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Shackles of Toil

Aura: moderate enchantment; CL: 7th

Slot: wrists; Price: 10,500 gp; Weight: 2 lbs.
Favored by worshippers of Droskar, these cast-iron manacles offer free range of
motion but feel restrictive and burdensome. Once per day, the creature possessin
g the shackles' key (referred to hereafter as the master) may designate a general ty
pe of labor, such as farming, mining, or smithing. If the manacled creature fail
s to perform that task for 24 hours, the shackles start to drain its stamina and
resolve. The creature takes a 2 penalty on its Wisdom score and becomes fatigued
; if already fatigued, it becomes exhausted. A successful DC 17 Will save resist
s this effect, but a new save must be made each day or another 2 Wisdom penalty a
ccumulates and the fatigue worsens. No amount of rest can remove the fatigue.
If the manacled creature's Wisdom is reduced to 0, the shackles compel it to take
no actions other than returning to the master and resuming its assigned task. Th
e ability score penalty and exhaustion are removed 24 hours after the manacled c
reature resumes its labor, though the master may choose to end the effect earlie
Shackles of toil have hardness 10 and 10 hit points. A DC 30 Disable Device chec
k is required to pick the shackles' lock. A manacled creature can break free with
a DC 28 Strength check or DC 35 Escape Artist check, but either of these actions
results in the ability score penalty and fatigue taking effect immediately.
Construction Requirements:
Craft Wondrous Item, lesser geas, ray of exhaustion; Cost: 5,250 gp.

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