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Phone: 207-781-8881

(24 Hour Voicemail)

Referrals Should be made to:
Child Development Services
50 Depot Rd , Falmouth, Me
If a child is
Not rolling by 7 months of
Not pushing up straight on
arms, lifing his head and chest,
by 8 months of age
Not sitng independently by
10 months of age
Not crawling commando
style (moving across the foor on
his belly) by 10 months of age
Not creeping (crawling) by
12 months of age
Not sitng upright in a chair
by 12 months of age
Not pulling to stand by 12
months of age
Not standing alone by 14
months of age

What are some Red Flags for
Gross Motor Development?
Milestones and Red flags you
Should know about

Michelle Belanger SEI 501
Gross Motor
- Not walking by 18 months of age
Not jumping by 30 months of age
Not independent on stairs (up and
down) by 30 months of age
.Here are some other gross
motor red fags:
walking their hands up their bod-
ies to achieve a standing positon
only walking on their toes, not the
soles of their feet
frequently falling/tripping, for no
apparent reason
stll toeing in at two years of age
unusual creeping paterns
any known medical diagnosis can
be considered a red fag: Such as
Downs syndrome, cerebral palsy, or
congenital heart conditon etc.
Gross motor involves the large
muscles of the body that ena-
ble children to walk, kick, sit
lif and
throw a
Gross mo-
tor is im-
for major
body movements. These in-
clude maintaining balance, co-
ordinaton, jumping and reach-
ing with their arms. Gross mo-
tor developmental delays can
hinder other areas of develop-
ment such as fne motor skills.
A child with poor gross motor
skills may have trouble sitng
upright in a classroom. This can
also efect atenton. Knowing
the Milestones and Red Flags
are important in knowing when
a referral might be needed.
Gross Motor Milestones
Birth through 1 year

1 2 Years of age
Stands without support
Walks without support
Walks with heel-toe patern
Walks up and down stairs

2-3 Years of age
Can balance on one foot for 2-3
Can walk on balance beam unas-
Can ride a tricycle
Hops forward
Walks on tp toes when asked

3-4 Years of age
Can hop on one foot 2-5 tmes
without falling over
Catches a ball
Walks up stairs step over step

Rolls from back to stomach
Rolls from stomach to back
Brings hands to midline
Pulls to stand
Stands alone for short period of
Sits unsupported
Cruises or crawls
4-5 Years of age
Balances on one foot for 4-8 se-
Walks down stairs step over step
Kicks a rolling ball
Throws a ball overhand
Can catch a large and small ball
with outstretched arm.

5-6 Years of age
Balances on one foot for 10 se-
Rides a bike without training
Jumps rope
Hops on one foot 10+ tmes
Can pump on swing on own

6-7 Years of age
Stands on foot, eyes closed
Hops through Hopscotch
Good balance
7-8 Years of age
Runs smoothly on balls of feet
Shows Rhythm
Enjoys exercise

What is Gross Motor?
*** These are just a sampling of gross
motor movements children should be
able to master. Each child develops at
varying rates and should be taken into
consideraton when thinking about
Crawling is Mastered
between 9-11 months.

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