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Objectives of In-Service Training day

Staff Building (through activities and just being together in large group)
Gain knowledge about environments for children.
o What should be in rooms and why
o Room arrangement ideas
To observe other environments/classrooms and evaluate
To observe their own classrooms and evaluate
To think about environments in different contexts (not just furniture and
toys but teacher space and lighting too)
To get classroom teachers to create a to-do list for things they would like to
change or enhance in their own classrooms
To create an action plan for the administration of things those teachers
would like to have in their room (built, bought etc.)
To have some time to work in individual rooms and rearrange rooms if
To administer yearly performance reviews for the staff.

** My consultee, Camelia-Babson Haley, director at Youth and Family Outreach
and myself, created these objectives for the In-Service day. These objectives
were agreed upon after discussions about what the goals would be of the In-
Service day.

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