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The Seventh Seal 1957

Persona 1966
Bicycle Thieves 1948
The Day of the Jackal 1973
Dead Man 1995
The Third Man 1949
Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964
Band of Outsiders 1964
Chungking Express 1994
Stalker 1979
Sonatine 1993
Yojimbo 1961
Nosferatu the Vampyre 1979
The Passion of Joan of Arc 1928
Apocalypse Now 1979
Nosferatu 1922 V
Easy Rider 1969
A Streetcar Named Desire 1951
Safety Last! 1923 V
Sansho the Bailiff 1954
All the President's Men 1976
The Ox-Bow Incident 1943
Rome, Open City 1945
Stagecoach 1939
The Maltese Falcon 1941
Sherlock Jr. 1924 V
Casablanca 1942
Suspiria 1977
Come and See 1985
The Apartment 1960
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920
The Blue Angel 1930
Up in Smoke 1978
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 1943
Psycho 1960
Marketa Lazarov 1967
The Graduate 1967
La Grande Illusion 1937
The Punch Bowl 1944
King Kong 1933
Frankenstein 1931
Dracula 1931
Young Frankenstein 1974
Jaws 1975
Bringing Up Baby 1938
The Freshman 1925 V

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