 8o. "@@B@", ABA SC(A @:% (4::@)
@. Qinds o& Emlo/ee
a. (e!ular Emlo/ees, art. 4$:, "
ar.; 4$:, 4
ar.; 4$", last sentence; %@(d); +mnibus rules, Boo1 9', (ule
", Secs. @(a), (b) and B.
") T/e
Pan!ilinan ,. .eneral Dillin!
Cororation., A=A SC(A "@# (4::A)
4) 8ature o& 2or1
Peretual *el Credit Cor., 'nc. ,.
Kaburada, et al., =BB SC(A B#= ( 4::")
Da!salin ,. 8ational +r!anization o&
2or1in! Den, A:= SC(A "## (4::=)
*acienda Katima ,. 8ational Kederation
o& Su!arcane 2or1ers Kood and .eneral Trade, =#B SC(A
@"$ (4::=)
Penta!on 'nternational Shiin!, 'nc. ,.
Adelantar, 4=@ SC(A =A4 (4::A)
Loez ,. Detroolitan 2aterwor1s and
Sewera!e S/stem, AB4 SC(A A4$ (4::@)
=) E0tended Period
Andon Electric co., 'nc. ,.
8L(C, =:$ SC(A =A: ("###)
A) (eeated (enewal o& Contract

Dara!uinot ,. 8L(C, 4$A
SC(A @=# ("##$)
Lni,ersal Plastic Cor. ,.
Cataan!, A%= SC(A "$# (4::@)
b. Pro3ect Emlo/ee, art. 4$:, "
") 5e&inition
'mbuido ,. 8L(C, =4# SC(A
=@% (4:::)
Association o& Trade Lnion ,.
Comm. Abella, =4= SC(A @: (4::@)
4) Pro3ect Emlo/ees
Sando,al Shi/ards, 'nc. ,.
8L(C, "=B SC(A B%A ("#$@)
9illa ,. 8L(C, 4$A SC(A ":@
Chua ,. Court o& Aeals, AA:
SC(A "4" (4::A)
=) 2or1ool Emlo/ees

A!uilar Cor. ,. 8L(C, 4B#
SC(A @#B ("##%)
Dara!uinot ,. 8L(C, supra
Casual, Art. 4$:, 4
ar.; +mnibus rules, Boo1 9',
(ule ", Sec. @ (b)
") 8ature o& 2or1
A.D. +reta and Co. 'nc. ,.
8L(C, "%B SC(A 4"$ ("#$#)
4) +ne Rear Ser,ice
Qimberl/ ,. 5rilon, "$@ SC(A
"#: ("##:)
'nte!rated Contractor and
Plumbin! 2or1s, 'nc. ,. Court o& Aeals, ABA SC(A @AA
San Di!uel Cor. ,. Abella,
c. Ki0ed-Term
Brent School ,. Xamora, "$"
SC(A %:4 ("##:)
Palomares ,. 8L(C, 4%% SC(A
A=# ("##%)
Philis Semiconductor etc. ,.
Kadri>uela, A44 SC(A A:$ (4::A)
d. Seasonal
Phil. Tobacco Klue-curin! )
(edr/in! Cor. ,. 8L(C, =:: SC(A =% ("##$)
*acienda Bino ,. Cuenca, A@B SC(A
=:: (4::@)
e. Probationar/
") 5e&inition
Philiine Kederation o& Credit
Cooerati,es, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, supra
Cebu Darine Beach (esort ,. 8L(C,
A"A SC(A "%= (4::=)
4) Emlo/er (i!ht to Set PeriodC+bli!ation
+rient E0ress Placement
Philiines ,. 8L(C, 4%= SC(A 4@B "##%)
=) 5urationCE0cetion
A Prime Securit/ Ser,ices,
'n,. 9. 8L(C, =44 SC(A 4$= (4:::)
Ditsubishi Dotors ,. 8L(C,
44B SC(A A"% ("##=)
A) Criteria (e!ularization
Alcira ,. 8L(C, A=" SC(A
@:$ (4::A)
@) E0tension o& Contract
Dariwasa Danu&acturin!, 'nc.
,. Leo!ardo, "B# SC(A AB@ ("#$#)
B) Absorbed Emlo/ees
Cebu Ste,edorin! Co. 'nc. ,.
(e!ional 5irector, "B$ SC(A ="@ ("#$$)
%) (ule on Pri,ate School Teachers
Escorizo ,. Lni,. o& Ba!uio,
=:B SC(A A#% ("###)
La Consolacion Colle!e ,.
8L(C, =BB SC(A 44B (4::")
Chian! Qai Shec1 Colle!e ,.
Court o& Aeals, A=% SC(A "%" (4::A)
I. Ter/$na$on o0 E/p#o:/en
". Co,era!e, Art. 4%$; Boo1 9', (ule ", Sec. "
4. Securit/ o& Tenure, Art 4%#; 4%% (b)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A$
a. 8atureC(ationale
Llosa Tan ,. Silahis
'nternatioinal *otel, "$" SC(A %=$ ("##:)
Sonza ,. ABS-CB8
Broadcastin! Cor., A=" SC(A =$" (4::A)
Detro E/e Securit/, 'nc. ,.
Julie 9. Solsona, .( 8o. "B%B=%, Set. 4$, 4::%
b. Co,era!e
Laba3o ,. Ale3andro, "B@ SC(A
%A% ("#$$)
S1ihworld Dana!ement and
mar1etin! Cororation ,. 8L(C, "$B SC(A AB@ ("##:)
'nterorient Daritime Enterrises
'nc. ,. 8L(C, 4=@ SC(A 4B$ ("##A)
c. Dana!ement Prero!ati,e
Philiine American Li&e ) .eneral
'nsurance Co. ,. .ramaze, AA4 SC(A 4%A (4::A)
d. (e>uisites &or Law&ul 5ismissal
Peretual *el Credit Cor., 'nc. ,.
Kaburada, supra
e. Burden o& Proo&
Azcor Danu&acturin! ,. 8L(C, =:=
SC(A 4B ("###)
Cha,ez ,. 8L(C, supra
&. Deasure o& Penalt/
Karrol ,. Court o& Aeals, A=@
SC(A @A= (4:::)
9aliao ,. Court o& Aeals, A=@
SC(A @A= (4::A)
Etcuban ,. Sulicio Lines, 'nc. AA$
SC(A @"B (4::@)
!. Kactors
Associated Labor Lnion ,. 8L(C,
=:4 SC(A %:$ ("###)
Philiine Lon! distance
Telehone C. 'nc. ,. 8L(C, =:= SC(A # ("###)
=. Termination o& Emlo/ment b/ Emlo/ee
a. (esi!nation
Cheni,er 5eco Print ,. 8L(C, =4@
SC(A %@$ (4:::)
China Ban1in! Cor. ,. Borromeo,
2illi *ahn Enterrises ,. Da!hu/o,
AA% SC(A =A# (4::A)
BD. (ecords (Phils.), 'nc. et al. ,.
Aida C. Aarecio, et al., .( "@=4#:, Set. @, 4::%
") Just Causes, Art. 4$@ (b)
4) 2ithout Just Cause ? (e>uisites, Art. 4$@ (a); Const. Art.
''', Sec. "$ (4)
Pascua ,. 8L(C, 4$% SC(A
@@A ("##$)
Azcor ,. 8L(C, supra
Phil. 2ireless 'nc. ,. 8L(C,
=": SC(A B@= ("###)
A Prime Securit/ Ser,ices,
'nc. ,. 8L(C, supra
b. Per&ormance o& Dilitar/ or Ci,ic dut/, Art. 4$B,
Boo1 9', (ule ', Sec. "4
A. Termination o& Emlo/ment b/ Emlo/er
a. Basis o& (i!ht and (e>uirements, Arts. 4$4-
4$A; 4%% (b)
") Basis
PL5T ,. Tolentino, A=$ SC(A @@@
4) Substanti,e and Procedural 5ue Process
Philiine 8ational Ban1 ,.
Cabana!, AB: SC(A @"A (4::@)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "A#
b. Just Causes ? Substanti,e 5ue Process
") Serious DisconductC2ill&ul
5isobedience ('nsubordination)
9aliao ,. Court o& Aeals,
9illamor .ol& Club ,. Phil, A%4
SC(A =B (4::@)
Coca-Cola Bottlers, Phil., 'nc.
,. Qaisanan n! Dala/an! Dan!!a!awa sa Coca-Cola, A@4
SC(A A$: (4::@)
( Transort Cor. ,. E3aneira,
A4$ SC(A %4@ (4::A)
Dicro Sales +eration
8etwor1 ,. 8L(C, A%4 SC(A =4$ (4::@)
4) .ross and *abitual 8e!lect o& 5uties
Cebu Kil,eneer Cororation ,.
8L(C, 4$B SC(A @@B ("##$)
(e/es ,. Da0ims Tea *ouse,
=#$ SC(A 4$$ (4::=)
Chua ,. 8L(C, A@= SC(A
4AA (4::@)
=) Kraud or 2ill&ul Breach o& Trust
Santos ,. San Di!uel Cor.,
=## SC(A "%4 (4::=)
5ela Cruz , 8L(C, A"B SC(A
44B (4::=)
Phil. 8ational Construction
Cor. ,. Datias, =#@ SC(A %4: (4::=)
A) Commission o& Crime, Art. 4$4 (d)
Sama!uita .arments
Cororation ,. 8L(C, 4== SC(A 4B: ("##A)
@) Analo!ous, Art. 4$4 (e)
Cathedral School o&
Technolo!/ ,. 8L(C, 4"A SC(A @@", @@# ("##4)

B) +thers ? Just Causes Claimed b/
a) Abandonment
8ue,a Eci3a Electric
Cooerati,e ,. 8L(C, AB" SC(A"B# (4::@)
Cha,ez ,. 8L(C, supra
Kloren *otel ,. 8L(C,
A@B SC(A "4$ (4::@)
b) Courtes/ (esi!nation
Baton!bacal ,.
Associated Ban1, "B$ SC(A B:: ("#$$)
c) Chan!e o& +wnershi
Danlimos ,. 8L(C, 4A4
SC(A "A@ ("##@)
d) *abitual Absenteeism
Lnion Dotor Cor. ,.
8L(C, AA@ SC(A B$= (4::A)
e) Ki0ed-Term Emlo/ment
Da!salin ,. 8ational
+r!anization o& 2or1in! Den, supra
&) Past o&&enses
La Carlota Planters
Assn. ,. 8L(C, 4#$ SC(A 4@4 ("##$)
(amoran ,. Jardine
CD., 'nc. =4B SC(A 4:$ (4:::)
!) *abitual 'n&ractions
.ustilo ,. 2/eth Phil.,
'nc., AA: SC(A B% (4::A)
h) 'mmoralit/
Santos ,. 8L(C, 4$%
SC(A ""% ("##$)
i) Con,iction o& Crime
Sama!uita .arments
Cor. ,. 8L(C, 4== SC(A 4B: "##A)
3) Muali&ication (e>uirements
Lanzaderas ,. Ameth/st
Securit/ ) .eneral Ser,ices, 'nc., supra
%) Constructi,e 5ismissal
Philiine American Li&e
,. .rama3e, AA4 SC(A 4%A (4::=)
5in!lasan ,. Atienza,
A== SC(A 4B= (4::A)
5usit *otel 8i11o ,.
8ational Lnion in *otel, (estaurant and Allied 'ndustires,
ABB SC(A =%A (4::@)
An!elina Krancisco ,.
8L(C, et al., supra
$) Trans&er
+SS Securit/ and Allied
Ser,ices 'nc. ,. 8L(C, =4@ SC(A "@% (4:::)
Lanzaderas ,. Ameth/st
Securit/ and .eneral Ser,ices, 'nc., supra
Dendoza ,, (ural Ban1, etc.,
A== SC(A %@B (4::A)
#) Promotion
Phil. Tele!rah ) Telehone Cor.
,. Court o& Aeals, A"4 SC(A 4B= (4::=)
":) Pre,enti,e Susension
Philiine Airlines, 'nc. ,. 8L(C,
4#4 SC(A A: ("##$)
"") (esidenc/ Trainin!
Keli0 ,. Buenaseda, 4A: SC(A "=#
c. Substanti,e (e>uirements ? Business (elated
Causes, Art. 4$=
") Basis
Ed!e Aarel 'nc. ,. 8L(C, 4$B
SC(A =:4 ("##$)
4) Business (elated or Authorized Causes
a) 'nstallation o& Labor Sa,in! 5e,ices, Art. 4$=
Comle0 Electronics Emlo/ees
Assn. ,. 8L(C, =": SC(A A:= ("###)
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "@:
b) (etrenchment to Pre,ent Losses, Art. 4$=
Asian Alcohol Cor. ,. 8L(C, =:@
SC(A A"@ ("###)
85C-.uthrie Plantations, 'nc. ,. 8L(C,
=B4 SC(A A"B.(4::")
Comosite Enterrises, 'nc. ,. Emilio D.
Caaroso, et al., .( 8o. "@##"#, Au!. $, 4::%
c) (edundanc/, Art. 4$=
Asu&rin ,. San Di!uel Cor., A4@ SC(A
4%: (4::A)
.olden Tread Qnittin! 'ndustries, 'nc. ,.
8L(C, =:A SC(A @B$
Loez Su!ar Cor. ,. Kranco, A@$
SC(A @"@ (4::@)
d) Closure o& Business, Art. 4$=
Dac Adams Detal
En!ineerin! 2or1ers Lnion-'ndeendent ,. Dac Adams
Detal En!ineerin!, A"A SC(A A"" (4::=)
SSS ,. *on. Cha,es, AA:
SC(A 4B# (4::A)
DE-S*L(8 Cororation ,.
DE-S*L(8 2or1ers Lnion-KSD, AA$ SC(A A" (4::@)
e) Temorar/ Closure, Art. 4$B
9aldez ,. 8L(C, 4$B SC(A
$% ("##$)
=) 5isease, Art 4$A
9icente S/ ,. Court o&
Aeals, supra
d. Procedural (e>uirements, Art. 4%% (b); Boo1 9',
(ule ', Secs. "-= +mnibus (ules
") 'n .eneralCLiabilit/ &or 8on-Comliance with
Procedural (e>uirements
Serrano ,. 8L(C, =4= SC(A
AA@ (4:::)
Santos ,. San Di!uel Cor.,
A!abon ,. 8L(C, supra
4) (i!ht to Counsel
Salaw ,. 8L(C, 4:4 SC(A %,
"4-"@ ("##")
=) 8otice
A!abon ,. 8L(C, supra
Cain!at ,. 8L(C, A@= SC(A
"A4 (4::@)
A) *earin!
a) *earin!
Perme0, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, =4=
SC(A "4" (4:::)
Arboleda ,. 8L(C, =:= SC(A
=# ("###)
b) Lse o& Position Paer
Shoes Danila, 'nc. ,.
8L(C, A"# SC(A =@A (4::A)
@) 5ecisionCAward ? Const., Art. 9''', Sec.
Pesi-Cola Products Phil.,
'nc. ,. Court o& Aeals, AA= SC(A @$: (4::A)
B) Burden o& Proo&
E>uitable PC'Ban1 ,.
Ca!uioa, ABB SC(A B@$ (4::@)
%) 5e!ree o& Proo&CSubstantial E,idence
Philtread Tire ) Tubber Cor.
,. 9icente, AA" SC(A @%A (4::A)
Etcuban ,. Sulicio Lines,
'nc., supra
$) Prescrition
Sal,ador ,. Phil. Dinin!
ser,ice Cor., =#@ SC(A %4# (4::=)
#) 5ismissal o& Case, Purel/ on Technical
Muintano ,. 8L(C, AAB SC(A
"#@ (4::A)
":) Criminal Cases
Muiambao ,. 8L(C, 4@A
SC(A 4"" ("##B)
@. (elie&sC(emedies in 'lle!al 5ismissal, Art. 4%#;
a. 'n .eneral; Twin (emedies
8ue,a Eci3a Electric
Cooerati,e ,. 8L(C, supra
Dt. Carmel Colle!e ,. Jocel/n
(esuena, et al., .( 8o. "%=:%B, +ctober ":, 4::%
Lorenzo Da. 5... A!uilar ,.
Bur!er Dachine *oldin!s Cor., et al., .( "%4:B4, Keb. 4",
") (einstatement
a) 5e&inition
P8+C-E5C, et al. ,. Abella,
AA$ SC(A @A# (4::@)
Pheschem 'ndustrial Cor. ,.
Doldez, A@$ SC(A ==# (4::@)
b) E&&ect o& Kailure to As1 (elie&
Pheschem 'ndustrial Cor. ,.
Doldez, supra
c) E0cetions
i) Closure o& Business
ii) Economic Business Conditions
Lnion o& Suer,isors ((B)
8ATL, etc. ,. Sec. o& Labor, "4$ SC(A AA4 ("#$A)
iii) Emlo/eeGs Lnsuitabilit/
5i,ine 2ord *i!h School ,.
8L(C, "A= SC(A =AB ("#$B)
i,) Emlo/eeGs (etirementC+,era!e
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "@"
Ese3o ,. 8L(C, 4@@ SC(A
A=: ("##B)
,) Antiath/ and Anta!onism ? Strained
Acesite Cor. ,. 8L(C, AA#
SC(A =B: (4::@)
BP' Emlo/ees Lnion ,. BP',
A@A SC(A =@% (4::@)
Sa!um ,. Court o& Aeals,
A@# SC(A 44= (4::@)
,i) 8ot Keasible
Bustamante ,. 8L(C, 4B@ SC(A "
c) +&&er to (einstate
(anara ,. 8L(C, 4"4 SC(A B="
4) Bac1wa!es
a) E&&ect o& Kailure to Claim
5e La Cruz ,. 8L(C,
4## SC(A " ("##$)
b) E&&ect o& Kailure to +rder
Aurora Land etc. ,. 8L(C, 4"4
SC(A A$ ("##%)
St. DichaelGs 'nst. ,. Santos, =%"
SC(A =$= (4::")
b) Comutation
Dercur/ 5ru! Co. 'nc. ,. C'(, @B
SC(A B#A ("#%A)
Bustamante ,. 8L(C, supra
Torres ,. 8L(C, ==: SC(A =""
Qa/ Products, 'nc. ,. CAABA SC(A
@AA (4::@)
Standard Electric Danu&acturin!
Cor. ,. Standard Electric Emlo/ees Lnion, AB$ SC(A ="B
BP' Emlo/ees Lnion ,. BP',
c) Krin!e Bene&it
Aurora Land etc. ,. 8L(C, supra
b. 5ama!es
Colle!io de San Juan de Letran-
Calamba ,. 9illas, =## SC(A @@: (4::=)
Tolosa ,. 8L(C, A:" SC(A =#"
Da!uilin! ,. Phil. Tuberculosis
Societ/, 'nc. A@: SC(A AB@ (4::@)
Acesite Cor ,. 8L(C, supra
Sa!um ,. Court o& Aeals, A@#
SC(A 44= (4::@)
Central Luzon Con&erence ,. CA,
ABB SC(A %"" (:A)

c. Searation Pa/
") 2hen ? As Alternati,e
Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils. 'nc. ,.
9ital, A=$ SC(A 4%$ (4::A)
8ational Kederation o& Labor ,.
Court o& Aeals, AA: SC(A B:A (4::A)
Etcuban Jr. ,. Sulicio Lines, 'nc.,
Comosite enterrises, 'nc. ,.
Emilio D. Caaroso, et al., supra
4) ComutationC(ationale
Business 5a/ 'n&ormation
S/stems and Ser,ices, 'nc. ,. 8L(C, 44" SC(A # ("##=)
Dillares ,. 8L(C, =:@ SC(A
@:: ("###)
=) E&&ect o& (eceit
Arino ,. 8L(C, 4#: SC(A
A$# ("##$)
c. Kinancial Assistance
") 2hen Allowed
Philiine Lon! 5istance
Telehone Co. ,. 8L(C, "BA SC(A B%" ("#$$)
Pinero ,. 8L(C, A=% SC(A
""4 (4::A)
4) 2hen 8ot Allowed
Phil. Construction Cor. ,.
8L(C, "%: SC(A 4:% ("#$#)
Chua ,. 8L(C, 4"$ SC(A
@A@ ("##=)
e. 'ndemnit/
Arms Ta0i ,. 8L(C, supra
Serrano ,. 8L(C, supra
&. Liabilit/ o& Cororate +&&icers
Acesite Cor. ,. 8L(C, supra
(. Re$re/en, Art. 4$%; Boo1 9', (ule '', +mnibus
(ules; (A 8o. %BA"; (A 8o. $@@$ ("##$) ; Labor Ad,isor/
on (etirement Pa/ (+ct. "###)
". (etirement
a. T/es o& (etirement Plan
PAL ,. Airline PilotsG
Association o& the Phil., =%= SC(A =:4 (4::4)
8a!uit ,. 8L(C, A:$ SC(A
B"% (4::=)
Sta. Catalina Colle!e ,.
8L(C, A"B SC(A 4== (4::=)
.erlach ,. (euters Ltd., Phil.
AA$ SC(A @=@ (4::@)
") Basis
.amo!amo ,. P8+C shiin!
and Transort Cor., =$" SC(A %A4 (4::4)
4) 'nterretation
Loez ,. 8ational Steel Cor.,
A4= SC(A ":# (4::A)
Solomon ,. Association o&
'nternational Shiin! Lines, 'nc., A@% SC(A 4@A (4::@)
A) Eli!ibilit/
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "@4
Brion ,. South Phil. Lnion
Dission o& the Se,enth 5a/ Ad,entist Church, =:% SC(A
A#% ("###)
1. 9oluntar/ recitation will be !raded !enerousl/.
The ro&essor howe,er reser,es the ri!ht to call on students
&or recitation.
/. The 4:P rule on absences will be strictl/
obser,ed. Three times o& tardiness will be considered
absent. All those who come between "@ to =: minutes a&ter
the class will be mar1ed HlateN; a&ter =: mins, HabsentN.
0. 8o ma1e-u mid-term e0amination will be !i,en.
AttendanceC(ecitationCAssi!ned 2or1 - =:P
Did-Term E0amination -
Kinal E0amination -
5uman C Labor ' C Pro&. Battad C Pa!e "@=

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