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--being an artist is not having a job (like taking pics) but there's an urge to bring across a message and you pick the medium that suits you.
the medium might be photography. what Tunick does, is expressing an idea using lots of nude people as his material where another artist
might use leafs or clay or whatever. creating an image out of his material is the purpose, and then he takes pictures of the project. this
could be done by assistents I guess. it's not about photographic skills. the pics are 'just' part of the artistic process. It is performance art,
the photos are simply a marketable form of documentation.
--It is quite difference between the photographer and an artist. Everyone can be a photographer, but to make an artist it is not easy for all
person.I believe it a gift by "GOD". A photographer captures everything by his camera and presents to the world. While an artist presents
his creation by a pen trough a page of art.
2. Spencer is fascinated by the metamorphosis of the human body into a form, and the effect that his chosen locations have on this new
shape (and vice versa) . In this way, the naked bodies are Spencers clay, and he uses them in the same manner that a painter uses oils or
a sculptor uses marble.This way that the artist looks at the body, is a radical contradiction to Western societys view of the nakedness. In
the eyes of some of his critics, Spencers worksshowcasing mass nudity invade social privacy and degrade the sacredness of the body.
Tunick challenges traditional ideas of intimacy, and asks us to free the body of sexuality and view it aesthetically for the purpose of his art.
The social body cannot exist, most specifically in the nude, as anything other then a sexual thing. This is our naked condition.
--The image of the nude reminds us that we are our bodies, that sexuality and appetites and mortality are our very nature, and that the beauty of our
animality cannot be separated from the beauty of our spirituality. the nude is an image of unity, of spirit incarnate and matter imbued with life. A work of
art is in itself an attempt to put living energy into a physical form, so the subject matter perfectly fits the activity. The nude hides neither its eroticism nor
its mortality, but shows the human as a cell of the body of Earth. The nude is a talisman to heal the ancient division afflicting humanity, and an assertion
of freedom and joy against fundamentalism and fear.

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