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First things first, has this particular necrotic meme affected merely spoken language thus far or has

written language, sign language or Morse code been impacted? If it's only affecting spoken languages it
should be curable. First identity the memetic vector, which is it effecting fist the syntax, the morphology
or the phonology? Once a vector has been established simply construct a very similar gibberish language
like pig Latin that is based around the memetic vector. This should render it inert by blocking the
heuristic etymology it is using to jump the language barrier and corrupt it's lexicon with junk jargon.

If that doesn't work find the mummified tongue of a virgin who both spoke the initial dead
language in life as a first language and was under the age of 29.4233. Nail the tongue to a pole exactly
20 feet high made of the wood from a dragon tree from the island of Fuerteventura, facing due
magnetic south with 5 silver nails. Write the word glossolalia in hummingbirds blood three times in a
triangle around the pole with one of the points facing magnetic north. After all of that is prepared simply
throw pebbles of obsidian at the pillar around noon while chanting "damnatio memoriae" in as high a
voice as you can muster for about a half an hour. Note this will render any languages either closely
related or descended from the dead language completely unspeakable. Additionally do not do this
anywhere between the Tropic of Cancer and the equator or during the Spring Equinox, and whatever
you do make sure the pole isn't set on fire while chanting.

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