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Carafe of Cascading Ice

Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 11th

Slot none; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This long-necked decanter is cut out of frosted glass. Small icicles hang from i
ts rim, and a haze of frigid mist continuously billows from its mouth.
Once per day, a carafe of cascading ice is magically filled with freezing water.
This water can be thrown as a standard action, dousing a 30-foot cone-shaped ar
ea. Any creature within the area automatically takes 5d6 points of cold damage,
and must make a DC 19 Reflex save or be entangled for 11 rounds by the water fre
ezing over its limbs. The entangle effect can be removed by dealing 10 points of
fire damage to an affected creature.
If the carafe is used against any Large or smaller creature of the water subtype
, the creature must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or transform into an ice element
al of the same size, serving the user for 11 rounds before melting (which kills
the creature). The carafe can transform a maximum of 1 Large, 2 Medium, or 4 Sma
ll water creatures in this way. Creatures closest to the user are affected first
. Water creatures that resist this effect still suffer the carafe's normal effects
This item cannot be used while underwater.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, elemental body III, ice storm; Cost 12,500 gp

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