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Since there is no specific operating condition of the fluid other than it must exist in liquid form

i.e vapor fraction of 0.0000, I tried to achieve less expensive operating condition i.e getting a
condition that can exist within the ambient temperature. In achieving this, I used 26 bar and
26C for pressure and temperature respectively. This I set to be my minimum limit value.
Pipe sizing: since we are to operate within a 2inch pipe diameter, I used schedule 40 pipe, trying
to get the maximum pressure it can withstand, I realized that it can withstand the maximum
operating pressure of the fluid which is 55bar. Above this pressure HYSYS cannot calculate the
corresponding temperature. Thus makes it an invalid operating condition. Considering the
maximum flow rate it can withstand given 12m3/h as the base case scenario, 12m3/h, 26bar,
and 28C operating conditions are achievable to deliver the fluid at liquid phase through a 2inch
and 100m pipe. This can still be achieved till a pump rate of 22m3/h. any increment in flow rate
above 22m3/h will require either higher inlet pressure or bigger pipe diameter.
Checking on the maximum operating case scenario the pipe can withstand, i.e at 55bar, the
pipe can withstand a flow rate of 107m3/h anything above that gives abnormal pressure drop
and inconsistency in the calculation. Thus a bigger pipe diameter will be needed.

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